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67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Don Essex ()
Date: May 20, 2015 09:32AM

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: mjs ()
Date: May 20, 2015 10:11AM

lock him up and put him in general population with a tatoo that says

"i love touching little girls"

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Former FHLL Parent ()
Date: May 22, 2015 10:32AM

Fort Hunt Litte League has probably been covering up what they've obviously known for years, that just like John Hamilton, a convicted child pedophile who was once a part of their league, that Don Essex was Hamilton's roommate for eight years, and that he could have been a child pedophile, too, which he turned out to be after all.

Read the article, linked here, http://connectionarchives.com/PDF/2011/021611/Mt%20Vernon.pdf, right on the first page of the Mount Vernon Gazette, 'Recalling Hamilton'. “He kept to himself,” said Don Essex, who shared a townhouse with him for eight years. “He went his way and I went mine. He had friends over very rarely.” Eight years? Really? Birds of a feather...

My husband and I live in Fort Hunt, and our children have played in many sports within the Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Organization, but my husband and I are pulling our children out of everything involving their organization. Our children will be playing in either Woodlawn or Alexandria Potomac Little Leagues next season.

Barry Meuse, president of Fort Hunt Little League, regularly bad mouths Alexandria Potomac Little League, always in a sarcastic joking way, but now the tables have turned on him, with Don Essex, who was in a leadership position within our league, now, along with John Hamilton, has helped to reinforce FHLL as a league of child pedophiles, which we know is not true, but, that's what people are saying in our area.

I know that no one involved in Fort Hunt Little Leauge condones what Don Essex so tragically did, but with that said, once again, I know many parents within FHLL who will now be moving their children to other leagues, like Woodlawn or Alexandria Potomac, in the area, like we are going to do for next season.

Don Essex needs to be locked away for the rest of his life in the 'Fort Hunt Little League Child Pedophiles' section of the prison where John Hamilton is right now. They need to be roommates, once again.
FHLL banner.jpg

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Very Disgusted With FHLL ()
Date: May 22, 2015 11:50AM


I agree with the previous poster as my husband and I have both firmly and unequivocably agreed to take all of our children out of Fort Hunt Little League and have them play in either Alexandria Potomac or Woodlawn Little Leagues for next season.

We will not have our children be embarrassed and ridiculed by their friends in school about playing in Fort Hunt where child pedophiles like Don Essex and John Hamilton were both actively involved within our league.

I also agree with the previous poster in her assertion that no one within our league would ever condone the disgusting actions that Don Essex took upon so many young and harmless victims. It is sad that so many our volunteers, coaches, and parents are now suffering as our league's reputation has now become so harmfully tarnished by Don Essex and John Hamilton molesting so many children who live within our tight-knit community.

What has happened at Fort Hunt is an absolute tragedy for the children and their parents who were prayed upon by Don Essex. I can only hope that those who were molested can heal their emotional wounds with the care of their parents who love them so much. May God bless them all.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: No surprise with Fort Hunt ()
Date: May 22, 2015 01:42PM

I'm not suprised with either Don Essex and his involvement with Fort Hunt Little League which always seems to have a complete disregard to doing what's right. Fort Hunt Little League regularly has many parents who drink copious amounts of hard liquor, beer, and wine, at many of their games which has been going on for years. Their leadership can't feign ignorance to that fact but I'm sure they most certainly will. Myself and my family are all very devout Mormons and my sons played at Fort Hunt and we witnessed people drinking at many games as it was just a regular social thing for Fort Hunt parents to do. We took our children to Alexandria Potomac Litte League many years ago mainly because of the overt drinking that was so pervasive at many of our children's games. In regard to Don Essex I have to say that it is devestating to all of us who live in Fort Hunt what has happened to so many young children within our community. No one can or should accept or tolerate the heinous actions that Don Essex has done to bring ireputable harm to innocent children but we will be in deep prayer for them.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Sickening ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:14PM

