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22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: FUNdamental ()
Date: May 03, 2008 08:02PM

A Fairfax County police officer was charged with reckless driving yesterday in a crash that killed a 33-year-old teacher's assistant in February when the officer drove her cruiser through a red light while responding to a call.

At 5 p.m. Feb. 12, Ashley McIntosh was pulling her Toyota Corolla out of the Mount Vernon Plaza shopping center after the light turned green. She crossed the southbound lanes of Route 1 and was turning north when her car was struck on the driver's side.

Police said Officer Amanda R. Perry, 22, was driving north on Route 1 to a reported fight. Perry's emergency lights were on, but witnesses said she was not using her siren as she drove into the intersection at Boswell Avenue against a red light.

McIntosh was thrown from her car and died the next day. She was a kindergarten teacher's assistant at Clermont Elementary School, a job she had always wanted, and was engaged to be married this summer, her family said. Perry, who had been on the force a year, was not injured. Police said a video camera mounted on the dashboard of her car recorded the crash.

The misdemeanor charge against Perry did not please either side. McIntosh's family had hoped for a more serious charge, such as manslaughter. The Fairfax police union, and Perry, had hoped for no charge.

"I'm very disappointed," said Cynthia Colasanto, McIntosh's mother. "The charges should have been more severe."

Police presented the results of their investigation to Fairfax Commonwealth's Attorney Raymond F. Morrogh last week, handing him his first difficult charging decision since taking office. Morrogh said yesterday that Perry's actions constituted a "momentary lapse of judgment" that did not rise to the level of manslaughter but did warrant a charge of reckless driving.

"These are always difficult cases," Morrogh said. "I certainly recognize and appreciate the fact that she was doing her duty. But I have to apply the laws impartially to all, police and civilians alike."

Meredith Heller, McIntosh's sister, said: "I guess Ray Morrogh finds a momentary lapse of judgment, which resulted in an officer killing my sister, acceptable. Whereas I, as a citizen, cannot. I would be curious to know, if the roles were reversed, what charges would my sister have faced."

Perry could not be located for comment. Police said the officer was on restricted duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation.

Perry's attorney, Edward J. Nuttall, said he was disappointed in the charge. "Based on my knowledge of the case, I don't believe that the officer acted recklessly in operating a motor vehicle," Nuttall said. He said Perry was devastated by the crash and the charges.

Officer Marshall Thielen, president of the Fairfax police union, said he was disappointed by Morrogh's decision. "In performing her duties that night, she tried to protect the public and a tragic accident occurred, no reckless intent," Thielen said.

"I'm concerned that this type of charge could have a chilling effect on our officers in the future, in their decision-making process, as we attempt to serve the public," he said.

The comment outraged the McIntosh family. Heller said: "Doesn't he think the chilling effect would be the death of my sister and not on the officers, who are trained to slow down and put on their lights and use caution when responding to a call?"

McIntosh's family learned of the charges from the news media after police issued a press release yesterday afternoon. Morrogh said he had left a message for the family's attorney.

McIntosh was a popular athlete in the Fort Hunt area, a star basketball and softball player at West Potomac High School and a referee in the Fort Hunt youth leagues. Teachers and staff members at Clermont Elementary said she had established a special bond with the kindergarten students she worked with this year.

Family members said they had no contact with investigators for weeks after the crash, and in March they launched an online petition urging the Fairfax police to conduct a fair investigation. Police Chief David M. Rohrer, who expressed his condolences to the family immediately after McIntosh's death, attended a tree-planting ceremony last month in McIntosh's honor and received the online petition, which contained more than 1,000 names.

Morrogh said police are exempt from certain traffic laws, such as obeying red lights, under some circumstances. "You have to have your lights on and your siren on, and proceed cautiously, and be going slow enough to be able to stop when you enter an intersection with a red light," the prosecutor said.

Perry's driving had not met all of those standards, he said, "so I authorized the police to issue a summons." He said a manslaughter charge required more than negligence, which he did not find in Perry's case.

The prosecutor declined to say how fast Perry was driving when her car hit McIntosh's Corolla, saying he could not discuss details of the case.

He did say that Perry was responding to a report of two men beating another man, which turned out to be two men capturing a suspected shoplifter.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Pablo ()
Date: May 03, 2008 09:18PM

Police presented the results of their investigation to Fairfax Commonwealth's Attorney Raymond F. Morrogh last week, handing him his first difficult charging decision since taking office. Morrogh said yesterday that Perry's actions constituted a "momentary lapse of judgment" that did not rise to the level of manslaughter but did warrant a charge of reckless driving.

"These are always difficult cases," Morrogh said. "I certainly recognize and appreciate the fact that she was doing her duty. But I have to apply the laws impartially to all, police and civilians alike."

So wheen I heet your auto, I can claim a "momentarty lapse in judgement"?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Jack Black ()
Date: May 03, 2008 09:21PM

Murderer. That's why we have protocol. The fCPD has a real "cowboy" streak in them and sometimes, unfortunately, bad things happen. Oh well. She'll be acquitted though. After seeing the cops get acquitted in Queens for Sean Bell's murder, I have no more faith in our "just us" system.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 04, 2008 01:01AM

here's what i want to know:

1) how fast was the cop going
2) how/when i can get a copy of the dash cam from the cop's car.

this isnt a matter of whether or not the cop did it because there's clear video evidence that would have exonerated them immediately, no, it's a "should we punish a cop and how much?" matter. i want people to see that dash cam and know that this cop is getting away with murder.

fuck the police.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: FOP bartender ()
Date: May 04, 2008 03:16AM

The only justice here would be the firing of that officer.

