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Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Tired of Hillary ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:35AM

(CNN)The head of the Democratic National Committee will not speak at the party's convention next week, a decision reached by party officials Saturday after emails surfaced that raised questions about the committee's impartiality during the Democratic primary.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose stewardship of the DNC has been under fire through most of the presidential primary process, will not have a major speaking role in an effort "to keep the peace" in the party, a Democrat familiar with the decision said. The revelation comes following the release of nearly 20,000 emails
One email appears to show DNC staffers asking how they can reference Bernie Sanders' faith to weaken him in the eyes of Southern voters. Another seems to depict an attorney advising the committee on how to defend Hillary Clinton against an accusation by the Sanders campaign of not living up to a joint fundraising agreement.

Wasserman Schultz is expected to gavel the convention in and out, but not speak in the wake of the controversy surrounding the leaked emails, a top Democrat said.
"She's been quarantined," another top Democrat said, following a meeting Saturday night.


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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Bernie Slimed ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:37AM

One email among the thousands of internal DNC messages released this week by Wikileaks showed DNC CFO Brad Marshall questioning Sanders’ Jewish faith, and suggested that painting the candidate as an atheist “could make several points difference” in several late primary contests.
Story Continued Below

“It might may (sic) no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist,” Marshall wrote in a message to several DNC communications directors.


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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Interns Deployed ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:42AM

Intern involvement with protests is mentioned twice in the leaked emails. DNC communications director Luis Miranda bemoaned photos of an empty anti-Trump protest in Washington, D.C. in one email chain.

Miranda said: “Going forward, when our allies screw up and don’t deliver bodies in time, we either send all our interns out there or we stay away from it. we don’t want to own a bad picture.”

Miranda was notified of the protests in an email by another DNC email chain titled “Tv coverage of protest great.” The original email notified the DNC communications director of the Indiana protest, and a DNC staffer wrote, “thanks to our interns for finding this out.”

DNC officials Brad Marshall, a chief financial officer, and Alan Reed, a compliance officer, also signed off on the use of Black Lives Matter organizer Deray Mckesson as a surrogate for Hillary Clinton.

Mckesson rose to prominence after being active in protests in Ferguson, MO. and Baltimore, MD. He has has yet to endorse a candidate and said protests are likely to happen at the upcoming Democratic Party convention.


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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: ranger dick ()
Date: July 24, 2016 10:01AM

What a shame. I wanted to see that catfish mouthed whore get up there and blather about for hours on end. Ruins your boner for days.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Inquisitive One ()
Date: July 24, 2016 10:54AM

Fake protesters, defaming their primary participant, DNC Chair favoring Clinton (everyone but Sanders knew this) and other miscellaneous dark and dirty shit. With all of the dirty tricks you would think that the Democrats would have been the party of Tricky Dick Nixon.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Yes ()
Date: July 24, 2016 11:11AM

Funny you should mention Watergate..Jerry Zeifman, the general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee who supervised work on the Watergate investigation in 1974, a lifelong Democrat, called Clinton a “liar” and “an unethical, dishonest lawyer.”

Oh and she removed papers from public view back then, too.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Not gonna lie ()
Date: July 24, 2016 12:05PM

I'm not gonna lie; I think Debbie is kind of hot. That frizzy hair and those bulging eyes. Tell me you wouldn't want to squirt a hot load in her face.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Rigged Against Bernie ()
Date: July 24, 2016 12:34PM


Typical Hillary Democrat actions. Liars Cheaters Corrupt !

America Does not need 4 more years of this .

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: ranger dick ()
Date: July 24, 2016 12:44PM

Not gonna lie Wrote:
> I'm not gonna lie; I think Debbie is kind of hot.
> That frizzy hair and those bulging eyes. Tell me
> you wouldn't want to squirt a hot load in her
> face.

Everybody has their thing I guess.

The frizzy hair is afro like and it looks kinda greasy. If you like jigs... And the teeth going every which way. I would not be able to even achieve a boner with that thing on the end of it unless I had my eyes closed thinking of anything but her.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Hillary is an Asshole ()
Date: July 24, 2016 08:06PM

Conservatives have central tenets agreed by all: 1. The family is the unit; 2. Work hard; 3. Pay Taxes; 4. Efficient government.

Democrats are a patchwork of peoples: 1. Labor Unions; 2. Feminists; 3. Gays; 4. Lesbians; 5. Blacks; 6. Disaffected Hispanics; 7. Marxist Educators; 8. No-Border-Socialists; 9. Global-Climate-Changers.

Each of these groups hate the others. They all band together to fight the normal, productive, good people.

So, I like good. I want good. I will vote Trump.

Democrats hate good. They want evil. They'll vote for Hillary.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Juliegp ()
Date: July 24, 2016 08:22PM

Wait until the rest of the emails are released by wikileaks!

