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Posted by: diebabykillers ()
Date: December 13, 2013 07:44PM

A new meta-analysis of studies concludes that a single abortion raises the risk of breast cancer for a woman by an astonishing 44 percent.

Professor Joel Brind, a science adviser for the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer who reached a similar conclusion in 1996, called the finding a “real game-changer” in the controversy over the link between abortion and breast cancer.

The new study’s conclusion comes amid legal battles against Obamcare’s requirement that employers pay for abortifacients and steroid drugs, commonly known as birth control pills.

The analysis by Yubei Huang, published in the peer-reviewed journal Cancer Causes and Control, looked at all 36 studies that have been done in China regarding the risk of developing breast cancer for women who have had at least one induced abortion.

The risk rocketed 44 percent, Huang found, after one abortion. After two, the risk rose to 76 percent. After three, it climbed to 89 percent.

Brind said his 1996 study was attacked by abortion advocates “entrenched in universities, medical societies, breast cancer charities, journals, and especially, government agencies like the National Cancer Institute,” the NCI.

“In reality, the NCI is just another corrupt federal agency like the IRS and the NSA,” he asserted.

Brind said that despite the evidence, abortion advocates “have viciously been attacking pro-life pregnancy resources centers (PRCs) for ‘lying’ to women by telling them about the ABC link as a reality.”

But now comes the confirming Chinese study.

“Not only does it validate the earlier findings from 1996, but its findings are even stronger,” he said.

First, it documents a 44 percent breast cancer risk increase with a single abortion.

It also confirms the “dose effect,” that more abortions results in a higher risk, he said.

“Risk factors that show such a dose effect have more credibility in terms of actually causing the disease,” he noted.

Third, he pointed out the China study’s statement that the “lack of a social stigmas associated with induced abortion in China may limit the amount of underreporting.”

Other studies, she said, have been attacked based on the assumption that many women have abortions but won’t admit it, keeping their healthy results out of the study tabulations.

That “line of attack,” he said, “has now been neutralized.”

And he noted studies from India and Bangladesh earlier this year “reported breast cancer risk increases of unprecedented magnitude: over 600 percent and over 2,000 percent, respectively, among women who had any induced abortions.”

Americans must pay attention, he said, because of the pending U.S. Supreme Court cases over Obamacare’s required coverage of abortion and contraceptives.

He noted the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer and the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute have filed briefs in the cases.

‘Women do want to know’

Dr. Jane Orient, a spokeswoman for the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, told WND it is outrageous that American health care providers are not more aggressive and deliberate in warning women of the risk of a fatal cancer if they choose to abort.

“Women do want to know,” she said. “The abortion interests do not want them to know this. The medical establishment has been behind the effort to conceal it [the link].”

Reggie Littlejohn, whose organization Womens Rights Without Frontiers focuses on China’s forced-abortion policy, said the warning to women around the world is clear.

“Obviously this does not simply apply to Chinese women, but to all women. When we’re talking about informed consent in the U.S., women need to be informed of the very strong link between abortion and breast cancer,” she said.

She said the documentation turns the Chinese policy of one-child limits and forced abortion into secondary women’s rights violations. The first violation is when hundreds of thousands of unborn girls are aborted each year in a society that stands on the primacy of males. The second is when an aborted baby girl’s mother faces the much higher risk of breast cancer.

Her organization noted the Chinese work was done by a team of epidemiologists from Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital.

The study found induced abortion “significantly associated with an increased risk of breast cancer among Chinese females, and the risk of breast cancer increases as the number of IA increases.”

Historically, China had had a low breast cancer rate compared to Western nations, but over the last two decades the rate has “increased at an alarming rate,” the study said.

The increase was parallel to China’s one-child policy, which includes forced abortions, the report said.

“This groundbreaking study reveals yet another human rights violation in connection with China’s one-child policy: Forcibly aborted women are also at significantly higher risk of breast cancer,” Littlejohn said.

“Not only do the women of China have to endure the tremendous trauma of late-term forced abortion, taking their babies from them; but also, years later, breast cancer, taking their health and even their lives from them,” she said.

Littlejohn said the strong association of abortion and breast cancer established by the new study “brings the women’s rights violations under the one child policy to a new level: a woman pregnant in China without a birth permit is subjected to both government-imposed forced abortion, and also breast cancer as a result of it.”

“Where abortion is forced, the subsequent development of breast cancer becomes a violation of women’s rights in itself,” she said.

The study looked at 36 articles (two cohort studies and 34 case-control studies) covering 14 provinces in China.

Just months ago, the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association, JAMA, published a study showing the rate of metastatic breast cancer in women ages 25 to 39 nearly doubled between 1976 and 2009, from 1.53 to 2.9 per 100,000.

The American Council on Science and Health calls the increase “slight.” But at the time, Orient pointed out there has been no corresponding increase in older women.

