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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 20, 2008 01:39AM

This is a post from another thread that I felt I needed to share with FU.
Please focus on the part that references ,"Southerns being crazy or eccentric."
Also be aware that some posters are actually the same person, if you pay close attention you will see it.

This thread itself is for trolling.

Re: Illegal cockfighting
Posted by: Rod ()
Date: December 19, 2008 11:21PM

Bob Wrote:
> Rod Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I used to know Gene Berman and Ed Shelton in
> > Great Falls. cockfighting was a pursuit of our
> > forefathers who viewed it as a rural pastime. A
> > cock would be at least a year old before being
> > fought where as broilers are generally 6-8
> weeks.
> > Cockers are fond of poultry as a hobby which is
> > viewed as more and more unusual today. cock
> > fighters hired a lobbyist and defeated attempts
> to
> > make it more illegal in last years legislature
> > which horrified Northern Virginia delegates to
> the
> > legislature.
> Yeah, I mean I'm not about to lobby for
> mainstreaming cock-fighting, and don't really give
> a shit about people who are into cock-fighting,
> but I just think it's a ridiculous thing to get
> upset about, considering the millions of chickens
> that are killed every day in chicken processing
> plants all over the country.
> It would be about as logical to complain about the
> practice of scorpion fighting, while having a
> half-dozen different types of insect spray in your
> cupboard.
> Dog fighting is one thing. Dogs have a special
> relationship with people. Chickens are just
> birds, and not the brightest of the birds.

I remember I'd go out to visit Ed and he would condition his chickens for a fight by getting these bins of corn cobs. He'd throw a few pieces of corn in and the rosters would dig and dig, strengthening their legs.

But to Ed it was his hobby. He'd go out and fool with his chickens instead of watch TV. I guess he thought ya my chicken is going to win the next one.

Ed's Grandfather was the originator of the "Shelton Roundhead" a famous breed of fighting chicken in the south.

To a lot of people having fighting chickens is crazy but to a lot of people being southern is crazy. Southerners are thought to be eccentric by some.

Does anyone take offense to this statement above other then me?

I believe that Ron (aka Alias, aka Elliot, skater boy, Mr Mephisto, Bob, WTL, Reston Peace, Vince, pgens, Genevieve, meeper, Gravis, Cary, Register Voter and many other names to many to list) has a history of making ignorant statements as the one above and I wanted to take the take to point this one out.

Ed had a pitbull but didn't himself like dog fights. He kept the dog to protect his chickens. I got one of the puppies and it was a very affectionate dog. It was pure muscle and ran with a particular grace. It was so strong that it climbed out of it's fence (trying to get to me) and got run over.

Gene was a old man when I knew him but would never the less would drag himself out to take care of his chickens which he never really fought anymore. Ed tried them once but said they were in some way inadequate. Gene used to run books and was a friend of Fritz Milton who sold the Niki Base. A lot of people thought he was black but he was a Alka Seltzer fiend. They found cupboards full of Alka Seltzer after he died.

I have several of my words and statements plagiarized by Alias, yet he condemns Southerns on one hand and then takes advantage of them on the other. This guy is a totally worthless, spineless, pitiful excuse for a human and someone should have him committed, before he hurts someone. This guy is truly sick!

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 20, 2008 01:49AM

This is another post that shows some of the same attitude but posted
by a different named poster, but it is Elliot too.

You can not deny the ignorance within his posts. It seems to be getting progressively worse.

Re: Disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 18, 2008 12:21AM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> As did almost any other country that exists on the
> planet today. The Indians would probably have been
> overrun by some other nation by now, or have had
> to somehow come together as a nation to fight off
> China or Russia or some other nation like Spain or
> Portugal who were big into the colony making
> business. If not for us, America would probably be

So the Indians should thank you? If it weren't for the Indians
there would be no America, because they could have let your pasty-white
ass die when your ancestors had no idea how to survive on their land, but they
didn't. They had heart which sets them apart from any of the people of today.
They also respected this land and were rich with knowledge that we underestimated.

> a lot like Africa of today - a lot of tribes being
> played off against each other. American Indians
> were constantly fighting each other over territory
> and other issues - and were not all these
> altruistic nature lovers that people would like to

There's good and bad everywhere. Look what we've created at
their expense. There's always going to be the conflict of good
and evil, like me and you, respectively!

> believe. Assuming they never had to deal with
> Europeans they would have eventually
> over-populated to the point that they would have
> had to change or die.

