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Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: looking_for_answer ()
Date: July 07, 2017 10:45PM

Does anyone know if US Park Police have the authority to write a speeding ticket in Virginia? For example, can they write a ticket for speeding on the Beltway?

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: jvxth ()
Date: July 07, 2017 10:58PM

They can write tickets on Federal facilities such as the GW Parkway.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: No Pal Only on Fed Property ()
Date: July 07, 2017 11:48PM

Cause Their Feds....Traffic Tickets that is..That said yes they can stop at wrecks and turn the blue lights on and direct traffic or assist in any way..till Va State or Fairfax comes..They can also intervene as any officer or person can if someone goes off shooting or stabbing or beating someone..serious crime..and they can respond to any type of Federal crime like Bank robbery, Kidnaping..many others.

Any tickets they write go to the Federal Courthouses..and So do you to appear in court if you cant pay by mail or in person..and Lawyers In The Fed Courts are mucho more .$$ Pals..Thats because their Feds and Write Fed Tickets..on Fed Property..Dulles Access Rd Parts of Rt 28 by Dullas..are Fed Happy Hunting Grounds..The GW Parkway yes Fed too but FXCO VA State can also write tickets on all those roads too. Joint Jurisdiction, as well as other offenses ..

Your Pal DAJAX of Jailhouse Law..Beer Brewing ..Cussing lessons and many other things..And if you ever where to meet me..you may think I was retarded or slow...But ..It takes a Genius To Masquerade as a Fool..!!LOL

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: And Pals.. ()
Date: July 07, 2017 11:54PM

Dulles and some of the other roads they do go to Fairfax County Courthouse on traffic tickets..Confusing yes..Thats why you need a Real Lawyer..Member of the Va Bar..Or Fed Bar..Not a Jailhouse Law "Expert" who is a member of any bar with Ice Cold Hobo Beer and Greasy Food..!

DAJAX ..Pals are Guys and Gals..Natch!!

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: July 08, 2017 01:03AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2017 03:57AM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: united employee ()
Date: July 08, 2017 04:23AM

MWAA cops at Dulles write tickets all the time. Some of the jurisdiction is in FX and the rest Loudoun County. I know I've gotten tagged at both sites.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Formerly US Park Police ()
Date: July 08, 2017 07:58AM

They can stop and issue VA tickets/arrests off the Fed park roadways and parks. It depends on what is the traffic crime. Generally it is frowned upon internally within the agency to write general VA traffic charges on VA roadways such as speeding, tint, and dead tags/inspections. DWI, RD, and other class 1 traffic misdemeanors are the most common on VA streets and highways.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: LEO (retired) ()
Date: July 08, 2017 08:01AM

The US Park Police also have special authority that other agencies and jurisdictions lack.

Specifically, at certain times it's legal for them shoot an unarmed nigger in the back while he's running away. When can they do this? When his escape poses an immediate and substantial threat to the public. I know of no other agency that has this authority.

It actually happened some years ago in DC. There was a big chase and the coon hopped a tall fence and was running away deep in the ghetto downtown. The USPP cop shot the jig in the back and killed him. Of course the neighborhood loses their fucking minds and chimps out. A few days later the Wash Post did this super lengthy article on the whole thing - explaining how it was legal for them to do this etc....

So the takeaway from all of this - USPP - last cops in the world you want to fuck with.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: hfncp ()
Date: July 08, 2017 08:55AM

jvxth Wrote:
> They can write tickets on Federal facilities such
> as the GW Parkway.


sorry, that's a jackass answer


are able to effect an arrest without a warrant in any unit of the National Park System

keep up your communism stories - they're halarious

anyone can effect a ticket or seizure of person. the fact is if a muni officer does it wrong, the judge is lenient or never tells you the officer was wrong. if you do it wrong, the judge would take your house, car, and fuck your wife too.


It takes a special individual to meet the demands of being a United States Park Police Officer

Obama hired allot of niggas from DC who "are in the park system" because DC has allot of black feds now and because of the FED PARK SYS in DC (ie, the monuments).

