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On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Money on the line ()
Date: September 23, 2012 08:34PM

A friend of mine has invited me to his wedding in December.

Several of us are already placing bets on how long it will last. Behind his back of course. I know its wrong but fuck it. Sue me.


On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for the husband and the wife to start losing interest in one another?

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: goodloving ()
Date: September 23, 2012 08:54PM

It is different from couple to couple. My wife and i got married when we were 19 yo. Been married 31 years. I think i'm the luckyest guy in the world!!

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: How oringinal ()
Date: September 23, 2012 08:58PM

A long time ago (70s) a group of friends and I would have after wedding reception party . About 12 vets, wives and girlfriends would have a betting pool for marriage to divorce expectancy. I remember at least 5 that we bet on and they all ended in divorce within 3 years. Made some money and lost a few friends.
Capitalism and free pussy isn't a bad trade off.The me,myself and I generation.
With a little help from my friends.
Kinda like this forum.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Well... ()
Date: September 23, 2012 09:18PM

Well a friend of my family got married in 1995 and she and her husband absolutely hate each other right now. I dont envision them being married too much longer.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Realist ()
Date: September 23, 2012 09:24PM

I have a patent on a mathematical algorithm that provides a 99% accurate answer to this question.

The amount of sex, blow jobs, rectal penetration, rim jobs, and fisting you get from a female is inversely proportional to the amount of time you spend in a relationship with that female - and can be accurately predetermined to within milliseconds of your divorce from the Ho Bag.

Provide a date and time of marriage, the frequency of coitus, the frequency of deviant sexual behavior, you preference of political party, and I will send you the predicted date of divorce within a month, day, hour, second, and millisecond.

Republicans are "Me" people and they tend to have more frequent undisclosed sex, and opposite undisclosed sex outside of marriage - and they really like a good tool lashing in the anus, so their marriages tend to erode faster.

Democrats tend to be "We" people and they tend to have better sexual encounters inside and outside the marriage, and they are better endowed, so they tend to take it in the ass less, are more open, and their marriages last from a better understanding and tolerance to overall community wellness.

That's why you find guys like Larry Craig taking a narrow stance on conservative values in public and a wide stance in public latrines for gay anal sex and male-on-male oral copulation in public restrooms.

Not a sermon - just a scientifically and mathematically based piece of fact.

You start losing interest as soon as you start discussing politics.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: r u sure ()
Date: September 23, 2012 10:22PM

goodloving Wrote:
> It is different from couple to couple. My wife and
> i got married when we were 19 yo. Been married 31
> years. I think i'm the luckyest guy in the world!!

is your wife making you write this?

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Wuuuuuuuuuuuut? ()
Date: September 23, 2012 10:29PM

goodloving Wrote:
> It is different from couple to couple. My wife and
> i got married when we were 19 yo. Been married 31
> years. I think i'm the luckyest guy in the world!!

You are attracted to a 50 year old woman?

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: MILFS! ()
Date: September 23, 2012 10:40PM

Nothing wrong with 50 year old women. My girlfriend is 49, works out almost everyday. She's in better shape than most women half her age and has the face of an angel.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: September 23, 2012 10:48PM

Realist posted quite a study there. I'm not sure about all the political stuff.

As far as sex goes in a relationship, the old saying goes: for the first year if you put a penny in a jar each time you have sex and then after the first year you take a penny out, it will take you many years to empty the jar.

But to give my input to the OP's question, the first two years are the hardest for most couples when they start living together. After the second year, people generally make it to the seventh year. They call it the "seven year itch". Its amazing how this seems to be almost universal.

If you make it beyond the 7th year, the next milestones seem to be in multiples of sevens -- which usually coincide with significant birthdays of possible children from the relationship.

If you make it past the point when the kids leave home, its very rare for people to split up after that.

So for most relationships, its either in the first two years or around 7 years.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: friskydingo ()
Date: September 23, 2012 10:55PM

Ito Wrote:
> As far as sex goes in a relationship, the old
> saying goes: for the first year if you put a penny
> in a jar each time you have sex and then after the
> first year you take a penny out, it will take you
> many years to empty the jar.

