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Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Justataxpayer ()
Date: December 10, 2010 11:40AM

Anyone know the details on this one? I heard the swim team was goofin off in a locker room (sliding on soapy floors) and somehow the teenage goofing around was called hazing. Anyone know for certain what went on and how the principal handled it?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Date: December 10, 2010 11:52AM

Justataxpayer Wrote:
> Anyone know the details on this one?

No. But that won't stop people from creating them.


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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: FTC ()
Date: December 10, 2010 12:49PM

The ceremony is called the "slippery slope of land investment" One can only surmise how it was handled.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: slubdawg ()
Date: December 10, 2010 02:45PM

FTC Wrote:
> The ceremony is called the "slippery slope of land
> investment" One can only surmise how it was
> handled.

Now, that is funny!

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: jhey ()
Date: December 10, 2010 02:47PM

I was gonna post the Simpsons clip where Homer was getting hazed by the Stonecutters but I can't find it. So enjoy this clip instead.


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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 10, 2010 03:33PM

This is my second year on the Robinson Swim and Dive boys team. I was in the shower last Friday night, witnessed the alleged "hazing", and had to sit through the chaos that followed at the hands of the administrators this week. Let me preface this by saying that, while my teammates and I are not immune to immature behavior, we are not criminals, as the lifeguards who witnessed our behavior are accusing us of being.

Every Friday night after a meet, the boys all parade into the showers, chanting loudly. We take handfuls of soap and rub it on the floor and benches, and slide across the room on our behinds. Another activity we participate in is jokingly called 'initiation'(this is where the alleged hazing comes into play). It involves any swimmer (not just the freshmen, as the administrators insist) being slapped on the ass from behind by another swimmer, who has a hand full of soap. Every boy does this indiscriminately to every other boy, and it is all in good fun -- we are not "jumping the boys in" to the team, nor are we picking on any individual or grade of students. In addition, every student participates voluntarily, and does not suffer bodily harm. The boys have done this for many years, before I was on the team, and before Joyner/Nolan (the dismissed coaches) signed on to us.

The lifeguards at the pool had been warned that the swim teams might create a mess in the locker rooms, after the Westfield team had apparently done so last year. A lifeguard came into the showers while we were partying and demanded that we clean the place up. We did so without arguing. All seemed fine and dandy until next Wednesday at school. Although we didn't learn this until later, the lifeguard staff had overheard someone use the term 'initiation', as well as a senior joking about sticking the soap dispenser up a freshman's rectum. The lifeguard told his manager these exaggerations, and his manager called the FCPS Superintendent, who called Dan Meier, the principal of Robinson SS.

Meier and his staff went berserk when he heard the news. The next day, he summoned every single boy out of their class and either interviewed them himself, or had an administrator interview them for him. We were all interviewed separately, and without parent knowledge. The administrators refused to tell me why I was being summoned, so I had assumed my parents had been killed, or something equally tragic. When I got to the office, I was met by a subschool principal and a policeman.

Now, the SR&R booklet we receive states that administrators may not treat students unfairly, or intimidate them. That said, the subschool principal told me, "If you don't tell us names, we will mark you down as guilty." The policeman in the room never took his hand off of the gun in his pocket, and keep on staring at me to make sure I was aware of this. We were all forced to write anonymous statements as to what happened that night. I can't speak for the other students, but the subschool principal interrogating me basically told me to write down his description of the "initiation" on the paper, rather than my own; apparently, enough statements were made confirming the 'initiation' that Meier became 100% certain of the exaggerations. He suspended a senior boy that many people had wrote down the name of (likely because he was everybody's friend, and even the freshmen who were apparently the target of the 'initiation' knew his name), and immediately fired both coaches.

Last night, Meier called all of the swimmers, boys and girls, and their parents to a mandatory "informational" meeting. I place "informational" in quotes, because the only information we received was that Meier was ignorant of the reality of the situation, and wouldn't hear a word against it, despite every single parent in the audience protesting. He claims to have fired Coach Joyner because of "his prior record", which he will not share with anyone because of privacy issues. Meier also claimed that this incident was not the cause of Joyner's dismissal, which baffled me and every other occupant of the room; if Joyner indeed had a record, why did it get him fired only when this came up? And if he was indeed fired because of this incident, why did Meier lie to us? He also claims to have no idea who the assistant coach is, despite firing him. Huh?

The parents all believe he and Marty Riddle, the Athletics Director, are covering their asses big-time. Many of them already disapprove of Meier for his used-car-salesman demeanor, and this really put them over the edge. The parents are livid at the intimidation tactics he and his staff used to bully information out of students. He glossed over this quickly whenever it was brought up at the meeting with an onslaught of "Okay, folks..." and "Back in my day..." tomfoolery. He also stated that despite the complaints, we would be receiving a new coach, and the police would continue interrogating students. Needless to say, everyone approached him after the meeting, but he was unreceptive to our (justified) complaints, whether they be student or parent. I believe there was no changing his mind from the moment he heard the lifeguard's fabricated allegations.

Personally, I feel unsafe at Meier's school that the SR&R booklet claims will "guarantee my safety and comfort." He and his like-minded staff have threatened both me and my friends, and have shot our entire team in the foot. I would be infinitely more understanding if he calmly interrogated students to learn which students participated in 'initiation', which, while not hazing, could result in suspension anyways. He did not need to castrate the team by getting rid of two coaches who were never anything but the best to everyone. I can only hope that he gets what is coming to him one of these days. Let's hope what goes around really comes around.

Sorry for the wall of text. And yes, the slippery slope was damn funny.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: dd ()
Date: December 10, 2010 03:50PM

At what pool did this activity take place??

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 10, 2010 03:59PM

Lol @ KingofFly claiming to be a 16 year old high schooler. Come on, we all know you're a pissed off parent. Sounds like some pretty shady stuff with the ass slapping and talking about sticking objects up each other's asses. Go look up the story about the High School wrestling shenanigans were kids were sticking their fingers up other kids rectums and all the national attention is garnered and you'll see why the school probably acted so aggressively.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: next level ()
Date: December 10, 2010 04:08PM

Every parent of these athletes who was bullied and intimidated by these "officials" should be VERY angry.

Time to make two phone calls.

One to an attorney and the next to the ACLU.

