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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: bubbaoverbarry ()
Date: February 01, 2011 10:48PM

From what I have heard, Fairfax County School Board member Liz Bradsher is attempting to become a member of the Fairfax County Democratic Committee. She is currently a school board member who ran as a Republican on the ballot in 2007. Why does she want to be a member of FCDC now? Is she doing it for political gain?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 01, 2011 11:17PM

She knows she cannot get the Republican endorsement for re-election.

She won't get the Democratic endorsement either even though she went to the Springfield Democratic District Committee meeting tonight and applied for membership in FCDC.

Her application was tabled.

Good try, Liz, but there is no way that the majority of the entire membership of FCDC would follow a recommendation from Springfield Democrats to accept your membership application or endorse you for re-election.

What in the world is Ruth Miller, chairman of the Springfield Democrats, thinking?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/01/2011 11:33PM by Thomas More.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: February 02, 2011 12:42AM

Bradsher continues to be cocky....watch out......while she fools some of the Democrats/Republicans on the school board, don't let her fool the Democratic Committee.

Bradsher would say that she was working with the Clifton folks and that she had a plan that would save Clifton Elementary School. At the same time, she was sending out emails telling another group that she had enough votes to close Clifton.

Don't believe her.....much less trust her. There are a lot emails on several chains on the Fx underground that describes her bad and unprofessional behaviors.

Stay clear.......

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 02, 2011 01:07AM

It gets worse . . .

She told SDDC that because of the closing of Clifton, FCPS would have enough money to extend all day K to the 37 richest elementary schools that haven't got it yet.

This is a complete lie.

Renovation money comes from the capital budget.

All day K comes out of the operating budget.

Ths women will stop at nothing to satiate her ego.

She's a sociopath.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: delusional Liz ()
Date: February 02, 2011 06:30AM

In the era of internet/instant updates, information, how does Liz think she can get away with lying to people and promising things, as if she is the sole source of leadership?

It's startling how foolish some of these people have been.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: GWQ ()
Date: February 02, 2011 08:54AM

Not altogether sure if she is a Democrat or not, but I am certain she is a hateful shrew.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: huh?? ()
Date: February 02, 2011 08:57AM

I thought she was a Tea Party person.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: hardly ()
Date: February 02, 2011 09:07AM

No, Liz lacks the independence of character to be a Tea Party person. She's desperate to gather power somewhere, but it would never be with Tea Party people. It has to be with "socially prominent" folk.

So when will she stop shopping for a group to support her?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: TruthBeTold ()
Date: February 02, 2011 10:33AM


Liz:Democrat :: George Soros:Republican

Maybe better:

Liz:Democrat :: Kropotkin:Any Party

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: February 02, 2011 01:15PM

What a bunch of stuff....

Dale said closing Clifton saved 1 million dollars that could be used to help fund Full Day Kindergarten.

Bradsher was sitting at the meeting when Dale said this....she can't even get the facts straight.

Now let me see closing CES saved 1 million dollars for FDK and $11 Million for renovating West Springfield High School.

I bet the folks at Clifton had no idea that Bradsher would use her power to close Clifton so her other favorite schools/programs would benefit.

How many other pet projects will Bradsher promote claiming that closing CES paid for these?

Don't let this woman gain any more power or control. She needs to get out of any thing that even hints to her that she has any power.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 02, 2011 03:11PM

Apparently Bradsher can put her name on the primary ballot without being a member of FCDC. If she wins, I'm told she has access to party resources without membership approval.

It seems that Springfield needs to field another candidate or she'll be running as a Dem by default.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: no ()
Date: February 02, 2011 06:53PM

Liz Bradsher is not a Democrat or a Republican. She is an opportunist.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: February 03, 2011 01:35AM

tartre Wrote:
> Apparently Bradsher can put her name on the
> primary ballot without being a member of FCDC. If
> she wins, I'm told she has access to party
> resources without membership approval.
> It seems that Springfield needs to field another
> candidate or she'll be running as a Dem by
> default.

I don't think school board members have a primary......

