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FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: fcpskarengarzaisabitch ()
Date: September 09, 2015 08:18PM

RESTON, Va. (WUSA9) -- One of the wealthiest school districts in the country is holding a public meeting Wednesday night to hear suggestions on how to fix its multi-million dollar budget crisis.

Fairfax County Public Schools is looking to cut about $80 million from the 2016-2017 budget. They'll ask for public input during a meeting at South Lakes High School in Reston starting at 7 p.m.

The causes of the shortfall, according to Superintendent of FCPS Karen Garza, include enrollment growth, health insurance costs, salary increases and retirement increases mandated by the state.

"I think for a lot of people they'll see how painful these decisions can be," Garza said.

Suggestions for cutting costs include increasing class sizes, cutting extracurricular activities, high school sports and staff – from athletics coaches to assistant principals. In some cases, straight cuts aren't the only possible solution. Kindergarten classes could potentially go back to half-day and athletic fees might increase.

Garza knows the cuts need to be made, but she's worried about what the school system will look like after.

"Any business leader or parent knows you can't cut year after year without any new revenue and not have some impart on our system," Garza said.

Above all else, Fairfax County is looking for parent input on how to make these cuts. On Wednesday, the county launched a budget tool on their website that allows parents to go in and explore the options on the table to cut.

"You can do a couple of things. Like you can either charge a $150 fee or charge a charge a $200 fee [for athletics]," South lakes PTSA President Andy Sigle said. "And then we bring it up to our proposal box, and now we're only at $43.7 [million] to go [in budget cuts]."

Sigle didn't have an easy time getting the school system under budget.

"I think it's going to give a parent a very clear view of what the realities are and what they want for their kids," Sigle said.

Garza says she hopes the budget tool will give her and the school board feedback to figure out what to cut and educates the community on the needs and cost of the school system.

Garza did push for a meal tax in Fairfax County to go towards the school system, but county supervisors rejected the idea.

FCPS is holding another meeting for public input on Saturday, September 12 at Mount Vernon High School from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Your Thoughts?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Fake Budget ()
Date: September 09, 2015 08:28PM

Same story every year. The board threaten to cut sports and music to piss off parents.

Meanwhile they are handing out tons of raises to employees and building million dollar astro turf fields.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Facts please ()
Date: September 09, 2015 08:30PM

Fake Budget Wrote:
> Same story every year. The board threaten to cut
> sports and music to piss off parents.
> Meanwhile they are handing out tons of raises to
> employees and building million dollar astro turf
> fields.

Those fields are generally not paid for by FCPS...also, can you provide the data on "tons of raises"? Thanks...

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Da guy ()
Date: September 09, 2015 08:51PM

Tons of raises? Aren't fcps employees the least paid school teachers in NOVA?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dale ()
Date: September 09, 2015 09:06PM

The annual FCPS Whine Festival has already started after day 2. I have my tissues ready.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: GIGO ()
Date: September 09, 2015 09:09PM


The biggest pile of useless crap ever. A long laundry list of popular programs - none of which address where the real money is spent and wasted. How stupid do they think we are?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: That guy ()
Date: September 09, 2015 09:31PM

What does this to do with islamic students?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Cut the staff first ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:41PM

"Later high school start times - Eliminate $3.6 million"

What the fuck does this mean? Didn't they just spend $6 million to start high schools a half hour later?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dr. Memory ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:44PM

