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Posted by: jessrose ()
Date: January 30, 2014 02:15PM

does anyone know anything about prescription adderal? I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and it was brought up as a possible medication.

Does anyone have a prescription for this? can you tell me what the side effects are, or if it helps?

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: wowie ()
Date: January 30, 2014 02:44PM

I don't think that anyone has heard of this. Only if there was a website where you could go and search the entire web for information..

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Re: Adderal
Date: January 30, 2014 03:33PM

It's prescription meth

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Re: Adderal
Date: January 30, 2014 03:33PM

Makes me sleepy :,(

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: poison ()
Date: January 30, 2014 03:51PM

jessrose Wrote:
> does anyone know anything about prescription
> adderal? I was recently diagnosed with ADHD and it
> was brought up as a possible medication.
> Does anyone have a prescription for this? can you
> tell me what the side effects are, or if it helps?

It is poison. The internet is full of horror stories. It works at first and you think it is good for you but it turns you into a paranoid, delusional, antisocial nutjob. It also hard as hell to get off of. Don't take it.

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: Herdcure Droogie ()
Date: January 30, 2014 03:56PM

poison Wrote:
> It is poison. The internet is full of horror
> stories. It works at first and you think it is
> good for you but it turns you into a paranoid,
> delusional, antisocial nutjob. It also hard as
> hell to get off of. Don't take it.

Most uppers can leave you that way. Coke, speed, meth... it's all the same: fun!

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: Louis Theroux ()
Date: January 30, 2014 04:06PM

I took it for a couple years in HS. I lost a lot of weight, and started posting on FFXU.

If you can't focus, Exercise daily and take b12.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/30/2014 04:07PM by Louis Theroux.

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: January 30, 2014 04:32PM

Side effects of Adderal:

Lack of appetite
Inability to fall asleep and stay asleep
Dry Mouth
Abdominal Pain and Discomfort
Weight Loss
RestlessnessDangerous increase in blood pressure
Tachycardia or a high pulse rate
Irregular heart rate
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Allergic reaction that includes swelling and redness in the eyes or throat
Migraine headaches
Syncope or losing consciousness
Blurry or double vision
Seizure activity and excessive and uncontrollable shaking
Extreme nervousness and paranoid delusions
Mood swings that include hostility and severe aggression

High doses of Adderall can specifically target the heart and respiratory system, causing temporary or long-term damage.

In some cases, Adderall can cause sudden death or stroke in patients, in particular those who have a heart defect or heart problem.

Adderall may also interfere with other medication for an underlying illness or medical condition.

Adderall taken for long periods of time throughout childhood and adolescence may stunt growth or weight gain and lead to long term complications related to development.

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: Roller Coaster Drug ()
Date: January 30, 2014 04:40PM

It's a some what fun ride for as long as you take it. It's not sustainable though. Having your heart beat thru your chest all day is not fun and the paranoia makes you worry about it even more. It's a never ending cycle. You will have to stop in a year, two, or you might last longer.

When you stop is when all hell breaks loose. No energy. You get fat. You realize how much the drug aged you. Months of ZERO energy. You have anxiety for at least a year after you quit. Really bad like you can't even walk past roommates sometimes. Your whole life gets fucked.

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: not always ()
Date: January 30, 2014 09:15PM

I think this really depends on how much you take. Under 30 mgs per day isn't going to ruin you for life. People who get cracked out on it and take way more than the prescribed amount are the ones who struggle.

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: January 30, 2014 10:52PM

I take Strattera for my A.D.D.
It does wonders for me. I know a lot of people think A.D.D and A.D.H.D are nonsense but believe me these things are real. The best way to describe A.D.D is take the remote for your TV and change channels every 5 seconds. That's what my brain is like without meds.

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Adderal
Date: January 30, 2014 11:38PM

I don't think a lot of people think that. If you've witnessed a hyperactive attention blah blah blah the snake pit funk bot!

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: que? ()
Date: January 31, 2014 12:18AM

I dont have add/adhd, so i cant relate. However, i have trouble understanding how aderall, a legal cocaine, a drug that increases your heart rate and can create anxiety and paranoia, would help a racing/scattered mind.
Ive known a few girls who will gladly suck a dick to get an early refill of their prescription too.....but thats neither here nor there.

Have you tried changing/ simplifying your life. Eliminating all but the absolute necessities? Meditation?
I also have trouble understanding how one would willing enter into long-term usage of pills risking dependence, addiction and side effects unless its absolutely the final option...?

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: January 31, 2014 01:43AM

My experience-

Setting: A party

A "friend" was walking around with an eye dropper, dropping tiny drops of what looked like water into our drinks.

Fast forward 30 minutes:

I was chatting with everyone... people I didn't like, people I didn't know, people with low IQs, people walking down the street, people with tattoos.

I was witty and intelligent.

I laughed at things that weren't funny.

Every song was GREAT, so I turned up the volume.

I was chatting and dancing and lovin' everyone.

Speed is not a good thing.....

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Re: Adderal
Posted by: inverse ()
Date: January 31, 2014 02:15AM

que? Wrote:

> I also have trouble understanding how one would
> willing enter into long-term usage of pills
> risking dependence, addiction and side effects
> unless its absolutely the final option...?

I think if you actually do have ADHD, it has a different effect. I don't understand how it works or why, but maybe it's like if you have real serious post-surgery pain and you take vicodin; it targets the pain and doesn't get you high....well, it doesn't get you "high" high, like it does if you're just taking it and don't have any pain. It's not for you if you don't really have this condition.

A regular person can take it and have a lot of energy and feel a big improvement in mood, for a little while, but the price can be a racing heart which is not pleasant (this sometimes, not always happens for me), and it always always includes a very unpleasant comedown once it wears off. It is in fact prescribed off-label sometimes for non-ADHD people. I don't enjoy a pounding heart and uppers are just not my bag anyway though. It's not bad to have some squirreled away for every once in a while when you need a little pep in your step, but me personally....I can take it or leave it. Downers are where it's at. Downers and hypnotics especially are fun. I don't understand the appeal of cocaine. Wouldn't you rather just take some vicodins and lie down, listen to some music and just have a fun, peaceful, dreamy time by yourself?

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