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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: February 06, 2012 09:01AM

> It should be okay to kill conservative white
> males.

Kill them ALL, and let the Lord sort them out.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: February 16, 2012 07:21PM

Well - I'm a conservative white male -- looks like you had better get on with that killing your talking about - I'm waiting for you to kill me...

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Formerly Stones ()
Date: February 16, 2012 10:20PM

No, no it's not OK. That's pre-meditated murder and illegal in this country. Thanks for asking though!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: February 17, 2012 08:49AM

Mickey James Wrote:
> Well - I'm a conservative white male -- looks like
> you had better get on with that killing your
> talking about - I'm waiting for you to kill me...

You may have to wait, because the blacks are lazy, the Latins are busy raping their 9 year old cousins, and the Asians can't find you because of their slanty eyes obstructing their vision.
Be patient, mighty whitey

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: February 17, 2012 11:51AM

I find it hard to believe that even a Mud-Face Mexican would be so trashy that they would actually invade a nation Illegally - Come - begin drawing 20 different types of welfare - such as a person with no pride at all - a kinda pathetic leach - and then form drug gangs - and then ask for more rights on top of it.

The mexican garbage has come into the US with-out permission - they are by very discription a CRIMINAL - and then compound this Criminal Activity by killing - selling illegal drugs - burning down businesses for hire - such as insurance claims - and have only drivin the US economy into the dirt - putting into motion mass unemployment of the native born white race.

Myself - well, I'm an old soldier - and took the same oath as all other americans who have served this republic - the oath -- "To defend this nation from all enemies - both foriegn and domestic".

Well - this brings up a very interesting question/debate - such as >>

>> Considering the Illegal Mexican is a Criminal from the very word "ILLEGAL", and considering the mexican is a drug pimp - a murderer - and comments various illgal activities - but yet and at the same time - our government does nothing to control the ILLEGAL MEXICAN (Government = Federal, State, County, City)- moreover: supports the ILLEGAL MEXICANS with hand-out programs - such as and again - welfare programs -- free college -- rights under Affrimative action: even though an ILLEGAL MEXICAN has no rights because they are not a citizen - exceedra.

The point is - "WHO is the enemy"?

In my book - the white race is at war with both the ILLEGAL MEXICAN and our own GOVERNMENTS - but more to the point - the so-called "Progressives", which are regressive - Regressive to this point.

>> Case and Point:

>> Under the Progressives - we have the following.

1. Lower pay - loss of benefits.
2. Higher Crime stats.
3. Higher COLA.
4. Cheaply produced goods.
5. A failed Education system.
6. A increased need for higher taxes - to support Welfare, Prisons, and a war machine.
7. A loss of white persons rights.
8. A increase in Police State activity.

exceedra: - to many to list - but everyone should get the main idea.

So - The dirty Mexican wishes to kill conservative whites -- LOL....

Ok - if thats really how the Filthy spics feel -- I say - don't talk and flap that fithy Spic hole -- just get on with it - go ahead - please start the war.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: February 17, 2012 08:00PM

But you folks know something about the ILLEGAL SPIC - This Trash is nothing more than a Pathetic Leach - all the Spics really want is more free welfare - and as long as they get a free life - and the ability to pedel drugs - such as a Drug Pimp - they will never start any form of war.

1. Illegal Spics are Leaches.
2. Illegal Spics are Cowards.
3. Illegal Spics are a MOUTH.

And whats even more halarious about the whole Illegal Spic - The Afros are affraid of them -- LOL. The Afro is even more-so a big-mouth Leach Coward than the Illegal Mexican.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: February 22, 2012 09:34PM

To My fellow whites:

Listen - I know alot of you have been hurt over the last decade or so - but let this time be a teacher!

In the future - every time you see a dark face - a mudded down piece of trash - let that teaching begin - let the hate for the Fed - the kike elite - and the muds take control of your white self - this will remind you what you are.

What is the white race -- it is the superior race -- a race that others want to be - but can never be -- get ready whitey - its coming - and soon...

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 01, 2012 02:40PM

The Dude-Dude says, I checked with Fish & Game and they told me that there ain't no limit or season on shooting Mexicans. Hell, you can bag as amany as you can shoot and according to Fish & game its alegal.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey the time traveler. ()
Date: March 01, 2012 03:03PM

It is legal but you should still use ethics. Pre season bating with tacos
and using fat female Mexican mating calls is just to easy. Its hard not to
shoot a drunk Mexican (When are they not drunk?) but white people must do
there best. There is an endless supply of wetback game that floods across
the borders from the shit hole that is Mexico. They are so many that efforts
are underway to produce cat food and fertilizer out of the spic carcass.
I think that mixing kike and spic skin will give more decorative lampshades
than the pale jew skin provides. Also although jew soap has been produced it
smells so bad that it is only good for bathing pigs. Mexicans contain
a high percentage of grease the BTU content is even higher than a nigger.
So energy production should be looked at.

White ingenuity will prevail as it always has.


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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: March 01, 2012 04:53PM

If they vote Democrat, by all means!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:16PM

What kind of people sing songs about cockroaches? Mexicans do. The cockroach is like their national symbol or something like we have the bald eagle. That's how they learned the Mexican hat dance, trying to stomp on the cockroachs.

