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See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Eric_Bonetti ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:49PM

Below is Bob’s written statement, made under oath during the discovery phase of our litigation, in which he committed perjury. Mom has NEVER made an appointment with him—of that I am certain. If nothing else, she loathes him. Why would she even want to meet with him? Nor has anyone made an appointment on her behalf or claiming to be her. Period.

Nor is Bob’s perjury inconsequential. Instead, it goes to the very heart of his lies about how he’s been threatened, as he cites this as part of the basis for his conclusion that Mom’s blog actually is mine. So Bob is either guilty of perjury, or he is innocent of perjury by virtue of the fact that he is so mentally ill that he cannot differentiate between truth and his lies.

And below is where Bob swore that this statement was the truth; he took his oath before Jane Rosman on April 5, 2018. Jeff Chiow’s signature follows.

And when Bob Malm inevitably tries to lie his way out of this, simply ask him for evidence to support his claim. He has none.

Bob Malm’s statement is a lie.

Bob Malm’s statement is perjury.

Bob Malm, perjuring priest.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: JNGKF ()
Date: April 17, 2019 12:54PM

Dude, you really need to get your head examined.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Gravy. ()
Date: April 17, 2019 01:13PM

I think your mom is probably lying to you.

From the outside looking in, I would take the word of a priest of the batshit crazy things you and your family have posted.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Coorzinis ()
Date: April 17, 2019 01:44PM

Did the COPD woman smoke?

Is she dead yet?

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: He’s not going to make it ()
Date: April 17, 2019 04:48PM

Who woke up the Eric Bonetti crazy terrorist monster again? For a few days this forum had enjoyed relative peace without his fucking crazy deranged ramblings.

Eric you say your mother is dying. If so, you should put away the keyboard and spend more time with her. Leave this forum in peace.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: April 18, 2019 12:41AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Bob Malm, rector, Grace Episcopal Church

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: concerned citizen72 ()
Date: April 18, 2019 12:55AM

Who is Bob Malm? The name Malm rymes with balm. Were his peoples balmers? Or perhaps embalmers ? Wow, an embalmer pries you say? Quite an interesting legacy to nurture. So what is all of this nonsense about anyway? Please xplain in further detail as I feel much of the story has been left out.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: () ()
Date: April 18, 2019 07:03AM

Here is the story from what I gather:

Gay guy in Fairfax who is crazy makes a lot of people uncomfortable at an Alexandria church.

He is asked to leave.

He starts a smear campaign online, that irritates people and puts everyone on the side of the pastor, because his posts show how crazy he is.

People online feel bad for him, because he is mental, but also wish he would just go away.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Real Story ()
Date: April 18, 2019 09:46AM

Bob Malm gets pissed after parishioner complains about questionable HR, cash management, financial reporting practices and allegations of harassment, tries to force parishioner out, things go from there.

Oh, and Bob never does come up with a good explanation for the thousands of dollars in cash and stale checks found in parish administrator’s office, but angrily says he’s not shirking his duties.

Meanwhile, attendance at church declines 17 percent and church loses 1/3 of its pledging units.

Bob bitches about “online defamation/slander” but doesn’t pursue a lawsuit after his attorneys tell him he doesn’t have a case. Bob unsuccessfully tries to force parishioner’s hand by falsely claiming he’s been threatened.

Bob commits perjury in writing during court case. Disciplinary proceedings get under way.

Bob Malm, perjuring priest.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: And let’s not forget ()
Date: April 18, 2019 09:50AM

Bob Malm’s assistant rector abruptly resigns two years early, amidst rumors that it’s due to his conduct. She does not have another position lined up; Bob attributes her departure to “personal reasons.”

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: KXUJF ()
Date: April 18, 2019 09:52AM

1. What the f*** is a pledging unit?

2. Please shut up and go away.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: More! ()
Date: April 18, 2019 10:03AM

Oh, and let’s not forget Bob’s failure to address issues with the parish pedophile.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: 474u734095r07 ()
Date: April 18, 2019 10:39AM

Yes, Malm’s being rude to the parish pedophile is not adequate when it comes to protecting children.

Any priest who would ignore a pedophile in his church is a loser.

Bob Malm = loser

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Mlbs ()
Date: April 18, 2019 11:13AM

“Bob Malm gets pissed after parishioner complains about questionable HR, cash management, financial reporting practices and allegations of harassment”

Were the complaints posted on a local website hundreds of times?