This guy Don Essex is just typical business for Fort Hunt Little League! Look at their track record with pedophiles! They're all just so sickening! To hell with them all at Fort Hunt!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: 4h6Ly ()
Date: May 22, 2015 03:49PM

Don E-SEX has turned Fort Hunt into Fort Hunter for Prey. I hope there aren't any others like him around the league.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: sick bastards ()
Date: May 22, 2015 04:17PM

fort hunt is full of sick bastards like don essex. who would be dumb enough to have their child associated with fort hunt little league now? what a disgusting thing don essex did. he needs to be locked up and have the key thrown away.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Date: May 22, 2015 11:21PM

Pitiful these predators of children are.

> I hope there aren't any others like him around the league.

And those who are loving good people who only want to help children suffer in a way , by having people thinking stuff about them because of this Creep and others like him. At 67 he's been at it a long time, surprised he did not get caught earlier. No wonder kids cant walk to a store anymore.

He will be a suffering bastard if he goes to prison in a general population.


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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Fort Hunt Is Disgusting ()
Date: May 22, 2015 11:37PM

The people of Fort Hunt Little League disgust me. They have no shame. The pattern of child molesters within Fort Hunt Little League should and is very troubling to all of us who are parents. Fort Hunt Little League needs to be shut down before more children are molested.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Horsefeathers ()
Date: May 23, 2015 01:17AM

This is just ugly all the way around. Tragic really.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: parent of LL ()
Date: May 23, 2015 06:30PM

how does this even happen? Arent there background checks?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Silver ()
Date: May 23, 2015 10:49PM

This is the third pedophile that has been caught in the last five years that has participated in Fort Hunt Little League. Will they ever put children's safety first?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Kyle ()
Date: May 25, 2015 01:37AM

Who was the third? I only see two named here.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: nWVEu ()
Date: May 25, 2015 01:43AM

parent of LL Wrote:
> how does this even happen? Arent there background
> checks?

Do you think he put down that he's a child molester somewhere ? This is the first time he was caught

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Not Surprised ()
Date: May 25, 2015 02:41AM

Yes, Fort Hunt Little League is rife with child molesters. They've had three in their organization who have been busted in the past few years for child molestation. I will not have our children to be a part of anything to do with Fort Hunt Little League. It's so criminal and disgusting what goes on at Fort Hunt.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Shame On Fort Hunt Little League ()
Date: May 25, 2015 11:01PM

Shame on Fort Hunt Little League! They don't care about children!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Fort Hunt Cover-Up ()
Date: May 26, 2015 02:03PM

Don Essex is STILL listed as being a part of Fort Hunt Little League, linked below, even though they apparently have deleted all of his postings!


It's sickening what Don Essex has done to children, but Fort Hunt Little League should have suspected him as being a child molester a long time ago, as Essex was a roommate of already-convicted Fort Hunt Little League child molester, John Hamilton, for eight years!

Anyone with any common sense in the immediate Fort Hunt area already had Don Essex under suspicion of being a child molester, which is something that Fort Hunt Little League was 'seemingly shocked' when they first found out at their board meeting on the night of Tuesday, May 19.

Enough is enough! Their should be a complete investigation of everyone who runs Fort Hunt Little League, from the FBI down to the Virginia State Police, along with Fairfax County Police, to ensure that all of the child molesters who are still there at Fort Hunt are caught, arrested, and do long-term jail time!