I was on a bus one time and this fat smelly Beaner sitting next to me had a cockroach crawl out of his clothing and crawl into his hair. Hell I jumped away damn fast but it didn't bother the Mexican and then the drunken bastard ripped a loud fart. Yeah, real civilized, NOT.

Yeah, sure, look the other way while some fat Maxican slob gets your daughter stoned on the drugs they hide up their ass when they come here and then gets her knocked up. You liberals wouldn't mind your daughter getting a belly full of Mexican ca-ca.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Stones ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:23PM

No, it's not. That's premeditated murder and illegal in all the states. Besides Mexicans have more rights to the Americas than you probably do. They're at least half native to the land having established a presence here 16,000 years ago. You probably have less than 100 years of history in this country. But it's cool. You can be some xenophobic dick. It actually correlates perfectly with your hipocritic conservative a-holeness

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2012 10:24PM by Stones.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:45PM

Hey Stone, yeah, yeah, yeah, go blow it out your ass.

Before the White man came here the Mexicans were a bunch of blood thirsty savages cutting the heats out of their own people for their devil gods.

Hey, come to think of it, looking at all the drug violence going on in Mexico, maybe its time for the White man to "civilize" them again. We did a damn good job last time and we'd love to civilize them again, know what I mean?

Its like every week there is another news article of some Mexican cutting the head off of another Mexican over drugs.

Oh yeah Stone, they're really civilized. Friggin' animals. As far as the question "Is it okay to kill Mexicans?" why don't you try telling your bullcrap sob story to them and maybe they'll stop killing each other, LMAO.

Sure, blame the White man, White Man, White Man, for everything. Friggin' bunghole.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Stones ()
Date: March 01, 2012 10:56PM

I never said they were civilized you douche bag. It's just wrong to kill them. Sorry if I was taking the OPs question seriously. I thought I had some knowledge to give and it's wrong to kill people no matter how much a racist or ignorant asshole you are.

Oh, and screw the cutting heads off. They're into some much more crazy shit now. Have you heard about the whole "skinning" trend!?

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 01, 2012 11:09PM

It ain't wrong to kill them if they're here illegally (and the legal ones had better watch out too).

They are the biggest race of child molestors on the planet screwing 9 year old girls and sometimes boys too. Yeah, its okay to kill 'em, LOL.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 01, 2012 11:16PM

Hey Stone,

If I had a bumper sticker printed up saying:

fast or slow, what's the difference"

They'd sell out overnight.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey the time traveler. ()
Date: March 01, 2012 11:23PM

I found a place to practice killing spics.
No use wasting good ammo spic filth.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 02, 2012 12:17AM

Mickey The Time traveller, I got to say that you got one hell of a good sense of humor. Oh yeah, kill the bastards on the run, LMFAO

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey the time traveler ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:42AM

Thanks there Dude-Dude.
You have quite a sense of humor yourself LOL
The only good spic is a dead or dying one :)

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 02, 2012 03:15AM

Sure, killing illegal Mexicans is okay, that goes without saying. Bang, one less cockroach. Illegal means LAW BREAKER and if the police won't or are forbidden to do their job then its time that we Americans take the law into our own hands!

But what about all the Jews and sneaky White businessmen who employ the illegal Mexicans? If the illegal Mexicans wouldn't get hired they wouldn't be coming here.

I say a law should be passed stating that anyone who hires illegal Mexicans should have their businesses, real estate, and personal assets siezed by the IRS and put up for public auction. The money would be put into the general fund to pay for all the taxes the vermin Mexicans have cost us. I'll bet that after a few Kikes lost every penny they owned they'd think twice about hiring illegal Mexicans.

I know a decent Mexican family. They came here LEGALLY. The father works two jobs and finally bought his own home. He keeps his kids out of trouble and to be honest he is a damn fine neighbor. He did things the right way. Its a shame that he has the stigma of all the scumbag Mexicans which the Jews and rich whites brought here as cheap labor.

One more thing. Liberal Americans must be among the most stupid and hypocritical people on the planet. They hide behind the "Racism" card all the time but then pay the Mexicans who sneak in here below the minimum age, don't pay taxes or workman's comp, unemployment funds, and threaten to tip off the INS if the Mexicans don't work like slaves for them. Sexual abuse of the Mexican women is rampant by these Jew and rich white businessmen and all the time they call themselves "Liberals" and call us "Racists".

When we get done cleaning house of all the illegal Mexicans the time is long over due to clean house on the Jews and other traitors to OUR country.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 02, 2012 01:47PM

In my opinion - in regard to the question - "Is it ok to kill Mexicans", I will offer this point of view.

If a Mexican is in Mexico - it is not alright to kill it - unless the two opposing nations (The United States and Mexico) are at war with each other.

However: if a Mexican has Invaded the United States - that is an act of war against the United States and its people - in this case it is perfectly legal - it is moral - and ethical to kill said Invader - This is true simply because a Mexican that enters the United States has commited a crime against the American Citizens - The crime has been commited as a delibrate act.

Therefore: when one considers that Mexican invaders are here as an enemy - as an uninvited criminal - and what the Mexican has actually done - such as importing criminal activity: such as illegal drugs, theft on to many fronts to even count, drawing welfare on 20 varied lavels - taking jobs and opportunity away from the Tax-Payers of the United States, and directly forming drug rings and gangs in the United States ---- it is because of these issues - My opinion is that to not kill Mexicans is a form of being un-patriotic to the United States.

