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Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: October 23, 2008 08:13PM

I think Drudge's days as a driver of the news are numbered. His site hasn't changed in better than 10 years. He doesn't seem to recognize the importance of user driven content. He has ignored loads of juicy stories this election because they don't fit with his agenda. Take a look at his current headline--it's not "dog bites man", or "man bites dog", it is "No sign that dog has bitten man." Really?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Date: October 23, 2008 10:37PM

The "mutilation" story is quickly being debunked as a hoax. TMZ reports that the cops have their doubts and even Michelle Malkin out and out calls the woman a fraud.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: October 24, 2008 08:48AM

I love that primitive internet style Drudge has going on, every time I look at that site I feel like it's 1995 all over again.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 24, 2008 10:29AM

And yet, for all the MSM bias, they always seem to run with the stories he posts...

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: October 27, 2008 08:16PM

The Fox News, Drudge, talk radio triumvirate is in overdrive. There is full scale panic over the impending Obama victory. It reminds of a few months ago when it was becoming clear that McCain was the likely Republican nominee and they started working hard to get Romney instead. It was too little then and I think it's too late now too.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: October 27, 2008 09:05PM

Maybe if progressives ponied up a couple of bucks to advertise on Drudge he'd change his tune. Money talks and then the bullshit walks!!

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: November 01, 2008 12:37PM


PollDateSampleMoEObama (D)McCain (R)Spread
RCP Average10/25 - 10/31----50.243.8Obama +6.4
Rasmussen Reports10/29 - 10/313000 LV2.05146Obama +5
Diageo/Hotline10/29 - 10/31876 LV3.65144Obama +7
Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby10/29 - 10/311201 LV2.94944Obama +5
Gallup (Traditional)*10/28 - 10/302116 LV2.05143Obama +8
Gallup (Expanded)*10/28 - 10/302459 LV2.05243Obama +9
Marist10/29 - 10/29543 LV4.55043Obama +7
GWU/Battleground10/27 - 10/30800 LV3.54945Obama +4
ABC News/Wash Post10/27 - 10/301580 LV2.55344Obama +9
FOX News10/28 - 10/29924 LV3.04744Obama +3
IBD/TIPP10/26 - 10/30894 LV3.04844Obama +4
CBS News/NY Times10/25 - 10/291005 LV--5241Obama +11

Drudge's take:

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Date: November 01, 2008 08:18PM

Drudge is really grasping at straws. I love how he posted the IBD and Gallup polls in big headlines when the spread was 2 points. But now that Obama has opened up a 10-point lead in even the most conservative Gallup poll (traditional likely), you see nothing. He trumpets that media whore John Zogby, who happened to call the election in 2004 for John Kerry, if you remember.

I see the neo-con bloggers trying to make the case that McCain is closing in, but all evidence is to the contrary. Yes, earlier in the week the polls tightened a bit for McCain, but that was earlier in the week. Since, the national and state polls, including in Arizona, Mississippi and Arkansas, have been trending TOWARD Obama.

Obama may not win PA by 10 points. But I think it is safte to assume he will win it by the 2 to 4 points most Democrats in the past have won it by.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: November 02, 2008 01:19AM

Drudge started off as a foil for the MSM, but he quickly fell into the same trap as Limbaugh and all the rest: being a shill for the Rethuglicans.

I miss the days when he was slamming Slick Willie and forcing the MSM to follow his lead. Now he just looks stupid.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter ()
Date: November 03, 2008 08:43PM

More from that class act, Drudge:

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: December 31, 2009 11:07AM

More fair and balanced reporting from Drudge:

As news broke Wednesday night of radio show host Rush Limbaugh's hospital visit due to chest pains, many of his political counterparts on the left put down their ideological swords and wished him well on Twitter.

"All best wishes to Mr. Limbaugh tonight, for a full and speedy recovery," wrote MSNBC's Rachel Maddow.

Mediaite's Rachel Sklar cautioned Rush's detractors: "No stooping to wishing him ill, people! (Karma.)"

Salon's Joan Walsh: "I can't enjoy the news of Rush Limbaugh's illness. Is there something wrong with me? He has a family. Aren't we better than that?"

And radio show host Alan Colmes said that "we wish him well."

There were others who weren't quite sure how to react. Mother Jones's David Corn begrudgingly offered this: "Rush, you've slimed me in the past. But, I suppose, good luck to you, too." But earlier, Corn wrestled with how to react to Rush's illness given Limbaugh's own reaction to the medical fortunes of others.

