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Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Help is needed- BADLY ()
Date: August 26, 2010 03:45PM

I have poison ivy and oak growing in my backyard. It's mixed in with English Ivy and grows up the trees and along the fence. I need a safe way to remove the poison ivy and oak because I have two small dogs that are carrying it into my house and then give it me to get it. Has anyone used a poison ivy/oak removal company that they could recommend? I live in a 1/3 acre lot so there's no way I go trampling in all that stuff trying to get it all up with a can of Roundup- I want contractors or someone. Please reply if you have any recommendations or other ideas to rid myself of this stuff. Thanks!

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: vgnlinfxn ()
Date: August 26, 2010 03:51PM

Kill it with fire.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: August 26, 2010 03:54PM

http://loudoun-fairfax.weedmanusa.com • 703-777-7795
Covering the Loudoun and Fairfax counties

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Itchy ()
Date: August 26, 2010 05:37PM

Whatever you do don't burn it; it can get in your lungs and eyes. Not good. Before you spend a fortune on professional removal, I would suggest that you buy the roundup and pay someone like me or a day laborer to spray and/or pull it up for you. I personally like to work and I need the money.

A couple of tips for those who are allergic to poison oak/ivy:

You have approximatley 3 hours after exposure to wash it off of you with soap and water to avoid breaking out. There are OTC medicated soaps like Tecnu that claim to be able to remove the resin and oils up to 24 hours after exposure. If not washed off poison ivy/oak/sumac can take up to 3 days after exposure for a rash to appear. Contaminated clothing can retain the oils and resin for 7 years.

Unless you are extremely allergic you can actually build up a tolerance to it. I got it bad as a kid, but I'm in it frequently and haven't had it in many years.

Get a quote from the professionals, let me know what they cover eg. warranty etc. and I'll be glad to give a similar service for a much more reasonable price.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Oxyclean ()
Date: August 26, 2010 05:41PM

1/3 of an acre is too big for you to walk around? Dude. It's not that much property.

Go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy some brush killer. Get the large spray container (one you have to pump up or that has a squeeze sprayer). Buy some cheap gloves (you'll be throwing them away).

Put on some pants and a long sleeve shirt. Pull your socks up as far as they will go.

Walk outside, spray the ivy very thoroughly. It will start dying in a matter of hours.

In a few weeks, do it again to catch any that you missed.


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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Maclay ()
Date: August 26, 2010 07:25PM

Ortho Brush-b-gone works great on the stuff. Neighbor had poison oak running wild in their backyard... sprayed that on it and have not had a repeat and that was 4 years ao.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Whobe ()
Date: August 26, 2010 08:50PM

There is no poison Oak in this area and you'd hit the lottery before you'd find poison sumac.

Just spray it and then spray it again in a couple weeks.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: August 26, 2010 09:01PM

Go buy a gallon or two of Ortho's Groundclear concentrate, which is basically a total "fuck you" to all vegetation. Also buy an Ortho "Dial and Spray" nozzle. Then put on some boots and soak that ivy. All of it.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Maclay ()
Date: August 26, 2010 09:05PM

Poison oak does indeed grow is this area, it is more shrub like than the vines of poison ivy

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 26, 2010 09:19PM

Why do you need a company? We do all that sort of stuff by ourselves. You can spray it, but the best way to kill it if it's becoming a tree vine, is to take the hedge clippers outside and chop it up. Then, pull it up by the roots with gloves on, and toss it in a garbage bag. Wednesdays are yard debris trach pick-up days.

You only need to eliminate it's attachment to the ground, and it will die.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 26, 2010 09:20PM

Whobe Wrote:
> There is no poison Oak in this area and you'd hit
> the lottery before you'd find poison sumac.
> Just spray it and then spray it again in a couple
> weeks.

HA, how little you know.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: August 27, 2010 09:11AM

Itchy Wrote:
> Whatever you do don't burn it; it can get in your
> lungs and eyes. Not good. Before you spend a
> fortune on professional removal, I would suggest
> that you buy the roundup and pay someone like me
> or a day laborer to spray and/or pull it up for
> you. I personally like to work and I need the
> money.
> A couple of tips for those who are allergic to
> poison oak/ivy:
> You have approximatley 3 hours after exposure to
> wash it off of you with soap and water to avoid
> breaking out. There are OTC medicated soaps like
> Tecnu that claim to be able to remove the resin
> and oils up to 24 hours after exposure. If not
> washed off poison ivy/oak/sumac can take up to 3
> days after exposure for a rash to appear.
> Contaminated clothing can retain the oils and
> resin for 7 years.
> Unless you are extremely allergic you can actually
> build up a tolerance to it. I got it bad as a
> kid, but I'm in it frequently and haven't had it
> in many years.
> Get a quote from the professionals, let me know
> what they cover eg. warranty etc. and I'll be glad
> to give a similar service for a much more
> reasonable price.