In a word:

It is not only ok to kill a Mexican - or multiple Mexicans - it is a requirement to kill as many of the Mexican Enemy as one can possibly kill.

Mexicans are the Enemy of the American People - wade into them - kill them - spill their guts - get on with this job - its not only your duty - it has now come to the point of being a demand in the view of survival -- Trust me my fellow Americans - the Mexican would just as soon kill you....

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:07PM

Hello Stones:
I read your entry - and read that you reverted to name calling - you were being very rude.

I'm trying to be serious here - and the question is -- "Is it ok to kill Mexicans".

I am assuming were discussing Illegal Mexican Immigrants - is that not correct?

If so - even you must see and completely understand that anyone - from any nation - that Illegally Enters and or Invades another Nation has commited an act of war - against said nation.

Now - grant you that one Illegal Mexican would-not be a problem - even one hundred wouldn't be noticed - not really - not as a national standard - but the problem is - millions of Illgals have entered the United States - and that is a Mexican Army - a major threat to our nations security - to our Citizens - to the economy - and other major issues that must be discussed.

So let me ask you a question:

If the governing authorities of the United States - such as Federal - States - County - City --- asked the Illegal Mexicans to leave our nation at once - do you think they would comply? Or do you think they would band together ans stay?

In my opinion - I think they would laugh at our people - and simply do as they wish - having no regard for our laws - our security - our opportunity - exceedra.

Its because I honestly feel the Mexican Invader has come to the United States to TAKE what ever they wish - for what ever reason the wish - when ever they wish - Playing both ends against the middle as they say - I feel that Killing them off is the only way for the American Peolpe to live a nice decent life - a life with opportunity - a life without the worry of being killed or robbed - with out some mexican drug pimp trying to sell its illegal drugs to an American Citizen - so fourth and so on.

To Conclude:

Is it ok to kill mexicans -- you bet it is -- killing a mexican is the decent thing to do - the right thing to do - the moral and ethical thing to do - the patriotic thing to do - and most of all -- Our People - The American People - more specific - WHITE AMERICA - we must all watch over each other - it is now time to kick into survival mode --- KILL THAT DIRTY MEXICAN CRIMINAL -- Before it does the same to you...

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: I'd love to hear a yuppie scream ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:40PM

Kill yuppies instead. They have furthur to fall and will scream louder, jajajaja.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mate Yuppies ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:52PM


What I wouldn't give to hear on the news that someone went berserk and decided to start rampaging at a bar where these kickball maggots frequent. Is there any lower level of human being than a kickballer, I think not.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 02, 2012 02:55PM

In this discussion -- "Is it ok to kill Mexicans", I have read several good points, and must say -- Its not only ok to kill mexicans -- as a rather dull question - but must address the issue of a need to kill mexicans - such as a moral and ethical duty - Moreover: a patriotic duty!

However: I also feel that a Mexican is nothing more than a dumb animal - kinda like a horse or goat - an animal which the Global Jew has exploited.

You see: the Global Jew doesn't care about anything except gains - gaining control of anything and everything it can - and on a global scale - as many of us can clearly see at this point - such as NAFTA - and the WTO.

Therefore: Yes - killing the Mexican is something that more-or-less goes without saying - but if WHITE AMERICA truelly wants a good life - a life free of problems - The White Population must also TEND to the JEW Question!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Redneck are us ()
Date: March 02, 2012 03:31PM

kinda late there, you dumb redneck.

They already control the white house and are edging the us and the world closer to ww3 by antagonizing the Iranians. The israelis receive a few billion from the us in military aid and financial assistance, no checks or balances just a blank check. Keep fighting the good fight redneck, jajajajajaj.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 02, 2012 03:39PM

Well how in the world did you know I have a red-neck? Sheeeeesh, you must have a crystal ball or something - your the Bright-boy of the week: well, have to put you on a tee-shirt - so all us fellows will know you by face...

How-about it there boy -- you in for some bean cleaning?

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 02, 2012 07:43PM

Redneck are us Wrote:
> /\
> kinda late there, you dumb redneck.
> They already control the white house and are
> edging the us and the world closer to ww3 by
> antagonizing the Iranians. The israelis receive a
> few billion from the us in military aid and
> financial assistance, no checks or balances just a
> blank check. Keep fighting the good fight redneck,
> jajajajajaj.

One thing is for sure - you know what your talking about when it comes to the Jew Overlords - and they are the very reason why the Illegal Mexican has infiltrated the US -- thats for sure.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 03, 2012 12:13AM

Good for you Mickey James. It's good to see that some, probably most, White Americans are still loyal to OUR country and don't have their head up their ass.

The problem with the illegal Mexicans is that they CAN NOT be trusted. An overwhelming number of them are criminals. 30% of inmate in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

They import POISON and sell it to our kids as party drugs.

They are walking incubators of infectous diseases.

Their street gangs are absolutly vicious and make the old time Italian Mafia look like docile busnessmen.

Liberals have trained their kids to "only see the good in mankind" but the truth is that mankind is the most horrific spieces of killers on the planet. The ONLY thing which keeps mankind from becoming killing machines is the FEAR OF LAW. These illegal Mexicans DO NOT fear our laws and that makes them dangerous.

