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Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: wingnutlies ()
Date: December 30, 2013 10:58PM

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Pesky details ()
Date: December 30, 2013 11:41PM

Ummm, I think your chart kinda proves the point.

China is the largest foreign holder of our debt and the largest outside buyer in recent years. Largest single buyer other than us buying our own with pretend money. Also, it's more significant than the chart makes it look if you consider timing. Most of theirs has been accumulated over a relatively shorter period of time versus Japan, the UK, etc.

~8% doesn't look like much in the chart but that's almost as much as the Fed holds. About 1/2 of all debt held by the SS trust fund. More than the civilian and military retirement funds hold combined. It's a significant chunk and one which we need but don't control.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: YouFuckingIdiot ()
Date: December 31, 2013 01:07AM

wingnutlies Wrote:
> I'm a fucking idiot who doesn't understand my own posts

This issue, stupid, is about who is exercising control over us and as your own chart points out, its the Chinese who have buying so much of our debt during the past five years they now own 8% of it.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 08:30AM

Those fuckin pukes won't tell you that they robbed the solvent Social Security Trust Fund twice as hard as they've borrowed from China.

No wonder they want to privatize it. The bigger lie is when they say Social Security isn't self sufficient. Lies from the pit of hell.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: FBG2 is stupid again... ()
Date: December 31, 2013 09:44AM

solvent Social Security Trust Fund

is that sort of like the fictional "lockbox"?

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: December 31, 2013 09:46AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Those fuckin pukes won't tell you that they robbed
> the solvent Social Security Trust Fund twice as
> hard as they've borrowed from China.
> No wonder they want to privatize it. The bigger
> lie is when they say Social Security isn't self
> sufficient. Lies from the pit of hell.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: labor lawyer ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:18AM

Where are the economists? How about a little Eco 101?

Pretty much everyone agrees that the reason for the flat economic growth and high under/unemployment is insufficient demand in the US economy.

So -- what is causing that insufficient demand and what can the govt do to increase demand? Why isn't anyone talking about these issues? Obviously, cutting off unemployment compensation will decrease, not increase, demand.

The insufficient demand in the US economy is caused by too much $ escaping from the US economy. That is Eco 101 -- that is, whenever a good/service is sold, the proceeds go to wages, interest (rent for capital assets), and profits; those wages, interest, and profits are then spent to purchase other goods/services so that demand remains constant.

However, demand will fall to the extent that some of those wages/interest/profit is not spent to purchase other goods/services. What causes this failure to spend? Well, the rich spend only a small percentage of their income (as compared to the poor and middle class who spend virtually all of their income). Another cause of failure-to-spend is the trade deficit -- US firms buy much more abroad than they sell abroad and the resulting trade deficit reflects $ flowing from the US economy to foreign economies. Yet another cause of the failure to spend is immigrants sending $ back to relatives in their home countries -- like the trade deficit, this $ sent out of the US economy will not be used to purchase goods/services in the US economy.

Over the last 30+ years, changes in US national policies have increased these failure-to-spend factors -- i.e., rechanneling $ from the spending middle class to the non-spending rich, trade deals that allow US firms to buy abroad but make it difficult for US firms to sell abroad (as well as toleration of intellectual property theft by foreign businesses/govts), and the dramatic increase in immigrants.

Govt deficit spending is the main offset to these factors.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Happy New Year Moron ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:48AM

labor lawyer Wrote:
> Where are the economists? How about a little Eco
> 101?
> Pretty much everyone agrees that the reason for
> the flat economic growth and high
> under/unemployment is insufficient demand in the
> US economy.
> So -- what is causing that insufficient demand and
> what can the govt do to increase demand? Why isn't
> anyone talking about these issues? Obviously,
> cutting off unemployment compensation will
> decrease, not increase, demand.
> The insufficient demand in the US economy is
> caused by too much $ escaping from the US economy.
> That is Eco 101 -- that is, whenever a
> good/service is sold, the proceeds go to wages,
> interest (rent for capital assets), and profits;
> those wages, interest, and profits are then spent
> to purchase other goods/services so that demand
> remains constant.
> However, demand will fall to the extent that some
> of those wages/interest/profit is not spent to
> purchase other goods/services. What causes this
> failure to spend? Well, the rich spend only a
> small percentage of their income (as compared to
> the poor and middle class who spend virtually all
> of their income). Another cause of
> failure-to-spend is the trade deficit -- US firms
> buy much more abroad than they sell abroad and the
> resulting trade deficit reflects $ flowing from
> the US economy to foreign economies. Yet another
> cause of the failure to spend is immigrants
> sending $ back to relatives in their home
> countries -- like the trade deficit, this $ sent
> out of the US economy will not be used to purchase
> goods/services in the US economy.
> Over the last 30+ years, changes in US national
> policies have increased these failure-to-spend
> factors -- i.e., rechanneling $ from the spending
> middle class to the non-spending rich, trade deals
> that allow US firms to buy abroad but make it
> difficult for US firms to sell abroad (as well as
> toleration of intellectual property theft by
> foreign businesses/govts), and the dramatic
> increase in immigrants.
> Govt deficit spending is the main offset to these
> factors.