So she could never, ever laugh over drinks and tell about how that dirtbag Ashley twitched as she died on that cold pavement.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: irritated ()
Date: May 04, 2008 09:24AM

The cops can protect Ofc. Perry in criminal court... but little murderer Amanda Perry wont be able to afford DIRT after the civil case!

Oh...and wait until she goes to court for the reckless driving charge! I guarantee the family and loved ones of Ashley will be there to ensure Amanda Perrys "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder"!

And by the way... the cruiser was going 70

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2008 09:25AM by irritated.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: john696969 ()
Date: May 04, 2008 09:56AM

ok...so to the people that keep claiming the officer should have been charged more severely.....

did you read what the commonwealth attorney said, and what the past practice has been in virginia?

a manslaughter charge connected to a vehicular homicide is only done in cases of DUI and intent to harm.

before everyone starts yelling that the cop go off....try and find a VIRGINIA case where someone was charged with manslaughter in any type of similar circumstance.

anyone who kills someone in a motor vehicle accident would get charged with reckless driving unless its a DUI or they intended to cause the victim harm.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Cop ()
Date: May 04, 2008 10:40AM

Who the hell let a 22 year old woman behind the wheel of a cop car.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Jack Black ()
Date: May 04, 2008 11:10AM

Excellent post. It don't get no better than that one!

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: ffxn8v ()
Date: May 04, 2008 11:36AM

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: irritated ()
Date: May 04, 2008 08:46PM

submit a rating for Amanda Perry with the Fairfax County Police and let the world know what she is...a murderer!

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: May 04, 2008 11:02PM

Ah equal protection for all under the law, except those that are sworn to upload the law.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Amused ()
Date: May 05, 2008 01:16AM

You people crack me up. A bunch of losers that want to beat up on the cops when they make a mistake. If you haven't noticed, somebody did something about it and charged her. So what is your beef now? I suppose the next time you smoke some dope or drink too much and run a red light killing some chic, you'll be asking the cops to charge you with manslaughter. Get real and find something worth while complaining about.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pickupthepieces ()
Date: May 05, 2008 08:02AM

Does anyone have a picture of the officer, amanda perry?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: May 05, 2008 08:46AM

Sounds like Ashley should have been wearing her seatbelt.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: irritated ()
Date: May 05, 2008 08:08PM

She had been...multiple impacts to her vehicle... both driver and passenger sides. An impact at that speed and that angle? Seatbelts dont do a thing for you.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pissoff ()
Date: May 05, 2008 09:11PM

FOP Bartender? more like mop boy at the peep show, STFU loser

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: JackBlackisafag ()
Date: May 05, 2008 09:18PM

Hey Jack Black, the NYPD verdict was appropriate, what the media failed to report is that there were numerous high velocity EXIT holes from Bell's vehicle that continued on several hundred feet and lodged in the fascia of a 3 story building owned by the Long island Railroad. Ricochets don't have enough kinetic energy to do that, let alone 124 gr. 9mm handgun rounds designed to mushroom and transfer their energy on impact.

The days of Walter Cronkite are dead there is no such thing as unbiased reporting anymore. Remember there's more than one side to any story. PS there was a fourth guy with a revolver.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Jack Black ()
Date: May 05, 2008 09:24PM

Didn't know about the other side of the NYPD story, and my apologies for being uninformed. However, fact still stands: AMANDA PERRY IS A MURDERER!

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 06, 2008 11:17AM

Jack Black Wrote:
> Didn't know about the other side of the NYPD
> story, and my apologies for being uninformed.
> However, fact still stands: AMANDA PERRY IS A

Amanda Perry is not a murderer. The fact is she screwed up and, tragically, it cost someone her life. Instead of pointing fingers at a 22-year-old rookie who made one of the biggest mistakes of her life, I believe the Fairfax County police should look at their training procedures. Obviously if the siren was on, this would have been a whole different story. Negligence was involved at some level. The best thing to do is to address it to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 06, 2008 11:21AM

ffxn8v Wrote:
> Some nervous hands in this video...
> http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2008/05/03/par
> ker.cop.ambien.WPBF

That's funny. She repeated the question. That is almost always a tip-off that someone is getting ready to lie.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 06, 2008 01:01PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> The fact is she screwed up and, tragically, it cost
> someone her life.

you act like she is a victim here. when will people take responsibility for their stupid actions? time in jail like how everyone else is judged seems only appropriate.

> Instead of pointing fingers at a 22-year-old
> rookie who made one of the biggest mistakes of her
> life, I believe the Fairfax County police should
> look at their training procedures.

do you honestly think they would change? right now they can get away with ANYTHING so why stop now?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: COPS ()
Date: May 07, 2008 10:48AM

COPS are not above the law, yet they think they are.