OK, even though it is not true, lets say that they will do jobs which Americans will not do, like pick vegitables. Let's even say that most of them are not killers. The question is how do we tell them apart? How many Americans must become victims of these animals? What is this, "trial & error"?

No! Its time to start killing off the invading murdering walking peti dishes of infectous diseases. They not only smuggle in drugs shoved up their asses but they also smuggle in 32 different kinds of STDs, leposy, deadly MDRTB, and many other diseases. They are walking bio-plagues and in the final result there isn't any difference between a terrorist and an infected illegal Mexican.

"Is it okay to kill Mexicans"? If they came here illegally and if they didn't go through a health screening then you can bet your damn ass that its okay to kill Mexicans.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 03, 2012 03:19PM

Dude-Dude Wrote:
> Good for you Mickey James. It's good to see that
> some, probably most, White Americans are still
> loyal to OUR country and don't have their head up
> their ass.
> The problem with the illegal Mexicans is that they
> CAN NOT be trusted. An overwhelming number of them
> are criminals. 30% of inmate in federal prisons
> are illegal aliens.
> They import POISON and sell it to our kids as
> party drugs.
> They are walking incubators of infectous
> diseases.
> Their street gangs are absolutly vicious and make
> the old time Italian Mafia look like docile
> busnessmen.
> Liberals have trained their kids to "only see the
> good in mankind" but the truth is that mankind is
> the most horrific spieces of killers on the
> planet. The ONLY thing which keeps mankind from
> becoming killing machines is the FEAR OF LAW.
> These illegal Mexicans DO NOT fear our laws and
> that makes them dangerous.
> OK, even though it is not true, lets say that they
> will do jobs which Americans will not do, like
> pick vegitables. Let's even say that most of them
> are not killers. The question is how do we tell
> them apart? How many Americans must become victims
> of these animals? What is this, "trial & error"?
> No! Its time to start killing off the invading
> murdering walking peti dishes of infectous
> diseases. They not only smuggle in drugs shoved up
> their asses but they also smuggle in 32 different
> kinds of STDs, leposy, deadly MDRTB, and many
> other diseases. They are walking bio-plagues and
> in the final result there isn't any difference
> between a terrorist and an infected illegal
> Mexican.
> "Is it okay to kill Mexicans"? If they came here
> illegally and if they didn't go through a health
> screening then you can bet your damn ass that its
> okay to kill Mexicans.

Yes - all very good points - I can see your up on the times - so let me ask you a question - if you don't mind?

When I think about the ILLEGAL MEXICANS, I honestly see a dumb animal - kinda like an ASS - or Mule. Its hard for me to put blame on a Dumb Animal for anything. In other words, what I'm getting at - who and or what group should be blamed for the Whole-Sales Migration of ILLEGAL MEXICANS?

It is true that the MEXICAN Mud-Puddle came in by force, illegally - and brought with them whole-sale crime, illegal drugs, poverty, and an over-all filthy peoples - but can the Mexican really be blamed?

To kill the Mexicans goes without saying - sure they need to be delt with - but what about the KIKE that has allowed this to take place to begin with?

It just seems that its the GLOBAL ELITE KIKE that needs to be contained - even more so than the Mexican - do you agree - or do you think I'm in error?

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Dude-Dude ()
Date: March 04, 2012 02:57AM

Good question Mickey James, "what about the kike"?

Well lets look at history. We've all heard of the Triangle Trade which flourished in the 17th, 18th, and 19th century; e.g. rum from Cuba to England, manufactured goods from England to Africa, SLAVES from Africa to Cuba.

On the surface it sounds like international business, BUT, do you know who OWNED 90% of the slave ships?

I'll bet you guessed right, JEWS owned 90% of the slave ships.

Jews would buy Black Africans for trade goods worth 5 British pounds sterling from native Africans. Each Black slave bought for 5 pounds sterling would be then re-sold to the Cuban slave markets for 75 british pounds sterling. That's right and that's historical fact. The Jew slave traders would turn 5 British pounds into 75 British pounds. What a profit!

It didn't matter to the Jews how many Blacks died in the holds of the slave ships they owned because the profit was so great. The Jews abandoned any and all sense of humanity, decency, or pity for the suffering of the Blacks in their endless pursuit of profit. The Jew businessman was at his finest performance during the days of slave trading.

Yet, it didn't end with just selling slaves. The Jew money lenders loaned money to the American southern plantation owners. They loaned money to extend the lands the White Christian plantation owners owned to grow cotton and tobacco.

As the Jew money lenders would tell the White Christian plantation owners, "Vell, you can't go wrong. My cousin Bernie sells slaves to vork the land. You buy the Black slave vork the land, you pay back the loan at interest, you make money, and everyone is happy".

It was always about making PROFIT and the suffering of humanity was never considered. The plantation owners were always in debt to the Jew money lenders and to pay off the debt they needed more and more Black slaves to work their lands. Jew slave traders sold the Black slaves at slave auctions. It was ALWAYS about making a profit. Its the way that Jews do business.

Today things haven't changed that much. The Jew bankers still loan money to farmers. Today it works like this, "Vell, you borrow money to plant your crop, my cousin Bernie has a friend who brings in illegal Mexicans to work the land, you pay back the loan at interest, you make money, and everyone is happy".