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: The Taming of the Jew ()
Date: July 24, 2016 08:24PM

Debby looks like she needs a flea and tick bath.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: fixed it for you ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:06PM

Juliegp Wrote:
> Wait until the rest of the emails are released by
> Trump's friend Putin!

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: emily litella ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:08PM

Tired of Hillary Wrote:
> (CNN)The head of the Democratic National Committee
> will not speak at the party's convention next
> week, a decision reached by party officials
> Saturday after emails surfaced that raised
> questions about the committee's impartiality
> during the Democratic primary.
> Debbie Wasserman Schultz, whose stewardship of the
> DNC has been under fire through most of the
> presidential primary process, will not have a
> major speaking role in an effort "to keep the
> peace" in the party, a Democrat familiar with the
> decision said. The revelation comes following the
> release of nearly 20,000 emails
> One email appears to show DNC staffers asking how
> they can reference Bernie Sanders' faith to weaken
> him in the eyes of Southern voters. Another seems
> to depict an attorney advising the committee on
> how to defend Hillary Clinton against an
> accusation by the Sanders campaign of not living
> up to a joint fundraising agreement.
> Wasserman Schultz is expected to gavel the
> convention in and out, but not speak in the wake
> of the controversy surrounding the leaked emails,
> a top Democrat said.
> "She's been quarantined," another top Democrat
> said, following a meeting Saturday night.
> http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/22/politics/dnc-wikilea
> ks-emails/index.html

For someone who is tired of Hillary, you sure seem obsessed. Usually when you are tired of something you try not to talk about it.

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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Oh No!!! ()
Date: July 24, 2016 09:41PM

HEADSHOT - Wikileaks is very inconvenient for democrats lately.

Warning: Do not go to these links on an unprotected system.

Better yet, do it in a throwaway VM.

DNC member killing horses for insurance money.


DNC making fun of black womans name.


DNC telling each other, "I love you too. no homo."


DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.


DNC controlling the narrative with time released stories.


DNC conspiring to create false Trump information and release with Reuters.


DNC Hillary supporters infiltrated Sanders campaign.


DNC members going to complain to Morning Joe producers about his mentioning of a "rigged system."


DNC discussing their relationship with NBC/MSNBC/CNN and how to get better treatment.


Super PAC paying young voters to push back online Sanders supporters. Paid shills.


DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz having an off the record meeting in MSNBC President Phil Griffin's office.


DNC being messed with by the Washington Examiner.


DNC discussing Hillary's policies as unfeasible.


$200k for a private dinner with Hillary.


Offering to send interns out to fake a protest against the RNC.


Faking outrage and pasting in a video later.


A mole working inside of the Sanders campaign.


Bringing up Sanders religion to scare the southern voters.


Possible money laundering by moving money back and forth to bypass legal limits.


Politico writer sending his stories to the DNC before he sends them to his editor.


DNC feeding CNN the questions they want to be asked in interviews.


Creating a fake job ad for a Trump business to paint him as a sexist.


Hillary funding 2 million dollars in a cooridanted campaign in battleground states to win back the Senate.


DNC is upset that their "allies" didn't send in protestors so they sent out interns.


"Clinton Foundation quid-pro-quo worries are lingering, will be exploited in general."


$50,000 - Lawrence Benenson.


Daily Fundraising Report for the DNC.


Content & Social Strategy Discussion.


Re: BuzzFeed and DNC connection.


Draft linking news articles about trump to use as negative press.


Fwd: State Dinner Countdown.


Some chick is angry she hasn't been given more stuff from the Obama administration...might be interesting to follow up.

Re: State Dinner Countdown.


Tim O'Brien: Trump's Fixation on Inflating his Net Worth is a Cause for Concern.


RE: May Fundraising Numbers.



Hillary for America Raised $26.4 Million in April, Began May with More than $30 Million Cash on Hand.


Re: For approval: Trump supporter graphics. https://www.wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/788

Press talking points, states Hillary is their candidate, dated May 5, 2016. More of a smoking gun than the ambiguous talk in the emails themselves.


Consultant calling megyn kelly a bimbo. Has PDF attached that says the same.


DNC trying to get away with violating the Hatch Act.


Democrats using interns to organize fake "protests."


RE: Action on DNC tomorrow (Immigration Raids).


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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Can't Stump the Trump ()
Date: July 24, 2016 11:27PM


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Re: Hillary Convention Disaster Day 0: Wasserman Ousted (CNN)
Posted by: Inquisitive One ()
Date: July 25, 2016 02:21AM

A quick review of the email list above and it would appear that it is just a treasure trove of scandals and corruption lawsuits should the Justice Department choose to indict (NOT!!!!).

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