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My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 08, 2005 11:24PM

That would be the police heli's that low-fly over centreville. They seem to do it every night for a month or so, at 1-4 am. It is loud as shit and shakes my whole condo building (yeah I know, musta been built by whatever trash was lying around in the 7-11 parking lot). Then they seem to go without for a while usually during cold weather.

Anyway, I wrote to my local rep. He says he looked into it and that in each case (I find it hard to believe), the cops were looking for a lost child.

If there are that many lost children shouldn't we be having a public meeting about that? I mean shit, I only lost it about this after they flew over every goddamned day at those hours. If you mow your lawn at 2 am, you get arrested. But fly a copter over low, ten times louder, and no problem because you're po-po. Just say some asshole lost a kid.

I have my suspicions they are trying to do some of that crafty infrared shit to see if anyone has an indoor drug grow... or they are just harassing us to show, as FFX does from time to time, that they are ever-present.

Tired, paranoid, and obviously too much free time here, I admit.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2005 02:46PM by Cary.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 09, 2005 12:37AM

So true. That thing is loud as shit and flies over Chantilly CONSTANTLY. It has been a little better recently, maybe they're making their rounds over Centreville instead now. But seriously, like every other day you hear the helicopter nearby. It's a very distinct noise that I've learned to recognize from miles away.

The problem is they send the helicopter up for EVERYTHING.
Kids run away from cops? Helicopter. Someone crashes a car and leaves the scene? Helicopter. Robbery with no known suspects? Helicopter.

I would love to see statistics on how often the helicopter is actually useful in catching whoever it is they're trying to catch. I bet the success rate is extremely low. I can understand the use of a helicopter to assist police in a foot/car pursuit or even to infrared the woods for a missing child, but for just about anything else it seems pretty fruitless unless they get really lucky.

Plus a cop once told me that it costs something like $15,000 an hour just to keep that thing in the sky! So THAT'S where all the taxpayer money has been going!

Oh and about the infrared searching for growing operations, I'm pretty sure the supreme court ruled it was illegal. Something about if it was legal citizens would be at the mercy of emerging technology interfering with their privacy. Makes sense.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 09, 2005 05:25PM

I completely agree in the search by infrared thing, i was just trying to get some intrigue into my post.

Plus due process is due process... they have to suspect you in the first place to take ANY action.. and only a moron would grow and sell by themself, which is usually how it goes down.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic
Posted by: erik ()
Date: April 11, 2005 08:14AM

I complained to the police once, about the low flying heli. 1am, probably 50-100 ft up, right over our apartment building. Scared the shit ouf of my wife and I.

Surprisingly, the helicopter commander called me back and told me they were looking for the peeper (and then pretty much hung up).

My point here is they've probably spent 100s of thousands of dollars looking for this stupid ass peeper. Is it really necessary to wake up the whole damn neighborhood with a helicopter on a sunday night when the guy is long gone by the time it gets there?

We had a great redneck sign on Paddington for a while: SEEN HIM? CALL POLICE!

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 12, 2005 02:49PM

Hey you guys I'm moving this thread to fairfax general so everyone can enjoy it.

Is it just western fairfax that the helicopter routinely visits? or is it all over the county?

I hear that Fairfax has two helicopters, one stationed at the dump on west ox road, and another more east (merrifield i think?)

Can anyone confirm or deny these?

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 12, 2005 02:52PM

I have seen the one near the dump but I wasn't sure if it was all-purpose or just police... that is where the fire academy is

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: April 12, 2005 08:39PM

Well, we can't get a recycling dropoff anywhere near us so I guess having a helicopter fly overhead is just as good.

I should probably start a new thread about my recycling peeves in this part of the county. Closest friggin' place to drop off cardboard is a drive to Oakton, which is teh suck. Except if I want to sneak it over to the domino's pizza cardboard spot at 28/29 but I'm all on the up and up and don't play dat.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2005 08:40PM by pgens.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic
Posted by: me ()
Date: May 01, 2005 07:43PM

Fairfax County has two helicopters and both are stationed at the fire academy. (Except in extreme cases) they only have one in the air at the time, and it is given the designator "Fairfax One". It is utilized by the Fairfax Police and by Fairfax Fire/Rescue. It is used not only for law enforcement, but also as a "med-evac" helicopter.

