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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Trumbone ()
Date: December 02, 2009 01:57PM

Tonight, Fairfax County is considering cutting Band and Strings programs for elementary schools. If you oppose this position, please sign the petition TODAY! http://www.thepetitionsite.com/2/save-our-fairfax-county-public-schools-band-and-strings-programs

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: TrumBone ()
Date: December 02, 2009 01:59PM

More info

Many have expressed concern, dismay and questions over the Straw Man list suggesting the elimination of the Fairfax County ElementaryBand And String program in the FY2011 Budget. The school system faces a $176 million deficit. Eliminating a program that serves 28,000 students is not acceptable. This will, in a short time decimate our secondary school bands and orchestras.

This petition is intended to present as many of the facts as we know them at this point and to let you know that the Fairfax Arts Coalition for Education (FACE) has met, formulated an advocacy strategy, and will be sending out information to your personal emails through the Presidents of all of our organizations.

Here are some facts about our elementary band and strings program:

* Last year, 24,871 students were enrolled in band and strings (enrollments for this year are pending).
* This number represents approximately 70% of all 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students in FCPS.
* 116.8 positions are defined in the FY2011 budget as our band and strings teachers assigned to teach these students. Our elementary band and strings programs continue to grow annually.
* Positions are different than teachers since many of our teachers are part-time. The 116.8 full time positions are covered by 146 personnel.
* Last year, the Instruments for All (IFA) provided 7,111 instruments to students on free and/or reduced lunch. This year, the number is at 7,800 and continues to grow. These are students who could not afford to participate in our programs without the school system%u2019s support. Approximately 36 of our positions are hired to serve this added population.


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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 02, 2009 02:00PM

If you really want to save elementary school Band and String programs, you're going to have to do better than an online petition. Nobody takes them seriously.

If you want to go the petition route, use a hard-copy petition with handwritten signatures. That at least means something.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MrMaestro ()
Date: December 02, 2009 02:12PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> If you really want to save elementary school Band
> and String programs, you're going to have to do
> better than an online petition. Nobody takes them
> seriously.
> If you want to go the petition route, use a
> hard-copy petition with handwritten signatures.
> That at least means something.

He is absolutely right. We must keep music programs in our elementary schools in order to prevent kids from becoming shitty musicians like Meade and MrMephisto.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: December 02, 2009 02:19PM

MrMaestro Wrote:
> He is absolutely right. We must keep music
> programs in our elementary schools in order to
> prevent kids from becoming shitty musicians like
> Meade and MrMephisto.


Let's hear your recordings. I'm always eager to learn from someone who's an accomplished musician.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: answer is.... ()
Date: December 02, 2009 03:07PM

So my taxes are supposed to increase? Students get art every 2 weeks. Schools supplement that with PARENT /PTA/ PTO art classes. That time is scheduled. FCPS does not have chorus and the 2 weekly general musics on the strawman list.

Why don't these parents whose children do band and strings request that FCPS provide that instead of general music once per week. FCPS should drop chorus. Kids sing in general music.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: eric67987 ()
Date: December 02, 2009 04:36PM

band? seriously?

FCPS is trying to cover a $176 million dollar hole. Every non core academic program needs to be seriously considered for cuts. Just for clarification core academic programs are:
Social Science/Geography

Anything that is not DIRECTLY related to this subjects needs to be seriously considered for cuts. Personally i dont think that my tax dollars should be used for band lessons. I understand the arguments that say music helps kids think and that line of reasoning however is it more important to learn math or play the flute?

The SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT dont care about music.......

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: John Diddy Combs ()
Date: December 02, 2009 05:29PM

Who needs music classes? Just sample some old hits and throw some hot chic in the video featuring Lil Wayne rapping in the background and you have instant success.

Or call yourself a DJ and spin music other people created to make millions.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: music mom ()
Date: December 02, 2009 05:38PM

eric67987 Wrote:
Music has been proven to increase math scores.

band? seriously?
> FCPS is trying to cover a $176 million dollar
> hole. Every non core academic program needs to be
> seriously considered for cuts. Just for
> clarification core academic programs are:
> English/Reading/Phonics/Spelling
> Math
> Science
> Social Science/Geography
> Anything that is not DIRECTLY related to this
> subjects needs to be seriously considered for
> cuts. Personally i dont think that my tax dollars
> should be used for band lessons. I understand the
> arguments that say music helps kids think and that
> line of reasoning however is it more important to
> learn math or play the flute?
> The SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT dont care about music.......

