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They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Yet Another Phony Phag ()
Date: June 14, 2015 02:23PM

100% chance that within 30 days this - like all of the other bogus libtard persecution incidents - will turn out to be a case of this idiot doing it himself.

In the first place, who the fuck is going to hold somebody down during a robbery and carve anything into their arms? Nobody. Second, note that it was, as always, done on a part of the body that makes it easily possible to do yourself, yet more difficult for someone else to do. Third, also as typical, all of his injuries otherwise weren't serious and all also possible to do to yourself. Fourth, he set up the opportunity to do it himself by breaking the normal routine and sending home anyone else when he just "coincidentally" then is attacked on that one specific occasion. Fifth, he then comes down with "amnesia" yet can remember the specific details of the attack on him. Last, it's a town of like 2,500 people.

Blatantly obvious bullshit but libtards will believe anything as long as it fits the narrative. lol

They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms

06.14.1512:01 AM ET

Rick Jones suffered horrific wounds after a vicious homophobic attack. Then the thugs went after his family.

Rick Jones may have suffered amnesia after so many blows to the head. But the words “Die Fag,” sliced into both of his scarred arms make it impossible to forget the first ambush.

It was April 25 at closing time at his family’s pizzeria just off Main Street in downtown Delta, Utah. Jones told his hands to go home.

Then the 27-year-old was suddenly cold-clocked, force-fed bleach, and robbed by bandits. Months passed. Then, this past Wednesday, Jones’s life was almost snuffed when his bedroom went alight at dawn immediately after some maniac tossed a Molotov cocktail that crashed into his window. Miraculously, it didn’t detonate.

The attack on Jones was particularly ferocious. But it wasn’t uncommon, unfortunately. Out of the almost 6,000 hate crimes committed in 2013—the last year for which statistics are available—20 percent (approximately 1,200 that year) were based on victims’ sexual orientation, according to the FBI. [Editors note: But 99.99% of them are fake like this one.]

This incident started with Jones thinking he couldn’t be touched.

The family-owned Grand Central Pizzeria, which Jones runs along with his sisters and parents, has a policy in place for safety’s sake to never close up solo. “He sent his last employees home for the night saying, ‘I’ll finish this,’” Ricky’s mom Terri Jones, who works as a chef at the eatery, told The Daily Beast. “My son, being a male, was thinking he’s invincible.”

Alone, and with a few duties such as batching receipts and tossing the trash outside, everything seemed routine until Jones was broadsided and outnumbered.

“I went out to take out the trash, and when I came back in I thought it was strange that I didn’t hear the door close,” Jones told Gay Salt Lake. “I turned around to shut the door, and someone grabbed me by the head and slammed me to the wall.”

In almost sicko ninja fashion, the robbers sicced Jones from behind. He never caught a glimpse of the invaders who proceeded to pummel him into unconsciousness.

The beach-blonde young man was tossed like a ragdoll against the wall and socked in the jaw. Jones managed to regain consciousness to see an intruder pinning him down. “I remember waking up and I was lying on the floor,” he said. “Someone was on my chest and legs and they were trying to force me to drink bleach.”

At one point he managed to make a bizarre phone call to his mom who was at home nearby the Grand Central Pizzeria restaurant.

“He called us and mentioned, ‘I can’t remember the combination to the safe. Do you have it,’” Terri Jones recalled. “We’re thinking he was forced to make that call.”

Then the cruel crooks defiled her only son.

They knifed into his forearms “Die Fag” and scurried away with over $1,000 from the eatery’s safe.

"I remember waking up and I was lying on the floor. Someone was on my chest and legs and they were trying to force me to drink bleach.”
“They took all the money but they did not destroy anything else or take anything—and we have expensive food,” she said, stressing that her son has been afflicted with amnesia after the episode.

He was left for naught for three hours of eerie unconsciousness on the floor after suffering a massive concussion, a goose egg on his head and a bruised jaw after being socked.

The cruel crooks were calculated and made a clean getaway, the concerned mother said.

“They were very prepared and this was very well-planned,” she noted, downplaying the vile homophobic hate speech tattooed on her son and peppered in each attack. “My thought is that it’s somebody that saw a quick and easy way to make money and kept robbing us,” she said, with anguish causing her voice to break.


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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: sorry to say it ()
Date: June 14, 2015 02:40PM

Utah is not the most tolerant place on Earth. Mormons have strange beliefs ranging from thinking God lives on a planet near the star Kolob (wherever that is) to being certain Joseph Smith identified and translated Egyptian documents, written by Abraham, that just happened to be part of a road show. Sure.