The mind of the Jew never changes. The greed and adverice of the Jew never changes. The inhumanity of the Jew never changes. The only thing that changes is the calender.

All Jews hold "Dual Citizenship", American and Israeli citizenship. When a Jew is caught employing, aiding, or providing forged papers which allow illegal Aliens to work in America, that Jew should have ALL of his or her assets siezed by the IRS, his or her American citizenship revoked, and deported to Israel.

You can check out the historical facts which I have mentioned for yourself. They are all true. Does that answer your question, what about the Kikes?".

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 05, 2012 02:19PM

Greetings: Dude-Dude.
That was an interesting read - very informational - so informational - I think I'll forward that to a few buddies of mine - if you have no onjections that is?

Well - I have suspected for a long time that the majority of the worlds ills are actually from Jewish Influence - what you have written - backed by things that I am already aware of - I just have to ask why the White people from all nations have put up with the Jews at-all.

Also - I must add: it seems clear that the Mexicans have invaded the United States under some form of created and espoused plan. In other words: if we read immigration laws - and if we look at the number of Illegals that walk our city streets, drawing 20 kinds of welfare - setting up drug running organizations - and living in free housing all over the US - well, it just seems clear that ILLEGAL MEXICANS are in the US because the Elite have not only allowed that to be - but actually designed it.

It seems that we are getting close to figuring out what Organization has designed this - it seems to me the Jews that have infiltrated the United States Government are the ones we should be watching. Add: did you know the Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank - 12 member if I'm not mistaken.

So - considering the US dollar is a debt - the more people who own the debt - the more wealth the Elite have - or something like that anyway.

The Mexicans are nothing more than a dumb-animal - like an ass - but the jew seems to be the ticks that suck on the ass.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 07, 2012 04:17PM

Greetings White America:
Has anyone really thought about the Mexican Invaders?

You white folks want a real good look at these User Criminals? Think about what they are doing - think for yourselves.

What are these trashy scum doing?

1. ILLEGALLY entering the United States.
2. Smuggling ILLEGAL drugs in with them.
3. Selling harmfull and ILLEGAL drugs to White Americans - including minors (children).
4. Going to Prison -- which raises our taxes.
5. Drawing welfare - which raises our taxes.
6. Forming violent street gangs - which raises our taxes thru the need for more police and more prisons - plus - killing white americans.
7. The government must change laws to suit the Mexican - which leads to white america losing rights.
8. Getting college free - and getting admitted before white americans.
9. Under cutting american workers - who now can hardly find a job or earn a living.
10. Trashing our forest lands - growing ilegal drugs in national parks - killing our police force - which is now having to raise taxes again for more man power and equipment.

Come on WHITE AMERICA -- wake up to what happening to you.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: MDJ ()
Date: March 11, 2012 04:03PM

Just wanted to take a few seconds to bring out another couple interesting historical events - but in relation to our moren USA - "Examples of what White American is going thru".

1. Take a look at historical USA - Moreover: the Coal Minors in the Virginia Mountains - What can we learn from this error?
1.A. In those days the Elite Corporations owned entire Mountains - the towns surrounding the coal mines, the stores, the houses, all of the equipment, and the people (workers) themselves.The elite had the workers down so badly, the minors would earn - lets say for example - $200.00 per month - but after paying their debts to the Elite corporations - for housing, food, fuel, - excedra - the working class owed $350.00 - just for example - this meaning - the workers were in debt for ever - they had to work 12, 14 hours a day - 7 days a week - only to be indebt.

2. Now take a look at the early 1960's - Mexico city - which was the site of a massive killing: Moreover - thousands of Mexicans - unarmed for the most part - marched on Mexico city because they were so poor they could not afford to buy food, medical care - or support themselves in anyway.I'm not sure of the real numbers of Mexican Peasents killed that day - but I hear it was close to 10,000 - killed by their own Government and military. The situation in Mexico during that period of time was that 99% of the population of Mexico was so poor they couldn't even get food or housing - while the upper elite 1% owned everything.

Now - what I'm getting at is to suggest - the new -- ""GLOBAL ELITE", would like to own everything and everyone - driving the average working class people into the ground - forcing the average person into such a debt 0 that the elite would own your children and grandchildren - in a word - unless your one of the Global Elite - you will never have anything - nothing except a debt - a debt to the Global Elite.

>>>>>> Is anyone aware that the Federal Reserve Bank is actually a privately owned bank - and now the US tax payer is responsible for a national debt on $18 Trillion Dollars - or something like that anyway - as I can no-longer keep up with the actualy number anymore.

>>>>>> Is anyone aware that the Internal Revenue Service is also another Privately owned Corporation -- and that Taxes are illegal - by definition of the US Constitution?

>>>>>> Is anyone aware of N.A.F.T.A. -- and the --- W.T.O. -- and Illegal Immigration?

Ok ok --- so what in the world does this information have to do with the subject -- which is -- "Is it ok to kill Mexicans"?

Well - it is this -- and it is all related.

The Global Elite have forced the American people - the working class as it were, into a new a strange situation. The Global Elite have attempted to destroy the American working class - and the Nation as well- thru the use of Illegal Mexicans - driving the US into massive Debt - while shifting the markets to other nations abroad.

What are the ILLEGAL MEXICANS -- I mean thru the eyes of the Global Elite?