Not as quickly as we are faced with it now, and the added impact
on our resources, pollution and destruction as a result of such over-

> While I feel bad about what the country did to get
> here, at this point we are here, and again have to
> make the best of the current situation.

Some of this countries greedy are making more of the situation then others, just as they did years ago at the expense of humans, to bad you weren't one of them. But let's make the best of the situation. A situation that has killed humans, is putting humans out of their homes, jobs, insurance, health care and essentially attacking their way of life...for greed! It's the American way! How do you make the best of that? How do you justify that? How do you twist that to come out right? You are an Indian, like it or not!

Don't you think it says a lot that in our Nation's Capitol we had a
museum for the Jewish people long before we had one for the Native
American people? The Jewish people, are they from this country?

So, the Native Americans would have eventually destroyed themselves so it's
just as well we destroyed them ourselves? Does that pretty much sum up your post RV? I want to make sure I am not guilty of putting words in your mouth?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 20, 2008 03:05AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/17/2012 01:36PM by Alias.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 20, 2008 04:17AM

Well...thank you for catching those names "I DIDN'T INCLUDE". Like Trickie and Margie, which I suspected but now I know. What's up with you?

Get a grip on yourself because it's YOU who's the same shit over and over, just be yourself...or do you not know which one you are any more? Ha! Ha!

You're blowing your life away and for what? The best way to help yourself is to help others, you need a friend that understands and won't allow you to push them away. Best of luck!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2008 04:17AM by spunky.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Date: December 20, 2008 07:26AM

Southerners deserve our scorn because they revel in their willful ignorance. They claim others are arrogant and elitist while acting arrogant and elitist toward those they scorn.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 20, 2008 08:38AM

spunky Wrote:
>> Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?

Southerners get slammed on here all the time. And rightly so. This is Northern Virginia, not Alabama.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: December 20, 2008 10:56AM

RV's basic philosophies of life are:

1. The enslavement of blacks in amerika wasnt so bad...after all some of them were house slaves and treated very well.

2. The world should be grateful to Amerikan imperialism..after all we are nicer imperialists then the communist russians and chinese..and the Nazi Germans.

and now...

3. Our genocide of indigenous americans was okay since they would have destroyed themselves any way.

He is truly a believer in the White Man's Burden!

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2008 10:57AM by Vince(1).

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 20, 2008 11:11AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Southerners deserve our scorn because they revel
> in their willful ignorance. They claim others are
> arrogant and elitist while acting arrogant and
> elitist toward those they scorn.

This has widely been reported by people in the room. While filming a TV show, Andy Griffith was given the news that the President was shot in Dallas. Griffith's reply was to shake his head and say "Those damn southeners!".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2008 11:14AM by Radiophile.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: December 20, 2008 11:16AM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Southerners deserve our scorn because they revel
> in their willful ignorance. They claim others are
> arrogant and elitist while acting arrogant and
> elitist toward those they scorn.

I don't completely disagree, but I think your statement needs some tweaking. The problem is not with all southerners. The issue is southerners like Meade Skelton who:
  • Believe their bloodline entitles them to a life of leisure
  • Call people above the Mason-Dixon line Yankees and still use the term Carpetbaggers
  • Attempt to coverup racist sentiments with bullshit explanations
  • Think the South will "rise again"

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 20, 2008 11:46AM

I cannot believe that anyone responded in a halfway serious manner.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: December 20, 2008 12:38PM

Genevieve Wrote:

> like Meade Skelton who:
> Believe their bloodline entitles them to a life of
> leisure
> Call people above the Mason-Dixon line Yankees and
> still use the term Carpetbaggers
> Attempt to coverup racist sentiments with bullshit
> explanations
> Think the South will "rise again"

Id like to append that;

1. Southern culture is superior in manners and refinement to northern culture.

2.Think Kudzu is Nice

3. Make Albums that go top 10 in the Czech republic

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/20/2008 12:39PM by ferfux.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 21, 2008 12:38AM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> >> Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from
> amongst FU?
> Southerners get slammed on here all the time. And
> rightly so. This is Northern Virginia, not
> Alabama.

This is Virginia, part of the South. There have been more great southerns then Yankees. Southerns are nicer. I am not talking about the past let's deal in the present. To make a statement as you, shows your immense ignorance like Alias (Elliot) as all these posts so far are posted by the same person. You don't like the South, leave!

