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How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Logical Liberal ()
Date: July 14, 2013 02:11AM

I truly believe that Zimmerman was innocent. His actions weren't perfect, but I think he acted in the full belief that his life was in danger - as I suspect that it may have been.

I also have to admit: Obama spoke before the facts were in - not for the first time - and intentionally or not, he exacerbated the situation. I doubt that the "race baiting" was intentional, but the result is the same.

The media also handled this in a manner that was irresponsible, reprehensible, and in many cases, possibly criminal. I half-suspect that a man I generally trust and respect - John Stewart - went on vacation to "remove" himself from the situation, after committing many of the same offenses, himself.

So, moving forward, how can "white" people handle this? For professional reasons - if not out of fear - I know I won't say many of the things that I'm thinking in front of people I don't trust. I'm already shamed by the knowledge that I will put my own interests ahead of what I feel to be "right", and it will bother me that I can't speak freely in defense of an innocent man who's life has been destroyed, and will possibly be killed.

What IS the best way to conduct myself in this horrible situation?

I ask you all: what will YOU do?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 02:14AM by Logical Liberal.

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Re: How Should White People Handle Themselves?
Posted by: cvxWw ()
Date: July 14, 2013 02:18AM

Logical Liberal Wrote:
> I truly believe that Zimmerman was innocent. His
> actions weren't perfect, but I think he acted in
> the full belief that his life was in danger - as I
> suspect that it may have been.
> I also have to admit: Obama spoke before the facts
> were in - not for the first time - and
> intentionally or not, he exacerbated the
> situation. I doubt that the "race baiting" was
> intentional, but the result is the same.
> The media also handled this in a manner that was
> irresponsible, reprehensible, and in many cases,
> possibly criminal. I half-suspect that a man I
> generally trust and respect - John Stewart - went
> on vacation to "remove" himself from the
> situation, after committing many of the same
> offenses, himself.
> So, moving forward, how can "white" people handle
> this? For professional reasons - if not out of
> fear - I know I won't say many of the things that
> I'm thinking in front of people I don't trust.
> I'm already shamed by the knowledge that I will
> put my own interests ahead of what I feel to be
> "right", and it will bother me that I can't speak
> freely in defense of an innocent man who's life
> has been destroyed, and will possibly be killed.
> What IS the best way to conduct myself in this
> horrible situation?
> I ask you all: what will YOU do?

White people can not use ONE word, which word is it?

I will give my honest opinion if asked by anyone - that is what I do at all times.

It makes life easier to not censor myself, due to other peoples hang-ups.

I am White.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: stop white guilt ()
Date: July 14, 2013 02:24AM

1.stop white guilt
2.tell it like it is.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: wbPX9 ()
Date: July 14, 2013 02:29AM

it's not that serious. remember when obama was elected for the first and second time? same thing. life goes on. go about your day.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Logical Liberal ()
Date: July 14, 2013 03:11AM

stop white guilt Wrote:
> 1.stop white guilt
> 2.tell it like it is.

I wouldn't say that it's "white guilt". I don't feel guilty about anything. While still not completely accurate, "fearful" is probably a better word.

It's partly my belief that if someone objects to the verdict, then they will be doing so out of their own preconceived notions, that there will be no possible way to change their views, and that I could hope for nothing but to earn their animosity.

As followers of this trial, I believe that we probably have had better access to the facts and context of this case than the jury actually did. Still, the jury came to the same conclusion - those that are rejecting the verdict had declared Zimmerman guilty long before the trial began, and they'll abide no other answer. It seems futile to put myself in the "line of fire" with no hope of influencing their convictions.

There are those with racial motivations and preconceptions, and I think there are many - Y.C. refers to "millenials" in another thread - that will go along with the populist crowd for whatever reason they choose. No matter which it is, they'll feel outrage for a perceived injustice, and they'll be motivated in ways and to a depth that I'm unlikely to understand.

Speaking in George's defense wouldn't be comparable to defending the KKK, but I think it will be seen that way in front of these individuals, and that they're likely to come away from the encounter truly believing that I am a racist.

