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Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Oxyclean ()
Date: October 02, 2010 03:04PM

A buddy of mine was telling me about these two fools trying to sell spray cleaner door-to-door. It's a very old scam and the cleaner is probably nothing more than rebottled store-bought cleaner or some dilute form of HCl.

He said the people selling it are very pushy and tried to walk into his house without being invited first. Then they sprayed some of that shit onto the front steps (also without asking) and were like, "See how it cleans?"

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Sucker ()
Date: October 02, 2010 03:12PM

Oxyclean Wrote:
> A buddy of mine was telling me about these two
> fools trying to sell spray cleaner door-to-door.
> It's a very old scam and the cleaner is probably
> nothing more than rebottled store-bought cleaner
> or some dilute form of HCl.
> He said the people selling it are very pushy and
> tried to walk into his house without being invited
> first. Then they sprayed some of that shit onto
> the front steps (also without asking) and were
> like, "See how it cleans?"


I actually fell for it. They sell this really concentrated yellow stuff and

tell you that ,diluted, it will yield like the equivolent of 6 bottles of 409

or Fantastic. It's $40 !!

Yes, they are very pushy, and apparently very good sales people because I'm

usually a very hard sell.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Date: October 02, 2010 05:38PM

Yeah, one of those guys came to my door last year. I told him I wasn't interested and then he sprayed the shit on my door and I told him I was calling the police. He got real hostile and looked like he was going to start a fight. I shut the door in his face and did call the police. He didn't go to the next house but took off down the street in a big hurry.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: October 02, 2010 10:17PM

'Pumppers Trust' is the worst.


"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Evangelina Hudgins ()
Date: October 04, 2010 01:21PM

I'm so sick and tired of door-to-door salesman; I simply will not open my door to them. I used to hide from salesmen if I saw them coming - now I just let them see me. I consider it an invasion of privacy and a security risk, too.

If I were a bigger person (or a male), I'd probably answer the door and ask to see their Fairfax County Solicitor's License, which of course, they will not have.

It is illegal to go door-to-door without such a license.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: sid ()
Date: October 04, 2010 02:08PM

I dealt with these clowns too. They were insulting to me and a neighbor. I thought they might have been casing the area for places to rob because they sure weren't salesmen.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: 70chip ()
Date: October 04, 2010 02:32PM

All of them are criminal grifters and usually spend their stroll looking for places to burglarize.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: October 04, 2010 02:45PM

I say drag one of the fuckers in the front door, beat him, shove a bottle of that cleaner up his ass and tell him you're the neighborhood watch.....and if they're seen in your hood again that a draino douche is forthcoming.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Diet Dew ()
Date: October 05, 2010 12:32PM

Had a guy come to my house last night selling this crap. He said he was from New Orleans, and had a red baseball cap on. I politely declined and sent him on his way. He definitely was looking inside my house, though.

I wonder if they're connected to the string of burglaries in our area?

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Theyre Here Now ()
Date: October 05, 2010 01:35PM

They're in Sully Station (South Chantilly, North Centreville) right now at this moment. Think I might ask the local police to look into it (nonemergency call to local district substation and polite request to send a car over with description of the "sales" people and their large white ranchwagon).

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: October 05, 2010 01:48PM

Theyre Here Now Wrote:
> They're in Sully Station (South Chantilly, North
> Centreville) right now at this moment. Think I
> might ask the local police to look into it
> (nonemergency call to local district substation
> and polite request to send a car over with
> description of the "sales" people and their large
> white ranchwagon).

Do it. Especially if it's a no soliciting zone/neighborhood. The cops may not come out since they're probably too busy busting people for inspection stickers and other cash cow infractions.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Theyre Here Now ()
Date: October 05, 2010 02:01PM

Their behavior is somewhat unusual - I saw them get out at the end of the street (two guys, one female driver), then walk back half a dozen houses before approaching a house (I turned around to see what they were up to since they were not from the dead-end-street neighborhood - since they didn't appear to be doing anything interesting other than the weird drop-off I continued to my store visit). Then I came back from the store and they were gone, then I went out to get mail and saw the car drop off one of the guys to go to the house across the street. Then he got back into the car and they drove off down a side street. After thinking about it I got in MY car a few minutes later to see if I could get a better description for the police but it was too late to catch up to them - drat.

So they're NOT consecutively visiting every house on the block - almost a random picking of houses. BTW - the guy was carrying a one-gallon (or so) white plastic bottle (like a bleach bottle) when he visited the house across the street, thus I assume they are indeed selling "cleaner".

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: TurtleFg ()
Date: October 05, 2010 02:22PM

Well so they sell you a $40.00 cleaner maybe 10% of all the people they visit WILL buy so they make profit. Take a quick peep in your house and steal your shit at night...

What a profession. They should be shot to death with a Gatling BB-Gun... or just hang em by their hands and rip open their stomach with a skinning knife and put that trophy in your front lawn..

If I see any mother fuckers comin' in at night, be sure you will be looking down a Shotgun barrel.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: vehicle description? ()
Date: October 05, 2010 03:28PM

what were they driving?

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Theyre Here Now ()
Date: October 05, 2010 06:03PM

The three I saw were using a large white ranchwagon/SUV-type vehicle - pardon, didn't get brand, etc, but it was large and "boxy" looking - maybe older Ford or Chevy. The license plate was blue on top maybe fading downward to white (again, didn't pay TOTAL attention) so maybe Arkansas or North Carolina or South Carolina or something similar (not Virginia nor New York nor Michigan, for example) and the plate number was something like BC1B808 - but again, though I wrote the number down a minute or so after reading it, I wasn't paying TOTAL attention and that plate number could have an extra digit in there that didn't really exist (note that's Bee Cee One Bee Eight Zero Eight).

