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Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Anna ()
Date: August 02, 2009 10:27PM

Few weeks ago my husband and I were going to Williamsburg and stopped by Potomac Mils mall to see if G-Street fabric store was there. We left our two dogs in the car with water and windows cracked. It was 78 degrees outside so we thought it was ok to leave the dogs in the car for few minutes. When we came back in 20 min there were two police cars there already and my husband was charged with animal cruelty. The cop wouldn't even write down the temperature since it was 'irrelevant' according to him. Is anyone familiar with the animal cruelty laws in VA and what we should expect? Any helpful tip will be greatly appreciated since my husband is going to court tomorrow.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Bolano ()
Date: August 02, 2009 10:48PM

Shame on you guys. You should know animal activist groups are crazy about this kind of stuff. Have you learned anything from Michael Vick?

I'm messing with you guys. If they took your dogs away you're in trouble, if not, I wouldn't worry about anything.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: August 02, 2009 10:58PM

You will probably be slapped with a fine, maybe $200 plus court costs. Enough to make you think not to do it again.

WTF with thinking that it was OK to leave your dogs in a car, no matter the temperature? Please don't have kids.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 02, 2009 10:59PM

Anna Wrote:
> Few weeks ago my husband and I were going to
> Williamsburg and stopped by Potomac Mils mall to
> see if G-Street fabric store was there. We left
> our two dogs in the car with water and windows
> cracked. It was 78 degrees outside so we thought
> it was ok to leave the dogs in the car for few
> minutes. When we came back in 20 min there were
> two police cars there already and my husband was
> charged with animal cruelty. The cop wouldn't even
> write down the temperature since it was
> 'irrelevant' according to him. Is anyone familiar
> with the animal cruelty laws in VA and what we
> should expect? Any helpful tip will be greatly
> appreciated since my husband is going to court
> tomorrow.

Troll? Perhaps. Why would someone wait until the day before to seek advice? And why the hell would you be dumb enough not to hire a lawyer, or at least talk to one?

BTW I hate jerkoffs like you. You admit you endangered your pets. It's the middle of the summer, dumbass! What the fuck was in your mind?

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Anna ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:02PM

These dogs are rescue beagles we've had for 9 years. I truly believe we're wrong people to be charged with animal cruelty. However, as far as I know the animal cruelty laws have been tighten up in the last years. I'm afraid it'll be up to the judge to decide and it could be anything...

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Anna ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:12PM

People leave their dogs with the thermostats set for 80 degrees or high and just go to work for the whole day. So is is animal cruelty too? How about castrating the poor animals?
BTW, that's why I really hate this site that the are so-o-o many jerks like Reston whatever who have nothing to do and don't post anything meaningful just some useless crap.

Got what I needed. Not going to post on this site anymore. Thanks, Bolano.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ?? ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:15PM

Anna Wrote:
> People leave their dogs with the thermostats set
> for 80 degrees or high and just go to work for the
> whole day. So is is animal cruelty too? How about
> castrating the poor animals?
> BTW, that's why I really hate this site that the
> are so-o-o many jerks like Reston whatever who
> have nothing to do and don't post anything
> meaningful just some useless crap.
> Got what I needed. Not going to post on this site
> anymore. Thanks, Bolano.

Yeah, neutering your dog and reducing the risk of testicular and prostate cancer greatly is so cruel. You're retarded.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:21PM

Anna Wrote:
> These dogs are rescue beagles we've had for 9
> years. I truly believe we're wrong people to be
> charged with animal cruelty. However, as far as I
> know the animal cruelty laws have been tighten up
> in the last years. I'm afraid it'll be up to the
> judge to decide and it could be anything...

You assume that because you rescued the animals, you are noble and beyond reproach?

Do you know enough about dogs to understand that they do not tolerate heat the same way we do? They only discharge heat through the pads of their feet and through panting. They also can suffer brain damage rather quickly on a hot day.

Never assume that 78 degrees is okay, because your car can quickly reach the high 90's, even go beyond 100 degrees, when it is only 70 degrees outside, and even with the windows cracked. Anything above 70, with partly cloudy or clear skies can turn a car into an oven as far as dogs are concerned.

Besides, leaving a purebred dog in a car is inviting dog theft.

When I travel with my dogs, I never leave them in the car, they come with me, I stop at places to eat where I can bring my dogs, or one person in my travel party stays outside with the dogs while the rest go and get the food, or whatever errand or whatever.

Once the temperature is above about 60 degrees, I never leave my dogs in the car. I rarely do so when the temps are below 60, but that is the only time I would even consider it.

Check out how hot a car can really get at mydogiscool.com, a program of United Animal Nations. When it's 72 degrees, a car in direct sun can reach an internal temperature of 116. Even in the shade, a car can be 10 to 20 degrees hotter than outdoors, and cracking the window has almost no effect.

