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So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: beanie hat ()
Date: April 04, 2010 05:26PM

I mean the explanation of "it's an alternative school" doesn't do much for me... a friend of mine mentioned a kid he knows who plans on going there next year... if it's not just for expelled people, than who's it for? Who goes there?

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: General Lee ()
Date: April 04, 2010 05:29PM

Wiki says:

Alternative school is the name used in some parts of the world (in particular the United States) to describe an institution which provides part of alternative education. It is an educational establishment with a curriculum and methods that are nontraditional.[1] These schools have a special curriculum offering a more flexible program of study than a traditional school.

A wide range of philosophies and teaching methods are offered by alternative schools; some have strong political, scholarly, or philosophical orientations, while others are more ad-hoc assemblies of teachers and students dissatisfied with some aspect of mainstream or traditional education.

In 1970, there were only a few alternative schools in operation in the United States.[6] They originated to serve a growing population of students who were not experiencing success in the traditional schools. Today there are thousands, and the number continues to grow.[7] The term "alternative" is now used to describe nearly every type of school imaginable, but many share certain distinguishing characteristics:

Small size
Close student-teacher relationship
Student decision-making
Diverse curriculum
Peer guidance & Parental involvement

This type of school is intended to accommodate students who are considered at risk of failing academically (These students are referred as at-risk students), for one or more of any several reasons such as challenging behavior; or a school with special remedial programs for students with emotional disabilities.[8] Alternative school is closely associated to a special school however it allows more flexibility.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: beanie hat ()
Date: April 04, 2010 05:31PM

I read wikipedia but I still don't get it.
Who are these people?
Also where is it lockated because I've never seen it?

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: JackdUpFord ()
Date: April 04, 2010 05:37PM

Alright, Mountainview has a lot of purposes...

If you get in big trouble with FCPS (or what they define as big trouble, they take things too far sometimes) then they usually send you to mountainview when in highschool.

If you are an adult looking to complete your highschool education, you do it at mountainview.

If you just suck at life, you go to mountainview

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Judge Judy ()
Date: April 04, 2010 06:25PM

Basically it is a school for juvenile delinquents that get expelled from their base school. A # of the students are on supervised probation out of Fairfax J&DR Court. It is a good school however if you want your child associating w/thugs and weed.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Weeds ()
Date: April 04, 2010 06:31PM

A great school to learn the heroin trade and crystal meth cooking.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: zerxesva ()
Date: April 04, 2010 06:44PM

mountain view is a place where kids can have a second chance and excell in something other then skipping school or doing drugs....even though thats exactly what happens when u get there. All i've heard is that its easy to pass and its very easy to fail becuz of the temptations of skippin or druggin or whatever your into.mountain view is a tite skoo though...don't talk crap bout mountain view....ps pregnet hoes go there 2..holla

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: is it that hard to look it up? ()
Date: April 04, 2010 07:42PM

beanie hat Wrote:
> I read wikipedia but I still don't get it.
> Who are these people?
> Also where is it lockated because I've never seen
> it?

It's on Braddock Rd near the intersection of Pickwick

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Dirty Jersey ()
Date: April 04, 2010 07:59PM

A friend of mine who lit a trash can on fire in one of the hallways of our high school got sent there, your welcome

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: zerxesva ()
Date: April 05, 2010 11:46AM

yeah...its a good school though..

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: apple ()
Date: April 05, 2010 12:15PM

Mountain View isn’t alternative school its not for expelled students its for older teens and young adults who want to graduate but have a hard time. There is off campus lunch, no homework, and you can smoke cigarettes there.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Munkey ()
Date: April 05, 2010 02:42PM

The School is right across braddock road in centreville right across the street from the actual Centreville High School. (Around that area)

I actually graduated there after getting kicked out for truancy from my base highschool. Ill admit there are some kids there that have some issues, but apart from that, they don't bother you if you don't bother them. This school is amazing if you actually want to get an education and can't get one at your base highschool. All the teachers there treat you like family. Trust me, if this is your school your attending soon, you will soon learn the difference between getting an education here and your base school. Difference for the better. You get more attention when it comes to school work. Don't skip and just have fun.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: burke center ()
Date: April 05, 2010 07:18PM

Mountain View is for sissies and knocked up girls.