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 03, 2011 01:47AM

unbelievable Wrote:
> I don't think school board members have a primary......<

If you read this thread, you'd know Liz is planning on running for Board of Supervisors. That race has a primary.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/2011 01:48AM by Thomas More.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: February 03, 2011 09:23PM

Thomas More Wrote:
> unbelievable Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I don't think school board members have a
> primary......<
> If you read this thread, you'd know Liz is
> planning on running for Board of Supervisors.
> That race has a primary.

You are absolutely correct.....

I strongly urge the Springfield Democratic Committee uses its wisdom and blocks Bradsher's application.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: conspiracy facts, not a theory ()
Date: February 03, 2011 09:35PM

Is is just coincidence that the Washington Post did a story today on how parents are demanding Full Day Kindergarten in Fairfax County? In the story, titled, "Parents, teachers and administrators push for all-day kindergarten in Fairfax County", they interviewed the principal of Silverbrook Elementary, which just happens to be the school that Liz Bradsher's kids went to, it's her neighborhood school.
The article was written by Kali Schumitz, who lives down the street from Cassie Eatmon, a Bradsher cronie.

Just this week Bradsher showed up at the Springfield Democrats meeting, saying that closing Clifton Elementary would pay for all day kindergarten in Fairfax County. She is trying to spin that she is going to bring all day kindergarten if elected, and the pro-democratic Washington Post is helping her.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Not Pat Herrity ()
Date: February 04, 2011 06:22PM

Why are the Democrats so anxious to have the SCB, aka Brasher, get completely wiped out by Herrity. She can't get 35% of the vote in Springfield; probably a lot less.

Aren't they worried that SCB will tarnish their brand?

Won't she hurt Marsden's and Barker's chances for re-election by energizing the Rs who are really pissed at SCB to come out to vote?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Ricola ()
Date: February 04, 2011 07:03PM

Both parties should run screaming from Ms. Bradsher!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Stand Strong ()
Date: February 05, 2011 09:02AM

Read the FOIA email responses where Bradsher was out right lying to the Clifton folks about "how she was going to help them....."

She would tell them she had not made up her mind.....then she would tell another group....well I got 6 votes to close....now 7 votes to close...now 8 votes to close Clifton.

Is the type of flawed character candidate the Dems want to claim as one of their own?

I hope not!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: FCDC chick ()
Date: February 05, 2011 10:10AM

Stand Strong Wrote:
> Read the FOIA email responses where Bradsher was
> out right lying to the Clifton folks about "how
> she was going to help them....."
> She would tell them she had not made up her
> mind.....then she would tell another group....well
> I got 6 votes to close....now 7 votes to
> close...now 8 votes to close Clifton.
> Is the type of flawed character candidate the Dems
> want to claim as one of their own?
> I hope not!

NO! NO WAY! Over our Dead bodies. When hell freezes over. When pigs fly. When the Redskins win the superbowl. When Sarah Palin says something intelligent. Now then, got any good candidates? I should think the FCRC would be willing to lend us one.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 05, 2011 10:45AM

In my observations of the SB, the members do not follow party lines. They get endorsed by a party but are not by-the-book D's or R's. In that regard Bradsher is proving that point to an extreme. :)
Please, Fairfax Dems, say thanks, but no thanks to Bradsher.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: NoArnold ()
Date: February 05, 2011 04:02PM

Stand Strong Wrote:
> Read the FOIA email responses where Bradsher was
> out right lying to the Clifton folks about "how
> she was going to help them....."
> She would tell them she had not made up her
> mind.....then she would tell another group....well
> I got 6 votes to close....now 7 votes to
> close...now 8 votes to close Clifton.
> Is the type of flawed character candidate the Dems
> want to claim as one of their own?
> I hope not!

Liz Bradsher is basically Benedict Arnold. If that is whom the Dems want to represent them than all the more power to the Republicans. It will make for some easy campaign ads for the Republicans come election time.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: W ()
Date: February 05, 2011 04:02PM

When I meet a left-handed albino Pygmy who can speak mandarin Chinese. When barrack Obama says something intelligent, that's when. And not until.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: ballot ()
Date: February 05, 2011 09:04PM

Not Pat Herrity Wrote:
> Why are the Democrats so anxious to have the SCB,
> aka Brasher, get completely wiped out by Herrity.
> She can't get 35% of the vote in Springfield;
> probably a lot less.
> Aren't they worried that SCB will tarnish their
> brand?
> Won't she hurt Marsden's and Barker's chances for
> re-election by energizing the Rs who are really
> pissed at SCB to come out to vote?