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: December 21, 2008 02:24AM

spunky Wrote:
> This is Virginia, part of the South. There have
> been
more great southerns then Yankees
. Southerns
> are nicer. I am not talking about the past let's
> deal in the present
. To make a statement as you,
> shows your immense ignorance like Alias (Elliot)
> as all these posts so far are posted by the same
> person. You don't like the South, leave!

I'm not going to spend the time on wikpedia compiling lists to show you that your statement about there being more great southerners than yankees is completely false, but I'm confident that you are wrong.

Why do you keep arguing with me? Obviously you figured out my game, that I'm everyone on this site. Ask yourself this: Who is crazier? The person who has created hundreds of fake people to populate an internet forum, or the person who continues to engage him or her?

You are correct that this is Virginia. But you don't know your history if you think anyone is in the position to tell anyone to "leave the south" if they don't like it. The United States of America defeated "the south" so now it is a state within the union. Wasn't there a place where die-hard confederates fled to in South America after they were defeated?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 21, 2008 03:48AM

History has nothing to do with it. If you say such negative things about southerns then obviously you don't have an appreciation for them, but yet you don't think twice about plagiarizing off them for your benefit, just like a sorry hypocrite!

No, this is not an argument you can twist around. This was a statement you made about the present tense so stay there and take your weak knee stand. If you can say you don't like a place you are currently in and put those living there down, like your neighbors, then you are a fool for being here and making those around you miserable. By virtue of the fact that you are geographically in Virginia you are technically a southern, like it or not.

Have you been a fool all of your life or do you work at it?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: December 21, 2008 03:53AM

spunky Wrote:
> By virtue
> of the fact that you are geographically in
> Virginia you are technically a southern, like it
> or not.
> Have you been a fool all of your life or do you
> work at it?

So what's all the crying and screaming over hispanics about, then? They live in Virginia. Apparently, they are technically southerners.

BTW, what's "a southern"? Is that like "a black"?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 22, 2008 01:58AM

Bob Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > By virtue
> > of the fact that you are geographically in
> > Virginia you are technically a southern, like
> it
> > or not.
> >
> > Have you been a fool all of your life or do you
> > work at it?
> So what's all the crying and screaming over
> hispanics about, then? They live in Virginia.
> Apparently, they are technically southerners.
No, most of them are illegal. Face it you are a LOONIE from Canada, you'll never be as cool as a southern.

> BTW, what's "a southern"? Is that like "a black"?

I have southern black friends and you are just jealous because you wish you were a true southern, but God knew what he was doing when you came along. There's trash everywhere and in all races and you are what they call white trash by your ignorant words and attitude, No wonder you are going down the tubes.

I have seen this posted here many times before, "No one can talk sense to you, no one can talk to you!" Ignorance is a disease.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: December 22, 2008 07:27AM

SPUNKY DO US ALL A FAVOR AND MAKE A RESOLUTION TO SWALLOW THAT BIG ARSE HORSE FACE OF YOURS! I do think there is a one who does not want to back hand you and just say "B**ch shut up!"

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Bob ()
Date: December 22, 2008 08:24AM

spunky Wrote:
> >
> No, most of them are illegal. Face it you are a
> LOONIE from Canada, you'll never be as cool as a
> southern.

I'm not from canada. But I think I can live with the idea that I'll never be as cool as a southerner. It'll be hard, but I'll learn to adjust.

> > BTW, what's "a southern"? Is that like "a
> black"?
> I have southern black friends and you are just
> jealous because you wish you were a true southern,
> but God knew what he was doing when you came
> along. There's trash everywhere and in all races
> and you are what they call white trash by your
> ignorant words and attitude, No wonder you are
> going down the tubes.
> I have seen this posted here many times before,
> "No one can talk sense to you, no one can talk to
> you!" Ignorance is a disease.

Is your black friend named "Token" by chance?

I wasn't aware that I was going down the tubes. Which tubes are those? Those series of tubes? The interwebs?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 22, 2008 01:49PM

spunky Wrote:
> you are just jealous because you wish you were a true southern

is it just me or does everyone from the south think people envy them? either that or jealousy is commonplace in the south.

spunky, nobody wishes they were from the south.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 22, 2008 02:30PM

Vince(1) Wrote:
> RV's basic philosophies of life are:
> 1. The enslavement of blacks in amerika wasnt so
> bad...after all some of them were house slaves and
> treated very well.
> 2. The world should be grateful to Amerikan
> imperialism..after all we are nicer imperialists
> then the communist russians and chinese..and the
> Nazi Germans.
> and now...
> 3. Our genocide of indigenous americans was okay
> since they would have destroyed themselves any
> way.
> He is truly a believer in the White Man's Burden!