The requirement for "park police" is: YOU BE BLACK

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: vebjw ()
Date: July 08, 2017 08:58AM

Step 98: training


all female applicants will be fondled while they work out. attendance required.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: epgxu ()
Date: July 08, 2017 09:00AM

Selections for hire must attend a mandatory 1-week orientation in Washington, DC

* i rest my case

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: xjmwe ()
Date: July 08, 2017 09:01AM

it's possible some security guard is required to by certified police officer by typical certifications as a pre-requisite


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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: eymyd ()
Date: July 08, 2017 09:06AM

the local force in DC is run by "a big black city"

they are going to want their money and surely will hand you over to a credit collection agency (likely have already)

your local judge is a democrat minority ass kisser somehow chosen by bull-o-va

(your chance of not paying: 0)

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Speedie ()
Date: July 08, 2017 11:02AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> From the href="https://www.nps.gov/subjects/uspp/jurisdicti
> on-and-authority.htm">U.S. Park Police Web
> site
The U.S. Park Police are
> located in 3 geographical areas in the United
> States and are able to effect an arrest without a
> warrant in any unit of the National Park System,
> the District of Columbia, and the environs of the
> District of Columbia “… defined as embracing
> Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and
> Stafford counties and the City of Alexandria in
> Virginia...
Since they have full
> arrest powers, this includes the power to issue
> citations, because there's times that hauling your
> stupid ass to jail is a bigger pain in the butt
> than they want to deal with.
> They even have a sample citation at
> https://www.nps.gov/subjects/uspp/images/cfr-ticke
> t.jpg
> Of course, a citation is technically a courtesy,
> and if you act like a big enough shithead when
> they give you one, I'm pretty sure they'll have no
> reservations about kicking your ass and bundling
> you off to the D.C. Jail, where you'll meet all
> sorts of interesting people.

A few years ago I was stopped for speeding (roughly 50 in a 25, passing people, being a jerk) by a US Park Police Officer. He gave me a very stern lecture and said the only reason I was not getting a ticket is that he didn't have time to come all the way out here for court.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: sartj ()
Date: July 08, 2017 02:14PM

any cop, anywhere, can enforce the law in the US. a cop from florida can write a ticket in alaska if they want.

If a park police decided to pull you over on wall street, they can, they would just call a local cop to write it up - bureaucracy makes it hard.

difficulty is: if you take it to court, the cop has to go in person, on their departments dime, so they are not encouraged unless life is in danger.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Cop9 ()
Date: July 08, 2017 05:20PM

united employee Wrote:
> MWAA cops at Dulles write tickets all the time.
> Some of the jurisdiction is in FX and the rest
> Loudoun County. I know I've gotten tagged at both
> sites.

On the Dulles Toll Road and Dulles Airport Road, MWAA police, VA police, and Fairfax County police patrol regularly (and issue tickets). You could theoretically also receive tickets from other police agencies with jurisdiction like US Park Police.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Wrong Pal ..LOL ()
Date: July 08, 2017 10:06PM

>any cop, anywhere, can enforce the law in the US. a cop from florida can write a ticket in alaska if they want.

Ya they can ..If They want..to see it thrown out court..LOL ..!!

Out of state is just that. The police powers carry into other states for interviewing people..carrying a gun open or concealed..wearing the uniform .driving the car and using blue lights.in emergencies..and chasing people in "Hot Pursuit" .because all states write that into their laws..But Police in other states have no arrest powers in other states, that's what extradition is all about. Other states hold a person wanted on a warrant that may be issued by a interviewing cop in his state and then the other state arrests..or the interviewing cop may already have a warrant..and then if that state wants to, they agree to let the other state extradite the person back to where the crime occurred..States do refuse to let other states take people back now and then, and states may not pursue extradition on minor crimes as its expensive if their far away at their discretion.

Feds are different as I "Stated" before..they have arrest powers in any state or territory of the USA. but they can only arrest for Fed crimes and hold people for state crimes..I doubt FBI agents give anyone tickets..LOL..They call it in and let locals take care of DWIs and other traffic beefs..They may follow..they may stop and hold but not arrest ..and yes they may use deadly force if that need happens..And Yes as I already "Stated" they can intervene on a deadly force attack against anyone anywhere.

