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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Citizens for Ron Paul ()
Date: February 08, 2012 03:58AM

The Ron Paul revolution is at stake here in Virginia. We need a victory period! And the great commonwealth has the opportunity to deliver a decisive, game changing win for Doctor Paul. We need to show the country and the other candidates that we can beat and dominate Governor Romney one on one. We need to show the country that Ron Paul is not only electable, but can win the GOP nomination and beat president Obama. Ron Paul is a once in a life time candidate. When he is elected, he will not only restore America's prosperity but he has a chance to change the world.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Another Ron Paul fan ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:23AM

It's a WIN WIN situation for Dr Paul no matter what happens with the primaries or the electiion because at the end of the day he is injecting issues and changing peoples minds every day. This whole campaign is awesome for liberty!

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Ron Paul fan ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:27AM

Ron Paul 2nd Place speech in Golden Valley, MN - CNN - February 7, 2012
go to you tube and see

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: you tube ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:30AM

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 09:40AM

As a certifiable old fart , I am so pleased that young people epecially are so overwhelmingly in support of Dr. Paul .Breaking free from the false dichotomy
of Repubs/Dems both of which represent their big money owners. See the "FBI raids a home thread" posting today for an example. While both of these parties
spout off about "change" or their "vision for America" they really ,through their actions not words, perpetuate the status quo.A billion dollars is the current target to re-elect a sitting pres.Major party candidates are nothing but celebrity spokesmen for big money interests. They seek to divide Americans with emotional hot-button topics such as abortion,gun control,foreign/military aid for "special friends" in other countries etc. etc. while continuing to reward their rulers in defense contracting,banking," social justice" scams
etc. People who care and can see are starting to see through this theft in plain sight and DR. Paul represents these true visionaries.So called "historic" candidates/legislation is just more of the same wrapped in a saleable package, but just as this generation is starting to look at the ingredients in what they eat, so too they are examining the content of their
political foodstuffs. Dr. Paul is not getting anywhere near the coverage by the television and print media because he represents a threat to their expensive political contributions.Bankers have undermined many great nations through history and needless military overspending has bankrupted many more.
Let's get control of both our money-make it real -and lets accept that we can't control the world by force. Countless billions to buy even more enemies worldwide is not in the interest of America's future and isn't working anyway.The abbrogation of civil rights at home is bred from the fear that is generated by these policies. Dr,Paul represents the only real hope to correct
these self-destructive trends.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: vote ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:33AM


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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Only makes sense in VA ()
Date: February 08, 2012 12:19PM

Different angle:

Since only Romney and Paul are on the ballot in VA.

A vote for Ron Paul in the VA primaries is a de facto vote for the Anti-Romney, who is currently Rick Santorum.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: black line 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 01:19PM

blake lane 73 Wrote:
As a certifiable old fart , I am so pleased that
those 1500 young people epecially are so overwhelmingly in
support of Dr. Paul. Breaking free from the false dichotomy of liking gays & blacks, both of which represent the devil.

See the "FBI raids a home thread" posting today for an example. While both of these parties spout off about "change" or their "vision for America" they really ,through their actions not words, perpetuate the status quo unlike Ron Paul that wants to thrust us forward into 2015 by sending us back to 1815.

A billion dollars is the current target to re-elect a sitting pres. Major party candidates are nothing but celebrity spokesmen for big money interests. Ron Paul, however, seeks to divide Americans with emotional hot-button topics such as hating gays, railroading our economy down the tubes, isolating ourselves from the rest of the globe, outlawing abortion etc. etc.

People who care and can see are starting to see through this bullshit and recognize that DR. Paul represents a visionary of 1830. So called "historic" candidates/legislation is just more of the same wrapped in a saleable package, but just as this generation is starting to look at the ingredients in what they eat, so too they are examining the content of their political foodstuffs.

Dr. Paul is not getting anywhere near the coverage by the television and print media because he represents a threat to common decency and intelligent, coherent debate about topics of importance in 2012. Bankers have undermined many great nations through history and needless military overspending has bankrupted many more. Let's get control of both our money-make it real-and lets accept that we can't control the world by force but we can control whether blacks have access to equal rights or women have access to abortions.