First off, other than Spunky being a total whacked out nut job of the first order, WTF brings YOU, Vince the idiot, to post your beliefs of my thoughts on life here? Let me just make sure we are straight.

1. My cup is ALWAYS half full, yours is always half EMPTY.

2. The world SHOULD BE grateful to America. We saved Europe's ass from Nazi Germany, AND the Soviet Union. Otherwise we could have all been a bunch of boot lickers, or had cold winters in Siberia for speaking out against the ruling elite.

3. If you go back and look at ALL the other countries that exist in the world today, probably 99% of them were created in some part due to racial, ethnic, or religious cleansing.

4. Your posts are moronic, you make points that are meaningless, and you seem to have a problem using Ks in every word, as if that was some important Communist distinction. You seem to forget that liberalism is much closer to communism then conservatism on the political scale. Actually you equate conservatism with both communism, and religious fascism - so seriously, could you get your facts straight?

I have made it clear in many of my replies that what happened was bad, wrong, immoral, etc in almost all these situations. But you seem to gloss over that and look only at the parts that I post that you twist to your use. But you know what, we are at this point in life, where all the twisted roads of history have brought us. Nothing we can do at this point can seriously change the large magnitude issues that have brought us here. What we CAN do however, is move FORWARD with life, and try to make a better tomorrow (not to plagiarize or misquote folks).

Lamenting over the Iraq war and the results today, knowing what we know now, does nothing to solve the issue at hand today, now does it? If all you ever do is point at the past to make a point about how bad we all are, then you will get nowhere fast. I know I posted somewhere in a thread about the fact that kids today do not learn enough history to make informed choices in today's world. You are a perfect example of my point. If you focused all that negative energy you had on doing something positive, think of all you might accomplish!

Tell you what, you worry about your own medicated lifestyle, and I will deal with my own thoughts just fine.

As for you spunky. Seriously. Would you just S T F U about Elliot? God - find some other poor soul to fantasize over would you. It gets old having you start totally new threads on your fascination with the posts that somehow we are all the same person. Just go back and recycle your old ones with new posts - much cleaner that way and easier to ignore your stupid postulations on the many faces of Elliot.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: SouthernVA ()
Date: December 22, 2008 05:12PM

Alias Wrote:
> Spunky, shorten your posts.
> Stop hitting the quote button.
> Spunky wrote:
> ___________
> Bob wrote:
> __________
> <
> <
> <
> <
> Registered Voter wrote:
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> Alias, Bob, Trickie, Mr. Mephisto, Meeper, Vince,
> Margie, Registered Voter, Elliot, etc. wrote:
> _________
> <
> <
> <
> <
> <
> And, this is proof that Alias is coming after me
> with his mob friends, etc.
> Too many quotes and too boring to read through all
> the same shit over and over.

The irony is that this is the South, like it or not, and they are probably biting the hand that feeds them.

How do they know their employees are not natives of NOVA or from the Deeper South- those carpetbaggers who come down here better watch it if they want a raise.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 22, 2008 06:22PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> WTF brings YOU, Vince the idiot, to post your
> beliefs of my thoughts on life here?
> Tell you what, you worry about your own medicated
> lifestyle, and I will deal with my own thoughts
> just fine.

file.php?40,file=4831   file.php?40,file=4695
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 10:29AM by Gravis.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 22, 2008 06:52PM

Angel...you make no sense at all...STUPID!

RV...you can't change what you don't acknowledge and you have as your posts show have a twisted perception of our history, frankly you are dangerous and out of your mind and out of touch with reality. If you don't have a strong grasp on the accurate truth of our past then you are doomed to repeat those mistakes. So learning from the past is very important and you are a fool not to realize that. You need to read your own words again to see how ignorant you have been and are.

As far as what I know to be true about Elliot, what's it to you? Unless like I have said you are him.

Bob, (Boob, Elliot) No, I have no idea who "Token" is. The fact that you would assume that you would ask if southerns are "black", shows your ignorance as well. The fact that you asked what a southern is, in the same sentence, shows you were just trolling, like Elliot, or Alias. You aren't fooling anyone by virture of the fact that the only ones who post here regularly would be you (Elliot) and your "Aliass". Truely sad, obvious and pitiful. Grow up little one!

