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This Just In: Alexandria Police Department Cancels Security Detail at Grace Episcopal this Sunday
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: September 27, 2019 12:08PM

This just in: The Alexandria police department has rescinded its security detail for Grace Church on Sunday. The announcement comes following Dysfunctional Bob Malm’s explosive rage on Russell Road a few months ago, which was directed at me and was extremely threatening. Bob’s conduct was a violation of my express written request to him from December 2017 to have no further contact with me, and thus may have violated Virginia’s anti-stalking statute. Further, shortly after that, I received an email from an Episcopal priest warning me about Bob’s conduct. I therefore had requested a police detail this weekend, with the goal of preventing further irrational and potentially violent behavior from Bob Malm.

Below is a copy of the email from the police department.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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