These sub-humans are nothing more than a DUMB-ANIMAL - a sub-culture that is to be used by the elite - such as a pawn - so the Elite can accomplsh their goals - the goal being -- Total Ownership of everything - the people, housing, food, water -- excedra.

White America -- """Is IT OK TO KILL MEXICANS""?

I tell you this -- its not only ok -- its now a matter of survival -- but killing Mexicans is only a small part of the REAL KILLING NEEDS.. I'm very sure you know what other ORGANIZATION must be delt with - if you as WHITE AMERICANS expect to have a nice long life - to be healthy, free, and happily contented.

>>>>>> A message to the Mexicans reading this --- You see whats taking place in the US -- and you know what wrongs you have done -- you also kknow that white America is not responsible for you - that you are responsible for Mexico are your national life - that if you as a mexican want a better life - you must take the Mexican Government on -- head on - and do not ask White America for anything.

Mexicans -- are you a bunch of cowards - can you not take care of yourselves?

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 11, 2012 04:16PM

To Mexicans:
Mexicans -- you had better read this note - and take the message seriously - a literal statement.

The US is Broke -- and you - the Illegal Mexican are directly in the way - keeping white american from achieving a decent life.

Mexican - you had better pack your bags and head for good-ole mekico - no joke - time is getting short - get out while you can....

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Wilbur Tucker ()
Date: March 11, 2012 04:37PM

For better or worse, they're already doing it to themselves. More than 40,000 dead in the last 5 years in the drug wars. CBS puts the current number at 47,000. See http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57357503/mexican-drug-war-toll-47500-killed-in-5-years/ That's approaching the number of dead from the U.S. in Vietnam,

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 12, 2012 01:31PM

Wilbur Tucker Wrote:
> For better or worse, they're already doing it to
> themselves. More than 40,000 dead in the last 5
> years in the drug wars. CBS puts the current
> number at 47,000. See
> http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-202_162-57357503/mexic
> an-drug-war-toll-47500-killed-in-5-years/ That's
> approaching the number of dead from the U.S. in
> Vietnam,

Yes - thats a great reply - and a true look - thank you for the input.

I suppose we all see things abit different - and thats fine - it should be such.

As far as myself - how I personally see the Mexican Question - well, its this really.

The world consistes of different races, ethinic cultures, religious orders - excedra! What one nation is and consists of is fine - just as long as it doesn't affect my nation - yes - the United States of America.

The Mexican - more specified - The ILLEGAL MEXICAN and all of the Anchor Babies - well, in my opinion - they are both criminals - beings that have enetered the United States ILLEGALLY - which makes them an un-wanted criminal, a criminal that uses our nation and our people - bringing with them un-told horrors: such as drug crime, thefts, murders, ghettos - and the building of a huge national debt - a debt that has now destroyed the WHITE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS.

You see: if the mexicans were in mexico - doing what mexicans do - I would-not even have a comment - positive or negative -- Moreover: I would be completely nuetral about mexicans. BUT - THAT IS NOT THE CASE IS IT?

Mexico is like a tick or a flea - a parasite that has attached itself to our nation and our people - its time to take care of the Bleeding once and for all.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Davie ()
Date: March 24, 2012 01:07AM

I live about 30 miles from those dirty smelly Bastards and if you kill one, the whole Clan of them will cross the River which is really a creek down here in El Paso Tx and a clan of them can number in the hundreds! SERIOUS as a heart attack! Kill one get hundreds. Their like Cockroaches, turn on a street light at night they all run for a dark place!! So please dont give them a reason to come over! Thanks.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: March 24, 2012 03:24PM

Hello Davis

Ya - I know mexico is a problem - perhaps one day mexico will be delt with.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Mickey James ()
Date: April 23, 2012 07:05PM

Hello White America:
Have you folks had enough of the Illegal Wet-Back yet.

It ain't no crime if you don't get caught!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Jeffrey Phillips ()
Date: July 18, 2012 06:12PM

It's always okay to kill any Mexican. Remember, they are not Latino, so no matter how many you kill there will always be far more than you can deal with! And then behind them is an army of Latino's; sort of like Mexicans, but, they don't smell as bad.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: The Man Of The Gettoh ()
Date: August 20, 2013 08:45PM

This is way to funny oh man its more funny then racist and im a mexican but i dont give a shit its to fucking funny this made my day especially the part where the guy said to have protection because they will explode beans.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: aryen ()
Date: September 21, 2013 01:48PM

yeah damn right now come and try you will be given a full mag of 5.56 projectiles first

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: tnasti ()
Date: November 26, 2013 03:45PM

They are like dirty roaches. hense the reason every Mexican has roaches infested in there taco hit. U need raid to kill them off. put it in a burrito. Bam problem solved

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: tnasti ()
Date: November 26, 2013 04:10PM

They don't even bring over good weed either it's all trash schwag. At least try to redeem yourself by smuggling trucks of dro in. Fukn border patrol dosent do shit but put a drop in the bucket of the problem.
This is a warning to you Mexicans reading this. Us whites are tired and feed up. This isn't a game.
Get out now while you have your life. Fyi if u kill and immigrant it's so hard to track their name especially if they are Mexican. Try to do anything in that country with paper work and English bahaha yearight. So you know us whites have started a race