I don't see color when I look at people, but I do see IDIOTS and JERKS when they stand out and you are out standing alone.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 22, 2008 07:27PM

spunky Wrote:
>>> Angel...you make no sense at all...STUPID! RV...you can't change what you don't acknowledge and you have as your posts show have a twisted perception of our history, frankly you are dangerous and out of your mind and out of touch with reality. If you don't have a strong grasp on the accurate truth of our past then you are doomed to repeat those mistakes. So learning from the past is very important and you are a fool not to realize that. You need to read your own words again to see how ignorant you have been and are. As far as what I know to be true about Elliot, what's it to you? Unless like I have said you are him. Bob, (Boob, Elliot) No, I have no idea who "Token" is. The fact that you would assume that you would ask if southerns are "black", shows your ignorance as well. The fact that you asked what a southern is, in the same sentence, shows you were just trolling, like Elliot, or Alias. You aren't fooling anyone by virture of the fact that the only ones who post here regularly would be you (Elliot) and your "Aliass". Truely sad, obvious and pitiful. Grow up little one! I don't see color when I look at people, but I do see IDIOTS and JERKS when they stand out and you are out standing alone.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 22, 2008 09:36PM

Meeper are you looking in the mirror again? I thought you broke it last time with your ugly ass mug?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 22, 2008 09:53PM

What good is it to call people "ugly," resorting to petty personal attacks, when you have never SEEN the person before?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 22, 2008 10:48PM

pgens Wrote:
> What good is it to call people "ugly," resorting
> to petty personal attacks, when you have never
> SEEN the person before?

Why don't you ask angel in regard to his reference ? You must be blind!

Talking about petty, this site wouldn't exist if it weren't for petty post. The majority of the post from you and the regulars on here are petty personal attacks. I know because I have been the recipient. Have you forgotten which character you are posting to this time? So why don't you take a good look at your self hypocrite.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 22, 2008 11:09PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> Vince(1) Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > RV's basic philosophies of life are:
> >
> > 1. The enslavement of blacks in amerika wasnt
> so
> > bad...after all some of them were house slaves
> and
> > treated very well.
> >
> > 2. The world should be grateful to Amerikan
> > imperialism..after all we are nicer
> imperialists
> > then the communist russians and chinese..and
> the
> > Nazi Germans.
> >
> > and now...
> >
> > 3. Our genocide of indigenous americans was
> okay
> > since they would have destroyed themselves any
> > way.
> >
> > He is truly a believer in the White Man's
> Burden!
> First off, other than Spunky being a total whacked
> out nut job of the first order, WTF brings YOU,
You are totally ignorant to defame me with no justification, just a slanderous stupid statement with no bases. You need some type of anger management course seriously. RV (or Alias/Elliot) you have made crazy statements that you later try to change or say that others have twisted, but only you are responsible for what you say. You have said that we did the Indians a favor by getting rid of them...that is the most ignorant thing I have ever heard. We and you especially are God. I think people with your mind-set should be done away with, because you are dangerous to our world, but that's not for me to decide.

You say that liberals are communist, but we have lived under conservative leadership for 8 years that has been more like communist rule then anything
our country has ever seen in our history. You don't see liberals in communist countries, they don't exist only narrow-minded conservatives.

I can see now how this site has gotten the reputation for being a nazi forum. You are insane. Thank goodness the majority of voters in VA had the good sense to vote with their brains, unlike you and the regulars here. Alot being FCPD.

Vince the idiot, to post your beliefs of my
> thoughts on life here? Let me just make sure we
> are straight.
> 1. My cup is ALWAYS half full, yours is always
> half EMPTY.
> 2. The world SHOULD BE grateful to America. We
> saved Europe's ass from Nazi Germany, AND the
> Soviet Union. Otherwise we could have all been a
> bunch of boot lickers, or had cold winters in
> Siberia for speaking out against the ruling
> elite.
> 3. If you go back and look at ALL the other
> countries that exist in the world today, probably
> 99% of them were created in some part due to
> racial, ethnic, or religious cleansing.
> 4. Your posts are moronic, you make points that
> are meaningless, and you seem to have a problem
> using Ks in every word, as if that was some
> important Communist distinction. You seem to
> forget that liberalism is much closer to communism
> then conservatism on the political scale. Actually
> you equate conservatism with both communism, and
> religious fascism - so seriously, could you get
> your facts straight?
> I have made it clear in many of my replies that
> what happened was bad, wrong, immoral, etc in
> almost all these situations. But you seem to gloss
> over that and look only at the parts that I post
> that you twist to your use. But you know what, we
> are at this point in life, where all the twisted
> roads of history have brought us. Nothing we can
> do at this point can seriously change the large
> magnitude issues that have brought us here. What
> we CAN do however, is move FORWARD with life, and
> try to make a better tomorrow (not to plagiarize
> or misquote folks).
> Lamenting over the Iraq war and the results today,
> knowing what we know now, does nothing to solve
> the issue at hand today, now does it? If all you
> ever do is point at the past to make a point about
> how bad we all are, then you will get nowhere
> fast. I know I posted somewhere in a thread about
> the fact that kids today do not learn enough
> history to make informed choices in today's world.
> You are a perfect example of my point. If you
> focused all that negative energy you had on doing
> something positive, think of all you might
> accomplish!
> Tell you what, you worry about your own medicated
> lifestyle, and I will deal with my own thoughts
> just fine.
> As for you spunky. Seriously. Would you just S T F
> U about Elliot? God - find some other poor soul to
> fantasize over would you. It gets old having you
> start totally new threads on your fascination with
> the posts that somehow we are all the same person.
> Just go back and recycle your old ones with new
> posts - much cleaner that way and easier to ignore
> your stupid postulations on the many faces of
> Elliot.

