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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:02AM

I was watching the idiot box a few nights ago and saw an ad repeated a few times that showcased Tim Kaine as a"moderate" who "works with Democrats and Republicans". Seemed he did not want to brag about being the DNC chair or of his blind support of Obama. HE even mentioned George Bush in the ad, and as someone he'd worked with on issues.

Struck me as funny- surely Timmy Kaine is tactfully trying to distance himself from Obama, while not entirely severing ties. Is Obama really in that much trouble in Virginia?

Then I read this-

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia -- The Romney-Ryan "Victory Center" here is on Highway 29 a few miles north of the University of Virginia campus, and the phone-banking operation Wednesday night was in full swing. More than 15,000 calls are made per week from the campaign office that covers not only Charlottesville and surrounding Albemarle County, but also a 10-county area of north-central Virginia. Most of the volunteers in the office Wednesday were UVA College Republicans, who have already made more than 60,000 calls as part of a get-out-the-vote effort aimed at maximizing the GOP vote in this area, not only to help Mitt Romney win Virginia, but also to help elect George Allen to the U.S. Senate.

The director of the Charlottesville office is Nick O'Boyle, a slim 22-year-old who graduated from George Mason University this spring -- an awfully young fellow to be trusted with such a large responsibility. Much depends upon the labors of O'Boyle and other eager young Republicans across the Commonwealth, whose work may help determine the fate of the nation. Virginia is one of the 11 battleground states in this year's presidential election currently rated a "toss-up" by Real Clear Politics, and it may well be that as Virginia goes, so goes the country. Polls close in Virginia at 7 p.m. -- one of the first battlegrounds to report on Election Night -- and if the GOP can win the state by enough of a margin that the networks call it early for Romney, that encouraging news may have a ripple effect westward in Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa and Nevada.

Not long ago, this hopeful prospect might have seemed impossible for even the most optimistic Republican to imagine. As recently as Oct. 2, a Roanoke College poll reported President Obama leading by 8 points in Virginia, but in the past two weeks, the Old Dominion has shifted sharply toward the GOP challenger. Romney has led five of the seven most recent polls and, although the RCP average for Virginia still shows Obama with razor-thin lead, the Republicans here sense a strong enough momentum to carry them to victory on Nov. 6.

Anyone driving through this part of the state would notice the proliferation of yard signs for Romney, his running mate Paul Ryan and Allen's Senate campaign, while signs for Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and the Democrat Senate hopeful, Tim Kaine, are surprisingly rare. Albemarle County is anchored by the liberal enclave at the UVA campus -- where the faculty probably has more Marxists than Republicans -- and thus leans toward Democrats at election time. Even in 2004, a high-water year for the GOP, Democrat John Kerry eked out a 51-48 percent win in this county over President Bush, who carried Virginia 54-46 percent. But what happened here in 2008 -- when Obama became the first Democrat to win Virginia since Lyndon Johnson did it in 1964 -- was a wipeout that crushed Republicans. Boosted by student enthusiasm, Obama won Albemarle County by a 19-point margin, with some 7,000 more votes than Kerry got in 2004, part of a statewide wave that helped the Democrat win Virginia by more than 200,000 votes, 53-47 percent.

This year, however, the shiny newness that made Obama such a historical phenomenon four years ago has worn off, as Hope and Change have given way to economic stagnation and political gridlock. Nearly all the excitement now -- in Virginia, as across the country -- is on the Republican side and, with less than three weeks remaining until Election Day, it appears unlikely the Obama campaign can close the "enthusiasm gap" that has broken wide open since Romney's decisive win in the first debate. Although the grassroots core of the Democratic Party was somewhat encouraged by Biden's performance in last week's vice-presidential debate and Obama's showing in Tuesday's town-hall debate, neither of those seemed to have the impact of Romney's stunning Oct. 3 breakthrough. The Gallup tracking poll released Wednesday showed Romney surging to a six-point lead nationally -- with the GOP challenger clearing the critical 50-percent threshold -- and there are now clear indicators that even Obama's campaign leadership knows the president's re-election chances are dwindling.

The Democrats are evidently shrinking their Electoral College map, in what looks like a defensive "triage" strategy to win just enough states to hold on to the White House. Team Obama already appears to have written off North Carolina, which the president narrowly won in 2008, but which he hasn't visited since the Democratic convention in Charlotte early last month. In a remarkable interview with National Journal's Major Garrett, top Obama strategist David Plouffe suggested that the Democrat is prepared to fall back to a last-ditch defense of just four battleground states -- Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, and New Hampshire -- that would provide enough of an Electoral College cushion for Obama to squeak past to re-election. That would mean ceding not only North Carolina but also Colorado, Florida, and Virginia to Romney, and might permit the Republican turnout operation to maximize its margins in those states without the battering "headwind" of Democrat attack ads. (Such ads, however, continue to run, and there is not yet any sign of a let-up in the Democrat ad blitz.)

However, with the final days of the election season now ticking away, the Romney campaign's momentum continues, and events in Virginia may yet have nationwide impact. The front page of Thursday's Washington Times features a story about how the Obama administration's "war on coal" has thwarted plans by the tiny Appalachian town of Grundy to expand its airport. The hostile regulatory climate imposed by the president's environmental agenda has been a steady theme of Romney's stump speeches. The coal issue also resonates in Ohio, as well as Pennsylvania, which RCP likewise counts as a battleground state. Coal-industry advocates in Grundy are planning a rally Sunday, and their story could help dramatize the economic costs of the administration's anti-coal policies.

It is too early to conclude that Romney is on a direct path to the White House. Professor Glenn Reynolds has repeatedly warned in moments of optimism, "Don't get cocky." Yet if the political landscape keeps tilting toward the GOP, the first harbinger of a Republican victory may come on Election Night when the networks make the call in Virginia.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:08AM


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Mike Romney ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:11AM

Three more weeks

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: HOA MGR ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:21AM

Austerity, coming to a country near you!

Anti-austerity protests turned violent in Athens on Thursday, with hundreds of youths hurling gasoline bombs and rocks at riot police.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Different Take ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:24AM

I took it as a contrast to those of certain partisan tendencies who will refuse to work with a president purely because it is a stated goal to prevent him from having a second term.

