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Old Jack
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 29, 2005 02:18PM

I swear I saw this guy at the 7-11 on Jermantown Rd. across from Kmart today. He looks the exact same as the first time I met him 20 years ago when I was in kindergarten.

He used to run (and hopefully still does) the platarium at Oakton High School. All the kids thought he was a hoot when we were in elementary school, and as highschoolers we loved him even more because of our growing appreciation of aging hippies.

Can anyone confirm that he's still at Oakton? Anyone seen him around?

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: July 29, 2005 03:41PM

Wow. There's someone I haven't thought about in years. Everyone from my class remembers him.

I'm pretty sure I went to that planetarium at least once a year from kindergarten until 8th grade.

At the end of his presentations he would always do a sort of light show with lasers set to the latest disney song. Always proved to be a fun experience.
Oh and he had that huge T-Rex head replica that was covered in Christmas lights!

I think he actually lives in my neighborhood (Brookfield). I saw him 3 or 4 years ago driving down my street. I believe he had a red dodge ram (older model) with the license plate "Ol Jack"

Definitely a local legend.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: July 29, 2005 05:10PM

when I was in grade 9 he would do the star thing to "come sail away" by Styx, it sounded pretty fucking good in that room.. plane-ariums are born for sound.

Jack was once accused of smoking up with some kids on school property. Not sure what happened but he kept his job. I'm pretty sure the charges were a joke.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: July 29, 2005 08:05PM

rstidman Wrote:
> plane-ariums are born for sound.

i considered making that south park reference. very nice.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: DrFunkenstien ()
Date: August 03, 2005 12:54PM

LoL...He was jammin out to some "Fleetwood Mac"...did everyone in FFX County have to sit through the show?

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:20PM

when I was a youth I did mine at Herndon high, much more boring.

But then I went to Oakton... and got the Old Jack treatment. I thought he was kind of a dope but he was very cool and respectful to the kids so it doesn't matter.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: taylorealex ()
Date: August 03, 2005 01:39PM

I just graduated from oakton and he was my geosystems / "observation skills" teacher. He is like 65 now and this was his last year he is retiring from fcps. He was awesome...we got to see the stars while he played the dark side of the moon...great guy...and ya that was probably him and im sure he was in there buying dough nuts lol

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: August 09, 2005 04:31PM

He sure does live in Brookfield, down near the foodlion staples side, by the woods.
and i believe its "Ol' Jack" not "Old Jack" although it has been a looong time since ive seen him. PS his light shows were always great.

Wow, this thread brings back old memories.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: SomeGuy ()
Date: August 09, 2005 04:39PM

wow.. all I can say. wow.. Havn't though of Ol' Jack in years.

I remember going to the planetarium ever since elementary school, though my 4 years at Oakton. He was a great guy.

Every show I ever say was done to Pink Floyd.. how calm and peaceful it all was when he faded the lights out to complete darkness with the crickets were playing.... man... this thread definitely brings back old memories.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Student ()
Date: August 12, 2005 05:55PM

I think either he retired at the end of this past school year, or he is retiring at the end of the coming one....Too bad I'll never get to have him, i heard he is kinda worthless and doesn't give a shit about anything outside that room. *SWEET*

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Chicho ()
Date: August 18, 2005 01:34PM

Yeah he's still there, as of 04-05. I think he's still there, I'll see in a few weeks ...

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: skeb ()
Date: August 25, 2005 05:50PM

I had Ol Jack for Earth Science when he taught at Annandale High in the early 80"s. I then had the pleasure of working with him when I was a temp school secretary at Oakton HS in 1983. I loved having him as a teacher! He put slide shows to music (Lennon, Rush, Pink Floyd). I think, at the time, he lived in DC. Everyone thought he was great. Glad to hear he's still rolling around. I imagine he still looks the same....although with his particular "look" he looked pretty ragged even 25 years ago!

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: August 26, 2005 10:44AM

he looked EXACTLY like he always did. that's why i wasn't entirely sure it was him. I guess the ragged look hides your age.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Anonymous Informer ()
Date: August 26, 2005 03:58PM

When I was in Elementary School at Lees Corner, Old Jack did a lecture for our entire grade in the auditorium. He lost it after being heckled and the people just generally not shutting up and called us all "mental midgets" . He flipped out and proceeded to tell us all that if "You were Ol' Jacks kids, Ol' Jack would beat you". The lecture was stopped immediately. Two weeks later, Ol jack had to come back and apologize to the entire grade.

He is the best teacher ever

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: desi ()
Date: August 26, 2005 07:39PM

he was the best teacher in the world...i miss him so!

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: HHS ()
Date: June 24, 2006 07:08AM

hahahah. what a great guy. the fieldtrips to his planetarium were such a relief from the drone of every day class. someone should make one of those wiki things for him.

good memories

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Memory Lane (not greenbriar) ()
Date: January 10, 2011 06:19PM

Wow, I knew there was a reason to read page #117 on this forum. This guy was a staple of my childhood and provided one of the most anticipated events of the schoolyear. Does he still run the planetarium? What school was the planetarium even at? I was too young to remember which school they bussed us to.

Thanks all! Huge throwback!

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: OHS 04 ()
Date: November 04, 2011 04:00PM

@ Memory Lane (not greenbriar)

Ol' Jack is a huge part of my childhood too. I had him for geosystems my senior year at OHS! It was awesome. He is now retired, and, as far as I know, loving it.

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Hollywood ()
Date: November 05, 2011 08:34AM

I remember "Old Jack" back when I went to Oakton in the 80's. That place was awesome!

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Re: Old Jack
Posted by: Student ()
Date: August 06, 2013 07:33PM

Sorry to report everyone but Ol' Jack passed away. His daughter created a facebook group dedicated to him https://www.facebook.com/oljacksplanetarium. I went to Oakton High School after he retired but I took astronomy and in the back of the planetarium room the painting of Ol' Jack as the sun was still there. I saw him at the planetarium multiple times when I was in Elementary School. His presentations are memories I will have forever. Thanks Ol' Jack.

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