Excellent point about Marsden and Barker. A lot of R's are dying to get out there just to vote against her no matter what race she enters and with the Connolly/Fimian race being any indication of how close the scales are in that area, it could be enough to tip things against Barker. Come September there is going to be a lot of pissed off parents in the Southwestern portion of the County because of the School Board boundary changes.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: unbelievable here ()
Date: February 05, 2011 10:49PM

Bradsher claims to be a fiscal conservative....but then if she thought she could get votes....she would claim to be a Tea Party fiscal conservative.

Bradsher can be stopped from claiming to be a Democrat for political cover only.

Turn down her membership application........there are a lot of Republicans who wished they had in 2007.......

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 07, 2011 02:43PM


In WaPo Metro section: "Va. school officials complain of costs of parents' FOIA requests"

Read online comments, too.

This excerpt is priceless: "The law is unrealistic right now," said Elizabeth T. Bradsher, a School Board member who represents Springfield. "It's hampering the business of the school district. We don't have the employees to handle the surge. . . . It's crippling the system."

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Truth teller ()
Date: February 08, 2011 12:14AM

Would someone please ask Bradsher what is the business of the school district? There would be no surge in FOIA request if board members like Bradsher respected input from parents and did not conduct business in back rooms where the public is not allowed to watch.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: SO WRONG ()
Date: February 08, 2011 02:52AM

tartre Wrote:
> In my observations of the SB, the members do not
> follow party lines. They get endorsed by a party
> but are not by-the-book D's or R's. In that
> regard Bradsher is proving that point to an
> extreme. :)
> Please, Fairfax Dems, say thanks, but no thanks to
> Bradsher.

You are SO WRONG. Democrats ALWAYS vote in a block, with Tina Hone being the only one who doesn't. Tessie Wilson and Liz Bradsher got republican endorsement but they have both become democrats so they vote with the block too. They all think that they work for FCPS and not the voters. Let's throw the bums out! Vote for someone else in November!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 08, 2011 07:18AM

I'm on your side, SO WRONG--I agree that we have too many SBMs that ignore public input and work for FCPS administration's best interests.
Sandy Evans (Mason District) is a D-endorsed member but she is not a rubber stamp for Dale and Tistadt. We have to focus on their records and not their D or R endorsement. Unfortunately most of the public isn't aware that the board is not in charge; we have a an overwhelmed board with a central admin calling the shots.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Election Count Down ()
Date: February 08, 2011 08:47AM

Until the blocking party (Center, Strauss, Gibson, Smith, Bradsher, Wilson, Storck) is broken up, the votes will continue to be 7 to 5 regardless of the issue. Moon and Raney sometime will vote for something and when it fails, will vote with the Blocking Party. Evans, Hone and Reed will carefully examine the benefit, the cost, ask probing questions and listen to the public......the way it should be done. Just watch the hearings......Election Count Down .....

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 09, 2011 12:54AM

Center, Gibson, Wilson, Ranney, Hone & Bradsher have already announced they are not seeking re-election.

Only Evans, Reed, Moon, Strauss, Storck & Smith are running for election.

Strauss and Smith already have opposition.

So there could be 8 new members on the SB come January 2012.

Keep your fingers crossed.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Oh really ()
Date: February 09, 2011 01:20AM

> tartre Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In my observations of the SB, the members do
> not
> > follow party lines. They get endorsed by a
> party
> > but are not by-the-book D's or R's. In that
> > regard Bradsher is proving that point to an
> > extreme. :)
> > Please, Fairfax Dems, say thanks, but no thanks
> to
> > Bradsher.

Oh really?