IOW, he will do his job as a REPRESENTATIVE of the people of Virginia, rather than as a representative of his party.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: CULater ()
Date: October 18, 2012 11:27AM

Bye bye Timmy. You've had your nose up Obama's ass long enough.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:07PM


Clearly an article written by a conservative ideologue that considers his "journalism" so partisan at it's core that he quit working for the Washington Times because they hired an editor who used to work at the Washington Post, written from the borderline of the boonies that is central Virginia is an unbiased and accurate accounting of how Virginia is going to vote.


Guess the election is locked up here. I don't even know why I'm going to bother to vote. The Spectator has already called it.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:11PM

I don't feel the enthusiasm in Virginia, this time.

Honestly, do you?

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:12PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> Yes!
> Clearly an article written by a conservative
> ideologue that considers his "journalism" so
> partisan at it's core that he quit working for the
> Washington Times because they hired an editor who
> used to work at the Washington Post, written from
> the borderline of the boonies that is central
> Virginia is an unbiased and accurate accounting of
> how Virginia is going to vote.
> Shit.
> Guess the election is locked up here. I don't even
> know why I'm going to bother to vote. The
> Spectator has already called it.

Ask yourself this: why did Suffolk University stop pollingin VA, NC and FL?

Hint: They know Obama can't and won't win those states.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Southern fools ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:27PM

That's because the only polls white trash rednecks like are the ones with strippers.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:32PM

Suffolk Wrote:

> Ask yourself this: why did Suffolk University
> stop pollingin VA, NC and FL?
> Hint: They know Obama can't and won't win those
> states.



Suffolk polled Virginia ~3 weeks ago & Florida ~2 weeks ago.



President Barack Obama (46 percent) clings to a 2-point lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney (44 percent), in a swing-state nail-biter, according to a Suffolk University/NBC12 (WWBT-Richmond) poll of likely general-election voters in Virginia. Seven percent were undecided.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Native 1963 ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:34PM

I own a small business in Fairfax. I will make a deal If Romney wins I will hire 4 college kids and find something for them to do for a year. If obama wins I will hire 4 college four weeks to pack up my inventory because I’m going to get out of business and retire on a beach.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:40PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> Suffolk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Ask yourself this: why did Suffolk University
> > stop pollingin VA, NC and FL?
> >
> > Hint: They know Obama can't and won't win those
> > states.
> Ummmm....
> http://www.suffolk.edu/research/49299.html
> Suffolk polled Virginia ~3 weeks ago & Florida ~2
> weeks ago.
> http://www.suffolk.edu/offices/53562.html

Yes, weeks ago. Don't you find it odd that they haven't polled either of those swing states in weeks? They aren't polling those states because they know Obama is losing both of them and that the election is all but over in both of those states. They are giving those states to Romney and putting them in his win column.

It is over for Obama in VA, FL, and NC and Suffolk knows it.

So, yeah, go "Ummmm..." somewhere else because you are too stupid to do it here.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Lefty ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:44PM

It's interesting that Wingnut is so worried that he is now posting the Fairfax main thread.

A little scared... huh Wingnut?

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Def Not Ivy ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:44PM

Is Suffolk University even a real school? Is that like DeVry?

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:49PM

Lefty Wrote:
> It's interesting that Wingnut is so worried that
> he is now posting the Fairfax main thread.
> A little scared... huh Wingnut?

I worry about playing w/ my dick another four years with Obozo back in office and the economy continuing to stagnate.

Other than that, no worries at all.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:54PM

Def Not Ivy Wrote:
> Is Suffolk University even a real school? Is that
> like DeVry?

It is a pretty well respected polling organization. Just like Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

I see that now that you don't like the fact that Suffolk has conceded VA, NC and FL to Romney, you feel the need to attack the source. Unfortunately, that won't put those states back in Obama's column. They are gone for Obama. Kiss them goodbye.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Trumped Up ()
Date: October 18, 2012 01:59PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Lefty Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It's interesting that Wingnut is so worried
> that
> > he is now posting the Fairfax main thread.
> >
> > A little scared... huh Wingnut?
> I worry about playing w/ my dick another four
> years with Obozo back in office and the economy
> continuing to stagnate.
> Other than that, no worries at all.

I base my world on Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and Sarah Palin.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:09PM

Suffolk Wrote:

> Yes, weeks ago. Don't you find it odd that they
> haven't polled either of those swing states in
> weeks? They aren't polling those states because
> they know Obama is losing both of them and that
> the election is all but over in both of those
> states. They are giving those states to Romney
> and putting them in his win column.
> It is over for Obama in VA, FL, and NC and Suffolk
> knows it.
> So, yeah, go "Ummmm..." somewhere else because you
> are too stupid to do it here.


You take a place that does 1 poll per state per week and claim that it's a big deal because they don't have enough time before the election to make it through all of the swing states and back to Virginia or Florida?

Talk about dumb.

In an email to The Huffington Post, Paleologos said it was an issue of prioritization. "With just 5 statewide polls left in 3 1/2 weeks, the choice of which states to poll is always shifting," he wrote. "As of last night, there were at least five other states that we felt we must poll, many of which have higher head-to-head numbers (49 percent) for Barack Obama and which are more critical to deciding the national election."

While such calculations aren't rare, it's more unusual to publicly write-off closely fought states before an election. Paleologos' initial comments came as a surprise to other pollsters active in those states.

"I think he’s totally wrong about Obama’s prospects in those states, particularly Florida and Virginia, and I just think it’s really strange you’d go on national TV and make those declarations without having fresh polling in hand showing Romney ahead in those states," said Tom Jensen, director of the democratic firm Public Policy Polling. "But nuance doesn’t count for much on primetime cable ..."

Doug Usher, the director of a swing state poll conducted by public affairs firm Purple Strategies, said stopping polls in those states was "counterintuitive."

"Those three states are clearly still in play," Usher said. "We're not sure how much more polling that we are going to do this cycle, just because it's a cost question for us, but if we were, we would absolutely be polling all three ... So, I just don't know what factors he takes into account that would lead him to believe that they're unwinnable for Obama."


