The Real Sculler Wrote:
> I know that schools back in the day doubled as
> fall out shelters, but where are there some
> current, functional fall out shelters in FFX?
I've heard there's one at the old Lorton prison that was there for the FBI:,-77.241184&sspn=0.000576,0.00142&filter=0&rq=1&t=h&ll=38.687315,-77.241184&spn=0.000576,0.00142&z=20
Wikimapia has a note that says:
"Cold War Secret Bunker build in 1959.
Used by the FBI and emergency Staff in case of a nuclear attack on Washington DC.
Notice that the building is build perpendicular to Washington DC and on a slope,
this to minimize the damage from the blast.
For 40 years the bunker was kept operational to be decommissioned in 2001. "