Call 703-691-2131. THey will put you in contact with subject officer and you may feel free to leave a message.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 07, 2008 12:41PM

COPS Wrote:
> COPS are not above the law, yet they think they
> are.

how naive of you.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Chris ()
Date: May 07, 2008 12:55PM

Seriously though...she is not a Murderer!

A murderer is someone who knowingly and willingly takes a life with no regard for the other person. Is she a "killer", ok, I may grant you that.

Think of yourself...say you are driving your car with a passenger in a perfectly legal way then all of a sudden a kid on a bike rides out in to the street and you swerve to miss the kid and hit a tree and your passenger dies as a result of injuries...are you a murderer?...NO, because it was an accident. You did not intend to kill your passenger.

Think before you label people.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: May 07, 2008 01:10PM

Gravis Wrote:

> you act like she is a victim here. when will
> people take responsibility for their stupid
> actions? time in jail like how everyone else is
> judged seems only appropriate.

I'm saying she is not a murderer, not a victim. She is in a dangerous line of work. She is a rookie. She made an error - a tragic one. The point of prison is to punish and rehabilitate. I don't believe sticking her behind bars for five years is a suitable punishment for a member of the law enforcement community who made a mistake while doing her duty. And law enforcement officers shouldn't be judged like everyone else. By the nature of their jobs, cops are expected to wield weapons capable of deadly force and drive at life-threatening speeds, things "everyone else", or most everyone else, don't do.

> do you honestly think they would change? right
> now they can get away with ANYTHING so why stop
> now?

Yes, they would change.

Gravis - You are an incredibly immature person. I don't expect you to understand what happens in a real world occupied by real adults.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 07, 2008 01:38PM


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: RIP? ()
Date: May 07, 2008 02:07PM

Great...pics of dead people. Thanks!

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Ken ()
Date: May 07, 2008 02:57PM

This young officer made the biggest mistake of her life and will pay for it dearly I am certain. For those of you who incorrectly surmise that the officer is a "murderer" are perhaps the most uninformed. Murder requires premeditation, malice and intent, clearly none of which were present here. Anyone who believes she is a "murderer" is truly ignorant. There is certainly nothing wrong with being angry, but labeling her a "murderer" is ridiculous. The young rookie officer most likely was negligent, but she had no intent to commit a crime.

The young woman was charged with a traffic misdemeanor which is seemingly customary in cases such as this. The civil case which will surely follow is the larger court matter.

For all of you who wonder what happens when the tables are turned and a civilian accidentally kills a police officer, here is a recent news blurb from the Washington Post that may interest you.

I wonder, however, will you show the same disgust and ire towards the young woman who accidentally killed the police officer in Howard Couty as you are doing in this matter? Will you launch petitions and protests and demand that the young lady in Howard County be charged with "murder?" In this case the young lady in Howard County actually got off LIGHTER than what the Fairfax officer was charged with. She was issued tickets which were PREPAYABLE. She didn't even have to appear in court. The officer, however, will have to appear as she was charged with a serious motor vehicle misdemeanor that is not prepayable.

Most accidents do happen as a result of negligence, not intent. Please try and differentiate between the two.


Driver Pays Fines in Crash That Killed Officer

A Columbia woman has paid $410 in fines for traffic citations she received after her car struck a Howard County police officer who was working in traffic enforcement last year, authorities said. The officer was killed.

Stephanie Latoya Grissom, 25, was scheduled to appear in District Court today, but the case was canceled after she paid the fines Friday, the county state's attorney's office said in a news release.

She paid $130 and was assessed three points on her driver's license for exceeding the speed limit on Route 32 and $280 for negligent driving.

Cpl. Scott Wheeler, 31, was out of his vehicle and trying to stop a car for speeding on Route 32 in Savage on June 16 when he was struck. A county grand jury decided not to indict Grissom on criminal charges.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: McD ()
Date: May 07, 2008 03:06PM

Dumb cop. Just like those dipshits handing out tickets on 123 and FXCO Pkwy, quota making pigs...

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 07, 2008 05:40PM

RIP? Wrote:
> Great...pics of dead people. Thanks!

Can't put that one together, eh? Sorry it went over your head.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 07, 2008 08:30PM

Ken Wrote:
> Driver Pays Fines in Crash That Killed Officer
> A Columbia woman has paid $410 in fines for
> traffic citations she received after her car
> struck a Howard County police officer who was
> working in traffic enforcement last year,
> authorities said. The officer was killed.
> Stephanie Latoya Grissom, 25, was scheduled to
> appear in District Court today, but the case was
> canceled after she paid the fines Friday, the
> county state's attorney's office said in a news
> release.
> She paid $130 and was assessed three points on her
> driver's license for exceeding the speed limit on
> Route 32 and $280 for negligent driving.
> Cpl. Scott Wheeler, 31, was out of his vehicle and
> trying to stop a car for speeding on Route 32 in
> Savage on June 16 when he was struck.
A county
> grand jury decided not to indict Grissom on
> criminal charges.

oh snap, time to go take out a bunch of cops at a "DUI Checkpoint"... out of negligence. from the sound of it, the cop stepped into the path of traffic on a highway. i mean, that's intrinsically dangerous. had they been in a normal fatal accident, you're damn right there would be manslaughter charges.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: rickybobby ()
Date: May 07, 2008 10:06PM

Uh, no Gravis. It's way too easy for you to have so much hatred. Therefore, I hate you, wowww, that was easy. Who else can I hate? Well, all of the other dungeons and dragons lovers on your goofball stumbleupon website. All of those A Clockwork Orange lovers (you've now made me hate that movie).....give it a rest. If you want to channel that hatred, hate the oil company executives. Then again, you are on this site so much you probably don't leave your house and don't drive, and well, your segway just plugs in and recharges...