What's it to you, unless you are him? I have proven my point and that you
are an ignorant racist as well. I have started more intelligent threads in the short time I have been here then you have ever thought of in your life, and I am a southern and proud of it! You stick out as an IDIOT and it shouts out all around you. It seems you can't take what you dish out...moron!

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:09PM

Spunky, seriously, your response was more twisted than usual, and pretty much not worthy of a response but....

I will say this - your last response makes me believe you must be Vince :)

I mean since we are all supposedly someone else - I will assert that spunky = vince

Certainly the two of you are on the same mental level - you just have more of a "UFO-cultist", "I see people everywhere that makes me sound more important.." sort of twist to it. You are like the anti-version of Rod.

Even though I disagree with them, I have more respect for WTL, Meeper, and even Voter (the man of many names).

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Not Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:12PM

FYI - The man of many names is not Voter. It is me.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:18PM

Well, then Voter is a wannabee - but he still posts under other names from time to time - usually names too long to really be a name.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Name Police ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:26PM

Long names are permitted under article 12, section 4 of the VA State penile code.

Is a wannabee really a Trigona minima?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:30PM

You can put whatever code you want on your penis, it doesn't change the facts. I would guess the use of overly long names that sound more like the titles of articles is similar to guys that buy really expensive or fancy sports cars to show off. Lots of flash, but nothing under the hood where it really counts.

Overcompensating so to speak.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Overcompensated? Why, yes I am. ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:38PM

That still doesn't make up for the fact that you likely drive a cute, little VW beetle and kept the little flower pot on the dash.

I like my shiny new Jaguar XK just fine, as do the ladies.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:45PM

Comparing Spunky to Vince? Nah. Vince rants about political opinions that gets people riled up, but he's not some batshit looney screwball like good the ol' Spunkmeister. I mean c'mon. She thinks she sees hijackers in local restaurants, has some bizarre tale of Charles Manson's secret son living in her neighborhood which somehow involves a dog getting shot to death, she thinks people on this board are a radio DJ who's out to get her, etc. Those two aren't even in the same ballpark. Not even close.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:49PM

Who cares?

This is about the extent of how most conversations go here (substitute Vince, spunky, etc for Ruebert)...

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:50PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Comparing Spunky to Vince? Nah. Vince rants
> about political opinions that gets people riled
> up, but he's not some batshit looney screwball
> like good the ol' Spunkmeister. I mean c'mon.
> She thinks she sees hijackers in local
> restaurants, has some bizarre tale of Charles
> Manson's secret son living in her neighborhood
> which somehow involves a dog getting shot to
> death, she thinks people on this board are a radio
> DJ who's out to get her, etc. Those two aren't
> even in the same ballpark. Not even close.

Its called schizophrenia...

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:55PM

I still find it laughable that people respond to Spunky's posts in a serious manner, as if your facts and logic are going to ever get through. "She" could get on here and say that the sky is green, and four or five people would respond, citing wikipedia and real sources, carefully and patiently explaining the atmospheric mechanics that causes the sky to actually be blue.

Someone else responds in an insulting manner, and "she" then resorts to calling everybody Elliot in the Morning. When are people going to figure this out?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 23, 2008 02:57PM

Ok, maybe they are soul mates then...