Ya'll fools are reachin' if you're so damn excited about some outfit that polls a whopping 500 people a week claiming Romney has Va locked up, even though it's last poll doesn't even show that.


Stafford Slackers pulling out of polling Virginia --

In other amazing news today, James Villaliguero of Stafford Slackers Polling has announced he will no longer call his 3 buddies from the bar and ask them who's going to win because they all agree Virginia is a lock for Obama.

Based on this shocking and influential outcome, both the Obama & Romney campaigns have decided to call the race over, skip the elections and just let Obama take the oath again now so we can get on with fixing shit.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: G Dubs ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:11PM

Three more weeks

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:13PM

Native 1963 Wrote:
> I own a small business in Fairfax. I will make a
> deal If Romney wins I will hire 4 college kids and
> find something for them to do for a year. If obama
> wins I will hire 4 college four weeks to pack up
> my inventory because I’m going to get out of
> business and retire on a beach.

you know what they say.....

don't let the door knob hit you where the good lord split you

do your employees a favor and sell your company to somebody that won't pout about politics by threatening their jobs.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:16PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> Suffolk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Yes, weeks ago. Don't you find it odd that
> they
> > haven't polled either of those swing states in
> > weeks? They aren't polling those states
> because
> > they know Obama is losing both of them and that
> > the election is all but over in both of those
> > states. They are giving those states to Romney
> > and putting them in his win column.
> >
> > It is over for Obama in VA, FL, and NC and
> Suffolk
> > knows it.
> >
> > So, yeah, go "Ummmm..." somewhere else because
> you
> > are too stupid to do it here.
> Ummmm....
> You take a place that does 1 poll per state per
> week and claim that it's a big deal because they
> don't have enough time before the election to make
> it through all of the swing states and back to
> Virginia or Florida?
> Talk about dumb.
> In an email to The Huffington Post, Paleologos
> said it was an issue of prioritization. "With just
> 5 statewide polls left in 3 1/2 weeks, the choice
> of which states to poll is always shifting," he
> wrote. "As of last night, there were at least five
> other states that we felt we must poll, many of
> which have higher head-to-head numbers (49
> percent) for Barack Obama and which are more
> critical to deciding the national election."
> While such calculations aren't rare, it's more
> unusual to publicly write-off closely fought
> states before an election. Paleologos' initial
> comments came as a surprise to other pollsters
> active in those states.
> "I think he’s totally wrong about Obama’s
> prospects in those states, particularly Florida
> and Virginia, and I just think it’s really
> strange you’d go on national TV and make those
> declarations without having fresh polling in hand
> showing Romney ahead in those states," said Tom
> Jensen, director of the democratic firm Public
> Policy Polling. "But nuance doesn’t count for
> much on primetime cable ..."
> Doug Usher, the director of a swing state poll
> conducted by public affairs firm Purple
> Strategies, said stopping polls in those states
> was "counterintuitive."
> "Those three states are clearly still in play,"
> Usher said. "We're not sure how much more polling
> that we are going to do this cycle, just because
> it's a cost question for us, but if we were, we
> would absolutely be polling all three ... So, I
> just don't know what factors he takes into account
> that would lead him to believe that they're
> unwinnable for Obama."

> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/10/suffolk-p
> oll_n_1956115.html
> Ya'll fools are reachin' if you're so damn excited
> about some outfit that polls a whopping 500 people
> a week claiming Romney has Va locked up, even
> though it's last poll doesn't even show that.
> Stafford Slackers pulling out of polling Virginia
> --
> In other amazing news today, James Villaliguero of
> Stafford Slackers Polling has announced he will no
> longer call his 3 buddies from the bar and ask
> them who's going to win because they all agree
> Virginia is a lock for Obama.
> Based on this shocking and influential outcome,
> both the Obama & Romney campaigns have decided to
> call the race over, skip the elections and just
> let Obama take the oath again now so we can get on
> with fixing shit.

Wow, backtrack much? First you imply that the original contention that Suffolk stopped polling in VA and FL was false. Now, you simply refute the rationale behind the fact that Suffolk had given FL, VA and NC to Romney.

“I think in places like North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, we’ve already painted those red," David Paleologos, the president of Suffolk University Political Research Center told Fox host Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday. "We’re not polling any of those states again. We're focusing on the remaining states.”

You don't handle bad news very well.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:30PM

Suffolk Wrote:

> Wow, backtrack much? First you imply that the
> original contention that Suffolk stopped polling
> in VA and FL was false. Now, you simply refute
> the rationale behind the fact that Suffolk had
> given FL, VA and NC to Romney.
> “I think in places like North Carolina, Virginia
> and Florida, we’ve already painted those red,"
> David Paleologos, the president of Suffolk
> University Political Research Center told Fox host
> Bill O'Reilly on Tuesday. "We’re not polling any
> of those states again. We're focusing on the
> remaining states.”
> You don't handle bad news very well.

Well, in all fairness, I went directly to the source, instead of Breitbart.

I was assuming prestigious Suffolk was polling consistently & widely enough that there would be trends apparent within their data at their own website proving how credible their claim was about Romney locking Va & how important their lack of polling in Virginia would be.

However, the consistency, the size, the scope & the results of their own polls do not seem to back up their leader's claims and they do not poll anywhere consistently enough to extrapolate their NOT polling as being a harbinger of fate.

Unfortunately, you are left bragging about a place that polls 400 people a week, part of the time, running out of funds and personnel before the election.

You go ahead and bask in that glory.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:36PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:

> Well, in all fairness, I went directly to the
> source, instead of Breitbart.

LOL. If you are moronic enough to cite HuffPo, you really don't have a leg to stand on when ridiculing Breitbart.

> You go ahead and bask in that glory.

I will as will Romney on November 7.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:43PM

Suffolk Wrote:

> I will as will Romney on November 7.

not if he's relying on shit like this to win....


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Suffolk ()
Date: October 18, 2012 02:52PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> Suffolk Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > I will as will Romney on November 7.
> not if he's relying on shit like this to win....

