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The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Quinn ()
Date: March 06, 2016 09:32PM

Wanna get higher than you ever have before? Hit us up in Old Town, we have all the insense you need to get WaStEd!!!

We carry:













And many, many more, a lot of this is not on display so just ask us and we will help you out. Remember, this stuff does not show up on school, work or military drug tests.

If you grow your own weed we can advise you on technique, provide personal services related to harvesting, curing, waxing, making hash, oil and sweets.


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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Smokeyjoey ()
Date: March 06, 2016 09:37PM

Calling Dr greenthumb, calling Dr greenthumb!!

Will swing by tomorrow after class!!! Can't wait.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Quinn ()
Date: March 06, 2016 09:38PM

Cool Smokey see you then, just make sure you have a form of ID that says you are over 18 ;)

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: 7Uy7e ()
Date: March 07, 2016 10:32AM

Once again, this stinks of an undercover cop with a grudge wanting to bust this shop for selling legitimate tobacco products.

Again, take this info with a grain of salt.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Spicey ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:22PM

Dude, I know what you mean. Different strains of spice can have those weird, intrusive psychedelic thoughts and delusions. I was smoking spice at my buddy's house back in High School after one school day and I hit this spice, looked around for 15 seconds or so, then proceeded to freak-out and question my sense of reality. Once it kicked in, it felt that my entire existence had only ever been smoking spice with my best friend; my family, friends outside of this one, school and everything else in the world felt like it was all a farce and nothing was real besides this endless cycle of getting high on spice over and over again. Fortunately it wore off after a few minutes of panicking, making a scene, and wondering if I should run into traffic to end this nightmare, all while my buddy had been laughing at my antics. Spice is so fucked man, but hey it's what is created when people aren't allowed the real stuff.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: G jdjxjh ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:23PM

Took 2 hit's of Scooby snax about 4 years ago. Laughed for about 30 seconds until I passed out and was non responsive for at least 45 minutes. Non responsive to nut shots, cold water to the face, people screaming. Felt like I was dead. Don't do it. Smoke weed. Your life WILL be ruined from this shit

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: My stoey ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:25PM

So many spice stories, but this is the one that made me quit.

Started out typical, three of us including myself had like 2G's and rolled them into fat j's, and after smoking one or two, one of our friends who hadn't smoked synthetic before said they were "just too high" and had to go back home to sleep. Whatever, more for the two of us. We proceeded to walk around exploring, and stopped to smoke behind this hilltop warehouse overlooking a huge forest. After a couple more j's i had completely lost all sense of location, equivalent to a good dose of acid. I knew i was still in the same state (US), but it didn't believe i was really there. My sense of time was so fucked i kept debating with myself thinking that enough time had passed and that we'd walked far enough to get out of the state, then i started thinking that this was all in my imagination and that i did something i couldn't remember to get me so far away, like jump on a truck or cab or something. I legitimately could not conceive the fact that i was still in the same state, and i felt like i couldn't trust myself or my memory to decipher the events that lead me to this strange land. I kept asking my friend questions but they came out so ridiculous and nonsensical (kinda like acid), not that it mattered anyway cause my friend kept repeating the phrase "i don't even know anymore" while making sudden, seemingly-random and kinda violent head jerks looking one way or another. Anyway, eventually we came down a bit (i have no idea how long we were there) and headed home.

But what happened next is what made me stop synthetic. On the way back we ran into a friend who was coming home drunk from a party. We had one last J, so we offered to smoke with him. We did, and a few moments later he just fell on the ground and started seizing, spitting, and making the most horrifying sounds, like he was violently exhaling air in severe pain. We panicked so hard. We didn't know if we should hold him down or what the procedure was. We immediately threw out the option of calling 911 because in our minds he was already dead and that we would be charged with manslaughter or third degree murder or something. I kept shaking him in pure desperation trying to wake him up while my friend started digging a hole to bury our spice bags and all the other evidence. Stupidly, i had the bright idea to throw him into the nearby river (i thought the cold water would snap him awake or something), but right as we were grabbing his hands and feet he slowly came back to reality and started ranting like a prophet about the dream world he went to and all the beautiful lights that were there. Apparently he had a really enjoyable experience and joked about it afterwards, completely unaware how close we were to accidentally killing him.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Spice sotey ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:26PM