Eliminate school district-funded out of state travel for teachers, administrators, and staff. Limit pay raises for all categories of employees to the rate of inflation. Set the pay target at the 80th percentile among comparator school systems. Eliminate consultants. Acquire insurance, fuel, and commodities through sealed bids. Take delivery of purchases on a just-in-time basis, rather than making large purchases, taking delivery and stocking the excess in the warehouse. Identify excess and unused personal property and dispose of it through auction or sealed bid sales. Identify excess real estate and sell it at auction. When unliquidated funds remain in school accounts at the end of the fiscal year, reduce the following year budget by the amount of carry-over. Replace 8 cylinder vehicles with 6 cylinder vehicles, and 6 cylinder vehicles with 4 cylinder vehicles, unless the vehicle to be replaced proves, upon inspection, to have a high probability of providing satisfactory service for another year. Negotiate banking arrangements to maximize return on funds in district accounts. Pay bills promptly. Eliminate late charges. Above all, do not patronize the taxpayers. Avoid proposing phony, straw man budget cuts the administration has no intention of imposing. Recognize this is one of the most highly-educated jurisdictions in the world, and that it is heavily populated with public administrators and financial managers who are accustomed to having responsibility for hundreds of millions of dollars of public money. Recognize also that those astute public servants will recognize when school administrators are trying to sell bogus measures in order to continue business as usual, with resulting loss of credibility for the guilty parties.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: CMc6y ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:45PM

I bet FCPS could clean up Transportaion, Custodial, Maintenance and save quite a bit.

Review all the HP and Dell contracts and get rid of the 3 year onsite maintance that costs more than the computer or printer. Just buy a small number of spare for machines that cannot easily be repaired.

WTF is wrong with the big picture. Has someone done a back of the napkin to determine if FCPS is spending WAY too much per student or is there a tax shortfall.

Come on Tysons Corner alone is the #12 largest Business District in the US with Washington, DC being #1. What are all the buinesses in Tysons/Fairfax offering/provding in taxes? The fools that work at all of these companies in Tysons/Fairfax and Washtington DC want good schools for thier kids to go to.

There is clearly something out of whack that should be pretty clear sitting at Starbucks over a few Lattes and a few napkins should be able to pinpoint.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Lolwtfmuslimsstudents ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:46PM

The article mentions nothing about Muslim students. Am I missing something here?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Close Gatehouse ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:53PM

Close Gatehouse and move them all into schools.

Savings $150,000,000 annually.

Problem solved.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dissolve FCPS ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:55PM

Dissolve FCPS and let each magisterial district fund their own schools.

Savings: $1 Billion

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Other cuts ()
Date: September 09, 2015 10:58PM

How about putting together a list of other cuts and pricing them....

Eliminate all non-essential travel out of state, meaning all travel out of state.

Eliminate 6 Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent/Deputy Assistant Superintendent positions and their staffs.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Another one ()
Date: September 09, 2015 11:18PM

Eliminate all positions supporting the FRL program and staff with parents of those receiving the benefits. Pay them nothing.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: fuckmuslims ()
Date: September 09, 2015 11:26PM

That guy Wrote:
> What does this to do with islamic students?

Cause fuck muslim, arabs, islamic pieces of shits thats why.
They are the reason why this world is going down the toilet.
They need to be eliminated at all costs

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: centrevillian ()
Date: September 10, 2015 12:38AM

Some of the problem with the shortfalls has to be due to the illegal immigrants that attend schools. The children, by no fault of their own have to attend school, which is a good thing, but drains the school systems by requiring additional ESL programs, and other support (free/reduced meals, supplies, etc.). Their parents and/or guardians may not be paying into the system they're drawing from. Pretty basic concept - more people are taking benefits than are paying in. Same with Social Security - the economics don't work.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: A few million here--- ()
Date: September 10, 2015 06:26AM

No more fancy dinners, catered lunches, treats for the staff.
Closely evaluate the million dollars plus spent on travel.
If travel is justified, make them stay in a hotel that is at per diem rate.
No more pizza parties, etc. for students, staff, visitors.
Have a Brown Bag Lunch Challenge with the prize being your picture on the website shaking Dr. Garza's hand.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Easy save! ()
Date: September 10, 2015 06:53AM

Want to save DOBLE the amount of the shortfall? Say FU to standardized testing!

That would automatically eliminate half of the computers in schools, the software contracts to Pearson and Learning Tree who run SOLs and DRAs, etc., reduce the need for computer technicians and SBST (software teachers in schools), and eliminate the Instructional Coach positions in all of the schools.