If Tessie converted to the democrats why does she have a bumper sticker on her car that says, Gerry Scary?
> You are SO WRONG. Democrats ALWAYS vote in a
> block, with Tina Hone being the only one who
> doesn't. Tessie Wilson and Liz Bradsher got
> republican endorsement but they have both become
> democrats so they vote with the block too. They
> all think that they work for FCPS and not the
> voters. Let's throw the bums out! Vote for
> someone else in November!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 09, 2011 08:04AM

I'm new to Fairfax Underground, so perhaps I'm making technical errors. However, this is the 3rd time I'll be posting a reply to "So Wrong" . I do hope that my post is not being deleted by someone who doesn't agree with it. Sort of defeats the purpose of this forum, doesn't it?

My reply: I'm on your side, So Wrong.
I've followed SB business for the past 5 years and I agree with you: we do need some new SBM's. However, it's not about party affiliation/endorsement; rather, it's about tunnel vision and rubber stamping (of Dale and Tistadt) on the part of most of the board members. If we squabble over Ds and Rs, we ignore the real problem: SBM's who focus on bureaucratic convenience instead of what is best for the students and the community.

We have a good school system; however, we do have some serious problems: Whether it's about redistricting, grade scales, renovation queues, budgets, instruction, etc., the common feature is a troubling lack of transparency and accountability (the current FOIA fiasco) on the part of several SBM's and the staff that they, in theory, direct.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: tartre ()
Date: February 09, 2011 08:05AM

My apologies! I do see my original post-- Hooray!!! Love Fairfax Underground--Get the truth out there!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: StopComplaining ()
Date: February 09, 2011 11:36AM

If you are a Democrat and do not want Liz Bradsher to receive the Democratic endorsement, stop complaining on Fairfax Underground and take 2 minutes to write an email to the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and voice your opinion that she should not be endorsed as a Democrat. Here is the contact list for the Democratic Committee.


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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: FCDC Chick ()
Date: February 09, 2011 09:27PM

StopComplaining Wrote:
> If you are a Democrat and do not want Liz Bradsher
> to receive the Democratic endorsement, stop
> complaining on Fairfax Underground and take 2
> minutes to write an email to the Fairfax County
> Democratic Committee and voice your opinion that
> she should not be endorsed as a Democrat. Here
> is the contact list for the Democratic Committee.
> http://fairfaxdemocrats.org/about/contact/


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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 10, 2011 12:55AM

> StopComplaining Wrote:
If you are a Democrat and do not want Liz Bradsher to receive the Democratic endorsement, stop complaining on Fairfax Underground and take 2 minutes to write an email to the Fairfax County Democratic Committee and voice your opinion that she should not be endorsed as a Democrat. Here is the contact list for the Democratic Committee.


Venting here is cathartic. So feel free to continue and since FCDC doesn't meet again until March 22 and the first action will be a vote to recommend by the Springfield District Democratic Committee, focus your e-mails on this addresses:


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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: WatchIt ()
Date: February 10, 2011 05:11AM

If you want to see why some people don't feel Liz Bradsher should be endorsed by the Democrats than just watch some of the below meeting. In particular, Janet Otersen's speech sums it up. Liz Bradsher is the School Board Represntative for the Southwestern area.

February 7, 2011 - Public Hearing No. 3 - Southwestern Boundaries


Gives whole new meaning to "shellacking!" Completely worth viewing.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: SC Parent ()
Date: February 10, 2011 07:36AM


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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: VoteNoToLizB ()
Date: February 10, 2011 08:33AM

Rumor has it that Liz Bradsher wants to run for County Supervisor. If she can't even plan a boundary study properly at the School Board level than WHY would we want her at the County level doing any kind of planning? What an embarrassment and fiasco that would be!! Mike Grasso's comments in the Public Hearing (link below) are a good description of her poor planning skills. She is the representative for the Southwestern area and she created this fiasco of monumentally poor planning that is going to affect THOUSANDS of ELEMENTARY AGE CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES (who are voters by the way)! Search for his speech on the link below and watch it.

Not only that but as the County Supervisors move toward more transparency enabling a clear view of the government's operations, she is complaining about FOIA requests that parents have made to the school system in trying to achieve more transparency. See the Washington Post article link below.

Is this really a person that Democrats want running under their endorsement for a County Supervisor seat or any other seat?