No one is on your side, and the priest hasn’t even given his side. You are that annoying and crazy.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: April 18, 2019 01:39PM

One-third of all pledging units (people or families who formally commit to providing financial support to the church) have dropped their support. This trend continues.

Attendance has declined 17 percent. This trend continues.

When my attorney offered to settle the matter in exchange for Bob’s agreement to stop his harassment, Bob Malm refused. And he refused our request to treat settlement discussions as confidential.

This, two points:

- The numbers don’t lie. Bob’s conduct has been devastating.

- Bob wanted the conflict to continue and did not wish to discuss the matter on a confidential basis. He got his wish. Big time.

So, if you don’t know what you’re talking about, shut the fuck up. You just reinforce the fact that you’re stupid.

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
Social media @gracealexwatch
Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: April 18, 2019 01:42PM

And where did you get the idea that ignoring the parish pedophile is acceptable? Molesting lurked girls, as he has allegedly done, is indefensible. Full stop.

Moron Wrote:
> “Bob Malm gets pissed after parishioner
> complains about questionable HR, cash management,
> financial reporting practices and allegations of
> harassment”
> Were the complaints posted on a local website
> hundreds of times?
> No one is on your side, and the priest hasn’t
> even given his side. You are that annoying and
> crazy.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: hbuuy ()
Date: April 18, 2019 01:58PM

Go away. No one gives a shit about this stuff. Can't you tell from the comments that everyone thinks you're crazy? Actually you probably can't, since you are in fact crazy.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Couldn’t care less ()
Date: April 18, 2019 03:02PM

I couldn’t care less what “everyone” thinks, including you.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: TKD6C ()
Date: April 18, 2019 03:11PM

gracealexwatch Wrote:
> Molesting lurked
> girls, as he has allegedly done, is indefensible.
> Full stop.

Lurked girls are hot.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: So is ()
Date: April 18, 2019 03:33PM

So is perjury! I got all tingly just thinking about it!

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: jibjab ()
Date: April 18, 2019 05:13PM

very difficult post to understand. try describing the events that led to the post so that it makes sense to others not involved. I do hope this is not a smear campaign to harm innocents.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: 6LHTC ()
Date: April 18, 2019 05:49PM

jibjab Wrote:
> very difficult post to understand. try describing
> the events that led to the post so that it makes
> sense to others not involved. I do hope this is
> not a smear campaign to harm innocents.

Its one crazy dude who feels that his sick mother was let down by her church in her time of need. Or something.

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Or.... ()
Date: April 18, 2019 06:28PM

A priest who lies under oath

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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: ckwkh ()
Date: April 18, 2019 06:30PM

6LHTC Wrote:
> jibjab Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > very difficult post to understand. try
> describing
> > the events that led to the post so that it
> makes
> > sense to others not involved. I do hope this
> is
> > not a smear campaign to harm innocents.
> Its one crazy dude who feels that his sick mother
> was let down by her church in her time of need. Or
> something.

Crazy dude is the operative phrase. The guys a fucking lunatic.

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VirtueOnline Covers Bob Malm
Posted by: VirtueOnline ()
Date: April 18, 2019 06:33PM

A Title IV complaint has been filed against the Rev. Bob Malm, rector of Grace Episcopal Church in Alexandria VA. The complaint alleges that Malm falsely stated under oath that a parishioner, Mrs. Sigrid Yahner who lives in Franklin PA, is 74, and terminally ill, or someone purporting to be her, repeatedly set up appointments with him and was a no-show. He claims that he was being threatened.

Mrs. Bonetti's son Eric told VOL that he was prepared to demonstrate that neither his mother, nor anyone claiming to be her, EVER set up an appointment with Malm. "I've also been pestering 815, (national church headquarters) about the matter and got back an email from (intake officer) Todd Ousley asking me not to contact him further. "This remains a Diocesan matter. Please do not contact me further regarding your concerns. You must deal with this through proper channels. This remains a Diocesan matter and the PB has no jurisdiction."

Meanwhile, amidst collapsing revenue and attendance, Malm recently hired an openly homosexual assistant rector, The Rev. Jason Roberson. https://www.gracealex.org/news/new-associate-rector-called/

"The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia will do everything in its power to avoid addressing Bob's criminal conduct," Bonetti told VOL.


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Re: See for Yourself: Episcopal Priest Bob Malm’s Perjury
Posted by: Bob Malm perjuring priest ()
Date: July 05, 2019 11:03PM

Visit Grace Episcopal Alexandria—spiritual home of perjuring priest Bob Malm

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