There. Easy. The end.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: pre-housing bubble property rate ()
Date: September 10, 2015 07:41AM

How about we go back to pre-housing bubble property rates. We would have 100's of millions in surplus.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: xvJLe ()
Date: September 10, 2015 08:02AM

GIGO Wrote:
> https://budgettool.fcps.edu/

> How stupid do they think we are?

Very. It's the same dance every year. Maybe it's real this time, but they've cried wolf too many times for me to believe them.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: balancethatbudget3545 ()
Date: September 10, 2015 04:30PM

will be interesting to see what sports, if any, are cut. i imagine football, baseball, and soccer are off the table

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: How Stupid Indeed! ..They Are! ()
Date: September 10, 2015 04:57PM

>Identify excess real estate and sell it at auction

They cant do that , The BOS Owns all the land and when the schools don't need it , it goes to the County.

>Custodial, Maintenance and save quite a bit.

Yes the wealthiest school system in Virginia should be the dirtiest with the most hazards in the state cause the assholes that run FCPS cant get rid of overpaid excessive Gate House Staff, Teacher Coach's, Gold Plated fields, language teachers for elementary school ..The waste goes on and on.

>How about we go back to pre-housing bubble property rates. We would have 100's of millions in surplus.

But they would still spend beyond their means , just as they did back then and always have in the last 30 years.

Get over it. You cant have thousands of illegals that can speak English and immigrants from every part of the planet and have any decent schools. End Of the Gold Plated Line For FCPS. Rides Over!

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: trdmn ()
Date: September 10, 2015 07:13PM

Fake Budget Wrote:
> Same story every year. The board threaten to cut
> sports and music to piss off parents.
> Meanwhile they are handing out tons of raises to
> employees and building million dollar astro turf
> fields.

I'm a support staffer and I just got my raise!

14 CENTS an hour! That's about five bucks a week BEFORE taxes.

At least they didn't tell me not to spend it all in one place.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: mark j ()
Date: September 10, 2015 07:37PM


This is NOT about programs, useless admins or astroturf, it is about those leeches sending their offspring over .....

send the bill to Mexico, Garza....you are an idiot too.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: BTDT ()
Date: September 10, 2015 09:45PM

Yep the inside team who put this together really ignored many great suggestions sent in over the summer. But hey, going back to half day kindergarten from full day, a relatively new concept, gets you 39M right off the bat. Cut preschool programs which are probably more day care than anything then you're there. Increase a couple of class sizes for fun. Cut janitorial services at Gateway. That was fun.

The more people do this the less flexibility the FCPS board will have.

I'll take them seriously when they hire an independent auditor who can dig into many of the issues everyone brings up.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Do Some Research! ()
Date: September 11, 2015 02:29AM

BTDT Wrote:
> Yep the inside team who put this together really
> ignored many great suggestions sent in over the
> summer. But hey, going back to half day
> kindergarten from full day, a relatively new
> concept, gets you 39M right off the bat. Cut
> preschool programs which are probably more day
> care than anything then you're there. Increase a
> couple of class sizes for fun. Cut janitorial
> services at Gateway. That was fun.
> The more people do this the less flexibility the
> FCPS board will have.
> I'll take them seriously when they hire an
> independent auditor who can dig into many of the
> issues everyone brings up.

Well, they did hire an outside auditor a couple years ago who found the maintenance crews (OFM) are grossly understaffed. The SB chose to ignore the findings. The report is here:


The summary says:

Overall, the FCPS OFM is well organized and has developed processes that are strategically aligned to help FCPS achieve the overall business initiatives of the school system by providing a safe and comfortable environment that supports teaching and learning. There is a high degree of technical and managerial competence and high levels of trust both within the organization and of the organization by OFM customers. OFM operates well above the average public school system in terms of strategic planning, operations and maintenance effectiveness and efficiency, use of supporting information technologies and performance measurement.