The clue phone is ringing! Police still need to make more arrests at Fort Hunt Little League!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Where is Mr. Donaldson? ()
Date: May 26, 2015 02:36PM

As a parent of four young boys who play baseball and also a mother who lives in Fort Hunt I would like to know why is Mr. John Donaldson now so misteriously silent? Mr. Donaldson runs Virginia Little League District 9 and used to be president of Fort Hunt Little League. Certainly we need to hear from Mr. Donaldson to hear how he is going to address the ongoing issue of child molestations within Fort Hunt Little League. One can only imagine and certainly hope that Mr. Donaldson will thoroughly condem and aggressively vilify Don Essex regarding his arrest for allegedly molesting so many children here in Fort Hunt. Parents and teachers all are rightfully afraid of having their children potentially in contact with more child molesters here in Fort Hunt. We all must be much more keenly vigilant to protect our young ones from being victims to such evil child molesters who are evil monsters who lurk among us in Fort Hunt.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Don Essex Is Sinful! ()
Date: May 26, 2015 04:38PM

Don Essex is a very evil and sinful man for what he did to those innocent children! I hope that he gets locked up in prison for the rest of his natural life!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: KpDPp ()
Date: May 26, 2015 04:44PM

He's been charged with a child pornography distribution charge after he responded to an undercover officer who offered his fictional 9-year old-daughter for sex.

Not defending the POS, but are there allegations of actual abuse out there?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: YxLb6 ()
Date: May 26, 2015 06:10PM

He told the officer he's sexually active with his three young grandchildren

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Da code guy ()
Date: May 26, 2015 06:17PM

YxLb6 Wrote:
> He told the officer he's sexually active with his
> three young grandchildren

Why are you talking about other men, code guy?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Very Disgusted ()
Date: May 27, 2015 08:25PM

I think that it is totally disgusting of what Don Essex supposedly did to children in the Fort Hunt area. I hope that Don Essex is convicted of his dispicable crimes against innocent children and it locked up in a prison and never ever sees the light of day. God will show Don Essex no mercy as He will easy send him right tho Hell where he most certainly belongs!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: De Palma ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:01PM

The same thing happened in Falls Church in the 90s. The guy that ran the rec center was caught having sex with a juvenile in his car. Falls Church fixed their problem 25 years ago. Fort Hunt still can't screen for pedos? That's an atrocity.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: xBox ()
Date: May 28, 2015 12:04PM

Another reason why children do not belong in organized sports.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Fort Hunt Is FULL Of Pedophiles! ()
Date: May 29, 2015 08:32PM

Fort Hunt Little League can't get a break as their story in defense of themselves keeps unraveling! More and more Fort Hunt Little League parents are telling their friends that they're going to put their children in surrounding Little Leagues next season, or shift them to another sport, like soccer or lacrosse, as the publicity within the league has been sickening for parents to confront with their children, and it just keeps getting worse.

Check out this new story from NBC 4! http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/Former-Little-League-Coach-Raising-Awareness-Child-Porn-Charge-Umpire-Don-Essex-John-Hamilton-Eric-Mintzer-305519621.html

Word on the street is that there's a high probability that more child molesters will be found within the Fort Hunt Little League organization, too!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: wait ()
Date: May 29, 2015 09:01PM

He hasn't been convicted of anything and hasn't made any public admissions has he? Might as well wait to see if the courts find him guilty or not.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Don Essex Not Guilty? ()
Date: May 30, 2015 12:47PM

So you're now saying that Don Essex is not guilty? Really? Are you serious? He sent out pictures of child porn to an undercover agent. You must be Barry Meuse or on the board of Fort Hunt Little League. You people at Fort Hunt Little League are disgusting! You people at Fort Hunt have no shame! You people have done everything you can do to ruin Woodlawn Little League and Alexandria Potomac Little League. Those two leagues have people of good character, unlike the deranged people at Fort Hunt. Don Essex will be doing long-term prison time in the Fort Hunt Little League cell of shame!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Why ()
Date: May 30, 2015 11:15PM


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Re: alias Dennis Hastert
Posted by: Dennis Hastert ()
Date: May 31, 2015 12:23AM

alias Dennis Hastert

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: FC Lifer ()
Date: May 31, 2015 02:57PM

De Palma Wrote:
> The same thing happened in Falls Church in the
> 90s. The guy that ran the rec center was caught
> having sex with a juvenile in his car. Falls
> Church fixed their problem 25 years ago. Fort
> Hunt still can't screen for pedos? That's an
> atrocity.

