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iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: iPhone ()
Date: February 26, 2011 12:09AM

Can anyone with Verizon iPhone pease post their experience with call quality and data speeds in NoVa

I have had it with dropped calls with ATT

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Rambunctious ()
Date: February 26, 2011 01:55AM

I switched from Verizon to a company-supplied iPhone in December and have to honestly say I had more drops with Verizon than on AT&T.

Centreville, Springfield, DC triangle

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Verizon-iPhone User ()
Date: February 26, 2011 09:06AM

No dropped calls here, but I do have an issue with it "connecting" and syncing with email frequently. Even with it set to push and every 15 minutes, it could be hours of "connecting" before I actually pull down an updated list of email.

Very irritating. I only switched because my BlackBerry died.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Verizon sucks ()
Date: February 26, 2011 01:48PM

First off I should say that I have had the iphone on AT&T since they first came out in 07 or so, but I have really not had much trouble with it. ATT is great. Verizon's network isnt optomized for smart phones so the iphone will never work as good there as it doesn on ATT. On the Verizon network you cant use data while you are on the phone. That may sound insignificant but I do it quite often.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: iPhone4Eva ()
Date: February 26, 2011 09:39PM

Verizon sucks Wrote:
> First off I should say that I have had the iphone
> on AT&T since they first came out in 07 or so, but
> I have really not had much trouble with it. ATT
> is great. Verizon's network isnt optomized for
> smart phones so the iphone will never work as good
> there as it doesn on ATT. On the Verizon network
> you cant use data while you are on the phone.
> That may sound insignificant but I do it quite
> often.

I have an iPhone 4 on Verizon for the past week. I just checked. I seem to be able to talk on the phone and use data at the same time. I just used facebook while talking on speakerphone; facebook loaded as fast as usual also. Speed seems about the same as AT&T.

I think you should double check your facts buddy.

P.S. I havent had a dropped call yet on the phone.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Date: February 27, 2011 10:53AM

AT&T is running ads saying it is the only network that allows your to use the Internet and talk at the same time on an iPhone. Are you sure you weren't just seeing information that had already been updated in your Faxebook App when you were talking?


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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Rambunctious ()
Date: February 28, 2011 01:50AM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> AT&T is running ads saying it is the only network
> that allows your to use the Internet and talk at
> the same time on an iPhone. Are you sure you
> weren't just seeing information that had already
> been updated in your Faxebook App when you were
> talking?

You can do both if you are connected on WiFi (fact: cannot do on CDMA phone while on 3G). http://codesketch.com/2011/01/some-perspective-on-the-iphone-cdma-limitations-on-verizon/

Curiously enough, the iPod Touch can make VOIP calls and transfer data while on WiFi as well. Can you hear me now?

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 28, 2011 09:40AM

Rambunctious Wrote:
> WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > AT&T is running ads saying it is the only
> network
> > that allows your to use the Internet and talk
> at
> > the same time on an iPhone. Are you sure you
> > weren't just seeing information that had
> already
> > been updated in your Faxebook App when you were
> > talking?
> You can do both if you are connected on WiFi
> (fact: cannot do on CDMA phone while on 3G).
> http://codesketch.com/2011/01/some-perspective-on-
> the-iphone-cdma-limitations-on-verizon/
> Curiously enough, the iPod Touch can make VOIP
> calls and transfer data while on WiFi as well.
> Can you hear me now?



Ipod touch is not a phone.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Not so Fast ()
Date: February 28, 2011 10:37AM

But it can make calls via Skype, so, technically, it is.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Ms ProVallone ()
Date: February 28, 2011 10:51AM

I heard that Verizon does not have as many apps as AT&T .. so I would like to know if that is a true statement. I would assume they are pretty much equal.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Ms Bologna ()
Date: March 01, 2011 12:35PM

R U trolling?

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Date: March 01, 2011 12:48PM

iPhone4Eva Wrote:

Eva, I don't think you even HAVE an iPhone!

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Well, duh ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:33AM

VEIK Wrote:
> ORLY?!??
> Lol
> Ipod touch is not a phone.

Yet you can make calls with it on Skype - no data plan required. Who's laughing now?

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:36AM

The Verizon iPhone has major hardware issues.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:39AM

Well, duh Wrote:
> VEIK Wrote:
> >
> > ORLY?!??
> >
> >
> > Lol
> >
> > Ipod touch is not a phone.
> Yet you can make calls with it on Skype - no data
> plan required. Who's laughing now?

You can make calls with Skype from Dell desktop.

is that a phone?

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: You're not getting it ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:45AM

VEIK Wrote:
> Well, duh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > VEIK Wrote:
> > >
> > > ORLY?!??
> > >
> > >
> > > Lol
> > >
> > > Ipod touch is not a phone.
> >
> > Yet you can make calls with it on Skype - no
> data
> > plan required. Who's laughing now?
> You can make calls with Skype from Dell desktop.
> is that a phone?

For the purposes of this convesation, sure - it will act as phone replacement. I doubt it meets the portability requirements of a hand-held device however. Two tin cans and fishing wire may be better suited (although the app store is non-existant and you can't send data while speaking)

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Mr Obstinate ()
Date: March 02, 2011 10:51AM

My definition of a phone is an instrument that allows you to connect and communicate (using your voice) with the phone system. If its a desktop computer, so be it, if its an iTouch, so be it.

I am not sure why you would cling to such a narrow approach to what a phone may be, unless you are just an a-hole that can't back down from the narrow point-of-view that you aligned yourself with originally.

How sad is that?!?

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: March 02, 2011 11:02AM

blah blah blah

Still not a phone :)

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 02, 2011 11:51AM

I just read that Verizon is doing away with the unlimited data plan for the iPhone. FYI.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: R_in_FFX ()
Date: March 02, 2011 11:56AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> I just read that Verizon is doing away with the
> unlimited data plan for the iPhone. FYI.

Link? Thats the opposite of everything ive read.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 02, 2011 12:03PM

R_in_FFX Wrote:
> Link? Thats the opposite of everything ive read.

I broke my own rule about posting links to sources of info. My bad.


During a Tuesday conference call with analysts and investors, Verizon Wireless CFO Fran Shammo said the current $30-a-month unlimited data plan for the iPhone is "not a long-term solution."

Looks like they'll drop it as soon as this summer.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: iPhone with Verizon
Posted by: Wu-Tang Clan ()
Date: March 03, 2011 12:19AM

Iphone 3GS>>> iphone 4

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