Countless billions to buy even more enemies worldwide is not in the interest ofAmerica's future and isn't working anyway. The hatred of those civil rights Ron Paul's old, backwards-minded, racist ass disagrees with is bred from fears that he picked up in childhood, in 1850, when people thought the world was still flat.

Dr,Paul represents the only man insane enough to come out and say all these crazy ass, racist, homophobic things in public and then truly think he's got a shot in hell to be President of the United States.

I hope we correct these self-destructive trends and stop giving his old, senile, hate-filled ass a platform to spew from.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: poopstick ()
Date: February 08, 2012 01:29PM

black line 73 Wrote:
> blake lane 73 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> As a certifiable old fart , I am so pleased that
> those 1500 young people epecially are so
> overwhelmingly in
> support of Dr. Paul. Breaking free from the false
> dichotomy of liking gays & blacks, both of which
> represent the devil.
> See the "FBI raids a home thread" posting today
> for an example. While both of these parties spout
> off about "change" or their "vision for America"
> they really ,through their actions not words,
> perpetuate the status quo unlike Ron Paul that
> wants to thrust us forward into 2015 by sending us
> back to 1815.
> A billion dollars is the current target to
> re-elect a sitting pres. Major party candidates
> are nothing but celebrity spokesmen for big money
> interests. Ron Paul, however, seeks to divide
> Americans with emotional hot-button topics such as
> hating gays, railroading our economy down the
> tubes, isolating ourselves from the rest of the
> globe, outlawing abortion etc. etc.
> People who care and can see are starting to see
> through this bullshit and recognize that DR. Paul
> represents a visionary of 1830. So called
> "historic" candidates/legislation is just more of
> the same wrapped in a saleable package, but just
> as this generation is starting to look at the
> ingredients in what they eat, so too they are
> examining the content of their political
> foodstuffs.
> Dr. Paul is not getting anywhere near the coverage
> by the television and print media because he
> represents a threat to common decency and
> intelligent, coherent debate about topics of
> importance in 2012. Bankers have undermined many
> great nations through history and needless
> military overspending has bankrupted many more.
> Let's get control of both our money-make it
> real-and lets accept that we can't control the
> world by force but we can control whether blacks
> have access to equal rights or women have access
> to abortions.
> Countless billions to buy even more enemies
> worldwide is not in the interest ofAmerica's
> future and isn't working anyway. The hatred of
> those civil rights Ron Paul's old,
> backwards-minded, racist ass disagrees with is
> bred from fears that he picked up in childhood, in
> 1850, when people thought the world was still
> flat.
> Dr,Paul represents the only man insane enough to
> come out and say all these crazy ass, racist,
> homophobic things in public and then truly think
> he's got a shot in hell to be President of the
> United States.
> I hope we correct these self-destructive trends
> and stop giving his old, senile, hate-filled ass a
> platform to spew from.

Didn't Cary warn you not to post outside of the Lamb Center thread?

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: poopstick ()
Date: February 08, 2012 01:31PM

Only makes sense in VA Wrote:
> Different angle:
> Since only Romney and Paul are on the ballot in
> VA.
> A vote for Ron Paul in the VA primaries is a de
> facto vote for the Anti-Romney, who is currently
> Rick Santorum.

No, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Ron Paul.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Waste of time, as always ()
Date: February 08, 2012 01:36PM

poopstick Wrote:
> No, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Ron Paul.

And about as significant as a write-in vote for Bart Simpson.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: poopstick ()
Date: February 08, 2012 01:46PM

Waste of time, as always Wrote:
> poopstick Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > No, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for Ron Paul.
> And about as significant as a write-in vote for
> Bart Simpson.

Again, no. Voting for Ron Paul shows support for the libertarian ideals he is championing. Showing that there is voter support for libertarian ideals will persuade other politicians to adopt these ideas. Voting for Ron Paul is way more powerful than just voting for the status quo.

Idiots like you see politics as some sort of game where you only win if your guy gets elected.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: duhhhhhh ()
Date: February 08, 2012 02:18PM

poopstick Wrote:
> Again, no. Voting for Ron Paul shows support for
> the libertarian ideals he is championing.

Libertarian ideals?

