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Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: October 22, 2014 05:50PM

This libtard thinks so:


Conservative blogs are giving him a ton of shit over his statements that non-Whites don't like buildings with symmetry, arched windows, stone walls, et certera. But I think there's some truth to what he wrote.

Based on my extensive travel around the world, I've noticed that there are indeed very distinct differences between racial groups with how they prefer to design their dwellings.

And the obsession with the aesthetics of a civilization itself seems to be a very White characteristic. When I took architecture courses in college, the seats were almost exclusively filled with Whites.

What I really found noteworthy about his article was his acknowledgement that White people are now only about 50% of the population of Denver. This is a rapidly growing trend across America and the larger White Western world.

How many times have you traveled to Asia, the Middle East or Africa and seen the majority population being racial minorities all across their largest cities?

This demographic jihad against White Westerners needs to be immeditaley stopped and reversed before there's no more White majorities in any major city in the Western world by the end of this century.

Liberal race traitors like Ray Mark Rinaldi openly despise their own race and celebrate the demographic decline of White people. He even freely acknowledged that Denver's Union Station is now thriving thanks to the renovations and its mostly White visitors.

Sociological studies have also proven that racially homogenous White societies tend to be financially successful, safe and generally happier than racially diverse societies.


Science has spoken: White people simply don't need non-Whites in order to thrive.

But that doesn't matter to pathologically self-loathing progressives like Rinaldi. What mostly matters to D-Baggers like him is that White people need to experience forced diversity and become a gradually shrinking demographic minority wherever they go.

This type of suicidal thinking obviously needs to be completely eradicated before it's too late for our race. Amongst no other racial group do you see this same kind of widespread genocidal self-hatred.

Long live racist, White Supremacist architecture and the racial segregation that it fosters. It's obvioyusly superior to the primitive architecture of other races and the depressing eyesore that is modern architecture.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: yKbxD ()
Date: October 22, 2014 05:59PM

It is amazing you are not dating......Really $%^&* amazing....Perhaps when you get to prison, the head of the Aryan Nation gang will make you his bitch.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Frank Lloyd Right ()
Date: October 22, 2014 06:00PM

I see your Atic was designed with no power, no lights, no oxygen, all right angles and a vent that blows excessive amounts of hot air.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: October 22, 2014 06:46PM

Also of note was his brief acknowledgement that Leftists view the "public sector" (i.e., the government sector) as the ideal trojan horse for forcing diversity down White people's throats.

That's one of the major reasons why the Left foams at the mouth whenever anybody tries to reduce government spending.

And that's one of the reasons why they're always accusing small government right-wingers of being crypto-racists.

Their irrational rage-filled response to clearly needed spending cuts reveals their not-so-hidden goals for the endless expansion of the public sector - their underlying communist ideology and their desire to redistribute White wealth to non-Whites, women and other so-called "protected groups".

And once again, they're partially right. One of the main reasons that the White Right opposses big government is because subciously they know that they're basically being used as piggy banks and tax slaves by the Left.

Deep down they know that bigger government doesn't benefit them because they're being classified as privileged oppressors that deserve to be systematically discriminated against and demonized.

They simply don't want to give their money away to non-Whites. But rather than acknowledge that obvious truth, they instead mentally hide behind more socially acceptable mainstream conservative rhetoric about self-reliance, work ethic and opposition to Marxism.

And that's why virtually all Republicans, conservatives and libertarians are White. But to people who pay attention to race - like the anti-White Left and the much smaller number of pro-White right-wingers like me - it's so obvious what's really going on here.

White people who get alienated by the Left's communist ideology, and their open hatred for the White race, drift towards right-wing movements because it allows them to oppose the Left's agenda of making Whites minorities and redistributing White wealth to non-Whites without joining an openly racist movement like the KKK.

But once these alienated White voters realize that mainstream right-wing movements tend to be retarded with their irrational opposition to all forms of government spending and power; and little better than the Left when it comes to issues related to race like support for mass non-White immigration, affirmative action and racial egalitarian ideology in general; they then become fertile ground for the spread of far-right, racist ideology.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: October 22, 2014 07:05PM

TL;DR: Basically, White right-wingers saying that they support the U.S. Constitution is a politically correct way of saying that they support traditional White America. Likewise, White conservatives saying that they oppose big government is a politically correct way of saying that they don't want to give their money away to darkies. They essentially want to hold on to White America without being socially ostracized for doing so. The Left knows this. They also know that White racism is the greatest modern sin; which is why they're constantly calling right-wingers racists in order to beat them into submission.