The bullies are the ones running our schools.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Teh King ()
Date: December 10, 2010 04:43PM

Sounds like some pretty homo-erotic shit going on in that locker room.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 12:26AM

I never denied the activities being fucked up or our collective immaturity. But please consider the circumstances...we're all loud teenagers, prone to jokes of this nature (the joke was made by the least mature of the bunch: the suspended boy). One freshman boy volunteered to be 'initiated' in the shower last Friday night. That's it.

Meanwhile, Meier has labeled the boy's team as criminals and sent an investigation to the police, despite no complaint from any of the so-called victims being filed. Even the police have determined that the alleged 'hazing' is a mere rumor. However, Meier has informed the students and parents at his 'informational' meeting that the decision on the coaches is final, and that he would continue to have his administration interrogate the team until more names of 'criminals' were coughed up.

Meier would then suspend the named children without them even getting a say in it. Any boy could be named, and Meier would consider it conclusive evidence to his guilt. A similar case happened last year when I witnessed one girl tackle another girl in the hall, and Meier suspended both girls immediately. My English classmate was suspended for being beat up.

Anyways, needless to say, Meier's dogged 'ends-justify-the-means' mentality caused an uproar; he practically screamed at us that he could not allow upperclassmen to bully underclassmen in such a 'great school'. My friend's mom responded precisely as next level did, by claiming that the admins were the bullies. Also needless to say, he was entirely dismissive of these complaints.

The pool was Cub Run Rec Center, dd.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: bill ()
Date: December 11, 2010 05:10AM

This is what happens when the education system is full of hippie liberals who overreact about everything.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: No Doubt 2 ()
Date: December 11, 2010 06:53AM

next level Wrote:
> Every parent of these athletes who was bullied and
> intimidated by these "officials" should be VERY
> angry.
> Time to make two phone calls.
> One to an attorney and the next to the ACLU.
> The bullies are the ones running our schools.

I'm in full agreement with that reply. I wouldn't accept those "intimidation" tactics with the police officer present. Time to start a revolution.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: No Doubt 2 ()
Date: December 11, 2010 06:57AM

Teh King Wrote:
> Sounds like some pretty homo-erotic shit going on
> in that locker room.

Yes, it does. Meanwhile, you have to take into consideration that a percentage of the population is homosexual. While many on the swim team are viewing these activities as typical fun after a swim meet, those who are "batting for the other team" are truly loving it, and it's probably one of the main reasons they're on the swim team. Finally, not to forget, most swimmers shave their bodies to cut seconds of time off for better performance.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Swim Mom & coach ()
Date: December 11, 2010 07:34AM

I fully support Kingoffly. So what if his paremts helped him write his post or maybe, just maybe, he wrote it himself as swimmers have always had the highest GPAs. "Homo erotic?" Really? Stay away from my sons and daughters, you creep. Ted King you just don't know anything about normal teenage boys. Good luck kingoffly. Hold their feet to the fire.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: good samaratin ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:12AM

Last night, Meier called all of the swimmers, boys and girls, and their parents to a mandatory "informational" meeting. I place "informational" in quotes, because the only information we received was that Meier was ignorant of the reality of the situation, and wouldn't hear a word against it, despite every single parent in the audience protesting. He claims to have fired Coach Joyner because of "his prior record", which he will not share with anyone because of privacy issues. Meier also claimed that this incident was not the cause of Joyner's dismissal, which baffled me and every other occupant of the room; if Joyner indeed had a record, why did it get him fired only when this came up? And if he was indeed fired because of this incident, why did Meier lie to us? He also claims to have no idea who the assistant coach is, despite firing him. Huh?

Maybe because it was the last straw....???

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Double Standard ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:44AM

good samaratin Wrote:
> Last night, Meier called all of the swimmers, boys
> and girls, and their parents to a mandatory
> "informational" meeting. I place "informational"
> in quotes, because the only information we
> received was that Meier was ignorant of the
> reality of the situation, and wouldn't hear a word
> against it, despite every single parent in the
> audience protesting. He claims to have fired Coach
> Joyner because of "his prior record", which he
> will not share with anyone because of privacy
> issues. Meier also claimed that this incident was
> not the cause of Joyner's dismissal, which baffled
> me and every other occupant of the room; if Joyner
> indeed had a record, why did it get him fired only
> when this came up? And if he was indeed fired
> because of this incident, why did Meier lie to us?
> He also claims to have no idea who the assistant
> coach is, despite firing him. Huh?
> Maybe because it was the last straw....???

Did the informational meeting include Meier handing out sales information on a lovely beach front community under development on the North Carolina shore?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 11:05AM

Sorry, no idea how to quote text here, but even if this was the last straw for Joyner, then technically this -was- the cause of his dismissal, and Meier was lying to the faces of approximately 100 swimmers and parents by saying it wasn't.

I write my posts on my own, although I have had discussions with my parents on the ramifications of what Meier has done and is continuing to do to my teammates and I.

I don't believe any of my teammates are homosexual. I wouldn't give a hoot if I was sharing a locker room with a gay teammate, but as far as I know, we're all straight.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: RobinsonParent ()
Date: December 11, 2010 12:18PM

Dan Meier angered everyone in the room during his "informational" meeting. He claims the coaches were fired over the allegations of hazing yet none of the swimmers would agree there was any hazing at all. Interestingly, the same night, the Oakton asst coach resigned his position in order to move to the head coach position at Robinson.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: bolano ()
Date: December 11, 2010 12:24PM

Wow the Robinson swim team sounds like some queer shits if you ask me. They should just do away with the team now.

Guys spanking guys bare asses, doesn't get more queer than that.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 12:35PM

I am under the impression that Meier believes there is hazing because the ass-slapping was titled 'initiation', a term usually linked to hazing (despite being a joke in this case). Many students apparently wrote the term 'initiation' in the statements they were forced to write, likely because they were forced to by the admins who interviewed them (this was the case for me, at least..."If you don't tell the truth [by parroting what I say to you], then you're guilty," were the words my admin used). There have been no complaints about actual hazing, but Meier, believing he knows more than every single swimmer and parent in the room, refuses to listen to us.