Karen Malec, president of the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer, said it was “utterly stunning” that lead author Rebecca Johnson’s team called the increased incidence in advanced cancers among young women “small.”

“That’s a nearly doubled increase in the incidence of a disease with a mean five-year fatality rate of 69 percent,” she said. “By contrast, the mean five-year fatality rate among women with breast cancers that have not spread to distant sites is 13.2 percent.”

And what distinguishes the younger women from the older? The sexual revolution, said Orient.

“Young women in huge numbers have taken higher doses of hormones than their menopausal sisters – in birth-control pills,” she said.

It was in 2005 when the World Health Organization classified oral contraceptives as Class-1 carcinogens, one of only about 100 substances found to be “carcinogenic in humans.”

Orient said breast cancer is generally hormone sensitive and is often treated with anti-estrogens. Pregnancy is the most important cause of a high estrogen level.

She noted estrogen increases by 2,000 percent by the end of the first trimester, increasing cancer vulnerability. However, by the end of pregnancy, 85 percent of breast-cancer tissue has become cancer-resistant because of hormones made by the fetal-placenta presence.

That means a completed pregnancy protects against breast cancer. The protection is lost when a pregnancy is aborted, making a woman even more vulnerable to breast cancer.

Buried by politics

Orient said there have been dozens of studies that have shown a significant increase in breast cancer in women who have had an abortion.

In 2010, Bradley Mattes, executive director of the Life Issues Institute told WND that for years, major research institutes have denied any link between abortion and breast cancer because the issue has been “politicized.”

“It’s not politically correct to acknowledge that,” said Mattes. “It took many years for the link between smoking and lung cancer to be acknowledged.”

“They deny there’s a link between abortion and breast cancer,” Mattes told WND at the time. “Even if the media came down and hit them in the head, I don’t believe that they’d change their mind because they believe abortion is a positive.”

WND reported in 2007 a study showed abortions could be classified as carcinogens, because the number of breast cancer cases could be predicted reasonably accurately based on the number of abortions in a given population.

The study, “The Breast Cancer Epidemic: Modeling and Forecasts Based on Abortion and Other Risk Factors,” was done by Patrick S. Carroll of London-based research institute PAPRI. The results were published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.

The study showed that among risk factors, abortion is the “best predictor of breast cancer.”

WND reported in 2005 that for the first time, an abortion clinic had accepted an order of judgment for performing the procedure without informing the patient of psychological risks and increased risk of breast cancer.

The lawsuit against the All Women’s Health Services clinic in Portland, Ore., was the second of its kind in the U.S. to be successfully prosecuted but the first to obtain a judgment.

Jonathan Clark, attorney for the 19-year-old plaintiff, told WND he believed the judgment “makes a pretty powerful statement about the science,” indicating the clinic was not willing to argue against the claim that there is a link between abortion and breast cancer.

In 2010, WND columnist Jill Stanek, a pro-life activist, also reported on the link between birth control and breast cancer.

The Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer has posted online links to various studies on the subject, and Stanek wrote about a 2009 study in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention.

The 2009 study found a 40 percent increased risk of contracting breast cancer under the age of 40 if a woman has had an abortion.

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/12/stunningly-huge-cancer-threat-uncovered/#q9LojQ1wPTxpa5Lz.99

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Posted by: AIias 2 lazy to sign in ()
Date: December 13, 2013 07:56PM

This study is some fagit bullshit. I've had many abortions (at least twice a year for a decade) and I've never developed cancer, despite what eesh wishes on me. Now osteoporosis, that's a different story.

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Posted by: Stunningly Small Minds ()
Date: December 13, 2013 08:26PM

Yeah - good try, 'diebabykillers' (lol). If you can't legally outlaw abortion, try to scare women out of getting one. This is what that ridiculous site you point to considers an 'exclusive': "DEVIL WORSHIPPERS CRINGE OVER 'HAIL SATAN' ABORTION CHANTS". Now that's a credible source.

Even if this claim was not complete bullshit, which I doubt, do you people really think that the possible increased risk of breast cancer years in the future would deter someone from getting an abortion now? If you do, you're even stupider than I thought.

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Posted by: Wrong Again ()
Date: December 13, 2013 08:34PM

According to NIH, there is no link between abortion and breast cancer.


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Posted by: BEH ()
Date: December 14, 2013 08:30PM

Abortions in the United States

Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2011: 54.5 million+

234 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
Abortions per year: 1.2 million
Abortions per day: 3,288
Abortions per hour: 137
9 abortions every 4 minutes
1 abortion every 26 seconds

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Posted by: Belated Note ()
Date: December 14, 2013 09:46PM

Nice try, Cuccinelli.

Too bad you didn't get elected. Maybe you could have sent up rape-pens to keep women pregnant and breast-cancer free...

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