"Resist the snark about Rush's rush to the hospital?" asked Corn. "Yeah. But remember what he said about Ted Kennedy." Corn provided a link to a Huffington Post article that referenced a March Limbaugh show in which "Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would be dead by the time health care reform legislation passes. 'Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill.'"


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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:08PM

7.9 billion visits in 2009....Jumped the shark?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:41PM

An appropriate response to the faux outrage from poor Voter... from the same article that was linked.


But, turning the tables, some conservatives had fun with the idea that if only it were a liberal in the hospital...

"I'd donate a heart to keep Rush alive," wrote blogger Dan Riehl. "Just need a knife and a liberal close by. ; )"

Suggesting that Kennedy would be dead by the time legislation passed was not wishing him ill. It was a statement on reality - maybe in bad taste, but still a statement. But I don't see it documented anywhere that Rush ever wished anyone was dead - and I don't listen to the Rush's show.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:46PM

I don't think he drives the agenda the way he used to. There is no question he is still influential, but technology is passing him by and he doesn't seem to have much energy for it anymore. I rarely visit the site anymore and when I do don't see much that I find compelling. I've also always thought his hit counts were inflated. The site auto-reloads every 15 seconds or whatever so half that is just browsers refreshing while people are off doing other things.

> 7.9 billion visits in 2009....Jumped the shark?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:48PM

His stories are still the main ones being used in most national coverage. Some organizations are trying to pull in other stories - the problem is they are just going through fluff, or trying to NOT analyze legitimate political issues.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: December 31, 2009 12:56PM

His stories? Maybe you haven't noticed, but Drudge has actually written about fifty words since 1995 and thirty of those he had to retract. He doesn't write any stories. And I don't know where you got outrage from. I'm not outraged--it's totally expected at this point. He posts a link to a story with a headline that totally mischaracterizes the content of the story--I've seen it again and again. Most people don't bother actually reading the story so mission accomplished.

Registered Voter Wrote:
> His stories are still the main ones being used in
> most national coverage. Some organizations are
> trying to pull in other stories - the problem is
> they are just going through fluff, or trying to
> NOT analyze legitimate political issues.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:03PM

His "stories" IE the ones he links, yes. Wow Voter, nice of you to wax on about nothing. Drudge doesn't write much of anything, but yes, he links stories.

You referenced this yourself in your OP:


Posted by: Voter ()
Date: October 23, 2008 08:13PM

I think Drudge's days as a driver of the news are numbered. His site hasn't changed in better than 10 years. He doesn't seem to recognize the importance of user driven content. He has ignored loads of juicy stories this election because they don't fit with his agenda. Take a look at his current headline--it's not "dog bites man", or "man bites dog", it is "No sign that dog has bitten man." Really?

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registnerd Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:17PM

For those that don't know, Registered Voter will be staying home tonight baking brownies with his boyfriend Bobbie. That's just how Republicans do it.

He MAY get up to take a shower later today, which would be helpful since we can all smell his body odor through the internets. His personal hygiene takes a back seat to his love of EXTREME internet blogging.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:27PM

I see Fairy is out - what, no one to "luv you long time" at home today? Maybe you need to figure out who you are talking about, me, or yourself. I will bet it is you, since it is obvious you have no clue who I am, where I am, or what I am doing.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: jeez louise ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:29PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> I see Fairy is out - what, no one to "luv you long
> time" at home today? Maybe you need to figure out
> who you are talking about, me, or yourself. I will
> bet it is you, since it is obvious you have no
> clue who I am, where I am, or what I am doing.

Hey RV,

I just farted so loud it made my back crack.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Registnerd Voter ()
Date: December 31, 2009 01:36PM

Wow. Someone is a bit constipated today. Did I hurt your feelings? I guess you're upset that you'll be staying home alone playing internet wizard tonight while the rest of us will be partying it up with the ladies. We all know that you and your male lover will be re-creating the ball drop like you did last year. Why do you always insist on being the dropee?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: December 31, 2009 07:08PM

RV, I, and the usual crew are headed over to a party downtown (VIP Room Invitations only). While the trolls are still furiously typing away insults on here... Yea, you get the picture. Peace Out suckas!

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: December 31, 2009 07:23PM

Voter Wrote:
> I think Drudge's days as a driver of the news are
> numbered. His site hasn't changed in better than
> 10 years.