How can someone rely on a polling company not doing polls to win? Logic isn't your strong suit.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: October 18, 2012 03:29PM

Trumped Up Wrote:
> WingNut Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Lefty Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > It's interesting that Wingnut is so worried
> > that
> > > he is now posting the Fairfax main thread.
> > >
> > > A little scared... huh Wingnut?
> >
> > I worry about playing w/ my dick another four
> > years with Obozo back in office and the economy
> > continuing to stagnate.
> >
> > Other than that, no worries at all.
> I base my world on Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and
> Sarah Palin.

Tell me when you catch me quoting them and I'll buy you a beer and a Cleveland-Style Chili Dog.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: stop the lying ()
Date: October 18, 2012 03:59PM

Obama never has been the leader in Va this year. Only a few years ago Va easily elected a conservative Republican as governor. This over a moderate Democrat in Deeds. The media is just playing games. Even the worst politician in this area, The Weasel, barely won over an opponent that didnt put up much of a fight.

McCain was an old man who picked the wrong VP and didnt even try to win. Romney is far different and is kicking Barrys ass in debates. Liberals have judged Romney wrong and think he will just roll over and accept Obamas attacks of class warfare. People are getting wise to this and understand most people want jobs not more welfare.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: R_in_FFX ()
Date: October 19, 2012 12:33PM

You can make up whatever logic and reasoning you want for Suffolk withdrawing their polling in Va, Fl and NC. But the fact of the matter is if the race was a nail bitter there like it is in Ohio .. Suffolk would still be polling.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 19, 2012 12:36PM

R_in_FFX Wrote:
> You can make up whatever logic and reasoning you
> want for Suffolk withdrawing their polling in Va,
> Fl and NC. But the fact of the matter is if the
> race was a nail bitter there like it is in Ohio ..
> Suffolk would still be polling.

you do, of course, realize Suffolk's own poll in Virgina showed Obama +2 right?

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Romeny Leads by THREE ()
Date: October 19, 2012 12:38PM

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: October 19, 2012 12:55PM




These polls are the most unscientific, media/hype driven fiascos ever.

It's all self-reporting crap.

I get these calls about once a week. One week I claim I'm a pro-life, anti-Obama, pro-healthcare reform undecided, the next I claim I'm a pro-choice, pro-Obama, anti-healthcare reform Republican etc.

If you go back and look historically, over the past 10 years or so, pick 2 candidates and look at their VERY first poll result. Skip through the 6-8 months of bullshit and look at the actual election results and barring some major failure during the campaign (like a candidate being outed or dropping out of the race) the election pretty closely matches the very first poll taken.

Everything in the middle is designed to drive media hype for profits. Obama's in the lead, Romney needs to be brought up to take the lead, once Romney has the lead, Obama needs to be brought up to take it back and back and forth until the election.

CNN's gotta subsidize the other 3 years of 24 hour a day/7 days a week Lindsey Lohan stories somehow.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhh LOL ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:01PM

Americans saw the debate.

Obama sucked shit.

Polls reflect that.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: done deal ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:07PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> http://www.suffolk.edu/offices/53562.html

Ahh a poll taken over 20 days ago; before the debate meltdown by Obama.

Take a shower, I can smell your desperation from here.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Anonymous content for the future ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:10PM

Romney is going to win and take the oath. You win. Destiny has finally come to the United States. A Mormon President. Thank you.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:39PM

I'm concerned.

I usually like to go with the devil I know.

The Mormon magic underpants, CEO thing scares me.

Plus, isn't Romneys head unusually large?

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: jughead ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:42PM

BEH Wrote:
> Plus, isn't Romneys head unusually large?

So is Obama's. The ears just make it look smaller.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Obamaphone ()
Date: October 19, 2012 01:44PM

I will take my chances with the Mormon than have these people get what they want


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: douches be douching ()
Date: October 19, 2012 04:20PM

duhhhhhh Wrote:
> Native 1963 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I own a small business in Fairfax. I will make
> a
> > deal If Romney wins I will hire 4 college kids
> and
> > find something for them to do for a year. If
> obama
> > wins I will hire 4 college four weeks to pack
> up
> > my inventory because I’m going to get out of
> > business and retire on a beach.
> you know what they say.....
> don't let the door knob hit you where the good
> lord split you
> do your employees a favor and sell your company to
> somebody that won't pout about politics by
> threatening their jobs.

This guy is likely following orders from the Master (Romney) who told business owners to use intimidation to "guide" their employees votes. BTW that is extremely illegal to suggest, but I guess Romney doesn't understand the law seeing as he only has a degree from Harvard law and never practiced (based on the tirades of the old man and the chair).


No legitimate business would close up shop because "obama was voted in" because profits are to be had. If not, then you likely have a shitty business model. If you do have a shitty business model, then guess what, you aint worth shit anyways.

If you dont have a shitty business model, and are making big bucks, someone else will fill in your market share.

No one thinks you are some marketing and business genius so go suck on a tail pipe and die already, one less psychotic ideologue ruining the political process.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: OSI ()
Date: October 19, 2012 04:32PM

douches be douching Wrote:
> duhhhhhh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Native 1963 Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I own a small business in Fairfax. I will
> make
> > a
> > > deal If Romney wins I will hire 4 college
> kids
> > and
> > > find something for them to do for a year. If
> > obama
> > > wins I will hire 4 college four weeks to pack
> > up
> > > my inventory because I’m going to get out
> of
> > > business and retire on a beach.
> >
> >
> > you know what they say.....
> >
> >
> >
> > don't let the door knob hit you where the good
> > lord split you
> >
> >
> > do your employees a favor and sell your company
> to
> > somebody that won't pout about politics by
> > threatening their jobs.
> This guy is likely following orders from the
> Master (Romney) who told business owners to use
> intimidation to "guide" their employees votes. BTW
> that is extremely illegal to suggest, but I guess
> Romney doesn't understand the law seeing as he
> only has a degree from Harvard law and never
> practiced (based on the tirades of the old man and
> the chair).
> http://thinkprogress.org/election/2012/10/17/10378
> 81/leaked-audio-romney-employers/?mobile=nc
> No legitimate business would close up shop because
> "obama was voted in" because profits are to be
> had. If not, then you likely have a shitty
> business model. If you do have a shitty business
> model, then guess what, you aint worth shit
> anyways.
> If you dont have a shitty business model, and are
> making big bucks, someone else will fill in your
> market share.
> No one thinks you are some marketing and business
> genius so go suck on a tail pipe and die already,
> one less psychotic ideologue ruining the political
> process.
> Dickface

Thinkprogress? Really? Aren't they on George Soros' payroll? You really
are stupid.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Hey douchefuck ()
Date: October 19, 2012 06:14PM

Hey douchefuck

Regardless of where that story came from, its true you piece of shit. A person in Rockingham County who was under the payroll of the GOP, was caught throwing away democratic registrations.