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: December 23, 2008 03:15PM

I love how everyone is an idiot but Spunk in da butt. Fat Ass we are not the one's with no life, on here from midnight - 5am posting crap. Look at your posts your ignorant little C U Next Tuesday! Damn get a life or jump off a bridge you fat cankled bitch.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Gangsta Boogie ()
Date: December 23, 2008 03:29PM

I ROFL'd @ cankled. Nice use of verbage.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 23, 2008 03:45PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I still find it laughable that people respond to
> Spunky's posts in a serious manner, as if your
> facts and logic are going to ever get through.
> "She" could get on here and say that the sky is
> green, and four or five people would respond,
> citing wikipedia and real sources, carefully and
> patiently explaining the atmospheric mechanics
> that causes the sky to actually be blue.
> Someone else responds in an insulting manner, and
> "she" then resorts to calling everybody Elliot in
> the Morning. When are people going to figure this
> out?

That is an accurate description of the "Code of FU" that all of us use as a posting guideline.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 23, 2008 11:15PM

Please...don't underestimate the general population to be as totally stupid as you here.

Within an hour and a half about (from 12/23/08 at 2:09pm to 3:45pm the same say) there were 14 posts and 9 were from different posters, at least different names? What's the odds of that happening out of the clear blue at Christmas time? Loser!

You are one sick stupid hating mentally unstable misogynist. What person would care so much to do such a thing in such a sadistic way spiteful way except Elliot. This has become his trademark if anyone has heard him. I could care less about you until you attack me, which you started once I came to this site. I returned the treatment and now you can't deal. A sign of a truly insecure immature, unstable little man.

On the most active boards there's a lull between posts longer then you allowed between yours...a bit of an oversite on your part=stupidity. Your emotions got the best of you again! Why don't you get a life, instead of wasting it here making up crap in an effort to make yourself look or feel better? LOSER!

You have just proven and else where on so many threads that you don't have the maturity or responsibility to operate anything, much less the life of so many other posters, or yourself for that matter. I am confident in what I have brought forward and said. On the other hand you're a JOKE, and no one will ever take you seriously, that's why I frustrate you so much. I am a woman and I am taken more seriously then YOU! I am real and you are not! Grow-up! Stop playing little kid games.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 24, 2008 08:23AM

See what I mean?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: December 24, 2008 08:40AM

" I am a woman and I am taken more seriously then YOU!"

Of course you are. Now STFU and go make me a ham sandwich.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: December 25, 2008 03:45AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> See what I mean?

Do you mean that I present a more logical response to those illogical ones you and your fellow idiot posters present? It's sorta hard to fake having a brain when you don't and the whole world can see it...Duh?

496...keep waiting for that sandwich, some gover will make it for you, or you can starve to death and do the world a favor.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 02, 2009 01:19AM

The majority of the world thinks that southerns are nicer people and choose to be around them over others from different regions of the country. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Thinking we are all dumb, ignorant, backwards thinking people is ignorance on your part, you judgmental fool. You also don't find people rushing to any other parts of the country like they do to the south, and it's not just for the weather...pie face!

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 02, 2009 05:15AM

Once again another post deleted by none other then Gravis. Put he was to stupid to realize that it was still in the search feature...you folks are a bunch of CRAZY NUTLESS BOZOS! This and the other posts which were deleted were posted today 1/2/09 around 1am.

This is the entry showing my post time but my post was deleted from the thread. I guess Gravis in his hurry got sloppy!

Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU? 354 47 spunky 01/02/2009 01:19AM
Last Post by spunky

Todayspunky3. Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?

The majority of the world thinks that southerns are nicer people and choose to be around them over others from different regions of the country. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it! Thinking we are all dumb, ignorant, backwards thinking people is ignorance on your part, you judgmental fool. You also don't find people rushing to any other parts of the country like they do to the south,

Unfortunately I am unable to provide you with my complete post because the search feature doesn't, I was limited in what I could retrieve, because someone (an IDIOT) thought he should be in control of things. We know as a country where that road leads!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2009 05:20AM by spunky.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: January 02, 2009 02:52PM

hats the point of the off topic. SLAM THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER< AND RANDOM PEOPLE

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 10, 2009 04:56AM

It never fails no matter what my thread topic, there are those who love to meander off topic and hover there...how about some respect here?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 10, 2009 05:05AM

spunky Wrote:
> how about some respect here?

respect is earned, not handed out to crazy bitches that drive men away.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 11, 2009 02:25AM

Gravis Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > how about some respect here?
> respect is earned, not handed out to crazy bitches
> that drive men away.

