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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
I challenge each and everyone of you to step outside your comfort zone this week and do something kind to a stranger.
Midnight last night I ran across a 5 year old little boy with his mom, he had been crying so bad his beautiful face was all red. He was afraid. They followed me out of 7-11 and asked for a ride home, which I gave them. It felt good to help that child and his mom.
Maybe such an act will give you a warm fuzzy feelin too...try it, you'll like it!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2009 11:18PM by spunky.
The other day I was driving home from the embassy car wash on 29, and made my right turn onto 123. There's this little side road, Warwick Avenue, that cuts through to 123 and I let the two cars waiting at the stop sign go cause the traffic is so heavy at that time of the day down 123. I got honked at, but who cares, I've been in the same spot before and have been let in by a generous person, and I've had to sit there for about 5 minutes before too haha.
Then last night I was driving home, and these people on the corner left their minivan sliding door open, so I stopped my car and went up and closed it.
Sure it's nothing major, but every little thing counts. Fairfax is so full of negative people, why add to it? I've been all over the World and the United States and have seen how people are. It's almost saddening how little people care about others around here.
But again that's not everybody. My dad was driving home one day from getting his car serviced, and the guys at the shop forgot to put his oil cap back on...halfway home his engine started steaming, so he pulled over. As he did that about 5 other cars stopped and asked if he needed help/needed to use a phone and all that. We need more people like that out there!
spunky Wrote:
> I challenge each and everyone of you to step
> outside your comfort zone this week and do
> something kind to a stranger.
> Midnight last night I ran across a 5 year old
> little boy with his mom, he had been crying so bad
> his beautiful face was all red. He was afraid.
> They followed me out of 7-11 and asked for a ride
> home, which I gave them. It felt good to help
> that child and his mom.
> Maybe such an act will give you a warm fuzzy
> feelin too...try it, you'll like it!
I assume they werent hispanic.
Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.
> Then last night I was driving home, and these
> people on the corner left their minivan sliding
> door open, so I stopped my car and went up and
> closed it.
Hey Dipshit, that was my van. I saw you out of my house window. I was taking things from inside the vehicle into the house. Thanks alot for touching my car jackass. I was carrying a big television out and you obviously had to be a pain in the neck didn't you. I had to set down the TV and open up the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't ever touch my van again or I will call the authorities.
My Van Wrote:
> Lawman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Then last night I was driving home, and these
> > people on the corner left their minivan sliding
> > door open, so I stopped my car and went up and
> > closed it.
> >
> >
> Hey Dipshit, that was my van. I saw you out of my
> house window. I was taking things from inside the
> vehicle into the house. Thanks alot for touching
> my car jackass. I was carrying a big television
> out and you obviously had to be a pain in the neck
> didn't you. I had to set down the TV and open up
> the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't ever
> touch my van again or I will call the authorities.
Oh of course. What street was it on? Oh man I feel like a total dick now....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/14/2009 11:44PM by Lawman.
spunky Wrote:
> I challenge each and everyone of you to step
> outside your comfort zone this week and do
> something kind to a stranger.
> Midnight last night I ran across a 5 year old
> little boy with his mom, he had been crying so bad
> his beautiful face was all red. He was afraid.
> They followed me out of 7-11 and asked for a ride
> home, which I gave them. It felt good to help
> that child and his mom.
> Maybe such an act will give you a warm fuzzy
> feelin too...try it, you'll like it!
I challege you for just one week to not make rediculous or hateful statements towards men. So, all you have to do is stay in the kitchen for a week...
Yes, being from the south I haven't noticed a lot kindness in this area and I have been looking. I have also noticed there's a lot of crime, gays and hispanics, could any of that have to do with the lack of kindness? If so, then we don't need anymore of it.
I try to do stuff like that every day. Let people turn onto a street when the traffic sucks, let somebody cut in line if they have one thing to buy and I have 50 things, help a neighbor load something, etc. Shoot just the other day, my neighbor's door was WIDE open and they weren't home, so I grabbed my baseball bat and went inside and looked around. Nobody there, so I locked the door - but only after I rifled through their bedroom looking for porn.
Kenny_Powers Wrote:
> well i guess no one can call you a racist sexist
> cunt... oh wait, yea we can!
No they can't, I'm none of those things, but I understand your anger. You know the only people who are offended of being called a FAG, is a FAG.
I realize you write a lot like Furfur, is this that JERK of a LOSER? Yes sir re, it lame!