I hope that you are not trying to imply that Falls Church had their act together with that person, who I could name, but won't. One of the most poorly kept secrets back in the early 70's was that the guy was a pervert, and had exposed himself to at least two boys in their early teens. I hesitate to say this, because not all child molesters would fit the profile, but you could tell by that guy's mannerisms that he had some kind of problem.

Yet, despite the red flags, the City of Falls Church kept him on as Director of Youth Sports for its Community Center, and he managed Babe Ruth baseball (13-15 YOs) for many years in Falls Church.

If he was only caught in the 90's (I thought it was earlier), that means that Falls Church youth sports had a predator on the loose for more than 20 years. I also do not remember anything about him being caught in a car--there was one incident somewhere outdoors, and then one at a Reston health club.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: De Palma ()
Date: May 31, 2015 08:47PM

Maybe the Falls Church pedo was caught in the 80s. I grew up in Falls Church and remember hearing about the rec center incident after I had gone off to college. Also, a friend of mine played Bade Ruth Baseball when he was younger and talked about the inappropriate overnights trips.

I wasn't saying the stories were connected. Only that it's 2015 and red flags should have put an end to this stuff at Fort Hunt.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: FC Lifer ()
Date: June 01, 2015 08:22AM

I wasn't reading your post to mean that the stories might be connected. I did read it as suggesting that Falls Church knew how to handle its business 20 years ago, and suggesting that Fort Hunt should have known better 20 years later.

My comment was to the effect that Falls Church did not handle its problem any better that has Fort Hunt. It seems that some times the red flags are visible only to some people and not others.

I probably know, or know of, your friend that played Babe Ruth baseball in Falls Church. It was a small community back then.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: De Palma ()
Date: June 01, 2015 08:55AM

FC Lifer Wrote:
> I wasn't reading your post to mean that the
> stories might be connected. I did read it as
> suggesting that Falls Church knew how to handle
> its business 20 years ago, and suggesting that
> Fort Hunt should have known better 20 years
> later.
> My comment was to the effect that Falls Church did
> not handle its problem any better that has Fort
> Hunt. It seems that some times the red flags are
> visible only to some people and not others.
> I probably know, or know of, your friend that
> played Babe Ruth baseball in Falls Church. It was
> a small community back then.

I re-read your first post and understand it now.

It was a small community for sure. I played rec center basketball in FC from age 8 to 15. I knew most of the baseball players and couldn't believe the stories they would tell about their trips, but I guess it was the 80's and a lot of inappropriate stuff occurred.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: still waiting ()
Date: June 01, 2015 09:42AM

He is not guilty until convicted. Until then he is innocent. And no one is even alleging he actually molested or had inappropriate contact with any kids. He allegedly sent porn to a police officer, which sounds fishy in the first place since if the police were involved in the transaction they would be equally guilty, if not entrapment as well.

Don Essex Not Guilty? Wrote:
> So you're now saying that Don Essex is not guilty?
> Really? Are you serious? He sent out pictures of
> child porn to an undercover agent. You must be
> Barry Meuse or on the board of Fort Hunt Little
> League. You people at Fort Hunt Little League are
> disgusting! You people at Fort Hunt have no shame!
> You people have done everything you can do to ruin
> Woodlawn Little League and Alexandria Potomac
> Little League. Those two leagues have people of
> good character, unlike the deranged people at Fort
> Hunt. Don Essex will be doing long-term prison
> time in the Fort Hunt Little League cell of shame!

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Hey, 'still waiting'! ()
Date: June 01, 2015 02:41PM

Hey, 'still waiting'!,

You must be a part of the Fort Hunt Little League disasterous leadership that 'sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil' in the case of Don Essex.