No, I won't be engaging random strangers about the topic, but I move around a lot, and talk to a lot of people. I fully expect that someone will broach the subject with me.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: KynFJ ()
Date: July 14, 2013 03:35AM

you are worrying too much

if you do not want to go through all this fucking worrying, do something about it

speak your mind, you will not change opinions, but you will show that whites have no fear of recourse

your fear alone is a victory for racists

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Logical Liberal ()
Date: July 14, 2013 10:16AM

KynFJ Wrote:
> you are worrying too much
> if you do not want to go through all this fucking
> worrying, do something about it
> speak your mind, you will not change opinions, but
> you will show that whites have no fear of
> recourse
> your fear alone is a victory for racists

I agree with your sentiment, and that expressed by others. In Fairfax, I don't think it will ever be much of an issue, but many of the places that I work are not so even-tempered.

To do what I feel is "right" would go far beyond talking, though. I've often thought that "Liberals" would never tolerate the sort of behavior from their news sources that Fox engages in regularly. But here we are, and my theory is being put to the test - so far, I'm exceedingly disappointed.

CNN has an article now:
"Why this verdict? Five things that led to Zimmerman's acquittal"

To paraphrase:

1) The prosecution failed
2) There wasn't much evidence, and the rain damaged what there was
3) Rachel Jeantel was a poor witness
4) The voice on the tape couldn't be positively identified
5) Zimmerman may have told the truth, or he may be a pathological liar

And yes, they end on the "pathological liar" note, placing those two words among the last four of the article.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/14/2013 10:18AM by Logical Liberal.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Brett Davenport ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:17AM

They should shut up and listen to Long Hair Don't Care

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Liberal Logic 76 ()
Date: July 15, 2013 02:31AM

Logical Liberal Wrote:

> I agree with your sentiment, and that expressed by
> others. In Fairfax, I don't think it will ever be
> much of an issue, but many of the places that I
> work are not so even-tempered.
> To do what I feel is "right" would go far beyond
> talking, though. I've often thought that
> "Liberals" would never tolerate the sort of
> behavior from their news sources that Fox engages
> in regularly. But here we are, and my theory is
> being put to the test - so far, I'm exceedingly
> disappointed.
> CNN has an article now:
> "Why this verdict? Five things that led to
> Zimmerman's acquittal"
> http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/14/us/zimmerman-why-thi
> s-verdict/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
> To paraphrase:
> 1) The prosecution failed
> 2) There wasn't much evidence, and the rain
> damaged what there was
> 3) Rachel Jeantel was a poor witness
> 4) The voice on the tape couldn't be positively
> identified
> 5) Zimmerman may have told the truth, or he may be
> a pathological liar
> And yes, they end on the "pathological liar" note,
> placing those two words among the last four of the
> article.

Its truly pathetic what passes as "news" these days when the liberal media is trying to push their agenda.

They should have ended with an apology for pushing for a trial of someone when all evidence pointed to self defense and everyone who investigated the issue believed he acted in self defense. Of course that didnt matter to the media who saw an opportunity to push an ideological agenda.

Sadly you are right though, a lot of liberals arent interested in hearing factually based news from their news sources they just want reassurances about their view point.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: obama ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:00AM

Hey, I'm the one who pushed this trial.

I saw my make believe son get gunned down by a white man.... too bad the white guy was half white, like me.

I ordered my justice department to organize protests.

Holder got a hard-on; he always gets a hard-on when he can fuck a white man.

Holder, with his hard-on, and I, the fucking president of the goddamn united states of fucking america, fired the Chief of Police in whatever town this occurred, and MSNBC and all my fans supported me and called for JUSTICE.

I love ME.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Holder ()
Date: July 15, 2013 03:28AM

And, that, my friends, is the goddam Obama truth.

We got the power and we will fuck you up.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Logical Liberal ()
Date: July 15, 2013 07:19AM

Liberal Logic 76 Wrote:
> Logical Liberal Wrote:
> > I agree with your sentiment, and that expressed
> by
> > others. In Fairfax, I don't think it will ever
> be
> > much of an issue, but many of the places that I
> > work are not so even-tempered.
> >
> > To do what I feel is "right" would go far
> beyond
> > talking, though. I've often thought that
> > "Liberals" would never tolerate the sort of
> > behavior from their news sources that Fox
> engages
> > in regularly. But here we are, and my theory
> is
> > being put to the test - so far, I'm exceedingly
> > disappointed.
> >
> > CNN has an article now:
> > "Why this verdict? Five things that led to
> > Zimmerman's acquittal"
> >
> http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/14/us/zimmerman-why-thi
> > s-verdict/index.html?hpt=hp_t1
> >
> > To paraphrase:
> >
> > 1) The prosecution failed
> > 2) There wasn't much evidence, and the rain
> > damaged what there was
> > 3) Rachel Jeantel was a poor witness
> > 4) The voice on the tape couldn't be positively
> > identified
> > 5) Zimmerman may have told the truth, or he may
> be
> > a pathological liar
> >
> > And yes, they end on the "pathological liar"
> note,
> > placing those two words among the last four of
> the
> > article.
> Its truly pathetic what passes as "news" these
> days when the liberal media is trying to push
> their agenda.
> They should have ended with an apology for pushing
> for a trial of someone when all evidence pointed
> to self defense and everyone who investigated the
> issue believed he acted in self defense. Of
> course that didnt matter to the media who saw an
> opportunity to push an ideological agenda.
> Sadly you are right though, a lot of liberals
> arent interested in hearing factually based news
> from their news sources they just want
> reassurances about their view point.