While OFM is well organized and generally using resources effectively, our K-12 benchmarking analyses indicated a clear and substantial shortage of staff and funding levels. At the time of this assessment there were 462 full-time staff in OFM, including 288 front-line maintenance trades/crafts. Using a number of independent benchmarking sources and our experience with other similar K-12 facilities organizations, we identified a shortfall of about 264 full-time equivalents (FTEs) of front-line maintenance staff. This is a critical issue considering the aging facilities, increased total maintainable school areas and shrinking operations and capital budgets over the past two decades. This shortfall does not include grounds, custodial, supervisory or support positions.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: What they always do ()
Date: September 11, 2015 10:55AM

They will do what they always do:

- Squeeze 1/2 kid more per class into their formula - thus degrading the classroom experience for all kids
- Eliminate raises - thus pushing more experienced teachers to Loudoun/Arlington/Private Schools
- Drop some vacant positions that were never going to be filled anyway
- Cut back on day to day maintenance and upkeep, resulting in dirtier and eventually costlier repairs down the road
- Extort a penny or two more on the mil rate for property taxes

They will declare victory over the crisis, and we will hear the same thing next year. Eventually, we will have $1.50 tax rates and 35 kids per class, in crumbling buildings with second rate teachers who cannot get a job someplace else. Not that we are far from that now.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: And, do not forget! ()
Date: September 11, 2015 11:04AM

Boostertoon is back and so is Eric Jensen. Let's just keep allowing FCPS to throw money at these people.

Property tax increase? That won't go over well at all. After all, they may give that trolley car another shot at some point.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 11, 2015 11:41AM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 05:12PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: MJMHF ()
Date: September 11, 2015 11:45AM

chuckhoffmann Wrote:
> I decided to play this game, and I was able to not
> only eliminate the $50 million budget deficit, I
> was able to create an $8.3 million surplus.
> I could probably create an even bigger surplus
> and save the system a ton of money in
> future retirement costs with a few ideas I have
> percolating in my head.

According to their math, 18,000 students participate in athletics but on 1600 drive to school? Less than 5% of Juniors and Seniors drive to school?

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 11, 2015 12:32PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 05:14PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dr. Memory ()
Date: September 12, 2015 08:59AM

Government and quasi-government entities, such as the public schools, do not have the ability to generate more funds through increased sales or introduction of product lines with larger profit margins. Income is limited to transfers that ultimately track back to taxes. Even so, some funding will be coming in, making the public manager's job performance largely a measure of how the manager gets maximum use out of available funds. A penny saved is a penny earned, and nowhere is this more true than in public life. FCPS management is not making a strong case for the existence of a budget crisis and justification for a large infusion of additional funds. The anticipated revenue available to the state and county for transfer to FCPS is calculated ahead of time. How did FCPS get to this point with a huge gap between projected spending and anticipated funds? What measures were taken to close the gap, both short- and long-term, prior to the emergence of the 'crisis'? If the audit showed a shortage of maintenance personnel, which translates into increased maintenance and repair costs at a later date, were additional personnel hired, or were measures put in place to mitigate the costs of deferred maintenance? What strategic plans are under consideration to reduce costs going forward? Those are the kinds of things a highly-educated, experienced population with a public manager-rich demographic might find convincing. ADDITIONAL NOTE: If the real estate title is held by the county, then of course funds received for real estate sales would not benefit FCPS, except indirectly. Thank you for the correction.

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 12, 2015 03:33PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 05:15PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dr. Memory ()
Date: September 12, 2015 04:12PM

Concur. FCPS can't abrogate its legal responsibilities on grounds of a fiscal crunch.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: dx937 ()
Date: September 12, 2015 04:26PM