Just a little background on FX01.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: iceman ()
Date: May 02, 2005 03:52PM

I could here them buzzing last night again near Stone Rd and Paddington Lane. Guess the Redneck's back and they are out spotting him again.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rtcpenguin ()
Date: May 03, 2005 11:53PM

That sucks. I hardly ever hear that thing (between the beltway and FFX city).

I was thoroughly annoyed when Andrews AFB used to send F-16's to do maneuvers over my house. That thing produced a sonic boom every night around 10PM about 1-2 years ago. One night I swear it banked about 200 feet over my house and it was the loudest thing I've ever heard. It even made the news because it scared the shit out of people and they called the cops/

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: meatsuit ()
Date: May 04, 2005 07:53AM

Plus a cop once told me that it costs something like $15,000 an hour just to keep that thing in the sky! So THAT'S where all the taxpayer money has been going!

its called 'justifying an overinflated budget'.

if they dont spend all the money they are budgeted, they wont get more next year.

on topic: the pigs fly over my neighborhood all the effin time. it doesnt bother me anymore though (i live in a ghetto)

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: N/A ()
Date: May 18, 2005 08:37PM

Little too much info

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 13, 2005 09:38PM

I'm new here so sorry for bumping up an old topic. I believe they have a heightened use of helicopters in the Centreville area due to the serial stalker/peeper/rapist that has hit London Towne, Little Rocky Run, Bent Tree apts. and I think 3 other incidents. I tried to find the wanted poster online that was put on my door but could not.

Also, I think there is a helipad that is used jointly between Reston Hospital and the Police force because I see them coming in all the time from work.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: June 14, 2005 11:38PM

The police helicopter is near Fairfax on West Ox rd at the fire academy. Aircare and Medstar use the Reston Hospital all the time. It isn't Fairfax Police. The really loud helicopters you hear in Centreville is usually Aircare in their Bell 412, a really loud and big helicopter. They are based in Manassas, Leesburg, Stafford, and Winchester. So they are flying over the western side of the county all the time. They also have a history of flying low. Fairfax Police have a smaller Bell 407 and is much quieter. It is usually louder at night because there is less outside noise at night to drown them out. They only fly at night after 12 when requested to the area by patrol officers. It costs $250 an hour to operate the aircraft, not $15000.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: intell ()
Date: June 23, 2005 10:04AM

ref the helicopper being used for something as minor as a peeper. the stas and case files prove the fact, evry single serial rapist started out peeping. yes not all peeprs become rapist but an large number do. Unless you have a magis ball which can tell which ones will I think trating evryone as a potential is tyhe best and safe way.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 23, 2005 12:00PM

intell Wrote:
> ref the helicopper being used for something as
> minor as a peeper. the stas and case files prove
> the fact, evry single serial rapist started out
> peeping. yes not all peeprs become rapist but an
> large number do. Unless you have a magis ball
> which can tell which ones will I think trating
> evryone as a potential is tyhe best and safe way.

Did this person just begin using the Dvorak keyboard or something?

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 24, 2005 04:41AM

bad intell,

> "he stas and case files prove the fact, evry single serial rapist started out peeping"

that doesnt sound right at all! please show me the statistics because i dont believe you.

im guessing he was watching porn and typing one-handed.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: johnnye ()
Date: June 27, 2005 04:29PM

The perpetrator is not a "minor" peeper. He has a rack of offenses against him.

But it seems that I'm outdated and they've caught the guy.


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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: jack ()
Date: June 29, 2005 09:28PM

hey u assholes wait till someone robs, murders, or burglarizes u, or maybe ull need to be medivacted... that helocopter has saved a lot of live

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 29, 2005 09:31PM

I thinK you need to be heli'd to a remedial spelling course, Jack


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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: kingOFgEEEks ()
Date: June 29, 2005 10:07PM

Not remedial spelling, that would be too little too late. I suggest a post-term abortion.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Daniel J ()
Date: August 11, 2005 06:07PM

I live in centreville, off of stone road, newgate area to be exact.
Those helicopters are in the are ALL the time at night. Sometimes the lights are flashing other times its not. Some occasions i get to see them with the searchlight on. When the spotlight is on, they've already found the person.