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 08, 2008 01:00AM

rickybobby Wrote:
> Uh, no Gravis. It's way too easy for you to have
> so much hatred. Therefore, I hate you, wowww,
> that was easy. Who else can I hate? Well, all of
> the other dungeons and dragons lovers on your
> goofball stumbleupon website. All of those A
> Clockwork Orange lovers (you've now made me hate
> that movie).....give it a rest. If you want to
> channel that hatred, hate the oil company
> executives. Then again, you are on this site so
> much you probably don't leave your house and don't
> drive, and well, your segway just plugs in and
> recharges...

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: bitchpleez ()
Date: May 08, 2008 08:44PM

yeah it sucks Culosi got whacked but he was no innocent babe in the woods, he was big into illegal gambling and he and his brother were supposedly dealing coke on the side (scuttlebutt). The POPO was making grabbing him for a felony arrest warrant and generally where there's high stakes illegal gambling and drud dealing, there's guns.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 08, 2008 08:47PM

They attacked him at his house when he was on the way to work, a doctor's office. If they were afraid of guns at the house they could have stopped him while he walked into the lobby of his building. It was a blatant show of unnecessary force that ended up in the unjustified death of a suspect who hadn't even had charges read to him.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Where is the injustice now ()
Date: May 08, 2008 09:39PM

Mofo Wrote:
> Ah equal protection for all under the law, except
> those that are sworn to upload the law.

You all are crying fowl, here is a woman who hits & kills a police officer and gets a fine that is just over $400.00. Two minor traffic offenses. Where is the tip in the scales of justice here? Looks like no more, no less than the Ffx Ofc got.

Driver Pays Fines in Crash That Killed Officer

A Columbia woman has paid $410 in fines for traffic citations she received after her car struck a Howard County police officer who was working in traffic enforcement last year, authorities said. The officer was killed.

Stephanie Latoya Grissom, 25, was scheduled to appear in District Court today, but the case was canceled after she paid the fines Friday, the county state's attorney's office said in a news release.

She paid $130 and was assessed three points on her driver's license for exceeding the speed limit on Route 32 and $280 for negligent driving.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 09, 2008 01:18AM

pgens Wrote:
> They attacked him at his house when he was on the
> way to work, a doctor's office. If they were
> afraid of guns at the house they could have
> stopped him while he walked into the lobby of his
> building. It was a blatant show of unnecessary
> force that ended up in the unjustified death of a
> suspect who hadn't even had charges read to him.


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: May 09, 2008 07:41AM

Where is the injustice now Wrote:
> You all are crying fowl, here is a woman who hits

Let's see if I can possibly handle this one...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/09/2008 07:42AM by pgens.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Him ()
Date: May 09, 2008 08:05PM

>You all are crying fowl, here is a woman who hits & kills a police officer and gets >a fine that is just over $400.00. Two minor traffic offenses. Where is the tip in >the scales of justice here? Looks like no more, no less than the Ffx Ofc got.

What part of THE OFFICER STEPPED IN THE STREET is not registering?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Huh? ()
Date: May 09, 2008 08:13PM

Him Wrote:

> not registering?

SO WHAT? What if it was a kid? Shouldn't she be paying attention anyway? Most drivers in this area don't look any further than 25 feet in front of their front bumper. Most are too busy talking on their phones, texting while driving or putting makeup on.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Mofo ()
Date: May 09, 2008 08:40PM

Where is the injustice now Wrote:
> Mofo Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Ah equal protection for all under the law,
> except
> > those that are sworn to upload the law.
> You all are crying fowl, here is a woman who hits
> & kills a police officer and gets a fine that is
> just over $400.00. Two minor traffic offenses.
> Where is the tip in the scales of justice here?
> Looks like no more, no less than the Ffx Ofc got.
> Driver Pays Fines in Crash That Killed Officer
> A Columbia woman has paid $410 in fines for
> traffic citations she received after her car
> struck a Howard County police officer who was
> working in traffic enforcement last year,
> authorities said. The officer was killed.
> Stephanie Latoya Grissom, 25, was scheduled to
> appear in District Court today, but the case was
> canceled after she paid the fines Friday, the
> county state's attorney's office said in a news
> release.
> She paid $130 and was assessed three points on her
> driver's license for exceeding the speed limit on
> Route 32 and $280 for negligent driving.

You have to see the irony of 98 percent of cops not writing cops and giving rides home for duis (not all the time granted). Yes cops have hard jobs and yes shit happens and yes they are in a car eight hours a day sometimes but they are putting themselves under the microscope when they sign up.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: owl ()
Date: September 18, 2008 01:49PM

Amanda was found not guilty in court this morning. Congrats to her and her family.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: read it n weep ()
Date: September 18, 2008 06:45PM


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 18, 2008 09:05PM

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 18, 2008 09:32PM

According to the article, the cop car couldnt be seen until it was too late.