February 7, 2011 - Public Hearing No. 3 - Southwestern Boundaries


Washington Post Article:

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Skeptical ()
Date: February 10, 2011 11:34AM

WatchIt Wrote:
> If you want to see why some people don't feel Liz
> Bradsher should be endorsed by the Democrats than
> just watch some of the below meeting. In
> particular, Janet Otersen's speech sums it up.
> Liz Bradsher is the School Board Represntative for
> the Southwestern area.
> February 7, 2011 - Public Hearing No. 3 -
> Southwestern Boundaries
> http://www.fcps.edu/DIT/streaming/02-07-11schoolbo
> ardmeeting.asx
> Gives whole new meaning to "shellacking!"
> Completely worth viewing.

Don't know much about Janet Otersen, but her comments at the hearing totally skewered Liz Bradsher (and she was funny as hell, too). I bet it was quite cathartic for those who've been victimized by Bradsher's bad decisions and misbehavior.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: judgement day ()
Date: February 10, 2011 12:28PM

Its judgement day for Liz-no way around it.

All her lies, deceit, etc have now come back to haunt her.

These are all self inflicted wounds.

She can play vistim as long as she wants, but she has no one but herself to blame.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: democrats in a cave ()
Date: February 10, 2011 12:30PM

Is the Springfield district seriosly considering her application? How could they? Have they been in a cave the last year?

Liz doesn't represent anyone well. She needs to retire from public office and find another occupation.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Herrity's response ()
Date: February 10, 2011 12:38PM

You have to wonder if Herrity will even take her run seriously. The republicans should come out in full force to bury her-she so shamed the party.

I bet we have record turnouts in this district. Does sending an email to the district democratic party matter if you live outside the Springfield district?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Lessons from Egypt ()
Date: February 10, 2011 12:53PM

Looks like the Egyptians are finally going to drive Mubarek out of office today-took them what- 2 weeks? Maybe we could learn a thing or two from them and try to run Bradsher out of office as well.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Last Election ()
Date: February 10, 2011 01:55PM

801 - BURKE

P. Mike McClanahan 546 46.46%

Pat S. Herrity 628 53.44%

Write In 1 0.08%


P. Mike McClanahan 586 35.53%

Pat S. Herrity 1,062 64.40%

Write In 1 0.06%


P. Mike McClanahan 513 38.98%

Pat S. Herrity 802 60.94%

Write In 1 0.07%

811 - POHICK

P. Mike McClanahan 595 49.13%

Pat S. Herrity 614 50.70%

Write In 2 0.16%

812 - VALLEY

P. Mike McClanahan 398 39.87%

Pat S. Herrity 599 60.02%

Write In 1 0.10%


P. Mike McClanahan 326 38.67%

Pat S. Herrity 517 61.32%

Write In 0 0%

824 - ORANGE

P. Mike McClanahan 591 39.13%

Pat S. Herrity 916 60.66%

Write In 3 0.19%


P. Mike McClanahan 479 47.37%

Pat S. Herrity 531 52.52%

Write In 1 0.09%

827 - IRVING

P. Mike McClanahan 410 40.71%

Pat S. Herrity 597 59.28%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 415 45.70%

Pat S. Herrity 491 54.07%

Write In 2 0.22%


P. Mike McClanahan 365 42.39%

Pat S. Herrity 496 57.60%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 420 34.17%

Pat S. Herrity 808 65.74%

Write In 1 0.08%


P. Mike McClanahan 444 43.74%

Pat S. Herrity 571 56.25%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 418 33.28%

Pat S. Herrity 837 66.64%

Write In 1 0.07%


P. Mike McClanahan 348 42.90%

Pat S. Herrity 463 57.09%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 348 45.07%

Pat S. Herrity 423 54.79%

Write In 1 0.12%


P. Mike McClanahan 290 54.51%

Pat S. Herrity 242 45.48%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 448 33.25%

Pat S. Herrity 899 66.74%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 377 51.92%

Pat S. Herrity 347 47.79%

Write In 2 0.27%


P. Mike McClanahan 303 39.81%

Pat S. Herrity 457 60.05%

Write In 1 0.13%


P. Mike McClanahan 383 45.81%

Pat S. Herrity 453 54.18%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 502 29.97%

Pat S. Herrity 1,173 70.02%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 198 42.48%

