Itchy Wrote:
> Whatever you do don't burn it; it can get in your
> lungs and eyes. Not good. Before you spend a
> fortune on professional removal, I would suggest
> that you buy the roundup and pay someone like me
> or a day laborer to spray and/or pull it up for
> you. I personally like to work and I need the
> money.
> A couple of tips for those who are allergic to
> poison oak/ivy:
> You have approximatley 3 hours after exposure to
> wash it off of you with soap and water to avoid
> breaking out. There are OTC medicated soaps like
> Tecnu that claim to be able to remove the resin
> and oils up to 24 hours after exposure. If not
> washed off poison ivy/oak/sumac can take up to 3
> days after exposure for a rash to appear.
> Contaminated clothing can retain the oils and
> resin for 7 years.
> Unless you are extremely allergic you can actually
> build up a tolerance to it. I got it bad as a
> kid, but I'm in it frequently and haven't had it
> in many years.
> Get a quote from the professionals, let me know
> what they cover eg. warranty etc. and I'll be glad
> to give a similar service for a much more
> reasonable price.
Do you bring Scratchy with you? Can you not fight long enough to get the job done?