And bolano, I respect your opinion, but queers are real people, just like everyone else. And if you want a team to be cut just because of ass-slapping, you might as well cut the entire Robinson sports program. It's not like the other teams, full of immature teenagers, don't slap each other from time to time like we do...we were just the first to be caught by a nosy lifeguard spying on us in the showers. And, you know, if the football team was caught slapping asses, Meier wouldn't do shit, considering how big of a hard-on he has for them.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:01PM

Ever think that maybe he is trying to avoid a massive sexual harassment case? And did you ever think that some of the boys just went along with it but we really uncomfortable with what was going on and were too afraid to speak up?

And don't piss on my leg and tell it's raining, I don't care what the avg. GPA of a swimmer is. That is NOT a 16 year old student writing that drivel. It's a pathetic parent who is pissed off that their son got caught doing something embarrassing and possibly illegal.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Str8 ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:13PM

Any coach who allows a bunch of adolescent males who hang out in banana hammocks to lube up each others asses and fondle each other ought to br fired and incarcerated.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: next ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:17PM

Ever think that the person they are really after is Meier? If he hadn't fired them, he may be in trouble with his superiors. If he fires them (which he did), he may be in trouble with his superiors. The "higher ups" will work this and either way, they may finally get rid of him. This is just a pretext. It's too bad others have to suffer and it's too bad they can't get him out by saying what the real reasons are (but this is how Fairfax County "operates").

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:25PM

I am a swimmer, believe it or not, and I do intend to pursue a profession as a writer. While I have never been slapped or slapped a teammate, I have witnessed it happen since I have been on the team. As far as I know, none of the students have confessed to being uncomfortable, and it is ludicrous for Meier to act as if they have without any evidence to support this, and with plenty of evidence to the contrary.

Let me clarify, I am not defending what my teammates did...I believe -something- should happen to the boys who did slap teammates, but I believe Meier is handling this poorly in every way possible. He and his staff can get the names of the swimmers at fault without intimidating everyone, he can suspend the right students instead of removing our coaches, and he can, you know, ACTUALLY LISTEN to the reality of the situation, rather than the exaggerations from the lifeguarding staff, along with his own delusions.

No one is creating a case out of this situation -except- Meier...none of the students or parents are angry about what went on in the showers, but the shitty handling of the situation by Meier and his staff. The lifeguards and superintendent? They merely reported what they heard to Meier, leaving it at his discretion (a BIG mistake).

Like I said earlier, I hope that karma comes and bites Meier in the ass. If his higher-ups will decide his handling of a situation merits his dismissal because of his "record", I would be absolutely ecstatic.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:31PM

Our coach did not "allow" our behavior to happen. He did check on us in the locker rooms to the point of ensuring our safety, but did not monitor us in the shower. And if he did, I'm sure some of you lot would accuse him of being a pedophile or some garbage.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: swimmom ()
Date: December 11, 2010 02:57PM

I am really sorry this happened to your team.
Truly though, the students who instigated this inappropriate behavior have to suffer some consequences. If the coach has allowed this to happen in the past without intervening, then he needed to be let go as well. There is a line between playful horsing around and intimidating and abusing other teammates. Ass-slapping on bare asses is abuse no matter how playfully it is done (covered butts ,possibly could have been overlooked). The possibility of an object inserted in another's rectum is a VERY serious allegation and must be investigated thoroughly. I trust Fairfax County police to their job.
It is sad the entire team must suffer for the actions and immaturity of a few. I am sad that the team suffered a devastating loss to Oakton last night, no doubt because of morale issues and uncertainty. My advice to the team would be to reform and focus on what is important to you all individually and collectively--swimming the best races you are capable of.
I hope all other teams, all over the country learn from your hard lesson.
It takes a big person to recognize when actions maybe considered inappropriate and to attempt to stop those actions and/or report them to someone who can make a difference. Kudos to the lifeguard, though I am sure he is suffering the backlash now as well.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 11, 2010 04:19PM

KingofFly Wrote:
> . And if you
> want a team to be cut just because of
> ass-slapping, you might as well cut the entire
> Robinson sports program. It's not like the other
> teams, full of immature teenagers, don't slap each
> other from time to time like we do

While I am not a fan of either, there is a difference between "ass slapping" and "bare ass slapping after you soaped up your bum and slid naked accross a floor in front of other males"

So sorry your kid is gay.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/11/2010 04:20PM by Radiophile.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 04:43PM

Why should one form of ass-slapping be ignored over another? Not to mention all the athletes whose coaches don't monitor them when they smoke weed before games, or the lacrosse players who literally box in the school locker rooms.

The coach who was fired only began coaching last year...he was unaware it had happened in the past, and was unaware that it happened that year because, as I said earlier, he doesn't hold our hands into the shower stalls and monitor us like we are 10 years old. He's far from neglectful, but gives us our space to a point.

Radiophile, your intolerance sickens me. I'm gay because I happened to observe people slapping asses, and never slapped anyone or got slapped myself...Makes a lot of sense. May the Lord have mercy on your soul.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: noting the obvious ()
Date: December 11, 2010 05:22PM

KingofFly Wrote:

> Radiophile, your intolerance sickens me. I'm gay


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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 05:35PM

Ololol...you guys make me laugh so damn hard that if I weren't pinching my foreskin securely, some semen might have leaked out.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Also A Swim MoM ()
Date: December 11, 2010 06:17PM

I dont think I would want my son participating in this sort of thing. Of course it doesn't make you gay but it sure as hell sounds border line gay. While firing the coach was a bit harsh, it does need to stop. There will be one bully on the team that picks out a week kid and exploit him in some way. This thing has the potential to be blown way out of proportion.

How many parents with boys on the team knew this was going on?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 06:40PM

I repeat myself, the participation in the 'initiation' was entirely voluntary, and in no way was any swimmer picking on another swimmer by slapping their ass...most everyone on the team slapped asses indiscriminately. And yes, it was blown out of proportion...because one freshman was slapped, the lifeguard reported that freshmen and ONLY freshmen were targeted, not that a lone one volunteered. He also reported that we actually stuck soap dispensers up our asses, not that one senior made a crude joke about it.

