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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: it's a family affair? ()
Date: October 11, 2016 12:50AM

Just an FYI Wrote:
> The entire Moreno family posts here; William,
> Joanna, Andrew, Sharon, and Richard. They all send
> emails to Cary demanding this and that, and they
> all monitor the website 24/7 to see what is being
> said.

Sheesh! At least eesh doesn't being his family members here!
I hope joanna and tootguy enjoyed the 'Fun with PYBRs' thread.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Backtothequestion ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:06AM

I want to know. You mentioned the grave thing. Who went there first: billyboy or dykey mikey? Regardless, they're both assholes for doing it. For real. Talk shit all you want but let the dead rest in peace, you sacrilegious fucks. On both sides

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: don't recall who did it first ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:08AM

But it's currently miz who obsessively posts about Louise basl's grave. (That was always lizzie's thing, but now that she's in jail, miz is filling in.)

As a side note, I must say I am pleased with how well this thread is coming. 4 pages! It's going to become the new Hambeast thread!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Therealactualtruth ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:13AM

Did eesh post a picture of a grave, too? Arlington something?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Alsowondering ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:16AM

And did eesh really get caught up in some child sex sting thing, too? Are they both pedos, then?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: impossible to say ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:50AM

eesh has posted over 60,000 times under the name 'eesh'; presumably 60,000 more under various aliases. Maybe he did post a grave photo - what he didn't do was post one five thousand times in a row.

I'll let somebody else respond to the child sex allegations.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Hog Princess Meg ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:40PM

Backtothequestion Wrote:
> I want to know. You mentioned the grave thing.
> Who went there first: billyboy or dykey mikey?
> Regardless, they're both assholes for doing it.
> For real. Talk shit all you want but let the dead
> rest in peace, you sacrilegious fucks. On both
> sides

Lizzie was the first one to post grave photos.

The big question is whether she was on team Miz or team Eesh at the time.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: revenge of the mo ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:48PM

don't recall who did it first Wrote:
> But it's currently miz who obsessively posts about
> Louise basl's grave. (That was always lizzie's
> thing, but now that she's in jail, miz is filling
> in.)

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Mjreposter ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:49PM

"I know you're only 15 or 16, but..."Internet user Eesh typed to Perverted Justice's Internet decoy, "jelly kelly" before sending explicit depictions of male genitals in a state of arousal.

I got to say, that does sound like something eesh would do...can anybody confirm this?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Mr Miz H8r ()
Date: October 11, 2016 01:52PM

Alsowondering Wrote:
> And did eesh really get caught up in some child
> sex sting thing, too? Are they both pedos, then?

Based on posts here, that was another Moreno harassment attempt, trying to turn in Basl for non-existent child porn on a computer. They must really hate Basl.

How did Moreno not get charged for the drawings threatening to kill Basl?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Bigtimejoker ()
Date: October 11, 2016 02:51PM

I got a joke for you. What's the difference between billy the kid toucher and basl the boy lover? Nothing. They're both exactly the same. Now that I got that out of the way, the joke is these loser's lives. I can't help but laugh at these poor excuses for men. It's hilarious, really. Look at these pathetic cunts. Fucking waste of space, these ones

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Miz the Pedo ()
Date: October 11, 2016 03:04PM

Miz, STFU and go send the MOnkey some $. Funny as shit after she gave you 10 stitches! HA!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Copypastaman ()
Date: October 11, 2016 03:14PM

You're lazy. Write something original instead of copying and pasting the same response in different threads. The truth hurts, does it? Big these clowns are peas in a pod. They'd be better off making a suicide pact and giving the rest of us relief from this tired, boring shit. Which one is the bigger faggot? It's hard to say. There's good arguments for both

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: stfu miz ()
Date: October 11, 2016 04:50PM

go make a PYBR.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Ohokay ()
Date: October 11, 2016 05:59PM

Sure, sure. Except in not miz. And you did copy and paste that. Bitch. Check and mate, faggot. #yourestilllosing

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: get this straight iz ()
Date: October 11, 2016 06:41PM

The lizzie thread stays at the top of the page until you and lizzie are gone forever.