I took a fat rip off a bong, my mind felt like it was spiraling into oblivion. Then I woke up 6 hours or so later and I had shit myself and bit my tounge, dont remember anything but there was dried blood in my mouth and my tounge was sore and I had shit in my pants. Thank god I was home alone.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Itscraxk ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:32PM

You are absolutely correct about it being nearly like crack in the way of redosing. The stuff I've smoked has always been potent enough that just a few hits to a bowl would have you feeling pretty good. Some of the stuff is strong enough that if you tried smoking it like weed, it would probably kill or least very seriously injure you if you didn't have the right tolerance. Now, obviously I came onto the scene a few years after you but the stuff that's out now is the strongest I've smoked in two years, since Diablo came out when k2 was legal. Others might have different spice available to them at this time, can't speak for the whole market. It's called King Kong and comes in a pack with rainbows on it. I feel the high pretty immediately after smoking, similar to weed but the duration is much shorter. Maybe at first around 20 minutes, but the higher tolerance I built up, I started having to redose every 5 or 10 minutes to maintain my high. It turns into a very expensive habit quickly. I personally know several people that had 100 a day habits when they got hooked on this stuff.

I'm surprised that no one else mentioned withdrawals, because my withdrawals from spice this time around were honestly worse than my heroin withdrawals. If you have a weak stomach, don't read this lol. I dosed last late Tuesday. Wednesday-Friday, I couldn't drink water or juice, much less eat anything, without throwing up. It got to the point where I had absolutely nothing left to throw up, even bile, and would be dry heave for minutes at a time until I could barely breath from chest pain. I couldn't sleep, had high anxiety, chills and shakes. I went through a panic attack and wild mood swings. I finally went to a doctor on Friday because of dehydration but couldn't keep down water. It was getting to the point I couldn't stand up without getting dizzy and light-headed. The doctor told me there was basically nothing they could do for spice withdrawals very simply because they didn't know what was in the spice so had no idea what they were treating. The doctor tried to get me to go to the hospital for an IV but for money issues I decided to stick it out at home a little longer before going. Saturday and Sunday I was able to eat a few bites of food and drink small amounts of water with limited nausea. Today it finally feels like I'm leaving behind the worst of it, even though my body is a wreck from barely eating/drinking a thing the last 5 days. I've lost at least 6 or 7 pounds from this, and considering I probably wasn't eating much when I was using before then (I honestly can't remember the past 2 or 3 weeks vey well, I was smoking spice any second I wasn't working and kind of got into a perpetual blackout) it probably wasn't weight I had to lose. My best friend is in rehab for the same thing, and he along others in the rehab also there for spice experienced the same withdrawal symptoms. There's is nothing good enough about spice worth going through those withdrawals again.

You brought up "trippy" effect, I'm just going to let you know that I also experienced this, and a few times after smoking a lot even experienced visual/auditory hallucinations. This is a sign of overdose in spice. Anyone reading this, if you are smoking spice and start to feel "trippy" or hallucinations you need to stop immediately. This is a sign you are overdosing. If anyone on here is going to smoke this stuff, please be incredibly careful. 20 minutes of a crappy high isn't worth your life. Off my soapbox, I just wanted to make sure people were aware what that could mean. Thanks for the post! I really like what you contributed, you definitely taught me something about the first spice! I didn't start until 2011 and I had no idea it was around as early as 2006. Geez, I would've been like 12 or 13 years old. That tells you how old I am compared to most of the people on here, haha. Good for you for stopping. In my opinion this stuff is just getting more potent, and more potent just means more deadly.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Military ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:38PM

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[deleted] • 1125d, 23h
Smoked spice for about 3 months until I noticed my heart rate going up consistently. Stopped smoking and have since returned to a healthy heart rate but seriously that shit is bad for you.