How depressing

> If you make it past the point when the kids leave
> home, its very rare for people to split up after
> that.

From what I've seen from my friends with divorced parents this is true.
I'd say in general that the older the kids, the less likely divorce is.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/23/2012 10:56PM by friskydingo.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: September 23, 2012 11:03PM

Divorce happens a lot when kids first go to school, when they hit their teenage years and then when they leave home. Its not to say that couples don't get sick of each other before then, but that's when they throw in the towel.

As for the penny jar thing being depressing, its not so much about people getting tired of having sex with one another, its really a statement about how people tend to fuck each other's brain out when they first meet.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: September 24, 2012 02:19AM

Ito Wrote:
> Realist posted quite a study there. I'm not sure
> about all the political stuff.

He said democrats are well endowed dicks.

That's not very nice.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: 3 time marriage failure ()
Date: September 24, 2012 02:47AM

Money on the line Wrote:
> On average, how long does it take after a couple
> gets married for the husband and the wife to start
> losing interest in one another?

If you're Alias...the night of the honeymoon.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: September 24, 2012 03:37AM

3 time marriage failure Wrote:
> Money on the line Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > On average, how long does it take after a
> couple
> > gets married for the husband and the wife to
> start
> > losing interest in one another?
> If you're Alias...the night of the honeymoon.

If you had to get in bed with Realist, you'd run, too.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: And the truth is.... ()
Date: September 24, 2012 07:04AM

...they have lost interest with each other before they said "I do". The wedding planning part of the relationship kills marriages before they start more than anything else.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Money on the line ()
Date: September 24, 2012 12:47PM


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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: 4 years ()
Date: September 24, 2012 12:54PM

The sex will be over in about 2 years. If they play around then they might make it more interesting for a couple more years. If she blows up like a blimp than I'd say 3 years max.

Finances will certainly play a role and if they have kids. If your buddy likes to drink and be out with the boys but she won't let him than I'd say max 4 years.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 24, 2012 01:02PM

Only been married for 3 years, but we were able to get a lot of the bad fights out of the way early lol. We are learning the important things that will keep our bond strong for many years to come. You have to go in with the right attitude or you're doomed from the jump. If her looks ultimately out weigh your love...well then again, you are doomed. I told my wife from the jump, she had me, so even if she gets fat Im good (doesn't hurt that she's still hot righ though...lol). We have the luxury of experiencing some of the things OLDER couples experience, say 10-20 years down the road. With that, til death do we part. Being faithful has never been an issue for me and I trust for her as well.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: September 24, 2012 01:12PM

I've heard 7 years.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: From the Other Side ()
Date: September 24, 2012 01:31PM

As a female, I'd say that things change radically when you have kids. If the wife is working full-time, and doing most of the child care and housework, it breeds deep resentment. That is not good for any aspect of the marriage.

If the most important thing to you is sex, you won't last. If you treat your wife like it appears that Ahmayzin does, it will pay off.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ed Realtor ()
Date: September 24, 2012 01:42PM

Ahmayzin Wrote:
> Only been married for 3 years, but we were able to
> get a lot of the bad fights out of the way early
> lol. We are learning the important things that
> will keep our bond strong for many years to come.
> You have to go in with the right attitude or
> you're doomed from the jump. If her looks
> ultimately out weigh your love...well then again,
> you are doomed. I told my wife from the jump, she
> had me, so even if she gets fat Im good (doesn't
> hurt that she's still hot righ though...lol). We
> have the luxury of experiencing some of the things
> OLDER couples experience, say 10-20 years down the
> road. With that, til death do we part. Being
> faithful has never been an issue for me and I
> trust for her as well.

Fuck that shit. I told my wife that when this relationship stops being fun, I'm gone. If she gets fat, I'm gone.