And you are the involuntary clown of this forum. You will never be respected, whereas eesh will always be welcome.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Eeshisachildtoucher ()
Date: October 11, 2016 06:46PM

Is it you that makes the rules, bitch? Lol oh, okay. Hey, bump. Fuck off with that, faggot.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: that's A-OK! ()
Date: October 11, 2016 07:00PM

Keep ALL the eeshlizmiz crap isolated in this one thread.

I'm hoping this one thread will keep me apprised of the doomed Morono case against eesh, the criminal sentencing of lizzie, and future charges against eesh, and whatever self-inflicted drama befalls mr misery.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: it's funny ()
Date: October 11, 2016 07:10PM

Miz-posting aside, this is one of the most cordial and informative threads I've read in months. Just goes to show you how we all really can get along, we're united in our lizzie hatred

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: It's a very good thread ()
Date: October 11, 2016 07:35PM

It has the potential to rival the bowels thread.
And, it has the added advantage that miz seems to hate this thread.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: has anyone visited lizzie? ()
Date: October 11, 2016 08:03PM

Her family? eesh? miz? george? Kris? The hambeast?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Gerry Connolly, Honorable ()
Date: October 11, 2016 09:00PM

We dropped by ADC with a bunch of absentee ballots. Ms. Wells is doing very well, and we had a nice chat. The Democratic Party of VA hopes she is out before the end of the month and not a convicted felon. nod nod wink wink

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: not getting out...... ()
Date: October 11, 2016 09:16PM

Monique face years in lockup.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: TPvjK ()
Date: October 11, 2016 09:32PM

Michael Eastman and Katie dropped by with Kristy to show the baby to Lizzie.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: prediction ()
Date: October 11, 2016 09:33PM

Monique will be getting out before the trial next week.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: before eesh's trail? ()
Date: October 11, 2016 10:00PM

why would they let her out?

And is there any way to keep her from coming back here?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: mo completes day 35!!!! ()
Date: October 11, 2016 10:59PM

She has beaten eesh's record! I bet she doubles it before she gets out!

Let's look at the approaching milestones

-beats eesh's record in jail - accomplished
-halloween in jail
-thanksgiving in jail
-christmas in jail
-new years eve in jail

Does lizzie have a birthday coming up soon? That was the other big one - it was crucially important to her that eesh had to spend his birthday in jail. If she has to also spend a birthday in jail, it will be a shattering experience for her AND miz.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: LMcyv ()
Date: October 11, 2016 11:53PM

mo completes day 35!!!! Wrote:
> She has beaten eesh's record! I bet she doubles it
> before she gets out!
> Let's look at the approaching milestones
> -beats eesh's record in jail - accomplished
> -halloween in jail
> -thanksgiving in jail
> -christmas in jail
> -new years eve in jail
> Does lizzie have a birthday coming up soon? That
> was the other big one - it was crucially important
> to her that eesh had to spend his birthday in
> jail. If she has to also spend a birthday in jail,
> it will be a shattering experience for her AND
> miz.

Her birthday is listed as 1/25/**** so in about 3 1/2 months. She's 26. She may well spend her 27th birthday in jail. In a few minutes she will have tied eesh's time in jail in 2016.
lizzie jail.png

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Onlyoneperson ()
Date: October 12, 2016 12:23AM

There's only one person that would care if she "broke eesh's record". Anyone want to guess who that could be? How fucking pathetic is this whole fucking group of retards

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: stfu miz ()
Date: October 12, 2016 12:38AM

We all know you hate this thread.

Wel, nobody ever liked ANY of your threads.....

And BTW, respect the ban.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Okayeesh ()
Date: October 12, 2016 12:45AM

Whatever you say, mikey. Still salty about lizzie. How's those tears taste? Like losing?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: tears of laughter ()
Date: October 12, 2016 12:52AM

She'll never get out!

But you have this to remember her by...


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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: mizzie ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:05AM

We should start a 'how long will Lizzie stay in jail?' pool.

I'll hold the pot.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: that sounds lke fun ()
Date: October 12, 2016 11:12AM

We can discuss both:

a)how long until she bonds out
b)how much total time she will serve

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: loolooolllll ()
Date: October 12, 2016 12:14PM

that sounds lke fun Wrote:
> a)how long until she bonds out

Who in the heck has the time and money - and is interested in posting a bond for Lizzie?