Pat S. Herrity 268 57.51%

Write In 0 0%


P. Mike McClanahan 528 43.67%

Pat S. Herrity 679 56.16%

Write In 2 0.16%


P. Mike McClanahan 381 55.45%

Pat S. Herrity 306 44.54%

Write In 0 0%

AB - Central Absentee Precinct

P. Mike McClanahan 514 40.28%

Pat S. Herrity 762 59.71%

Write In 0 0%

Provisional Votes

P. Mike McClanahan 6 60%

Pat S. Herrity 4 40%

Write In 0 0%

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: GetHerOut ()
Date: February 10, 2011 02:05PM

Regardless of who endorses her, if she unnecessarily rushes these boundary changes through before next school year, I know that I (and many others) will write checks to help the campaign of whomever runs against her just to try to keep her from ever returning to public office again.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: I want to cry ()
Date: February 10, 2011 02:08PM

Member School Board


Elizabeth D. "Liz" Griffith 11,316 0%

Judith T. "Tessie" Wilson 11,469 0%

Write In 21 0%


This is why voting matters!!!

Tessie (Liz's evil twin) only won by 153 votes last election.

Imagine how more peaceful it would have been without Tessie the last 4 years.

Thankfully, Wilson is "retiring" --more like being booted out--but let's all learn from this.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: repeat? ()
Date: February 10, 2011 02:15PM


Last Reported: Nov 6 2007 10:07PM EST

Elizabeth T. "Liz" Bradsher 992 66.17%

Ramona W. Morrow 505 33.68%

Write In 2 0.13%

This is how Bradsher did in Clifton during the 2007 election.

Can you get negative votes? Because even ZERO seems kind of a low number.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: LLL ()
Date: February 10, 2011 05:06PM

It would be a mistake - seems to me the Dems are on their way out. BO is making sure of that!!! See how Webb is running away? Their liberal, socialist ways are well known for what they are. The ruse is OVER - we get it and DON'T like it.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 10, 2011 11:40PM

Herrity's response Wrote:
> Does sending an email to the district democratic party matter if you live outside the Springfield district?<

If you live in the Springfield Supervisor's district, your voice will have greater weight. You voice will have influence if you live in delegate's or senator's district that overlaps Springfield like Sens. Barker or Marsden or Del. Filler-Corn, Keam, Albo or Hugo.

If you live in another part of the county, write the chairman of your district committee and the chair of the whole FCDC.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: TrackRecord ()
Date: February 14, 2011 08:08PM

VoteNoToLizB Wrote:
> Rumor has it that Liz Bradsher wants to run for
> County Supervisor. If she can't even plan a
> boundary study properly at the School Board level
> than WHY would we want her at the County level
> doing any kind of planning? What an
> embarrassment and fiasco that would be!! Mike
> Grasso's comments in the Public Hearing (link
> below) are a good description of her poor planning
> skills. She is the representative for the
> Southwestern area and she created this fiasco of
> monumentally poor planning that is going to affect
> FAMILIES (who are voters by the way)! Search for
> his speech on the link below and watch it.
> Not only that but as the County Supervisors move
> toward more transparency enabling a clear view of
> the government's operations, she is complaining
> about FOIA requests that parents have made to the
> school system in trying to achieve more
> transparency. See the Washington Post article
> link below.
> Is this really a person that Democrats want
> running under their endorsement for a County
> Supervisor seat or any other seat?
> February 7, 2011 - Public Hearing No. 3 -
> Southwestern Boundaries
> http://www.fcps.edu/DIT/streaming/02-07-11schoolbo
> ardmeeting.asx
> Washington Post Article:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/artic
> le/2011/02/06/AR2011020603710.html

So what we know about Liz Bradsher's performance is:
1. She is terrible at planning.
2. She doesn't really want transparency.


3. She has voted yes to every spending increase by FCPS in recent history. She is willing to put the children in the Southwestern part of the County in trailers while she wanted a new Taj Mahal for herself (Gatehouse II) equipped with a state of the art gym, marble flooring, etc.

