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DO Black people work
Posted by: R.Kelly ()
Date: June 04, 2016 12:43PM

I asked this question DC moma and now I am banned so why don't they work? Why are they always in te barbarshop?

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: on the J O B ()
Date: June 04, 2016 12:59PM

Some have jobs.

Not many actually work.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Metro !!! ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:05PM

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: theUnderground ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:09PM

Hum if your family was robbed and never paid for the hard work that whites were too lazy to do, would you? Funny, how you Christians treat the people that our grandparents raped and robbed. What makes you any better?

So are you a racist? Yes, you are a racist. Just because you don't wear a sheet any more, doesn't mean that you are not a racist. And stop saying that protesters who wear mask are cowards when you use to wear a whole sheet.

How do I know that you are a racist? Were you raised in America? Then you are a racist. Not only are you a racist you are also sexist and it doesn't stop there either. In fact you treat a whole slew of people differently than you would wish to be treated. You are also a hypocrite.

And I can prove it. This chick went into a grocery store, bought a bunch of groceries, tried to carry them to her car without a shopping cart, when she reached the door, some of the bags began to rip and spill. Not only did men stop to help her but so did other women. Then she put on a fat suit, and did the same thing. Guess what, not one person stopped to help her.

You judge people not just by the color of their skin, not just by their sex but by their weight, their bank account, their clothes, hair, body art, on and on. You have pre conceived notions whether you like it or not. How do I possibly know so much about you, when we've never even met?

Because it begins in school, where the white man invented, discovered and conquered everything. There is almost no mention of the accomplishments of other races or even of white women. Think about it. If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that when you think of exploring you think of Christopher Columbus or Lewis and Clark. When you think of inventions you automatically think of Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and other white males. Matter of a fact most people raised in America will have a very difficult time trying to think of more than one female, black, Native, or non white that invented, discovered or conquered anything. Not because they don't exist, like our racist upbringing would have us believe, but because the information that we receive is controlled. Designed to foster nationalism, something that's more dangerous than racism or sexism.

I read the comments that you post. And after making racist, ignorant statements you always end with "but I'm not a racist." If you hold beliefs about a whole race of people because of the color of their skin, then yes, you are a racist. If you do not judge people individually by the content of their character, by their own actions and deeds, then yes, you are a racist. You can lie to yourself, but no one else is believing it.

Now, lets get real. I'm not here to judge you. You were forced fed racism and sexism from T.V., school, and everywhere you went. I'm also not here to justify my actions, I do not have to. I am a man, I do what I want and I don't ask any ones permission. I accept full responsibility for all of my actions. Since, I am the only one that will be held accountable for what I do, you need to get out of my face and stop trying to live my life. You have no idea what I've been through and it's none of your damn business either.

All my life I've been treated differently. I see it everywhere I go, not just by the police, but by everyone. You can deny it, claim I have some advantage because of quotas or civil rights or whatever but it ain't so. In another study, they took a white male and a black male, same backgrounds, same Ivy League schools, same test scores on job applications and sent them to fortune 500 companies and for every job offered to the black man, the white guy was offered ten jobs.

I do not allow this to define me. I love a challenge. And when I beat someone out of a job, I know it's because I'm the best. You would not believe how many times I came up for promotions and was beat by the white guy, not because he worked harder or better but because my skin color didn't fit as well with our client base.

Back to the real. Here are some unpleasant facts that you can Google if you don't believe me. Local police have killed more American citizens, than Americans died in Iraq and Afghanistan combined for the same ten year period. A lot of these killings have been unarmed citizens, not just blacks either. The police are out of control. They will shoot you in the back and call it justified. Legal homicide. And get away with it, scot-free. That is why we riot. That is why we loot. That is why we are violent. There is no justice. No justice, no peace.

Instead, we are being accused of being violent for violence sake. If that was the case I would've blown this place up along time ago. No, you have pushed and pushed and pushed until our backs are in a corner. Jobs are shipped overseas, leaving what jobs are left to fight over, with the illegal immigrants our government invites over. If you work at Wal-Mart or some other minimum wage job, you still need Food Stamps just to get by. And don't get over drawn, the bank will rape you over and over again with over draft fees. And it doesn't stop there.

So, no, this is not just about Michael Brown. This is not just about Ferguson. Our rioting is for everyone who has been murdered by the police, by our government. We are going to stand up for everyone you have spied on, cheated, beaten, stolen from, killed. And we will continue until there is justice. It's not just about police brutality either. We are demanding justice and we will not stop, or give up or go home until justice is achieved. This is for America.

