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POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: polldataminer ()
Date: December 06, 2013 08:07AM

Twelve new surveys conducted this week in GOP-held House districts indicate that an even greater number of Republican incumbents are in danger of being voted out of office next year thanks to the government shutdown.
Public Policy Polling has now surveyed a total of 36 House districts in two weeks,and the results show Republican incumbents are in serious danger in 29 out of the 36. Democrats must net 17 seats to reclaim the House.


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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: oty ()
Date: December 06, 2013 08:23AM


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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 08:54AM

Although I am all but about 100 percent certain the evil diabolical ill mannered obstructionist GOP will be rejected again by the American people for not working with a president the re-elected with veto power for three remaining years, I think this polling is a month old isn't it?

The Republicans will lose and continue to lose. Nothing has changed. The American people will not be fooled by their antics.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 06, 2013 08:57AM

Are you queers going to get an y exercise this weekend?


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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 08:57AM

They just got their fucking asses handed to them 2 months ago in the most bellweather state in the fucking country, Virginia, in the most favorable year in this state possible. Got swept like some dogs. And they're still in denial. Just keep takin it to them. Let them dig their own graves.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Reality ()
Date: December 06, 2013 10:47AM

Unfortunately the american voter has an attention span (and memory) shorter than a 2 year old. The county will end up electing the same old tired politicos in one shape or form and the electorate will start the whining all over again on the morning of November 5th, 2014.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Reality ()
Date: December 06, 2013 10:47AM

Reality Wrote:
> Unfortunately the american voter has an attention
> span (and memory) shorter than a 2 year old. The
> county will end up electing the same old tired
> politicos in one shape or form and the electorate
> will start the whining all over again on the
> morning of November 5th, 2014.

* country *

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: already so ()
Date: December 06, 2013 11:13AM

GOP has already lost the house - to the tea party

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Poll Vault ()
Date: December 06, 2013 11:53AM

Good example of a jive poll which was designed to reach a desired result. First, they cherry-picked the districts. Then, they skewed the question by leading. They also only counted one side, Republican-held districts, which they then extend as representing the whole while not considering the net gain/loss when including Dem-held districts.

This is BS intended for use in their fundraising among Dems, not as any sort of objective poll.


Published by MoveOn_org

A week after publishing survey results from 24 GOP-held House districts, Public Policy Polling has conducted new surveys in an additional 12 such districts. Together, these survey results indicate that Republicans are in danger of losing control of the House of Representatives in 2014.

See More...

Democrats must net 17 seats to reclaim the House.The 12 surveys conducted this week and commissioned and paid for by MoveOn.org Political Action show Republican incumbents trailing generic Democratic challengers in five districts, and tied in a sixth. After respondents are informed that Republican incumbents supported the shutdown, Democrats expand their lead to eight districts. This means that of 36 GOP-held districts surveyed over the last two weeks, generic Democrats lead in 22 before information about the shutdown is provided, and in 29 after respondents learn Republican incumbents supported the shutdown.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 04:25PM

already so Wrote:
> GOP has already lost the house - to the tea party

And by 2 million votes cast by America. They lost the popular vote by not 1 but 2 million votes for the House. Yet they claim they represent the peoples intentions in the House.

You don't represent the majority you cocksucking gerrymandering crooks. Stop saying you represent the people.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Keep Hoping for Change ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:15PM

Keep Hoping for Change ... all you Liberals. The GOP will keep the house, and gain control of the senate.

Can you say "Lame Duck"? The president's hands will be tied and the process of fundamentally changing America will come to an end before we implode.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:18PM

Just like you were going to in every election since 2006 other than low turn out 2010.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:19PM

You cant even win Virginia in an off year of an off year now.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Not Surprised ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:23PM

polldataminer Wrote:
> Twelve new surveys conducted this week in GOP-held
> House districts indicate that an even greater
> number of Republican incumbents are in danger of
> being voted out of office next year thanks to the
> government shutdown.

I'm not surprised. Republicans have pissed off a lot of Americans. Nobody wants to associated with the house republicans.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Yucky24. ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:37PM

Good. I'm looking forward to the Democrat takeover of this increasingly degenerate 3rd world country. Along with the demographic death of White America, the left-wing Democrat communist revolution will greatly speed up the destruction of the USA - which is something I'm looking forward to since this country has become a crumbling beacon of everything that I despise as a far-right White Nationalist.

With the death of America and the mainstream Right, hopefully it will give rise to the radical Right and serve as yet another reminder of the dangers of modern liberalism.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:42PM

Nope the opposite will happen, America will succeed and you and your kind will be shunned to history.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: The Past is the Past ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:43PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Just like you were going to in every election
> since 2006 other than low turn out 2010.

The past is the past. Get ready for the future. As to Americans getting pissed at the GOP, let them. Meanwhile, the Liberals will keep ass-raping them with the Affordable Care Act and very few of the Americans will get mad enough to do anything about it.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:47PM

Good luck with that. You have quite the track record of being wrong and underestimating the intelligence of the American people to dislike you for the lying sacks of shit you are.