Although they send up those heli's up for whatever they can, i cant rule out the fact that their using infared.

In reply to Cary's post about the legality of infared...

Ive also heard its been ruled unconstituitional to use the infared tactic. Well its legal to use the infared, but to use it as evidence for a search warrent is not.(although im sure it happens) It's also illegal to search without concent, or to profile, yet it happens all the time. The police dont have to show why they started to watch you, only what actually incriminated you. Just like they dont have to give the names of narcs... In the end, its their word over yours.

The Bill of Rights state,

" Amendment I:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;
**** the right of the people peaceably to assemble,***
and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Although if you do a little research you will find it is now illegal to gather.
You and 49 of your closest fisherman, hunters, or even co-workers are not allowed to gather in the national forrest (public land) without a permit from the national forrest service. (want more info msg me)

In response to one of the other threads, im sure fairfax county police has atleast 2 'copters.

Fairfax owned vehicles ive seen... "Hostage negotiation unit"
"cave-in unit" "Disaster responce unit" "Crime investigation service"
and also their mobile command center. all branded with that unforgetable
"Fairfax County" tag

The hostage, cave-in, and hostage vehicles both resembled an ambulance.

The crime investigation and the mobile command center was more like a full-size firetruck or a full size winnebago.

Reply to SWweeman comment

"" They only fly at night after 12 when requested to the area by patrol officers. It costs $250 an hour to operate the aircraft, not $15000. ""

I know as a fact that one helicopter costs atleast $250 an hour.

It problably costs $250 an hour per fuel usage alone. You have to consider maintenance, and other factors. Keep in mind helicopters are generally high maintenance, and labor costs in this area are through the roof. take it a little further training costs problably factor in also.

Am i babbling yet?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/17/2005 12:06PM by Daniel J.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 11, 2005 06:34PM

little stoned today daniel?

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 13, 2005 03:48PM

Daniel J Wrote:
> In reply to Cary's post about the legality of
> infared...
> Ive also head its been ruled un constituitional to
> use the infared tactic.
> Isint it also illegal to search without concent,
> or to profile, yet it happens all the time. The
> police dont have to show why they started to watch
> you, only what actually incriminated you. Just
> like they dont have to give the names of narcs...
The supreme court ruled that infrared cameras can't be used as probable cause to get a search warrant for drug investigations. The camera can only be used to see heat sources. It CAN'T see through walls and invade your home (do some research). It can only see the heat being emmitted from it. When people have growing operations inside their homes, usually in the attic, there is a tremendous amount of heat being released. Narcs were using that information to get into homes and sometimes without additional evidence for the warrant. That is what is illegal. THe camera can be used anytime, day or night, to search any public or private prooperty that is in public view, whether from the ground or air (supreme court and constitution). For example, someone can walk up to your property with a camera and take as many pictures as they want without your consent. Walk around your house naked with the blinds up, they can take your picture because you didn't put the blinds down. As long as they don't step on your property to take the picture, then no laws have been violated. The air above your house is not owned by you. So any aircraft can fly over it and take pictures and there is nothing you can do about it but complain.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: ryan ()
Date: August 13, 2005 05:36PM

they really do get overzealous with that helicopter. i mean, i can appreciate them sending it out to catch burgerlers, but they it out way too many times for something minor like underage drinking.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: me ()
Date: August 15, 2005 12:22AM

Daniel J Wrote:
> In response to one of the other threads, im sure
> fairfax county police has more then 2 'copters,
> that im sure of.

No. Trust me. I work for FCPD (in their dispatch / 911 call center - the PSCC). A buddy of mine is an officer assigned to the helicopter unit. There are only 2 Fairfax County police helicopters.

