A message for Women... Wrote:
> I left the love of my life because I thought I
> could do better. Now I'm childless and alone at
> 42
> I-left-love-life-I-thought-I-better-Now-Im-childle
> ss-42.html#ixzz2t2R1iSvk
> Laughing and dancing with my fiance at our
> engagement party, I thought I might actually burst
> with happiness.
> Surrounded by our family and friends, I looked at
> Matthew and felt certain I had met the man I was
> going to spend the rest of my life with.
> Quite simply, he was my soulmate.
> It all seemed so simple to my naïve, 19-year-old
> self. I was, I smugly told myself, the girl who
> had it all.
> So why, 20 years later, do I find myself single,
> childless and tormented by the fact that I have
> thrown away the only true chance of happiness I
> ever had?
> Eight years after that wonderful engagement party
> in 1989, I walked away from dear, devoted, loyal
> Matthew, convinced that somewhere out there, a
> better, more exciting, more fulfilling life
> awaited me.
> Only there wasn't.
> Now I am 42 and have all the trappings of success
> - a high-flying career, financial security and a
> home in the heart of London's trendy Notting Hill.
> But I don't have the one thing I crave more than
> anything: a loving husband and family.
> 'My father warned me not to throw this love away.
> But I was sure I'd find Mr Perfect around the
> corner'
> You see, I never did find another man who offered
> everything Matthew did, who understood me and
> loved me like he did. Someone who was my best
> friend as well as my lover.
> Today, seeing friends with their children around
> them tortures me, as I know I am unlikely ever to
> have a family of my own. I think about the times
> Matthew and I talked about having children, even
> discussing the names we would choose. I cannot
> believe I turned my back on so much happiness.
> Instead, here I am back on the singles market,
> looking for the very thing I discarded with barely
> a backward glance all those years ago.
> I know I can't have Matthew back, and it hurts
> when I hear snippets of information about his life
> and how content he is. Fifteen years after I ended
> our relationship, he is happily married.
> At this time of year, so many people will be
> assessing their lives and relationships, wondering
> if the grass is greener on the other side. Many
> will mistake contentment for boredom, forgetting
> to cherish the good things they have. I would urge
> those who are considering walking away from such
> riches to think again.
> How different things would be for me now if only
> I'd listened to Matthew when he pleaded with me
> not to leave him in 1997, tears pouring down his
> face. I was crying too, and it tortured me to
> watch the heart of the man I loved breaking in
> front of me. But I was resolute.
> Let's tryagain!
> Thirty-three per cent of adults said they’d
> reunite with their first love if they could, says
> one study.
> 'One day I might look back and realise I've made
> the biggest mistake of my life,' I told him as we
> clung to each other desperately. How prophetic
> those words have proven to be.
> 'I will always be here for you,' Matthew promised.
> And I, arrogantly, thought that somehow I could
> put him on ice and return to him.
> Matthew and I met when we attended the same
> comprehensive school in Essex. We started dating
> just before Christmas 1987 when I was 17 and
> studying for my A-levels. By that time he had left
> school and was working as a motorcycle courier.
> We got on like a house on fire, and our families
> each supported the relationship. Before long, we
> had fallen in love. Matthew was romantic but
> incredibly practical, something that would later
> come to annoy me. His gifts to me that Christmas
> were a leather jacket - and a pair of thermal
> leggings.
> While she still loved him, Karen began to feel
> embarrassed by Matthew's blue-collar jobs
> Two weeks later, when we'd been seeing each other
> for less than a month, he proposed. We were in my
> little Mini Clubman when he shouted at me to stop
> the car. Scared something was wrong, I braked in
> the middle of traffic and we both jumped out.
> Then, oblivious to the other drivers beeping their
> horns, he got down on one knee in the middle of
> the road. 'I love you, Karen Cross,' he said.
> 'Promise you'll marry me one day.' I laughed and
> said yes, thrilled that he felt the same way that
> I did.
> In the summer of 1989, while out for a romantic
> meal, Matthew proposed properly with a diamond
> solitaire ring. Two months later, we held our
> engagement party for 40 friends and family at the
> little house we were renting at the time.
> The following year, we bought a tiny starter home
> in Grays, Essex, which we moved into with
> furniture we had begged, borrowed and stolen. We
> giggled with delight at the thought of this
> grown-up new life.
> I was in my first junior role at a women's
> magazine and Matthew worked fitting tyres and
> exhausts, so our combined salaries of around
> £15,000 a year meant we struggled to make the
> mortgage payments. But we didn't care, telling
> ourselves that it wouldn't be long before we were
> earning more and able to afford weekly treats and
> a bigger home where we could bring up the babies
> we had planned.
> But then, the housing market crashed and we were
> plunged into negative equity.
> Struggling should have brought us closer together,
> and at first it did. But as time went on, and my
> magazine career - and salary - advanced, I started
> to resent Matthew as he drifted from one dead-end
> job to another.
> Karen stopped appreciating little things he did,
> like leaving romantic notes on the pillow
> I still loved him, but I began to feel embarrassed
> by his blue-collar jobs, annoyed that, despite his
> intelligence, he didn't have a career. Then he
> bought a lurid blue and pink VW Beetle.
> Why couldn't he drive a normal car? Things that
> now seem incredibly insignificant began to
> niggle.
> I began to wish he was more sophisticated and
> earned more. I felt envious of friends with
> better-off partners, who were able to support them
> as they started their families.
> I stopped seeing Matthew as my equal. I stopped
> seeing all the qualities that had made me fall in
> love with him - his fierce intelligence, our
> shared sense of humour, his determination not to
> follow the crowd. Instead, I saw someone who was
> holding me back.