$20 says that unless she's released under her own recognizance she's in until sentenced.

Who else is in?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: own recognizance? ()
Date: October 12, 2016 01:11PM

Who would trust her? She'll just stab miz again!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: easy answer ()
Date: October 12, 2016 02:00PM

loolooolllll Wrote:
> that sounds lke fun Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > a)how long until she bonds out
> Who in the heck has the time and money - and is
> interested in posting a bond for Lizzie?
> $20 says that unless she's released under her own
> recognizance she's in until sentenced.
> Who else is in?

Miz (via his parents Richard and Sharon Moreno) or Kris Askins will post bond for her as soon as it's set.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: miz's parents? ()
Date: October 12, 2016 02:49PM

She hasn't paid them back for her previous legal expenses, she is no longer a credible witness for their case, and she tried to kill miz! (Well, they may be appreciative of that last one.)

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: googler of things ()
Date: October 12, 2016 02:52PM

She has a revocation hearing on 10/20/16, that's her chance to have bail set. Unfortunately, the odds are not in her favor.

In general it is extremely difficult to get released on bail when you are accused of a probation violation. Unlike bail proceedings prior to conviction where the prosecution has the burden of showing to the court why personal recognizance bail is inappropriate, in bail proceedings for a probation revocation (“post-conviction bail”) you have the burden to prove to the court why you should be let out on bail.

Before the Judge can let you out on post-conviction bail you have to give the court “probable cause” to believe that:

A. There is no substantial risk that the defendant will fail to appear as required and will not otherwise pose a substantial risk to the integrity of the judicial process;
B. There is no substantial risk that the defendant will pose a danger to another or to the community; and
C. There is no substantial risk that the defendant will commit new criminal conduct. (15 M.R.S.A. § 1051(2)).

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: parents are irrelevant ()
Date: October 12, 2016 03:03PM

miz's parents? Wrote:
> She hasn't paid them back for her previous legal
> expenses, she is no longer a credible witness for
> their case, and she tried to kill miz! (Well, they
> may be appreciative of that last one.)

Monique and William Moreno reconciled their differences about the fraudulent billing from the Leiser Law Firm. There is no evidence Miz was involved in the events that got her sent back to jail. The fact that the case is in Juvenile and Domestic Relations court implies it was a family member rather than Moreno.

If she is eligible for bail, William will be waiting with cash in hand. He might even get Kris Askins to chip in.

(The Moreno parents are irrelevant because they will write checks for whatever their wayward autistic man-child demands.)

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: even if she gets bailed out ()
Date: October 12, 2016 04:53PM

How many days before she does something else to get arrested?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: two possibilities ()
Date: October 12, 2016 05:08PM

even if she gets bailed out Wrote:
> How many days before she does something else to
> get arrested?

Well man there's only really two possibilities here. The first being thather stay in jail absolutely breaks her will and spirit. Now this first one is very possible and even probable, jail is, according to millions of people, fucking hell on earth and the thought of waking up at 430 am every day to eat a stale fucking waffle and some oats makes me shiver. The fucking boredom, the loneliness. It's broken stronger men than lizzie, far stronger. She probably cries herself to sleep every night, and that's no bullshit.

Now the second possibility is that similar to the incredible hulk being exposed to a source of gama radiation, it only made her more angry and thus, stronger. One can only surmise she will return here to take her revenge on every last person here that ever dared speak ill of her.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: yPjWj ()
Date: October 12, 2016 05:30PM

googler of things Wrote:
> She has a revocation hearing on 10/20/16, that's
> her chance to have bail set. Unfortunately, the
> odds are not in her favor.
> In general it is extremely difficult to get
> released on bail when you are accused of a
> probation violation. Unlike bail proceedings prior
> to conviction where the prosecution has the burden
> of showing to the court why personal recognizance
> bail is inappropriate, in bail proceedings for a
> probation revocation (“post-conviction bail”)
> you have the burden to prove to the court why you
> should be let out on bail.
> Before the Judge can let you out on
> post-conviction bail you have to give the court
> “probable cause” to believe that:
> A. There is no substantial risk that the defendant
> will fail to appear as required and will not
> otherwise pose a substantial risk to the integrity
> of the judicial process;
> B. There is no substantial risk that the
> defendant will pose a danger to another or to the
> community; and
> C. There is no substantial risk that the
> defendant will commit new criminal conduct. (15
> M.R.S.A. § 1051(2)).