Veterinarian Cate Rinaldo, a volunteer with United Animal Nations, said dogs don't have sweat glands all over their bodies as humans do. They cool off by panting, which is inefficient.

Once a dog's body temperature gets over about 106 — normal temperature is around 101 — the result is "everything from nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, systemic organ failure, and it happens fast, within a matter of minutes," she said.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: !!! ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:25PM

Yep, yep, you-re so right. Let's reduce your testicular cancer risk and save you from producing retarded children as well... :-))

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ffxstoner ()
Date: August 02, 2009 11:28PM

20 fucking minutes. You dumb fuck, not cool man. Pay the fine your dumbass deserves and go on with life.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 03, 2009 01:51AM

ffxstoner Wrote:
> 20 fucking minutes. You dumb fuck, not cool man.
> Pay the fine your dumbass deserves and go on with
> life.

It's sad that nobody stole those beagles.

Anyone who would leave their dogs in a car for that long deserves to have them stolen from them.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 03, 2009 01:59AM

Anna Wrote:
> People leave their dogs with the thermostats set
> for 80 degrees or high and just go to work for the
> whole day. So is is animal cruelty too? How about
> castrating the poor animals?

Setting your thermostat at 80 degrees is not going to do neurological or organ damage to your dog. He might think it's a little warm, but it isn't going to kill him.

Plus, I think you are trying to justify your actions by making up scenarios. I leave my dogs at home and set the thermostat at about 74. You could imagine that everyone else is doing it, so you should too, but that isn't reality.

> BTW, that's why I really hate this site that the
> are so-o-o many jerks like Reston whatever who
> have nothing to do and don't post anything
> meaningful just some useless crap.

Or you could hate this site because everyone other than reston is telling you that you really did make a mistake. You fucked up. You rationalized that it was just a few minutes (that turned into 20 minutes). Your desire to see some store became more important than your dogs' welfare. You figured you could crack the windows and leave some water, and nothing bad would come from it.

Well, luckily the bad that could come from it was on you, not on your dogs. Pay the fucking fine and be grateful that you didn't kill your dogs.

Let's just hope that either your husband has bad sperm our that you are too old to produce viable eggs. Neither of you should be reproducing.

> Got what I needed. Not going to post on this site
> anymore. Thanks, Bolano.

Yes. Run away. You've been told how wrong you are, so instead of facing up to that fact, you should just avoid it and then you can continue to believe you are perfect and infallible. People like you suck.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2009 02:04AM by Thurston Moore.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 03, 2009 03:36AM

JayBee Wrote:
> You will probably be slapped with a fine, maybe
> $200 plus court costs. Enough to make you think
> not to do it again.
> WTF with thinking that it was OK to leave your
> dogs in a car, no matter the temperature? Please
> don't have kids.

"No matter the temperature"? Are you nuts? If it's 60 Degrees Outside, and you crack a window, then I don't see a problem with leaving a dog in the car. Around 80 Degrees though, that is definitely pushing it, and it depends upon the type of dog as well (My Husky is like me, she HATES heat), also, dogs with short snouts cannot handle the Heat nearly as well.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 03, 2009 03:41AM

Anna Wrote:
> People leave their dogs with the thermostats set
> for 80 degrees or high and just go to work for the
> whole day. So is is animal cruelty too? How about
> castrating the poor animals?
> BTW, that's why I really hate this site that the
> are so-o-o many jerks like Reston whatever who
> have nothing to do and don't post anything
> meaningful just some useless crap.
> Got what I needed. Not going to post on this site
> anymore. Thanks, Bolano.

Who in the world sets their Thermostat to 80 Degrees? Even my Sub-Saharan African friend who loves Summer, and Heat, never set his that high. That's NUTS. You might as well turn your Thermostat off at that setting.

"Castrating" (ie, Neutering/Spaying) a dog is not cruel, because it not only dramatically decreases their risk for contracting certain forms of Cancer, but it also reduces dog attacks (ie, Injuries), and diminishes the number of starving homeless pups wandering the streets without homes.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2009 03:42AM by ThePackLeader.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RestonLass ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:02AM

The next time you're at Potomac Mills Mall, when the temperature is 78 (outside the car), park the verhicle, crack the windows and sit in the car for 20 minutes with your bottled water.

Then, come back and tells us of your experience

So you're prepared, when you park your vehicle in direct sunlight on a day when the temp is 78 degrees, the interior of the vehicle will reach 100 degrees within 10 minutes, rising steadly as time progresses.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RestonLass ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:05AM

ThePackLeader Wrote:

> Who in the world sets their Thermostat to 80
> Degrees? Even my Sub-Saharan African friend who
> loves Summer, and Heat, never set his that high.
> That's NUTS. You might as well turn your
> Thermostat off at that setting.

