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RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: RedskinsQUestion ()
Date: December 05, 2013 01:53PM

I am trying to figure out if RG3 is actually good or not. He certainly doesn't seem to be 'great' .. at least not yet? Then again I don't think players usually go from OK to excellent very often... so not sure he'll ever be great.

There's so much hype around him.. I feel like if he just throws a completion or runs a bit people act like he's walked on water. I know he was injured thanks to genius decisions by Shanahan and the team Doctor ... but what is the verdict on RG3?

I've seen him throw some amazing passes but what quarterback doesn't? He doesn't seem to be leading the team or doing overly well. Does it take 3-4 years to warm up? I really am wondering if someone has an educated and objective opinion on the matter? Will he just fade like most other Redskins quarterbacks? Is he actually great but the O-line isn't enough?

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Really1 ()
Date: December 05, 2013 02:22PM

He's that good. He has a terrible front line that WON'T protect him. The RS can ruin any quarterback. The quarterback eventually spends too much time trying to get away or worried about being smashed. They get post traumatic stress syndrome. I know it is normal for a quarterback to be a target, but the # of sacks he has is not.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Liberal Logic 23 ()
Date: December 05, 2013 02:29PM

The verdicts still out. He has a good arm but his legs arent the same anymore. If he can become a pocket passer he could be very good.

Right now its just all potential though. The first year the league adjusts to you, the 2nd year you have to adjust to it which he hasnt done very well. Year three is usually the show me year where its time to prove yourself but hell get at least 4 or 5 to do so barring injury with what they gave up.

If you judge him right now hes a below average QB with a lot of potential. Potential doesnt always translate into what it should though.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 02:55PM

The Washington fans have been waiting for decades for a superstar. They were told RG3 was that guy. So naturally Danny boy has overhyped RG3 to the point that RG3 now thinks he's Jesus.

His freshman year was obviously a fluke now that we've seen what happened this year. Who's fault? Everyone involved with him that's who.

Poor coaching- YES
Lack of an offensive line- YES
Playing injured (whether that's his decision, or Shanarat's, or Snyder's who knows)- YES
Spent too much time in the off season making TV commercials and going to parties- YES
It's only his second year- YES

I think he can become a quality NFL QB......PROVIDED there's anything left of him by his 4th or 5th year. He takes way too many hits, some self inflicted, to last very long in the NFL. That needs to change immediately!

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: RGeewhiz ()
Date: December 05, 2013 03:00PM

Remember when all the local radio sports geniuses laughed off the idea of getting Russel Wilson because he was too short?

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: jhey ()
Date: December 05, 2013 03:52PM

RGeewhiz Wrote:
> Remember when all the local radio sports geniuses
> laughed off the idea of getting Russel Wilson
> because he was too short?

Meh, the Redskins problems are much larger than just the QB. Seattle has the best defense in the league, so Wilson doesn't have to be as good. If you had swapped Wilson for RG3 before the beginning of the season, the Redskins and Seahawks would still have similar records.


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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Slingin Sammy ()
Date: December 05, 2013 03:55PM

Griffin currently is average at best and thats all that counts is his current performance. He is easily rattled when under pressure. Did Snyder overpay, of course he did but it certainly wasnt the first time and as long as Snyder runs the show it will not be the last.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 03:59PM

^ Yes, he does seem to come unglued rather rapidly when the heat's on. But lately, he spends most of his time running for his life, so I can see why he'd be easily rattled.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stick a fork in them ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:05PM

FU posters need to end these threads on the Redskins. Everyone agrees they suck donkey ass and no playoff hope in the next 3-4 years.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:30PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> Spent too much time in the off season making TV
> commercials and going to parties- YES

It was exactly eight months from the day he got injured in Game 1 vs the Seahawks til the opening game of the 2013 season. In that time he successfully underwent his second major knee surgery and fully recovered (or so we're told). He hardly spent time partying. Don't be so jealous of the money NFL players make. I don't understand why you resent it so much? How's it affect you?

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Need more info ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:31PM

Based on what he's done so far? Average at best. If they can shore up the offensive line in the off-season so he isn't running for his life half the time, and he's in training camp at full speed and has a healthy pre-season, he might turn out to be good. Not great.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:32PM

Slingin Sammy Wrote:
> Griffin currently is average at best and thats all
> that counts is his current performance. He is
> easily rattled when under pressure. Did Snyder
> overpay, of course he did but it certainly wasnt
> the first time and as long as Snyder runs the show
> it will not be the last.

This was Shanahan's call. Snyder stays out of everything these days and let's Shanahan call all the shots. It's not like before.