Trying to ignore the partisan jab, I'd point out that Fox is much more notorious for this, and I have never once heard a Conservative complain about it or admit that the network was wrong.

I think you should also keep in mind that Liberals don't actually consider "everything other than Fox" to be "Liberal Media", though I do understand why - right or wrong - the perception exists.

Recognizing the problem, what can we, as responsible citizens on either "side" do?

I've searched, and I haven't found a single group that I believe is effectively - or even actively - working to restore ethics in journalism. If I could find one, I'd support them, but how could they gain traction without media attention?

I really believe that today's media feels more obligated to advertisers (ratings, and avoiding offense) than to the viewers they once informed. They are all owned by publicly-traded companies, so this result was probably inevitable. And with the polarization of politics seemingly at an all-time high, is there really a solution for this self-reinforcing spiral where objective reporting is just one of the victims?

I also wonder if the majority of Americans have any real interest in balanced journalism anymore. I was advised once to always follow at least one source with which I generally disagreed - it's advice that I strongly agree with, since it encourages objective and critical thinking, and gives insight to the "other side's" arguments, but I'll admit that over time, I've put less effort into this myself - how can I even hope that others would do this?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/15/2013 07:23AM by Logical Liberal.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Sima Yan ()
Date: July 15, 2013 05:14PM

White people, please don't die out. I hope to one day bang a white blonde, huge hips, huge tits, huge ass, huge legs hoe with mash potatoes and mayonnaise. So please, please preserve yourself the best you can. Run far away from the problem if you have to. Don't worry, I'll follow right behind the beautiful White Blonde Woman of the Great White North! I will always have your back, White people.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: beavis ()
Date: July 15, 2013 08:27PM

Logical Liberal Wrote:
> I truly believe that Zimmerman was innocent. His
> actions weren't perfect, but I think he acted in
> the full belief that his life was in danger - as I
> suspect that it may have been.

his actions weren't perfect? he fucking killed a young kid because he wanted to be a pretend cop. he wasn't guilty of murder, but there should be some kind of law to keep that idiot off the street. what a waste of oxygen that guy is.....

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: True Blue ()
Date: July 16, 2013 12:01PM

beavis Wrote:
> [Zimmerman] fucking killed a
> young kid because he wanted to be a pretend cop.
> he wasn't guilty of murder, but there should be
> some kind of law to keep that idiot off the
> street.


Or at least unarmed.

The bottom line is:

1) Zimmerman should not have gotten out of his vehicle.


2) Trayvon should have gone home when he had the opportunity.

Both made mistakes, but Trayvon paid the ultimate price for his.

I hope Trayvon's death haunts Zimmerman to his grave.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Common Sense ()
Date: July 16, 2013 07:11PM

There's no possible way that a teenager could punch an adult and kill him.

Oh, wait....

Referee punched in face by teen player dies

But, we all know that concrete is much softer than knuckles. George was never in danger.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: not a white problem ()
Date: July 16, 2013 07:18PM

I know of no White person who has brown skin, brown eyes and black hair...
zimmerman is NOT WHITE!

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: answerer of the questions ()
Date: July 16, 2013 08:11PM

Zimmerman is hispanic, not white. There is no "white" issue about this whole thing except when CNN and Al Sharpton try to incite a race war.

In the meantime, whites need to do what any law-abiding citizen in the midst of civil unrest should do. Carry a firearm for self defense, and if someone wants to pay back what they see as vigilantism with some vigilantism of their own by trying to kill you out of revenge for Trayvon, you legally stop them.

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Re: How Should White People Conduct Themselves?
Posted by: Hank Hilltop ()
Date: July 16, 2013 10:26PM

Stop with all the apologies. If you didnt have a part in something or didnt do anything wrong then stick to your actions. Stop being a pussy.

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