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Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: #SaveFXcounty ()
Date: March 03, 2016 03:58PM

My Thoughts on the FY17 Advertised Tax Rate:

In the coming weeks, I will be sending out a series of newsletters to update you on my thoughts on the budget, the budget process, and the progress that we are making toward a final budget. I start below with a taxpayer's perspective. The budget process kicked off February 16 when the County Executive released his budget. On March 1 the Board authorized the maximum tax rate it can approve for the year. From here, the Board will be holding budget committee meetings and meeting with residents. In early April, the Board will hold public hearings on the budget in order to get input from the community, then hold mark-up sessions and ultimately adopt the FY 2017 budget. Full details on the budget and the timetables can be found HERE.

At Tuesday's Fairfax County Board of Supervisors meeting, the Board voted 7-3 to advertise a tax rate for FY 2017 that is a 6% increase in taxes for the average homeowner. If approved, the advertised tax rate of 1.13 would represent a 26% tax increase over the last five years. I did not support the motion largely because I believe our residents who have seen their wages stagnate, cannot afford a 6% increase in their taxes much less 26% over the last five years. We are literally chasing our taxpaying residents out of the County.

The largest employer in our region is the federal government. Its employees just got the news that their salary increase will be 1.46% this year, which on average is better than the 3.5% cumulative increase over the past five years. How can we ask our residents to absorb a tax increase of 6% for a cumulative increase of 26% over 5 years? A federal worker making $80,000 would have to use half of his wage increases over the last five years to pay his county tax bill.
Our residents are having to make difficult decisions around their kitchen tables as job and wage growth stagnates. We need to get our economy going and the commercial tax base back up to 25%. Until then, we have to make the same tough choices that our residents are having to make and in the interim, I cannot ask them to absorb a 6% increase this year.

The rate increase should come as no surprise as the County Executive has been forecasting a $75K shortfall since last April. What frustrates me the most is that ten months ago I asked the Board to invest additional time over the summer and fall to address potential efficiencies, restructuring, pensions and other ideas to prevent us from once again having to balance the budget on the backs of our taxpayers and employees. That request was defeated on a 7-3 party line vote. (The Board did, however, find the time to vote to give itself a raise - which I opposed.) Now we have less than two months to address the budget shortfall or our taxpayers will bear the brunt once more. Unfortunately, many of the things that need to be done cannot be addressed in a two-month period.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Blame the School Board ()
Date: March 03, 2016 04:00PM

Of course, we all know the root cause is the unchecked runaway spending waste by the FCPS school board.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: More Truths from Pat Herrity ()
Date: March 03, 2016 04:56PM

The way the vote to increase taxes was conducted is disturbing. The original motion was made by Budget Chair Supervisor Jeff McKay who asked for an even higher rate of 5 cents from the current rate of $1.09 to $1.14 per $100 of assessed value (a 7% increase in average homeowner taxes). This is a one cent increase over the County Executive's recommendation of a 4 cent increase to $1.13. A motion was then made by Mount Vernon District Supervisor Dan Storck to advertise yet an even higher rate of a 6 cent increase to $1.15 (an 8% one-year increase); it failed on a 7-3 vote with Supervisors Dan Storck, Kathy Smith and John Foust supporting it.

Next was a vote on the original motion by Supervisor McKay to increase the advertised tax rate which resulted in a 5-5 tie so the motion failed. The Board then had to vote on the advertised tax rate recommended by the County Executive which passed on a 7-3 vote with Supervisors Kathy Smith and Dan Storck voting with me against the 6% increase in taxes.

What makes the day of increasing taxes on our Fairfax County residents even more confusing and embarrassing was the request to reconsider the tax rate the Board had already voted on earlier in the day. In my two terms on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, I have never seen an attempt to reconsider an earlier vote, much less a reconsideration without any additional information to justify it. At the end of the meeting, Supervisor John Foust made a motion to reconsider the Board's earlier vote so that he could propose an increase in the rate. Fortunately, several members of the Board including Supervisors Hudgins and Gross wanted no part of this embarrassing maneuver even though they supported a higher rate. This motion to reconsider failed on principle in a 5-5 vote.