You start out with a conclusion that you pulled out of your smelly ass and went straight downhill from there. The lack of demand is because there are no jobs that pay for shit. The number of people employed or looking for work is at the lowest levels since the 1960's you stupid fucking idiot. Printing more money and giving it to people sitting at home to spend isn't going to get this economy moving. Jobs will get the economy moving. The precious deficit that you love hinders that, as does lots of other things. Unemployment benefits is about 166th on that list. Moron.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: See Russia from Alaska ()
Date: December 31, 2013 12:08PM

idiot redneck republicans (aka, the base) will believe anything you tell them if it involves a foreigner or minority doing something bad. they're morons.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: debt doesn't matter ()
Date: December 31, 2013 12:50PM

idiot libtard democrats (aka, the base) will defend anything you tell them if it involves a foreigner or minority doing something bad. they're morons.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 12:58PM

Demand is the number one driver. A strong middle class is what defines a nation. This is what these filthy disgusting Republican fascists pieces of shit refuse to acknowledge based on economic history.

They waged an assault on the middle class during Bush and half their net worth was wiped out at the top.

The rich are even starting to get past biting the hands that feeds them, th3 consumers. The Chamber of Commerce has waged an all out ground war against the Tea Party.

The very people that invented the Tea Party are now trying to terminate it. They've lost the battle to use crisis to repeal entitlememts and past that everything the right stands for or is willing to domis bad for business.

The shut down, the debt ceiling, pull another one of those stunts and you'll see where it gets you.

Now shut up, know your place you corrupt whores beholden to special interests and let the Democrats deal with the deficit in a responsible manner as they always have.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: pollysezwut? ()
Date: December 31, 2013 01:02PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Demand is the number one driver. A strong middle
> class is what defines a nation. This is what these
> filthy disgusting Republican fascists pieces of
> shit refuse to acknowledge based on economic
> history.
> They waged an assault on the middle class during
> Bush and half their net worth was wiped out at the
> top.
> The rich are even starting to get past biting the
> hands that feeds them, th3 consumers. The Chamber
> of Commerce has waged an all out ground war
> against the Tea Party.
> The very people that invented the Tea Party are
> now trying to terminate it. They've lost the
> battle to use crisis to repeal entitlememts and
> past that everything the right stands for or is
> willing to domis bad for business.
> The shut down, the debt ceiling, pull another one
> of those stunts and you'll see where it gets you.
> Now shut up, know your place you corrupt whores
> beholden to special interests and let the
> Democrats deal with the deficit in a responsible
> manner as they always have.


Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Dsucks to be you ()
Date: December 31, 2013 01:08PM

Happy New Year Moron Wrote:
> labor lawyer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----

> You start out with a conclusion that you pulled
> out of your smelly ass and went straight downhill
> from there. The lack of demand is because there
> are no jobs that pay for shit. The number of
> people employed or looking for work is at the
> lowest levels since the 1960's you stupid fucking
> idiot. Printing more money and giving it to
> people sitting at home to spend isn't going to get
> this economy moving. Jobs will get the economy
> moving. The precious deficit that you love
> hinders that, as does lots of other things.
> Unemployment benefits is about 166th on that list.
> Moron.

you fail
Sucks for you not being very smart

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: GtjeN ()
Date: December 31, 2013 02:09PM

Happy New Year Moron Wrote:

> You start out with a conclusion that you pulled
> out of your smelly ass and went straight downhill
> from there. The lack of demand is because there
> are no jobs that pay for shit. The number of
> people employed or looking for work is at the
> lowest levels since the 1960's you stupid fucking
> idiot. Printing more money and giving it to
> people sitting at home to spend isn't going to get
> this economy moving. Jobs will get the economy
> moving. The precious deficit that you love
> hinders that, as does lots of other things.
> Unemployment benefits is about 166th on that list.
> Moron.

hey dickhead. There are more people than there are jobs. Solve that riddle.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: BLAH BLAH POOR BOY ()
Date: December 31, 2013 02:39PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I'm too stupid and poor to live in Fairfax so I live in Woodbridge. Just ignore me,

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Or, Also ... ()
Date: December 31, 2013 06:01PM

FBG2 is stupid again... Wrote:
> solvent Social Security Trust Fund
> is that sort of like the fictional "lockbox"?

That's just the start. Why are there so few comments on the $700+ billion that was removed from Medicare to kick-start the Affordable Care Act?

