Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by:
Ten Tongues
Date: December 20, 2012 03:01PM
My sense of it was that Don took radio in general--and his show in particular--quite seriously. As mentioned, he did lots of prep. He thought through what he was trying to accomplish, and (big, cosmic view) the role that radio and communications played in society. And he wasn't too fond of program directors, which is where Mike had spent some of his career.
Mike, on the other hand, didn't take it very seriously. As noted above, he'd roll in minutes before the show began and was out of the parking lot before the show ended. I remember some times he didn't make it to the show in time.
Mike's voices were great, but he wasn't the creative one. Usually, if Don couldn't be there, they'd just run a "Best of" for good reason: Mike was a good second banana, but didn't really have the vision or the talent to run the show.
On the personal level, it seemed much the same. Don took his role as husband and father very seriously. Some of the interactions with Bart were amazing. (Hope he's doing well; I haven't kept up with them at all.) Mike, on the other hand, lived the life of a perpetual adolescent.
Oh, well. Life goes on.