The last two on this list will likely keep her in jail for the foreseeable future. We don't know for sure what happened but it is known that she's charged with malicious wounding and brandishing a firearm. Violent offenses. Her history also includes striking a cop (albeit in an Ambien blackout supposedly).

In the past she's been really lucky and never had to do more than weekends or work release but it certainly appears that her luck may have run out big time.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: 3rd possibility ()
Date: October 12, 2016 05:31PM

In her own mind, she somehow equates this with winning and emerges triumphant

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Blame it on the Bossa Nova ()
Date: October 12, 2016 05:37PM

yPjWj Wrote:

> In the past she's been really lucky and never had
> to do more than weekends or work release but it
> certainly appears that her luck may have run out
> big time.

She got her "Karma" tattoo for anticipation for this moment..

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: the writing on the wall ()
Date: October 12, 2016 06:01PM

two possibilities Wrote:
> even if she gets bailed out Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > How many days before she does something else to
> > get arrested?
> Well man there's only really two possibilities
> here. The first being thather stay in jail
> absolutely breaks her will and spirit. Now this
> first one is very possible and even probable, jail
> is, according to millions of people, fucking hell
> on earth and the thought of waking up at 430 am
> every day to eat a stale fucking waffle and some
> oats makes me shiver. The fucking boredom, the
> loneliness. It's broken stronger men than lizzie,
> far stronger. She probably cries herself to sleep
> every night, and that's no bullshit.
> Now the second possibility is that similar to the
> incredible hulk being exposed to a source of gama
> radiation, it only made her more angry and thus,
> stronger. One can only surmise she will return
> here to take her revenge on every last person here
> that ever dared speak ill of her.

The second possibility is much more likely. An individual who defecates on plates and bowls then photographs and posts it on the Internet is not going to be offended by the food served in jail. Moreover, Lizzie has also posted photos of the nasty meals she prepares with her grimy fingers and serves from the top of filthy laundry machines. The jail's regular feeding times might help reverse whatever caused Lizzie to balloon into the Burke Lake Monster.

Monique Wells is a naturally mean-spirited and hateful psychopath who will viciously fight with anyone and everyone. Being imprisoned will only fuel her rage and internal fire. Just as she did on the outside, Lizzie will provoke, attack, and harass her jailers and fellow inmates at every opportunity and for no reason whatsoever. Those interactions in the "major league" will only serve as training for her.

When she eventually emerges from behind bars, Lizzie will not only be be hardened and emboldened, but more cunning and conniving. She will be filled with rage and the insanity will reach new heights. Escalation will be rapid and there is a strong possibility of serious injury or fatalities.

The writing is on the wall and a preemptive strike now may be the only way to stop the inevitable.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: uDF9F ()
Date: October 12, 2016 06:26PM

the writing on the wall Wrote:
> The second possibility is much more likely. An
> individual who defecates on plates and bowls then
> photographs and posts it on the Internet
is not
> going to be offended by the food served in jail.
> Moreover, Lizzie has also posted photos of the
> nasty meals she prepares with her grimy fingers
> and serves from the top of filthy laundry
> machines. The jail's regular feeding times might
> help reverse whatever caused Lizzie to balloon
> into the Burke Lake Monster.
> Monique Wells is a naturally mean-spirited and
> hateful psychopath who will viciously fight with
> anyone and everyone. Being imprisoned will only
> fuel her rage and internal fire. Just as she did
> on the outside, Lizzie will provoke, attack, and
> harass her jailers and fellow inmates at every
> opportunity and for no reason whatsoever. Those
> interactions in the "major league" will only serve
> as training for her.
> When she eventually emerges from behind bars,
> Lizzie will not only be be hardened and
> emboldened, but more cunning and conniving. She
> will be filled with rage and the insanity will
> reach new heights. Escalation will be rapid and
> there is a strong possibility of serious injury or
> fatalities.
> The writing is on the wall and a preemptive strike
> now may be the only way to stop the inevitable.

lol, IIRC she posted a picture of the WaPo article after she shit on it. If somebody posts that picture I'll laugh my ass off.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: lollolllolll ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:04PM

I'd be shocked if they let her out. No job, no family to support and just a ne'er do well with a long record, minor offenses or not. A violent and angry threat to the community.