During an earlier thread about thermostat settings, many said they set their thermostats around 78 for AC.

78-80 degrees in quite comfortable when the humidity has been removed.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 03, 2009 07:17AM

Anna Wrote:
> People leave their dogs with the thermostats set
> for 80 degrees or high and just go to work for the
> whole day. So is is animal cruelty too?

Probably a troll post because no one can be a pet owner and seriously not know the difference between animals left alone in a house at 80 degrees and left in a car when it's 78. And when this person says "78" it was probably into the 80's. And they had probably done that to the poor dogs before and finally someone saw it and called the cops.

Just goes to show that many people can like dogs, but not all of them should own them. Thank goodness the dogs are still alive.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Anna ()
Date: August 03, 2009 10:55AM

I just want to thank Bolano again. You were right! Our case was dismissed!!!
To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do something better with your time than post some crap here when you have nothing meaningful or intelligent to say.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: :-(( ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:03AM

Trust me when I tell you to NEVER come here for advice on ANYTHING. There are nothing but a bunch of savage, egotistical, hypocrites here that will do nothing but find ways to belittle anything you say or ask. They are a bunch of miserable people that having nothing better to do than to sit in front of a screen day and night and rip people apart for asking a simple, harmful question. This isnt a forum for coming to for help, its a mental forum for the sick and dillusional.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:07AM

Anna Wrote:
> I just want to thank Bolano again. You were right!
> Our case was dismissed!!!
> To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do
> something better with your time than post some
> crap here when you have nothing meaningful or
> intelligent to say.

The only losers are your poor pets that you abuse. If you didn't like what people here had to say about you leaving your dogs in the car during the summer, then go to hell.

edit to add: we know it was you posting the "sympathetic" anon message.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2009 11:08AM by pgens.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:11AM

Anna Wrote:
> I just want to thank Bolano again. You were right!
> Our case was dismissed!!!
> To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do
> something better with your time than post some
> crap here when you have nothing meaningful or
> intelligent to say.

Most people have been telling you facts here about what happens temperature-wise in a car when left alone in the sun on a warm summer day. It was a stupid, selfish, and irresponsible thing to do to leave your dogs in there. You were wrong. Don't get snippy. Learn from it. Don't leave your dogs in your car.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:12AM

Anna Wrote:

> To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do
> something better with your time than post some
> crap here when you have nothing meaningful or
> intelligent to say.

Here's something meaningful to say - next time, I hope one of your dogs gets so fucked up from the heat that it costs $5,000 in vet bills to get him back to normal so the message of "Not. Leaving. Your. Pets. In. The. Car. In. The. Summer." gets hammered home.

Next time, double down and leave your kid in the car too.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:15AM

I really wish you would have kept your promise and not posted here anymore. Gloating will only lead someone to go to the courthouse and look up who's animal cruelty case was dismissed this morning and post all about you and your attitude. The internet can be a cruel mistress.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: FoolSmacker ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:16AM

Anna Wrote:
> I just want to thank Bolano again. You were right!
> Our case was dismissed!!!
> To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do
> something better with your time than post some
> crap here when you have nothing meaningful or
> intelligent to say.

Anna, you got really lucky, or the judge was an idiot, or both. Or you're lying.

Next time you leave your dogs in the car to boil, hopefully someone breaks in and takes them.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:20AM

She's a liar. I was in court - the charge was not dismissed. She got a continuance... or should I say cunt-tinuance.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: FoolSmacker ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:35AM

Warhawk Wrote:

> Here's something meaningful to say - next time, I
> hope one of your dogs gets so fucked up from the
> heat that it costs $5,000 in vet bills to get him
> back to normal so the message of "Not. Leaving.
> Your. Pets. In. The. Car. In. The. Summer." gets
> hammered home.

No, that would suck. Why should the dog have to suffer to teach these self-involved douchbags a lesson? Because it probably wouldn't be 5 grand in vet bills. It wold probably be permanent or even fatal damage.
Anna said that these were "rescue" beagles. Hopefully next time, someone "rescues" them from Anna.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:46AM

I notify someone any time I see an animal left alone in a car, for any reason. It's cruel and completely unnecessary.

Anna, why don't you try sitting in the back seat of the car in a heavy coat for 20 minutes and see how you feel about it?

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RestonLass ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:48AM

If Anna went to court, shouldn't there be a record of it? Can someone post this case?

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Da Mob ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:01PM

It was her husband, not her and it would be in Prince William County, not Fairfax. It would be fun to find her, anyone got some rope or a pitchfork?

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:25PM

I know, when I said she got one I meant she was there with her husband who got one. My mistake.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:26PM

FoolSmacker Wrote:

> No, that would suck. Why should the dog have to
> suffer to teach these self-involved douchbags a
> lesson? Because it probably wouldn't be 5 grand in
> vet bills. It wold probably be permanent or even
> fatal damage.
> Anna said that these were "rescue" beagles.
> Hopefully next time, someone "rescues" them from
> Anna.

