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17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: April 02, 2014 12:46AM


That's what happened to 17-year-old Kwasi Enin of Shirley, N.Y.

Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Princeton, the University of Pennsylvania and Yale have all asked Kwasi to be part of their class of 2018.


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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Dexter Morgan ()
Date: April 02, 2014 12:49AM

This nigga...lol haha good for him though!

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: April 02, 2014 03:53AM

Holy shit! This is a momentous occasion! Dexter actually left a post unedited....

Three cheers, y'all

Signatures are for fags

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: dr. king ()
Date: April 02, 2014 04:09AM

Dexter Morgan Wrote:
> This nigga...lol haha good for him though!

That's very offensive.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Dexter Morgan ()
Date: April 02, 2014 04:59AM


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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: April 02, 2014 04:59AM

Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> Holy shit! This is a momentous occasion! Dexter
> actually left a post unedited....
> Three cheers, y'all

Harry, keep your troll warfare out of legitimate threads. Please refrain from posting in non-Misery threads until you learn how to be a productive, contributing, mature member of this site.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: April 02, 2014 05:10AM

Legitimate threads? You all but had your white hood on when you posted this despicable thread...

Notice the stark lack of commentary...

Why were you withholding your opinion on this matter, eesh? What kind of responses were you hoping to receive in this thread?

eesh Wrote:
> Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Holy shit! This is a momentous occasion! Dexter
> > actually left a post unedited....
> >
> >
> > Three cheers, y'all

> Harry, keep your troll warfare out of legitimate
> threads. Please refrain from posting in non-Misery
> threads until you learn how to be a productive,
> contributing, mature member of this site.

Signatures are for fags

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: April 02, 2014 05:14AM

I take my leave of you Harry Tuttle, as your unwillingness to grow and mature disgusts even someone as tolerant and accommodating as myself.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2014 05:14AM by eesh.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Dexter Morgan ()
Date: April 02, 2014 05:15AM

Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> Holy shit! This is a momentous occasion! Dexter
> actually left a post unedited....
> Three cheers, y'all

You thought I was gonna edit that post because of this post you posted!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2014 05:16AM by Dexter Morgan.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: April 02, 2014 05:15AM

Edit: To: eesh

That's a nice line...

Tell you what... I'll leave this "productive" thread alone for 48 hours... we'll see what kind of responses it gets...

So far, it's off to a good start.


Edit: To: Dexter

Nah, I just wanted to say, "hi"...


Signatures are for fags

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2014 05:16AM by Harry Tuttle.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Dexter Morgan ()
Date: April 02, 2014 05:18AM

That was rude, simpy

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Joememofren1486 ()
Date: April 02, 2014 08:43PM

white people, stop playing x box and start reading and studying

shots fired

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: JamesEarlRay ()
Date: April 02, 2014 08:57PM

dr. king Wrote:
> Dexter Morgan Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This nigga...lol haha good for him though!
> That's very offensive.

Fuck you, Marty...go cheat on your wife.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 02, 2014 09:05PM

I like how you morons are like "Wow, a smart black person. Take that racists!1" when this story proves exactly the opposite point. It's yet another reminder that niggers complaining about being oppressed are completely full of shit. Modern White Western society is bending over backwards to lift them up but have largely failed to do so because their degenerate genes are too damn heavy.

He didn't even graduate at the top of class or get perfect SAT scores. He graduated near the top of his class at a mediocre high school and got relatively high SAT scores for a black person. Whites with perfect SAT scores routinely get rejected from top Ive League schools. So, if anything, this is yet another example of black privilege and racist systematic discrimination against White people.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Please... ()
Date: April 02, 2014 09:42PM

^ He's in the 99th percentile on the SAT. I'd call that more than 'relatively high scores for a black person'. Kills you, doesn't it.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Jen Money ()
Date: April 02, 2014 09:48PM

Good for him! Although I have never liked the sports coat and jeans combo.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 02, 2014 09:59PM

For black people maybe. I seriously doubt that he's in the 99th percentile nationwide.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: best buds I see ()
Date: April 02, 2014 10:15PM

Harry Tuttle Wrote:
> Edit: To: eesh
> That's a nice line...
> Tell you what... I'll leave this "productive"
> thread alone for 48 hours... we'll see what kind
> of responses it gets...
> So far, it's off to a good start.
> Toodles...
> Edit: To: Dexter
> Nah, I just wanted to say, "hi"...

so you are guys are best of buds now I see. i see how it is

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 02, 2014 10:18PM

Yep, I was right. The taxpayer-funded Leftist propagandists at NPR are inflating his academic credentials in order to cover up a clear case of racist affirmative action and black privilege.

Here's a more accurate description of his academic rankings:


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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: April 02, 2014 10:25PM

Alright Yuckz, I'm missing this....

99th percentile for African Americans....

What is his percentile for ALL students?