Let's hear a "HELL YEA", if you believe Furfur is a total LOSER. Please post your ugly ass picture so I can make sure I never do anything nice for you.
Lawman Wrote:
> > my car jackass. I was carrying a big television
> > out and you obviously had to be a pain in the
> neck
> > didn't you. I had to set down the TV and open
> up
> > the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't ever
> > touch my van again or I will call the
> authorities.
> Oh of course. What street was it on? Oh man I feel
> like a total dick now....
I'm sure that was made up, but it confirms my own rules for helping people out... I don't touch anyones stuff in most circumstances. I'll pull some kid's bike out of the street or something like that, but people need to take care of their own cars.
In the case of the van, if someone had stolen anything out of it half an hour earlier and you close the door and weren't wearing gloves then your prints are on a crime scene :(
pgens Wrote:
> Lawman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > my car jackass. I was carrying a big
> television
> > > out and you obviously had to be a pain in the
> > neck
> > > didn't you. I had to set down the TV and open
> > up
> > > the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't ever
> > > touch my van again or I will call the
> > authorities.
> >
> > Oh of course. What street was it on? Oh man I
> feel
> > like a total dick now....
> I'm sure that was made up, but it confirms my own
> rules for helping people out... I don't touch
> anyones stuff in most circumstances. I'll pull
> some kid's bike out of the street or something
> like that, but people need to take care of their
> own cars.
> In the case of the van, if someone had stolen
> anything out of it half an hour earlier and you
> close the door and weren't wearing gloves then
> your prints are on a crime scene :(
I know the guy was kidding haha. Well the people who owned it were outside having a barbecue, so I went up and told them it was open. They asked if I could close it, so I did. But they would've slept through the night not knowing it was open.
Re: Random acts of kindness...try it, you'll like it.
Posted by:
Date: June 15, 2009 12:09PM
Lawman Wrote:
> pgens Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lawman Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > > my car jackass. I was carrying a big
> > television
> > > > out and you obviously had to be a pain in
> the
> > > neck
> > > > didn't you. I had to set down the TV and
> open
> > > up
> > > > the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't
> ever
> > > > touch my van again or I will call the
> > > authorities.
> > >
> > > Oh of course. What street was it on? Oh man I
> > feel
> > > like a total dick now....
> >
> > I'm sure that was made up, but it confirms my
> own
> > rules for helping people out... I don't touch
> > anyones stuff in most circumstances. I'll pull
> > some kid's bike out of the street or something
> > like that, but people need to take care of
> their
> > own cars.
> >
> > In the case of the van, if someone had stolen
> > anything out of it half an hour earlier and you
> > close the door and weren't wearing gloves then
> > your prints are on a crime scene :(
> I know the guy was kidding haha. Well the people
> who owned it were outside having a barbecue, so I
> went up and told them it was open. They asked if I
> could close it, so I did. But they would've slept
> through the night not knowing it was open.
Now who is joking!?!?! That sounds ridiculous. I bet they thought you were the perp trying to break into the van. Numbnuts
> Lawman Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > pgens Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Lawman Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > > my car jackass. I was carrying a big
> > > television
> > > > > out and you obviously had to be a pain in
> > the
> > > > neck
> > > > > didn't you. I had to set down the TV and
> > open
> > > > up
> > > > > the door again. Fucking douchebag. Don't
> > ever
> > > > > touch my van again or I will call the
> > > > authorities.
> > > >
> > > > Oh of course. What street was it on? Oh man
> I
> > > feel
> > > > like a total dick now....
> > >
> > > I'm sure that was made up, but it confirms my
> > own
> > > rules for helping people out... I don't touch
> > > anyones stuff in most circumstances. I'll
> pull
> > > some kid's bike out of the street or
> something
> > > like that, but people need to take care of
> > their
> > > own cars.
> > >
> > > In the case of the van, if someone had stolen
> > > anything out of it half an hour earlier and
> you
> > > close the door and weren't wearing gloves
> then
> > > your prints are on a crime scene :(
> >
> > I know the guy was kidding haha. Well the
> people
> > who owned it were outside having a barbecue, so
> I
> > went up and told them it was open. They asked if
> I
> > could close it, so I did. But they would've
> slept
> > through the night not knowing it was open.
> Now who is joking!?!?! That sounds ridiculous. I
> bet they thought you were the perp trying to break
> into the van. Numbnuts
Oh yeah, considering they saw me drive up and tell them it was open. Go get a life, kid.
I do a lot of nice things for people on a daily basis. I just don't come on here and brag about that kind of shit because a good deed is its own reward.
WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> I do a lot of nice things for people on a daily
> basis. I just don't come on here and brag about
> that kind of shit because a good deed is its own
> reward.
I agree, I think it cheapens the act of kindness. Doing good deeds just to get a warm fuzzy feeling is selfish. Like Tide detergent going to help Hurricane Katrina victims do their laundry, but filming all of it to make commercials and showing the world how kind they are. Or the assholes who write off their donations to charity.
WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> I do a lot of nice things for people on a daily
> basis. I just don't come on here and brag about
> that kind of shit because a good deed is its own
> reward.
Which I stated before, Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Do a good deed but don't brag about it
Anyone see the movie Pay It Forward??
W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo
Pay it Forward? Nope! I remember a surprisingly sexy Helen Hunt, and the little sixth sense kid's career getting disembowled but I don't recall any Pay it Forward... Why? Is there some connection?
spunky Wrote:
> Midnight last night I ran across a 5 year old little boy with his mom, he had been crying so bad his beautiful face was all red. He was afraid. They followed me out of 7-11
> and asked for a ride home, which I gave them.
Re: Culmore
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: March 07, 2009 04:00PM
> Gays regularly pick up boys for sex at and around the 7-11.
Re: On Little River Turnpike I was threathened by a Hispanic, reported it to FCPD and now I am told there's no report?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: November 09, 2008 05:57PM
>I was harshed, hounded, hollered at, followed and made to feel terribly uncomfortable by groups of Hispanics. Dispite the no loitering signs at the 7-11 there at Hummer and 236 in Annandale there were
LOL..Was this the same 7-11 you have posted about in the past? Sounds like a great place to be at midnight.
The fact that Spunky drives to 7-11 concerns me. I can't imagine what type of driver she must be like.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey
No one is bragging here, or I could go on forever.
This is a valid point and perhaps it's people like you who are casting a bad vibe toward this idea which breeds less good works. That is sad and evil to not try and help others when given the opportunity.
Yes, Marg, 7-11 at Hummer is not a good place to be at midnight, but I am glad I was able to be there at that particular time. All the illegal loiters around there scared this little boy. Thankfully when the police arrived he ran them off. I will never pass up a child I feel is in need of help.
Now if you want to make judgements, which so many do here, go right ahead. 7-11, is open 24hrs. for a reason. This one happened to be on my way home, It also happens to be a criminal den, which I like to keep a pulse on. That's where my first unpleasant encounter with illegals started and the police did nothing about it then, they didn't even run them off for loitering.
We all will be judged for the good we do in this world, I'm not accountable to you or anyone else here.
The idea of this thread is legit, either do it or not, but don't destroy the concept of doing a good thing. I was raised that way and I am proud of it.
Down south this is our way of life...yank!
spunky Wrote:
> No one is bragging here, or I could go on
> forever.
> This is a valid point and perhaps it's people like
> you who are casting a bad vibe toward this idea
> which breeds less good works. That is sad and
> evil to not try and help others when given the
> opportunity.
> Yes, Marg, 7-11 at Hummer is not a good place to
> be at midnight, but I am glad I was able to be
> there at that particular time. All the illegal
> loiters around there scared this little boy.
> Thankfully when the police arrived he ran them
> off. I will never pass up a child I feel is in
> need of help.
> Now if you want to make judgements, which so many
> do here, go right ahead. 7-11, is open 24hrs. for
> a reason. This one happened to be on my way home,
> It also happens to be a criminal den, which I
> like to keep a pulse on. That's where my first
> unpleasant encounter with illegals started and the
> police did nothing about it then, they didn't even
> run them off for loitering.
> We all will be judged for the good we do in this
> world, I'm not accountable to you or anyone else
> here.
> The idea of this thread is legit, either do it or
> not, but don't destroy the concept of doing a good
> thing. I was raised that way and I am proud of
> it.
> Down south this is our way of life...yank!
Whatever, Spunky! I used to live in a townhouse right by there. The day laborers only hung out there during the day when they were trying to get work. I never saw them there late at night. The problem was that too many started to assemble there and some started drinking there...just hanging out and not looking for work. FCPD cleared them out and now they are strewn all along 236.
edit by Cary: Account password compromised, disabled by administrator.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2009 06:50AM by inkahootz.
spunky Wrote:
> So Bob is back and gay?
> Who diverted this thread?
> LOL if you're gay?
"You know the only people who are offended of being called a FAG, is a FAG."