I'm a dog owner and a dog lover. I wouldn't want the dog to suffer, die, or have permanent damage, but it would be sweet justice if she had to run it to the vet, they had to do a bunch of workups on the dog, and it cost a pretty penny, but the dog ended up being fine. In my perfect world, the dog is fine, she's out a cool grand (at least), and then the dog bites her on the vagina.

My A/C died yesterday and despite all of the fans running yesterday and today, my dog is fucking miserable and it's only 83 degrees in a well ventilated house! Imagine being stuck in a fucking car.

I try my best not to get on here and be flat out insulting, but that is one dumb bitch and her husband is a tool.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:39PM

Warhawk Wrote:
> I try my best not to get on here and be flat out
> insulting, but that is one dumb bitch and her
> husband is a tool.

But, but... they RESCUED their dog from an already-cruel owner. Because of that act of benevolence, any cruelty perpetrated by them is converted into rainbow unicorn kisses.

See, it wasn't cruelty because it was a hot, stuffy car of FREEDOM for this poor, abused animal.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:40PM

Q: Whats black and brown and looks good on Anna?
A: A pitbull.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:51PM

"Anna" is Anna Carlen. Her husband is Gregg Bradley Carlen.

"CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","039"," 11800","QUARTER HORSE ","CT","OAKTON ","VA","12/11/2006","50-54MPH/35MPH ZONE "
"CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","041"," 11800","QUARTER HORSE ","CT","OAKTON ","VA","04/03/2008","55-59MPH/35MPH ZONE "
"CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","041"," 11800","QUARTER HORSE ","CT","OAKTON ","VA","05/15/2008","NO/STATE INSPECTION "
"CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","042"," 11800","QUARTER HORSE ","CT","OAKTON ","VA","06/11/2009","NO/STATE INSPECTION "

why not send them a nice letter?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 12:56PM

Oh she lives on quarter horse... big surprise she has no sense of responsibility and thinks she and her husband should and can do as they please.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 03, 2009 02:00PM

MAP #: 0363 06 0043A


Sales History
Date Amount Seller Buyer
07/03/2000 $365,000 CARLEN GREGG B
02/27/1995 $279,500
02/27/1995 $253,745 SURRATT RICHARD J

Sales 1 of 3

Date 07/03/2000
Amount $365,000
Notes Valid and verified sale
Deed Book and Page 11417-0745

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Clerk ()
Date: August 03, 2009 04:09PM

RESton Peace,

As much as I hoped you were right and this case was just continued it looks like the charges were indeed dropped:

Case Number:

File Date:



Defendant Status:
Released On Summons

Defense Attorney:
OAKTON, VA 22124

White Caucasian(Non-Hispanic)



Code Section:

Case Type:

Amended Charge:

Amended Code:

Amended Case Type:

Offense Date:

Arrest Date:
Number Date Time Result Hearing Type Courtroom Plea Min Continuance Code
01 08/03/2009 09:00 AM Finalized 4 000
Final Disposition:
Nolle Prosequi

00Months 000Days

Sentence Suspension Time:
00Months 000Days

Operator License Suspension Time:
00Years 00Months 000Days

Fine/Costs Due:

Fine/Costs Paid:

Fine/Costs Paid Date:
Probation Type:

Probation Time:
00Years 00Months 000Days

Probation Starts:

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 04:15PM

I know they were dropped, I was joking around while I dug up her info.

Thank you to all who hate this twat.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: N8TIVE NO. VIRGINIAN ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:39PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> "Anna" is Anna Carlen. Her husband is Gregg
> Bradley Carlen.
> "CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","039","
> ","VA","12/11/2006","50-54MPH/35MPH ZONE
> "
> "CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","041","
> ","VA","04/03/2008","55-59MPH/35MPH ZONE
> "
> "CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","041","
> ","VA","05/15/2008","NO/STATE INSPECTION
> "
> "CARLEN ","ANNA "," ","042","
> ","VA","06/11/2009","NO/STATE INSPECTION
> "
> why not send them a nice letter?

I'm not even sure they should have dogs at all ... I mean, she can't even remember to get her car inspected! "No State Inspection" in 5/2008 and again in 6/2009?!? Sheesh!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:54PM

EDIT: Gregg's pic to be re-added when kid is cropped out.

These douchebags just LOOK like they are oblivious to the suffering of others:

Anna the Twat and Gregg the Oblivious, god Anna is as savagely ugly as I suspected:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2009 04:06PM by RESton Peace.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 03, 2009 05:58PM

She looks a little old to be married to him....

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Honestly ()
Date: August 03, 2009 06:54PM

i see people have nothing to do in working place ..spend all day for talk about nothing ....most interesting if it something really serious happen ...you need to wait for police help ..but i case when you can get any penalty they here in the moment......and it is look strange to me read this sardonic polemic...