RG3 is not he same. He can't follow through on that knee like he used to and he can't explode like he once did. That being said, he's still quick and quite capable. The problem is he's always under pressure. That O-line needs lots of work before any quarterback does well for the Redskins.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:35PM

Rockhound Wrote:
> >
> It was exactly eight months from the day he got
> injured in Game 1 vs the Seahawks til the opening
> game of the 2013 season. In that time he
> successfully underwent his second major knee
> surgery and fully recovered (or so we're told). He
> hardly spent time partying. Don't be so jealous of
> the money NFL players make. I don't understand why
> you resent it so much? How's it affect you?

If he's fully recovered, they are in BIG trouble.

I think he should have concentrated on learning how to play NFL football instead of attending MTV Awards and BET Rap Battles and other negro centric activities.

I could care less how much he makes, I dont contribute a dime to his paycheck. Last Skins game I paid to attend John Riggins was playing. So FUCK OFF!

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:40PM

It doesn't matter what else he did in his time off, point is --- In eight months he went through surgery and physical therapy and made sure he was back on the field in time to play. That is impressive. You just hate him cause he's black and rich, lol

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:42PM

Rockhound Wrote:
> In eight months he went through
> surgery and physical therapy and made sure he was
> back on the field in time to play. That is
> impressive.

3-9......yup that's impressive.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:43PM

Could be worse. The Redskins are a constant work in progress, everyone knows that.

Still not going to tell me your team? That bad?

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 04:46PM

I told you, FUCK the NFL. I dont "have" a team nor do I want a team. I dont need to live my life vicariously thru a bunch of over paid drug addicted niggers.

And they have another one on the way, the Florida State QB who just got "let off" on a sexual assault charge. You know no college QB is going to get in any trouble right before the bowel game season!

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:00PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> I told you, FUCK the NFL. I dont "have" a team nor
> do I want a team. I dont need to live my life
> vicariously thru a bunch of over paid drug
> addicted niggers.

That's your opinion, I respect it and you're entitled to it. What baffles me, however, is how closely you follow these "over paid drug addicted niggers", how you watch them play, critique them, discuss and comment on them... Seems contradictory to me.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:06PM

Cant turn on the TV or read a paper around here without hearing about the Foreskins. Some things you just pick up without any concentration. And Ive thought the NFL was a pile of shit long ago, even before they turned it into flag football which it is now.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:10PM

Stabitha Wrote:

> His freshman year was obviously a fluke now that
> we've seen what happened this year. Who's fault?
> Everyone involved with him that's who.
> Poor coaching- YES
> Lack of an offensive line- YES
> Playing injured (whether that's his decision, or
> Shanarat's, or Snyder's who knows)- YES
> Spent too much time in the off season making TV
> commercials and going to parties- YES
> It's only his second year- YES

> I think he can become a quality NFL
> QB......PROVIDED there's anything left of him by
> his 4th or 5th year. He takes way too many hits,
> some self inflicted, to last very long in the NFL.
> That needs to change immediately!

True, I guess everyone knows all these critical details about the Redskins just by flipping on the tube every once in awhile. You're right, I hadn't thought of that.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:19PM

It is my fault I'm intelligent beyond my years?

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Rockhound ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:38PM

Hm... I suppose not.

You know I don't care what everyone else says about you, you're alright Stabbers. Yeah, no, you're okay. Really. I mean it. Everyone else is wrong. I'm going to stop listening to them. You're not an ignorant, racist, pedophile, well you might be but I guess you're still alright.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: December 05, 2013 05:48PM

Rockhound Wrote:
> Hm... I suppose not.
> You know I don't care what everyone else says
> about you, you're alright Stabbers. Yeah, no,
> you're okay. Really. I mean it. Everyone else is
> wrong. I'm going to stop listening to them. You're
> not an ignorant, racist, pedophile, well you might
> be but I guess you're still alright.

Oh goodness......Im tearing up here

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: Choices ()
Date: December 05, 2013 06:43PM

Stabitha Wrote:
> It is my fault I'm intelligent beyond my years?

Most serial killers and sexual predators have above average intelligence.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: 9EdF4 ()
Date: December 05, 2013 07:16PM

> Most serial killers and sexual predators have above average intelligence.

I have given this issue some thought. "Average" (and below) criminals are easily caught (they are trying to outwit a collective group of (hopefully) average intelligence individuals with more resources. So "poor" serial killers and molesters are caught before their crimes escalate to the level of notoriety. It is fairly well known that serial killers usually start with smaller crimes and escalate. Only the "clever" ones avoid law enforcement long enough to get to the point of being a serial killer.

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Re: RG3 - Great? Good? or just not Terrible?
Posted by: ridell ()
Date: December 05, 2013 08:57PM

how come his helmet gets knocked off every game? tighten that chin strap son... them boys gonna kill you!

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