Deregulate corporate america
Cut Dept. of Education
Cut Environmental Protection Agency
Cut Dept. of Energy
Cut capital gains taxes
Cut inheritence taxes
Repeal civil rights
Continued hypocrisy via earmarks
Privatization of wide swaths of the government

Sounds like a Republican and/or conservative set of ideals to me. Nothing more.

The only difference between Paul & any of the other Republicans is that his strategy is to throw out the BIG shit (going back to the gold standard) knowing it will get shot down, in hopes that he can sneak the little shit through (cutting capital gains taxes).

His worldview is limited to some time in the early 1900's and completely, thoroughly hypocritical. He believes in remove the rights he don't agree with under the auspices of limited government and reinstating the bans on the things he does agree with....

shit makes no sense how anyone with half a brain, who isn't a weed addict sick of buying their shit undercover, could support this nitwit.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: United States Military in support of Dr Ron Paul ()
Date: February 08, 2012 03:56PM

Ron Paul - The 45th President of the United States! This man always speaks the truth and has for more than 20 years! The only candidate who has served in the United States Military. Ron Paul 2012!



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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:20PM

I am gratified that my comments have generated such interest.They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Black line ,I see the habit of repeating what corporate media feeds you has become so ingrained that it is represented here as well. I guess if you can't come up with your own writing style,I am flattered that you chose mine to plagiarize.This is consistant with
the inane and bi-partisan repetition
of scripts by so called leaders in the U.S. today. Your programming sems complete in that no original though seems possible. Get off
the emotional hotbutton rhetoric ,it's just what the business /media/political overlords expect the public to repeat without any intelligent analysis of current major trends affecting the future.These appeals to peoples emotions rather than their intellect is exactly how the current power structure seeks to divide us. For some , this lowest common denominator approach is the best that they can do and was
used by now defunct govts. in the past century.
Think China, Germany,Russia.etc. The masses have always been easy to manipulate and recent U.S. history only confirms this unfortunate trend. Pitting onegroup against another is really simple minded and
only has been used because as you have proven it works.The major systemic problems America faces such as fake money ,corporate control of govt. ,pointless and enemy creating military policy and it's concurrent obscene expense know no racial.sexual orientation, gender etc. boundaries. They damage the systemic strength of the entire country and consequently ALL Americans. So please voters don't get sucked into more of the same by simple-minded slogan hollering and debate
the big issues and come together as individuals on the smaller ones. And please let's not
get separated by propagandists from either side of the existing
structure trying to perpetuate their govt. gravy train."We won't be fooled again." Our world competitors are gaining on us daily and modern day Neros
fiddle while Rome burns.Now THAT"S historic.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: United States Military in support of Dr Ron Paul ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:32PM

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:46PM

Oh yeah and poopstick thank you for your flattery as well . I for one believe your screen name at least stands for truth in advertising.Your political views of course. No attack on individual habits is intended or implied.All people and especially young people ,for you will largely inherit the world we now create, stick to the big issues that affect the ENTIRE country and don't fall for ad-hominem attacks from any side of the political debate.Such attacks are intended to affect you emotionally so that intellectual analysis is bypassed.
Members of the "poopstick" party exist in Rep/Dem propaganda machines,only with different issues to distract their particular flock of sheep. No rebuttal of the major big issue items was raised by the "poopstick" and his philisophical allies only more of the politics of division that have got us
the so called leadership which has created the current crisis. NO MORE POOPSTICK POLITICS =VOTE FOR RON PAUL

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Barack ()
Date: February 08, 2012 04:59PM

United States Military in support of Dr Ron Paul Wrote:
> Ron Paul - The 45th President of the United
> States! This man always speaks the truth and has
> for more than 20 years! The only candidate who
> has served in the United States Military. Ron
> Paul 2012!
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWxaGRZ7Nrs&safety_
> mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMH3sD_IFIg&feature
> =watch_response&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mo
> de=1

Dear GOP voter

I endorse Ron Paul as the republican candidate for President of the USA!

(or Gingrich, Romney or Santorum - each crazier than the last, although I do miss Trump, Perry and Bachman - they made me laugh until the tears ran down my leg)

Surely these aren't the best you can do? Where do you find these bozos? Is that the sound of Karl Rove weeping that I hear?