FCPS's "supermax" is at the corner of Burke Lake Rd and Lee Chapel. We da bad mofos.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: please ()
Date: April 06, 2010 01:47AM

Mountain View is a great option for senior year. Anyone who doesn't want to do a full senior year should go there. The biggest advantage is that you only have to take government class and English to fulfill your high school diploma requirements. Usually students take both classes in only one semester. So basically seniors graduate in january as opposed to may.

Ture, lunch is off campus-
Ture, you can smoke cigs outside the school if you want to-
Bonus, there are coffee machines in every classroom-
True, there is no homework-
True, school is generally very easy-
True, the teachers are more interested in you graduating than being attendant-


Not every student at Mountain View has been expelled from other high schools, and please, not everyone who has been expelled from high school is a menace to society.

Mountain View whaaassuup!


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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Superman 4 ()
Date: April 06, 2010 02:44AM


BUT, is Moutainview the school that had a designated area inside of the school for kids to smoke cigarettes?

Is this true? I know this is not the case today, but maybe 15-20 years ago.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Shadow ()
Date: April 06, 2010 07:54AM

please Wrote:
> Mountain View is a great option for senior year.
> Anyone who doesn't want to do a full senior year
> should go there. The biggest advantage is that you
> only have to take government class and English to
> fulfill your high school diploma requirements.
> Usually students take both classes in only one
> semester. So basically seniors graduate in january
> as opposed to may.

You can do that in any high school. It's discouraged, but you can do it. They can't make you take unnecessary courses.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: student ()
Date: April 06, 2010 08:14AM

I am at Mountain View since I got thrown out of my base school. The classes are really easy. Much easier then at a regular high school and they count just the same. That was the great part. No homework. Teachers let you go at your own pace. As long as you show up most days and pay attention, you are considered an honor student and get all sorts of awards. Something that NEVER would have happened to me in my base school.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: seeker ()
Date: April 06, 2010 10:28AM

well it's a fun building to climb

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Munkey ()
Date: April 06, 2010 11:30AM

They treat you like you would want to at a school. Can't wait for my 10 year reunion with my class, would love to give props to my old teachers!

More down to earth than anyone you would meet at any other FCPS school.

Yes, you can still smoke cigarettes next to the baseball field where the outdoor bulletin board is. However, I am curious as to know what is happening with Mountain View's most recent neighbor, Eleven Oaks... Those white trailers are supposed to be for that branch but when I graduated they just started to bring kids there. I know Eleven Oaks aren't allowed to talk with Mountain View students but I am really wondering what that place is now turning into...

Regardless, the counselors there outstanding!

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: FCPS is a joke ()
Date: April 06, 2010 01:54PM

They really should give diplomas away, like participation trophies. Thanks for coming out. No wonder the Chineses, and indians kick our ass in theeconomy!

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: lumberjacking ()
Date: April 06, 2010 03:37PM

student Wrote:
> I am at Mountain View since I got thrown out of my
> base school. The classes are really easy. Much
> easier then at a regular high school and they
> count just the same. That was the great part. No
> homework. Teachers let you go at your own pace.
> As long as you show up most days and pay
> attention, you are considered an honor student and
> get all sorts of awards. Something that NEVER
> would have happened to me in my base school.

yeah, because their standards are so frigging low. Not exactly tough to be the best student at a school populated by criminums, pregnant girls and stoners.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: lumberjacking ()
Date: April 06, 2010 03:38PM

and does anyone know if it's possible to even attend college if you graduate from Mountain View? Has anyone done it? And by college I don't mean NOVA

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: please ()
Date: April 06, 2010 08:42PM

I am the same poster as "please" from above. As a mountain view graduate I had no problem getting into college. I am currently a student at NYU. Colleges seem to not even understand what mountain view is- so . . . all the better for the students. FYI, I had high grades in high school, unlike many mountain view students, and I couldn't say mountain view prepared me for NYU (haha) but, just the same, in my experience it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: lumberjacking ()
Date: April 06, 2010 08:45PM

Wow, really? well, goes to show you.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: student ()
Date: April 07, 2010 08:06AM

Please, you are full of it that you are at NYU. What did you do to get into Mountain View? How long did you stay there? The classes are soooooo easy. No AP's or anything.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: k14nk ()
Date: April 07, 2010 12:43PM

I'm currently a student at mountain view, Im actualy sitting in government class right now, and this thread is complete bullshit. This school saved my life from bullshit from westfield and yes i can smoke a fucking ciggarette here instead of sneaking off and then getting exspelled from a base school. This school is the fucking shit and the motto is "Family, Love, Respect." how can you go wrong with that?!