10 years in and she still looks just as hot as when we first met. Plus she has had two kids.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Money on the line ()
Date: September 24, 2012 02:08PM


Thank you all for looking out for me and my money. Hugs for everyone.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: holddd up ()
Date: September 24, 2012 03:53PM

I read an article somewhere that is in human nature to almost change your personality completely or the way you do things every 10 years or so. most people only stay in marriage for the reason of it is convenient for living comfortable and more socially acceptable and too inconvenient not too stay together when you take all the settlements into the equation and especially with kids as well.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: holddd up ()
Date: September 24, 2012 03:55PM

with that being said i would argue people would divorce eachother fairly often to go find some fresh new pussy if it was easier and not such a hassle. not to mention once you reach the age of 50 it gets pretty difficult to get pussy and the fear of being alone in old age is a contributor as well

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 24, 2012 04:08PM

It's as old as dirty draws and hummus....but marital success stems upon a word we call compromise. You HAVE to. Granted I wish my wife didn't have to work, but I would be a lying ass fuckhead if I said she didn't. So to off set, I do 95% of the cooking. We share the cleaning and we keep the relationship healthy. Those of you in your early years like us....heres a tip some may forget. With or without kids (we have 4), you have to filter out unneccessary friends. My wife helped me realize who some of my true friends were and who the douches are. A buddy that will understand "you can't go out because of a sschoo function" or "quality time with the Mrs." is a friend for life. Whether he/she is married or single. The douche that makes you feel like shit, then eventually convinces you, is an unhealthy friend. They may in the end cause you to split, then when your ass is alone is the same douche you have to stare...instead of a mate you were once in love with. Just sayin.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/24/2012 04:08PM by Ahmayzin.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: @Ed the Realtor ()
Date: September 24, 2012 06:19PM

Ed Realtor Wrote:
> Fuck that shit. I told my wife that when this
> relationship stops being fun, I'm gone. If she
> gets fat, I'm gone.

You sound like a real prize. You're wife must feel real secure in your relationship. I'm not surprised you're still with her - I'm surprised she's still with you.

> 10 years in and she still looks just as hot as
> when we first met. Plus she has had two kids.

Let's hope they're yours.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: sumguy ()
Date: September 24, 2012 09:55PM

Anybody who claims that after a couple of years and kids the spark doesn't fade is fucking liar.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: My Secret ()
Date: September 25, 2012 07:13AM

I finally realized that my numerous marriages ended when we sobered up. My new approach to marriage is stay sober until after we are married. Seems to be working so far. A lot cheaper too.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: it's simple... ()
Date: September 25, 2012 10:04AM

Don't get married.

My favorite excuses for getting married:

It's seemed like the right time
It's the next logical step
Everyone else was getting married
I don't want to do the dating thing anymore
I realized I don't want to be alone forever

Everytime I hear one of those expressions, I know the marriage is doomed. Anyone who says these ends up divorced.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: marriage isn't worth it ()
Date: September 25, 2012 10:44AM

Well, I'm not married but have been going with my girlfriend for 7 years. The relationship is pretty much a joke. Hardly any sex. She'll cook for me. Birthday and Christmas times usually mean nothing. Hence I won't marry her. I just keep her around because she cooks whenever I stay over. Hardly any interests between each other. She likes her tv shows and I like mine. She doesn't like the shows that I watch pretty much anyway. She's Asian, been here since 1975. Still has trouble speaking and understanding English. She came over when she was 14 years old. Two reasons I still hang around her:

1. I said hardly any sex which is true but she gives up the anus all the time.
2. She cooks.

Been involved with another lady that I knew from college. She knows about the current situation I'm in. It's all good.......FOR NOW.


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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 25, 2012 10:55AM

Y'all sound like some sad motherfunkies.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: SoylentGreen ()
Date: September 25, 2012 12:38PM

Ahmayzin Wrote:
> Y'all sound like some sad motherfunkies.

I was thinking the same thing.

Is it possible that there are only a very few people posting here that don't fit the stereotype of living in the parents basement, gargling with Red Bull and surfing porn all day and night?