Thus the siren should be turned on, becuase maybe there is a person at the intersection who cant see. Blind pedestrian maybe?

Since Perry was uncapable of activating her siren, she shouldnt have gone thru.

She was guilty. But cops are of course above the law.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Right ()
Date: September 19, 2008 05:07PM

Yeah people like yourself who criticize others with crappy grammer can shampoo my crotch.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pumkinseed ()
Date: September 19, 2008 05:15PM

The cops are never accountable for their actions. They basically can get away with anything, as these various cases demonstrate.

People won't respect police under these circumstances.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: rickybobby ()
Date: September 19, 2008 06:11PM

Give me a break pgens, is america really crying because a bookie, and a friend of tab jumpers are no longer here? The only one who was truly doing nothing wrong and wasn't around anything criminal was Ashley.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 19, 2008 06:23PM

Yeah that makes alot of sense, let's live in a country where the police can just kill people for trivial reasons and get away with it, I'm sure that's exactly what our founding fathers had in mind.

rickybobby Wrote:
> Give me a break pgens, is america really crying
> because a bookie, and a friend of tab jumpers are
> no longer here? The only one who was truly doing
> nothing wrong and wasn't around anything criminal
> was Ashley.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: boo-hoo ()
Date: September 19, 2008 07:17PM


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: rickybobby ()
Date: September 19, 2008 07:49PM

ok Meep, I'm sure they also had in mind the govt bailing out failing businesses, but hey, even if they found the police guilty and gave sentencing, you all would be bitching because the sentence wasn't long enough or swift enough or whatever enough. How dare they try and enforce gambling laws, stealing, etc. I'm sure the founding father's envisioned a country without laws, or even enforcing the 'trivial' ones as you put it.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: raptura ()
Date: September 23, 2008 04:13PM

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 23, 2008 06:05PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> Yeah that makes alot of sense, let's live in a
> country where the police can just kill people for
> trivial reasons and get away with it, I'm sure
> that's exactly what our founding fathers had in
> mind.


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: September 23, 2008 06:10PM

rickybobby Wrote:
> ok Meep, I'm sure they also had in mind the govt
> bailing out failing businesses, but hey, even if
> they found the police guilty and gave sentencing,
> you all would be bitching because the sentence
> wasn't long enough or swift enough or whatever
> enough. How dare they try and enforce gambling
> laws, stealing, etc. I'm sure the founding
> father's envisioned a country without laws, or
> even enforcing the 'trivial' ones as you put it.

Right, because the record of zero jailtime for ANY of them is something we can all get behind. Better they skate then get some jailtime someone may argue over!

Your idea of "enforcing gambling laws" is sending a SWAT team to someone's house when you could have had two cops meet him in the lobby of his practice. Your idea of justifying a police shooting is to allow an officer to jump in front of a moving vehicle as justification for lethal "self defense." Interesting. Actually not interesting... downright scary that people would be so in favor of torching the Constitution.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: rickybobby ()
Date: September 24, 2008 09:35AM

+1 +2 +3

In favor of torching the constitution is a little much....missing the point (+1) as always, priceless...nobody said torch the constitution, only pointed out that your picture of the eagle crying, was a little over dramatic. Thanks for deciphering my "idea's" by reading my posts. Anyone with any comments different than the FFU tough guys, need not post. Their scoring system, like their "ideas", are slightly biased, and typical.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 24, 2008 10:41AM

rickybobby Wrote:
>>> only pointed out that your picture of the eagle crying, was a little over dramatic.

FWIW- that "eagle crying" pic is something we've been making a mockery of on FU for years. I sincerely doubt pgens intended to roust everyone's patriotism by adding a retarded picture of a crying bird. It's just FU goofiness.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: September 30, 2008 01:11PM

She made a mistake that led to a tragic accident. No further discipline is required. She was on duty answering a call to protect a civilian and their rights which could have been your family member. She did not mean to harm the driver and in the DMV booklet, it says to check left and right before crossing an intersection for ambulance, firetruck, police even when the light is green. You punish people who want to hurt people the most. What good does it do to charge her with everything and screw her over for making a big mistake? She defiantly will learn from her mistake and will be stronger and better to patrol after this incident. It sounds more as if people are trying to get revenge for the wrong reasons, revenge will disappear in time when they can think straight, but the person which people seek revenge from will never be the same.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Bonfire ()
Date: September 30, 2008 03:34PM


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Eastsider ()
Date: October 13, 2008 01:01AM

Here is the Dash Cam video of the accident:


Maybe it should be put on the video page, Cary?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2008 01:02AM by Eastsider.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Jonnie Law ()
Date: October 13, 2008 02:50AM

These cops bind together with prosecutors in a way that is not always on the up and up.

This is vehicular manslaughter. WHo is the attorney representing the family?

THere needed to be more political pressure here and a mega lawsuit

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Joke is on us ()
Date: October 13, 2008 02:58AM

The handling of this case by Fairfax Prosecutor's office is actually outrageous. Mr. Nuttal is part of a firm comprised of former prosecutors.

Mr. Nuttal was an assistant CA under Morrough when he was Deputy under Horan.

THis family needs to take serious action.

Morrough should have punted this case and let a special prosecutor in.

