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Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Huevos Grandes ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:26AM

Henry M. Paulson Jr. is chairman of the Paulson Institute and a former U.S. treasury secretary and chief executive of Goldman Sachs.

Republicans stand at a crossroads. With Donald Trump as the presumptive presidential nominee, we are witnessing a populist hijacking of one of the United States’ great political parties. The GOP, in putting Trump at the top of the ticket, is endorsing a brand of populism rooted in ignorance, prejudice, fear and isolationism. This troubles me deeply as a Republican, but it troubles me even more as an American. Enough is enough. It’s time to put country before party and say it together: Never Trump.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton responded to attacks from Republican rival Donald Trump on June 22, accusing Trump of attacking her personally because he is unable to respond with substance. (Reuters)
I’m not the first Republican to say Trump is a phony and should not be president, and I expect there will be many more to come. But as a former chief executive and treasury secretary, I hope to bring an additional perspective to the discussion.

Let’s start by talking about his business acumen. When Trump assures us he’ll do for the United States what he’s done for his businesses, that’s not a promise — it’s a threat. The tactics he has used in running his business wouldn’t work in running a truly successful company, let alone the most powerful nation on Earth.

Every good businessman or -woman carefully analyzes all the available facts before making a decision. Trump repeatedly, blatantly and knowingly makes up or gravely distorts facts to support his positions or create populist divisions.

He excels at scorched-earth tactics in negotiations during bankruptcy proceedings. Here, the “Art of the Deal” businessman is a master at advantaging himself over his fellow stakeholders and partners. In essence, he takes imprudent risks and, when his businesses fail, disavows his debts. He has branded himself as a business genius by flaunting and exaggerating his wealth. He is adept at leveraging his brand through licensing agreements that enable him to slap his name on anything he can. But while marketing and self-promotion may translate on the campaign trail, they have little relevance in running our country. And although his business dealings have allowed him to increase his inherited wealth, none of us knows by how much — we have only his word for it.

Now let’s talk about Trump the prospective president. Are we to believe that Trump, with his intensely divisive rhetoric and behavior, could bridge our country’s partisan divide? The American people are disgusted with business as usual in Washington, and it’s not hard to understand why. They feel as though they are being left behind or are afraid that they will be. They aren’t getting honest answers, and they believe that the most important problems are not being solved. This is not the fault of one political party; it’s the fault of too many partisans and ideologues on both sides who are unwilling or unable to work together.
I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if a divisive character such as Trump were president during the 2008 financial crisis, at a time when leadership, compromise and careful analysis were critical. The only reason we avoided another Great Depression was because Republicans and Democrats joined together to vote for the Troubled Asset Relief Program — a vote that they knew would be politically unpopular but in the best interest of our country. Critical to that effort was the leadership of President George W. Bush. As I led Treasury’s efforts to fashion a difficult, imperfect, controversial but essential solution with bipartisan support, I was — and still am — grateful to have had President Bush at the helm.

Today’s challenges include economic stagnation and disruptions in the labor markets — driven to a large extent by technological advances moving at warp speed — that are widening income disparity, destroying jobs and hollowing out the middle class. And populists on each side are playing to fears and frustrations, pointing fingers at scapegoats and creating boogeymen: blaming the banks, greedy companies or foreigners for our problems. But the politics of grievance is not the answer.

Now is the time for a bipartisan approach to policy solutions that address our most difficult domestic problems. This requires a president who exhibits an ability to compromise — and basic civility — neither of which Trump displays.

There are two key principles that the next president must address to maintain our economic competitiveness and security. Populists in both parties are demagoguing these principles, with Trump leading the way.

First, we need to maintain the United States’ fiscal strength by reforming entitlements. There’s no example of a nation continuing as a great power if its fiscal strength is lost. Anyone, whether Republican or Democrat, who has studied our entitlement programs and can do basic math knows they are unsustainable in their present form. If not fixed soon, they threaten our nation with a debt burden that would undermine the retirement security of young Americans and future generations. It doesn’t surprise me when a socialist such as Bernie Sanders sees no need to fix our entitlement programs. But I find it particularly appalling that Trump, a businessman, tells us he won’t touch Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Second, we need to welcome rather than shrink from trade and economic competition. Trump calls our current trade deals “disgusting, the absolute worst ever negotiated by any country in the world.” This is simply false. According to the Peterson Institute for International Economics , the average American household income is roughly $10,000 higher because of the postwar expansion of trade. Because of trade, we add jobs and foster innovation and competitiveness. That doesn’t mean that people aren’t losing jobs and suffering in certain industries. However, it is wrong to tell the American people that we can turn back the clock and win, with merely 4 percent of the world’s population, by walling ourselves off from the remaining 7 billion people and the markets they represent. Instead, we need to fix the programs that help U.S. industries and workers transition to new and better jobs. We need better training, new education programs and a more robust safety net. The policies Trump endorses would destroy, not save, U.S. jobs.