They conduct secret rituals in their temples and do not approve of homosexuality.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: even more sorry to say ()
Date: June 14, 2015 03:02PM

sorry to say it Wrote:
> Utah is not the most tolerant place on Earth.
> Mormons have strange beliefs ranging from thinking
> God lives on a planet near the star Kolob
> (wherever that is) to being certain Joseph Smith
> identified and translated Egyptian documents,
> written by Abraham, that just happened to be part
> of a road show. Sure.
> They conduct secret rituals in their temples and
> do not approve of homosexuality.

Yeah and dumb libtards have strange beliefs like the obvious bullshit of fags carving shit into their own arms. lol

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: June 14, 2015 03:02PM

What kind of pizza could it have been, made by a family named Jones?

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Peezka ()
Date: June 14, 2015 03:28PM

First, the article is badly written and edited.

Second, the mom says they have ''a lot of expensive food'' IN THEIR PIZZERIA.

Third, IF this actually happened as described, it's someone the young feller went to high school with.

Fourth, a lot of people say sperm smells like bleach. Just saying.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: follow up story ()
Date: June 14, 2015 03:31PM

Salt Lake Herald
June 14,2015 09:42 AM
Jenny McGuckin AP Staff Reporter

Rick Jones was horribly attacked in a hate crime. The assailants carved 'Die Fag' in his arms and brutally raped him. But questions remain about the truth of the attack. For instance, when doctors tried to get a sample for the rape kit, Mr. Jones refused. "I think I want to keep it as a souvenir" Mr. Jones said "Its not everyday that you get manhandled and abused by five men. Matter of fact, I think I'm not going to press charges for the rape" Officials are puzzled by his refusal to press charges in the case. Another thing that had police wondering was the appearance of the victim. "He just had a big grin on his face, and a glow like he just got laid" said police spokesman Roger Layne.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Fake ()
Date: June 14, 2015 03:49PM

The 'carving' looks more like somebody scratched it lightly with a pen. lmao

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Hoax ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:16PM


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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Transracial Survivor ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:19PM

Rachel Dolezal, America's transracial Rosa Parks, survived 8 different hate crime attacks on herself and her family.

She fought off the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, The NRA, her HOA, The New Nazi Party, Christianist Bigot Front, AARP and the NAACP.

This young man needs to fight the power and out the blonde haired Mormon maniacs that hate crimed him. #Survivor #Gay #Lube #CarveWoodNotSkin

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Tawana Brawley ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:25PM


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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Captain Kinderhook ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:29PM

Parley P. Pratt believed in plural marriage, and was, in fact, killed by the estranged husband of one of his plural wives. He almost certainly thought blacks were inferior. He believed the Kolob/Abraham nonsense. Not sure what he thought about gays. He is still revered as a Mormon thinker, if there is such a thing.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Pluto ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:32PM


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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: yHTGK ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:37PM

Captain Kinderhook Wrote:
> Parley P. Pratt believed in plural marriage, and
> was, in fact, killed by the estranged husband of
> one of his plural wives. He almost certainly
> thought blacks were inferior. He believed the
> Kolob/Abraham nonsense. Not sure what he thought
> about gays. He is still revered as a Mormon
> thinker, if there is such a thing.

Muslims believe in plural marriage, therefore, polygamy is good.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: look a squirrel! ()
Date: June 14, 2015 04:39PM

Captain Kinderhook Wrote:
> Parley P. Pratt believed in plural marriage, and
> was, in fact, killed by the estranged husband of
> one of his plural wives. He almost certainly
> thought blacks were inferior. He believed the
> Kolob/Abraham nonsense. Not sure what he thought
> about gays. He is still revered as a Mormon
> thinker, if there is such a thing.

None of which will help make this stupid fag's bullshit story any more believable.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Most Intolerant State? ()
Date: June 14, 2015 05:24PM

I'd say Utah probably ranks with Alabama and Mississippi for sheer intolerance.

The only reason Mormons let blacks in was because if they did not, Brigham Young University would be excluded from intercollegiate sports.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Most Intolerant State ()
Date: June 14, 2015 05:27PM

I'd say Utah probably ranks with Maine and Vermont for sheer intolerance.

The only reason Mormons let blacks in was because if they did not, liberals would wail and whine about "racism".