Do you bring Scratchy with you? Can you not fight long enough to get the job done?

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: herndon or bust ()
Date: August 27, 2010 10:43AM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> Why do you need a company? We do all that sort of
> stuff by ourselves. You can spray it, but the best
> way to kill it if it's becoming a tree vine, is to
> take the hedge clippers outside and chop it up.
> Then, pull it up by the roots with gloves on, and
> toss it in a garbage bag. Wednesdays are yard
> debris trach pick-up days.
> You only need to eliminate it's attachment to the
> ground, and it will die.

This is exactly why we need to allow millions of illegals to stay here, poison ivy removal .Because we are too lazy to do simple chores such as yard work for ourselves.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Rambunctious ()
Date: August 27, 2010 11:00AM

Itchy Wrote:
> Get a quote from the professionals, let me know
> what they cover eg. warranty etc. and I'll be glad
> to give a similar service for a much more
> reasonable price.

You know if you were registered, interested people could send you a PM ...

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: August 27, 2010 11:36AM

Oxyclean Wrote:
> 1/3 of an acre is too big for you to walk around?

I was thinking the same thing. That's nothing.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: August 27, 2010 02:39PM

Rambunctious Wrote:
>You know if you were registered, interested people could send you a PM ...

Rambunctious, thanks for the advise. I'll be registering.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: August 27, 2010 02:43PM

okay I'm registered

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Jai Park ()
Date: September 27, 2013 02:34PM

Don't use Weed Man. They do not know how to control. They just pull that is visible and not doing thourough work. They told me that they will work for 1 hour for $150 but stayed way less. After a month later, I found whole bunch of weed grew back and they refuse to correct it and told me that they do not service weed any longer. Bad Business and customer service.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Scaredycat ()
Date: May 15, 2015 10:01AM

I would like to get rid of poison ivy in my yard. Anyone know of anyone who is willing to pull it up and spray for me. I am highly allergic. I live in centreville va. Thanks

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Scaredycat ()
Date: May 15, 2015 10:04AM

Do you still do poison ivy control. I would be interested in hiring you at the right price. I am highly allergic. Let me know.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Scaredycat ()
Date: May 15, 2015 10:05AM

I am interested in hiring someone to help me with poison ivy control. Are you interested. Let me know

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: mjs82 ()
Date: May 15, 2015 01:48PM

round up.... sprayit now and several times if it flushed out new growth. Come winter time then dig and remove, that way you wont have ot worry about any latent oils in the plant/roots

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Scaredycat ()
Date: May 15, 2015 03:15PM

Thanks. My poison ivy vine is coming up through my azalea bushes. If I spray round up won't it kill the azalea bushes too

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Agent Orange ()
Date: May 15, 2015 03:31PM

Scaredycat Wrote:
> Thanks. My poison ivy vine is coming up through my
> azalea bushes. If I spray round up won't it kill
> the azalea bushes too

Likely so if you just start spraying everywhere. If you can shield the bushes carefully someway and do it sparingly only on the poison ivy when it will dry there, then probably not. Might try a using brush. Doable if it's just a little. If it's everywhere, then good luck.

If it is just a little and you want to try it, then don't pull it out before spraying. The herbicide will be transported through the leaves to the rest of the plant better than if you pull it out first and then try to spray the root. After it's dead you still need to be careful about touching it since the oils still will be there.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Goats R Us ()
Date: May 15, 2015 06:19PM

Get a goat rental service to come to your property. They use rental goats on Ft Belvoir to clear unwanted brush. Goats love poison ivy, and it won't hurt them.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: mjs82 ()
Date: May 16, 2015 08:02AM

if the ivy is alreay entangled with a shrub, you might has well consider that shrub a loss.

Azaleas are very suceptile to drift/mist from roundup (glyphosate)

but as agent mentioned. you need need to spray the chemicals on the leaves of the ivy for it to be effictive. don't bother spraying R/U on branches or roots, it won't do anything

if you are really worried about the azalea. put on some rubber gloves and mix up some roundup in a bucket and get get a sponge. sponge on the the roundup onto each ivy leaf

Another option would to use a tool like this... you could probably find them at your grocery store..


and put the roundup mixture in the applicator and sponge away.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: 571-438-3017 do not use ()
Date: May 16, 2015 10:41AM

571-438-3017 is Ron's Lawns, he's a complete scammer. Takes the money and runs.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Goat Dynasty ()
Date: May 16, 2015 11:07AM

We can do this, call Gerrytard2 and he will bring over his harem, I mean goats.

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Re: Poison Ivy/Oak removal services?
Posted by: Capt. Rubber Underpants ()
Date: May 16, 2015 11:59AM

Call in for a air strike and have your property snake and naped. No more poison ivy, no more bushes to worry about, no more house, no more pesky neighbors. Just say fuck it all and be done with it.

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