GoRest Wrote:
> "douchebaggery" is what the "wonderful" Bush was
> good at. Lest we forget the history of the debt:
> It took 204 years for these United States of
> America to build up a $1 trillion debt (and that
> includes a Revolution, two World Wars, Korea &
> Nam!). In just 12 years of Reagan-Bush-o-nomics,
> the debt QUADRUPLED! That means, when Bush Senior
> left office, the Debt was $4 TRILLION! Clinton
> struggled to get that massive Debt under control
> and finally built up three years of SURPLUSSES!
> (which Bush, Cheney & Tom Delay quickly squandered
> on tax cuts for their rich friends). When Bush
> Junior left office, the "official" DEBT was around
> $11 TRILLION! That means George W Bush heaped $5
> TRILLION more onto the "official" DEBT. Another $3
> trillion came from the "off budget" wars in Iraq
> and Afghanistan, the deregulated meltdown of the
> financial system, and the Medicare prescription
> drug big pharma giveaway. Obama put those on
> budget where they belong. Of course neocons add
> that to "Obama's debt". So, of the first $14
> TRILLION in DEBT since the founding of the nation,
> $11 TRILLION came to us courtesy of the
> Reagan-Bush-Bush administrations. Cheney famously
> said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”
> The notion that the gop cares about the debt is
> laughable. Trickledown Reaganomics is nothing more
> than whipping out the credit card. If we had
> stopped the neocons 30 years ago, we wouldn't be
> in this mess. And we should trust neocons to run
> the country again?
Typical neolibtard bullshit.
Fact is that debt has risen under every administration since WWII. Clinton did not reduce the debt. The only reason for his claimed "surplus" was an accounting manipulation and higher revenues (not lower spending) due primarily to the dot com boom and a windfall from lowering the capital gains rate.
Debt under Obama has blown away everything else.