We let you play and think you've got the game figured out. Then we vote your asses out.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Do You? ()
Date: December 06, 2013 05:54PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Good luck with that. You have quite the track
> record of being wrong and underestimating the
> intelligence of the American people to dislike you
> for the lying sacks of shit you are.
> We let you play and think you've got the game
> figured out. Then we vote your asses out.

Gerry, this is just like buying stocks. Do you buy stocks soley based on past performance? I really hope you don't because it is a bad move in most cases. Thus, the same could be said about you when you keep pointing to the past. It means little, if anything. As Americans, we've been totally effed over by the curernt administration during the past 5 years. Sooner or later, America will wake up to this travesty and revolt.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 06, 2013 06:00PM

And what will Republicans do to improve our great land. Republicans dont believe in anything but funneling tax money into corporate accounts one way or the other.

That doesnt do anything for the country though. What are you Republicans going to do with a presidency. Ill tell you what, destroy the fuckin country some more is what you would do.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Dum Dum Pops ()
Date: December 06, 2013 09:06PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> And what will Republicans do to improve our great
> land. Republicans dont believe in anything but
> funneling tax money into corporate accounts one
> way or the other.

Yeah, cause Obama's done so little of that with the 100s of billions in free money funneled to the big banks, the Obamacare gravy train for the insurance companies, GE and all of the rest of his crony deals.

Damn y'all some gullible suckers. lol

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Libtards are, well, retarded ()
Date: December 08, 2013 04:58PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> And what will Republicans do to improve our great
> land. Republicans dont believe in anything but
> funneling tax money into corporate accounts one
> way or the other.
> That doesnt do anything for the country though.
> What are you Republicans going to do with a
> presidency. Ill tell you what, destroy the fuckin
> country some more is what you would do.

At least they won't fuck it up on purpose like you people are doing.

Maybe it's tie to switch from trying to get rid of libtards with the ballot and instead just use the bullet.

One libtard, one bullet.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Feel The Success ()
Date: December 08, 2013 05:22PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> Nope the opposite will happen, America will
> succeed and you and your kind will be shunned to
> history.

Is this supposed to be some kind of joke? America will not succeed, nor will it succeed. Too many have turned their backs of the values that once made America great.

I'm with Yucky24 on this one. The quicker everything gets under the control of the Liberal-Socialist party, the quicker the goodness of this country will swirl down the drain.

Gerry, you and your party are doing such a great job. Keep up the good work!!

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Destroy Some More? ()
Date: December 08, 2013 05:29PM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> And what will Republicans do to improve our great
> land. Republicans dont believe in anything but
> funneling tax money into corporate accounts one
> way or the other.
> That doesnt do anything for the country though.
> What are you Republicans going to do with a
> presidency. Ill tell you what, destroy the fuckin
> country some more is what you would do.

Gerry, with your reference to the Republicans having the presidency and destroying our country ... did you mean to also mention that the last 5 years have been FUBAR for America? It certainly isn't looking so good.

Now, you want to talk about corporate funneling of funds? You mean sort of like Terry McAuliffe was doing? Or, more like Nancy Pelosi's husband has been involved with. Or, Claire McCaskill's husband? I just gave you 3 great examples of people who are siphoning large amounts of funds and pushing them through companies for their own gain. Yet, your own stupidity keeps you from seeing reality.

I think all that scat from having your head up Obama's ass has started to affect your eyesight. Poor fellow.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Tea Bo Baggins ()
Date: December 08, 2013 08:59PM

McAuliffe outspent The Cooch 10 to 1 and still barely won, even after Cuccinelli lost 6 points in October due to the government shutdown. Plus, McAuliffe had to finance a third party "libertarian" to make sure there was a viable alternative to Cuccinelli and not him. McAuliffe out-raised Cuccinelli by more than $30 million after the GOP abandoned The Cooch right when the government shut down. The GOP put more money into fat-assed Chris Christies campaign than they did Cuccinelli's, even though fat-ass had a 30 point lead. Fuck the GOP establishment. They will pay as the Tea Party sits this next one out. That is the only hope the democrats have and the GOP played right into their hands....AGAIN.

Republicans continue to hold a 3 point lead in the generic ballot. They had a 7 point lead right before the election of 2010.

The IRS attacks on Tea Party and other conservative groups cost the GOP 3 - 5 million votes according to a study by some smart guys from Harvard and the Netherlands.

So, fuck you Gerry, you're wrong again (a surprise to no one).

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 08, 2013 10:33PM

I love your optimism. You're leaving out that it was an off year election in which the results haven't flipped in 36 years. It was the most favorable election possible. Bob McDonnell won by 17.3 percent. A landslide. Your candidate was polled behind before the shut down.