I predict that she's does her sentence this time. Lizzie will not be gracing this forum with her troll posts until some time in 2017.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: everybody knows ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:13PM

the writing on the wall Wrote:
> when she eventually emerges from behind bars,
> Lizzie will not only be be hardened and
> emboldened, but more cunning and conniving. She
> will be filled with rage and the insanity will
> reach new heights. Escalation will be rapid and
> there is a strong possibility of serious injury or
> fatalities.
> The writing is on the wall and a preemptive strike
> now may be the only way to stop the inevitable.

This is one of those "told you so" kind of foreshadowings that will get quoted in the Washington Post when she gets out, goes into full retard mode, and someone dies.

Nobody will be surprised though.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: jc6k6 ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:14PM

lollolllolll Wrote:
> I'd be shocked if they let her out. No job, no
> family to support and just a ne'er do well with a
> long record, minor offenses or not. A violent and
> angry threat to the community.
> I predict that she's does her sentence this time.
> Lizzie will not be gracing this forum with her
> troll posts until some time in 2017.

Could be longer than 2017. She's looking at a Class 3 felony for malicious wounding. 5-20 years. Even if they drop it to a class 2 felony she's still looking at 2-10.

The brandishing firearm, from what I've gathered in 3 minutes of Google searching is a class 1 misdemeanor so it seems that's the least of her problems.

She also has to deal with violating her probation and all the charges that will be re-opened cause of it. Looks like she could be pretty well fucked.


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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: revenge of the mo ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:18PM

the writing on the wall Wrote:
> When she eventually emerges from behind bars,
> Lizzie will not only be be hardened and
> emboldened, but more cunning and conniving. She
> will be filled with rage and the insanity will
> reach new heights. Escalation will be rapid and
> there is a strong possibility of serious injury or
> fatalities.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: god DAMN ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:35PM

jc6k6 Wrote:
> lollolllolll Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd be shocked if they let her out. No job, no
> > family to support and just a ne'er do well with
> a
> > long record, minor offenses or not. A violent
> and
> > angry threat to the community.
> >
> > I predict that she's does her sentence this
> time.
> > Lizzie will not be gracing this forum with her
> > troll posts until some time in 2017.
> Could be longer than 2017. She's looking at a
> Class 3 felony for malicious wounding. 5-20
> years. Even if they drop it to a class 2 felony
> she's still looking at 2-10.
> The brandishing firearm, from what I've gathered
> in 3 minutes of Google searching is a class 1
> misdemeanor so it seems that's the least of her
> problems.
> She also has to deal with violating her probation
> and all the charges that will be re-opened cause
> of it. Looks like she could be pretty well
> fucked.
> http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/cri
> minal-defense/state-felony-laws/virginia-felony-cl
> ass.htm

5-20? Jesus fucking Christ. Remind me not to maliciously wound anyone in the near future, even with good behavior that's what, three punk thrown at you at a minimum? I didn't even realize she had a malicious wounding charge I just thought it was the probation violation because that's what was listed on the fc judicial court site.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Yessir ()
Date: October 12, 2016 07:39PM

god DAMN Wrote:
> I didn't even realize she had
> a malicious wounding charge I just thought it was
> the probation violation because that's what was
> listed on the fc judicial court site.

Yup. I called up Fairfax ADC myself. The lady on the other end told me. She also confirmed that multiple people had called asking about her, lol.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: That's what I've heard ()
Date: October 12, 2016 08:02PM

Yessir Wrote:
> Yup. I called up Fairfax ADC myself. The lady on
> the other end told me. She also confirmed that
> multiple people had called asking about her, lol.