Hide your head in whatever sand you want, but that is actual voter fraud. Just like the GOP has been pulling for the past 12 years.


Thats from your precious GOP biased WashingtonTimes you worthless putrid cunt

Your boy at the RNC "I look like a fucking douche" Priebus is also noting the incident and trying to distance the RNC from it.

More will come out

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: YellowDog ()
Date: October 19, 2012 09:36PM

Virginia is irrelevant to Obama's re-election strategy. As our Republican fellow countrymen so delighted in crowing in 2000 and 2004 "it's all about the electoral college not the popular vote". In this regard, an Obama victory is all but assured.

He currently has 201 electoral votes. He will take:

State Electoral Votes Up By Takes him to
Pennsylvania 20 5 221
Ohio 18 2.5 239
Michigan 16 5 255
Wisconsin 10 2.5 265

Mr. Romney's path to 260 is much less certain. Ironic that the GOP ticket cannot deliver their "home" states of Michigan/Massachusetts and Wisconsin.

(All polling data from RCP's most recent available on their website.)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: You didn't build that ()
Date: October 19, 2012 10:01PM

@yellowdog: typical liberal post, "he currently has 201 electoral votes.". Last i looked, neither candidate has yet to earn one electoral vote.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: pvNeG ()
Date: October 21, 2012 10:02AM

YellowDog Wrote:
> Virginia is irrelevant to Obama's re-election
> strategy. As our Republican fellow countrymen so
> delighted in crowing in 2000 and 2004 "it's all
> about the electoral college not the popular vote".
> In this regard, an Obama victory is all but
> assured.
> He currently has 201 electoral votes. He will
> take:
> State Electoral Votes Up By Takes him
> to
> Pennsylvania 20 5 221
> Ohio 18 2.5 239
> Michigan 16 5 255
> Wisconsin 10 2.5 265
> Mr. Romney's path to 260 is much less certain.
> Ironic that the GOP ticket cannot deliver their
> "home" states of Michigan/Massachusetts and
> Wisconsin.
> (All polling data from RCP's most recent available
> on their website.)

Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia.

Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: where u go ()
Date: December 02, 2012 09:40PM


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: yuppp ()
Date: December 02, 2012 10:17PM

best thread of 2012

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Smirk ()
Date: December 02, 2012 11:16PM

Native 1963 Wrote:
> I own a small business in Fairfax. I will make a
> deal If Romney wins I will hire 4 college kids and
> find something for them to do for a year. If obama
> wins I will hire 4 college four weeks to pack up
> my inventory because I’m going to get out of
> business and retire on a beach.

Winter break is coming so perhaps you'd like to let kids know where they should apply for those jobs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WarMonger ()
Date: December 02, 2012 11:37PM

America is sick of Obama. Obama will never win re-election.

All FOX News polls are showing Romney will easily win.

Don't listen to the Washington Post or MSNBC polls saying Obama will win. Those are liberal media spin and wrong.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: December 03, 2012 08:12AM

I would just like to point out that President Obama won Virginia & Florida.

Guess that's why Romney was so sure he would win, he was listening to pollsters like Suffolk.


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: boxorox ()
Date: December 03, 2012 09:09AM

I am delighted that Northern Virginia continues to lead the way in an enlightened manner by overwhelmingly going for Obama again. Seriously, it is quite revealing that such a relatively educated, highly-employed, militarily oriented workforce population consistently votes for arguably the most intelligent and articulate presidential candidate in recent times. It's called "common sense".

We also realize the historical importance of producing an African-American president, indeed a very far-thinking endeavor upon which history shall smile. Let us all hope that Fairfax County, PW and Loudoun can one day produce a woman as president, too. Germany, the UK and Ukraine have already produced women national leaders - time for us to catch up.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: HOA MGR ()
Date: December 03, 2012 11:09AM

Hope FADES in Virginia

Hope FADES in America

American Hope FADES


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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: MrsC ()
Date: December 04, 2012 09:49PM

To Boxorox:

It is not about electing a black man. It is not about electing a woman. It is not about electing an "anything" other than someone who is competent to lead this nation. Nothng about the first four years of Obama's adminstration has shown he has one iota of competence to move America forward. This man has charged more to America's credit card than every single president to date combined. Are you aware of that? Did you even know that? And if you knew - why is that not relevant to you? Your children's children will STILL be paying our current debt.

Shame on you blacks. Shame on you hispanics. Shame on anyone who voted for this man just because he is black. Northern Virginia did not vote for him because they are a "relatively educated, highly-employed, military oriented workforce" but are rather dependent on the federal pocketbook for their livelyhoods; and they are obviously not as enlighted as you purport them to be.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: YellowDog ()
Date: December 04, 2012 10:51PM

MrsC Wrote:
> To Boxorox:
> It is not about electing a black man. It is not
> about electing a woman. It is not about electing
> an "anything" other than someone who is competent
> to lead this nation. Nothng about the first four
> years of Obama's adminstration has shown he has
> one iota of competence to move America forward.
> This man has charged more to America's credit card
> than every single president to date combined. Are
> you aware of that? Did you even know that? And
> if you knew - why is that not relevant to you?
> Your children's children will STILL be paying our
> current debt.
> Shame on you blacks. Shame on you hispanics.
> Shame on anyone who voted for this man just
> because he is black. Northern Virginia did not
> vote for him because they are a "relatively
> educated, highly-employed, military oriented
> workforce" but are rather dependent on the federal
> pocketbook for their livelyhoods; and they are
> obviously not as enlighted as you purport them to
> be.