"I've had enough of being pushed around because of the color of my skin. I'm sick of this police brutality," said one protester, who gave only his first name, Terrell, 18. "I'm going to keep coming back here night after night until we get justice."

For decades the wealth divide has been getting worse, and those on the lower end of the economic ladder have suffered the most. This incident has become so enormous because it releases all the pent up frustration of those who are not treated equally in America, and who can't find jobs because the people who control the industrial-financial-political establishment have squeezed the American worker to the breaking point. I have been wondering when rioting would start, and all it takes is an injustice to let loose all the anger the 90%, both black and white are feeling in America today.

Justice is when a police officer is held accountable for his actions. That does not mean bringing charges and then hold a Kangaroo court to exonerate. That is not justice. Had I killed a teen in the middle of the street in broad day light, I'd be in jail. The cops wouldn't be withholding my name for my protection, even if I had received death threats. There would be no investigation. It would not matter if I had a swollen cheek or not. I would be arrested, charged and awaiting trial. Why isn't the cop that killed Michael Brown in jail?

Soraya Nadia McDonald at The Post writes that "some would say black folks must constantly prove their humanity or, at the very least, explain black American culture ... Case in point: having to state that Missouri highway patrol captain Ron Johnson is not a gang member." A simple question to ask yourself: Do I think this hand symbol is a gang sign because the individual making it has known gang affiliations, or because he's black? That's also a question more writers should have asked before mistaking Brown's peace sign for a gang sign.

Historically the black population has had to take extreme steps before "anyone" seems to care or notice. Michael Brown was shot in the back but the cop still deserves a fair trail. Unfortunately as we've seen time and time again, (Rodney King, OJ Simpson, Bradley Manning) trails are anything but fair in America.

Darren Wilson's trial is another example. Call a Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive issues without open discussion. Once convened, the evidence and testimony are required to be held in secret. For instance, if you own the prosecuting attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be considered officially closed.

Unofficially, two NYPD officers were shot in the face. No justice, no peace, fuck the police.

Originally from: http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/racism-.html

I don't always fly the Confederate flag but when I do it's on fire! Love -C

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: You need proof? ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:13PM

Of course black people work. The internet famous lizzie (she doesn't post here anymore) works over 80 hours a week at $38.50 an hour, supervising over 50 employees. She's living the American dream, despite being black.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: plantation worker ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:19PM

SHeeeeeiitttt. We be workin our black asses off!

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: theUnderground ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:23PM

White people never have had to work as hard as blacks (slavery), Asians (railroad), or Hispanics (day labor / fruit picking).

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: mo dont work ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:25PM

Ask mo she know fo sho

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Smoke1 ()
Date: June 04, 2016 01:28PM

What a stupid question. The obsession with people on this website is weird af

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Brutus ()
Date: June 04, 2016 02:13PM

Smoke1 Wrote:
> What a stupid question. The obsession with people
> on this website is weird af

How is your dicksucking hobby going?

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Nog Jobs ()
Date: June 04, 2016 02:26PM

Indeed...a dumb question. Let me list some black occupations for you - see if any sound familiar.


All nigger dominated occupations.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Fmnc6 ()
Date: June 04, 2016 02:36PM

theUnderground Wrote:
> Hum if your family was robbed and never paid for
> the hard work that whites were too lazy to do,
> would you?

My goodness, you people simple never run out of excuses to sit on your lazy asses, do you? Time for a whippin'....

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: June 04, 2016 02:38PM

Nog Jobs Wrote:
> Indeed...a dumb question. Let me list some black
> occupations for you - see if any sound familiar.
> Rapist
> Burglar
> Carjacker
> Murderer
> Thief
> All nigger dominated occupations.

You have to admit, all the aforementioned occupations are fairly labor intensive.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: ndjbt ()
Date: June 04, 2016 03:14PM

plantation worker Wrote:
> SHeeeeeiitttt. We be workin our black asses off!

Must've been a bad day on the Enterprise. What did Geordi do to piss off Picard like that?

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: plantation worker ()
Date: June 04, 2016 04:02PM

ndjbt Wrote:
> plantation worker Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > SHeeeeeiitttt. We be workin our black asses
> off!
> Must've been a bad day on the Enterprise. What
> did Geordi do to piss off Picard like that?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Nog Jobs ()
Date: June 04, 2016 04:33PM

BEH Wrote:
> Nog Jobs Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Indeed...a dumb question. Let me list some
> black
> > occupations for you - see if any sound
> familiar.
> >
> > Rapist
> > Burglar
> > Carjacker
> > Murderer
> > Thief
> >
> > All nigger dominated occupations.
> You have to admit, all the aforementioned
> occupations are fairly labor intensive.