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: eric67987 ()
Date: December 02, 2009 06:06PM

if you agree with those studies then dig into your own pocket and take your kid to music lessons and buy/rent your own instrument. The school is not there to provide every single possible developmental need for your kid. The school is there to provide an education so your child can succeed at the next academic level.

if this music program is eliminated and all the money for the instruments and 116 positions is place into math programs wouldn't that benefit more students in a more direct way?

ALL students take math classes, SOME students take band.

so unless you can show some study that kids that take grammar school band end up with dramatically higher high school graduation rates/college graduation rates it should be cut.

All non-core academic FCPS activities need to be considered for serious budget cuts/elimination. I am talking everything that is not ADA required...including:

-Gifted and talented
-ALL co-curricular/sports/drivers education (which should be totally paid for by the parents of the children who participate)
-the over reliance/dependence on expensive and rapidly outdated computers/technology
-any FCPS subsidized after/pre school care

The role of FCPS is to educate children to be able to successfully attend and graduate from a typical 4 year college. This should also include necessary test prep for SAT/ACT and other tests required for graduation.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Numbers ()
Date: December 02, 2009 06:10PM

Isn't it more important to understand exactly how and why the FCPS has a $176 million deficit?
Someone should start an online petition to find out how this happened. The whole FCPS budget shouldn't even come to $176 million. WTF are all the additional education taxes we vote in favor of every fucking election going?

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: really? ()
Date: December 02, 2009 06:31PM

Are you honestly that dumb? "The SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT dont care about music......." last time I checked... none of these listed have the ability to care for anything since they are tests. They lack emotion. Studies have shown that students who actively participate in a music program have increased test scores. And that's great that "The SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT dont care about music......." but guess what retard... COLLEGES DO!

In terms of this stupidity "dig into your own pocket and take your kid to music lessons and buy/rent your own instrument"... you clearly have no idea what you are talking about here. FCPS DOES NOT PROVIDE INSTRUMENTS OR LESSONS TO STUDENTS. Students are required to bring their own instruments unless they are on a financial aid type program. FCPS only funds the director salaries. Everything else that has to be paid for comes from the parents and boosters. So guess what... these parents ARE digging into their pockets. You have got to step back and look at what we're looking at cutting... can you name ANY school that has been designed or built without a band room?

DO YOU KNOW THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THESE PROGRAMS? APPARENTLY NOT. Please enlighten me as to why we should cut a program that OVER HALF of the school is enrolled in?

"ALL students take math classes, SOME students take band." For once, you are correct here! Congratulation! But guess what... ask EVERY student if they see any benefit to math class and their specific talents... ask them if they would take that math class if the county/state did not require them to.

"non-core academic FCPS activities need to be considered for serious budget cuts/elimination. I am talking everything that is not ADA required" again, your stupidity irks me. School is not only setup to provide the basic "core" education of students, but to also shape them as citizens. Providing a well-rounded education to them is the best way to do this. Guess what they are going to do when non-core academic programs do... start smoking pot and shooting heroin out on the street and come kill you looking for drug money. And you deserve it, it serves you right. ADA... really? The American Dental Association... wow. Where do you get off? Yes I realize that (hopefully) you are speaking of the Americans with Disabilities Act... in which guess what... nothing is required other than proper building and design specifications. Since it was originally passed in 1990... the county has been far ahead of you sir.

"-Gifted and talented
-ALL co-curricular/sports/drivers education (which should be totally paid for by the parents of the children who participate)
-the over reliance/dependence on expensive and rapidly outdated computers/technology
-any FCPS subsidized after/pre school care "

I really should not even get into this... but I will. Yes please get rid of the gifted and talented program! Put all the smart kids in the classes with every one else and don't further their education to their highest potential. Let them be bored to tears learning at a glacial pace. Sounds like someone is just bitter about their little Sally not making the cut.