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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 06:01PM

Barrack, Love it . Concise, amusing and spot on . Hope to hear more. All others,look at the "Ron Paul videos and either agree or disagree with the points he makes . If you wish to adopt all or most of this post verbatim ,in your reply please feel free to do so,but please let's stick to debate of at least what we can prove -video of Dr. Paul, voting record ,etc. Especially interested in analysis/rebuttal of his major points on real money and endless
undeclared ,exorbitantly expensive wars that are at the root of our unresolved
economic instability.Too many in the D.C. area are woefully unaware that much of the current situation is really bleeding America,but many are insulated from economic reality by govt, feedbags. I'm Blake Lane and I approved this post."

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 09:24PM

Barrack, Get that fluid running down your leg checked out.I wouldn't recommend Walter Reed ,however,the military doctors there may not be your biggest fans. But seriously, incontinence of this type is often the precursor of prostate
illness that can be the result of overstimulation of the prostate region. Your
scriptwriter/alterego ,the infamous "poopstick" of this thread may be to blame, but he claims "he was only doing his job" I agree that the Repubs have some really weak/eccentric candidates,but attacks on their persons rather than their policies is just more of the same.BTW that's what "ad hominem " means.Do you or any of your multiple personalities have anything to say about core issues that Dr. Paul is discussing? "Historicalicity" or whatever you want to call it only goes so far. At some point we as a nation will come to grips with these huge issues either in a controlled fashion or amid a serious crisis.Regrettably, history suggests the crisis scenario.Voters, make your choices as if your lives and the lives of your children depended on it.They do!
Reject slick advertising campaigns devoid of substance,but delivered by personable hucksters owned by the big money interests that purchased them and created their supposed qualifications. Never in my life have I seen such empty shells so revered by so many. Talking about doing things one's whole life has replaced actually doing something. The only exception to this would be personally soaking the taxpayer and "leading" others to do the same.Please get
over your percieved injustice bandwagon. The reason that so many the world over want to come here is that if you actually produce something someone needs, one can succeed here.All groups faced discrimination especially in the first generation, but all who didn't make a career of "being opressed " have been accepted .Nowhere in the world does this opportunity exist.Political campaigns based on" boo-hoo I'm so put upon" wouldn't fly in the period of America's greatest growth and shouldn't now.This approach divides America precisely when she can least afford it.Inflation/fake money policy hurts the little guy the worst,but many are convinced that politicians of all stripes are in their corner. Be serious,big banks make billions in profits through
home loan schemes and keep the profit. When the Ponzi scheme house of cards inevitably falls ,your "heroes" in govt. fall all over themselves to give them
your money to cover their losses.This money they also keep. So this cycle continues untill it doesn't matter where the buck stops. It is increasingly worthless. Ever wonder why Two generations ago a man could support his family and buy a home without his wife having to work? Now after decades of govt. "help" a family can barely survive with both parents working while their children frequently go unsupervised. The consequent social ills that inevitably ensue are "solved by more govt. "help" O.K. where does all this
b.s. end? Voters, it's up to you.No one man has all the answers, but it clearly is time for a draastically different approach. Stop worrying about who gets elected and concentrate on seeing that these self-destructive trends are reversed.This will not happen in the current model.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: A Voter ()
Date: February 08, 2012 09:55PM

Ron Paul is overwhelmingly the choice of the military. He also recieves more donations from federal employees than any other candidate. Google or YouTube Ron Paul and listen to his speeches.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: john k ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:16PM

Well, now if I were the president of this land
You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:27PM

These are America's real heroes,willing to put their lives on the line to defend her. Real soldiers know the horror of war and are not eager to get into
needless ones. They are our strongest,most honorable and bravest and they are being sacrificed needlessly by corrupt posers whose idea of leadership is in fact followership. Where ever the polls tell them to go as long as it doesn't
contradict the interests of weapons manufacterers who heavily fund both parties. Regrettably,the crucible of war can forge the finest steel of leadership.This fine steel is being discarded and irretrievably damaged in many cases by so called leaders who have not felt war's terrible heat.Heroism is defined in the media today by pushing a button or ordering real men to execute your orders from the almost complete safety of a bunker thousands of miles away . This is heroism? Those who have felt this heat are putting their
money overwhelmingly on the man who makes the most to sense to these unflinching pragmatists. Let us all pray that another "October surprise"
a la Bush doen't result in yet another war to save yet another poser.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Cut Him If He Stands ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:36PM

john k Wrote:
> Well, now if I were the president of this land
> You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher man

For those who don't remember: your dirty, hippy, weed-smoking lyrics were actually how Nixon got elected back in '68.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: philipp2232 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:50PM

We need to get this guy elected. Any organization for Fairfax county?