Judging on the meeting, I'd say 99% of parents knew that we had shower parties, and 50% knew about the ass slapping. While they believed it to be in poor taste, they believed the brutal interrogation tactics used to pressure students into writing out evidence that supported what Meier is claiming, as well as the dismissal of our coaches, was completely inane.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 11, 2010 06:56PM

KingofFly Wrote:
> I repeat myself, the participation in the
> 'initiation' was entirely voluntary, and in no way
> was any swimmer picking on another swimmer by
> slapping their ass...most everyone on the team
> slapped asses indiscriminately. And yes, it was
> blown out of proportion...because one freshman was
> slapped, the lifeguard reported that freshmen and
> ONLY freshmen were targeted, not that a lone one
> volunteered. He also reported that we actually
> stuck soap dispensers up our asses, not that one
> senior made a crude joke about it.
> Judging on the meeting, I'd say 99% of parents
> knew that we had shower parties, and 50% knew
> about the ass slapping. While they believed it to
> be in poor taste, they believed the brutal
> interrogation tactics used to pressure students
> into writing out evidence that supported what
> Meier is claiming, as well as the dismissal of our
> coaches, was completely inane.

YOu use the words "a$$ slapping" and "blown" way too much to not be gay.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: swimmom ()
Date: December 11, 2010 07:25PM

Radiophile,It really doesn't matter who is "gay". frankly I am more concern with your continued insistence in labeling the other writer--It displays a questionable response in my mind ithat it is really you with a problem (not that being gay is a problem--denying it while calling attention to it in a derogatory manner may be). This really isn't about the sexual orientation of the swim team participants--It is about costly mistakes.
I am quite sure Meier responded to the situation in a way that assures it never happens again--whether or not he went too far is disputed by many.What is most important now is the swimmers reclaim their team and show Northern Virginia they are still swim champions.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: So gay. ()
Date: December 11, 2010 07:31PM

I will never allow my boys to be on a swim team if this is normal. Since they are young I wonder what sport to put them? Basketball seems safe. Or maybe hip hop?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 11, 2010 08:36PM

swimmom Wrote:
> Radiophile,It really doesn't matter who is "gay".
> frankly I am more concern with your continued
> insistence in labeling the other writer--It
> displays a questionable response in my mind ithat
> it is really you with a problem (not that being
> gay is a problem--denying it while calling
> attention to it in a derogatory manner may be).
> This really isn't about the sexual orientation of
> the swim team participants--It is about costly
> mistakes.
> I am quite sure Meier responded to the situation
> in a way that assures it never happens
> again--whether or not he went too far is disputed
> by many.What is most important now is the swimmers
> reclaim their team and show Northern Virginia they
> are still swim champions.

I agree wholeheartedly. This team needs to return to their roots and once again become victorious so that they can celebrate by group fellatio and the rectal insertion of gerbils.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 11, 2010 08:41PM

804 Wrote:
> swimmom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Radiophile,It really doesn't matter who is
> "gay".
> > frankly I am more concern with your continued
> > insistence in labeling the other writer--It
> > displays a questionable response in my mind
> ithat
> > it is really you with a problem (not that being
> > gay is a problem--denying it while calling
> > attention to it in a derogatory manner may be).
> > This really isn't about the sexual orientation
> of
> > the swim team participants--It is about costly
> > mistakes.
> > I am quite sure Meier responded to the
> situation
> > in a way that assures it never happens
> > again--whether or not he went too far is
> disputed
> > by many.What is most important now is the
> swimmers
> > reclaim their team and show Northern Virginia
> they
> > are still swim champions.
> I agree wholeheartedly. This team needs to return
> to their roots and once again become victorious so
> that they can celebrate by group fellatio and the
> rectal insertion of gerbils.

and group naked ass slapping.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: BeenThere ()
Date: December 11, 2010 08:49PM

Typical FCPS Gestapo Tactics! Our schools administrators are all overpaid Nazis who blow most every stupid teen prank or event, way out of proportion.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Ass slapping?? ()
Date: December 11, 2010 08:50PM

I heard in the NFL the more a team touched each other on the field the better they did.

PS of course this was some stupid study done by a college. I heard this on NPR of all things.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 09:52PM

*responds to posters with half a brain*

Although I am angry at the firing of our coaches at Meier's hands, I realize that this ship has sailed...the only way our coach would have a chance of coming back is if he fought for the position himself, and knowing him, he's not the type. We are getting a new coach with impressive credentials. We can only hope that he will lead us to as many victories as Joyner did.

However, Meier is not through with the issue. Even though, judging by last night's meet, the shower parties are dead and gone, Meier has stated that he will continue to have students pulled out of classes and interrogated using the same ruthless tactics that every parent at the meeting protested. He believes that legitimate hazing occurred at the meeting, and that immature teenagers should be prosecuted as criminals. Nothing is being done about this idiocy, and I really hope it comes back to bite him sooner rather than later.

And my friend actually told me about the same survey. Whether or not it works, I don't know, but the boys were state champions for seven years straight, whatever that means.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: RobinsonParent ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:06PM

I definitely agree that if the boys were involved in vandalism/horseplay then they should be punished accordingly. However, my son was one of the underclassman who was pulled out of class in the morning and never allowed to return. He was threatened with suspension along with other things if he did not admit to being hazed and worse. He was harassed the rest of the day by Meier and his administration(with police in the room) only to be labeled as a victim at the evening meeting. All of this occurred without his parents being notified. My son learned one valuable lesson: If ever you feel uncomfortable when being asked questions by the school, immediately ask for your parents and refuse to answer anymore questions.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Dig Dug ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:18PM

RobinsonParent Wrote:
> I definitely agree that if the boys were involved
> in vandalism/horseplay then they should be
> punished accordingly. However, my son was one of
> the underclassman who was pulled out of class in
> the morning and never allowed to return. He was
> threatened with suspension along with other things
> if he did not admit to being hazed and worse. He
> was harassed the rest of the day by Meier and his
> administration(with police in the room) only to be
> labeled as a victim at the evening meeting. All of
> this occurred without his parents being notified.
> My son learned one valuable lesson: If ever you
> feel uncomfortable when being asked questions by
> the school, immediately ask for your parents and
> refuse to answer anymore questions.

Didn't he read the SR&R? It is all in there, clear as day. I hope the admin. hangs over this issue. They need to know they cannot violate the rights of the students when ever they want.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: RamParent ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:22PM

what do we know about the "new guy"?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 11, 2010 10:51PM

We find out Monday at another mandatory "informational" meeting held by Meier and his admins.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Girl Swimmer ()
Date: December 12, 2010 12:03AM

I'm a female swimmer from Oakton, and although we were glad to beat our rivals last night, we do not agree with the harsh actions taken against the Robinson, and feel for their situation.