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: welps ()
Date: April 07, 2010 02:49PM

I'd rather my school had the motto, "Succeed, Succeed, Succeed," but whatever floats your boat.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: jjj ()
Date: April 07, 2010 03:47PM

thats a really stupid motto man
its just the same word 3 times

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: DA GRAVE NIGGER ()
Date: April 08, 2010 10:33AM

EVERYBODY knows minority retards cant succed in school, especcially niggers that have to go to an "alteritive school"

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: More Complete ()
Date: April 08, 2010 01:19PM

burke center Wrote:
> Mountain View is for sissies and knocked up girls.
> FCPS's "supermax" is at the corner of Burke Lake
> Rd and Lee Chapel. We da bad mofos.

Burke School!

I thought that was a place for retarded or "special ed" kids now?

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: student ()
Date: April 08, 2010 06:56PM

k14nk Wrote:
> I'm currently a student at mountain view, Im
> actualy sitting in government class right now, and
> this thread is complete bullshit.

If you are sitting in class right now and on this thread.... HOW ARE YOU LEARNING ANYTHING????? And why is your wonderful teacher and school letting you do this crap during class time????

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: j herrity ()
Date: April 08, 2010 08:44PM

Because its make believe school with a make believe diploma

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: student ()
Date: April 09, 2010 08:07AM

j herrity Wrote:
> Because its make believe school with a make
> believe diploma

Ain't that the truth!! Where is NYU guy?? I'm still waiting for his answer on what he did to get placed at Mountain View and what courses he took to get into NYU.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Dad ()
Date: April 09, 2010 01:00PM

umm..mt.view is a great school! you do learn to cook crack and meth..at the same time recieve your HS diploma. I bet with a "pussy" attitude of yours, you'll indeed get knocked up!!

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: zerxesva ()
Date: April 19, 2010 11:41PM

yeah mt view is a great school...all i got to say is its easy to fail and easy to pass.....outty

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: please ()
Date: April 20, 2010 02:15AM

"Ain't that the truth!! Where is NYU guy?? I'm still waiting for his answer on what he did to get placed at Mountain View and what courses he took to get into NYU."

I took a few AP courses at my home school, did well on the SATs, and kept up an ok (B, B+) average. Obviously I didn't take any APs at Mountain View, and yes the classes were easy and I got A's- those boosted the gpa, Eventually I applied and got into NYU.

Granted, I took a couple NOVA courses in the spring semester after graduating in January- got into college the following fall semester.


"If you are sitting in class right now and on this thread.... HOW ARE YOU LEARNING ANYTHING????? And why is your wonderful teacher and school letting you do this crap during class time????"

Oh whatever, if you've ever been to college you'll learn to surf the internet during class-


"on what he did to get placed at Mountain View"

Guess what? Going to Mountain View is a choice. Even if you are coerced to go there or get expelled- you can still get a GED in a year or so, its not really that bad an option.

Granted, I didn't go to school that much during high school.

Damn going to school sucks! (in all reality I was stoned much of the time)
I was not expelled or suspended. My guidance counselor suggested I go since I didn't like to go to class that much haha- Anyway I did, and I highly suggest it to like minded people-

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: grabdagamebydanutzz ()
Date: April 20, 2010 07:21AM

dude i remember also when i went there, there was a gay teacher who had a sex change and alot of the student body and staff new about...it was so wierd...she came as a man one yr and totally flipped it the next.....she actually was my teacher and fuckin failed me....can you believe that./....but he/she was a good person.....outty

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Gholsa ()
Date: April 20, 2010 07:55AM

I'll bet there are no Indian or Asian kids at this second-chance school.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Jeogdf ()
Date: April 20, 2010 10:23AM

No, most asian and indian kids would probably get beat by their parents before they even considered going to that school for whatever reason they got kicked out for.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: meatpati ()
Date: April 20, 2010 10:42AM

Mountain view is for people that have a hard time in school, its more laid back...plus half u critics are on at like 9AM on a tuesday go to work or school yourself.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: nmm ()
Date: April 20, 2010 11:00AM

Too bad life isnt like that, nothing like setting kids up for failure later

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Anonymous Poster ()
Date: April 21, 2010 12:50PM

honestly, people do the strangest things. forming a thread to QQ about a school you know almost nothing about.