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: shoot him if he run ()
Date: February 08, 2012 10:58PM

Cut Him If He Stands Wrote:
> john k Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well, now if I were the president of this land
> > You know, I'd declare total war on The Pusher
> man
> For those who don't remember: your dirty, hippy,
> weed-smoking lyrics were actually how Nixon got
> elected back in '68.

god dam!..the pusher man..

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: mrdylan ()
Date: February 08, 2012 11:43PM

blake lane 73 Wrote:
> These are America's real heroes,willing to put
> their lives on the line to defend her. Real
> soldiers know the horror of war and are not eager
> to get into
> needless ones. They are our strongest,most
> honorable and bravest and they are being
> sacrificed needlessly by corrupt posers whose idea
> of leadership is in fact followership. Where ever
> the polls tell them to go as long as it doesn't
> contradict the interests of weapons manufacterers
> who heavily fund both parties. Regrettably,the
> crucible of war can forge the finest steel of
> leadership.This fine steel is being discarded and
> irretrievably damaged in many cases by so called
> leaders who have not felt war's terrible
> heat.Heroism is defined in the media today by
> pushing a button or ordering real men to execute
> your orders from the almost complete safety of a
> bunker thousands of miles away . This is heroism?
> Those who have felt this heat are putting their
> money overwhelmingly on the man who makes the most
> to sense to these unflinching pragmatists. Let us
> all pray that another "October surprise"
> a la Bush doen't result in yet another war to save
> yet another poser.

And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They’d probably put my head in a guillotine

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 08, 2012 11:48PM

Dear "cut him if he stand" and others . An excellent example,albeit historically mangled.Nixon's major promise that I remember,having been there,was that he would get us out of Viet-Nam ,which if I am not mistaken ,he did. This saved alot of money ,not the least of which was the related to the neccessity of building an even bigger Viet-Nam Veterans Memorial on which to record the names of more American soldiers.Also of note, this was not followed by instantaneous saber-rattling for yet another pointless war as is the case at this time.Tricky Dick like all men had his faults ,but carrying through on this very important campaign promise may have been more important in the long run than the second rate cover-up attempt of a third rate burglary attempt by overzealous subordinates.It did however give us the noteriety of Gordon Liddy and others who have been at least entertaining since that time.Also the families of countless Federal prison guards were fed at least in part by this tragi-comedy thus keeping them off the streets.I choose to look at Watergate as a sort of welfare program for such otherwise unemployable unfortunates. A similar program is being enacteded at this time to help us rid America of dangerous dishwashers, landscapers,and yes even a few criminals.2011 marked a new record in removals from the U.S. ,over 400,000 , more than twice the number achieved by the penultimately evil 2008 administration. The number one
criminal act for which these threats to modern America are picked up is public intoxication.Since these special-needs recruits are paid with printed money, they are really not costing us anything.Another brilliant win-win for America.
Also more police mean we are automatically safer-Right? But what about their American citizen children who now need govt. support. More fake money to the rescue and more welfare agency employees who are also on welfare themselves
in the final analysis. If we keep this up unemployment will be completely eliminated.Where do we find the architects of such flawless strategies?

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Damuri Ajashi ()
Date: February 08, 2012 11:51PM

A Voter Wrote:
> https://libertyportal.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/
> rep-field-piechart1-sm.gif
> Ron Paul is overwhelmingly the choice of the
> military. He also recieves more donations from
> federal employees than any other candidate. Google
> or YouTube Ron Paul and listen to his speeches.

Why would federal employees give him money, he wants to fire all of them.

I don't agree with half the shit Ron Paul says but I don't think he just says shit people want to hear. I think his ideas on gold and the fed are crazy but there are only a few things a President can do without congress. He can't elimate the fed, he can't put a judge on the supreme court, he can't even spend money without congresses say so. What he can do is NOT spend money that congress provides to him and NOT invade countries that congress tells him he can invade and NOT enforce vice laws at the federal level.