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: August 03, 2009 07:06PM

Honestly Wrote:
> i see people have nothing to do in working place
> ..spend all day for talk about nothing ....most
> interesting if it something really serious happen
> ...you need to wait for police help ..but i case
> when you can get any penalty they here in the
> moment......and it is look strange to me read this
> sardonic polemic...

Let me guess; you have a rich uncle that recently died, and you need to transfer some money before the government takes it...

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: August 03, 2009 10:26PM

MrMephisto Wrote:

> Let me guess; you have a rich uncle that recently
> died, and you need to transfer some money before
> the government takes it...

That is what the grammar (or lack therefore) seems to imply.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: August 03, 2009 11:46PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> These douchebags just LOOK like they are oblivious
> to the suffering of others:
> Anna the Twat and Gregg the Oblivious, god Anna
> is as savagely ugly as I suspected:

she does have nice tits though

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:27AM

:-(( Wrote:
> ANNA......
> Trust me when I tell you to NEVER come here for
> advice on ANYTHING. There are nothing but a bunch
> of savage, egotistical, hypocrites here that will
> do nothing but find ways to belittle anything you
> say or ask. They are a bunch of miserable people
> that having nothing better to do than to sit in
> front of a screen day and night and rip people
> apart for asking a simple, harmful question. This
> isnt a forum for coming to for help, its a mental
> forum for the sick and dillusional.

Spunky, I didn't realize that you posted anonymously.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:32AM

Anna Wrote:
> I just want to thank Bolano again. You were right!
> Our case was dismissed!!!
> To the rest of bitter losers I suggest to do
> something better with your time than post some
> crap here when you have nothing meaningful or
> intelligent to say.

You WON! Now you can leave your dogs in the car all the time without worrying about all the facts posted here that tell you NOT TO LEAVE YOUR DOGS IN THE CAR.


The bitter losers who care about dog welfare should just shut the fuck up, amiright?

Hopefully you will treat your future children the same way you treat your dogs. That way, they won't make it into adulthood to have children of their own.

Your gene pool needs to be drained and filled in.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: bloody blisters ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:36AM

i sure hope your dogs are not jewish.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:44AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> Oh she lives on quarter horse... big surprise she
> has no sense of responsibility and thinks she and
> her husband should and can do as they please.

Just another dipshit transplant who believes they are at the top of the world and beyond reproach because they make double what their parents made back home in east omaha or west fuckmeforlivinghere.

Getting the first college degree in your family doesn't make you the top of the food chain. It makes you about three quarters down the food chain, and a tool who believes you are special.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:48AM

> I'm not even sure they should have dogs at all ...
> I mean, she can't even remember to get her car
> inspected! "No State Inspection" in 5/2008 and
> again in 6/2009?!? Sheesh!

Can someone find out what rescue organization they got their dogs from?

I'm pretty sure that all rescue groups maintain the right to take the dogs back if there is any sign that the new owners are acting irresponsibly or are mistreating the dogs.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: eew ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:14AM

She's 42??? Goddam, she looks like a fucking 60 year old.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Thurston Moore ()
Date: August 04, 2009 03:25AM

eew Wrote:
> She's 42??? Goddam, she looks like a fucking 60
> year old.

... with diabetes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 04, 2009 03:40AM

RestonLass Wrote:
> ThePackLeader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Who in the world sets their Thermostat to 80
> > Degrees? Even my Sub-Saharan African friend who
> > loves Summer, and Heat, never set his that
> high.
> > That's NUTS. You might as well turn your
> > Thermostat off at that setting.
> During an earlier thread about thermostat
> settings, many said they set their thermostats
> around 78 for AC.
> 78-80 degrees in quite comfortable when the
> humidity has been removed.

I guarantee you most of those people were lying. "The Greeny Effect" I call it.

I agree, 78 is not a bad temperature "outdoors" when the Humidity level is low, but inside, with minimal air flow and so forth, that would be roasting. 71 to 72 is about as High as I ever dare set it in the Summer (And yeah, I've been in Spain with a 120 Deg. Heat Wave, and nowhere on the island did they have A/C, but the houses there were built for it (2 Foot thick walls) ).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/04/2009 03:48AM by ThePackLeader.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 04, 2009 03:45AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> These douchebags just LOOK like they are oblivious
> to the suffering of others:
> Anna the Twat and Gregg the Oblivious, god Anna
> is as savagely ugly as I suspected:

Is that from FB or what?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:00PM

Yes it is, TPL

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:08PM

ThePackLeader Wrote:
> I guarantee you most of those people were lying.
> "The Greeny Effect" I call it.
> I agree, 78 is not a bad temperature "outdoors"
> when the Humidity level is low, but inside, with
> minimal air flow and so forth, that would be
> roasting. 71 to 72 is about as High as I ever dare
> set it in the Summer

Odd. I am not lying why I say my thermostat is set between 78 and 80 depending on time of day and all occupants are perfectly comfortable.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:13PM

pgens Wrote:
> Odd. I am not lying why I say my thermostat is set between 78 and 80 depending on time of day and all occupants are perfectly comfortable.