IWillCutYourAss • 1125d, 19h
I can definitely agree with this. I once thought I was having a heart attack or something of the sort. I have since stopped smoking it and feel exponentially better.

Twitchypanda • 1125d, 13h
That happened to my husband too. He smoked way too much and felt his heart rate slow down, and down... he felt the urge to stand up really quick, which probably saved his life.

We haven't touched that stuff since that incident.

Sadly a lot of people in the military use it since they can buy it in stores. I know of one guy that dipped his cigarettes in the liquid stuff they spray on the herbs. Another reason why we should legalize the natural herb.

Ooopppqqqjjj • 1125d, 14h
How does the synthetic weed feel in comparison to regular weed when you smoke it?

whitelightnig • 1125d, 13h
it feels synthetic. it's like it's not all there. it's like you're smoking a plastic version of it. it's like the difference between a real house plant and a plastic one you have to look closely at to tell it's plastic.it's not nearly as good. it's really not even worth it to try, imo, even if you live in a place where real weed is hard to get. spice, not even once

devonjackson • 1125d, 13h
Fucking weird. It's nothing like weed.

SeizeTheNight57 • 1125d, 12h
It's like your brain is telling you "dude, it's not cool that your high this way."

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DivineDinosaur • 1125d, 15h
So true man. I had to stop smoking dank for awhile, So I decided I'll smoke spice instead because I tried it once before with no problems.

After a few times of doing it I have a chance to smoke at my house alone. I packed a normal sized bowl, after smoking it I was hearing humming, I thought I was being abducted, I then started dancing listening to music, Then tried doing the worm which ultimately made me look like I was humping the floor, I knew how stupid it was and how impaired I was, I just was laughing the entire time, though, I was really scared when I felt my heart rate jump up and I felt like I was going to die, I was having heart palpitations, and was having horrific visions of stabbing my heart, which only made my heart race even faster, I was literally SO close to calling 911, because I was so scared. I laid in bed trying to relax, eventually my frENTly sister came in and comforted me through it all.

I still feel spice has changed me, that day will always haunt me. I was thinking weird thoughts.

I would much rather stay sober, than EVER touch that shit again. FUCK IT.




I'm begging you, it's not good, that is what I classify as a drug.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Quinnisakiller ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:44PM


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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Quinnx ()
Date: March 07, 2016 05:07PM

Lies and more lies. Insense is totally safe. Actually better than weed.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: It's a hard nog life ()
Date: March 07, 2016 05:28PM

Quinnx Wrote:
> Lies and more lies. Insense is totally safe.
> Actually better than weed.

No it's not you fucking waterhead.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Quinn ()
Date: March 07, 2016 06:25PM

Fuck you motherfucker, come at me bro. I will fuck you up. Your ass is grass and I am the lawnmower

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 06:29PM

I am the owner of the Glass Stache and want to answer any questions you have about our 100% herbal insense. Let keep this conversation civil ok?

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 06:46PM

Thanks for you pm, no I do not know eesh

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: Dumbass niggers ()
Date: March 07, 2016 06:50PM

Only brain dead shit-for-brains niggers smoke that shit.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 06:57PM

Thats not true, we have great customers who are military, school, teachers, a lot of respectable folk.

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 07:04PM

Just remember your ID must say you are over 18! Any ID is good!!!

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 07:07PM

This is a clove / spice mix

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 07:12PM

Annnnnnd, it's real good!!!

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 07:17PM

Smoke it up smoke it up smoke it up yo

Fuck tha police they can't do shit :)

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 07:28PM

Roll up roll up!

Do you get it?

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Re: The Glass Stache - wanna get high? we got your insense!!!
Posted by: CharlesReynolds ()
Date: March 07, 2016 08:54PM

What's up Fairfax?

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