Seriously. WTF is the difference between the Dems and the Republicans? They spend money on different shit. The dems pay for it by taxing you and the Republicans pay for it by borrowing. They both think it makes them look tough to go invade some third world country.

Republicans have been promising shit for decades that they haven't delivered. We still have abortion. We still have massive government. We still have huge entitlements that will bankrupt us. They're just a lot of talk.

Democrats have been promising shit for decades. We still have poverty. Jobs are still going to China. Companies and wealthy people still control everything. They're just a lot of talk.

Maybe he can't win and maybe he has a few cooky ideas but at least he's fucking honest.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: h8 this area ()
Date: February 08, 2012 11:52PM

hey bro..

it's a song by steppenwolf.

"the pusher man"

sell you bmw, dude. go get laid.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: A Voter ()
Date: February 09, 2012 01:06AM

Damuri Ajashi Wrote:
> A Voter Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> I think his ideas on gold and the fed are
> crazy

Then you really don't know much about the man. He's a very intelligent man who knows more about economics and the workings of the Fed than probably anyone. Creating fiat currency that is backed by nothing is what causes inflation. Dr. Paul calls it the inflation tax. He most certainly could eliminate or curtail the Fed. He doesn't want to act without approval of Congress. It says so in the Constitution.

Ron Paul is also planning to eliminate the income tax and estate tax. They're not constitutional and aren't necessary (especially with a smaller federal government).

Yes federal employees who might even see the size of their employer reduced give more money to his campaign. Fact.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: A Voter ()
Date: February 09, 2012 01:54AM

philipp2232 Wrote:
> We need to get this guy elected. Any organization
> for Fairfax county?

If you want to get involved, here's a couple places:

The Arlington/Alexandria Ron Paul Meetup Group

Virginians for Ron Paul (out of Richmond but includes lots of locals).

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Reston Ron Paul ()
Date: February 09, 2012 05:48AM

and don't forget the Reston Progressive Republicans for Ron Pauland Ken Cuncinelli Meet up group for those who are not near Alexandria

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 07:33AM

New Ron Paul campaign slogans:

"Party like it's 1899"

"I believe in the Constitution, except for the parts about gays, blacks & women"

"Fiat, not just a car, a currency"

"I'll reduce your federal taxes by 65%. Your state taxes might go up 85%, our economy will probably collapse & your house will be worth $8.34, but that's not what I'm talking about"

"Fight the Power! by doing away with capital gains taxes"

"No Chance in Hell!"

"Stop Federal Spending...... but earmark me first!"

"The Only Man to vote no on his own bills!"

"Deregulate! If we've learned anything over the past 50 years, its that big business is only concerned with doing what's right, what's fair & what's best for all of us."

"No more Dept. of Education, no more Pell Grants & no more Social Security! I got mine already so fuck you, enjoy your retirement years!"

"Environmental Protection Agency - brought to you by Johnson & Johnson Inc."

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 09, 2012 09:14AM

Dear Bwahaha, barrack, poopstick,etc.,your jokes and manufactured positions cannot conceal your multiple personality disorder and lack of a grip on reality.Are you reading from a teleprompter
either real or halucinatory like your hero ,mouthing the script supplied by his owners? I see you only post during business hours . Last night at 16:59 and now after your first of many coffee breaks. I can think of only one employer who would pay for such devotion to the job,the govt.The otherwise unemployable to which I referred in previous posts swell the ranks of agencies
throughout that corrupt system as the majority of employees who take their work seriously will readily agree. The reason that fed employees overwhelming donaate to RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT is because they have spent their carreers
watching lazy , useless individuals continueto collect a paycheck with no oversight or credible review largely because they belong to some group of
protected status whiners such as your posts indicate you belong to. America
is tired of paying professional whiners of this ilk and forward thinkers hope to evict the resdents of that most expensive of public housing projects-1600
Pennsy. Ave. If not the govt. directly, perhaps a taxpayer financed non=profit
such as heroic current "leaders"are incubated within. I've got news, social justice means that parasitic, useless crybabies don't get paid by productive citizens,so you and you type should pray that justice does not prevail.Hear
back at the next water cooler run? A new personality at that
time,perhaps.There's help for that but the first step is admitting that you have a problem ,then some medication and counselling.Only then will it be possible to discuss the real issues as is the case with adult members of this post.For those people, I welcome pertinent comments on the issues of the nation.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 10:23AM

Ron Paul 2012 - "A new personality at that time,perhaps"

Has a nice ring too it.