I keep mine on 78 in the summer. With the cieling fans on high, it feels perfectly comfortable. I'm not a big fan of super cold AC though, I couldn't imagine keeping it turned down to 71, brrrrrrr...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: August 04, 2009 12:35PM

Some people just need a simple demonstration to show them the error of their ways. Please read this if you think that your car is a fine place to leave a living creature, even for 20 minutes.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: kid should be left alone ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:23PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> These douchebags just LOOK like they are oblivious
> to the suffering of others:
> Anna the Twat and Gregg the Oblivious, god Anna
> is as savagely ugly as I suspected:

Not cool posting a picture of their kid. I think they are dirtbags and arrogant beyond belief, but the pic of the kid should have been edited out of the posting. It's not her fault the parents are animal abusers.

BTW, how does this not conflict with the whole new "no outing policy" of FFXU? Can we assume it is safe to out posters now?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:27PM

Then the douchebag should edit the kid out of the pic HE put on facebook... listen you don't really care. Nothing is going to happen to the kid. So, dry off and chill out.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:30PM

Wonder if they considered leaving the kid in the car with a bowl of water for 20 minutes.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: kid should be left alone ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:37PM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> So, dry off and chill out.

I can't, Gregg locked me in the car with the windows cracked.

But seriously, while, yes, he did in fact put a pic of his kid on his FB page, it is not the same as posting it here. Here, he is associated with animal cruelty.

SOME animal rights people are some of the most sadistic and unrelenting scum on this earth. SOME would not stop at harming people if they thought it would save an animal's life. Their behavior includes stalking and harassing the family members of researchers, ranchers, etc.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: August 04, 2009 01:39PM

Just watch Whale Wars.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 04, 2009 03:34PM

kid should be left alone Wrote:
> RESton Peace Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So, dry off and chill out.
> I can't, Gregg locked me in the car with the
> windows cracked.
> But seriously, while, yes, he did in fact put a
> pic of his kid on his FB page, it is not the same
> as posting it here. Here, he is associated with
> animal cruelty.
> SOME animal rights people are some of the most
> sadistic and unrelenting scum on this earth. SOME
> would not stop at harming people if they thought
> it would save an animal's life. Their behavior
> includes stalking and harassing the family members
> of researchers, ranchers, etc.

Yeah I feel you, I'll chop it later and edit the post.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Harry Tuttle ()
Date: August 04, 2009 05:12PM

All white kids look the same, especially at that age. I seriously doubt anyone will see the kid walking around, recognize it, and then proceed to harass it. Notice that I refer to the child as "it"... that's because I couldn't even tell if it was a boy or a girl.

At that age, posting a pic of the parents is just as bad (probably worse) than posting the kid. (Nothing could be more recognizable than that miserable old woman's fro)

But you don't really care about the kid, huh? You're just trying to get a rise out of RESton...

kid should be left alone Wrote:
> Not cool posting a picture of their kid. I think
> they are dirtbags and arrogant beyond belief, but
> the pic of the kid should have been edited out of
> the posting. It's not her fault the parents are
> animal abusers.
> BTW, how does this not conflict with the whole new
> "no outing policy" of FFXU? Can we assume it is
> safe to out posters now?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 04, 2009 07:09PM

TheMeeper Wrote:
> pgens Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Odd. I am not lying why I say my thermostat is
> set between 78 and 80 depending on time of day and
> all occupants are perfectly comfortable.
> I keep mine on 78 in the summer. With the cieling
> fans on high, it feels perfectly comfortable. I'm
> not a big fan of super cold AC though, I couldn't
> imagine keeping it turned down to 71, brrrrrrr...

Yeah, but significant ceiling fans can make a huge difference of course, hence my comment about "Air Flow". Stagnant air at 78 Degrees is an entirely different issue in my opinion.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: August 04, 2009 07:11PM

pgens Wrote:
> ThePackLeader Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I guarantee you most of those people were
> lying.
> > "The Greeny Effect" I call it.
> >
> > I agree, 78 is not a bad temperature "outdoors"
> > when the Humidity level is low, but inside,
> with
> > minimal air flow and so forth, that would be
> > roasting. 71 to 72 is about as High as I ever
> dare
> > set it in the Summer
> Odd. I am not lying why I say my thermostat is
> set between 78 and 80 depending on time of day and
> all occupants are perfectly comfortable.