Do Some Research! Wrote:
> BTDT Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Yep the inside team who put this together
> really
> > ignored many great suggestions sent in over the
> > summer. But hey, going back to half day
> > kindergarten from full day, a relatively new
> > concept, gets you 39M right off the bat. Cut
> > preschool programs which are probably more day
> > care than anything then you're there. Increase
> a
> > couple of class sizes for fun. Cut janitorial
> > services at Gateway. That was fun.
> >
> > The more people do this the less flexibility
> the
> > FCPS board will have.
> >
> > I'll take them seriously when they hire an
> > independent auditor who can dig into many of
> the
> > issues everyone brings up.
> Well, they did hire an outside auditor a couple
> years ago who found the maintenance crews (OFM)
> are grossly understaffed. The SB chose to ignore
> the findings. The report is here:
> http://www.fcps.edu/schlbd/internalaudit/external%
> 20reviews/Jul%202012%20Final%20Report%20for%20Perf
> ormance%20Management%20Assessment.pdf
> The summary says:
> Overall, the FCPS OFM is well organized and has
> developed processes that are strategically aligned
> to help FCPS achieve the overall business
> initiatives of the school system by providing a
> safe and comfortable environment that supports
> teaching and learning. There is a high degree of
> technical and managerial competence and high
> levels of trust both within the organization and
> of the organization by OFM customers. OFM operates
> well above the average public school system in
> terms of strategic planning, operations and
> maintenance effectiveness and efficiency, use of
> supporting information technologies and
> performance measurement.
> While OFM is well organized and generally using
> resources effectively, our K-12 benchmarking
> analyses indicated a clear and substantial
> shortage of staff and funding levels. At the time
> of this assessment there were 462 full-time staff
> in OFM, including 288 front-line maintenance
> trades/crafts. Using a number of independent
> benchmarking sources and our experience with other
> similar K-12 facilities organizations, we
> identified a shortfall of about 264 full-time
> equivalents (FTEs) of front-line maintenance
> staff. This is a critical issue considering the
> aging facilities, increased total maintainable
> school areas and shrinking operations and capital
> budgets over the past two decades. This shortfall
> does not include grounds, custodial, supervisory
> or support positions.

I see the green FCPS Facilities/Maintenance trucks all over the county. They never seem to have any urgency to anything they are doing, often see them parked for long periods at restaurants and when they show up to a school, again, there is no sense of the time clock.

These guys are all unionized and I would bet their salary and benefits equal 2+ commercial, non union contractors. In addition to salary and benefits, you have vehicles, vehicle maintenance, insurance, fuel and wasted time driving across 400 square miles.

I can bet that there could be a big change in what we get for our money if some creativity as used here.

Same holds for transportation. What about electric buses. Longer lifespan, lest maintenance headaches, no problems getting them going in the cold weather other than clearing off snow and ice. How about even CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). What happens when the budgets are submitted, certain pricing assumptions for fuel for both transportation and schools is considered. One world event and the price of fuel increases by 25% and the budget is shattered for the year.

At least electricity is fairly flat and stable compared to oil.

Again, it does not take a rocket scientist to look at some of this. Also there needs to be a facilities escrow that is built slowly over time so there is something in the pipeline. Bond Referendums are only so good and if they are not voted on and approved, you have nothing.

With ANY $1.4 Billion company there is plenty of waste and room for improvement. You should be easily able to find 1-2% savings without looking very hard. Actually work through some details and actually use your brain, I am guessing 4-5% would not be so hard to flush out.

Why charge for parking? This is just the richer paying for something they should not need to pay for. The spaces are there, other than clearing snow and occasional maintenance there is not much reoccurring expenses here.

What about the free charging for electrical cars at some of the schools?? Who is paying for this?? Nobody gives me free gasoline??

Waste and foolishness all around. The fact that some of these school do not get renovated for 50 years is also an embarrassment.

Do you think your wife would put up with 50 year old bathrooms and other facilities??

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 12, 2015 06:28PM


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 05:18PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: jool ()
Date: September 12, 2015 07:54PM

dx937 Wrote:
> I see the green FCPS Facilities/Maintenance trucks
> all over the county. They never seem to have any
> urgency to anything they are doing, often see them
> parked for long periods at restaurants and when
> they show up to a school, again, there is no sense
> of the time clock.
> These guys are all unionized and I would bet their
> salary and benefits equal 2+ commercial, non union
> contractors. In addition to salary and benefits,
> you have vehicles, vehicle maintenance, insurance,
> fuel and wasted time driving across 400 square
> miles.
> I can bet that there could be a big change in what
> we get for our money if some creativity as used
> here.
> Same holds for transportation. What about electric
> buses. Longer lifespan, lest maintenance
> headaches, no problems getting them going in the
> cold weather other than clearing off snow and ice.
> How about even CNG (Compressed Natural Gas). What
> happens when the budgets are submitted, certain
> pricing assumptions for fuel for both
> transportation and schools is considered. One
> world event and the price of fuel increases by 25%
> and the budget is shattered for the year.