Once again you are hounding me...OK, I'll bite, what "men" have I driven away?

It is also a known fact that any woman who speaks her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or crazy bitch. If the woman feels good enough about herself or is re-connecting with herself and doesn't feel the need to have a man (at the time) to complete her, she is still called a bitch. You see a woman can't win for losing and that is why in the south you give respect out until you see different. Respect is a courtesy always well received, and what is well received is always well returned. There's no accounting for manners and it sets you apart and above all others, and it's never forgotten. Additionally bad manners are never forgotten either, and you are never given a second chance to redeem yourself and re-create that first impression again.

We are not animals, respect is given, like we are groomed with manners to be civilized to one another out of respect for one another. Without this there would be chaos and then we would be animals, worse then animals.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: January 11, 2009 05:36AM

spunky Wrote:
> what "men" have I driven away?

all of them. the sad thing is that you dont even realize it.

spunky Wrote:
> It is also a known fact that any woman who speaks
> her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or
> crazy bitch.

upon checking the site history, i found that you are the only poster to be called a crazy bitch by "the regulars" or any other registered user for that matter.

> It is also a known fact that any woman who speaks
> her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or
> crazy bitch.

no, it's only when the ideas posted are out of touch with reality that people get labeled crazy.

> [random shit about respect]

everyone gives you respect when when they first meet you. after that, the level of respect you receive is up to you. this is why nobody respects you. you have brought this upon yourself.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 11, 2009 12:23PM

spunky Wrote:
> It is also a known fact that any woman who speaks
> her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or
> crazy bitch.


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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 11, 2009 12:46PM

spunky Wrote:
>>> It is also a known fact that any woman who speaks her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or crazy bitch.

That's incorrect. A woman who speaks her mind is not a bitch. A bitch is a woman who shouldn't be speaking her mind.

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Posted by: inkahootz ()
Date: January 11, 2009 01:00PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/02/2010 12:35AM by inkahootz.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 12, 2009 01:30AM

I beg to differ.

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 12, 2009 09:37AM

Hey pyscho girl, have you retained counsel yet?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Date: January 12, 2009 10:01AM

Spunky appears to be the female Meade. Why aren't these two kids together?

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Re: Can you believe this slam on Southerns, from amongst FU?
Posted by: spunky ()
Date: January 12, 2009 08:20PM

Gravis Wrote:
> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > what "men" have I driven away?
> all of them. the sad thing is that you dont even
> realize it.
Name one, you are out of your ever-lovin' mind. Someone has passed along some lie and you lapped it up like a hungrey dog not realizing or caring that possibly none of the BS is even true. If I drove some man away that's what needed to be done in the first place because they were a lousey piece of crap anyway, and who needs that...really look at you? I haven't come across a man in years that I wanted nor did I look for one, why look for something only to have it taken away? It's called conditioning, not driving...different "ing's" and different action. But don't try wrapping your mind around that.

> spunky Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is also a known fact that any woman who
> speaks
> > her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or
> > crazy bitch.
> upon checking the site history, i found that you
> are the only poster to be called a crazy bitch by
> "the regulars" or any other registered user for
> that matter.

Don't flatter yourself do you think this place is the, end all and be all?
PLEASE>>>>.. <<<<

No, you don't have a patent on the word either. You should try being a woman sometime you would blow a gasket the first day.

> > It is also a known fact that any woman who

> speaks
> > her mind and has a brain is labeled a bitch, or
> > crazy bitch.
> no, it's only when the ideas posted are out of
> touch with reality that people get labeled crazy.

Once again how can you with a straight face say this knowing I called the Bail-out for what it was.

I started several threads on water pollution that ended up being followed by the Post with articles based on research that supported my claims.

I have the guts to talk the truth and speak of ideas instead of ping only on others, which is "regular motto".

You're gutless, I'm not.

All these things I just listed are real and totally in touch with reality, it's you who are not.
> >
> everyone gives you respect when when they first
> meet you. after that, the level of respect you
> receive is up to you. this is why nobody respects
> you. you have brought this upon yourself.

No, I realize this is isolated to haters, like the regulars here and those in society who are so full of fear they have no room for nothing else but hate. This undercurrent will grow through-out society as times get worse especially with spoiled, selfish, greedy people who feel as though they are entitled, but aren't. This group will develope into a much larger group of haters who will act out in uncontrollable ways which will lead us down the road of choas...gee we're already headed down that road.

No, no manner where I go and no matter what I do I am hounded as I am by you. If you only knew...but you do..

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