> 'I hated the fact Matthew was suddenly putting
> another woman before me. How dare she come between
> us! Over the next few weeks, I'm ashamed to say I
> vented my spleen at both of them in a series of
> heated phone calls'
> I encouraged him to find a career and was thrilled
> when he was accepted to join the police in 1995.
> It should have heralded a new chapter in our
> lives, but it only hastened the end. We went from
> spending every evening and weekend together, to
> hardly seeing one another. Matthew was doing
> round-the-clock shifts, while I worked long hours
> on the launch of a new magazine.
> Our sex life had dwindled and nights out together
> were rare. I stopped appreciating little things he
> did, like leaving romantic notes on the pillow or
> scouring secondhand bookshops for novels he knew
> I'd love. He was my best friend, yet I took him
> totally for granted.
> After festering for weeks about his shortcomings,
> I told Matthew I was leaving. We spent hours
> talking and crying as he tried to convince me to
> stay, but I was adamant.
> My parents were horrified that I was walking away
> from a man they felt was right for me. My father's
> words to me that day continue to haunt me. 'Karen,
> think carefully about what you're doing. There's a
> lot to be said for someone who truly loves you.'
> But, I refused to listen, convinced there would be
> another, better Mr Right waiting around the
> corner.
> I moved into a rented flat a few miles away in
> Hornchurch, Essex, and embraced single life with a
> vengeance. By now I was an editor on a national
> magazine. Life was one long round of premieres and
> dinner or drinks parties.
> Matthew and I remained close, even telling each
> other about new relationships. But though I'd
> dumped him, I never felt the women he met were
> good enough. I can see now I was acting out of
> jealousy. I clearly wanted to keep him for
> myself.
> Our closeness was, however, called to a halt in
> 2000 when he met his first serious girlfriend
> after me, Sara.
> One night shortly after his 34th birthday, I
> phoned to ask his advice about something.
> Matthew was unusually abrupt and asked me not to
> call him again. 'Please don't send me birthday or
> Christmas cards any more either. Sara opened your
> card last week and was really upset. I have to put
> her feelings first.'
> I hated the fact Matthew was suddenly putting
> another woman before me. How dare she come between
> us! Over the next few weeks, I'm ashamed to say I
> vented my spleen at both of them in a series of
> heated phone calls.
> I was completely irrational. I didn't want Matthew
> back, but felt upstaged by Sara.
> Unsurprisingly, after one particularly nasty
> argument, Matthew put the phone down and refused
> to take any more of my calls. I didn't realise it
> at the time, but I would never speak to him
> again.
> Shortly afterwards, I met Richard. It was a
> whirlwind romance, and within a year we were
> engaged and buying an idyllic farmhouse in the
> Norfolk countryside while I continued my
> journalistic career, commuting to London.
> He was a successful singer and, as we toured the
> country, I thought I had finally found the
> excitement and love that I craved.
> But Matthew was never far from my thoughts, and
> Richard complained that I often brought him into
> conversations, even comparing them both.
> They were so different. Although outwardly
> romantic, Richard was repeatedly unfaithful, and I
> never felt secure enough to start a family with
> him. Eventually, after three-and-a-half years
> together, he walked out, having admitted his
> latest paramour was pregnant by him.
> My life fell apart. Over the next year, I
> struggled to pull myself back together and did a
> lot of soul-searching. I finally understood what
> my father had meant. I realised Matthew was the
> only person who had loved and understood me.
> When I heard through a mutual friend that he had
> split up with Sara, I wrote to him, apologising
> and asking for forgiveness - and a second chance.
> It was six years since we had last spoken, but
> naively I thought he would want to hear from me.
> What I didn't know was that Sara was still living
> at the house and it was she who opened my very
> personal letter. It included my phone number, and
> she left me several angry, hurtful voicemails.
> Yet again, I had inadvertently caused problems in
> Matthew's life, so it was unsurprising I never
> heard from him, despite writing several times over
> the next few months. In the end, I left it at
> birthday and Christmas cards, thinking he'd find a
> way to get in touch if he ever changed his mind.
> Then, I heard a couple of years ago Matthew had
> married his new partner, Nicola. For a few moments
> I couldn't breathe, then the tears came.
> Matthew and Nicola still live in Essex and, as far
> as I know, don't yet have children. That's the
> next milestone I truly dread.
> It's been 11 years since Matthew and I last spoke,
> and I have to accept that door has closed.
> Perhaps he has found what he is looking for and I
> am a distant memory.
> I have had one other significant relationship
> since Richard - with Rob - but that recently ended
> after four years. Rob reminded me a lot of
> Matthew. He was decent and honourable, the life
> and soul of the party but with a kind and
> sensitive side.
> But we were each too jaded by previous heartbreak
> to make it work. And while I wanted children, he
> had a grown-up son and didn't want to start over
> again.
> So once again I am on my own, my mind full of
> 'if-onlys'. If only I'd stayed with Matthew, we'd
> almost certainly be married with children.
> Or, maybe Matthew wasn't the right man. I will
> never know the answer, but my decision to leave
> him has definitely cost me the chance of ever
> becoming a mother.
> Now I can only look back and admonish my selfish,
> younger self. When I visit friends and family back
> in our home town, I can't help but hope I'll bump
> into Matthew.
> I'd like to think I'd say sorry. That I will
> always be there for him. But I wouldn't be
> surprised if he turned his back on me and kept
> walking.
> To those out there thinking of walking away from
> humdrum relationships, I would say don't mistake
> contentment for unhappiness, as I did. It could be
> a choice you'll regret for the rest of your life.
Do you love sucking cock and recieving anal sex? Well maybe we could fall in love?
But only if you do all the cooking and cleaning as well...