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my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: jessica ()
Date: December 02, 2005 12:11PM

ya so i rolled through a stop sign in my neighborhood and there happend to be cops watching to catch people like me sitting at the intersection. i now have a 'failure to obey a stop sign' ticket due in january. anyone have a clue how much it's going to cost me and if it will effect my insurance? my record is clean otherwise.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 02, 2005 01:05PM

it shouldn't nail you too hard.

take driver improvement, you can take it ONLINE (the dmv website can tell you more), and then go take the test for the program at Kinko's. I paid 50 bucks when I took it in July.

You'll get +5 points, and that should help offset the -4 you will lose for the failure to obey ticket. You may even end up with positive point(s)... your insurance company hopefully looks more at your points than any given ticket.

what area was this in? Oakton by any chance? I saw 5-0 there today doing just that (moto cops), off of blake lane...

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 02, 2005 05:56PM

clearly it's cost you your dignity. slap on about $100 and that sounds about right.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: jessica ()
Date: December 02, 2005 07:56PM

no it was in the manorgate community in centreville. i've lived here about a year and they always seem to pick on the drivers in this neighborhood.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 02, 2005 08:15PM

I can't believe I was so callous as to forget to ask for some important info earlier, that could really help me help you...

what're you wearing, Jessica? Measurements?

You do live close by...

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: hugegaping ()
Date: December 02, 2005 09:48PM

Please give me your contact info so that you can come over to my place. I can give you advice, answer questions, and help you feel better about your situation.

Afterwards, we can eat graham crackers and have apple juice, while we play a couple games of UNO.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 03, 2005 12:46AM

jessica Wrote:
> no it was in the manorgate community in
> centreville. i've lived here about a year and they
> always seem to pick on the drivers in this
> neighborhood.

sounds like it's time to burn that fucker down.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Date: December 04, 2005 12:11AM

I live in ManorGate as well. My wife actually is also a Jessica. We drove by these bastards the other day. I'm guessing it was the two shitheads hiding on Singletons right by the Singletons/Wood Rock intersection. We figured thats why they were hiding there, although I'm sure they were getting people for county stickers as well. They LOVE that stretch. They usually sit there or stick a motorcycle cop at the all-way stop along singletons between New Braddock and Wood Rock. My wife got pulled over once at the all-way on singletons for expired tags JUST as the cop showed up. The reason why the cops seem to enjoy picking on the drivers in this area is because of the MANY complaints the HOA and the rest of the community have made about cut through drivers and speeders. But the sad thing is...they're NEVER in a place to get the speeders. So instead they realize they can get more people at the stop signs for other thins then they can for speeding in other sections of the neighborhood.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 04, 2005 12:53AM

I see them fairly often hanging around William Mosby running the 'dar, that's sorta in that area, always around noontime

I mean I live right down the street off Union Mill/new brad and they never really camp out down at that end, but I see them at mosby all the time.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: John ()
Date: December 04, 2005 12:58AM

You seem to talk rather tough behind the security of your keyboard. Tell you what, next time you see the officers out there why don't you go up to them and mouth off to them. Really let them know how you feel. I doubt you'll take me up on this offer because anyone stupid enough to let their stickers expire is probably too much of a pussbag to sass the police in person. I hope they knock the shit out of you.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 04, 2005 01:32AM

what are you fucking talking about

I just said where they camp out, but I have to redirect... you TOO talk big behind the keyboard (and I assume a bottle of liquor given the nature of your outburst)

I have to say I live there and while I don't feel picked on by the cops (no more than any other local jurisdiction), I do feel they could be doing more important work, like possibly solving the reported (heavy) drug dealing at the schools and maybe, I dunno, catching the fucking sex perv who was running around the centreville area and getting away scott-free. (yeah and it wasn't me, btw, I have an alibi LOL).

Catching speeders is fine, that could kill someone, but the sticker thing... weak. I can't believe people sign up for a sticker enforcement job. Why not just become a meter maid in Arlington or DC and get it over with. That's what they are, sticker maids.

I do install jobs for police at home regularly, as I do the same service for whoever pays. I have asked three of them (with total respect because they were my customers at the time) how they feel about sticker enforcement, specifically if they feel it takes away from other more important law enforcement, and if they feel it is what they signed up for when they became police, and if they feel it contributes to public safety. One said something that stuck with me, the most honest answer I have received:

"no, but I like keeping my job and not getting hassled, and they like us to do it".

The other two I asked implied they were biding time until they moved up the chain. Doing what they were told and not making waves, what any of us would do in the same spot if we had ambition. They also told me point blank that they got into police work to maybe try and HELP people. People in actual real trouble. I asked them right out: "you got into police work to help people in trouble and stop crime from becoming rampant, right?"