You're right, he has yet to be convicted, but, police seized his home computer which was loaded up with a lot of child pornogrpahy. Yes, he was caught in an undercover sting operation that is and was completely legal, and, it's also a long-established way of ferreting out child pedophiles before they inflict harm on innocent children. But you don't care about children being prayed upon by child molesters.

Don Essex told the undercover officer that he regularly had sex with his three grandchildren and that they knew to keep quiet about it all, too. But if you think that all sounds fishy because the police are involved, well, hmm, let's just do away with the police all together, right?

You obviously believe that Don Essex is completely innocent of his alleged crime, plus, it's also very apparent you've also got to be just another child pedophile that Fort Hunt Little League is so desparately trying to hide as the grand 'Wizard of Oz' allusion of how great their organization once was is swiftly crumbling around them.

You Fort Hunt people have no shame. No shame at all.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: still waiting ()
Date: June 02, 2015 10:10AM

These kind of "sting" operations are bogus. Why should one believe that Don Essex was telling the truth about being sexually active with 3 of his grandchildren if the officer was also lying about being sexually active with his 9 year old daughter?

Yes I believe he is innocent until proven guilty in court.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Hey, 'still waiting'! ()
Date: June 03, 2015 08:42PM

So it sounds like you're a really good friend of Don Essex and you live in Fort Hunt, too, right?

By the way, what makes perfectly legal "sting" operations so bogus? Are you also against law enforcement tracking down criminals before they commit crimes?

Just curious.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Don Essex Is A Criminal! ()
Date: June 17, 2015 01:41PM

People need to read this, linked below, about Don Essex! He's a criminal and should be locked up for the rest of his life!

Fort Hunt Little League is also culpubable in all of these vile and sickening crimes against young children, as well,as they have been covering up all of the child molesters that they have had in their league for years!


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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: hmm ()
Date: June 17, 2015 02:07PM

Don Essex Is A Criminal! Wrote:
> People need to read this, linked below, about Don
> Essex! He's a criminal and should be locked up for
> the rest of his life!
> Fort Hunt Little League is also culpubable in all
> of these vile and sickening crimes against young
> children, as well,as they have been covering up
> all of the child molesters that they have had in
> their league for years!
> http://ia600307.us.archive.org/17/items/gov.uscour
> ts.dcd.171801/gov.uscourts.dcd.171801.1.1.pdf

I read that and it sounded as if the UC, Timothy Palchak, and the defendant were both lying back and forth to one another. Palchak claimed to be fucking his 9 year old daughter and sent pictures purported to be of her buttocks and chest. There were arrangements and promises to meet but then the defendant evidently did not follow through.

The whole interaction sounded kind of sketchy. The defendant may be a pervert but it seemed like the UC was equally so, just getting paid for it. Perhaps Essex was in the wrong line of work. Instead of coaching little league he should have become a DC cop and gotten paid to look at and distribute kiddie porn.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: UpdateFive ()
Date: August 18, 2015 08:02PM

So where does this stand. Is the bastard in jail yet?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Sulky ()
Date: September 03, 2015 01:54PM

Another weirdo

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Sports Strike Again! ()
Date: September 03, 2015 08:17PM

Jerry Sandusky.


Now this.

When are people going to wake up and realize that sports is a breeding ground for sexual abuse?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Asianlover ()
Date: September 03, 2015 10:32PM

I would not blame sports.
People not playing sports end up socially awkward.

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Mike Miller ()
Date: November 23, 2015 01:27PM

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: all in the family? ()
Date: November 23, 2015 04:02PM

Is he related to Einuis, Pilon, or Summers, or maybe a Boosterthon organizer?

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Re: 67 Year Old Grandfather arrested for child porn
Posted by: Where's Don Es-SEX? ()
Date: April 27, 2019 08:25AM

Is Don Es-SEX back in the Fort Hunt community? Rumor is that he's recently been seen lurking near some Fort Hunt ball fields. Can anyone confirm that Es-SEX is out of jail?

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