Didn't we just clean house of some of those types of Democrats in the last election?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Looking Forward to Nov 2011 ()
Date: February 14, 2011 08:40PM

in a newsletter to Springfield folks, Delegate Albo said that WSHS would be on the 2011 Bond Referendum. How did it jump so far ahead of the other schools in the queue......

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: bond memory ()
Date: February 14, 2011 08:50PM

Looking Forward to Nov 2011 Wrote:
> in a newsletter to Springfield folks, Delegate Albo said that WSHS would be on the 2011 Bond Referendum. How did it jump so far ahead of the other schools in the queue......<

It seems I recall that the schools ahead of WSHS in the queue were covered by bonds approved at previous referenda. Bonds that are authorized by referendum are frequently not sold for 5-10 years in order that total County debt load doesn't harm the County's AAA bond rating.

Yet another reason to vote against the next school bond referendum.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Looking Forward to Nov 2011 ()
Date: February 14, 2011 09:50PM

Agree....vote against the 2011 school bond referendum.....

FCPS doesn't need a second administration building....

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Change ()
Date: February 14, 2011 10:10PM

The rushed, patronizing way that Liz Bradsher is pushing the Southwestern Boundary Study through is the same method that was used pushing health care through and it cost lots of Democrats their positions. Why, why, why do we need to endorse someone like that? It's time for REAL change. Keep her out of the Democratic Party!

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Looking forward to Nov 2011 ()
Date: February 14, 2011 10:36PM

Great radio show today....topic RESPECT.

The more that I listened, the more that I thought about Bradsher and what she did to the the Clifton folks. She was determined to "show" Clifton folks that she could take them out......She won on the Clifton side by shutting down a small community school. Now it is time to show Bradsher that she can't diss a whole community and walk into the arms of Democrats. Folks who know how she operates behind the scenes lost respect. The very thought that this woman makes decisions on how 2.3 billion dollars of our tax dollars should be spent blows my mind.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: UcangowiththisUcangowiththat ()
Date: February 14, 2011 11:53PM

----- Original Message -----
From: davealbo@aol.com
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 14 23:57:29 2010
Subject: Re: Sound bites

I saw pts newsletter. Did not think it was too bad. Did not agree with
it, but thought it was factual from his standpoint

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
To: 'davealbo@aol.com'
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 10:07 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites

Got it! I like the home free. I will do a follow up with your wording!
Did you happen to see Pat's newsletter? It is really bad and I
received several calls on it from constituents. He is doing harm to

From: davealbo@aol.com <davealbo@aol.com>
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 14 22:01:20 2010
Subject: Re: Sound bites

> editor from Connection called and thanked me for the decision and
renewing faith for elected officials.

Uh oh!!! Dem paper! Just kidding. Glad they noticed you took the
"Non Politician vote" As for the "jugular". Don't mention any names.
Just say, "I am a fiscal conservative, and that means that when the
taxpayers' money is not being spent wisely, whether its in my district
or not, I vote with the taxpayers..." Take the high road and use "I am
a fiscal conservative.." And you are home free, baby!

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) <ETBradsher@fcps.edu>
To: 'davealbo@aol.com' <davealbo@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 9:43 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites

My stuff hit tomorrow, Peggy Fox called me and supports my action,
running a story on it, editor from Connection called and thanked me for
the decision and renewing faith for elected officials.

I don't have Pat and Tim's staff, doing the best I can. System coming
out next week with a statement.

When I get home I go for the jugular.

From: davealbo@aol.com <davealbo@aol.com>
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Sent: Wed Jul 14 17:48:42 2010
Subject: Re: Sound bites

>Thanks, at the beach now. I hear Pat and Tim and their staff using me
as fodder on the blogs. Nice guys.

That's why I said you should be out agressively getting your fiscal
conservative message out. Need to fight fire with fire.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member) <ETBradsher@fcps.edu>
To: 'davealbo@aol.com' <davealbo@aol.com>
Sent: Wed, Jul 14, 2010 4:53 pm
Subject: Re: Sound bites

Thanks, at the beach now. I hear Pat and Tim and their staff using me
as fodder on the blogs.
Nice guys.

------Original Message------
From: davealbo@aol.com
To: Bradsher, Elizabeth (School Board Member)
Subject: Re: Sound bites
Sent: Jul 14, 2010 4:33 PM

>Take care and thank you---I have received many emails thanking me.