"I have also noticed there's a lot of crime, gays and hispanics, could any of that have to do with the lack of kindness? If so, then we don't need anymore of it."
you're right , we're the ones who are always labeling and spreading hate.
you know usually when a girl says "im just a strong individual, people cant handle me", it doesnt mean shes a strong individual, it means shes a cunt that no one wants to listen to. "not a sermon just a thought"
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2009 04:21AM by Kenny_Powers.
Kenny_Powers Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So Bob is back and gay?
> >
> > Who diverted this thread?
> >
> > LOL if you're gay?
> "You know the only people who are offended of
> being called a FAG, is a FAG."
> "I have also noticed there's a lot of crime, gays
> and hispanics, could any of that have to do with
> the lack of kindness? If so, then we don't need
> anymore of it."
> you're right , we're the ones who are always
> labeling and spreading hate.
> you know usually when a girl says "im just a
> strong individual, people cant handle me", it
> doesnt mean shes a strong individual, it means
> shes a cunt that no one wants to listen to. "not a
> sermon just a thought"
only spunky could start a thread about being nice to people and then all of one post of hers later rant about gays and hispanics. be nice to people, as long as they're not gay or hispanic.
you hate when people put down women yet you have the audacity to put down an entire race of people. the racist fighting for equality. you're a walking hypocrisy.
spunky is a fucking tool Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You people are all into labeling.
> Us? are you kidding me? you are queen of the
> label! the only thing you can ever come up with is
> to call everyone is a fag.
> most of the time gay bashers are inherently gay.
> i should have made my name spunky is a fucking
> lesbian!
Shut-up Furfag, don't you have enough to keep you busy?
I think that's a little offensive to the brothers Furfur...
Ok I'll bite... Why do you believe such a thing? Furthermore, why does it matter who I am or what other alias I use?
Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> I think that's a little offensive to the brothers
> Furfur...
> Ok I'll bite... Why do you believe such a thing?
> Furthermore, why does it matter who I am or what
> other alias I use?
Some Arab guy needed someone to buy a Navy uniform for him because the surplus store wouldn't sell to a "camel jockey." I helped him out. Said he had to go to some party or something.
I helped rescue a woodpecker from the hands of a psycho woman.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey
Re: Random acts of kindness...try it, you'll like it.
Posted by:
Date: June 18, 2009 06:03PM
as I was parking in a metered space, a random man came up to me and told me he still had 1 hour 15 min left on his meter in the spot in front of me, and to take it. Which I did
The reason I had to park in a meter space was because someone parked in my reserved spot. I then in turn reported the violator in my spot and had him ticketed and towed
Melissa Wrote:
> My kind act was this evening. There was this
> beer, and it wanted to be consumed, so I drank it.
> It was happy to have fulfilled its destiny.
> My heart is full.
let us know when you feel this wave of kindness returning. Possibly sharing the kindness!
I'm confident the wave of kindness will return this weekend. Not sure where I will be carrying out my act of kindness, though. Should we cross paths, I will most definitely share the kindness!
Being vague is almost as fun as that other thing.
I'm going to Hustler in Baltimore tonight. I'll tip the stripper an extra $20 as my act of kindness, granted she can do that throat trick on my balls.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It's too bad that stupidity isn't painful." - Anton Lavey
Re: Random acts of kindness...try it, you'll like it.
Posted by:
Date: June 20, 2009 02:50PM
Furfur Wrote:
> I'm going to Hustler in Baltimore tonight. I'll
> tip the stripper an extra $20 as my act of
> kindness, granted she can do that throat trick on
> my balls.
Re: Random acts of kindness...try it, you'll like it.
Posted by:
Date: June 21, 2009 02:24PM
????? Wrote:
> Furfur Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm going to Hustler in Baltimore tonight. I'll
> > tip the stripper an extra $20 as my act of
> > kindness, granted she can do that throat trick
> on
> > my balls.
> What's the throat trick?
The throat trick, as it pertains to Furfur, consists of any woman, including Spunky, being physically within 10 feet of "his balls". It's the best he'll ever do.
Furfur Wrote:
> I'm going to Hustler in Baltimore tonight. I'll
> tip the stripper an extra $20 as my act of
> kindness, granted she can do that throat trick on
> my balls.
Furfur is not only a worthless piece of shit but he also lies. He said he was going to Hustler Friday night, but he was posting here instead all Friday night. Or Furfur are you the type to go and spend your time while there posting here? Now that sounds like a VW owner...LOSER!