Simply put, a Trump presidency is unthinkable.

As a Republican looking ahead to November, there are many strong conservative leaders in statehouses across the United States and in Congress, whose candidacies I am actively supporting. They have a big job to do to reinvent and revitalize the Republican Party. They can do so by responding to the fears and frustrations of the American people and uniting them behind some common aspirations, while staying constant to the principles that have made our country great.

When it comes to the presidency, I will not vote for Donald Trump. I will not cast a write-in vote. I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton, with the hope that she can bring Americans together to do the things necessary to strengthen our economy, our environment and our place in the world. To my Republican friends: I know I’m not alone.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:29AM


Another cuck scared of a majority white America instead of a third world hell hole where we're currently heading.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:31AM

No surprise here. How many millions has Goldman Sachs paid Hillary? How much have they paid Trump?

Americans will vote Trump.

Scum of the earth will vote Hillary.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: D'OH! ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:39AM

FrankR. Wrote:
> tl;dr
> Another cuck scared of a majority white America
> instead of a third world hell hole where we're
> currently heading.

If you are unwilling or unable to read what a respected Republican has to say about Republican Presidential candidate Trump - you are already 3rd World.

Regardless of who gets elected - the demographics of America are not going to be a White Majority in the near future. There is nothing you or anyone else can or will do to change that.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:47AM

The demographics are not white today. Babies born in America as of June 22 are 50.2 percent minorities. That trend is only accelerating given the reproductive habits of whites in America.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:48AM

The old rabid baby boomer generation are a dying miserable selfish destructive breed nobody gives a fuck about.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:50AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> The old rabid baby boomer generation are a dying
> miserable selfish destructive breed nobody gives a
> fuck about.

The feeling is mutual you shit skinned faggot.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:51AM

D'OH! Wrote:
> FrankR. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > tl;dr
> >
> > Another cuck scared of a majority white America
> > instead of a third world hell hole where we're
> > currently heading.
> If you are unwilling or unable to read what a
> respected Republican has to say about Republican
> Presidential candidate Trump - you are already 3rd
> World.
> Regardless of who gets elected - the demographics
> of America are not going to be a White Majority in
> the near future. There is nothing you or anyone
> else can or will do to change that.

Good god you libs hate America. This isn't about Republican vs. democrat. It's about taking America back from the fascist liberals who have sold out this country. Get your head out of your ass and vote for America. Convert to American and vote Trump !

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:52AM

Fuck Henry Paulson.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2016 08:52AM by Gerrymanderer2.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Quoting Quoter ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:53AM

"Simply put, a Trump presidency is unthinkable."

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:55AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> The old rabid baby boomer generation are a dying
> miserable selfish destructive breed nobody gives a
> fuck about.

Like the majority of democrats? Hillary, Biden, Reid, pelosi, etc, almost the entire democrat congress is made up of baby boomers. I agree, they are old and have nothing new. They are the party of regression and hate. That's why they love the KKK and lost to civil rights.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:59AM

Another globalist establishment rich guy is worried about being totally wrong on every single decision he was involved in. I bet he never had one day of manual labor in his life.

The status quo ain't gonna cut it this time . You either believe in traditional American values and that America is the best country in the world or you don't . We need to get back to common sense... Judeo Christian values...limited government ...a strong military ..deference to the individual .. Small business entrepreneurial culture ... Market based interest rates and honest budget accounting.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: News Flash ()
Date: June 25, 2016 08:59AM

NEWS FLASH: Chief executive of Goldman Sachs supports Hillary over Trump. Fears hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to Hillary might be wasted if she is not elected.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Strategic Thinking ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:06AM

PC retards Wrote:
> Another globalist establishment rich guy is
> worried about being totally wrong on every single
> decision he was involved in. I bet he never had
> one day of manual labor in his life.
> The status quo ain't gonna cut it this time . You
> either believe in traditional American values and
> that America is the best country in the world or
> you don't . We need to get back to common
> sense... Judeo Christian values...limited
> government ...a strong military ..deference to the
> individual .. Small business entrepreneurial
> culture ... Market based interest rates and honest
> budget accounting.

Trump is going down by a landslide. I hope you have a plan for the day after he loses the election that includes checking yourself into a mental facility.

OBTW: Hate, racism, bigotry, and shitting on the middle class and poor are not Judeo Christian values.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:06AM

News Flash Wrote:
> NEWS FLASH: Chief executive of Goldman Sachs
> supports Hillary over Trump. Fears hundreds of
> thousands of dollars paid to Hillary might be
> wasted if she is not elected.

News flash everybody supports Hillary over Trump.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: biscuit lip ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:07AM

Would it be fair to say that if some liberal douchebag thinks that all trump supporters are ignorant, than all hillary supporters are all liberal faggot fucks?