Of course the day of wanting to raise taxes on our residents wouldn't be complete without again bringing up the notion of taxing everyone for eating in our local restaurants. (Ironic that this came up later in the same meeting where the Board declared the following week 'Restaurant Week in Fairfax County' in order to recognize the great support the industry gives our school, non-profit, and community organizations-not to mention first jobs and careers for many residents.) I have made clear that I would not support a meals tax because it hurts families and our businesses. So again, we now we find ourselves studying ways to tax ourselves out of problems that this Board has created. With a looming $75-100 million projected shortfall in the next fiscal year we better start finding real, long term solutions before we have no one left to tax because they've left the County for places they can afford to live and do business.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Bubba ()
Date: March 03, 2016 05:15PM

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Musicalph ()
Date: March 03, 2016 07:17PM

Focus resources into the classroom - currently if you divide the number of students by the number of teachers you get an average class size of 12 - we need to get teachers back in the classroom teaching and not doing administration.

Look at outsourcing basic functions - the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce has offered to help with this effort - many functions in the school system can be more efficiently outsourced

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: cpvWd ()
Date: March 04, 2016 01:49PM

> We are literally chasing our taxpaying residents out of the County.
who is we ?

and no you arent, try it you fucks

fx co gov is putting illegals working for fx co gov in family size condos

they aren't paying taxes they have 3x-15x the pay of their predecessors and deal in selling jobs to illegals and getting family and friends politically rich

dont beleive a fucking word from them

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: wyXjL ()
Date: March 04, 2016 01:58PM

china mexico france germany ... all have towns which BOOMED in the late 90's and 2000's when debt was "no longer an issue" - the people (not china) who supposed owed usa big money after the wars (which my dad was in etc, some which are ongoing but cold)

fairfax on the other hand stayed stagnant comparatively - seeing tiny growth 1980's and 1990's, little in 2000's, and the 2010's growth has been by lions share for illegals and the politically rich - not for any common denizen looking for work that actaully pays for rent taxes and enough medical to get by on as was ... FAR FAR short of that, they are giving cush gov jobs to illegals, demanding denizens since the revolotion times who are fully qualified to work at gas stations for minimum wage which needs to be supplimented by goverment approved food stamps to be sufficient to simply not drop dead from starvation

that's regression not progress - i've LOST SHITLOADS of money and unwilling to move even one step further

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Shit Shoveler ()
Date: March 04, 2016 02:22PM

Pat Herrity is a piece-of-shit right-wing wind-up toy. He does no good for anyone. All he does in pander to low-intelligence TEA Party asstards.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Gerry Watch ()
Date: March 04, 2016 02:29PM

Thank you for your typical and predictable name-calling response, which fails to add any value to the discussion. Sigh.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Shit Shoveler ()
Date: March 04, 2016 02:35PM

Simple facts, moron. He's a transparent right-wing hack. Only stupid shits pay any attention to him, stupid shit!

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Another Gerry Watcher ()
Date: March 04, 2016 08:42PM

And yet, Herrity seems to get most of his important motions passed on a board dominated by Democrats. He also has the best constituent services staff of all the supervisors, with the exception of possibly John Cook.

But you would not know that, as all you do is whine from your keyboard. Get out and do something in the community this weekend.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: amazingreally ()
Date: March 04, 2016 08:57PM

Someone has to hold the thieving government bureaucrats in check. Thanks for trying Herrity!

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Dane Bramage ()
Date: March 04, 2016 09:37PM

amazingreally Wrote:
> Someone has to hold the thieving government
> bureaucrats in check. Thanks for trying Herrity!


Especially with so many tax and spend advocates in power. I don't understand why progressives are so against responsible spending.

“We don’t have any rude, unpleasant people here. We’re different!”

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: No voting integrity Kathy Smith ()
Date: March 06, 2016 10:27AM

Pat Herrity has ethics and integrity in his votes on the Board of Supervisors. He believes that the FCPS budget is ripe for cuts and does not need a big tax increase. So he consistently voted against any of the tax rate increases. He publicly stated where he stood. You knew where he stood. He voted the way constituents knew he would vote. No to additional tax increases at the current time.

Kathy Smith and Dan Storck wanted a massive 6 cent increase in the real estate tax rate to provide obscene additional amounts of money to FCPS. When that failed on 3-7 vote, they whined and both got their panties in a knot. So they both voted against a 5 cent tax increase, and subsequently against a 4 cent tax increase. Wah Wah Wah!

Oops! Then they asked for a do-over. The other Board members rightly told them - FAIL!

Kathy Smith and Dan Storck voted against a 5 cent tax increase (an additional $23M for schools), and in later comments they said they thought they would introduce new motions for other tax rates like 4.5 cents or 5.5 cents.

So the ex-FCPS Board members voted down the 5 cent increase but would have supported a 4.5 cent increase... Read that again. FAIL FAIL FAIL!!!