For the record, I am not accusing everyone of being a liar, but I have no doubt that some people like to sound "Green" when around certain crowds.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: August 05, 2009 12:14PM

Just wanted to keep this thread fresh, maybe get it a few more hits so Google will hopefully track it and Anna Carlen can get the full recognition she deserves via the internet. Especially if she eventually goes for a job interview or someone google's her name.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ffxstoner ()
Date: August 05, 2009 01:44PM

Woops Double Post.


lol this thread is the first result for her address

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2009 01:54PM by ffxstoner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: ffxstoner ()
Date: August 05, 2009 01:52PM

(Ignore this post its for SEO purposes.)

Anna Carlen
11800 quarter horse.

Fairfax County
Anna Carlen 11800 quarter horse

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2009 01:53PM by ffxstoner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 11, 2009 10:23AM

8/11 FCPD news release. 120 degrees in a car plus a water bowl != safe pets

Pets in hot cars

Fairfax County Police Department
Public Information Office
August 11, 2009
Dog Days of Summer: No Time for Pets to Be Left in Cars

As we’re experiencing the dog days of summer, Fairfax County’s Animal Shelter cautions pet owners not to leave their dogs in vehicles. After just a few minutes on a hot day, the temperature in a stationary vehicle can easily rise to 120 degrees, harming an animal if left inside. These temperatures can cause heat stroke and even death among pets left in cars exposed to the heat.

“Pets in a car have no way to escape the heat,” says Animal Shelter Director Dr. Karen Diviney. “Even with the window cracked open, temperatures can soar leaving pets vulnerable and in a life-threatening situation.”

Even running a quick errand into the grocery or a convenience store could pose a risk to pets. The Fairfax County Animal Shelter asks residents to leave pets at home during hot summer months. Check www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police for more information on pets in hot cars.

People who leave a pet in a car on a hot day could be prosecuted for a class 1 misdemeanor for animal cruelty under the Code of Virginia §3.1-796.122.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: August 11, 2009 12:00PM

pgens Wrote:
> 8/11 FCPD news release. 120 degrees in a car plus
> a water bowl != safe pets
> Pets in hot cars
> Fairfax County Police Department
> Public Information Office
> August 11, 2009
> Dog Days of Summer: No Time for Pets to Be Left in
> Cars
> As we’re experiencing the dog days of summer,
> Fairfax County’s Animal Shelter cautions pet
> owners not to leave their dogs in vehicles. After
> just a few minutes on a hot day, the temperature
> in a stationary vehicle can easily rise to 120
> degrees, harming an animal if left inside. These
> temperatures can cause heat stroke and even death
> among pets left in cars exposed to the heat.
> “Pets in a car have no way to escape the heat,”
> says Animal Shelter Director Dr. Karen Diviney.
> “Even with the window cracked open, temperatures
> can soar leaving pets vulnerable and in a
> life-threatening situation.”
> Even running a quick errand into the grocery or a
> convenience store could pose a risk to pets. The
> Fairfax County Animal Shelter asks residents to
> leave pets at home during hot summer months. Check
> www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police for more information
> on pets in hot cars.
> People who leave a pet in a car on a hot day could
> be prosecuted for a class 1 misdemeanor for animal
> cruelty under the Code of Virginia §3.1-796.122.

To clarify, this doesn't mean it's OK to leave your pet in the car in the dead of winter, either.

Understand, Anna?

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: KristaD ()
Date: August 11, 2009 12:09PM

Is there a law about leaving a car running while unattended?

I've left dogs in the car with the AC running while I run into 7 eleven and stuff.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 11, 2009 12:17PM

I think with the ac on... you get a pass. You're lucky the dogs didn't lock you out, lol.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 11, 2009 12:23PM

Not sure, but a pet can still be injured. Embedded emphasis mine because the original poster claimed to have done all of that, but without AC.


"What about leaving the dog in the car with the air-conditioning running? Many people do this, but tragedy can strike -- and it has. For example, in 2003, a police dog in Texas died after the air-conditioning in the patrol car shut down and began blowing hot air. The air system's compressor kicked off because the engine got too hot. Many cars, including modern models with computerized functions, are prone to the same problem. In August 2004, a North Carolina couple lost two of their beloved dogs, and nearly lost their third dogs, as result of a similar failure. They had left bowls of water and ice in the car, and the air-conditioning on, during their shopping trip of less than 30 minutes.

