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Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Ouch! ()
Date: September 08, 2018 03:31PM

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: VMLCT ()
Date: September 08, 2018 03:38PM

Mark Levin is a poisonous little toad who doesn't know how to pronounce his own last name.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: What’s new... ()
Date: September 08, 2018 03:49PM

The whole of the right-wing media is like that. Just lying douchebags, the lot of them.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Mark Who? ()
Date: September 08, 2018 04:30PM

Who the fuck is Mark Levin, and even more important, who cares?

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: causeican ()
Date: September 08, 2018 04:31PM

Chris Plante is hysterical. http://www.wmal.com/chris-plante/

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: XXF3U ()
Date: September 08, 2018 04:39PM

Chris Plante - Presenting My Opinions As Facts*

* Isn't He Amazing?**

** Yes, He Is!

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Obobo- half nigger son of slut ()
Date: September 08, 2018 05:13PM


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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: TTT ()
Date: September 08, 2018 06:56PM

I liked Levin as Tennessee Tuxedo. After that, he’s just an old grumpy queer.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: hjbn3 ()
Date: September 08, 2018 07:41PM

Levine is right. Obama is all talk while he's taking out of your pocket.

All bad rulers who damage the economy kinda are. Check your history. Even china has had them: forms a political group hating the government - talk talk talk, get's elected, wrecks the economy - talk talk talk

Obama's Hope and Change is all talk

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: I bear it all ()
Date: September 08, 2018 07:43PM


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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Horny for Palin ()
Date: September 08, 2018 08:38PM

Now My Sarah Palin hornyness has returned!
She has great natural D’s and muscular thighs!
She so hot she gave McCain a brain tumor!

Sarah Palin=sexy ass milf

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Democrites! ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:30PM

Obama often blocks press access to information

Oct. 10, 2013

Despite President Obama's promises of transparency, the White House blocks routine information for reporters, seeks aggressive prosecution of classified information leakers and uses its own media channels to shape its messaging, according to a scathing new report by the Committee to Protect Journalists.

Authored by former Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie Jr., the report portrays an administration gripped by strict policies about information flow and paranoid about leaks across all executive branch departments.

"This is the most closed, control freak administration I've ever covered," David E. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times, told Downie, who now teaches journalism at Arizona State University.

REM RIEDER: Obama should widen access to media

The administration has implemented an "Insider Threat Program" in all government departments to urge federal employees to monitor their colleagues for possible unauthorized information disclosures. Administration employees suspected of leaking classified information are given lie-detector tests and subject to reviews of their telephone and e-mail records, wrote Downie, who was assisted in reporting by Sara Rafsky.

The report is the latest in a series of portrayals by journalists and media critics of a president whose rigid public relations practices belie his earlier promises of change and open access to public information.

Such accusations had been mounting prior to the series of stories about widespread surveillance of telephone calls and e-mail in the U.S. by the National Security Agency, made possible by internal documents that were leaked by former government contractor Edward Snowden.

Since 2009, six government employees have been subjects of felony criminal prosecutions in the leak of classified information to the press, vs. a total of three in all previous U.S. administrations, the report noted.

The White House disputed the report's characterizations and pointed out to Downie that the number of interviews Obama granted in his first four-plus years — including the ones made available to digital media and TV entertainment outlets, such as The Tonight Show — exceeds the combined total of former presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

The administration has also put more government data online and worked to speed up processing of Freedom of Information Act requests. "The idea that people are shutting up and not leaking to reporters is belied by the facts," Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, told Downie.

Still, the crackdown on leakers has made administration officials generally reluctant to talk to reporters even about unclassified information, the report said. Responding to their sources' fear of leaving digital trails of calls and e-mail, reporters also are worried about reaching out to sources, Downie wrote.

"There's a gray zone between classified and unclassified information, and most sources were in that gray zone," New York Times national security reporter Scott Shane told Downie. "Sources are now afraid to enter that gray zone. It's having a deterrent effect."

That even official spokespeople within government agencies are "unresponsive or hostile" to press calls exacerbates the relationship between the president and journalists, he said.

Digitally-savvy aides working for the Obama administration use its own sophisticated websites, social media and internally produced videos to channel information directly to users, much of it useful for consumers. But the amount of information available to the public through these managed channels — with content editorially bent to reflect the administration in a positive note — isn't sufficient, Downie concluded.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Hypocrites Liberals ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:33PM

Always the shit they bitch about comes straight back into their faces

Speaking of faces

Voting For a Democrat is like pissing into the face of a Hurricane, try it soon

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Circus sideshow... ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:46PM

As the nation has gotten smarter, the right-wing has gotten dumber. It’s just a joke how foolish you oaf-like beings are!

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Democrites! ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:52PM

Spying on The Associated Press


The Obama administration, which has a chilling zeal for investigating leaks and prosecuting leakers, has failed to offer a credible justification for secretly combing through the phone records of reporters and editors at The Associated Press in what looks like a fishing expedition for sources and an effort to frighten off whistle-blowers.