Frankly, anyone who is on a high school or club swim team, knows that the boys have shower parties, its just a typical occurance among swimmers. There are other high school teams that do things much more grotesque than what Robinson is admitting to.

Lastly, Oakton is sad and annoyed to be losing one of our new coaches to our bitter rivals. It is unfair how the administration at Robinson not only threatened their student swimmers, but manipulated the Oakton coach, a Robinson part-time faculty member to leave his current position for the new head coach title. Atleast he's switching from the winning team to the losing and not the vice versa.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Dig Dug ()
Date: December 12, 2010 08:34AM

KingofFly Wrote:
> We find out Monday at another mandatory
> "informational" meeting held by Meier and his
> admins.

I hope your parents plan on attending the meeting.

A side question off the subject.
What club team do most H.S swimmers swim for?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: amused ()
Date: December 12, 2010 08:35AM

Can you say 'double secret probation' for the Robinson swimmers?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: asfagegeg ()
Date: December 12, 2010 08:44AM

Girl Swimmer Wrote:
> I'm a female swimmer from Oakton, and although we
> were glad to beat our rivals last night, we do not
> agree with the harsh actions taken against the
> Robinson, and feel for their situation.
> Frankly, anyone who is on a high school or club
> swim team, knows that the boys have shower
> parties, its just a typical occurance among
> swimmers. There are other high school teams that
> do things much more grotesque than what Robinson
> is admitting to.

So the girls have "shower parties" too? What exactly do they do? Please type slowly.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:06AM

asfagegeg Wrote:
> Girl Swimmer Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm a female swimmer from Oakton, and although
> we
> > were glad to beat our rivals last night, we do
> not
> > agree with the harsh actions taken against the
> > Robinson, and feel for their situation.
> >
> > Frankly, anyone who is on a high school or club
> > swim team, knows that the boys have shower
> > parties, its just a typical occurance among
> > swimmers. There are other high school teams
> that
> > do things much more grotesque than what
> Robinson
> > is admitting to.
> So the girls have "shower parties" too? What
> exactly do they do? Please type slowly.

A video would be better

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: BEENTHERE ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:18AM


If you have not read this document or read it lately- student rights and responsibilites, I encourage you to do so in detail Even parents who are lawyers are stunned when they actually read it vs. just signing it to get it back to school on time.

When my eldest attended FCPS (1990's), I remember it as a 10 page or so document. By the time my youngest came along, it was 40+ pages. Now its 60. Parents are expected to read, sign and return the first week or so of school.

I think this document could be the basis of a semester's work at law school, never mind read in one or two nights and return. Take this document and your child's complaint to the average lawyer, and they are stunned. If you are mounting a defense against FCPS, you need an "Education Lawyer". This document reflects what a 3rd world country, think North Korea or Cuba, might do to retain "rights and responsibilites". When you walk onto FCPS property, you might as well bring your passport, because laws of the U.S. do not apply.

FCPS and VA State lawyers write these rules to their benefit, not the students or parents. Under common law, you are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Under FCPS rules you are guilty and its near impossible to prove innocence.

This document also gives the Police "education officers" or SRO's their right to pursue gestapo tactics. Since they are "education" officers, they CAN grill your kid over conditions that would be banned by the Geneva Convention, without notifying you. Savanna Redding, whose strip search for an Advil tablet case went before the Supreme Court - had to wait until she got home from school to inform her mother she had been strip searched at school. No one from the school contacted her parents. Since they did not find Advil, they did not feel they needed to contact her parents. Duh.

I strongly feel this code should be re-written requiring parental notification of police involvement anytime. If you kid has to sit in the office waiting for you to taxi out from a remote work location, so be it. You can never undo "the confession" they will wring out of you kid. The only thing that got my kid through his last year of school was he would not talk to administrators. He learned to sit there in total silence until they either gave up or we arrived. This was after years of teaching him that the "policeman is your friend" in the lower grades. Once in HS, they are NOT. They are out to bust you or anyone they can, guilty or innocent does not matter. Their specialty is making mountains out of molehills.

I am very surprised there has not been a police shooting incident at an FCPS school a la Aaron Brown at IHOP.
And this is always about a non-issue like soaping the bathroom. You never hear of the drug dealers and the gang members being grilled like this by the school. The FCPS adm. goes after the low hanging fruit - the kid who might have seen something or been near an event. Any actual crimiminal is never in the picture.

People see the school Principal and Administrators at Back to School night or other events and they give off this public personna of caring about your child's education, but once something happens like this, they are petty tyrants. Its like Jekyll and Hyde. I thought my son's prinicpal would burst a blood vessel when I showed up with an attorney and challenged their information about my child.

Unless you have BEENTHERE it is unbelievable, but this is how nasty it gets out there in FCPS land, its like North Korea in NOVA.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: APorIBMom ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:30AM

804, please don't assume that no teenager is capable of writing well. I have known some teenagers who were excellent writers.

804 Wrote:
> And don't piss on my leg and tell it's raining, I
> don't care what the avg. GPA of a swimmer is.
> That is NOT a 16 year old student writing that
> drivel. It's a pathetic parent who is pissed off
> that their son got caught doing something
> embarrassing and possibly illegal.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: raaaams ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:43AM

You really think the admins are out to "get" your children? They are running around spanking each others naked asses in the bathroom. And whether it is true or not, it sounds like someone may or may not have had a soap dispenser stuck up his butt. Even assuming that the last part is false, this is not okay and disciplinary actions needed to be made. While it is not the coaches fault since this has been going on for years, it is easier and more acceptable to have made an example out of them since they weren't working in the school. Also - what if the admins had just ignored the complaint filed by the lifeguarding staff? I guarantee you would be complaining about that as well... In the grand scheme of things, I think this situation was handled fairly well

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Anon ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:45AM


You posted "maybe because it was the last straw??" It was the only straw.. Can you even call it a straw when teenage boys are goofing off and a Coach that brought the girls team to win a State Title the year before and had no prior complaints wrongly gets fired? No straws here buddy.