When lizzie first went into the can, someone posted here that, when he had phoned the ADC to see what the deal was, the person responding new EXACTLY who was being called about. Lizzie is quite popular/notorious!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: obeesh ()
Date: October 12, 2016 08:10PM

tears of laughter Wrote:
> She'll never get out!
> But you have this to remember her by...
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5hV3hvH_4E

Can't believe anyone could down vote that. Pretty sure who it was tho.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: dw9NL ()
Date: October 12, 2016 08:19PM

Monique's accomplice and partner William Robert Moreno himself was charged with a Class 4 Felony and he only did 5 days in jail until he made bail. Maybe the Leisers can get the same deal for Monique.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: maybe MO can frame miz.... ()
Date: October 12, 2016 08:32PM

Now THAT would be hilarious!

BTW, per miz, everybody posting in this thread is eesh.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: sharon voted it up ()
Date: October 12, 2016 09:09PM

obeesh Wrote:
> tears of laughter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > She'll never get out!
> >
> > But you have this to remember her by...
> >
> >
> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5hV3hvH_4E
> Can't believe anyone could down vote that. Pretty
> sure who it was tho.

Because she didn't understand how the vote buttons worked...
Richard the musician actually rather liked it.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Sickos ()
Date: October 12, 2016 10:00PM

the writing on the wall Wrote:
> two possibilities Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > even if she gets bailed out Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > How many days before she does something else
> to
> > > get arrested?
> >
> >
> > Well man there's only really two possibilities
> > here. The first being thather stay in jail
> > absolutely breaks her will and spirit. Now this
> > first one is very possible and even probable,
> jail
> > is, according to millions of people, fucking
> hell
> > on earth and the thought of waking up at 430 am
> > every day to eat a stale fucking waffle and
> some
> > oats makes me shiver. The fucking boredom, the
> > loneliness. It's broken stronger men than
> lizzie,
> > far stronger. She probably cries herself to
> sleep
> > every night, and that's no bullshit.
> >
> > Now the second possibility is that similar to
> the
> > incredible hulk being exposed to a source of
> gama
> > radiation, it only made her more angry and
> thus,
> > stronger. One can only surmise she will return
> > here to take her revenge on every last person
> here
> > that ever dared speak ill of her.
> The second possibility is much more likely. An
> individual who defecates on plates and bowls then
> photographs and posts it on the Internet is not
> going to be offended by the food served in jail.
> Moreover, Lizzie has also posted photos of the
> nasty meals she prepares with her grimy fingers
> and serves from the top of filthy laundry
> machines. The jail's regular feeding times might
> help reverse whatever caused Lizzie to balloon
> into the Burke Lake Monster.
> Monique Wells is a naturally mean-spirited and
> hateful psychopath who will viciously fight with
> anyone and everyone. Being imprisoned will only
> fuel her rage and internal fire. Just as she did
> on the outside, Lizzie will provoke, attack, and
> harass her jailers and fellow inmates at every
> opportunity and for no reason whatsoever. Those
> interactions in the "major league" will only serve
> as training for her.
> When she eventually emerges from behind bars,
> Lizzie will not only be be hardened and
> emboldened, but more cunning and conniving. She
> will be filled with rage and the insanity will
> reach new heights. Escalation will be rapid and
> there is a strong possibility of serious injury or
> fatalities.
> The writing is on the wall and a preemptive strike
> now may be the only way to stop the inevitable.

I would hate to be in jail and have to be surrounded with psychos like this lizzie person.. Why on earth would anybody purposely be around that nasty creature? I would rather get a prostitute than have sex with that little he/she thing.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: she'll be fine in jail ()
Date: October 12, 2016 10:28PM

Probably come out with a new girlfriend or two.

Taht'll give miz, eesh, and Kris something to be jealous about.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: what then ()
Date: October 12, 2016 11:58PM

she'll be fine in jail Wrote:
> Probably come out with a new girlfriend or two.
> Taht'll give miz, eesh, and Kris something to be
> jealous about.

Of course Lizzie will be fine in jail. There is no doubt about that. The question is what happens when she gets out: will she or more importantly all the innocent law-abiding citizens be fine?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: No. She is a menace. ()
Date: October 13, 2016 12:10AM

But she will most likely lash out at an acquaintance or a family member, and immediately be locked up again. So eesh, miz and family, Mo's own family have cuase for concern, whereas the remainder of society will probably be okay.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: UmnKX ()
Date: October 13, 2016 12:36AM

Yeah it was most likely her stepfather that was the other party involved, and will be him again when she is released.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: so miz wasn't involved? ()
Date: October 13, 2016 12:48AM

All that business about him requiring stitches because of Mo was incorrect?
Maybe he will bail her out again.