Where do you think are, New Jersey? Virginia law BANS collective bargaining for public employees. No public organization is "unionized" in Virginia. If you would "bet" that FCPS tradespeople make twice what their private sector counterparts make, you would lose. They make considerably less. The benefits are decent though and that is the only reason anybody takes the job. If you want to get on the green truck gravy train, come on, they are ALWAYS hiring.

Go to the County jobops page to see what they make. Example: An HVAC tech is a US-18 which is peanuts. That's why you don't see them busting their asses.

Electric school buses? Nobody makes a 78 passenger electric school bus. There are some Class A (van chassis) electric buses which are way too small for FCPS. The range is less than 100 miles and they cost almost twice as much as the same bus powered by diesel.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: But But Why are they Getting By ()
Date: September 12, 2015 09:16PM

>Nobody gives me free gasoline??

The county is giving free gasoline and miles to FXPD Motorcycle cops tooling along thank you, Going home to Spotsylvania Co and other places way far from Fairfax. Great Need For Public Safety huh? Rideing bikes that don't last as long as cars and cost about as much, Burning um up as a back and forth to work Freebie to be replaced at 20 K a pop. Yes I would agree some details on call would be in police cars and should go home, but they cant park those bikes at the nearest fire station or county facility in the county and ride the POV in??

Now feel free to beat up on the working stiffs in the green trucks if that makes you feel better.

The entire County/Schools Is Outa Control and will be till some one is the Mayor here. IN CHARGE. 1.1 million people and a Board Of Supervisors form of Govt. What A Joke.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Golfgal ()
Date: September 12, 2015 11:22PM

the FRM/ESOL student are in smaller classrooms thanks to the needs-based staffing formula where FRM/ESOL students count as 2 students therefore their class sizes are under 20 kids.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: good solutions ()
Date: September 12, 2015 11:40PM

Close Gatehouse Wrote:
> Close Gatehouse and move them all into schools.
> Savings $150,000,000 annually.
> Problem solved.

Other cuts Wrote:
> How about putting together a list of other cuts
> and pricing them....
> Eliminate all non-essential travel out of state,
> meaning all travel out of state.
> Eliminate 6 Superintendent/Assistant
> Superintendent/Deputy Assistant Superintendent
> positions and their staffs.

Another one Wrote:
> Eliminate all positions supporting the FRL program
> and staff with parents of those receiving the
> benefits. Pay them nothing.

The FCPS system is bloated with administrators, consultants, etc. Most teachers are buying supplies out of their own pockets and barely squeeking by while the central office administrative staff reap huge salaries and waste huge amounts on taxpayer-funded out-of-state junkets

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: 73x3u ()
Date: September 15, 2015 02:22AM

parents who decide to have kids pay for education, no one else

you would soon see a call to go back to just education and leave all the silly crap aside

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: ETJky ()
Date: September 15, 2015 09:39AM

good solutions Wrote:
> Close Gatehouse Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> Most teachers are buying
> supplies out of their own pockets

Such bullshit. One teacher once bought a pack of pencils at Giant and we hear about it forever. Teachers tell, don't ask, parents to send in supplies. I remember going in once for back to school night in ES and the teacher had a stack of tissue boxes 3 feet high. They asked for white board markers, two packs per kid. At 25 in the class, that's 50 full packs, or 400 markers. Really? They could open a full pack per week and never use them all. And they wanted more mid-year!

