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Don Geronimo
Posted by: Baxter Dunn ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:51PM

I have never understood why Don will not talk to Mike O"Meara, Robb, Buzz, or Beth Ann anymore. What caused the friction?

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Donnie G. ()
Date: December 18, 2012 02:56PM

Don was finally tired of Mike's antics. He also made it clear to Mike what he needed to do to have a successful show after he left, which of course Mike ignored. Mike is a boat anchor and Don did not want to be involved.

Now, Don is God-Father to Rob's son. I have never heard Rob talk about interactions with Don.

Re: Don Geronimo
Date: December 18, 2012 03:00PM

the show reminded him too much of Freda and his life with Freda. Mike selfishly wanted to carry on with the DnM show. Don was not having any of it.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Hay Zeus ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:09PM

it always seemed like Don did all the heavy lifting with prep work for the show, which amounted to more than just 4 hours a day. Mike just showed up for 4 hours and left.

Re: Don Geronimo
Date: December 18, 2012 03:21PM

that was my impression as well. Don sweated over it and needed to get drunk after the show to calm himself down cuz he stressed out too much over the show. Mike was just a drunk and a loser.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: RJ3 ()
Date: December 18, 2012 03:26PM

It was well known Mike would roll in 5 minutes before the show and the last commercial would be still playing as he drove out of the parking lot. He would do whatever Don told him to do.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Juxtaposition ()
Date: December 19, 2012 07:40AM

Yea, sometimes it's a fresh mesh or business astuteness and casual swag that works with that show ..it's just a shame Mike never cared too much.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Juxtaposition ()
Date: December 19, 2012 07:44AM

Like. I remember one time Mike'Omeara and Don Geronimo cursed themselves for fighting off air. And, it's like, they admonished themselves and noted to the listeners they had just had an off-air fight, and Don said a big one at that, and I couldn't really tell, and then I realized that Mike was just there to do the voices. They were funny though.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: howard stern ()
Date: December 19, 2012 08:39AM

who really cares, has beens

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Show Historian ()
Date: December 19, 2012 08:47AM

Thinking back on the old D&M days, Don always made it clear he and Mike would not socialize outside of work. This may be true for most radio acts, but I always thought it odd that Don made it clear and was vocal about the fact he and Mike would not spend time together, even talk to each other, off air.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: fat old men ()
Date: December 19, 2012 08:56AM

Only listened to them a few times when they did the evening drive on the same station that Stern did his morning show. Theirs was just a rehash of Sterns bits.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Dons and Mike ()
Date: December 20, 2012 10:49AM

They had their place and to honest, if Freda never died, they would probably be off the air now anyway. Mike has ruined the old D&M brand, just go read his thread in Fairfax County General.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Mentor ()
Date: December 20, 2012 11:47AM

I agree with the comments about Don. I always hear that sports teams have great team chemistry. When I hear chemistry, it means on and off the court. In this case it would be in studio and outside the studio.

Mike was anti social with Don away from the Mike. He would only hang out if they had a remote or a party to do. Don had an excellent rapport with Robb. I can't believe Robb and Don do not talk anymore.
Don was the backbone of that show. His prep work was sublime.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Show Historian ()
Date: December 20, 2012 11:55AM

At one point Don tried to play off the fact he and Mike never hung out while off the air was because they needed to have all the "good stuff" on the air, so they would only talk on the air. Now, he didn't do this with Robb obviously. They traveled together (Sacramento, France) and were friendly away from the microphones.

I think Don just didn't like Mike on a personal level. If you rememeber, when they did weekend or vacation round ups Mike either got 5 minutes at the end, or on another day.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Honk for Cash ()
Date: December 20, 2012 01:29PM

Don actually did well during the D&M days. He bought a house, one, and Mike had three or four. Don had one marriage, Mike went on to his second and then out of his second. Don had a nice car (Escalade ifnot mistaken) and lived for all intents and purposes, a pretty mooderate life (drug arrests aside). Mike, well, with the houses, and boats and alimony and horses, I don't think Don really wanted to have any part of that.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Ten Tongues ()
Date: December 20, 2012 03:01PM

My sense of it was that Don took radio in general--and his show in particular--quite seriously. As mentioned, he did lots of prep. He thought through what he was trying to accomplish, and (big, cosmic view) the role that radio and communications played in society. And he wasn't too fond of program directors, which is where Mike had spent some of his career.

Mike, on the other hand, didn't take it very seriously. As noted above, he'd roll in minutes before the show began and was out of the parking lot before the show ended. I remember some times he didn't make it to the show in time.

Mike's voices were great, but he wasn't the creative one. Usually, if Don couldn't be there, they'd just run a "Best of" for good reason: Mike was a good second banana, but didn't really have the vision or the talent to run the show.

On the personal level, it seemed much the same. Don took his role as husband and father very seriously. Some of the interactions with Bart were amazing. (Hope he's doing well; I haven't kept up with them at all.) Mike, on the other hand, lived the life of a perpetual adolescent.

Oh, well. Life goes on.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Bob Fass ()
Date: December 21, 2012 10:41AM

One thing I have heard Doni talk about is the fact that he use to be horrible with money. Freda was able to knock some sense into him a long time ago. Don now gets money management 101 and 102.

I'm fairly sure that M.O.M. has failed with two restaurants.
I will never ever understand why Mike never got a vasectomy. I just don't get this guy. Good luck Tony Randall, I mean M.O.M.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Gene the Dick ()
Date: December 21, 2012 09:40PM

These posts are all by the same person. Clearly a disgruntled former D&M employee. No one cares this much. No one gives a f**k.

Re: Don Geronimo
Posted by: Former Bob Dole Guy ()
Date: December 22, 2012 12:33AM

The trip to Hatti for Mike made him a much more passionate and more focused man. Mike is on top of the world. He is the maestro, the governor, and alchemist when it comes to radio. He is kicking ass and taking names. He doesn't need Don.

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