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:22AM

biscuit lip Wrote:
> Would it be fair to say that if some liberal
> douchebag thinks that all trump supporters are
> ignorant, than all hillary supporters are all
> liberal faggot fucks?

Nope, that would be a really stupid thing to assume.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: PC retards ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:32AM

Strategic Thinking Wrote:
> PC retards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Another globalist establishment rich guy is
> > worried about being totally wrong on every
> single
> > decision he was involved in. I bet he never had
> > one day of manual labor in his life.
> >
> > The status quo ain't gonna cut it this time .
> You
> > either believe in traditional American values
> and
> > that America is the best country in the world
> or
> > you don't . We need to get back to common
> > sense... Judeo Christian values...limited
> > government ...a strong military ..deference to
> the
> > individual .. Small business entrepreneurial
> > culture ... Market based interest rates and
> honest
> > budget accounting.
> Trump is going down by a landslide. I hope you
> have a plan for the day after he loses the
> election that includes checking yourself into a
> mental facility.
> OBTW: Hate, racism, bigotry, and shitting on the
> middle class and poor are not Judeo Christian
> values.

Libs hate Christians live in surgically segregated neighborhoods and send their kids to surgically segregated classes. Libs hate the middle class and want them on handouts asap. The poor are almost always totally irresponsible and enabled by liberals.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: libs hate America. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:39AM

> OBTW: Hate, racism, bigotry, and shitting on the
> middle class and poor are not Judeo Christian
> values.

No shit, but the are liberal values.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: biscuit lip ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:44AM

The only reason trump my go down is the poor and illegals know that liberals are fucking over the working man in order to support u scum, and since theres way more minorities, illegals and poor, which will u crackheads vote, to continue ur freebies? Thats why trump might lose.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:46AM

Trump voters are mostly uneducated poor people you fucking moron.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: biscuit lip ()
Date: June 25, 2016 09:52AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Trump voters are mostly uneducated poor people you
> fucking moron. How r u any smarter than me by supporting hillary, someone whos been in scandals all her life, stole the furniture and silverware from whitehouse, veing investigated right now...and also what.about.all.the stupid niggers that came out their crack dens to support obama, never went further then the 5th grade.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2016 09:52AM by biscuit lip.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: June 25, 2016 11:43AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> News Flash Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > NEWS FLASH: Chief executive of Goldman Sachs
> > supports Hillary over Trump. Fears hundreds of
> > thousands of dollars paid to Hillary might be
> > wasted if she is not elected.
> News flash everybody supports Hillary over Trump.

Too bad it's a two month old opinion in an election year.

Which pretty much makes it almost as useless as anything you've ever posted, Gerry.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: cLEX3 ()
Date: June 25, 2016 12:00PM

Hank Paulson? You mean this guy?


One of the people Time magazine found most responsible of the economic meltdown in 2008.

Yeah, let's listen to him.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: FrankR. ()
Date: June 25, 2016 12:11PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> HILLTARD voters are mostly uneducated poor people you
> fucking moron.


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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: uMEu4 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 12:53AM

Goldman Sachs??? Hell, after that I KNOW I WON'T BE VOTING FOR HILLARY THE CROOK!!! It takes a crook to recognize another one!

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:18AM

uMEu4 Wrote:
> Goldman Sachs??? Hell, after that I KNOW I WON'T
> crook to recognize another one!

Trumps finance director is a notorious bailout profiteer known for ruthless forclosures. Trump himself is quoted as saying that he loves recessions because they present great oppurtunities for him to buy land cheap.

Britian was had just lost 127 billion dollars worth of value and Trump was in Scotland talking about how a weakened pound would mean better business for his golf course.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: -934875 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:26AM

I'm buying gold. They are about to crash the whole system on a global basis.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 01:38AM

Everyone is going to buy the dollar if they go down. We are the big dog. All London has is banks. Thats why the peasants have had enough. Its a revolt against the 1 percent just like millenials are doing in America to the special interests and their useful idiot Trumptard rightards. Hillary already knows whats up. You have no idea how far left the Democratic party has gone over the last two years.
There are a multitude of new political realities in America and none of them are good for the elite and their Republican whores.

Rightards know this. Its why they are pretending to be anti establishment while nominating a moronic egomaniac self absorbed billionaire only preoccupied with increasing the value of his brand.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gulf BP explosion pre-planned ()
Date: June 26, 2016 02:47AM

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrytarded2 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 07:46AM

Gerrymanderer2 should kill himself today.

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Re: Choose America Over Party - "Trump Presidency is Unthinkable" - Henry Paulson
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: June 26, 2016 11:28AM

lol now Democrats are responsible for former Republican cabinet members. The rightard twilight zone expands.

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