If you have seen more than 2, you are either imagining things, or mistaking a helicopter from another local jurisdiction for one from Fairfax.

Bottom line - 2 helicopters. No more. No less.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 15, 2005 12:33AM

one should not discount the possibility that some of the rich fucks around here may be flying around in private heli's...I wonder how likely that is?

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: ryan ()
Date: August 16, 2005 10:25AM

rstidman Wrote:
> one should not discount the possibility that some
> of the rich fucks around here may be flying around
> in private heli's...I wonder how likely that is?

I once saw a house in McLean with a helipad. But these days, wouldn't a private citizen be violating the no-fly zone?

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: August 17, 2005 08:30AM

Daniel J Wrote:
> I know as a fact that one helicopter costs atleast
> $250 an hour.
> It problably costs $250 an hour per fuel usage
> alone. You have to consider maintenance, and
> other factors. Keep in mind helicopters are
> generally high maintenance, and labor costs in
> this area are through the roof. take it a little
> further training costs problably factor in also.
> Am i babbling yet?

You are correct, there are other factors. The mechanics though are county employees, not contracted. That keeps costs down. There is a fixed helicopter budget that doesn't break the county's back. In fact, over half of the county's budget goes to the school board. So the impact financially for the helicopter is minimal. Also you get a work impact savings. It is proven that the helicopter can save the work it would take 10 street officers to perfomr during a search for a property or violent crime suspect. THe county helicopter is also a medevac helicopter and they don't charge for service. The fire departments ground units charge $500 just for an ambulance run. If a patient were to be flown by Aircare or Medstar, the patient would be charged a minimum of $5000. That's right, $5000 to $10000. The county helicopter doesn't charge. All costs are placed in the budget. The county also flies a not so expensive helicopter. The cost of a county helicopter is $2 million. That sounds like alot, but many other newer choppers start at $5 million or more. I won't pretend that a helicopter is cheap, it isn't. But you must look at the overall picture of it's impact to its job usage. Over 100 suspects are arrested each year by the helicopter that may have gotten away. Over 300 people a year are medevac'd, many of them critical patient's and the training of the crew and the speed to which they get to the ER has saved alot of lives. Next time there is a display and they are nearby your home, go and check it out. I learned alot speaking with them. They have a hangar on West Ox next to the fire academy. Go take a kid and check it out. Training costs are always a factor in any of the agencies, police or fire. The police only send 1 or2 people for medic training every year, the fire department can send 10 to 12 to school, so they spend more.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: 4wheeler ()
Date: October 30, 2005 06:36PM

""The fire departments ground units charge $500 just for an ambulance run""

Actually, the basic fee is about $300 for a BLS unit (regular ambulance) $400-$500 if u get an ALS unit (paramedics) and they actually use drugs and that kind of stuff. Faifax Co FD has 2 styles of EMS units BLS (Basic Life Support i.e. basic first aid stuff, they are EMT-B's) and ALS (Advance Life Support i.e paramedics. Fairfax County just started charging back in April. Arlington, Alexandria have been charging for a while.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: ECON202 ()
Date: November 01, 2005 01:12AM

SWweeman Wrote:

> You are correct, there are other factors. The
> mechanics though are county employees, not
> contracted. That keeps costs down.

What are you talking about, a county worker itself is an Oxy Moron. the Government subcontracts to KEEP costs low

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: ECON202 ()
Date: November 01, 2005 01:12AM

SWweeman Wrote:

> You are correct, there are other factors. The
> mechanics though are county employees, not
> contracted. That keeps costs down.

What are you talking about, a county worker itself is an Oxy Moron. the Government subcontracts to KEEP costs low

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 12, 2006 04:25PM

I was out taking a walk about 11 pm one night in a place where stoners often visit and I saw/heard the chopper coming along. I was also near a school and they had the search light on so I got the hell outta there lest they think I was a vandal/stoner.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: The peeper ()
Date: August 12, 2006 08:30PM

Sorry my recreational habits are disturbing my neighbors.I carry a scanner and split when the Cops are called.By the time Fairfax 1 is up,I'm home whacking off to pictures of womens dirty feet.