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Ima Payne ()
Date: September 15, 2015 08:20PM

ETJky Wrote:
> good solutions Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Close Gatehouse Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Most teachers are buying
> > supplies out of their own pockets
> Such bullshit. One teacher once bought a pack of
> pencils at Giant and we hear about it forever.
> Teachers tell, don't ask, parents to send in
> supplies. I remember going in once for back to
> school night in ES and the teacher had a stack of
> tissue boxes 3 feet high. They asked for white
> board markers, two packs per kid. At 25 in the
> class, that's 50 full packs, or 400 markers.
> Really? They could open a full pack per week and
> never use them all. And they wanted more
> mid-year!

That's been my experience as well for many years.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Ha ha ha! ()
Date: September 15, 2015 08:24PM

Same old budget game. Tell parents that band and sports programs are going to be cut unless the budget. Get sympathy for more money and spend the new budget increases on administration salaries and luxuries like teacher parties.

The old shell FFX county school shell game. Read the fine lines of where the money is allocated.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: pocket ()
Date: September 15, 2015 10:44PM

they cut the custodial staff so admn can go to Disney

they cut class offerings so admn can hire stupid consultants

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Dale ()
Date: September 16, 2015 12:23PM

pocket Wrote:
> they cut the custodial staff so admn can go to
> Disney
> they cut class offerings so admn can hire stupid
> consultants

Unfortunately that's true, so what are you going to do about it.?

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: HistoryBuff ()
Date: September 16, 2015 01:16PM

"Do you think your wife would put up with 50 year old bathrooms and other facilities??"

Yes, yes she would. And she would do so happily or suffer the consequences. Man up.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 16, 2015 01:26PM

ETJky Wrote:
> good solutions Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Close Gatehouse Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Most teachers are buying
> > supplies out of their own pockets
> Such bullshit. One teacher once bought a pack of
> pencils at Giant and we hear about it forever.

I wish I could say your head is so far up your ass that you don't know what you are talking about, but there is some truth to what you say. Teachers do "request" that parents provide the classroom with certain supplies for common use that are not provided by the school system. Tissues are a standard item in this list. That does not mean though that most teachers aren't buying other items. Friends who are teachers have told me they spend a couple of thousand a year on stuff for their classrooms.

The bigger problem is that in some classes or schools they have a habit of pooling ALL items the kids bring in, and not just those that were obviously intended for common use. In some instances I know of items that were shared not just within the classroom but with the entire school. I understand that little Timmy might have difficulty learning without pencil, paper and an iPhone, but last time I checked classroom teachers and school principals were not given the authority to tax parents to set up welfare programs.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: A wife with common sense ()
Date: September 17, 2015 09:25AM

HistoryBuff Wrote:
> "Do you think your wife would put up with 50 year
> old bathrooms and other facilities??"
> Yes, yes she would. And she would do so happily or
> suffer the consequences. Man up.

If the toilet, sink, and shower work, I am happy. When you are broke, make do with what you have. If it is clean and usable, that is all you need. Granted you have to make some investment in infrastructure because nothing lasts forever and many things become so dated that they become useless. It is a delicate balance. But, there is no excuse for throwing money around needlessly.

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: CUT MORE THAN $80 Million! ()
Date: September 17, 2015 09:34AM

Clapping and cheering! It's about time the board cut $80 million out of the school budget! That budget is so full of pork it's completely ridiculous.

The board needs to take a better look at where to cut the budgets.


CUT MORE THAN $80 Million!

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Re: FCPS To Cut $80 Million 2016-2017; HS School Sports to go, Islamic students coming In
Posted by: Breaking news! ()
Date: September 17, 2015 10:29AM

CUT MORE THAN $80 Million! Wrote:
> Clapping and cheering! It's about time the board
> cut $80 million out of the school budget! That
> budget is so full of pork it's completely
> ridiculous.
> The board needs to take a better look at where to
> cut the budgets.
> CUT MORE THAN $80 Million!

Yes at a little round table at Gatehouse those making $180-220 grand a year are now putting pen to paper to see how many library assistants, secretaries, security , and custodial people are going to get pink slips. Because after all , those people making $23,000 a year really add up and they need to keep their make believe jobs in admin.

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