This was a back breaker for the GOP in VA. No year is safe.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Stupid Fuck Gerry ()
Date: December 08, 2013 10:44PM

McPayoff won by less than three points.

McDonnell spanked Bad Deeds by almost 20.

No one expected Cuccinelli to even place, a ten point rout was predicted. Cuccinelli may have even won without the libertarian in the race.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Answer The Damn Question ()
Date: December 09, 2013 12:29AM

Gerrymanderer2 Wrote:
> I love your optimism. You're leaving out that it
> was an off year election in which the results
> haven't flipped in 36 years. It was the most
> favorable election possible. Bob McDonnell won by
> 17.3 percent. A landslide. Your candidate was
> polled behind before the shut down.
> This was a back breaker for the GOP in VA. No year
> is safe.

Gerry. I provided you with three direct examples of Liberals involved with corporate siphoning. You know I just stated real facts, so in typical Liberal fashion, you chose to ignore the true reality.

What an idiot you are. You stir the pot with your half-baked claims and then fail to respond to true facts when people put the numbers right in front of you.

How much does your parents charge you each month for living in their basement? I think you provided the amount before, but I've forgotten.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 09, 2013 02:52AM

Stupid Fuck Gerry Wrote:
> McPayoff won by less than three points.
> McDonnell spanked Bad Deeds by almost 20.
> No one expected Cuccinelli to even place, a ten
> point rout was predicted. Cuccinelli may have even
> won without the libertarian in the race.

Don't you just love elections? How does it feel to be on the wrong side of history? We're not finished with you yet. We wont be either until you motherfuckers are politically pulverized.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: December 09, 2013 01:01PM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
And what will Republicans do to improve our great land. Republicans don't believe in anything but funneling tax money into corporate accounts one way or the other.

That doesn't do anything for the country though. What are you Republicans going to do with a presidency. I'll tell you what, destroy the fuckin' country some more is what you would do.

The question is "What are Democrats going to do with the presidency in 2017,if they retain it?"
The answer to the aforementioned question is "The Democrats will likely destroy the country some more is what they are likely to do."

The Democrats, whether at the local, state or federal levels, have done nothing but destroy this country, like legalizing same-sex marriage in a handful of states.

Should the Republicans lose the House in 2014, I do not see the Democrats doing any better.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: December 09, 2013 01:11PM

Gerrymanderer2 wrote:
> Don't you just love elections? How does it feel to be on
> the wrong side of history? We're not finished with you yet.
> We won't be either until you motherfuckers are politically pulverized.

It is liberal brain-dead idiots like you that do not understand that there were times in the past that the Democrats were on the wrong side of history.

And what the fuck do you mean "We won't be finished until you motherfuckers are politically pulverized", you fucking brain-dead idiot?

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: December 10, 2013 10:06AM

In regards to the ongoing destruction of our country, chances are it will be more of the same regardless of which party controls the House, the Senate, or the presidency.

The Senate, as it stands now, is controlled by the Democrats, and I do not see that chamber doing any better now than it was when it controlled by the Republicans.

As for the House Of Representatives, as it stands now, which is controlled by the Republicans, I do not see that chamber doing any better than it was when it was controlled by the Democrats.

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Re: POLL: GOP Retaining the House in 2014.
Posted by: Liberal Retard ()
Date: December 10, 2013 10:32AM

The chamber is doing better than when it was controlled because the House Republicans are the last bulwark against O'bummer just rolling through his welfare state agenda.

So even if you're not happy with what House Republicans (Tea Party or not) at least they're better than the Dummocrats who just rubber stamp what O'bummer's pressure groups want and without reading what's in the bill.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: Ed ()
Date: December 10, 2013 01:35PM

It was a complete cluster fuck to shutdown the government and then go on national TV supporting the shutdown.

Americans sick of that shit and republicans shoved it in their faces!

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: December 10, 2013 08:24PM

Liberal Retard wrote:
The chamber is doing better than when it was controlled because the House Republicans are the last bulwark against O'bummer just rolling through his welfare state agenda.

So even if you're not happy with what House Republicans (Tea Party or not) at least they're better than the Dummocrats who just rubber stamp what O'bummer's pressure groups want and without reading what's in the bill.

It's the Democrats (especially those in the House, and especially those in the Senate) that are screwing everything up, not the Republicans.

I'd be a lot happier with a Republican-controlled Congress as opposed to a Democrat-controlled Congress as well as a Republican presidency.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: December 10, 2013 08:27PM

I'd be a lot happier with a Republican-controlled Congress and a Republican presidency as opposed to a Democrat-controlled Congress and a Democrat presidency.

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Re: POLL: GOP Losing the House in 2014.
Posted by: WD ()
Date: January 06, 2014 02:52PM

"In recent days, President Barack Obama has made a point of highlighting his own proposals as a means of arguing that Republicans don’t just have a bad plan – they have no plans."

President Obama obviously does not realize that it is the Democrats in Congress that have no plans to get this country back on the right track.

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