That HS is in a really shitty part of LI, if it makes anyone feel better/worse.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: April 02, 2014 10:32PM

It would be interesting to see a "where are they now" show for people like this. Wait a few years and see how he did in college.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Ivy Calvin ()
Date: April 03, 2014 02:25AM

Hopefully he gets a carton of Newports for his signing bonus.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: WjnKY ()
Date: April 03, 2014 07:12PM

hey if your going to fake being smart at least pick the right books at the book store (owned by someone very tight on the inside, there is no bid for who gets the book money do you think)

you recognize those books don't you? art / lit.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: 6Fe3c ()
Date: April 03, 2014 07:14PM

they will take anybody who signs loan papers or who can pay

it will be tough getting literature that no one has already to sell

maybe some polititians need a ghost writer they usually do

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Really real reality ()
Date: April 03, 2014 07:52PM

The title should read:

"Ivy League schools desperate for qualified black male students to help pump their diversity reports"

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 04, 2014 07:31AM

Lulz. They libtard media even lied about both of his parents being doctors.


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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: April 04, 2014 03:42PM

Groucho Marx...

"Please accept my resignation. I don’t care to belong to any club that will have me as a member".

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh is a racist ()
Date: April 04, 2014 05:42PM

eesh got the racist comments he was fishing for.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: April 04, 2014 05:49PM

I'd bet every dime I had that the OP did not finish college, not even community college.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Date: April 04, 2014 10:09PM

Rockhound Wrote:
> I'd bet every dime I had that the OP did not
> finish college, not even community college.

LOL Soooooooooo true. I bet he didn't even finish high school, so why the fuck does he pretend to be in college?

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: April 04, 2014 10:18PM

I'm usually on the optimistic side, but if you haven't gotten your degree by 30 years old, you may as well give up because the employers probably already have.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Date: April 04, 2014 10:41PM

Rockhound Wrote:
> I'm usually on the optimistic side, but if you
> haven't gotten your degree by 30 years old, you
> may as well give up because the employers probably
> already have.

LOL Oh snap. Eesh is always bragging about how working on his MHA is going to land him a job. What a loser.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Fact Checker. ()
Date: April 05, 2014 11:59AM

WingNut Wrote:
> Alright Yuckz, I'm missing this....
> 99th percentile for African Americans....
> What is his percentile for ALL students?
> That HS is in a really shitty part of LI, if it
> makes anyone feel better/worse.

He scored 2250 out of 2400, which is still 98th percentile, and graduated 11th out of a class of 647.

However, 98th percentile is really not Ivy League material: they have HUNDREDS of applicants every year who finish at the top of their class and have perfect or near-perfect SAT scores. There are two ways to get into an Ivy League school if you're not an academic superstar. One is to be a legacy applicant. The other is to be a member of a government-approved minority.*

Because Shirley, New York is 88% white, it's a reasonable inference that the 10 other kids who finished with a higher class ranking and who were NOT admitted to 8 Ivy League schools likely suffered from the "handicap" of being white or Asian.

*Remember that Asians are a TINY minority in this country at 4.8% of the population, or a little more than a third of the 12.6% percent of the population that is Black and less than a third of the 16.4% of Americans who are Hispanic.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 05, 2014 02:08PM

Libtards need to start being honest about affirmative action. It isn't too offset White racist oppression. If that were the case, then why would Gaysians also be discriminated against when in comes to college admissions? As the poster above me stated, they're one of the smallest racial minorities in the USA.

D Baggers can't bring themselves to openly admit the obvious: spics and niggers are inherently mentally inferior to Whites and Northeast Asians. That's the real reason why mud people need affirmative action. Without affirmative action, government sector jobs and government handouts, brown and black people would be living just like the 3rd world savages in their native countries. That's the ugly truth that everyone knows but is terrified of acknowledging...

If "progressives" admitted that there's genetically inherited intellectual gaps between the races, then wouldn't the KKK, Nazis, eugenicists, segregationists and other evil racists be vindicated? Indeed they would...

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: April 05, 2014 02:47PM

Fact Checker. Wrote:
> One is to be a legacy
> applicant.

I knew someone that got into Georgetown this way. She was dumb as rocks too.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: someold ()
Date: April 05, 2014 03:11PM

Where's the picture with him making the stupid pyramid with his hands?

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: poorboy ()
Date: April 05, 2014 03:21PM

Studies have shown that the group of people lest likely to marry are the underclass who made it to the top. The rich still actually want nothing to do with them and they think that they are way too good for anyone else. The people in their leaque are always trying to suck elite cock as well and the two can never form a true, loving bond as well.

Liken it to the poor girl who becomes an "elite" prostitute. She has ruined herself from ever relating to, respecting or loving men from her station and the rich just used her as a piece of meat.

They do all the dirty work the elite don't want and the elites wives don't want and end up lonely, fitting in nowhere...

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: ken ()
Date: April 05, 2014 06:24PM

I read through all of the posts here and frankly I see a lot of jealousy in most posts. Seriously is being white that bad that you can't celebrate years of oppression being over come by blacks? If he were white would your jealousy be so obvious? Stop showing your true colors of inferiority, greed and hatred and get off your racists asses and embrace your forefathers hate that is now coming home to roost!!

P.s show your daughters what a MAN looks like so she can stop seeking a MANDIKA WORRIOR.