Roger Ailes is reportedly showing Karl Rove and Dick Morris the door, as in "we'll call if we need your 'expertise'". Even Fox now recognizes that there is a "Fox Bubble", and it's causing irreparable damage to the conservative cause. You, evidently, do not.

Your idea of "competence" is what, two unfunded wars, an unfunded medicare drug benefit, and an unregulated financial sector that melded down over the amount of risk it assumed in the pursuit of profit?

Perhaps if you obtained your information from, oh, perhaps reading reports from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office instead of those paragons of propaganda at Fox, you'd know that statements such as "This man has charged more to America's credit card than every single president to date combined" are patently false and amount to little for than blather.

You might cull through an October 2009 CBO report, for example, and discover that a significant jump in the reported deficit in the Obama administration was due to accounting adjustments that more accurately reflect the nation's true expeditures. As with his failed businesses, Mr. Bush was cooking the country's books. Real government spending has actually declined under Obama, though this is probably due as much to our diminished circumstances and whacked political atmosphere as to Obama's fiscal restraint.

Demolishing your arguments would be too easy, so I'll leave you to stew and rant and finally reply with an obscenity laced non sequitur.

But I am curious about two things. By "livelyhoods" are you saying Northern Virginians live in very animated neighborhoods, the source of which is federal largess? And "enlighted"? Do you mean that the residents of Northern Virginia are luminous in some way?

Oh, and you do have to admit that at least the federal dependency of Northern Virginia voted with its own self-interest in mind. After all, if one's livelihood is provided by the federal government, who better to vote back into office than a "tax and spend liberal socialist". This certainly makes more sense that the welfare check cashing, disability cheating, Fox News watching porch monkeys of Mr. McConnell's native Kentucky voting for Republicans who claim they will eliminate all of that (eventually).

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: boxorox ()
Date: December 05, 2012 02:37PM

MrsC Wrote:
> To Boxorox:
> It is not about electing a black man. It is not
> about electing a woman. It is not about electing
> an "anything" other than someone who is competent
> to lead this nation. Nothng about the first four
> years of Obama's adminstration has shown he has
> one iota of competence to move America forward.
> This man has charged more to America's credit card
> than every single president to date combined. Are
> you aware of that? Did you even know that? And
> if you knew - why is that not relevant to you?
> Your children's children will STILL be paying our
> current debt.

I agree that it is not primarily about electing an African-American or woman, but about electing the most competent person. However, historically this country has had de facto, de jure and cultural discrimination against African-Americans and women being elected to high offices. This is a historical fact.

It is a supreme national achievement that we have manifested such a victory over discrimination with Barack Obama's first election and reelection. I also firmly believe that he was the most qualified candidate that America had to offer, and so did most American voters.

Respect the man, respect the office. Obama played by our rules, and America selected him.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 05, 2012 03:58PM

boxorox Wrote:

> It is a supreme national achievement that we have
> manifested such a victory over discrimination with
> Barack Obama's first election and reelection.

I call it a supreme national achievement in believing bullshit.

> I
> also firmly believe that he was the most qualified
> candidate that America had to offer,

You can believe whatever you want.

and so did
> most American voters.

Sadly, most of them stand to gain economically from the expansion of the federal government/nanny state and redistribution of wealth, aka theft from the actual producers of wealth.

> Respect the man, respect the office. Obama played
> by our rules, and America selected him.

Respect the man? A man who doesn't respect me? Are you on drugs?

I detest socialism and the arrogance with which socialists believe they are entitled to that which they did not earn.

Guard you wallet when you're around socialists just as you would walking through the South Bronx.

Thugs are thugs.......

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: boxorox ()
Date: December 05, 2012 04:44PM


Yes, we are free to believe whatever want. Some use facts as a basis for belief, such as myself. Some use emotions, which is what you, and many others who did not want Obama as their president, appear to use. The problem is yours, not mine.

Yes, you must respect the man. He is your President. He is your Commander in Chief if you serve in the military.

Democracy is not fair at the individual level - we can probably agree on that. So I can understand your emotional response of feeling disrespected. Get used to it, because you will likely feel disrespected for at least the next four years and probably many times thereafter.

Socialism? List here, please, which industries and services are completely nationalized, and then list which ones are not.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 05, 2012 05:02PM

boxorox Wrote:
> Alias,
> Yes, we are free to believe whatever want. Some
> use facts as a basis for belief, such as myself.
> Some use emotions, which is what you, and many
> others who did not want Obama as their president,
> appear to use. The problem is yours, not mine.
> Yes, you must respect the man. He is your
> President. He is your Commander in Chief if you
> serve in the military.
> Democracy is not fair at the individual level - we
> can probably agree on that. So I can understand
> your emotional response of feeling disrespected.
> Get used to it, because you will likely feel
> disrespected for at least the next four years and
> probably many times thereafter.
> Socialism? List here, please, which industries and
> services are completely nationalized, and then
> list which ones are not.

Shut up.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: December 05, 2012 05:10PM

Alias Wrote:
> Respect the man? A man who doesn't respect me? Are
> you on drugs?

Seriously Alias? The man does not even know that you exist, and he has no reason to know whether you exist. How can he possibly respect or disrespect you personally? At best what you have is someone who does not agree with your opinions. In using the powers given to him when he was elected he is choosing to pursue an agenda that you do not approve of.

And you speak of arrogance. Your side clearly lost the presidential election ...TWICE. It wan't like in 1992 or 1996 when the winner failed to get a majority of the votes cast, or like 2000 where the winner actually got fewer votes than his principal challenger. Yet you believe that you are ENTITLED to have the president you did not vote for follow the policies you favor.?!.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: boxorox ()
Date: December 05, 2012 05:26PM

Alias Wrote:

> Shut up.

"The truth shall set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Gloria Steinem.

Alias, you're almost there.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: wanna smack her ()
Date: December 05, 2012 05:30PM

boxorox Wrote:
> Alias, you're almost there.

She's a crazy teabagger redneck bimbo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 05, 2012 07:05PM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Alias Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Respect the man? A man who doesn't respect me?

> Seriously Alias? The man does not even know that
> you exist, and he has no reason to know whether
> you exist. How can he possibly respect or
> disrespect you personally?