Excellent point. A conundrum to ponder indeed.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: theUnderground ()
Date: June 04, 2016 04:45PM

Hum, Jeffrey Dommer was white. John Wayne Gacy also a white rapist and murderer. There's far more WHITE rapist (including Thomas Jefferson) than black rapist.

More white robbers than black. Wasn't Nixon a crook? And all of his cracker friends? Hoffa also white and incarcerated.

Nah it's the white man that stole America from the natives. Than stole labor from Africa. That's why America became great, the white man stole the land, resources and labor.

Whites are the problem. Always have been and always will be. And the only reason that you attack black people is because you're scared of BBC. Once your wife gets a real man she'll dump you and take your money. I know, got one of your white girls sittin' next to me, holdin' my nut sack, right now.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: true enough ()
Date: June 04, 2016 05:42PM

theUnderground Wrote:
> I know, got one of your
> white girls sittin' next to me, holdin' my nut
> sack, right now.

White girls will do ANYTHING for a decent shoe shine.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Nig Noggin' ()
Date: June 04, 2016 05:56PM


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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: janabavav ()
Date: June 04, 2016 06:15PM

Niggers work so hard at trying not to work that it's comical.

Gimme dem gibs!

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Troop ()
Date: June 04, 2016 06:38PM

Yes, black people do work. It's about 7% of the total black working population that will not subscribe to the dem/liberal philosophy. Those 7% will transform the working class to be productive folks.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Mike O'Meara Show Fan ()
Date: June 04, 2016 06:49PM

theUnderground Wrote:
> Hum, Jeffrey Dommer was white. John Wayne Gacy
> also a white rapist and murderer. There's far more
> WHITE rapist (including Thomas Jefferson) than
> black rapist.

Because white people get shit done. Niggers rape when the urge takes them, white people make a 2nd job (which implies a 1st job) out of it.

Niggers on the other hand, lead the league in killing pre-schoolers for eating birthday cake.

> More white robbers than black. Wasn't Nixon a
> crook? And all of his cracker friends? Hoffa also
> white and incarcerated.

Because white people are better organized than niggers.

Niggers on the other hand, have Louis "Killing Malcolm X Felt Gooood" Farrakhan, Jesse "Have Some Sperm" Jackson, Charles "I Don't Pay Taxes" Wrangel, Marion "Bitch Set Me Up" Barry (RIP), and Al "Goddamit, It's Not AIDS!" Sharpton.

> Nah it's the white man that stole America from the
> natives. Than stole labor from Africa. That's why
> America became great, the white man stole the
> land, resources and labor.

Is there some nigger shortage in Africa that we haven't heard about?

> Whites are the problem. Always have been and
> always will be. And the only reason that you
> attack black people is because you're scared of
> BBC. Once your wife gets a real man she'll dump
> you and take your money. I know, got one of your
> white girls sittin' next to me, holdin' my nut
> sack, right now.

What police department does she work for and what crime did you do to make her want to immobilize you?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Lol you mad bro? ()
Date: June 05, 2016 12:46PM

theUnderground Wrote:
> White people never have had to work as hard as
> blacks (slavery), Asians (railroad), or Hispanics
> (day labor / fruit picking).

Nonsense. White people have built the most Monolithic societies on earth. This was from intelligence, enginuity and hard work. Lol past cotton picking and fruit picking has nothing to do with how advanced a society is.

Stop being a professional victim and blaming others for black peoples shortcomings, and start uplifting yourselfs. Then the world will stop having a less than stellar outlook on your kind.

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: theUnderground ()
Date: June 05, 2016 12:49PM

At the start of the '60s over 80% of black households were two parent homes and it was also the early '60's when heroin started mysteriously flooding into black neighborhoods all across the nation. This was a time when blacks were routinely denied jobs or any way to support their families. In 1964 President Johnson and the Democrats declared "War on Poverty" suddenly plenty of cash and housing became available to poor families with children and it only had one rule (besides income). "No adult male (the father) is to live in the home of family receiving aid" This rule was vigorously enforced with random unannounced home inspections. They would go through your closets and drawers looking for any sign of a man (the father) living in the home. I know this, I lived it, I remember it, as if it were yesterday. This strange lady opening my drawers looking at my stuff and my mom freaking out if her boyfriend ever left something of his at the house. This went on for over a generation. Having more children was encouraged by having no limits on the number and increasing benefits for every additional child. Marriage for young women was discouraged by the simple fact you lose that safety net and it just became a way of life. Before all this the black family was a strong one, headed by men tempered by 300 years of slavery who demanded strict discipline and control.