The technology? I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW STUPID YOU ARE. Anyone else care to jump in here on this dumb ass?

I'm not even going to finish responding. Your intelligence level is too low to waste words on.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: privatizer ()
Date: December 02, 2009 07:36PM

There's plenty of music teachers in the phone book.

Can't afford it? Then don't fucking do it! Our economy wouldn't be in the mess it's in if people followed that simple rule.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: here we go again ()
Date: December 02, 2009 08:02PM

Once again the FCPS school system has thrown out these phony ideas, pitting one group against another. Then when our pet issue is let off the hook, we don't unite to fix the real problem.

Why are we not questioning the salaries of our top administrators such as Dr. Dale and his cohorts? Why do we need so many vice principals at each each high school? With this cluster system, is there a duplication of services; can they be combined.

Instead of so many groups supporting each issue, why not unite and offer administrative belt tightening???????

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: December 02, 2009 08:50PM

Ban the Band in elementary schools.

and the foreign language classes, too.

Plus, cut some of those administrators.

Freeze salaries for another year or two (no one else in the state is getting raises)

Implement a furlough, one or two days should work.

Increase class sizes.

Voila, budget is balanced!

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Price ()
Date: December 02, 2009 09:02PM

Free/reduced lunches - are they covered by the state/Feds, or it's on County's (=ours) dime?

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Bandaid ()
Date: December 02, 2009 09:27PM

Dane Bramage Wrote:
> Voila, budget is balanced!

Didn't you mean "Viola"

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: porky ()
Date: December 02, 2009 10:01PM

really? How dumb do you think we are? Over half the school? Band starts in 5th and strings in 4rth. Take away 1 general music and you would still get 2 a week. How many times do I pay for your kid to get a music lesson? 4 times a week?

Stuff it. But wait . Where is the cut for focus schools which is a bargained piece of pork. The strawman should have higher fees for sports.

really? Wrote:
> Are you honestly that dumb? "The SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT
> dont care about music......." last time I
> checked... none of these listed have the ability
> to care for anything since they are tests. They
> lack emotion. Studies have shown that students who
> actively participate in a music program have
> increased test scores. And that's great that "The
> SAT/GRE/LSAT/ACT dont care about music......." but
> guess what retard... COLLEGES DO!
> In terms of this stupidity "dig into your own
> pocket and take your kid to music lessons and
> buy/rent your own instrument"... you clearly have
> no idea what you are talking about here. FCPS DOES
> Students are required to bring their own
> instruments unless they are on a financial aid
> type program. FCPS only funds the director
> salaries. Everything else that has to be paid for
> comes from the parents and boosters. So guess
> what... these parents ARE digging into their
> pockets. You have got to step back and look at
> what we're looking at cutting... can you name ANY
> school that has been designed or built without a
> band room?
> enlighten me as to why we should cut a program
> that OVER HALF of the school is enrolled in?
> "ALL students take math classes, SOME students
> take band." For once, you are correct here!
> Congratulation! But guess what... ask EVERY
> student if they see any benefit to math class and
> their specific talents... ask them if they would
> take that math class if the county/state did not
> require them to.
> "non-core academic FCPS activities need to be
> considered for serious budget cuts/elimination. I
> am talking everything that is not ADA required"
> again, your stupidity irks me. School is not only
> setup to provide the basic "core" education of
> students, but to also shape them as citizens.
> Providing a well-rounded education to them is the
> best way to do this. Guess what they are going to
> do when non-core academic programs do... start
> smoking pot and shooting heroin out on the street
> and come kill you looking for drug money. And you
> deserve it, it serves you right. ADA... really?
> The American Dental Association... wow. Where do
> you get off? Yes I realize that (hopefully) you
> are speaking of the Americans with Disabilities
> Act... in which guess what... nothing is required
> other than proper building and design
> specifications. Since it was originally passed in
> 1990... the county has been far ahead of you sir.
> "-Gifted and talented
> -ALL co-curricular/sports/drivers education (which
> should be totally paid for by the parents of the
> children who participate)
> -the over reliance/dependence on expensive and
> rapidly outdated computers/technology
> -any FCPS subsidized after/pre school care "
> I really should not even get into this... but I
> will. Yes please get rid of the gifted and
> talented program! Put all the smart kids in the
> classes with every one else and don't further
> their education to their highest potential. Let
> them be bored to tears learning at a glacial pace.
> Sounds like someone is just bitter about their
> little Sally not making the cut.
> ARE. Anyone else care to jump in here on this dumb
> ass?
> I'm not even going to finish responding. Your
> intelligence level is too low to waste words on.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: December 03, 2009 07:20AM