Happy to see white people finally feel the sting of being left out...lol

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: April 06, 2014 02:18AM

^Yet more proof that libtards openly hate White people. They view all Whites as evil oppressors and always will. Even the ones of Eastern European descent who pretty much never owned non-White slaves and never had global empires.

They're happy when White people get mugged, raped and murdered by non-Whites. Just like how environmentalists are giddy when wild animals attack we evil human encroachers.

And of course they always have a big smirk on their face when Whites are systematically discriminated against. They truly believe that Whites deserve it.

That's why they oppose the death penalty and want to reform our criminal justice system to be more like Scandinavia where the criminal justice system focuses almost entirely on rehabilitation and views punishing criminals as unjust, backwards and barbaric.

That's also why they support big government and Marxism since they want to tax Whites out of their ill-gotten wealth and spread it to non-Whites both domestically and globally.

And of course libtards ultimately want to eradicate the White race through mass non-White immigration to White countries, encouraging low birth rates amongst Whites and miscegenation.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 06, 2014 04:30AM

I knew a white kid who scored perfect SAT's.

She accidentally checked the "mixed, non-white" race box... despite repeated advice to never check a race box, since skin color is bullshit meaningless.

Schools offered full scholarships, gifts, trips with perks to visit the campus. Personal "minority" advisers were calling.

They were giddy; they stumbled over their limited vocabulary and kissed her ass........... until she told them she was white.

The cheerful advisers disappeared and the fakes of modern academia skulked back into their barren world of nothingness.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: April 06, 2014 06:45AM

Alias Wrote:
> I knew a white kid who scored perfect SAT's.
> She accidentally checked the "mixed, non-white"
> race box... despite repeated advice to never check
> a race box, since skin color is bullshit
> meaningless.

She sounds like a real bright kid...

> Schools offered full scholarships, gifts, trips
> with perks to visit the campus. Personal
> "minority" advisers were calling.

What are personal "minority" advisors?

> They were giddy; they stumbled over their limited
> vocabulary and kissed her ass........... until she
> told them she was white.

Did they ask why she marked the wrong box?

> The cheerful advisers disappeared and the fakes of
> modern academia skulked back into their barren
> world of nothingness.

So, she didn't get accepted anywhere?

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: April 06, 2014 06:51AM

Yucky24. Wrote:
> ^Yet more proof that libtards openly hate White
> people. They view all Whites as evil oppressors
> and always will. Even the ones of Eastern European
> descent who pretty much never owned non-White
> slaves and never had global empires.
> They're happy when White people get mugged, raped
> and murdered by non-Whites. Just like how
> environmentalists are giddy when wild animals
> attack we evil human encroachers

Yucky, you base your opinions of the world off of random posts made on a troll's nest like FFU? Lol...

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Jdkjfhj ()
Date: April 06, 2014 07:20AM

I went to TJ. Then I went to an Ivy. I'm not black. There were two African American ladies in my intro Linear Algebra class freshman year. How they got into an Ivy was obvious. They are eblack. What they were doing in Linear Algebra 101 wasn't a mystery either. It's part of the core curriculum for the engineering school. The real mystery was why were two young African American ladies with an 8th grade math and vocabulary skills studying engineering at a top Ivy engineering school. What's the point?? That is the real mystery. They weren't going to build any bridges afterwards that's for sure. They just sat through the engineering school chitchatting and cracking jokes at each other. I never did see them again after freshman year, but what was the point to begin with?? Did it absolve white guilt????

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eLester ()
Date: April 06, 2014 11:33AM

The mystery isn't how they got in. It's how they all get straight A's in Ivy league schools regardless. I've met some Ivies that are dumb as bricks.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: April 07, 2014 02:58AM

Rockhound Wrote:

> What are personal "minority" advisors?

Who knows? A recruiter for minority students?

> Did they ask why she marked the wrong box?

Nope. The "minority" adviser simply stopped calling.

> So, she didn't get accepted anywhere?

That's right, Rockhound. No school would take her and now she's poor and living in a cardboard box in a subway station with drug addicts and bums.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Ufuduuv ()
Date: April 07, 2014 04:41AM

When you go to an Ivy, you don't just go there with Americans. You go
there with Singapore scholarship students on a full ride from the Singapore government. These scholarship students promised to work for the Sg government afterwards. Today, Singapore has more millionaires and a higher GDP per capita than the USA. Meanwhile, we send unqualified minorities to our best schools.
We really have to talk about how affirmative action harms our global competitiveness and makes America dumber. Go to Europe , they don't have any of this affirmative action nonsense. Their minorities have to earn their success. Meet a successful black man in Europe (yes, there are many) and he's probably the smartest person you ever met. Wasn't MLK's dream a color blind society??? It's certainly not this bullshit.

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Humble Servant ()
Date: April 07, 2014 04:54AM


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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: May 02, 2014 07:21AM

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: ZoomZoom ()
Date: May 02, 2014 10:30AM

Good for him but I bet he sucks at B ball

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Re: 17 year old Accepted to all 8 Ivy League Colleges
Posted by: Crunched ()
Date: May 02, 2014 10:31AM

ZoomZoom Wrote:
> Good for him but I bet he sucks at B ball

....and doesnt speak Ebonics or drink Purple Drank

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