yes, a small amount of student have children at home. these people are usually 18+ and can have children if they want to, it's none of your goddamn business.

yes, a moderate amount of people mess about with drugs, and you really wouldn't know it if you met them. when they're off the drugs they're completely normal sensible people.

there are non-english speaking students, people a few years above high school age that need a high school education, and people like myself, who transferred here to improve their GPA (grade point average) through sheer hard work. i didnt complete 13 chapters of geometry with 100% scores on just about every test, without fully understanding the material.

this school is not a cakewalk. it's a relaxed environment in which i've been able to excel, because it's not the cookie cutter joke that you'll find in the majority of base schools. there arent 40 kids to a teacher. there are something near 7-10 per period per classroom.

if you don't believe and/or understand what i'm saying, take the time to research this yourself.

find out for yourself, and form an opinion of your own about it.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: please ()
Date: April 22, 2010 01:48AM

"Anonymous Poster"

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: mysonisatMV ()
Date: April 22, 2010 08:07AM

My son attends mountain view. He is there because he got in trouble at his base school, hearing process, explusion. I've personally met with the principal, counselor and a few of his teachers. The administration and staff are very nice, but they admit to "letting some things go" at MV since it is an alternative learning environment. My son works at his own pace and was actually allowed to redo assignments originally done at his base school and they recalculated some of his grades. The work is very easy and he never has homework. His teachers say they do not give homework because most of the students do not want to be at school anyway and no homework keeps them coming back. While the environment is warm and welcoming, there is not much learning going on there unless the student pushes it. And even then, there is nothing but general core courses to pursue. The teachers don't push and don't expect anything but the minimum. They just want the kids to keep coming to school, so they can "graduate" and be considered "success stories". I know my son screwed up and is now paying the price. I just hope he learned his lesson.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: you gotta b kidding ()
Date: April 22, 2010 01:18PM

So if I read this right, he is learning that is you get in trouble, everything will work out ok, in fact even better since you can get the same diploma as everyone else but without nearly the effort. I think that is the main lesson he learned, Hopefully the other 100,000 students dont find out about this. Isnt this a great country.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Anonymous Poster ()
Date: April 22, 2010 01:18PM

back again,

@ mysonisatMV:

i'm not sure it's accurate to say that all MVHS work is easy, more or less that your son's overall opinion of the classes he's taken so far seemed easy for him.
not to mention that he's probably understanding the material being taught more so than previously, and doing the work comes easily.

in my case, the only challenge of high school was to keep up with the constant flow of homework coming from alternating classes. a no-homework policy just means that you'll get all your learning done at school, with a teacher.

in my opinion, this is a good method of teaching. sadly it's not something simple to incorporate into schools with a higher population.

break's over, gotta get to class.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: zerxesva ()
Date: April 28, 2010 02:12AM

i luv mt view

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: April 28, 2010 02:19AM

Mountain View is not only for kids who've had some problems in "Mainstream" Middle/High School, but it's also for those who've had to take time off from HS (And subsequently missed an opportunity to graduate). I knew a kid who went there who was extremely bright, and a real quick learner. He simply attended Mt. View because he came straight from Sudan as a refugee, and he really needed to start from scratch in terms of his education. He also had to take half-a-year off due to the need to earn some money, but he finally got back on track and graduated (AND became an American citizen).

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: Mr. Misery ()
Date: May 01, 2010 05:38PM

Mountain View is delicious. On a hot Summer's day, I reach for a Mountain View and cool off. Ahhhhh! Mountain View!

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: JimmyJones ()
Date: May 17, 2010 09:20PM

Yeah, real easy school. They just hand out diplomas. Oh, yeah, did I mention it is ranked 6th in the state? Tied with LANGLEY? DECIMAL POINTS AWAY FROM JEFFERSON? Stop stereotyping, start researching.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: pyu ()
Date: May 18, 2010 07:11AM

Ya right, NASA is recruiting real heavy there, Fries with that Sir?

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: zerxesva ()
Date: May 23, 2010 07:04PM

Dude mt view is a great place to learn and do your own thing. people get a second chance....no haterade on mt view people!!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/23/2010 07:04PM by zerxesva.

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Re: So what's the deal with Mountain View?
Posted by: gv ()
Date: May 23, 2010 07:21PM

Too bad for everybody else that doesnt have the school system kissing their ass to push them through.

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