This situation is just WRONG. The only "prior record" Coach Joyner has is almost 10 years of experience coaching swimming, a self-created and managed swim club, a Bachelor's degree from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Master's degree from Georgetown University. Through his years of coaching he has proven himself as a mentor and positive influence. Not only is he a great Coach, he is one of the best. His admirable qualities as a coach are reflected from his characteristics as a man; they should be valued. It seems to me there is something fishy going on with the administration and maybe THEY are the ones that need to be interrogated.

Robinson- You have lost.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: haha ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:48AM

hey coach joyner.... nice message about yourself

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Anon ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:01AM


Str8 said:

"Any coach who allows a bunch of adolescent males who hang out in banana hammocks to lube up each others asses and fondle each other ought to br fired and incarcerated."

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Anon ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:03AM


I am not Coach Joyner but nice try- HAHA yourself.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:04AM

In the years I have been participating in this board, I would have never guessed that some users here would "come out" and defend naked boys spanking other naked boys asses.

Do you have any idea how absurd you sound? ?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Hazing?! ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:17AM

This wasn't hazing, it's acting gay.

I went to a military school for many years. Was on both sides of hazing, we didn't do gay shit like slapping naked asses. That's fag behavior and anyone who tried any shit like that would have a blanket party later.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Dig Dug ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:23AM

Radiophile Wrote:
> In the years I have been participating in this
> board, I would have never guessed that some users
> here would "come out" and defend naked boys
> spanking other naked boys asses.
> Do you have any idea how absurd you sound? ?

Right...as a parent I can not condone such activities.

What would have happened if one of the boys split their head open? Which one of you parents defending this behavior would already have a court date to sue the life guards on duty, the park auth, the coaches and the schools? I am guessing every single one of you. God forbid you hold your precious little angel responsible for their lack of good judgement.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: AgainstMeier ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:24AM

A little background on Dan Meier the Principal at Robinson:

Crime & Punishment
Teachers, principals caught in fraud case

* washington examiner

Comments (0) "BookmarkShare PrintPrint
By: Scott McCabe 10/18/09 2:00 AM
Crime Reporter

Fairfax educators sue over alleged land scam

Two Fairfax County public school principals and dozens of teachers they recruited into a North Carolina land deal have been caught up in what could be the largest mortgage fraud case in state history, according to court documents.

A federal grand jury in North Carolina has been probing the massive fraud case. Teachers were left with worthless land and gaping holes in their bank accounts, according to lawsuits growing out of the case.

Daniel Meier, principal at Fairfax's Robinson Secondary School, and his brother Thomas Meier, principal at McLean's Langley High School, worked with a former student, Mark Dain, to motivate investors to pay artificially inflated prices for land in coastal North Carolina at the height of the housing boom, according to a lawsuit brought by the investors. Dain was a co-founder of the now defunct Total Realty Management, based out of Woodbridge.

The company purchased subdivisions worth approximately $150,000 before turning around and selling them for double and sometimes triple that figure, according to the complaint. The Meier brothers allegedly offered "testimonials" on the scheme's success before crowds that often included teachers and colleagues. The sales were manipulated through "sham transactions" and multiple misrepresentations, according to the complaint filed in January in a Virginia federal court.

A lawyer for the plaintiffs in the lawsuit said the FBI had begun a criminal probe into the deals. FBI spokespersons in D.C. and North Carolina could not confirm whether the case has expanded to TRM.

Both Meiers are still administrators in Fairfax schools. Daniel Meier was named in the original lawsuit brought by the teachers. Thomas Meier was not named as a defendant in the lawsuit, but was depicted as involved in recruiting teachers.

"[Total Realty Management's] scheme was lent an air of legitimacy by the involvement of Daniel Meier and Tommy Meier," said the civil complaint on behalf of about 130 Virginia residents, including about 40 Fairfax teachers.

The company allegedly "paid Daniel Meier $25,000 for each lot purchased from TRM in the ubdivisions by any individual referred by [him]," although "[t]eachers were not aware that [he] received commissions based on their purchases."

Daniel Meier denied all charges in a response to the complaint filed in March.

Both Meier brothers recently filed for bankruptcy in federal court. Daniel Meier listed more than $100 million in liabilities on account of the lawsuits pending against him.

Jill Pisner, a lawyer for the plaintiffs, said her clients have stopped pursuing claims against Daniel Meier.

"He is in bankruptcy and his debts exceed his assets," Pisner said. "What money he made, and he earned referral fees of $10,000 to $25,000 per lot on about 35 to 50 sales, plus speaker fees of $1,000 per seminar, is gone now."

Both Pisner and Daniel Meier's lawyer, Alan Shachter, said the FBI was likely not investigating Meier.

Calls and e-mails to the Meier brothers were not returned. Teachers referred questions to Pisner.

Dain could not be reached for comment. The teachers are still pursuing his company, TRM.

The case has garnered huge headlines in North Carolina as a federal grand jury investigated various allegations including whether former North Carolina Gov. Mike Easley got a sweetheart deal on waterfront property and helped green-light permits for the project.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/local/crime-and-punishment/teachers-principals-caught-fraud-case#ixzz17uYxxi00

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: bolano ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:53AM

Boy shower parties are regular in swimming? I will never look at a high school swim team the same way again.

This may be the gayest thing I've read on Fairfax Underground, a bunch of boys and naked ass slapping in a locker room, I hope charges come to everyone that participated in this, and it is a shame the coach lost his job because honestly I'm not sure he knew this was going on.

As far as I'm concerned, these boys are sex offenders just as much as the Centreville teacher that got arrested.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 11:28AM

Dig Dug Wrote:
> Radiophile Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In the years I have been participating in this
> > board, I would have never guessed that some
> users
> > here would "come out" and defend naked boys
> > spanking other naked boys asses.
> >
> > Do you have any idea how absurd you sound? ?
> Right...as a parent I can not condone such
> activities.
> What would have happened if one of the boys split
> their head open? Which one of you parents
> defending this behavior would already have a court
> date to sue the life guards on duty, the park
> auth, the coaches and the schools? I am guessing
> every single one of you. God forbid you hold your
> precious little angel responsible for their lack
> of good judgement.

Or one of the little ass slapping angels used their camera phone and uploaded video on the internet. The parents would go all balistic and blaming everyone but their little ass slapping angels.