Johnson and the Democrats managed to break the back of the black family in a generation. The results of blacks raised without a father being self-evident. They turned the greatest country in the world into a zoo. Fuck da police.

When I was growing up, I use to fight my brothers until I learned that's a tactic, called 'divide and conquer'. So then I fought the police until I learned that they are only pawns. Cops write tickets but politicians write the laws. So then I fought the government until I saw them taking orders from their campaign contributors, the corporations. So, now I fight CEOs, generals and robber barons. The corporate elite who bought the government and turned paradise into military waste.

Originally posted at: http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/fuck-the-police.html

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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: craycray ()
Date: June 05, 2016 01:40PM

theUnderground Wrote:
> Hum if your family was robbed and never paid for
> the hard work that whites were too lazy to do,
> would you? Funny, how you Christians treat the
> people that our grandparents raped and robbed.
> What makes you any better?
> So are you a racist? Yes, you are a racist. Just
> because you don't wear a sheet any more, doesn't
> mean that you are not a racist. And stop saying
> that protesters who wear mask are cowards when you
> use to wear a whole sheet.
> How do I know that you are a racist? Were you
> raised in America? Then you are a racist. Not only
> are you a racist you are also sexist and it
> doesn't stop there either. In fact you treat a
> whole slew of people differently than you would
> wish to be treated. You are also a hypocrite.
> And I can prove it. This chick went into a grocery
> store, bought a bunch of groceries, tried to carry
> them to her car without a shopping cart, when she
> reached the door, some of the bags began to rip
> and spill. Not only did men stop to help her but
> so did other women. Then she put on a fat suit,
> and did the same thing. Guess what, not one person
> stopped to help her.
> You judge people not just by the color of their
> skin, not just by their sex but by their weight,
> their bank account, their clothes, hair, body art,
> on and on. You have pre conceived notions whether
> you like it or not. How do I possibly know so much
> about you, when we've never even met?
> Because it begins in school, where the white man
> invented, discovered and conquered everything.
> There is almost no mention of the accomplishments
> of other races or even of white women. Think about
> it. If you are honest with yourself, you will
> realize that when you think of exploring you think
> of Christopher Columbus or Lewis and Clark. When
> you think of inventions you automatically think of
> Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, and other white
> males. Matter of a fact most people raised in
> America will have a very difficult time trying to
> think of more than one female, black, Native, or
> non white that invented, discovered or conquered
> anything. Not because they don't exist, like our
> racist upbringing would have us believe, but
> because the information that we receive is
> controlled. Designed to foster nationalism,
> something that's more dangerous than racism or
> sexism.
> I read the comments that you post. And after
> making racist, ignorant statements you always end
> with "but I'm not a racist." If you hold beliefs
> about a whole race of people because of the color
> of their skin, then yes, you are a racist. If you
> do not judge people individually by the content of
> their character, by their own actions and deeds,
> then yes, you are a racist. You can lie to
> yourself, but no one else is believing it.
> Now, lets get real. I'm not here to judge you. You
> were forced fed racism and sexism from T.V.,
> school, and everywhere you went. I'm also not here
> to justify my actions, I do not have to. I am a
> man, I do what I want and I don't ask any ones
> permission. I accept full responsibility for all
> of my actions. Since, I am the only one that will
> be held accountable for what I do, you need to get
> out of my face and stop trying to live my life.
> You have no idea what I've been through and it's
> none of your damn business either.
> All my life I've been treated differently. I see
> it everywhere I go, not just by the police, but by
> everyone. You can deny it, claim I have some
> advantage because of quotas or civil rights or
> whatever but it ain't so. In another study, they
> took a white male and a black male, same
> backgrounds, same Ivy League schools, same test
> scores on job applications and sent them to
> fortune 500 companies and for every job offered to
> the black man, the white guy was offered ten
> jobs.
> I do not allow this to define me. I love a
> challenge. And when I beat someone out of a job, I
> know it's because I'm the best. You would not
> believe how many times I came up for promotions
> and was beat by the white guy, not because he
> worked harder or better but because my skin color
> didn't fit as well with our client base.
> Back to the real. Here are some unpleasant facts
> that you can Google if you don't believe me. Local
> police have killed more American citizens, than
> Americans died in Iraq and Afghanistan combined
> for the same ten year period. A lot of these
> killings have been unarmed citizens, not just
> blacks either. The police are out of control. They
> will shoot you in the back and call it justified.