It's just unfortunate that we don't have more info.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: bail ()
Date: October 13, 2016 12:52AM

Of course Miz will bail her out. It's a safe bet he's been sending her money and love letters for the past month.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: her bail might be a tad high ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:00AM

how are miz's finances holding up?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Billymorono ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:04AM

I'll tell you what, mikey. Why don't we split the bail money and I'll start giving you the dick again? That's why you're so salty after all, right? You want to feel me balls deep inside of you again?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: not your mama or eesh ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:11AM

Billymorono Wrote:
> I'll tell you what, mikey. Why don't we split
> the bail money and I'll start giving you the dick
> again? That's why you're so salty after all,
> right? You want to feel me balls deep inside of
> you again?

Hey William Moreno aka Mr. Misery, does your mom Sharon get jealous when you express your desire for buggering men?
anybody fuck their mom.png
nobody talk about fucking mother.png

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: oh billy! ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:11AM

We don't need lizzie anymore! Can't you see she has jsut played us against eachother? Will your parents find it within themselves to forgive me for flooding your basement?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: use eesh's bed ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:24AM

For future rendezvous. It has sheets on it whereas Moreno sleeps on a filthy bare mattress.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: this is why I love this thread! ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:29AM

ALL the eeshlizmizmeg memorabilia, in one place! I'd forgotten that mattress!
Miz actually slept on that thing! And it was his girlfriend lizzie, of all people, who posted it on FU! I can't wait to see what sort of shit she posts about miz when she gets out of the cage.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: looking forward to it ()
Date: October 13, 2016 01:35AM

I'm looking forward to reading the love letters Miz is writing to Monique while she's in the can. He's quite the manipulator.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: MIZ FIT ()
Date: October 13, 2016 10:40AM

Go hid under the greasy covers Pedo boy.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: MGGmL ()
Date: October 13, 2016 12:45PM

lizzie has now passed eesh's jail time for 2016.


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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: miz can send an anniversary cake ()
Date: October 13, 2016 02:46PM

MGGmL Wrote:
> lizzie has now passed eesh's jail time for 2016.
> #winning

With a file inside, perhaps?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Karmic Lizzie ()
Date: October 13, 2016 08:19PM

This thread is filled with awesome sauce.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: lizzie's karmic salad ()
Date: October 13, 2016 08:25PM


Serve with chicken tenders. Delicious!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: she's beaten eesh's record! ()
Date: October 13, 2016 10:05PM

eesh has triumphed.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: How's that? ()
Date: October 13, 2016 10:37PM

And what did you win eesh? Congratulating yourself on what? The ability to talk to yourself through sock puppets? You set a low bar, comparing yourself to your little fucktard group of friends. Face it, bitch: you didn't triumph in anything. You're always going to be a pathetic loser who's only accomplishment is hyping yourself here. Hey, I'll even bump this thread for you so you feel important. There, child. Did that distract you from the fact your life is empty and meaningless? No? There is a solution. Kill yourself. Take your bitch boyfriend morono and that horribly disgusting whore mo with you. But we all know you won't do that because you're a gutless coward. Ask daddy to give you a hug, you spineless cunt. You suck at life. No one but you cares about this boring drama of yours. #eeshforeverlosing

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: I am not eesh ()
Date: October 13, 2016 10:43PM

but you are miz.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Sure sure ()
Date: October 13, 2016 10:48PM

Are you a 1st grader? "I know you are but what am I?" Would that make you happy to know I was that fat disgusting child touching fuck? That would satisfy you? Nah, bitch. I'm just sick of these clowns and their bullshit. Eesh's reading hard on for himself, morono's childish ranting, mo's...idk what to call it, completely fucking insane nonsense. They can all fuck off and go to hell. They all need to kill themselves

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: epwtn ()
Date: October 13, 2016 11:02PM

I am not eesh Wrote:
> but you are miz.