Do you even know what the term "jump the shark" means? It does not mean something has not changed in ten years, and it does not mean that something is fading from importance.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Date: December 31, 2009 07:28PM

This troll here is furiously stroking his man-hood.... well you get the picture.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: January 01, 2010 06:50AM

Of course I know what it means, dumbass. It refers to the series "Happy Days" and the episode where "the Fonz" jumps the shark. The meaning is that something that used to be good has turned the corner and become a joke. That was my point about Drudge.

pgens Wrote:
> Do you even know what the term "jump the shark"
> means? It does not mean something has not changed
> in ten years, and it does not mean that something
> is fading from importance.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: January 01, 2010 03:26PM

Who's that little bundle of joy? it's princess, princess

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 01, 2010 08:10PM

Voter__ Wrote:
> Of course I know what it means, dumbass. It
> refers to the series "Happy Days" and the episode
> where "the Fonz" jumps the shark. The meaning is
> that something that used to be good has turned the
> corner and become a joke. That was my point about
> Drudge.

Your point, whatever it was, had nothing to do with what you said about Drudge. You said Drudge has stayed the same for too long and has become irrelevant, but acknowledge that "jump the shark" means a specific thing is done that results in it sucking from then onward. Between the two of us I'm not the dumbass, dumbass.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: VoterIt__ ()
Date: January 01, 2010 09:15PM

As usual, you are missing the point. The act of jumping the shark wasn't what resulted in the show sucking from then on--it just demonstrated that the writers were out of ideas. It was a symptom--not a cause. But whatever, go on being an asshole who doesn't post much in the way of original thoughts--just the random idiotic missive.

pgens Wrote:
> Your point, whatever it was, had nothing to do
> with what you said about Drudge. You said Drudge
> has stayed the same for too long and has become
> irrelevant, but acknowledge that "jump the shark"
> means a specific thing is done that results in it
> sucking from then onward. Between the two of us
> I'm not the dumbass, dumbass.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 01, 2010 11:39PM

So by your thread title you meant... what?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: January 02, 2010 08:58AM

That Drudge had run out of ideas and become a joke.

pgens Wrote:
> So by your thread title you meant... what?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Atilla ()
Date: January 02, 2010 09:54AM

Voter Wrote:
> I think Drudge's days as a driver of the news are
> numbered. His site hasn't changed in better than
> 10 years. He doesn't seem to recognize the
> importance of user driven content. He has ignored
> loads of juicy stories this election because they
> don't fit with his agenda. Take a look at his
> current headline--it's not "dog bites man", or
> "man bites dog", it is "No sign that dog has
> bitten man." Really?

I just looked and Drudge is still online. Guess it really bothers you that
Drudge isnt sucking Soros' ass.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Negroe ()
Date: January 02, 2010 11:37AM

Voter: "His site hasn't changed in better than 10 years. He doesn't seem to recognize the importance of user driven content."

It's hardly worth arguing the point, but as pgens pointed out, by your own terms Drudge has not "jumped the shark," which refers to a ridiculous change to an established story or approach.

You could say "Drudge sucks," or "Drudge is irrelevant," or "Drudge doesn't drive news like it did during the Clinton years," but if "His site hasn't changed in better than 10 years," then by definition it has *not* "jumped the shark".

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 02, 2010 12:20PM

I guess Voter just doesn't get it.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: January 02, 2010 12:45PM

I'm tired of arguing about the unimportant side issue of whether "Jump the shark" is the right description, so this is the last time I'm attempting to make it clearer for you. While the site layout has not changed in over 10 years, I would say that the content has. Drudge used to be more about the sensational and didn't hew to a particular party line as much. In the last election cycle it was clear to me he was trying more to advance a political agenda. If it would make you feel better if the thread was title "Drudge sucks", fine--just substitute that in your head when you read it.

Negroe Wrote:
> Voter: "His site hasn't changed in better than 10
> years. He doesn't seem to recognize the importance
> of user driven content."
> It's hardly worth arguing the point, but as pgens
> pointed out, by your own terms Drudge has not
> "jumped the shark," which refers to a ridiculous
> change to an established story or approach.
> You could say "Drudge sucks," or "Drudge is
> irrelevant," or "Drudge doesn't drive news like it
> did during the Clinton years," but if "His site
> hasn't changed in better than 10 years," then by
> definition it has *not* "jumped the shark".