> Legal homicide. And get away with it, scot-free.
> That is why we riot. That is why we loot. That is
> why we are violent. There is no justice. No
> justice, no peace.
> Instead, we are being accused of being violent for
> violence sake. If that was the case I would've
> blown this place up along time ago. No, you have
> pushed and pushed and pushed until our backs are
> in a corner. Jobs are shipped overseas, leaving
> what jobs are left to fight over, with the illegal
> immigrants our government invites over. If you
> work at Wal-Mart or some other minimum wage job,
> you still need Food Stamps just to get by. And
> don't get over drawn, the bank will rape you over
> and over again with over draft fees. And it
> doesn't stop there.
> So, no, this is not just about Michael Brown. This
> is not just about Ferguson. Our rioting is for
> everyone who has been murdered by the police, by
> our government. We are going to stand up for
> everyone you have spied on, cheated, beaten,
> stolen from, killed. And we will continue until
> there is justice. It's not just about police
> brutality either. We are demanding justice and we
> will not stop, or give up or go home until justice
> is achieved. This is for America.
> "I've had enough of being pushed around because of
> the color of my skin. I'm sick of this police
> brutality," said one protester, who gave only his
> first name, Terrell, 18. "I'm going to keep coming
> back here night after night until we get
> justice."
> For decades the wealth divide has been getting
> worse, and those on the lower end of the economic
> ladder have suffered the most. This incident has
> become so enormous because it releases all the
> pent up frustration of those who are not treated
> equally in America, and who can't find jobs
> because the people who control the
> industrial-financial-political establishment have
> squeezed the American worker to the breaking
> point. I have been wondering when rioting would
> start, and all it takes is an injustice to let
> loose all the anger the 90%, both black and white
> are feeling in America today.
> Justice is when a police officer is held
> accountable for his actions. That does not mean
> bringing charges and then hold a Kangaroo court to
> exonerate. That is not justice. Had I killed a
> teen in the middle of the street in broad day
> light, I'd be in jail. The cops wouldn't be
> withholding my name for my protection, even if I
> had received death threats. There would be no
> investigation. It would not matter if I had a
> swollen cheek or not. I would be arrested, charged
> and awaiting trial. Why isn't the cop that killed
> Michael Brown in jail?
> Soraya Nadia McDonald at The Post writes that
> "some would say black folks must constantly prove
> their humanity or, at the very least, explain
> black American culture ... Case in point: having
> to state that Missouri highway patrol captain Ron
> Johnson is not a gang member." A simple question
> to ask yourself: Do I think this hand symbol is a
> gang sign because the individual making it has
> known gang affiliations, or because he's black?
> That's also a question more writers should have
> asked before mistaking Brown's peace sign for a
> gang sign.
> Historically the black population has had to take
> extreme steps before "anyone" seems to care or
> notice. Michael Brown was shot in the back but the
> cop still deserves a fair trail. Unfortunately as
> we've seen time and time again, (Rodney King, OJ
> Simpson, Bradley Manning) trails are anything but
> fair in America.
> Darren Wilson's trial is another example. Call a
> Grand Jury, Special Prosecutor, or other empowered
> investigative body. Subvert the (process) to your
> benefit and effectively neutralize all sensitive
> issues without open discussion. Once convened, the
> evidence and testimony are required to be held in
> secret. For instance, if you own the prosecuting
> attorney, it can insure a Grand Jury hears no
> useful evidence and that the evidence is sealed an
> unavailable to subsequent investigators. Once a
> favorable verdict is achieved, the matter can be
> considered officially closed.
> Unofficially, two NYPD officers were shot in the
> face. No justice, no peace, fuck the police.
> Originally from:
> http://www.copsrcorrupt.com/racism-.html
> I don't always fly the Confederate flag but when I
> do it's on fire! Love -C


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Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: PPkCx ()
Date: June 05, 2016 01:43PM

janabavav Wrote:
> Niggers work so hard at trying not to work that
> it's comical.
> Gimme dem gibs!


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: DO Black people work
Posted by: Cracker Barrel of Monkies ()
Date: June 05, 2016 01:45PM

Lol you mad bro? Wrote:
> theUnderground Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > White people never have had to work as hard as
> > blacks (slavery), Asians (railroad), or
> Hispanics
> > (day labor / fruit picking).
> Nonsense. White people have built the most
> Monolithic societies on earth. This was from
> intelligence, enginuity and hard work. Lol past
> cotton picking and fruit picking has nothing to do
> with how advanced a society is.
> Stop being a professional victim and blaming
> others for black peoples shortcomings, and start
> uplifting yourselfs. Then the world will stop
> having a less than stellar outlook on your kind.

Nigs are just too stupid to 'uplift themselves'. Sorry, it just proven science. Their average IQ is borderline retard.


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