Citizens of Fairfax, this is a travesty.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: March 21, 2009 02:29PM

In today's Washington Post, it says that Amanda Perry is under investigation now for embezzlement.


Officer Suspected Of Embezzlement
Woman Resigns From Force

By Tom Jackman
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, March 21, 2009; Page B08

A Fairfax County police officer who was involved in a traffic crash last year that killed a teacher's assistant has resigned from the police department and is under investigation for embezzlement, officials said.

Amanda R. Perry, 23, had been on administrative duties for more than a year since the February 2008 crash on Route 1 that killed Ashley McIntosh. Fairfax prosecutors charged Perry with reckless driving, but she was found not guilty after a trial in September.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: H8Trogdor ()
Date: March 21, 2009 02:30PM

Yes, if you read the post title FCPD, you will already find a discussion on this.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Date: March 21, 2009 02:33PM

It sounds to me like she was targeted in an effort to get her off the force. She was a liability. Does anyone else think this kind of shit isn't a regular occurence at any government agency?

After the trial, police launched an internal investigation into the crash. While Perry awaited a decision from Police Chief David M. Rohrer, she was assigned to a desk job, and she has been accused of falsifying her time and attendance reports, police sources said. Officers use electronic key cards to enter police buildings, and Perry's time cards did not always match her electronic key records, they said.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: March 21, 2009 02:35PM

H8Trogdor Wrote:
> Yes, if you read the post title FCPD, you will
> already find a discussion on this.

Wow, with a subject line *that* descriptive, it's a wonder I missed it...

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Furtive Gesture ()
Date: August 04, 2010 07:58PM

Feb 12, 2008 @ 0:35:

Sept 19, 2008: Officer Found Not Guilty in Fatal Car Crash
A Fairfax County police officer who drove through a red light with her emergency
lights on but not the siren was found not guilty of reckless driving yesterday in
a February crash that killed a 33-year-old woman...

"Taking the totality of the circumstances," [Judge] Deneke said -- the traffic,
the weather, Perry's actions and intentions -- "I don't find the evidence rises
to a level that the driving was reckless."

McIntosh's family sat in shock, then wept. Perry was allowed to leave the
courtroom through a side entrance used for sheriff's deputies and did not
make a statement. She remains on restricted administrative duty.

March 21, 2009: Officer Suspected Of Embezzlement
A Fairfax County police officer who was involved in a traffic crash last year
that killed a teacher's assistant has resigned from the police department and is
under investigation for embezzlement, officials said.

August 13, 2009: Judge Rejects Immunity for Former Officer in Fatal Car Crash
A Fairfax County judge ruled Wednesday that a Fairfax police officer who hit and
killed another driver last year is not entitled to immunity in the civil suit
filed by the dead woman's family.

The ruling by Fairfax Circuit Court Judge R. Terrence Ney was a significant legal
victory for the family of Ashley McIntosh, 33, the teacher's assistant whose car
entered a Route 1 intersection on a green light and was broadsided by then-
Officer Amanda R. Perry. McIntosh was thrown from her car and killed.

Perry, 23, was not in court for Ney's ruling, and she is no longer a Fairfax
police officer. She resigned in March after police alleged that she had been
embezzling from the department by falsifying time and attendance records while
she was on administrative duties in the year after the Feb. 12, 2008, crash. She
has not been charged in that case.

Feb 4, 2010: County Settles McIntosh case
Ashley McIntosh was killed Feb. 12, 2008 in an auto crash involving former Mt.
Vernon District Police Officer Amanda Perry. After an initial ruling by a
District Court Judge that Perry is innocent of any wrongdoing, the family of Ms.
McIntosh files a $6 million civil suit against the officer, charging negligence
and gross negligence.

Judge Ney Rules Perry was grossly negligent and not entitled to sovereign
immunity. This sovereign immunity trial sets the tone and basis of the civil
suit. The family would only have to prove simple negligence in a trial set for
Feb. 8.

On the eve of the trial, Fairfax County and family of Ashley McIntosh agree to
settle out of court for $1.5 million.

June 14, 2010: "There's No Transparency, and I Find that Inexcusable"
Meet the 82-year-old ex-cop, World War II vet, and private eye who's challenging
one of the largest police departments in the country

At a stoplight just a few miles from his home, Nicholas Beltrante, 82, puts on
his flashers, opens the driver's side door to his car, gets out, and approaches
my car. I roll down my window.

"You see that little memorial over there?" he asks. I nod. "That's where a
Fairfax County Police officer killed Ashley McIntosh."...

Ashley McIntosh was killed in February 2008 when Fairfax County Police Officer
Amanda Perry, responding to a petty theft at a convenience store, sped through an
intersection without sounding her siren, striking McIntosh's car. Perry was
charged with reckless driving, the first time in decades an on-duty Fairfax
County cop was charged with a crime.

A judge later dismissed the charge, though Perry was ultimately discharged from
the force for falsifying time sheets.

"They finally settled with the family in February," Beltrante says. "$1.5 million.
That's $1.5 million taxpayers have to pay because Fairfax can't keep its police
officers accountable."

Beltrante emphasizes that it isn't the mistakes but the lack of accountability
that got him agitated enough to start his organization.