As long as White conservatives continue to pursue this spineless and pathetic tactic of pretending not to be racists, they'll never have the internal unity needed to ensure that pro-White policies get implemented.

White conservatives also need to realize that the Leftist tactic of calling all right-wing opposition racist will only work as long as White people continue to care about whether or not they're viewed as bigots.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: The Taj Mahal... ()
Date: October 22, 2014 07:09PM

Curves, symmetry, windows, stone...

OP = Fail.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: October 22, 2014 08:19PM

At the very least, White people from every polical background need to come to the agreement that self-preservation isn't evil. Because if the current powers that be get their way, White people will indeed become racial minorities all across the Western world this century. The mass non-White immigration, affirmative action and forced diversity madness needs to come to an end.

So does the self-hatred that has infected the White race over the last few decades. Self-criticism is a healthy thing. It's a very White characteristic and it's part of the reason why we're more advanced than brown and black people. But it's clearly gotten to an unhealthy level these days.

White conservatives also need to finally realize that they're never going to win a majority of non-White voters. Rather than going along with policies that harm White people in order to appeal to non-White voters and to avoid being viewed as racists, they need to come to grips with the fact not a single right-wing party across the entire Western world has won a majority of non-White voters.

Brown and black people simply aren't interested in economic conservatism. Without the government sector and affirmative action, there'd be no brown and black middle class. And without government handouts, brown and black people would be living like the 3rd world savages do back in their native countries. That's why Rand Paul's retarded "economic freedom zones" have absolutely no appeal to brown and black voters.

Brown and black people might have low-IQs, but they're still smart enough to recognize the obvious: left-wing political parties are the communist screw over White people parties and right-wing parties are the racist and nativist parties.

They also know that their racial groups are incapable of competent self-governance and development. Therefore, the most logical way to increase their standard of living is to support communist, anti-White political movements.

Non-Whites are clearly voting along racial lines and are openly and proudly advancing their own racial interests at the expense of White interests.

In response, White conservative movements need to start openly appealing to White people based on their racial interests and then actually implementing their campaign promises once they're in power - if merely as a form of self-defense. That's the only chance they have of remaining relevant and not getting screwed over by the Leftist coalition of White communist race traitors and their growing hordes of non-White minions.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: it is ()
Date: October 22, 2014 08:40PM

Architecture can be very racist. Look at the white house. Made for white people. The capital is white too. Washington monument, Lincoln and Jefferson memorials. I could go on and on. Proving there is no room for a black man in this country. Brother Obama needs to get stepping and paint that house black

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Whitey White ()
Date: October 22, 2014 08:51PM

White House was formerly called the Executive Mansion, much like how in most states the governor's official residence is referred to as the Governor's Mansion.

Giving in to rising populism at the time, much like the bully Progressivism of today, Teddy Roosevelt renamed the President's home The White House. The name stems from the color of the building, not that of it's occupant. It has also been referred at times as the President's Palace and the President's House.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: libs hate North America. ()
Date: October 22, 2014 08:56PM

Interesting. Here's an example of African architecture. Very different. Such an earthy feel.
unnamed (12).jpg

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Henro ()
Date: October 23, 2014 10:46AM

First step to recovery is admitting that YOU have a problem.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: jungle boogie ()
Date: October 23, 2014 11:33AM

I know where you learned that henro. Though it may be better left unmentioned

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Henro ()
Date: October 23, 2014 11:55AM

I saw the 5515 post and I am curious.
Class of 83 here JB.

Please be cautious on this forum with personal info.


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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: jungle boogie ()
Date: October 23, 2014 12:02PM

I just mentioned that place on the other post to make a bigger point. I'm the guy who was on first phase the longest, and in there the longest, and escaped the most times. You can probably figure me from that. I usually leave it alone because thinking too much about it is very unhealthy for me. Hope all is well with you

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: Henro ()
Date: October 23, 2014 12:51PM

Dam I thought I was on 1st the longest, seemend that way I guess.
Lets see
You lived in Turo by the pool
your sis was also in program
you were the sit up champ

All is good.
Alive and kickin'is better than dead and stinkin'.

PM Me.

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Re: Is architecture racist?
Posted by: jungle boogie ()
Date: October 23, 2014 01:08PM

I was the blonde haired skinny kid with glasses. Far from being any champ physically. Lived in the townhouses at the corner of guinea and Braddock. I was kind of a dumbass. Initials b m.
Every time I recall trying to strangle an old woodson friend of yours in there named m.k. , I remember how I got the idea from seeing you do it to a c.w. lol

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