I respect these cops for doing what they are being told to do, despite not liking it. I feel the real assholes are the people high up in the chain of command, and our hyper-reactive politicians in the area that press these buttons. They can all just go get a horrid disease and die.

For the record I concur with the speed enforcement on the parkway and a few other spots, as I practically get run off the road sometimes when I am already 5-10 over. They just don't do it in the right places at the right times very often, and I would be more than happy to help any officer willing to listen to figure out where the real danger spots are from what I have seen. I get around the county pretty good and see some crazy shit, as I am sure several other posters to this board do as well. Also, if you're busy writing three people tickets for stickers, you aren't out there running the 'dar to catch the speeders.

So much for public safety.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: December 04, 2005 01:33AM

Mouthing off to police is not illegal, nor is it a reason for them to "knock the shit out of you." If this were to happen, you're in for a big payday, thanks to the fairfax county taxpayers. By all means feel free, just make sure their dash cam is rolling.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 04, 2005 01:37AM

you need to hurry up and actually get that JD so you can reprazent, Max

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: mad max, JD ()
Date: December 04, 2005 03:22AM

A law degree is like a fine souflee, there's no hurrying it.

Sober Edit: What the hell was I talking about?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/04/2005 02:41PM by mad max, JD.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: John ()
Date: December 04, 2005 10:18AM

It wasn't directed towards you RESton. It was directed towards "Trogdor." He uses the terminology "bastards" and "shitheads" when referring towards to officers. You spelled it out in your own post though RESton. These guys are "bastards" and "shitheads" just for doing what they are supposed to be doing? I have a feeling that people well above their pay grade dictate policy and they are following orders. I'm quite certain they have bosses they have to listen to just as some of you may. I do highly doubt that Trogdor would speak that way to the officers in person though. And yes, depending on what you say and how you say it to the officers it may be illegal with apologies to this site's general counsel, Mad Max.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 04, 2005 07:50PM

if you do anything to poke at a cops ego they go haywire. it's like dealing with a microcosmic version of microsoft or the RIAA. here's how it goes:

you are driving down the road and WHOOP WHOOP, you get pulled over.

"what the fuck man?! i was only three over. this is bullshit and you know it."
"what did..."
"wait. wha..."

the cop hits the ground and about two minutes later you will have gained a pound from all the lead in you.


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Date: December 05, 2005 10:40AM

Fortunatly I don't get my kicks by trolling boards looking for ways to flame other posters. Either way, my point of the post was that people in the community complain about people speeding while cutting through the neighborhood, which is the reason why the police have decided to grace us with their presence in our neighborhood. The problem though is that they aren't doing anything for what the neighborhood has asked them to do. Instead they find a good spot to get people for something that has nothing to do with speeding.

As for saying what I said behind the "security of my keyboard"...it would take a real retard to say that to the face of a cop. Of course I wouldn't say those things to a cop. Neither would anyone else no matter what they say on a forum. That is why so many people vent online. That is also why there are people who so freely flame other posters on forums because they're just as cowardly as the rest no matter how high and mighty they try to make themselves out to be.

As for the ticket, yeah...it got thrown out in court.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: darbrewe ()
Date: December 05, 2005 03:07PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2015 04:15AM by darbrewe.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: December 05, 2005 03:46PM

great insight, dar, that musta taken you at least a day to think up

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: December 05, 2005 10:28PM

pillage? did they get something worth stealing yet? burning seems good enough. however, if you had the firemen hit the people trying to get out of their burning homes so they are forced back in, i think that would just be icing on the cake.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: Ted Schlamme ()
Date: December 05, 2005 10:30PM

anyone suggesting a pillaging of Centreville has never been to Little Rocky Run (not the clifton one mind you) or Cub Run, or even the Meadows or Newgate for that matter. This place is a sump.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: The Anus of Lebron ()
Date: May 29, 2014 10:20PM

Well kookoo ka choo

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: WYcVk ()
Date: May 30, 2014 05:51PM

slow rolling stops when no one is around should be legal (california stops). it saves fuel and maintenance.

they do it to stack up charges and for money. it's harassment.

if anything is aroudn complete stop of course

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: PmMbJ ()
Date: May 30, 2014 08:03PM

i had a bad driver cop force me to run a StOP.

he was driving eradically and tailgating me on a night the news guaranteed the roads were about to freeze. i was sure the idiot would hit the back of my car.

aswipe gave me a ticket for it.

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Re: my stupid ass ran a stop sign..
Posted by: wGHMU ()
Date: May 30, 2014 08:04PM

i understood though. it was while fairfax was falsely prosecuting me.

they gave me more than three suspicious tickets.

when they lost the suit and as a litigant i cross-charged: they skipped court

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