Then none of the parents would use the words "over reacting" now would they?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 12:14PM

Did any of you lot even read where I said that maybe 50% of the parents knew this was occurring? That they had the sense to know it was all in good fun? And let me make this very clear, anyone who is claiming that there was even a remote possibility of injury in what we were doing is simply making uninformed assumptions to bolster their own argument.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 12:20PM

Oh, and we are NOT naked in the showers, nor do we slap bare asses. We wear our speedos in the shower at all times.

For those of you who persist I'm not a teenager, let me make it clear that if I were a parent, I would be actively trying to remove the corrupt admins from the school after they did what they did to my boy or girl.

If it makes those who continue to hover under the delusion that I am a pissed off parent, ill typ liek dis frum now on so u tink im a reel teenagr. k?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Dig Dug ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:05PM


I hope you are a H.S student. It would do some people on here good to see that a high school kid can type/speak something other than ebonics. Hats off to you for making the most of your education.

As far as one of you getting hurt while sliding in the shower it's called an accident. I am quite sure none of you have intentions of leaving the pool with a gash in your head but, I have seen it happen while just walking in the locker room on wet floors.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:06PM

with all this talk about shower ass slapping and rectum stuffing - gives a whole new meaning to your team name - The Rams.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:17PM

Radiophile, you seem to derive such pleasure from talking about teenage boys touching each other...are you sure you're not a gay pedophile yourself? Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course (at least the gay part), just wondering.

Yes, Dig Dug, while sliding on our rear ends across a shower bench is not -entirely- safe, anyone could slip and fall anytime in the shower, and it would be an accident. But that's not what they're after us about. Not once during the meeting did Meier talk about punishing the boys who slid around and made a mess in the locker rooms. This was only mentioned by parents, and ignored by him and the admins in favor of "criminal hazing allegations." All he wanted were names of students he could suspend, along with the first boy and our coaches.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: swimmom ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:28PM

Kinfoffly--thank you for the clarification re: suits on--gives an entirely different story. Perhaps this was blown out of proportion.
Ignore Radiophyle--he definitely has some issues--hope his mom or dad is getting him help.
I do think the entire swim team needs to make a public apology to the rec center for the mess and do some community service...parents might need to be more forceful here..I will see what we can do.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:50PM

you slapping boys asses and bragging about on the internet AND think I need help?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 02:02PM

You creating a scenario about me touching other boys in your head and posting it online when I wrote:

"While I have never been slapped by or slapped a teammate..."

early on in the thread, when all I'm doing is exposing the truth on what went down in the locker rooms that you will never get from meat-headed Meier and his staff?

Better go and get my troll spray.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: raaaams ()
Date: December 12, 2010 02:46PM

I think you guys just need to put this behind you and move on so you can still salvage something out of the season. Theres no reason why you guys can't recover and possibly even win states again.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: bolano ()
Date: December 12, 2010 04:41PM

50% percent of parents knew about the ass touching? What the hell is wrong with them? If I found out this was going on, my child would be removed from the team immediately. God willing my son plays a real sport though.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: cop ()
Date: December 12, 2010 04:48PM


For what it's worth, a police officer can interview any kid anywhere without the permission of his parents. FCPS has a policy of notifying parents if a police officer is interviewing their child during school hours but the SRO is exempt from that policy. There is no law or anything else that prohibits a police officer from interviewing a child without parental consent.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 04:55PM

What a convenient little loophole there, eh? Congratulations for putting a stake through the rights of my teammates and I, FCPS. You ought to be as proud of yourselves for that as you are for keeping buffoon administrators in positions paid for by my parents' tax money.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 12, 2010 04:56PM

Don't let stupid things like facts get in the way of some good whining by delusional parents.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Dig Dug ()
Date: December 12, 2010 05:20PM

bolano Wrote:
> 50% percent of parents knew about the ass
> touching? What the hell is wrong with them? If I
> found out this was going on, my child would be
> removed from the team immediately. God willing my
> son plays a real sport though.

I would pay money to see your real sport playing kid try to do a swimmers practice. Frigging moron.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: December 12, 2010 05:49PM

I'll bet this guy loved getting his ass slapped. Looks like he is getting an anal probing in this picture

I guess smoking pot helps him forget

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: bolano ()
Date: December 12, 2010 06:37PM

Dig Dug Wrote:
> bolano Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > 50% percent of parents knew about the ass
> > touching? What the hell is wrong with them? If
> I
> > found out this was going on, my child would be
> > removed from the team immediately. God willing
> my
> > son plays a real sport though.
> I would pay money to see your real sport playing
> kid try to do a swimmers practice. Frigging
> moron.

I would pay more money to see the pansey swimmers on a football field jack ass.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 804 ()
Date: December 12, 2010 06:48PM

An insider just emailed me these exclusive pictures of the Rams swim team.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 12, 2010 08:46PM

We're all laughing our asses off here. These jokes are so original and amazing, I just don't know what to say.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:09PM

And YOU think I need help....?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: hoho ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:25PM

You will need help after the football team realizes you stole their pictures.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: ho ho ho ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:42PM

That OC on the suit stands for Oakton Cougars!

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 12345 ()
Date: December 12, 2010 09:48PM

I really have to wonder if the people critical of this have ever played on an organized sports team... this kind of thing is not crazy, unusual or gay, its completely normal and is basically rambunctious horseplay. Obviously the admins are freaking out because of that lacrosse hazing news story that came out a while back - which seemed to me more like classic beatings with a thinly veiled excuse of hazing - but this is not even close to that. I've got news for all of you - this kind of thing happens ALL the time, all over this country, and most parents don't care because they did it themselves and understand that, in 99.9% of cases, it's totally harmless and serves a valuable social function of establishing heirarchy, creating shared experience with teammates, and is a symbolic ritual to make people feel like they belong to a social group, etc. Please, how many pro sports players can you see smacking each other in the ass in the middle of the game? You think they aren't snapping towels and playing pranks on each other?

Anyway, the fact that the admins can't see that and apparently don't want to see that makes me wonder if they're trying to make it into more than it actually is for their own (nefarious?) purposes, whatever they might be. The described reactions don't seem rational, they were obviously looking for an excuse to fire this coach. I'm curious whether the swim coach is involved in that land lawsuit somehow?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: STU ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:06PM

County/school just being "cautious" after the incident at Stuart last year. They handled that as equally assinine as this.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: NO ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:19PM

APorIBMom Wrote:
> 804, please don't assume that no teenager is
> capable of writing well. I have known some
> teenagers who were excellent writers.