Bandaid Wrote:
> Dane Bramage Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Voila, budget is balanced!
> Didn't you mean "Viola"

no no no, ban viola.



there you are: used to bring somebody's attention to something, especially in order to elicit appreciation or approval

[Mid-18th century. < French< voi "see!" + là "there"]

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: paytoplay ()
Date: December 03, 2009 07:55AM

why don't elementary band and strings parents offer to pay to play. the new budget will be charging high school students $100 per sport. they can do the same for elementary band and strings.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: charlotte ()
Date: December 03, 2009 09:05AM

This is all a waste of time they are going to do what they want, its just a charade that they ask for our opinion .

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: here we go again ()
Date: December 03, 2009 09:07AM

Amen, sister

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: December 04, 2009 11:01AM

How about they cut the band, strings, and gymnastics. They can reinstate it when the economy gets better

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Gifted&Talented ()
Date: December 06, 2009 01:21PM

Absolutely get rid of the Gifted & Talented program! That way there are no kids that are prepared to go to TJ, and then it can become another IB high school instead. Why would we need to have the top high school in the country anyway? All the good companies are locating to Loudoun County anyway -- we don't need them in Fairfax County.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: eric56796 ()
Date: December 06, 2009 01:27PM

thats exactly the point......does it really matter if FCPS has the top high school in the country? Of course it doesn't. I am going to drop a minor bombshell on you hear but colleges do not place a huge amount of importance on what high school you went to. Whether it was ranked first, or has a blue ribbon award colleges do not care. The only people who give a shit about that stuff are this self entitled parents who think that I should pay so their kid can be in the gifted and talented program, play the violin, and be babysat while mom and dad are at work.

FCPS schools should be striving for success. Not being number one or being atop some other ranking. They should be striving for getting every kid to graduate. Then they should focus on getting every kid into college and NOT need to take any type of remedial/non credit classes once they get there.

What it comes down to is when you are applying for jobs after college the high school you want to doesn't matter.

FCPS needs to cut EVERYTHING that is not a core academic subject. The only exception should be a health/sex ed or other similar class.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Gifted&Talented ()
Date: December 06, 2009 02:02PM

eric56796 Wrote:
> thats exactly the point......does it really matter
> if FCPS has the top high school in the country? Of
> course it doesn't.

You are absolutely right! The County doesn't need corporate taxes. The County doesn't need job. The County doesn't need economic development because all the County's residents can just commute to jobs in Loudoun County and in DC.

While we are eliminating things, let's get rid of all the high school sports. No more football. No more basketball. No more lacrosse. No more soccer.

Eric is going to make up the difference in the tax base.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: eric56796 ()
Date: December 06, 2009 02:35PM

how in the world does having the the best rated high school in the country equate to corporate taxes? or economic development? An overall strong school system that gets quality students into quality schools is much better for the economy as opposed to one or two boutique schools (TJ and others)

The reason businesses are favoring loudoun county, DC and parts of MD are the lower tax rates. Fairfax cannot offer these lower rates because of the extravagant school system with specialty high schools, green houses, excessive use of technology, and a warped sense of entitlement that some residents have.

I think that all high school sports should be financially supported by the parents of the participants. The only thing FCPS should cover are things like insurance and perhaps some generic field maintenance since many fields are on school grounds or other grounds rented/leased/co'oped with the county.