And yes a Florida cop in Alaska may intervene if someone is shooting..beating.. stabbing some one..any cop can do that..or any citizen as well. And if that happened it would be reviewed by the equivalent of our Virginia Commonwealth Attorneys office in that state and charges may be made or not..and if a firearm is used, that may also bring charges..against a citizen.not a cop as a rule as States also write that into laws..

And As I "Stated" Feds that give tickets on Rt 28 by Dulles come to Fairfax Courthouse to trials not the Alex Fed Courthouse...Lorton Prison prisoners also came to Fairfax Courthouse for state crimes ..

DAJAX Blue Lights on Police cars is a Fed law only police can use them..and it extends to parking enforcement and some others that may not be actually sworn police..but in some kind of law enforcement job..if the locality wants the lights.. Police can also use red lights but Blue is the Fed standard.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: wally ()
Date: July 08, 2017 10:48PM

I'm also a former LEO, from Indiana. ANY certified officer in Indiana can shoot a fleeing suspect if that person poses a substantial and immediate threat to another person. That's not a special authority given to the US Park Police. You make it sound like they have a license to kill that other LE agencies don't have.

"USPP - last cops in the world you want to fuck with." That's hilarious!

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Weasel Wordsmith..Corrects ()
Date: July 08, 2017 11:37PM

>>And yes a Florida cop in Alaska may intervene if someone is shooting..beating.. stabbing some one..any cop can do that..or any citizen as well. And if that happened it would be reviewed by the equivalent of our Virginia Commonwealth Attorneys office in that state and charges may be made or not..and if a firearm is used, that may also bring charges..against a citizen.not a cop as a rule as States also write that into laws..

Mumbo Jumbo. I should have clarified..if the cop or citizen used deadly force and shot a person..while Fleeing..thats def an In State Cop or Fed authority depending on what.. where ..why and whom..Any cop from out of state..or a Fed..seeing a state crime..getting into it..with a crime..happening..NO..they better not fire at a Fleeing suspect..or a citizen ever..! That's reserved for Feds in some cases and cops from the states ..as the law provides..

DAJAX Better Know what a prisoner is in the joint for..before firing at um..running..Taking bout ..Escapees..from a jail or prison...and especially Work gangs..Hell NO..!! Dogs will take care of the chase.. hide and seek ..business..no guns needed..LOL! And they are Very Happy To Do It Too..!!

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Weasel Here..LOL ^^ ()
Date: July 08, 2017 11:47PM

< or a citizen ever..!

Meaning a citizen Should NEVER Fire at a fleeing suspect....

Enough Jailhouse law..LOL!


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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: It all depends..sez the Weasel ()
Date: July 09, 2017 12:00AM

>Meaning a citizen Should NEVER Fire at a fleeing suspect....

If they just shot a cop or someone..and are running toward a school...with
a gun...something like that.. and the crime is so bad..they probably will harm others..then Yes a Citizen can shoot to stop them..but thats a extreme case..Im taking about ... Other then the extreme..with deadly force used..and life threating danger to others..leave the shooting fleeing suspects to the cops..


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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: RealityCheck ()
Date: July 09, 2017 01:04AM

Tired of getting written up by nigger fed cops while niggers can break state/local laws with abandon?

Tired of affirmative action?

Tired of your children being brainwashed to hate their ethnic heritage in FFX public schools?

VOGEL-Lt. Governor
ADAMS-Attorney General


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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: they can write you a ticket. ()
Date: July 09, 2017 01:53AM

But they cannot eat road kill with your Dog.It's an unwritten rule.

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Re: Do US Park Police have authority to write speeding tickets in Virginia?
Posted by: Wonderboy97 ()
Date: July 10, 2017 08:54PM

Yes 100% they can write a ticket in Fairfax County...speed by one and flick them off and see how that goes for you...report back here with your findings.

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