"You have this David Masters who was killed last year," he says, referring to
another incident in which a Fairfax officer shot an unarmed man along the same

"They won't even release the police officer's name. They won't even
release the report.

"We're just supposed to trust them when they say that shooting was

"I've worked in government. You don't keep the government accountable
by shielding the people who work for it.

"There's this perception in some departments that officers are above
the law."

He then rattles off stories. There's the NAACP complaint about Randall Leroy
Rollins, a black man killed by Fairfax police in 2007 during a drug sting. Police
say Rollins reached for a gun. Witness accounts differ from police accounts. More
disturbing, Rollins' family says when his body was delivered to them, his
testicles had been removed. (Rollins was with a white woman at the time of the

There's Sal Culosi, the Fairfax optometrist killed during a 2006 botched SWAT
raid on his home. Culosi was suspected of wagering on college football games with

Then there's Ian Smith, a mentally-ill man shot by Fairfax police just this year
after a tactical team entered his home and he brandished a plastic BB pistol.

Beltrante acknowledges that the actions of the police may have been justified in
some of these incidents. "The problem is that they refuse to share any
information. Not with the press, not with the victims' families. Their
transparency policy is that there's no transparency. And I find that inexcusable."

Beltrante... wants Fairfax to establish a formal civilian review board to oversee
the police department.

It's one of the largest police departments in the country without a citizen
oversight board.

Beltrante also wants to challenge Virginia's open records law, or at least the
way the police departments in Alexandria, Fairfax County, and Arlington have
interpreted it, which is that it gives them carte blanche to turn down any and
all information requests.

"I've already filed the open records request for the report and the name of the
police officer who shot David Masters," Beltrante says. "They turned me down, as
I expected they would. We hope to work with the ACLU to either challenge the law
in court, or get the legislature to change it.

"Think about that. An officer shoots and kills an unarmed man and
we're not permitted to even know the officer's name

"I find that offensive as a former police officer, as a veteran, and
just as someone who happens to live in Fairfax County."


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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Rectumite ()
Date: August 04, 2010 10:27PM

Agreed. Boring.

THis is old news.

Time to move on.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 04, 2010 10:53PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> It sounds to me like she was targeted in an effort
> to get her off the force. She was a liability.
> Does anyone else think this kind of shit isn't a
> regular occurence at any government agency?
> After the trial, police launched an internal
> investigation into the crash. While Perry awaited
> a decision from Police Chief David M. Rohrer, she
> was assigned to a desk job, and she has been
> accused of falsifying her time and attendance
> reports, police sources said. Officers use
> electronic key cards to enter police buildings,
> and Perry's time cards did not always match her
> electronic key records, they said.

I'll only reply since this was bumped again, but yeah, it really depends upon how severely she was "falsifying" her time stamp. If she worked an extra 20-30 minutes for instance, and she recorded it as an extra hour, then big deal in my opinion. The quality of the work is what counts most.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 04, 2010 11:05PM

I see ambulances go thru red lights with their sirens and lights flashing all the time. However, they slow down to about 10 mph before proceeding, even when they are speeding to a medical emergency. This dumbass cop couldnt even do that.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: infuriated ()
Date: August 05, 2010 05:20PM

that cop should be taken off the force or have a more severe charge.
The police believing that a wreckless driving charge justifies an innocent woman driving is not okay. Not to mention why does it make it okay for a police officer to kill someone and not the everyday citizen? I understand if they are taking someone down because they are a threat to the public but this woman was innocent.

Fairfax county cops need to learn responsibility. This is not the first time a wreckless cop has gotten away with something.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 05, 2010 05:56PM

If you were driving your pregnant wife to the hospital becuase she was in labor, and you sped thru a red light, perhaps sounding your horn, and hit someone and they died, would you expect to get a manslaughter charge?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Uh, yeah ()
Date: August 05, 2010 06:46PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> If you were driving your pregnant wife to the
> hospital becuase she was in labor, and you sped
> thru a red light, perhaps sounding your horn, and
> hit someone and they died, would you expect to get
> a manslaughter charge?

I assume this is a rhetorical question, because the answer is obviously yes.

Hell, some cops wouldn't even give you a pass on a speeding ticket in those circumstances.


And no civilian will get a free pass if they kill someone while driving through a red light.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Grumble ()
Date: August 05, 2010 06:50PM

If I was running a red light, I would expect to get hit, so I would not go through a red light. ESPECIALLY if my wife was pregnant - not worth the risk.

This is very simple; Officer Perry made a huge mistake and didn't really have to pay for it since she had the full force of the Police and Police Union behind her. Once she was cleared and they were finished with her, they let her go, but only when THEY decided (the Police Union).

A very clear indicator that the system is corrupt.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: CopWatch ()
Date: August 09, 2010 10:35AM

After the accident Perry was put on administrative duty.

She was accused of falsifying her time and attendance records and subsequently FIRED FROM THE FAIRFAX POLICE FORCE.

Of course, they don't publicize this.

They also docked her final pay for the amount she'd stolen through the faked records.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: t ()
Date: August 09, 2010 01:38PM

The is no "W" in Reckless dumbass

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Date: August 12, 2010 02:21PM

Agreed-I think I see more idiots spell reckless with a "w" on this site than any in the country.