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Gabereal ()
Date: July 11, 2014 03:54PM

tres. tres is 3 in spanish... not trace

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: no puedo caminar ()
Date: July 21, 2014 12:50AM

It should be okay to have a nation that is so generous that it accepted the worlds dogshit. And not have that dogshit complain that they arent getting things that it took human beings millenia to earn through blood and sweat

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Liebknecht ()
Date: September 13, 2014 12:14AM

If the Mexicans would stay in Mexico I would leave them alone. But I think any who cross the border into the USA should be dealt with. I support placing fences, land mines, and death squads along the border. This will happen when we have White Power in the USA. It will happen because at some point whites will realize they must fight for their common survival against the non-white hordes. Of course the blacks are chimp-for-chimp the worst danger but they are far outnumbered by the Mexicans. Once we crush the Mexican invaders we can easily deal with the chimps and other non-white subhumans.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: David4069 ()
Date: September 18, 2014 08:54PM

I'm so sick of these unbelievably stupid fucking lowlifes. They become ten times as stupid when it gets close to spic pride month. Stupid Obama going out of his way to coddle the illegals who are leaching off our tax dollars only emboldens these subhumans. If they were worth a damn, they would better themselves instead of breeding like stupid rabbits (which we get to pay for). Of course, that would mean going to college, which they won't do unless someone else pays for it (give me an example of a spic working his way through college). Just keep pissing off real Americans, you retards, see what happens. You just might spark a race war in this country. Too many of you are begging for some retroactive operation wetback.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Colt ()
Date: November 22, 2014 10:09PM

It doesn't matter who was here first you filthy savage, you lost, meaning you stupid ass monkeys had your butts handed to you. You breed like rapid rats, you are some of the stupidest most illiterate scum on earth, you live in chaos, you have no respect for anyone else, your nasty diseases are infecting this nation, and basically you all need to die. Now, the kicker is there isn't a fucking thing you stupid filthy animals can do about it. We have the numbers, we have the military experience to back it, we have the skills to enforce it, and we are by far orders of magnitude more intelligent than you savages (remember to research how many Nobel Prizes come from Mexico…three). Right now you think that because that Muslim traitor in the White House is kissing your nasty asses you are important. You are actually dead, walking still but very dead. Stupid fucking savage.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Sid ()
Date: January 05, 2015 03:28PM

Your spelling and grammar is terrible, especially your attempt at Spanglish. This is so typical for you filthy animals. But, we won't beat around the yucca plant on this. You weren't "here" first you idiot, there were others. The communities you are squatting in were built by hard working individuals of European heritage; you filthy animals came along for the free handouts. It's also highly likely scum like you illegally came across the border, basically invaded this great country, and your filthy whore of a relative dropped you or someone before you to claim some sort of rights to this country.
Now that your heritage has been established, I hope you are capable of keeping up with the more difficult words here. What really needs to happen is loyal Americans need to implement a "final solution" as it might be said. Oh yes, the liberal sissies and your kind will claim all sorts of racial improprieties have been violated with this memo, but it's really too late for you and your kind. You savages are far too lazy, incredibly stupid, reliant on government handouts, and basically the biggest group of crybaby pussies out there. You won't be able to stop what is going to happen to you, your kind, and the stupid sissy liberals that somehow feel guilty for something. I know you feel empowered and entitled the last few years, but thats going to end pretty soon. We can only take so much, and we have taken enough long ago. Good luck asshole, your going to need it.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: poop ()
Date: February 11, 2015 10:30AM

is it okay to poop on a dead mexican

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Better than you ()
Date: August 27, 2015 08:59PM

First off the "derogatory" term cracker came to light for white people due to the whip crack the African slave would here and feel when it got out of line, thus creating the term cracker, So unlike spick "you" or nigger I personally take no offense to that term. Now back to your statement, I know you people feel some entitlement and pride for your people however the Mexican was created by the Spanish from "Spain" rapping the natives of Mexico aka Maya, thus creating you a filthy little rape baby that does not even know his own histery.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: krackershater ()
Date: September 02, 2015 12:01PM

All we need is 5 more bin ladin to fuck this americans... Hahaha.. White trash Bitch es

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Pedro Gonzales ()
Date: October 19, 2015 01:50PM

Thats not very nice. we are all people and we all require the same care. for you to think this way is very closed minded of you, and you can all burn in the deepest pits of hell.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm12321231 ()
Date: October 19, 2015 03:41PM

I dunno...but you should take tips from nefarious local contractor. If anything, he's damned good at it.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: wackawacka ()
Date: October 19, 2015 04:02PM

it's only ok if you impregnate a female mexican and pay for the abortion of your love baby. Any other way is wrong and you will go to jail.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: t9i30te ()
Date: October 21, 2015 06:38PM

No need to kill them. There is a local contractor who loves to hire them, just send them all to him for a great job.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Date: February 02, 2016 10:17AM

Last Klan meeting I was at, we discussed ways to kill illegals before they took our jobs. We discussed some wonderful ways and had a brilliant guest speaker, Pill Cosby. On a side note, I've decided to reveal my true identity. No one has ever seen me without my mask. My real name is Pablo and I crossed the border illegally in 1987. I'm sorry to my fellow Klan members, but I have betrayed you. I love you all. No homo. PS: me and dave had intense intercourse in the shower room. So... do with that what you will. Cosby 4 prez 2016 ALLAHU AKBAR