Everything that is not directly related to core education should be cut or fully parent/participant supported. I don't really understand why this is so controversial. Is it because we would cut many unnecessary programs and especially positions? Last time i checked education and getting into college was the goal. Not developing some BS learning of the violin or french by 5th graders.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: important ()
Date: December 06, 2009 05:04PM

If parents believe that band is so important, then pay for it, and don't make myself and other taxpayers subsidize little Johnny's musical interests.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Wondering ()
Date: December 06, 2009 05:23PM

Didn't the WaPo or Fairfax Journal used to publish the total pay by name for each of the civil servants? I wonder whether that data is still available?

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Green Goat ()
Date: December 11, 2009 10:39AM

There are other things that can be cut other than the music programs.
Check out the cost of perks and benefits of the central office directors and staff to start. (yeah we couldn't do it without you, LOL) Printers use ink, refill the cartridges to save 60-70% over buying new. How many software programs are paid for but are not being used? How much is being spent on useless professional developmnent for teachers? Bids should be be advertised for all suppies that the school system uses. Offer an early retirement plan. There are many areas that can be cut before programs that directly affect students. Music might be the only thing keeping a student in school.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: band dos need to settle down ()
Date: December 11, 2009 11:27AM

Gifted&Talented Wrote:
> eric56796 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > thats exactly the point......does it really
> matter
> > if FCPS has the top high school in the country?
> Of
> > course it doesn't.
> You are absolutely right! The County doesn't need
> corporate taxes. The County doesn't need job.
> The County doesn't need economic development
> because all the County's residents can just
> commute to jobs in Loudoun County and in DC.
> While we are eliminating things, let's get rid of
> all the high school sports. No more football. No
> more basketball. No more lacrosse. No more
> soccer.
> Eric is going to make up the difference in the tax
> base.

Football gets gate receipts. Without football what would the marching band do? Charge admission and look at how many times a week your kid gets a music lesson. 4 , 3? FCPS doesn't use tax dollars to train kids for sports in school. Parents pay for it via youth leagues. Music twice a week and talk to FCPS about cutting back on general music and chorus.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: ThighMaster ()
Date: December 11, 2009 12:29PM

Has anybody considered creating the position of DJ in each school's band? That would save on a lot of instruments and therefore band positions.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Tubafella ()
Date: December 16, 2009 07:00AM

Don't need music in schools, the only thing that matters is VA SOLs scores...LOL.
The education system is so screwed up.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: sarah ()
Date: January 11, 2010 07:14PM

well you obviously dont have kids... all those things greatly impact students and are some of the reasons why fairfax county is one of the best in the country!

and a lot of parents with kids in band and strings cant afford to take there kids to music lessons. DID YOU THINK ABOUT THAT?

eric67987 Wrote:
> if you agree with those studies then dig into your
> own pocket and take your kid to music lessons and
> buy/rent your own instrument. The school is not
> there to provide every single possible
> developmental need for your kid. The school is
> there to provide an education so your child can
> succeed at the next academic level.
> if this music program is eliminated and all the
> money for the instruments and 116 positions is
> place into math programs wouldn't that benefit
> more students in a more direct way?
> ALL students take math classes, SOME students take
> band.
> so unless you can show some study that kids that
> take grammar school band end up with dramatically
> higher high school graduation rates/college
> graduation rates it should be cut.
> All non-core academic FCPS activities need to be
> considered for serious budget cuts/elimination. I
> am talking everything that is not ADA
> required...including:
> -Gifted and talented
> -ALL co-curricular/sports/drivers education (which
> should be totally paid for by the parents of the
> children who participate)
> -the over reliance/dependence on expensive and
> rapidly outdated computers/technology
> -any FCPS subsidized after/pre school care
> The role of FCPS is to educate children to be able
> to successfully attend and graduate from a typical
> 4 year college. This should also include necessary
> test prep for SAT/ACT and other tests required for
> graduation.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: NegativeDreamStealer ()
Date: January 11, 2010 08:36PM

really? Wrote:
> Yes please get rid of the gifted and
> talented program! Put all the smart kids in the
> classes with every one else and don't further
> their education to their highest potential. Let
> them be bored to tears learning at a glacial pace.
> Sounds like someone is just bitter about their
> little Sally not making the cut.