I'm honestly not sure why people keep bitching about this cop. She got fired, and the county paid out $1.5 million (translation: we did as taxpayers). The code in VA basically requires a person to be intoxicated or acting with specific intent to kill someone to get charged with vehicular homicide. You people screaming that this is some sort of injustice are either idiots, or just hate cops so much you can't see straight. She did something stupid, and both she and the county were held accountable. It's horrible someone lost their life, but shit happens. Unless you knew her personally, and I doubt any of you did, move on.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: August 12, 2010 02:40PM

I just can't bekieve this bitch was so WRECKLESS!

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: August 12, 2010 02:43PM

If she was wreckless, how'd she hit the woman?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: August 12, 2010 03:42PM

By wrecklesly wrecking her already wrecked up ford.

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 13, 2010 11:17AM

Gonads & Strife Wrote:
> If she was wreckless, how'd she hit the woman?

very carefully.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged with reckless driving after collision
Posted by: Stunned by Stupidity ()
Date: July 28, 2011 01:37AM

I almost wish we had Judge Dreads. 99% of the commentators here are, so IGNORANT of the roll or government, our constitutional rights, and the due process of law that it makes me sick. You all would have done very well in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692. Summery judgment for all of them!

People this stupid should not be allowed to reproduce.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged with reckless driving after collision
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: July 28, 2011 02:06AM

Stunned by Stupidity Wrote:
> I almost wish we had Judge Dreads. 99% of the
> commentators here are, so IGNORANT of the roll or
> government, our constitutional rights, and the due
> process of law that it makes me sick. You all
> would have done very well in Salem, Massachusetts
> in 1692. Summery judgment for all of them!
> People this stupid should not be allowed to
> reproduce.

Says the person who talks about the "roll of government" and "summery judgement".

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged with reckless driving after collision
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: July 28, 2011 02:07AM

Oh and it's Judge Dredd, not Dread.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 28, 2011 07:55AM

either way, this thread is as dead as Oren..........

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Seatbeltdetective ()
Date: July 28, 2011 09:01AM

Was the girl who was killed (lol) wearing her seatbelt at
The time of the collision?

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Date: July 28, 2011 09:48PM

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: robonscanner1 ()
Date: July 31, 2011 03:12PM

fuck the officer
stupid whore
when responding to an emergency of any kind. Shoud make a fkg afford not to create additional emergencies. That includes killing someone in the process.
I'm sure she didn't meant it. Still put your lights, sirens, push the fucking horn, scream out loud. even perhaps stop the fricking chase. Is like truing to fix a roof and making holes during the process.don't they teach some kind of shit at the academy?
now you see!
a new fucking law!
see how you like that?
one big mistake that could have been prevented. now we have a new law that is indeed needed since we do have stupid people here.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Silly FFX Co Police Officers ()
Date: July 31, 2011 03:34PM

robonscanner1 Wrote:
> now you see!
> a new fucking law!
> see how you like that?
> one big mistake that could have been prevented.
> now we have a new law that is indeed needed since
> we do have stupid people here.

Yeah, but this law is one that goes against the citizens - it is a law that will hopefully protect citizens from the stupidity of police officers. This is one law that is good for us ... just one, but it's a start.

I can understand your point, though. You'd like Government to be more transparent (less laws) just as I do. However, there are some laws that do need to be in place.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Silly FFX Co Police Officers ()
Date: July 31, 2011 03:36PM

" ...Yeah, but this law is one that goes against the citizens... "

I actually meant that this is one law that benefits citizens, and works against the police officers.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 31, 2011 05:24PM

When McIntosh’s light turned green, she proceeded across Bos­well Road. Perry’s cruiser entered the intersection without braking, an in-car video showed, and slammed broadside into the Corolla at about 40 mph. Perry’s overhead lights were flashing, but her siren was off. McIntosh was not wearing a seat belt, and she was ejected from her spinning car. She died the next day...................

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Springfield Dude ()
Date: July 31, 2011 06:56PM

It's about fucking time they passed a law such as this. My house backs up to Rolling Road. I hear the fucking cops hauling ass from the Springfield Govt Center towards Braddock Road very very frequently. They NEVER have their sirens on when they're hauling ass through the numerous controlled intersections at speeds in excess of 70-80MPH. I'm glad to see this will change. I don't really care if it disturbs my peace and quiet.

It's a shame that a law resulting from the death of a citizen is required to improve the training and safety standards of what should be the very finest and best trained police organization in the country.

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Re: 22 year old Fairfax Officer charged wirh wreckless driving after hitting a killing a woman!
Posted by: Silly FFX Co Police Officers ()
Date: July 31, 2011 07:41PM

Springfield Dude Wrote:
> My house backs up to Rolling Road. I hear
> the fucking cops hauling ass from the Springfield
> Govt Center towards Braddock Road very very
> frequently. They NEVER have their sirens on when
> they're hauling ass through the numerous
> controlled intersections at speeds in excess of
> 70-80MPH.

Does there happen to be a donut shop in the direction they're heading?

In all seriousness, I just think that half the time, they're probably not responding to anything at all. Instead, you're just hearing them and their egos out on the road abusing the gas pedal. It's quite sad how they abuse their power and feel that they don't have to control themselves.

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