From now on I'll start raping your bitches,that way it will at least be worth the Taxpayers money to attempt to locate the peeper.

P.s. Please leave the blinds up and tell your girlfriends/wives to run around the house naked more often.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: WestOx ()
Date: August 12, 2006 08:46PM

Well I live in downtown Fairfax city 10800 block between main street and route 29. There have been mANY a night when the stupid whirly birds are low flying over FX city. The spotlights are out in full force as well. I was walking home from a 7-11 and got lit up once! Since we live so close to where WJFK broadcasts we used to joke it was Dan Snyder flying in to check on Redskins broadcasts or Don and Mike flying home after drinking too much

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: August 13, 2006 01:17PM

You know how it is, if they dont send it up for every little thing they might get the budget slashed and lose the toy.

I always thought these "lost kids" parents should foot the bill for the searches. If you cant keep track of a five year old at midnight maybe you shouldnt have kids.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 13, 2006 04:58PM

Tim45 Wrote:
> If you cant keep
> track of a five year old at midnight maybe you
> shouldnt have kids.

no, they should take the kid away and execute you on the spot. i think that would crack down on idiots having kids... or atleast crackdown on idiots.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Nacho ()
Date: August 16, 2006 11:03AM

I live in Reston and rarely hear Helicopters buzzing the area. So no complaints here. Perhaps it's because Chantilly is the mecca for Helicopters with Fair Oaks Hospital heli-pad and the county Helicopters located by the dump.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Adam ()
Date: August 16, 2006 11:17AM

Maybe they are looking for drunk kids.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: MySpaceAddict ()
Date: August 16, 2006 01:41PM

4wheeler Wrote:
> ""The fire departments ground units charge $500
> just for an ambulance run""
> Actually, the basic fee is about $300 for a BLS
> unit (regular ambulance) $400-$500 if u get an ALS
> unit (paramedics) and they actually use drugs and
> that kind of stuff. Faifax Co FD has 2 styles of
> EMS units BLS (Basic Life Support i.e. basic first
> aid stuff, they are EMT-B's) and ALS (Advance Life
> Support i.e paramedics. Fairfax County just
> started charging back in April. Arlington,
> Alexandria have been charging for a while.

That bill should be given to your insurance company. I had the one for $500 last year, and I was working for the PD/FD, I thought I would get a discount ;-) I gave it to my insurance company and they only paid $56, that was fine with billing and they didn't bother me again. Also if you are a fairfax county citizen and you don't have insurance they will forget the bill all together. If you are medivac'd for some reason, accident, fire, whatever, it is completely free of charge. Keep that in mind when you hear about the pile-up's on i495/i95 and they tell you that a 4yo in critical condition was medivac'd to fairfax hospital. The board of supervisors have a say in where the tax dollars go, its nice to know that my money is going to something positive. I'd rather wreck my car and find myself all tore up here than in montgomery county. They DO charge citizens for the medivac bill.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: blahblahblah ()
Date: August 17, 2006 11:05AM

The FCPD used to drive us nuts with the helicopter in Burke. When we first moved there, neighbors told us they got the helicopter out if someone spit on the sidewalk. They seemed to be buzzing the houses in Burke Centre way too often. I remember one time the FCPD had the helicopter out for at least an hour looking for kids they thought were vandalizing cars near the Woods.

They actually held the kids at gun point, took them in, and had to release them. Apparently, they never saw the kids actually do anything but run from their police car.

I used to live in Annandale and the only time I ever noticed the FCPD helicopter was when they were searching for a kid who murdered someone in Springfield.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: trekroner ()
Date: August 17, 2006 11:45AM

I was also once told by a non-emergency FCPD operator that they often run "training exercises" in our area, and that sometimes after midnight is the best time for them. He actually tried to imply that I should be grateful that they're so diligent, rattling my windows for half an hour several times a week. Rrrrriiiight.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: beanaround ()
Date: November 25, 2008 12:22PM

you guys ever here of thor. its thermal imaging there looking for hotspots in houses from hid lighting or grow rooms to the uneducated

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Davdid Thompson ()
Date: November 25, 2008 02:02PM

We have a rogue helicopter pilot on the loose inside this airspace. He's also on the loose inside this country.