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: GoRest ()
Date: December 31, 2013 08:27PM

"douchebaggery" is what the "wonderful" Bush was good at. Lest we forget the history of the debt: It took 204 years for these United States of America to build up a $1 trillion debt (and that includes a Revolution, two World Wars, Korea & Nam!). In just 12 years of Reagan-Bush-o-nomics, the debt QUADRUPLED! That means, when Bush Senior left office, the Debt was $4 TRILLION! Clinton struggled to get that massive Debt under control and finally built up three years of SURPLUSSES! (which Bush, Cheney & Tom Delay quickly squandered on tax cuts for their rich friends). When Bush Junior left office, the "official" DEBT was around $11 TRILLION! That means George W Bush heaped $5 TRILLION more onto the "official" DEBT. Another $3 trillion came from the "off budget" wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the deregulated meltdown of the financial system, and the Medicare prescription drug big pharma giveaway. Obama put those on budget where they belong. Of course neocons add that to "Obama's debt". So, of the first $14 TRILLION in DEBT since the founding of the nation, $11 TRILLION came to us courtesy of the Reagan-Bush-Bush administrations. Cheney famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” The notion that the gop cares about the debt is laughable. Trickledown Reaganomics is nothing more than whipping out the credit card. If we had stopped the neocons 30 years ago, we wouldn't be in this mess. And we should trust neocons to run the country again?

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 08:38PM

They have no fuckin feet to stand on. They get in office and they'll run up the tab again. Its almost like their trying to destroy the Federal gov't.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Bullsheet ()
Date: December 31, 2013 09:04PM

GoRest Wrote:
> "douchebaggery" is what the "wonderful" Bush was
> good at. Lest we forget the history of the debt:
> It took 204 years for these United States of
> America to build up a $1 trillion debt (and that
> includes a Revolution, two World Wars, Korea &
> Nam!). In just 12 years of Reagan-Bush-o-nomics,
> the debt QUADRUPLED! That means, when Bush Senior
> left office, the Debt was $4 TRILLION! Clinton
> struggled to get that massive Debt under control
> and finally built up three years of SURPLUSSES!
> (which Bush, Cheney & Tom Delay quickly squandered
> on tax cuts for their rich friends). When Bush
> Junior left office, the "official" DEBT was around
> $11 TRILLION! That means George W Bush heaped $5
> TRILLION more onto the "official" DEBT. Another $3
> trillion came from the "off budget" wars in Iraq
> and Afghanistan, the deregulated meltdown of the
> financial system, and the Medicare prescription
> drug big pharma giveaway. Obama put those on
> budget where they belong. Of course neocons add
> that to "Obama's debt". So, of the first $14
> TRILLION in DEBT since the founding of the nation,
> $11 TRILLION came to us courtesy of the
> Reagan-Bush-Bush administrations. Cheney famously
> said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”
> The notion that the gop cares about the debt is
> laughable. Trickledown Reaganomics is nothing more
> than whipping out the credit card. If we had
> stopped the neocons 30 years ago, we wouldn't be
> in this mess. And we should trust neocons to run
> the country again?


Typical neolibtard bullshit.

Fact is that debt has risen under every administration since WWII. Clinton did not reduce the debt. The only reason for his claimed "surplus" was an accounting manipulation and higher revenues (not lower spending) due primarily to the dot com boom and a windfall from lowering the capital gains rate.

Debt under Obama has blown away everything else.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: kUw9G ()
Date: December 31, 2013 10:13PM

Bullsheet Wrote:

> Debt under Obama has blown away everything else.

due to the previous potus

sorry, facts are facts

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Liberal Logic 35 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:18PM

kUw9G Wrote:
> Bullsheet Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Debt under Obama has blown away everything
> else.
> due to the previous potus
> sorry, facts are facts

So Clinton was a benefactor of GW 1 then and GWB got screwed by what Clinton left behind. See how that works?

Fact is GWB hasnt been president for over half a decade. Still blaming him for anything at this point just means the guy in office is incompetent.

But really everyones been screwed since FDRs massive government expansion and spending which is really what started it all.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:21PM

Liberal Logic 35 Wrote:
> kUw9G Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Bullsheet Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Debt under Obama has blown away everything
> > else.
> >
> > due to the previous potus
> >
> > sorry, facts are facts
> So Clinton was a benefactor of GW 1 then and GWB
> got screwed by what Clinton left behind. See how
> that works?
> Fact is GWB hasnt been president for over half a
> decade. Still blaming him for anything at this
> point just means the guy in office is incompetent.
> But really everyones been screwed since FDRs
> massive government expansion and spending which is
> really what started it all.

God bless your heart you simpleton lying sack of shit.

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:22PM

Happy New Year!

Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: Gerry is ()
Date: December 31, 2013 11:29PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Happy New Year!



Re: Lies that Republicans say: China owns our debt=FALSE
Posted by: LibTardsFuckedAgain ()
Date: January 16, 2014 07:32AM

Jan 15, 2014 headline:

China's holdings of U.S. Treasuries increased $12.2 billion to a record $1.317 trillion in November, data released on the Treasury Department’s website showed.


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