Let's talk about pertinent topics.

The problem with Paul and his stance on most things is that his logic ends about one step removed with absolutely no regard of the up or downstream impacts. Either he's an idiot unable to see more than 1 step ahead, or he's purposely & willfully misleading.

Problem: Reduce federal spending
Paul Answer: Close the EPA and leave environmental monitoring up to the companies who have proven time & time & time again that they hold no regard for the environment and will even break existing rules & pollute illegally to protext their stock price.
Result: Federal spending MAY be reduced tomorrow, at what long-term financial & economic cost?

Problem: Economy is in the slumps
Paul Answer: Cut capital gains taxes because trickle down economics works
Result: Rich get richer because the vast majority of their reportable income is via capital gains. Historically, the most inventive and economic prosperous times in this country where during much, much higher rates of taxation for the wealthy, but let's ignore that and cut capital gains taxes so the rich can make it rain.
Because that has worked so fucking well over the past 15 years right?

Problem: Reduce federal taxes
Paul Solution: Do away with half the federal government.
Result: There has to be some sort of governmental rule for most of these problems, like Dept of Education etc either at the federal or the state level. Removing the federal level might lower federal taxes, but will increase state taxes when the state has to stand up their own Depts and assume the work the federal level did. Then you'll get Texas refusing to teach some things, Florida unable to teach others and every state in this country will have different teaching guidelines, resulting in a completely meaningless way of determining college entrace etc.

I mean, these are just three. In EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE, Paul's theories are ridiculous. The fact that you can't seem to put together a coherent paragraph would indicate this has been a waste of my time.

BTW, I own my own business and prefer to spend my evenings with my family, so nice attempt at diversion but it's a no-go.

So you tell me... does Newt, Romney, Paul & Buffet paying 5% income tax while you're paying 30% really seem logical to you, because that's what your homeboy Ron Paul is suggesting.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: what you say? ()
Date: February 09, 2012 10:27AM

bwahaha Wrote:
> "I believe in the Constitution, except for the
> parts about gays, blacks & women"

What part of the Constitution deals with gays?

No wonder liberals are so damn confused.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 10:35AM

what you say? Wrote:
> bwahaha Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "I believe in the Constitution, except for the
> > parts about gays, blacks & women"
> What part of the Constitution deals with gays?
> No wonder liberals are so damn confused.

That was just alluding to his blatant fear/disdain for homosexuals and any attempt at providing them equal rights via the Constitution (much like we had to do for anyone else not a straight, white male) would be immediately considered unconstitutional by him.

I'm not confused.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: what you say? ()
Date: February 09, 2012 10:43AM

bwahaha Wrote:
> what you say? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > bwahaha Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > "I believe in the Constitution, except for
> the
> > > parts about gays, blacks & women"
> >
> > What part of the Constitution deals with gays?
> >
> > No wonder liberals are so damn confused.
> That was just alluding to his blatant fear/disdain
> for homosexuals and any attempt at providing them
> equal rights via the Constitution (much like we
> had to do for anyone else not a straight, white
> male) would be immediately considered
> unconstitutional by him.

Race (15th) and gender (19th) are comtemplated in amendments to the Constitution. Please show me where sexual preference is.

> I'm not confused.

You certainly are.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 10:50AM

what you say? Wrote:
> Race (15th) and gender (19th) are comtemplated in
> amendments to the Constitution. Please show me
> where sexual preference is.
> > I'm not confused.
> You certainly are.

read my comment.

I was alluding to the fact that any attempt at providing them equal rights via the Constitution (much like we had to do for anyone else not a straight, white male) would be immediately considered unconstitutional by him.