The female driving was quite young, fairly short brown hair, there was one taller guy with well-gooped-up blondish hair sticking straight up a couple inches and another shorter guy with a growing-in brown buzz cut. All white.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: October 08, 2010 01:47AM

The first thing I always do is ask for their sales license. The county has to provide them a license in order to go door-to-door like that.

If somebody just walked in my house like that too, then there'd be a major issue afterwards.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: October 08, 2010 02:03AM

Theyre Here Now Wrote:
> The three I saw were using a large white
> ranchwagon/SUV-type vehicle - pardon, didn't get
> brand, etc, but it was large and "boxy" looking -
> maybe older Ford or Chevy. The license plate was
> blue on top maybe fading downward to white (again,
> didn't pay TOTAL attention) so maybe Arkansas or
> North Carolina or South Carolina or something
> similar (not Virginia nor New York nor Michigan,
> for example) and the plate number was something
> like BC1B808 - but again, though I wrote the
> number down a minute or so after reading it, I
> wasn't paying TOTAL attention and that plate
> number could have an extra digit in there that
> didn't really exist (note that's Bee Cee One Bee
> Eight Zero Eight).
> The female driving was quite young, fairly short
> brown hair, there was one taller guy with
> well-gooped-up blondish hair sticking straight up
> a couple inches and another shorter guy with a
> growing-in brown buzz cut. All white.

It sounds like a Connecticut plate. Does this resemble it?

If it was this plate:

I know for a fact that most of them begin with a "B" or "C".

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/08/2010 02:05AM by ThePackLeader.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: R6 ()
Date: October 08, 2010 02:46AM

I have 3 big dogs, I don't think they will come to my door.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: crankytodler ()
Date: October 09, 2010 12:05PM

i hate those guys last time one of them walked in my house he left when my buddy racked my shotgun in the other room

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: va898 ()
Date: July 09, 2015 03:01PM

I had this exact company, or at least exact tactics, come to my house last summer. Very aggressive and creepy in the 2 mins I gave him of my time, and when I told him no he looked downright scary. Also immediately asked if I was married, probably casing the place for a robbery. I should have called the cops. Anyone have them in their neighborhood recently?

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: MR MAN ()
Date: July 09, 2015 07:20PM

some dirty looking street kid tried this while i was living in east san diego in 2003. a spray bottle with no label and dirty towel, he asked to come inside.i know a scam or a case job when i see one, i told the guy to fuck off. he looked mad. my loser friend was like "why did you do that"..give him a chance.he was also robbed by two nogs a few months earlier.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Skeptical ()
Date: May 13, 2017 07:46PM

A petite black female probably early to late 20's came to my door this morning in civilian clothes and without an identifying nametag or logo. I didn't notice she was pregnant until she gestured at her belly and stated that she was "with the youth group. They are helping me pay for my schooling so I won't be in debt". Proceeded to try to sell me a bottle of some cleaner, then handed me a brochure which did not list any ingredients to the product, and had an address in Las Vegas. It looked like the only brochure in her bag. When I told her I wasn't interested as I'm moving in a few weeks and have no use for the product, she proceeded to spray some on the headlight of my car to demonstrate the product's efficacy - was about as effective as water and smelled strongly of chemicals. She kept pushing the product, stating that she accepts all forms of payment, but really prefers cash. When I again refused she asked for a donation "even change, nickles, anything". I asked if I could take the brochure so I can contact them, place an order online, or give it to the new tenants of the house and she said I could only have the brochure if I made a purchase immediately through her. I asked when she would come by again and she said they only come around once a year. In retrospect, I now remember her being oddly positioned at the door when I answered, not on the porch and off to the side which gave her a full view into my home when I opened the door. During the entire encounter she was looking behind me into my living room and her eyes continued to dart about during the conversation. Although she was not aggressive and I didn't give her any money or personal information, there were too many red flags about this encounter. First, why would a youth group help her pay for school by making her sell cleaning product door-to-door? Especially while she is pregnant? Why was she not wearing a uniform or had any identifying information for the company she was representing? Why was the company based out of Las Vegas? If she's going for sales, why was she so unwilling to leave a brochure or any contact information? Why was she carrying only one brochure? I'm quite sure this was a scam - black female who is pregnant and looking to make some quick cash. All the while she is scoping out homes that may be worth burglarizing, especially now that it's getting warmer and people go on vacation/are out of the home for extended periods of time during the day. I'm not answering the door anymore, and am going to snap a picture of anyone who comes to my door that I'm not familiar with.

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Re: Douche bags selling cleaner
Posted by: Roor ()
Date: May 13, 2017 10:43PM

Its fukd up how it's run. They go to these poor ass North Carolina/ Georgia type black towns and promise these guys tons of money. They hole them up in a motel and then drive these big ass vans from neighborhood to neighborhood. The fukd up part is that the owner is some BS religious type and makes all the money. The shot they sell IS NOT the same stuff they use to polish the brass plate on your door etc. in pg county, one of these cleaner crews talked his way into a house and raped a high school girl. As a result, you have to be fingerprinted/background check TO DO DOOR2door sales. This was in 2012 I think

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