Most of the kids in today's "gifted and talented" program are good students who have high-average intelligence. The bar has been dramatically lowered over the years in order to make the parents of those children feel good. Meanwhile the highly intelligent, along with the good students who "don't make the cut," remain bored to tears.

The primary cut is based on a standardized exam that measures what a child knows, not on how quick their mind is. It therefore can be, and (like the SAT) is, gamed on a routine basis.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Gerry Conn ()
Date: January 11, 2010 10:22PM

Posted this comment on your petition:

Both my children took strings in fourth grade. Total waste of time and precluded them from other more meaningful activities. Those who want to learn strings are best served by the Asian churches... music is a wonderful means to integrate the community outside of school.

Besides, your contention that 85% participate is very misleading.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Green Goat ()
Date: January 16, 2010 06:07AM

Anything that is going to keep a child busy instead of playing with their cellphone or video games is worth keeping. Keep the programs!

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: peasant for music ()
Date: January 30, 2010 03:00PM

Let's just keep kids bubbling in those scantrons to practice for tests in the core areas. That's what is really important for kids. The fact that creativity has been part of the American schools and culture since time immemorial has nothing to do with our innovativeness in business and industry or how we got to be a superpower. I recently read that the Chinese are now adding fine and practical arts to their schools (since they have the money). Meanwhile we are cutting those things from our schools. Who will have the more creative and innovative talent in the future? Oh, well. The Chinese will probably buy us up and move here so I guess it will all work out. No sense in giving our own kids those opportunities to develop creative minds. The wealthy parents (who know it is important) will put their kids in music lessons and their kids will do fine.
Forget the others.

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Re: Petition To BAN Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: GenBraddock ()
Date: January 30, 2010 03:20PM

String and band should be banned from all FCPS. If you want to teach your kids that stuff put them in private schools.

I am starting a door to door petition campagin. Lets put a stop to this type of wasteful spending.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MyVoice ()
Date: March 03, 2010 11:23PM

When I entered middle school, i was ready for band. I loved my flute.
Yes I am a niddle schooler right now. I do honestly have parent permission and they agree that band and strings should NOT EVER be cut off.

Now all i have to ask is that have you heard from a child's voice? Do you know how kids feel about this? My friends and I complained about the fact so much. Please read on.

Now children start an insturment the moment they get a chance. I started in elementry school. Now I am playing grade 4 music in middle school. I love my flute and i love playing it, I even named it.

Band and strings are classes taken seriously by those who are deeply passionate about it. After playing in elementry school, I knew what what i wanted to do in middle school. On of my normal class is band. It is one class that I do not have to care about being stressed out but i still learn and develop skills. I do not stress out because playing music, even when you get it wrong, says that I can do something beautiful. Band and string classes are just year electives to parents, but to kids, we LOVE it! We love hearing the music we play and just being in a class where you get to do something you love.

When going to college, kids must have BALENCE. It looks very good on an application showing that you can achieve many courses in acidemics but also have to to do things like dance, band, strings, etc. Like me, I work hard to keep up with my grades and manage to still keep up with band, after school, etc.

Now I know I am just a teenager, but I love the things I get to choose for school. Electives, like band, in middle schools are breaks from the hard learning, I have to do, to the hard working PASSION I LOVE so dear to my heart. I may mess a note or note read the music right, but that is just the SAME as missing a question a big test. I learn something new. I would have never came into middle school with this much love of music and confidence if I have never started in elementry school. I would have never been playing the high graded music, I am now, if I have never started playing in elementry school.

So if you adults think that it is a good idea to ban band and strings children are even LUCKY to CHOOSE and start, then you sure do NOT know how we feel or how it effects us. We work hard in band and strings too! Not to mention NO fees to have lessons. Private lessons are not just for more classes but also to improve on what you already have skilled.

Don't think that band, strings, chorus, and music are just a waste of money and time because their is a reason why many students joined band and strings!

Thank you for those who agree and read this. If band and strings are banned from elementry schools, not only will the kids of the elementry will be disappointed but also the kids even in high by then because elementry school is where it all started. It get you ready for life.