On Friday, Justice Department officials revealed that they had been going through The A.P.’s records for months. The dragnet covered work, home and cellphone records used by almost 100 people at one of the oldest and most reputable news organizations. James Cole, a deputy attorney general, offered no further explanation on Tuesday, saying only that it was part of a “criminal investigation involving highly classified material” from early 2012.

Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. said he could not comment on the details of the phone records seizure, which he said was an open investigation — although he was happy to comment on the open investigation into the tax audits of conservative groups, which he said might have been criminal and were “certainly outrageous and unacceptable.”

Both Mr. Holder and Mr. Cole declared their commitment — and that of President Obama — to press freedoms. Mr. Cole said the administration does not “take lightly” such secretive trolling through media records.

We are not convinced. For more than 30 years, the news media and the government have used a well-honed system to balance the government’s need to pursue criminals or national security breaches with the media’s constitutional right to inform the public. This action against The A.P., as the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press outlined in a letter to Mr. Holder, “calls into question the very integrity” of the administration’s policy toward the press.

Tom Alisankus May 15, 2013
There is something inherently wrong with the DOJ/FBI being able to sign its own subpoenas. In 2007, a bill that required judicial approval...

The records covered 20 phone lines, including main office phones in New York City, Washington, Hartford, and the Congressional press gallery. The guidelines for such subpoenas, first enacted in 1972, require that requests for media information be narrow. The reporters’ committee said this action is so broad that it allowed prosecutors to “plunder two months of news-gathering materials to seek information that might interest them.”

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Democrites! ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:57PM

Pulitzer Prize-winning national security reporter James Risen wrote in The New York Times that if Trump wants to jail a whistle-blower or use the FBI to spy on journalists, he got the playbook from his predecessor.

Obama, who campaigned on a promise to protect government whistle-blowers, made greater use of the Espionage Act to prosecute leakers and menace journalists than all other presidents combined.

Obama’s Justice Department accessed the personal email of a Fox News reporter and surveilled the reporter’s parents and colleagues. They seized the home, work and mobile phone records of journalists at the Associated Press.

Risen, who fought the administration to protect his sources, got so deep in his own legal battle with Obama that he selected a reading list for prison before the government finally backed off.

White House officials subverted the press in a number of ways while touting themselves as the most transparent in history.

Obama routinely banned news photographers from official events. He went months between press conferences and used social media to circumvent reporters.

First lady Michelle Obama took policy trips overseas with no press on her airplane. The White House scrubbed public visitor logs of names it didn’t want in the news.

The Obama administration posted the worst record in history for fulfilling requests for public records under the Freedom of Information Act.

In a bleak episode of unintended irony, an open-government group gave Obama an award for transparency in an Oval Office ceremony closed to the press.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Democrites! ()
Date: September 08, 2018 09:59PM

07.14.11 3:20 PM ET

The Obama administration made a deliberate effort to exclude Fox News from a press pool during the height of its war with the network, newly released documents show.

At the time, in the fall of 2009, the administration dismissed the matter as simply a mistake. “There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing,” the Treasury Department said in a statement. But internal e-mails obtained by the watchdog group Judicial Watch show that the attempted exclusion from an interview with federal pay czar Ken Feinberg was part of a deliberate strategy. The attempt failed when the other networks refused to go along unless Fox was included.

On Oct. 22, 2009, Dag Vega, the White House director of broadcast media, wrote to a Treasury official that “we’d prefer if you skip Fox please.” Deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki wrote the official, Jenni LeCompte, and other colleagues about a report by Fox anchor Bret Baier on the network’s exclusion that “brett baier just did a stupid piece on it -- but he is a lunatic.”

The next day, Psaki wrote: “I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby – just cause.” And deputy press secretary Josh Earnest wrote LeCompte that day: “We’ve demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews…”

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Oh crap... ()
Date: September 08, 2018 10:21PM

It’s the copy-and-paste assfucks!

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Hef ()
Date: September 08, 2018 10:30PM

Horny for Palin Wrote:
> Damn!
> Now My Sarah Palin hornyness has returned!
> She has great natural D’s and muscular thighs!
> She so hot she gave McCain a brain tumor!
> Sarah Palin=sexy ass milf

Damn! That head is a little small for that body.
Poor ass photoshop job.

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: Democrites forget, NYT remembers ()
Date: September 08, 2018 10:47PM

Behind the War Between White House and Fox OCT. 22, 2009

The Battle Between the White House and Fox News OCT. 17, 2009

A Volley Between Fox News and Obama Administration OCT. 11, 2009

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Re: Mark Levin destroys Obama's idiotic speech
Posted by: FTR ()
Date: September 09, 2018 12:01AM

I bear it all Wrote:
> .

Bad Photoshop job. If you look at the picture, either it's fake (doh) or her head is unnaturally small.

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