APorIBMom, why did you choose to open with a double negative?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: SPlithead ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:22PM

> What would have happened if one of the boys split
> their head open?

No small pun intended.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: lolz ()
Date: December 12, 2010 10:29PM

One last question, do the LOLCats slide on the soapy floors, too? just wondering.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: uhhhhhh ()
Date: December 12, 2010 11:15PM

Wait... so the new coach is the oakton coach? how did that happen?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: KingofFly ()
Date: December 13, 2010 06:30AM

We have no idea, but apparently, we will be introduced to him later today. I will fill you all in on whether this meeting is actually "informational" later.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: 7224 ()
Date: December 13, 2010 11:06AM

Rumor has it that this is the person being hired. I say really??? While perhaps not convicted of the crime, nonetheless arrested. So they fire a coach with an outstanding reputation and hire one like this??

Marijuana Possession Charge
48 posts - 11 authors - Last post: Aug 5
Philip Caslavka, 22 (non-GMU student), of Centreville, VA was arrested for Possession of Marijuana after a traffic stop. (31/Stein) ...

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: abuse going on a long time ()
Date: December 13, 2010 12:35PM

When my 6th grader was dragged thru the ringer for "assault" punching a boy in the arm after he had kicked her repeatedly, the principal did what many parents would be horried over.

She asked one of the other perpetrators-remember we are talking about an 11 year old to write a statement about what happened. The girl wrote abut how the boy kicked her so she hit him and signed her name.

Well the principal didn't like that version so she:

1. ripped up the paper and pointed her finger in the kid's face and said "You write only what you did to him".

Principal still at school btw, and SB member Dan Storck knew about it and did NOTHING.

Parents, you need to wake the hell up. Stop sitting on the sidelines doing nothing about the abuse untill your kid is victimized by these people.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Waynewood? ()
Date: December 13, 2010 12:44PM

abuse going on a long time Wrote:
> When my 6th grader was dragged thru the ringer for
> "assault" punching a boy in the arm after he had
> kicked her repeatedly, the principal did what many
> parents would be horried over.
> She asked one of the other perpetrators-remember
> we are talking about an 11 year old to write a
> statement about what happened. The girl wrote
> abut how the boy kicked her so she hit him and
> signed her name.
> Well the principal didn't like that version so
> she:
> 1. ripped up the paper and pointed her finger in
> the kid's face and said "You write only what you
> did to him".
> Principal still at school btw, and SB member Dan
> Storck knew about it and did NOTHING.
> Parents, you need to wake the hell up. Stop
> sitting on the sidelines doing nothing about the
> abuse untill your kid is victimized by these
> people.

Was this at Waynewood Elementary? A few students there would hide lunch cards of other students, or USE the lunch card of another student to buy snacks.

Basically, stealing from other students, and getting away with it.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: SWIMGAL ()
Date: December 13, 2010 01:52PM

i swim for Robinson on the girls side. this really sucks for us because we did nothing and yet we are punished as well-having to sit through meetings of Meier yelling at parents and swimmers and ignoring comments and having our beloved coaches fired. and already the suspended student has been reinstated both to school and the team. one other thing that pisses me off is that people think we are "stealing" the Oakton coach...he asked to come to our team.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: Juxtaposition ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:00PM

well when I played football they used to blind fold freshmen and have them a sit up into someasshole ...i guess that's hazing. fucking where's my lawyer fucking i'm traumatized but in my opinion it's a queer as swim team so who'd forget? it's better jsut to take action just to say you did something ..however football kinda has candy ass on the flip side of the coin so it's expected

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2010 02:04PM by Juxtaposition.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: jimbo 5 ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:13PM

During the meeting with the parents Mr.Meier made several false accusations, including the fact that the boys had committed a type of hazing associated with "cream-pie".
Here is something to think about:
I know, for a fact, the word creampie was never used by any of the swimmers to describe what went on nor has it ever been used or tried to be reenacted. Therefore, Mr.Meier definitively made something up. Not to mention the particular thing he made up is very weird/disturbing. One might ask themselves exactly what web sites this guy is visiting. When a certain courageous student said "bullshit" because Mr.Meier was lying to every parents face, Mr.Meier kicked him out of the room and put him on indefinite suspension from the swim team.
Mr.Meier was also yelling during the meeting ( at the parents and students). I found it entirely rude that the principal of the biggest school in Virginia was yelling at a meeting that he called and most everyone came too. Personally, simply on a professional basis, I believe Mr.Meier should be fired.

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: kk ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:27PM

abuse going on a long time Wrote:
> When my 6th grader was dragged thru the ringer for
> "assault" punching a boy in the arm after he had
> kicked her repeatedly, the principal did what many
> parents would be horried over.
> She asked one of the other perpetrators-remember
> we are talking about an 11 year old to write a
> statement about what happened. The girl wrote
> abut how the boy kicked her so she hit him and
> signed her name.
> Well the principal didn't like that version so
> she:
> 1. ripped up the paper and pointed her finger in
> the kid's face and said "You write only what you
> did to him".
> Principal still at school btw, and SB member Dan
> Storck knew about it and did NOTHING.
> Parents, you need to wake the hell up. Stop
> sitting on the sidelines doing nothing about the
> abuse untill your kid is victimized by these
> people.
Isn't Dan Meier's brother the principal at Waynewood?

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: heynow ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:46PM

New Swim Coach Hire -is it just a coincidence that Philip Caslavka was Meiers old neighbor in Chantilly before he hit the Ponzi Scheme lottery and bought a 1.4 million dollar home in Clifton- just sayin - sometimes the good old boy network never stops

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Re: Robinson SS Swim Coach Fired and Student Suspended?
Posted by: akcita ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:55PM

The boys should answer for their behavior, but the Stalinist tactics of Mr. Meier are a seemingly normal occurrence at Robinson.

He has done this interrogation thing before, where he has a FFX County Cop scream and yell and intimidate an 8th grader, to try to get them to admit their preconceived version of events.

Hearing a guy who participated in bilking his own teachers out of millions lecture you on his "outrage" must be pretty hard to take.

How does Fairfax County Schools not fire this chump? Did Jack Dale help sell him his initial slice of Land in North Carolina?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2010 03:06PM by akcita.

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