Now you have heard from a child's view, opinion, voice, and knowledge of the other students who have joined and played with her making the music they've always imagined themselves playing. Just imagine how students will feel. Not just your own but the whole Fairfax County music students (this includes students who are already making music and those who dream themselves as one).

And REMEMBER, BALENCE for college! It looks better. I manage to keep up mainly A's with a VERY busy schduale. Students actually take the music they play SERIOUSLY. It may not look like it sometimes, but let me tell you, all of the things I have just said were TRUE! I am a middle school student and I would be disappointed, angry and heartbroken if band and strings were banned.

You may think I know almost nothing about politics, the economy, and all that, but let me tell you, I do know how a child feels.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MyVoice ()
Date: March 03, 2010 11:42PM

I do know that on my last reply I have some grammer/spelling errors. I must also say a quotes I have heard (all by unknown people),
"Music speaks what words cannot express."
“To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable.”
“Music is an outburst of the soul.”
“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”
“Music and silence combine strongly because music is done with silence, and silence is full of music.”
“I've never known a musician who regretted being one. Whatever deceptions life may have in store for you, music itself is not going to let you down.”
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”
“Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”

Now one of mine quotes:
"Music heals the heart and soul. No matter how you feel, turn to music. Create it, think it, listen to it, conduct it. Music is the soul of many, and heals even the most terrifying and hurtful wounds."

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Aishu ()
Date: March 04, 2010 04:01PM

Please Do not teke out band and strings!!!


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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MyVoice ()
Date: March 23, 2010 11:30PM

GenBraddock quoted:

String and band should be banned from all FCPS. If you want to teach your kids that stuff put them in private schools.

I must say that some private lessons cost $25.00 for ONLY 30 MINUTES of learning
and Band and Strings CLASSES are FREE (insturments are a different story).

I would like to also ask if anyone actually knows how many students are, will, or even dream of playing an insturment?

Let me tell you that in every place I am in school (weather Math,the bus,English, PE, etc.) not one place has no one in band or strings.

Also that many of those people started there insturments in Elementry school.
The grade level of music played in my Middle school for band is very high for any middle school (I'd like to say).

I've wanted to play the flute ever since I could remember, then I got the chance and went for it.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: MusicLover ()
Date: March 23, 2010 11:35PM

If a child doesn't like it when they try out an insturment it won't matter because it's only that one child who has many things to discover about him or her. Many other childern however enjoy the insturment that they even touched for the 1st time. So don't think about that one child who doesn't like the insturment he or she tried out because there is more than a handful of childern who do LOVE the insturment they started with.

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: VAisForGayLover'sLikeMeade ()
Date: March 23, 2010 11:52PM

MusicLover Wrote:
> If a child doesn't like it when they try out an
> insturment it won't matter because it's only that
> one child who has many things to discover about
> him or her. Many other childern however enjoy the
> insturment that they even touched for the 1st
> time. So don't think about that one child who
> doesn't like the insturment he or she tried out
> because there is more than a handful of childern
> who do LOVE the insturment they started with.

STFU already, Meade!

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Free?? ()
Date: March 25, 2010 02:17PM

MyVoice Wrote:
> GenBraddock quoted:
> I must say that some private lessons cost $25.00
> for ONLY 30 MINUTES of learning
> and Band and Strings CLASSES are FREE (insturments
> are a different story).

Nothing is FREE!!!! There is a cost associated with the band and strings classes. i.e. FCPS is paying those teachers!!

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Pie-Lover ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:38PM

This one time, at band camp...

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Re: Petition To Save Band and String in FFX Elementary Schools
Posted by: Music Luva Too ()
Date: March 25, 2010 06:46PM

Let's see, plug more money into the Fairfax County educational system or look for cuts to stuff like Elementary music classes, winter cheer leading and second language immersion for 1st graders.

How about this, restore the funding to the Library system, Parks and Rec Centers, so we can all benefit, instead of some kids who will never get a job in the future playing music.

If its so important to parents, have THEM pay for music lessons. Its very simple.

But this will never happen, and that is why we are paying $710,000,000 more EACH YEAR into the school system than in FY 2001. Seven Hundred Million, per year. Sorry, I just can't justify it.

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