Miz finds it hard to believe that there are lots of people besides eesh who find him repulsive. Same can be said for lizzie. Unlike eesh, they are not willing to get embroiled in some never ending, publicly humiliating shit show.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: look miz, I know it is you ()
Date: October 13, 2016 11:05PM

You hate this thread, which celebrates lizzie's incarceration. This is NOT how you thought things would turn out.

You thought eesh would be locked up for years, and you would successfully sue him for his millions, and then you would gallop off into the unset with lizzie. Having triumphed over eesh, you would return to FU, where the chastised cary would have to reinstate you as Mr misery, and the other forum goers, awed by your brilliance, would treat you with respect and reverence.

Instead, eesh is free, you will lose your lawsuit, lizzie is locked up, and any time you are mentioned, there is a flurry of PYBR jokes.

And no, I am not eesh. Eesh remains sedulously away from this issue while the lawsuit fizzles out.

And no, you are not some bystander sick of this nonsense. This is all contained on one easily avoidable thread - those who are sick of the eeshlizmiz drama simply don't click here.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: this thread stays on top ()
Date: October 14, 2016 12:23AM

until miz rEALLY leaves.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: PYBR boy is still posting ()
Date: October 14, 2016 01:26AM

Ignore him in all other threads. He can come here if he wants to bicker.

All who are NOT miz, who are in fact tired of the topic, can easily avoid ONE SMALL thread.

Miz is not through with this board, he just wants this thread to go away. Fuck him. It will not.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: to the top we go..... ()
Date: October 14, 2016 01:36AM

miz, pOSt your shit here.

Conversely, anti-miz, post your shit here, and then there need be no mention of eeshlizmiz in ANY OTHER THREAD. All who don't give a shit can then avoid the topic. Isn't that nice and easy?

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: this is tedious ()
Date: October 14, 2016 01:44AM

Miz and/or anti-miz posted AGAIN, OUTSIDE of this thread.

Think of ALL OF THE REST OF THE FORUM as what the post-millenials might call a 'safe space', where they can read, lurk, comment without encountering any eeshlizmiz drama.

It needs to all be contained INSIDE THIS THREAD. (which is NOT goin gaway. ever)

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: it stays away from FFU ()
Date: October 14, 2016 04:42PM

or else this thread gets bumped anew....

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: and here we go... ()
Date: October 14, 2016 05:11PM

it stays away from FFU
or else this thread gets bumped anew....

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: bump for miz ()
Date: October 14, 2016 06:14PM

Keep it here Pedo Boy....enough of your little stories BROMEISTER....Uno mas

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: bumps anew ()
Date: October 14, 2016 06:24PM

and here we go... Wrote:
> it stays away from FFU
> or else this thread gets bumped anew....

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Beautiful! Love it! ()
Date: October 14, 2016 06:35PM

This thread is THE KEY to keeping miz off this forum forevermore!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Mizery ()
Date: October 14, 2016 06:56PM

Nah, we need more middle of the night successive Lizzie shit posts like the old days.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: MXwwUy ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:05PM

One of the word things about Lizzie was she used to shit all over the Fairfax County General Forum section in addition to the Off Topic.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: really? ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:12PM

MXwwUy Wrote:
> One of the word things about Lizzie was she used
> to shit all over the Fairfax County General Forum
> section in addition to the Off Topic.

I gotta admit I never saw her in gen all that much. Now off topic on the other hand? CONSTANTLY. Remember the six month period where she posted as butt. chugger and would have conversations with herself, she would go fuck eesh and butt chugger would come in two mins later and go yeah fuck him, that motherfucker!!!"

She learned that trick from a certain someone who refused to honor the ban even now. If you can't get people to respect you, just invent some sockpuppets who will.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Ludwig ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:16PM

I drove past Fairfax ADC on Judicial Dr and waved.

No reply..........

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: I got a response when I waved... ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:53PM

She crapped in her hand, ran over to the barbed-wire fence, and flung poop at my car! The harried-looking guard went tearing in her direction; I got the impression this was a fairly regular problem.

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: Silverback Jack ()
Date: October 14, 2016 07:55PM

Lizzie in jail.


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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: miz posted again... ()
Date: October 14, 2016 10:01PM

he won't be told!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Lizzie completes second week - approaches Hump Day
Posted by: miz is still posting ()
Date: October 14, 2016 10:12PM

Respect the ban, fatso.

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