Oh Bill, you are one sharp guy and you are absolutely correct. The man does not actually know me, personally, and thank God for that; I'd be horrified if he did.

> At best what you have
> is someone who does not agree with your opinions.

But Bill, if he doesn't know me, personally, how can he agree or disagree with my opinions?

> In using the powers given to him when he was
> elected he is choosing to pursue an agenda that
> you do not approve of.

This is the first thing you said that made sense, Bill.

Why, though, must I respect him?

> And you speak of arrogance. Your side clearly lost
> the presidential election ...TWICE. It wan't like
> in 1992 or 1996 when the winner failed to get a
> majority of the votes cast, or like 2000 where the
> winner actually got fewer votes than his principal
> challenger. Yet you believe that you are ENTITLED
> to have the president you did not vote for follow
> the policies you favor.?!.

I do not believe I am entitled to anything, Bill. That is the big difference between you and me.

Obama and Socialism won; I congratulated you on election night. That doesn't mean I have to embrace the policies which will take this country down the ruined path of Europe.

Hey Bill, did you hear about my accident? I fell down a hill and almost died while putting up Christmas lights. I'm now a disabled person.

The story is in the India-Pakistan nightly border closing thread.....


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 05, 2012 08:20PM

boxorox Wrote:
> Alias Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Shut up.
> "The truth shall set you free, but first it will
> piss you off." - Gloria Steinem.
> Alias, you're almost there

I'm not a lesbian, so I'll stay where I am.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: MrsC ()
Date: December 06, 2012 06:51AM

Boxorox, you said:

I also firmly believe that he (Obama) was the most qualified candidate that America had to offer, and so did most American voters.

Please enlighten me as to what those "qualifications" were when he was first elected? The resume I saw of the man was razor thin.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: boxorox ()
Date: December 06, 2012 08:17AM

MrsC Wrote:
> Boxorox, you said:
> I also firmly believe that he (Obama) was the most
> qualified candidate that America had to offer, and
> so did most American voters.
> Please enlighten me as to what those
> "qualifications" were when he was first elected?
> The resume I saw of the man was razor thin.

Of all of the candidates who had a decent chance for election, he is the most intelligent, articulate, had the best understanding of the majority of Americans' concerns, and had concrete domestic and foreign policy plans with which more people agreed. He more effectively communicated those concerns. He also had the best campaign organization and more competent selection of a Vice President (especially in 2008). Less importantly, he has a modest amount of state and national legislative experience as a senator.

Then let us look at his four years as President - few people have that in their resume, which directly refutes your argument that his is "razor thin".

I'll admit that the Republicans in 2012 did not offer up their best candidate - that should have been Ron Paul.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: December 06, 2012 02:54PM

Alias Wrote:
> But Bill, if he doesn't know me, personally, how
> can he agree or disagree with my opinions?

The two are not mutually dependent. You can disagree with an opinion without knowing who holds that opinion.

> I do not believe I am entitled to anything, Bill.
> That is the big difference between you and me.

No you do believe you are entitled to something. You believe you are entitled to everything you earn without having strings attached, and I recognize that everything I earn comes with strings attached. That is the real difference between you and I. Of course I didn't have the advantage of growing up in a post-Reagan world, but instead grew up in the South in the 1950s and 1960s where expectations of "what was right" were drilled into your head starting at an early age.

> That doesn't mean I have to
> embrace the policies which will take this country
> down the ruined path of Europe.

You are absolutely correct. You have no more obligation to accept my views than I have to accept yours, or than either of us have to accept the more radical views of those to the left of me or to the right of you.

Before throwing views out you might want to consider how reality meshes with your viewpoint. Greece is certainly a posterchild for everything that is wrong with socialist policies in practice, but if you study the history of modern Greece you will find out they were messed up long before socialism came into play. Other European economies, Germany and Sweden for example, have been far more successful even though they are more socialist than the U.S.

Also many of the policies you would label as socialist actually predate Marxist socialism. There are for example welfare laws from medieval England and colonial America.

> Hey Bill, did you hear about my accident? I fell
> down a hill and almost died while putting up
> Christmas lights. I'm now a disabled person.

Oh...so many great responses, but the polite one is "I am sorry to hear of your tragedy and I will pray for a speedy recovery".

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: December 06, 2012 03:01PM

Its over - people wake up from the dream now

Nobel peace prize, jay z on speed dial,

Its the substance within, not the colour of your skin

Are you the puppeteer or the puppet on the string

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: blackGuyNeverInJail ()
Date: December 06, 2012 04:19PM

MrsC Wrote:
> Boxorox, you said:
> I also firmly believe that he (Obama) was the most
> qualified candidate that America had to offer, and
> so did most American voters.
> Please enlighten me as to what those
> "qualifications" were when he was first elected?
> The resume I saw of the man was razor thin.

Boxorox thinks a community organizer from Chicago who spent 20 years going to a church where the pastor screamed, "God Damn, America," represents a candidate with a stellar resume.

I guess when you compare him to his friends, some of whom did time for blowing up federal buildings, he looks pretty good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: MrsC ()
Date: December 06, 2012 09:29PM

"Of all of the candidates who had a decent chance for election, he is the most intelligent, articulate, had the best understanding of the majority of Americans' concerns, and had concrete domestic and foreign policy plans with which more people agreed. He more effectively communicated those concerns. He also had the best campaign organization and more competent selection of a Vice President (especially in 2008). Less importantly, he has a modest amount of state and national legislative experience as a senator."

Boxorox, I translate this to mean "blah, blah, blah, blah, blah". And what was under discussion was his qualification to be pres the first time - if you want to go into why you think he deserved another gig, that's another topic.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: MrsC ()
Date: December 06, 2012 09:31PM

And to blackGuyNeverinjail - could not agree with you more.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: MrsC ()
Date: December 06, 2012 09:34PM

Just a thought...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 08, 2012 01:49AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Alias Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > But Bill, if he doesn't know me, personally,
> how
> > can he agree or disagree with my opinions?

> The two are not mutually dependent. You can
> disagree with an opinion without knowing who holds
> that opinion.