The words "any attempt" would indicate a potential future proposal, not an already passed amendment

In other words, we already have protection for race & gender, which Paul has claimed unconstitutional and given his open disdain for gays, we can be certain any attempt to provide them protection would be deemed unconstitutional as well.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: www.ronvsmitt.com ()
Date: February 09, 2012 11:09AM

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 09, 2012 11:18AM

BWAHAHAHA, you deliberately misstate Ron Pauls proposals to make your point.I am impresed with the greatly improved writing style ,however and we are making progress on at least getting onto issues. Paul is not my "boy" and I would discourage the use of this term when referring to any politicians. Some might take offense.Your previous posts and this one do not,however reflect the views of an actual businessman which you claim to be.Let's just let our readers decide for themselves on that one however your opinions on the role of govt. reflect those of a person more closely benefitting from govt. than one who makes an honest living. I agree that some of Paul's statements have been ill-advised, but on the whole I believe that we need what oriental philosophy calls "the third way " Few of the men and women from the REP/DEM parties have indicated that the current system is not getting a good result and needs to be fundamentally changed.On this note ,real buinessmen and women of even average observational abilities see that America is getting itself increasingly outsourced and outcompeted by other nations that realise that the tactics and strategies now espoused by you and yours are outmoded and ineffective.Market forces ,like gravity ,are immutable and operate worldwide with no respect for cut-rate philosophers and TV pitchmen reading from their corporate sponsor
teleprompter cue cards.While many so called businessmen make good money at the taxpayers expense, this kind of false prosperity as exemplified in FFx.
CO today can`t save America. By the way fiat currency is not a silly joke as you previously suggested.It has universally destroyed many nations great and small and has caused untold hardship for billions of people.Study up on it and then discuss it with something behind you besides quips.None of is universally right or wrong but placing false hope in the current way of doing America`s business is foolish. and dangerous. Many people see this and that`s why truly different approaches need to be considered.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: bwahaha ()
Date: February 09, 2012 11:26AM

blake lane 73 Wrote:
> BWAHAHAHA, you deliberately misstate Ron Pauls
> proposals to make your point.

Actually, no I didn't. Name one proposal I misstated.

I didn't misstate anything. I just thought them through. The ability to look at a decision and recognize up & downstream impacts is precisely why I own my own business.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: February 09, 2012 11:41AM

One ,you deliberately confuse the word protection for what has become special status. We are all protected by the Constitution.None should have more protection than others ,none should have less.Please, let`s stop this us vs them crap It might be O K to mobilize factions and separate us all further which is what most current polititians do to attempt to control us,but it is all so stale

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: poopstick ()
Date: February 09, 2012 11:46AM


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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: February 09, 2012 02:35PM

I expect Ron Paul to win the Virginia primary.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: really? ()
Date: February 09, 2012 02:37PM

BrianSchoeneman Wrote:
> I expect Ron Paul to win the Virginia primary.

Romney is polling at 68%

Just sayin

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: BrianSchoeneman ()
Date: February 09, 2012 02:57PM

With all of the Gingrich, Santorum and Paul folks all voting for Paul, I'm betting they will be able to manage 51%. While I'm a Romney supporter, it will be tough for us to win. We'll see.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: R_in_FFX ()
Date: February 09, 2012 03:15PM

There was a decent article in Wash Post last week talking about Romney and Paul's relationship.


A Ron Paul victory in Va would be massive for cementing his message in the foundation of the GOP. Romney is still looking good for the nomination, my hope is if he wins and goes on to beat Obama, Paul will have a place in his cabinet. Or even better, placed at the head of the Fed. Turn that place upside down.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: A Voter ()
Date: February 09, 2012 05:37PM

bwahaha Wrote:
> Either he's an idiot unable to
> see more than 1 step ahead, or he's purposely &
> willfully misleading.

Dude your trolling is pretty weak.

> "paulbot"

Yep, pretty much fingers you as a dedicated troll. I see you're trolling two threads (NDAA and this one).

If Ron Paul "can't see 1 step ahead" then explain this video...

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: Funny GOPer ()
Date: February 09, 2012 05:42PM

Ron Paul winning VA. Now that is hilarious. The man is well, out there. Sure he speaks like he does, because he doesn't have a chance in hell of winning anything else. C'mon folks. He is so off of his meds, that Newt with his moon ideas looks normal. This is one fucked up year for our side.

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Re: Ron Paul in Virginia
Posted by: A Voter ()
Date: February 09, 2012 06:07PM

Funny GOPer Wrote:
> Ron Paul winning VA. Now that is hilarious.

We could discuss your candidate's dismal record but that would take a another whole thread.

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