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Negroe ()
Date: January 02, 2010 01:14PM

You're not making anything "clearer." Your OP made it abundantly clear that you didn't understand what the term "jump the shark" means, and the rest of the thread demonstrates your stubborn unwillingness to admit your mistake.

Now, having finally grasped the meaning of the phrase, you've changed your tune and are saying Drudge's content has substantively changed, an idea not previously advanced by you in this thread.

In fact, Drudge has not changed at all. The site has had the same visual style and right-leaning content from the beginning until now.

But don't feel bad, Voter. You may suck, but you haven't jumped the shark.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Voter__ ()
Date: January 02, 2010 02:32PM

The emphasis on Obama's Hollywood ties and the omission of two negative McCain items is consistent with a broader trend over the past month (or so) that has seen the Arizona senator receive far better treatment from Drudge than he had during the primary season when, as several other acute political observers noted at the time, a number of tough stories for McCain regularly appeared on Drudge.

The increase in positive McCain stories featured on Drudge has coincided with more skeptical coverage of Obama's candidacy. In recent weeks, Drudge has featured in his center well spot: A picture of Obama shooting at a far off basketball hoop with a subtitle asking "Will he get his groove back?"; an image of Obama sweating on stage at the Democratic National Convention during the Illinois senator's acceptance speech; and heavy coverage of the "lipstick on a pig" comments.

What explains the change in tone? It's easy to lapse into the tired old logic that Drudge is nothing more than a conservative mouthpiece returning to his roots as election day nears.

But, those who follow the news choices that Drudge makes on a day in and day out basis -- Democrats and Republicans alike -- argue that the shift in focus by Drudge is in keeping with a long time strain of his site: a healthy disdain for the mainstream media and their perceived biases.


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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: January 02, 2010 02:51PM

Seems to be an infatuation with Drudge going on here.

I prefer the Daily Kos. Pretty intelligent folks over there, check out their take on Rush:
Why isn't this POS in jail? He needs to be sharing a cell with a large angry black homosexual. And those are the "nice" thoughts I have for him.

It is nature's way of telling a--holes like Limbaugh that beers are being thrown back in celebration of that heart attack.

If he gets well, so be it. If he gets worse, be it paralyzed, comatose, or dead, he's earned it.

I hope he dies and I'm glad he's sick. All this fat a--hole has done is encourage a whole generation of Americans to be right-wing, bigoted scumbags like him. He's divided our nation and has been nothing but a bad influence.

I'll never apologize for hating Rush. Or wishing death and illness on him.


Gotta love the compassion from the left...


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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: AlleyCat ()
Date: January 02, 2010 03:53PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Seems to be an infatuation with Drudge going on
> here.
> I prefer the Daily Kos. Pretty intelligent folks
> over there, check out their take on Rush:
> --
> Why isn't this POS in jail? He needs to be sharing
> a cell with a large angry black homosexual. And
> those are the "nice" thoughts I have for him.
> It is nature's way of telling a--holes like
> Limbaugh that beers are being thrown back in
> celebration of that heart attack.
> If he gets well, so be it. If he gets worse, be it
> paralyzed, comatose, or dead, he's earned it.
> I hope he dies and I'm glad he's sick. All this
> fat a--hole has done is encourage a whole
> generation of Americans to be right-wing, bigoted
> scumbags like him. He's divided our nation and has
> been nothing but a bad influence.
> I'll never apologize for hating Rush. Or wishing
> death and illness on him.
> --
> Gotta love the compassion from the left...
> .

DailyKos is nothing more than a Soros funded propaganda/garbage machine.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: January 02, 2010 05:27PM

Voter__ Wrote:
> was trying
> more to advance a political agenda. If it would
> make you feel better if the thread was title
> "Drudge sucks", fine--just substitute that in your
> head when you read it.

It would be easier to have threads titled correctly by posters who know what terms mean, and this thread fails in that regard.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/02/2010 05:47PM by pgens.

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Qwertyuio ()
Date: January 02, 2010 05:35PM

Kos has jumped the shark?

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Re: Drudge has jumped the shark
Posted by: Negroe ()
Date: January 02, 2010 06:15PM

pgens Wrote:
> It would be easier to have threads titled
> correctly by posters who know what terms mean, and
> this thread fails in that regard.

Dude, gotta give credit where credit is due.

Drudge supported the Republican candidate for president.

If that's not jumping the shark, I don't know what is.


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