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: jose227ganggangsaucytang ()
Date: March 21, 2016 03:08PM

Man FUCK all yall white ass american wannabes. Yall stankin, no rhythm havin, bastin the turkey with water, heroin addicted asses need to take that shit elsewhere. You aint good for shit but bein racist and fuckin shit up. Talm bout "go back to mexico", tf?! You cracker bitches aint even originate from here. Yall just need to take yall starbucks, uggs boots, and iphones and gon head back to europe. Smellin like booty and bologna. I bet yall all waitin for trump to win. WE DONT GIVE NO FUCK!! Anybody can take him out AS SOON as he get in office FUCK! BDK in this bitch!!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: jose227ganggangsaucytang ()
Date: March 21, 2016 03:12PM

Just so all you MOTHAFUCKAS know, i attended school with Daniel. He has supplied me with all the vans i need to BLOW YALL THE FUCK BACK with my mexican corn. GANG GANG SAUCY TANG BDK!!! YALL CANT TOUCH ME FUCK!!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: jose227ganggangsaucytang ()
Date: March 21, 2016 03:15PM

OF COURSE it's okay to poop on a dead Mexican. It's okay to poop on any dead body. Except at a funeral. However, after the ceremony is over, feel free to poop away. 'MURICA! GANG GANG SAUCY TANG BDK!!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Trump Bump ()
Date: March 30, 2016 04:33PM

Yes very okay to kill Mexicans and all other forms of Spic

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: SnowWhite ()
Date: May 23, 2016 09:57PM

Let's kill them all. They invade , infect , and infest! Exterminate them please !!!

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: gabecucalon010 ()
Date: September 22, 2016 09:26AM

Fuck niggers

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Big carmine ()
Date: November 11, 2016 11:45AM

Ill help you kill every last one of these fucjing no good dirty pieces of shit ill dismember them for you and send them back to there 3rd world shitholes fuck them ill kill them all

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Proud Democrat ()
Date: November 11, 2016 11:46AM


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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Uncle sam ()
Date: January 31, 2017 10:01AM

Remember the Alamo? Its payback time faggot

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: 6v4vj ()
Date: January 31, 2017 10:57AM

El Salvadoreans are the worst.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Wetback Hunter ()
Date: April 17, 2017 10:17AM

Several Mexican shits that got a free ride to my Ivy League college are now in jail. One for rape and one as an accessory to Murder.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Jorge Mendoza ()
Date: April 17, 2017 10:23AM

It's not very nice of you to covet your neighbor's possessions. Fix your own country. Fucking Spic asshole.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Carlos Negrito ()
Date: April 17, 2017 10:26AM

That was awesome! Let the cleansing begin.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Sdub ()
Date: June 22, 2017 11:26AM

Bleach em white like we did the rice and make a better railroad

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: YUY, ()
Date: June 24, 2017 01:35AM

No, don't kill them, just send them to that contractor we keep hearing about for their next part-time job.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: HUNCHO ()
Date: October 04, 2017 05:35PM


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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: perANGEL ()
Date: December 15, 2017 01:48AM

remember white white people and rednick and hillbilly ,people don't understand other people and races, that why they rape and beat, there woman and children. And kill each other , lie and steal and robbed each other . Don't believe in Jesus Christ and don't know about the three souls, one is the save soul, two is the lost soul and the evil thing can get in there minds , like ugly evil hate racism is a sin that Your soul will burn in hell, we be waiting for you.ha ha haha!!!! And the three soul is a person that sales there soul. Deal is a Deal, we will be waiting for you. In hell. Ha ha ha ha .!!!! White people and rednick , think it's okay of racism and hate, because they are rises that way and getting tick by this thing that lives in hell!! To get there souls, young or old,hahahahaha!!!! Will be waiting!!!! We got you!!! Because hell!! Like ugly evil hate racism.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: December 15, 2017 06:04AM

perANGEL Wrote:
> remember white white people and rednick and
> hillbilly ,people don't understand other people
> and races, that why they rape and beat, there
> woman and children. And kill each other , lie
> and steal and robbed each other . Don't believe
> in Jesus Christ and don't know about the three
> souls, one is the save soul, two is the lost soul
> and the evil thing can get in there minds , like
> ugly evil hate racism is a sin that Your soul will
> burn in hell, we be waiting for you.ha ha haha!!!!
> And the three soul is a person that sales there
> soul. Deal is a Deal, we will be waiting for you.
> In hell. Ha ha ha ha .!!!! White people and
> rednick , think it's okay of racism and hate,
> because they are rises that way and getting tick
> by this thing that lives in hell!! To get there
> souls, young or old,hahahahaha!!!! Will be
> waiting!!!! We got you!!! Because hell!! Like
> ugly evil hate racism.

Your silly rant not only exposes your own racism , but the fact that you still can't speak English very well.

Whatever third world shithole you emerged from, you should go back and master English before returning to the US.

And stay away from the "rednicks" lololololol

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: Straight Facts ()
Date: December 15, 2017 06:18AM

It's not not okay.

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Re: Is it okay to kill mexicans?
Posted by: N1GG3R514Y3R ()
Date: February 20, 2018 06:44PM

Kill yourself, stupid wetback.

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