I see.

But Bill, getting back to the original subject... why must I respect a person I don't respect?

> > I do not believe I am entitled to anything,
> Bill.
> > That is the big difference between you and me.

> No you do believe you are entitled to something.

I do?

> You believe you are entitled to everything you
> earn

ding, ding, ding, **** Code Blue - Bill’s room**** ding, ding, ding.

> That is the real difference
> between you and I.

You and me have differences?

> Of course I didn't have the
> advantage of growing up in a post-Reagan world,
> but instead grew up in the South in the 1950s and
> 1960s where expectations of "what was right" were
> drilled into your head starting at an early age.

I grew up in New York where we were taught to hate black people and anyone south of the Hudson.

Help me, Bill.

> > That doesn't mean I have to
> > embrace the policies which will take this
> country
> > down the ruined path of Europe.

> You are absolutely correct. You have no more
> obligation to accept my views than I have to
> accept yours.

We agree!!!!

> Before throwing views out you might want to
> consider how reality meshes with your viewpoint.

So, your views are superior to mine?

LOL, Bill, you arrogant asshole.

> Greece is certainly a posterchild for everything
> that is wrong with socialist policies in practice,
> but if you study the history of modern Greece you
> will find out they were messed up long before
> socialism came into play. Other European
> economies, Germany and Sweden for example, have
> been far more successful even though they are more
> socialist than the U.S.

> Also many of the policies you would label as
> socialist actually predate Marxist socialism.
> There are for example welfare laws from medieval
> England and colonial America.

Are you saying I have to go back to school?

Teach me, Bill, you awesome professor of foreign affairs.

> > Hey Bill, did you hear about my accident? I
> fell
> > down a hill and almost died while putting up
> > Christmas lights. I'm now a disabled person.

> Oh...so many great responses, but the polite one
> is "I am sorry to hear of your tragedy and I will
> pray for a speedy recovery".

Thank you, Bill.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: December 08, 2012 12:13PM

Alias Wrote:
> LOL, Bill, you arrogant asshole.

How did that line from Patton go...I am an arrogant asshole. Hell I admit it. The difference is that you won't admit you're one too.

> Are you saying I have to go back to school?

Yes, but don't take it personally. It is true about everyone, including arrogant assholes like us. Learning should not end at graduation. It should be a lifelong process. I can't remember whether I read it about Theodore Roosevelt or King Albert of Belguim, but supposedly one of them read a book a day on a wide range of topics. Closest I was ever able to come was two-three books a month, and modern lit is still like pulling teeth.

And stay off ladders.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Alias ()
Date: December 09, 2012 01:00AM

Bill.N. Wrote:
> Alias Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > LOL, Bill, you arrogant asshole.
> How did that line from Patton go...I am an
> arrogant asshole. Hell I admit it. The
> difference is that you won't admit you're one
> too.

I see what you're doing here, Bill.

But, no, Bill, I'm not telling you whom you should respect.

I'm not telling you to cough up more of your money.

No, Bill, I'm not trying to take anything from you.

You are the asshole, Bill, because you want to take something from me.

You think you know what's best for all; you view yourself as one who possesses great knowledge and intelligence.

And as such, you, in the typical way liberals like yourself display their arrogance, tell the rest of us how to think.

You believe, in your great wisdom, that you have a right to my wealth, simply because you are the great thinker that you believe yourself to be.

The truth is, you're a thief, Bill.

A creep. A meddling, greedy thief, trying to take something that doesn't belong to you.

You, Bill, are the arrogant asshole

> And stay off ladders.

Thanks for the advice, Bill.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Hey Alias ()
Date: December 09, 2012 02:54PM

Alias Wrote:
> Bill.N. Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Alias Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> I see what you're doing here, Bill.
> But, no, Bill, I'm not telling you whom you should
> respect.
> I'm not telling you to cough up more of your
> money.
> No, Bill, I'm not trying to take anything from
> you.
> You are the asshole, Bill, because you want to
> take something from me.
> You think you know what's best for all; you view
> yourself as one who possesses great knowledge and
> intelligence.
> And as such, you, in the typical way liberals like
> yourself display their arrogance, tell the rest of
> us how to think.
> You believe, in your great wisdom, that you have a
> right to my wealth, simply because you are the
> great thinker that you believe yourself to be.
> The truth is, you're a thief, Bill.
> A creep. A meddling, greedy thief, trying to take
> something that doesn't belong to you.
> You, Bill, are the arrogant asshole
> > And stay off ladders.
> Thanks for the advice, Bill.

496 thinks you're a major dumbass.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: December 09, 2012 08:01PM

Alias Wrote:
> Me me me me

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Fagnut ()
Date: December 08, 2015 08:40PM

WingNut Wrote:
> I don't feel the enthusiasm in Virginia, this
> time.
> Honestly, do you?



bump for the memories

Nah you were right, we only swept all statewide elections that year

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 08, 2015 08:42PM

You can feast on my droppings all night homo, I'm still right 98%!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2015 08:26AM by WingNut.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: lol loser fagnut ()
Date: December 08, 2015 09:04PM

WingNut Wrote:
> You can feast on my droppings all night homo, I'm
> still right 98%!

Nah you aren't, and your only output for your miserable life is this shit forum. I come on here just to fuck with you once every couple months. Enjoy having no life and rooting for a fascist to be the president of the USofA dumb fuq

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: December 08, 2015 09:13PM

Who is the fascist, Hillary?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/17/2015 08:25AM by WingNut.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Heil Donald ()
Date: December 08, 2015 09:16PM

WingNut Wrote:
> Who is the fascist, Hillary?

Suck a dick

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: Gerrymanderer2 ()
Date: December 08, 2015 09:17PM

lol poor wingnut, has lost so much, so much more left to lose.

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: WingWaggle ()
Date: December 08, 2015 09:40PM

I always enjoy Wingnut's drunken late-night posts. I hope he's drunk when he goes off on a rant; if he were in his "normal" state when typing, he's far more fucked up than I imagined...

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Re: Obama's Hope FADES in Virginia
Posted by: bump to taunt ()
Date: March 06, 2016 12:13PM

Wingnut is so much smarter than all of us

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