Smith and Storck are both naïve, both made a huge rookie mistake on the Board of Supervisors, and BOTH HAVE NO INTEGRITY in their votes. They owe all FCPS and non-FCPS constituents an apology.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: lkajflakjmdl ()
Date: March 06, 2016 10:33AM

No voting integrity Kathy Smith Wrote:
> Pat Herrity has ethics and integrity in his votes
> on the Board of Supervisors. He believes that the
> FCPS budget is ripe for cuts and does not need a
> big tax increase. So he consistently voted
> against any of the tax rate increases. He
> publicly stated where he stood. You knew where he
> stood. He voted the way constituents knew he
> would vote. No to additional tax increases at the
> current time.
> Kathy Smith and Dan Storck wanted a massive 6 cent
> increase in the real estate tax rate to provide
> obscene additional amounts of money to FCPS. When
> that failed on 3-7 vote, they whined and both got
> their panties in a knot. So they both voted
> against a 5 cent tax increase, and subsequently
> against a 4 cent tax increase. Wah Wah Wah!
> Oops! Then they asked for a do-over. The other
> Board members rightly told them - FAIL!
> Kathy Smith and Dan Storck voted against a 5 cent
> tax increase (an additional $23M for schools), and
> in later comments they said they thought they
> would introduce new motions for other tax rates
> like 4.5 cents or 5.5 cents.
> So the ex-FCPS Board members voted down the 5 cent
> increase but would have supported a 4.5 cent
> increase... Read that again. FAIL FAIL FAIL!!!
> Smith and Storck are both naïve, both made a huge
> rookie mistake on the Board of Supervisors, and
> BOTH HAVE NO INTEGRITY in their votes. They owe
> all FCPS and non-FCPS constituents an apology.

+1000 Couldn't have said it better myself.. Go Pat Herrity! When you see this garbage along with thing like this-http://wjla.com/features/7-on-your-side/fairfax-county-questioned-in-7-million-land-deal?fb_action_ids=1202793896415492&fb_action_types=og.shares. Makes your blood boil!

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: just bend over ()
Date: March 06, 2016 10:36AM

All you private sector folks need to STFU and pay up.
Us govmint workers need our money.

We don't want to pay anything for heath care.
We damn well better retire at 60 with a $50k lifetime pension.
And when we retire from FCPS there better be a $90k job waiting for us on the county side.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Short and sweet ()
Date: March 06, 2016 11:29AM

Smith and Storck did make rookie mistakes.
Pat Herrity will oppose any tax increases.

The Springfield District, with one of the densest populations of school age children, will scream bloody murder when they realize that next year their class sizes will increase, have a brand-new rookie teacher, have to pay an extra $100 for a parking permit, have to pay for any AP/Ib tests, no more 4th grade strings, no more freshman sports, etc.

That is inclusive of the list of projected cuts at a $50M shortfall. The FCPS budget is currently at a $68M shortfall. There's more cuts to come.

No matter if the Springfield District typically votes more Republican, I'll bet Herrity will get major earfulls from his cnstituency and will have to support the schools in the future or risk losing his seat to someone who will.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: InFairfax ()
Date: March 07, 2016 03:04PM

Shit Shoveler Wrote:
> Pat Herrity is a piece-of-shit right-wing wind-up
> toy. He does no good for anyone. All he does in
> pander to low-intelligence TEA Party asstards.

Dan Stork, is that you?

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Shit Shoveler ()
Date: March 07, 2016 03:09PM

InFairfax Wrote:
> Dan Stork, is that you?

No. Just a non-comatose citizen. Herrity is just a knee-jerk right-wing dumbfuck. There are no better words for him.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: Asshole...sezwut? ()
Date: March 07, 2016 03:11PM

Shit Shoveler Wrote:
> InFairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dan Stork, is that you?
> No. Just an Asshole...

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: you've got shit for brains ()
Date: March 07, 2016 03:17PM

Shit Shoveler Wrote:
> InFairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dan Stork, is that you?
> No. Just a non-comatose citizen. Herrity is just
> a knee-jerk right-wing dumbfuck. There are no
> better words for him.

You're such a pliant non-thinking spoon fed moron who regurgitates the same stale bullshit that is shoved down your throat. What a fucking useful idiot you are.

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Re: Supervisor Herrity Speaks Out Against Tax Increase
Posted by: notsafenotsafe ()
Date: March 07, 2016 04:29PM

Shit Shoveler Wrote:
> InFairfax Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Dan Stork, is that you?
> No. Just a non-comatose citizen. Herrity is just
> a knee-jerk right-wing dumbfuck. There are no
> better words for him.

Where’s my FFU safe zone? I don’t feel safe – someone help me from these hurtful attacks.

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