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: June 14, 2015 05:36PM

Most Intolerant State Wrote:
> I'd say Utah probably ranks with Maine and Vermont
> for sheer intolerance.

Vermont? Lots of open minded people in Vermont. A very progressive state.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Nope ww ()
Date: June 14, 2015 05:39PM

Vermont is over 95% white. They are very, very, successful at keeping nigger out. Bravo for them.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Josef Smif' ()
Date: June 14, 2015 05:42PM

Most Intolerant State? Wrote:
> I'd say Utah probably ranks with Alabama and
> Mississippi for sheer intolerance.
> The only reason Mormons let blacks in was because
> if they did not, Brigham Young University would be
> excluded from intercollegiate sports.

Why would blacks want to attend a college full of "intolerant" Mormons? Sounds like your bullshitting.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Most Intolerant People? ()
Date: June 14, 2015 09:16PM

I'd say fags rank with niggers for sheer intolerance.

The only reason niggers let Koreans in was because if they did not, they wouldn't have any neighborhood grocery stores where they could exchange their EBT for cash.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Ask Any Street Negro ()
Date: June 14, 2015 11:18PM

Josef Smif' Wrote:
> Most Intolerant State? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'd say Utah probably ranks with Alabama and
> > Mississippi for sheer intolerance.
> >
> > The only reason Mormons let blacks in was
> because
> > if they did not, Brigham Young University would
> be
> > excluded from intercollegiate sports.
> Why would blacks want to attend a college full of
> "intolerant" Mormons? Sounds like your
> bullshitting.




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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: You Sick Fucks ()
Date: June 14, 2015 11:37PM

I'm sure he gave himself a concussion, too. You people are sick. You're also losers, but that kind of goes without saying.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Hoax. ()
Date: June 14, 2015 11:45PM

Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. vHoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax, Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax. Hoax hoax, hoax.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Dumber than a Golden Plate ()
Date: June 15, 2015 12:15AM

Most Intolerant State? Wrote:
> I'd say Utah probably ranks with Alabama and
> Mississippi for sheer intolerance.
> The only reason Mormons let blacks in was because
> if they did not, Brigham Young University would be
> excluded from intercollegiate sports.

Blacks don't want to go to Brigham Young University. For one thing, it is a crappy school with all sorts of Mormon religion requirements.

Brigham Young University was going to be excluded from sports if the Mormon Church did not change its policy, an issue as it owned (still owns) the school.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: The Gay Blade ()
Date: June 15, 2015 12:44AM


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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: abelard ()
Date: June 15, 2015 01:03AM

>Why would blacks want to attend a college full of "intolerant" Mormons? Sounds like your bullshitting.

Funny thing is being black in Utah apparently isn't actually all that bad. I know 3 (of the like 5) black people who lived there and they all said socializing or dating was never really a problem for them. Not being Mormon - that was a problem.

Not being hispanic now, that helped more.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Hoax ()
Date: June 15, 2015 01:55AM

You Sick Fucks Wrote:
> I'm sure he gave himself a concussion, too. You
> people are sick. You're also losers, but that kind
> of goes without saying.

Yeah, a self-diagnosed "concussion."

"You people" are dumb suckers. Wait a week until the cops call him on the obvious flaws in his story and he admits to staging it to learn that about yourself.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: VYeCp ()
Date: June 15, 2015 06:50AM

When I am robbing a store for cash, I usually take the time out of my busy heisting schedule to "carve" words into someone's arms. Once I have the money, I have time to kill (so to speak). It's not like I am planning to do anything with the money.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: CNNNNNN ()
Date: June 15, 2015 07:44AM


A Nebraska "hate crime" that targeted an openly gay woman and that triggered responses from candlelight vigils locally to Facebook postings of support nationwide was staged by the alleged victim, authorities said Tuesday as they charged the woman with lying to police.

Charlie Rogers -- a former basketball player for the University of Nebraska who identifies herself as lesbian -- told police that three masked men entered her home on July 22, stripped her, tied her down, and carved homophobic slurs into her body before attempting to set her and the house on fire.

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Re: They Carved ‘Die Fag’ Into His Arms
Posted by: Mormons Redefine Intolerance ()
Date: June 15, 2015 02:15PM

Mormons believe you cannot obtain the highest degree of glory in the afterlife unless you obey all Mormon rules and are married. Women get a secret name, they do not get in to heaven unless their husband calls them by that secret name. By definition, gays, singles, etc. don't get in.

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