I said 4 things: no smoking, 30,000 seats, solar hot water panels on it, and put ice in the arena. There's no ice in the arena because somebody had his hand in the pie!

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: nyynym25 ()
Date: November 25, 2008 02:58PM

Davdid Thompson Wrote:
> We have a rogue helicopter pilot on the loose
> inside this airspace. He's also on the loose
> inside this country.
> I said 4 things: no smoking, 30,000 seats, solar
> hot water panels on it, and put ice in the arena.
> There's no ice in the arena because somebody had
> his hand in the pie!

That guy alone makes me want to move out of Charlotte and back to Chantilly

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Spacy ()
Date: November 25, 2008 08:54PM

Daniel J Wrote:
> It problably costs $250 an hour per fuel usage
> alone. You have to consider maintenance, and
> other factors. Keep in mind helicopters are
> generally high maintenance, and labor costs in
> this area are through the roof. take it a little
> further training costs problably factor in also.
> Am i babbling yet?

Yes, because the person who gave that $250 figure already
figured in all the costs (fuel, maint, insurance, depreciation, etc,)
Sounds about right to me, too, from when I have rented and piloted them.
Could be closer to three or four hundred maaaaybe, it's been a while.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/2008 08:55PM by Spacy.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: ojsampson ()
Date: November 26, 2008 11:24AM

Yeah who doesn't hate that helicopter it sucks and is so annoying

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: John wilson ()
Date: March 14, 2011 05:43AM

I live in las vegas and every fuckin night around 2 am a big ass helicopter is exclatcy 35 feet above my house
with that fucking shining ass light on there aint no people nor syroN bulshit ,sorry im cussing but I only get 4 hours of sleep BECAUSE OF THIS and im pist off I pay my taxes on time and this what they spend my hardworkING
money on for a stupid litle kid or peepr or a invisible suspect bullshit I GOT BILLS TOO PAY

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Nancy B. ()
Date: March 06, 2012 07:06AM

Fox News (Channel 5) in DC has their traffic report helicopter above our house every morning (sometimes as early as 5 am, despite the Fairfax County Noise ordinance which prohibits such resulting noise before 7 am). Because we live within a few hundred yards of 66/495 interchange, the pilot hovers the helicopter directly above our house (at about 2-300 feet usually) practically every morning of the week until his camera shot of the traffic below goes on the air... We have called both Fairfax County Police (who told us to call the FAA), and Fox News DC (who hung up on us). BOYCOTT FOX CHANNEL 5 NEWS!!

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: your fault ()
Date: March 06, 2012 07:56AM


A few hundred yards must mean you can hear all the cars too. I guess it is great for your commute.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: hardeehar ()
Date: March 06, 2012 10:25AM

Nancy B. Wrote:
> Fox News (Channel 5) in DC has their traffic
> report helicopter above our house every morning
> (sometimes as early as 5 am, despite the Fairfax
> County Noise ordinance which prohibits such
> resulting noise before 7 am). Because we live
> within a few hundred yards of 66/495 interchange,
> the pilot hovers the helicopter directly above our
> house (at about 2-300 feet usually) practically
> every morning of the week until his camera shot of
> the traffic below goes on the air... We have
> called both Fairfax County Police (who told us to
> call the FAA), and Fox News DC (who hung up on

Im honestly going to call them and commend them on the amazing traffic information that they provide me every morning and tell them to keep doing what ever it is they are doing.

Just to piss you off.

Fuck you.

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Chopper Charlie ()
Date: August 03, 2013 11:10PM

I like helicopters!

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: 8 8 8 8 ()
Date: February 20, 2014 11:08PM

8 year old chopper thread

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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Rocket Man ()
Date: March 14, 2016 02:38PM


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Re: My own "public nuisance meeting" topic [Fairfax County Police Helicopter]
Posted by: Dutch Master ()
Date: March 24, 2016 04:38PM

My butt hurts

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