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: When I'm 64 ()
Date: September 25, 2012 01:23PM

From the Other Side Wrote:
> As a female, I'd say that things change radically
> when you have kids. If the wife is working
> full-time, and doing most of the child care and
> housework, it breeds deep resentment. That is not
> good for any aspect of the marriage.
> If the most important thing to you is sex, you
> won't last. If you treat your wife like it appears
> that Ahmayzin does, it will pay off.

Ahmayzin said: "I told my wife from the jump, she had me, so even if she gets fat Im good . . . . We have the luxury of experiencing some of the things OLDER couples experience, say 10-20 years down the road. With that, til death do we part."

And one day the woman wakes up and realizes she's married to a 60-year-old man. And amplifying her seething resentment, she fully appreciates the downside of "'til death do us part." So she turns to Investigation Discovery and movies on Lifetime in which the husband invariably kills the wife, then is caught and punished. She relishes every moment of the heel facing his just desserts. She pops a candy into her mouth and clicks the remote looking for Judge Judy or some other strong-willed woman who knows how to put guys in their places.

WHOA! Gotta be a nightmare. Must wake up.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: basement dweller ()
Date: September 25, 2012 01:56PM

I stay in my basement all the time and surf porn!!!!

Parents have their own place.

I own my own townhouse which is paid for in full. hell with marriage. Just bring the ladies over when i'm feeling horny and have a hell of a time.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 25, 2012 02:25PM

When I'm 64 Wrote:
> From the Other Side Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > As a female, I'd say that things change
> radically
> > when you have kids. If the wife is working
> > full-time, and doing most of the child care and
> > housework, it breeds deep resentment. That is
> not
> > good for any aspect of the marriage.
> >
> > If the most important thing to you is sex, you
> > won't last. If you treat your wife like it
> appears
> > that Ahmayzin does, it will pay off.
> Ahmayzin said: "I told my wife from the jump, she
> had me, so even if she gets fat Im good . . . . We
> have the luxury of experiencing some of the things
> OLDER couples experience, say 10-20 years down the
> road. With that, til death do we part."
> And one day the woman wakes up and realizes she's
> married to a 60-year-old man. And amplifying her
> seething resentment, she fully appreciates the
> downside of "'til death do us part." So she turns
> to Investigation Discovery and movies on Lifetime
> in which the husband invariably kills the wife,
> then is caught and punished. She relishes every
> moment of the heel facing his just desserts. She
> pops a candy into her mouth and clicks the remote
> looking for Judge Judy or some other strong-willed
> woman who knows how to put guys in their places.
> WHOA! Gotta be a nightmare. Must wake up.

HA!!! You wish. Like with everything in life, I never said it was perfection. We make it work, but the point I made above, was that we put everything on the table. We did not get married for convenience. We got married because we knew we wanted to be together forever. She has taught me things. I have taught her things. I learned I wasn't as patient, she learned she wasn't as patient. Through all the mess, we've experienced the REALLY bad, without anything totally detrimental coming in to play. We keep it fun. Don't ignore each other. Naturally we need our space. If we were insecure, we would be doomed. I'm not a bad looking brotha. She is definitely a good looking woman. We make it work, because of UNselfishness. Read about it. Be about it. lol.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 25, 2012 02:30PM

basement dweller Wrote:
> I stay in my basement all the time and surf
> porn!!!!
> Parents have their own place.
> I own my own townhouse which is paid for in full.
> hell with marriage. Just bring the ladies over
> when i'm feeling horny and have a hell of a time.

Tell me how thats working for ya....all those super clean random vaginas you are running up in there guy...lol.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: damuri ()
Date: September 25, 2012 03:19PM

Kids throw a big bucket of cold water on the sex thing. I wonder how some people have more than a couple of kids. Sex becomes a once or twice a month thing after a while.

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Ahmayzin ()
Date: September 25, 2012 03:59PM

When your kids are older and can feed themselves.....life is so much better. LOL. :):):)

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Re: On average, how long does it take after a couple gets married for a husband and a wife to start losing interest in one another?
Posted by: Money on the line ()
Date: October 04, 2012 05:25PM

Once again. Thanks for all of the different perspectives. I am placing my bet this weekend. I wll keep everyone up to date on how long the marriage does or does not last.

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