You will get more votes for doing the fiscal conservative tough decision than you will from losing
votes in Clifton. And in Clifton, the only votes you lose are the 300 families with students in the school.
If you figure that 40% of those are Dems who would never vote for you, you are only losing 180

You gain much much more than that AND you establish your "TeaParty" credentials.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Looking forward to Nov 2011 ()
Date: February 15, 2011 12:53AM

From last posting.....And ALBO says.....

Uh oh!!! Dem paper! Just kidding. Glad they noticed you took the
"Non Politician vote" As for the "jugular". Don't mention any names.
Just say, "I am a fiscal conservative, and that means that when the
taxpayers' money is not being spent wisely, whether its in my district
or not, I vote with the taxpayers..." Take the high road and use "I am
a fiscal conservative.." And you are home free, baby!

Albo's recommendation certainly isn't one I believe Democrats would accept......they take the higher road and don't go after the jugular and screw a whole community like Clifton.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: What a Hoot ()
Date: February 15, 2011 08:09AM

Ever think that Bradsher is seeking out the Democratic Committee endorsement so she can run against Delegate Albo. Remember she has the track record of turning on the folks who supported or voted for her. Wouldn't that be a HOOT! Are those her plans?

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Albo is Bozo ()
Date: February 15, 2011 03:40PM

Albo isn't that secure. He won in 2009 by about 2500 votes and 55% of the vote. He needs to go. Either primary his butt out of there or go for a third party. The toxic fallout from Bradsher continues to spread.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Thomas More ()
Date: February 15, 2011 11:14PM

What a Hoot Wrote:
> Ever think that Bradsher is seeking out the Democratic Committee endorsement so she can run against Delegate Albo. Remember she has the track record of turning on the folks who supported or voted for her. Wouldn't that be a HOOT! Are those her plans?<

Rumor is she wants to run against Pat Herrity but until she loses (possibly multiple times) no officeholder is safe.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: What a Hoot ()
Date: February 16, 2011 04:12AM

Bradsher sees herself as a player. Lets hope Democrats see her for what she is.....lacking the values of honesty, respect for others, and willing to sell out a whole community.

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: subpoena ()
Date: February 17, 2011 10:17PM

Just saw this on another thread. Apparently Liz Bradsher has been subpoenaed.

Subject: URGENT: Breaking News

Fairfax County School Board and Officials Subpoenaed

Thursday, February 17, 2011 - Fairfax County, Virginia – Documenting violations under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) as continuing to mount, a fourth count has been added to the recent FOIA case against Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County School Board. The case, filed today in Fairfax County Circuit Court, was temporarily held due to FCPS’ efforts to enter the case in an evidentiary trial rather than a hearing as motioned by the Petitioner.

The David v. Goliath case centers around accountability demanded by the Petitioner, Jill D. Hill, a Fairfax County resident, for an extensive array of Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Law violations by FCPS and the School Board.

Patton Boggs, LLP, counsel for Hill, and FCPS attorneys will appear in the Court’s calendar control Friday morning, February 18th, to set the trial date. Under Virginia law, FOIA cases are required by statute to be heard in seven (7) calendar days. The statute does not permit exceptions for weekends or holidays.

Among those for whom subpoenas were issued in Fairfax County Circuit Court today are school officials:

§ Dean Tistadt;

§ Paul Regnier;

§ Pam Goddard; and

§ Sara Kolb

In addition, the School Board in its entirety were issued subpoenas:

§ Judith Wilson;

§ Jane K. Strauss;

§ Daniel G. Storck;

§ Kathy L. Smith, Chairman;

§ Patricia S. Reed;

§ James L. Raney;

§ Ilryong Moon;

§ Martina Hone;

§ Stuart D. Gibson;

§ Sandra S. Evans;

§ Brad Center, Vice Chairman; and

§ Elizabeth Torpey Bradsher

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Re: Is Liz Bradsher a Democrat?
Posted by: Hear ye! Hear ye! ()
Date: February 17, 2011 11:58PM

Does it mean that Bradsher has to tell the truth.....

Should be a new experience.....

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