Re: Death in Kingstowne . . . Details?
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Date: May 05, 2009 09:24PM
Nunya Wrote:
> The man who comitted suicide @ Kings Park shopping
> Center was my brother-in law, my son is named
> after him. My ex-husband and his brother were
> identical twins--they were 21 when it happened.
> It was not b/c of his girlfriend breaking up with
> him, there were numerous other factors involved.
> I did not know the family at the time (1998), so
> my version of the story is second-hand, but my
> understanding is that he was a wonderful person
> who was going through a rough time emotionally.
> I'm appalled at the lack of information or
> records available about the incident--it merited
> 102 words in the Washington Post. A-holes! The
> cops could have shot to wound, used rubber
> bullets, tried any number of things to disarm him,
> but they didn't--know why?? B/c they didn't give a
> flying fuck about some 21yr old kid with
> dreadlocks who had committed a (very minor and
> totally victimless) crime!
> So they chose to allow him to take his life in
> front of a group of onlookers that I believe
> included his mother (an INCREDIBLE woman who
> absolutely epitomizes unconditional love, has a
> never-ending capacity to forgive, purely kind--a
> saint), little sister, girlfriend, and my
> ex-husband arrived @ the scene seconds after he
> had pulled the trigger & rode in the ambulance w/
> him to the hospital.
> This event had an enormous impact on the
> family-naturally-and should not have been swept
> under the rug like that. Fairfax County police
> should have done something other than fucking
> watch!! Unbelievable.
No Law Enforcement agency in the entire united states is ever trained to shoot to wound someone. If someone hasa gun, and you shoot them in the leg, they can keep shooting, and take either the officer's life, or an innocent bystander.
In the words of Sgt.Apone from the movie Aliens "What are we supposed to use, harsh language?" He had a gun. The cops shot him. Sorry his mom and family got to witness it. What if they'd witnessed him shooting innocent bystanders?
As for the Post article, lots of people are killed by various means in this area every day, and get one or two lines about it.