Animals are not able to sweat like humans do. Dogs cool themselves by panting and by sweating through their paws. If they have only overheated air to breathe, animals can collapse, suffer brain damage and possibly die of heatstroke. Just 15 minutes can be enough for an animal's body temperature to climb from a normal 102.5 to deadly levels that will damage the nervous and cardiovascular systems, often leaving the animal comatose, dehydrated and at risk of permanent impairment or death. "

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 11, 2009 07:57PM

This topic won't die.. gen and I were at the lowes in manassas, and some ugly ass old bitch comes in raving all hysterically at the customer service staff that they need to page a patron who left their dog in a locked van windows up. They refused to page the person, and the old hag started yelling some question abiut if they wanted a dead dog on their conscience.... what a fucking cranky twat. The staff just said "sorry" and told her to call the cops, and she threw up her hands, grunted, and ran out...

as gen and I were leaving, we saw her on her phone looking all angry... I bet she confronts the van owner.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:19PM

On July 4, 2009 Cary Wrote:
> ALSO from now on any thread or post which reveals
> or seeks to reveal a poster's real life identity
> against their wishes will be considered a personal
> attack and moderated as such.

On August 3, 2009 RESton Peace Wrote:
> "Anna" is Anna... Her husband is G...

RP, I guess you're Cary's pal so you don't have to follow the rules around here,
but you're a shitheel for revealing the OP's identity. Worse than Inka and Mephisto
under the circumstances -- the circumstances being exposing someone to animal-
rights lunatic stalkers such as yourself (or were you kidding about attending her
court appearance?), rather than mere potential embarassment; and then after
exposing her identity actively encouraging others to harass her.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: JayBee ()
Date: August 11, 2009 09:47PM

By pointing this out, you are now contributing to keeping this thread alive, boosting its viewings and potentially doing more harm to these people.

The tone of the OP brought this on herself. I don't think anyone would have pursued this if she wasn't so condescending and clueless. She also showed no remorse for her or her husbands actions.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Daniel ()
Date: August 11, 2009 10:27PM

>The tone of the OP brought this on herself.<

Similar arguments - a recitation of a poster's perceived sins - could be contrived for exposing anyone's identity.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: As Fruppie Would say ()
Date: August 11, 2009 10:30PM

You're stupid!

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 12, 2009 02:29AM

RESton Peace Wrote:
> This topic won't die.. gen and I were at the lowes
> in manassas, and some ugly ass old bitch comes in
> raving all hysterically at the customer service
> staff that they need to page a patron who left
> their dog in a locked van windows up.

i know you got married an all but referring to gen as "some ugly ass old bitch" is crossing a line.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: August 26, 2009 03:06PM



SPCA exec's dog dies after being left in hot car
The 16-year-old dog dies of kidney failure after being left for four hours
The Associated Press
updated 2:56 p.m. ET, Wed., Aug 26, 2009

RICHMOND, Virginia - An executive for an anti-animal cruelty group says her 16-year-old blind and deaf dog died after she accidentally left him in her hot car for four hours.

Robin Starr, the CEO of the Richmond Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, says she didn't realize "Louie" was in the car until noon. Starr's husband, Ed, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch he put the dog in her car as she got ready for work Aug. 19. She often took the dog to work with her.

Robin Starr took the dog to two clinics, but he died of kidney failure.

The National Weather Service says the temperature had reached 91 degrees by noon that day.

The board of the SPCA says it still supports Starr, who has been CEO since 1997 and does not plan to resign. It was unclear whether she would be charged.

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: August 26, 2009 04:09PM

pgens Wrote:
> Hypocrite.
> RICHMOND, Virginia - An executive for an
> anti-animal cruelty group says her 16-year-old
> blind and deaf dog
died after she accidentally
> left him in her hot car for four hours.

the cruel part was keeping the dog alive.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Animal cruelty?
Posted by: Che ()
Date: June 26, 2013 04:20PM

80 degrees on a thermostat keeps the house at 80 on automatic setting. That is totally maneageable! What you need to know is that


• 72°F outside air – Inside car temp will rocket to 116 degrees within 60 minutes
• 85°F outside air – inside car temp in 10 minutes =102°F
• Outside air temp 80°F

– Starting inside car temp 80°F
– After 10 minutes - Inside car temp 99°F
– After 20 minutes – Inside car temp 109°F
– After 30 minutes – Inside car temp 114°F
– After 40 minutes – Inside car temp 118°F
– After 50 minutes – Inside car temp 120°F
– After 60 minutes – Inside car temp 123°F

Since dogs do NOT perspire like us and can only exchange hot air into cool air by panting this 80 degree scenarion is a problem. Look at it this way, 80 degrees outside is not going to cool us enough to regulate overheating so imagine what it does NOT do for an living being with fur.
The darker the inside of your car the hotter it gets faster!

I am sorry to hear the officers and other people on this thread were so negative. What you did was wrong but if no one tries to educate you as why you were wrong the least you learn and the less change and improvement you can bring to your life and your pet's safety. I found this site and there are plenty more that focus more on the process of explaining what is wrong with the leaving of dogs in the car concept and also provide you with what you can do to save the pet right there and then before transport. http://www.wagnpetsafety.com/tails_a_blaze_campaign.html

If you learn and understand why you received this citation it will hopefully keep you from doing it again.

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