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The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: HS Athlete ()
Date: April 30, 2009 08:24PM

Okay, first off let me set some things straight. I'm not some whiny kid who is just mad he got cut from the team. When i was in hs (i'm a junior at VT) i played varsity basketball, soccer, and track.
But seriously, FCPS athletes and coaches have some major issues:

-They think they're better than everybody else. YOU'RE NOT. just because you can throw a ball doesnt make you any better than a kid who can play a nice rift on the guitar or draw an amazing picture in art class.
-kids are too egotistical. you should be trying to represent your school, not yourself.
-there are too many politics. I know kids who should have made my varsity soccer and basketball teams but didnt cuz they werent in tight with the coaches.
-coaches dont discipline the players. the recent incident with SOCO baseball is all that needs to be said.
-coaches make the players think they are some elite part of school society.
-school administrators give special treatment to athletes.

I know not all athletes/coaches are like this. I would like to highlight Coach Kiernan, a track coach. He brings success to any team he coaches. know why? he doesnt put up with ANY bs. you talk back in practice, you're out. bully a kid in the locker room, you're out. he doesnt care if youre the fastest kid in the state, if you dont act right and respectful youre out. he doesnt yell our scream. When you look at the talent and sportsmanship of his athletes, it is obvious they were coached by Kiernan. Theres a reason why Oakton track started to suck after he left and Westfield became the team to beat.

go ahead and post vulgar comments, but i just wanted you all to read this.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: uhhh... ()
Date: April 30, 2009 08:40PM

Uhh...that is the beauty of track. Run a 4:10 mile or 1:52 800 in HS and in most years you are a state champion. No politics. No popularity contest. Your race and national origin doesn't matter. Your time authenticates your performance. And ego? Please. Everyone knows you are a skinny runner. Keeps the ego in check. And it keeps many a kid on a positive path.

Your point is well taken about sports and the way athletes are treated. Too many of the schools are sports teams with schools attached.

By the way, Coach Tiller at Oakton is one of the best coaches I have ever come across, period. And as good a coach as he is, he is even a better person. My faith in FCPS will escalate if it ever really appreciates what they have in Coach Tiller. Coach Ryan at TJ deserves the same accolades. None of this is a knock on Coach Kiernan, who is a fine coach as well. Athletes remember these coaches for years and years - they do great things for the kids.

And don't be selective in designating success. Oakton won its third state title in cross country this year. 2 of the 3 have been with Coach Tiller at the helm. The state championship at Great Meadow is a great spectator event, and Fairfax County athletes typically do well. These cross country guys don't fit your coddled (accurate) stereoptypes.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Oz ()
Date: April 30, 2009 09:23PM

HS Athlete Wrote:
> just because you can throw a ball
> doesnt make you any better than a kid who can play
> a nice rift on the guitar or draw an amazing
> picture in art class.

We know you weren't a musician because it's called a "riff".

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Dwight. ()
Date: April 30, 2009 09:45PM

Jv sports is alot of hard work and dedication. at WHS jv coach is good

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: formerWHSstudent ()
Date: May 01, 2009 09:13AM

I'd say this is a pretty darn accurate description of most of FCPS student athletes. It's definitely political. I went to Westfield and the only way to make the Baseball team was if you knew the coaches well, or had lots of money.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Date: May 01, 2009 10:49AM

Who cares, most of these athletes end up working as delivery boys and shit after they graduate.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: DC ()
Date: May 01, 2009 11:09AM

Spunky's a Dumbass Wrote:
> Who cares, most of these athletes end up working
> as delivery boys and shit after they graduate.

From my HS, one is working at Best Buy.. one is at Carmax.. These were the biggest jock bullies in my class. I graduated 10 years ago. This is a CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL (used to be a FCPS). No refunds from Jeebus.

More proof that you usually end up working for the nerds in High School.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 01, 2009 11:22AM

HS Athlete Wrote:

> But seriously, FCPS athletes and coaches have some
> major issues:
> -They think they're better than everybody else.
> YOU'RE NOT. just because you can throw a ball
> doesnt make you any better than a kid who can play
> a nice rift on the guitar or draw an amazing
> picture in art class.
> -kids are too egotistical. you should be trying to
> represent your school, not yourself.
> -there are too many politics. I know kids who
> should have made my varsity soccer and basketball
> teams but didnt cuz they werent in tight with the
> coaches.
> -coaches dont discipline the players. the recent
> incident with SOCO baseball is all that needs to
> be said.
> -coaches make the players think they are some
> elite part of school society.
> -school administrators give special treatment to
> athletes.
> I know not all athletes/coaches are like this.

Very good post, well stated and largely correct. I think you last sentence above is the operative one, however--" I know not ALL athletes/coaches/schools are like this". I'd venture to say that MOST are not like this--the "bad" ones stick out like a sore thumb, ala the SOCO thread.

I'd say every school has some, if not many, well-loved coaches in lots of sports that are in it for the right reasons, and the kids who play for them, whether they were studs or sat on the bench, would give them rave reviews.

HS sports isn't college or the pros, obviously. Some kids are happy just wearing the uniform, others hope to further their sport at the next level. And SOME just dont get it, and behave badly, whether its from their parental "win at all costs" upbringing, or the coach who fails to teach the life lessons that go along with sports.

When things go bad, people notice. Most times, I'd guess, a coach in your face about your behavior suffices. Sometimes, its a pattern--and different solutions are required. When the coach is the root of the problem, MOST times its dealt with--usually quietly (Coach "X" will not be returning to School "Y", to persue other opportunities or for personal reasons.)

And all the stuff about politics (life is politics, get over it), fundraising, $$$, camps, off-season workouts, do-nothing principals, etc. etc. etc........ is just...WHINING. Oh, and I'm guessing ALL school districts have similar challenges, even Montgomery County. They certainly did in the rural midwest where I grew up, even in a school size of 250.

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Dwight. ()
Date: May 01, 2009 02:21PM

formerWHSstudent Wrote:
> I'd say this is a pretty darn accurate description
> of most of FCPS student athletes. It's definitely
> political. I went to Westfield and the only way
> to make the Baseball team was if you knew the
> coaches well, or had lots of money.

that is very very true. It differs for different sports, and schools but WHS baseball is a mean game of politics. see: the Arduini's

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: May 01, 2009 04:13PM

Dwight. Wrote:

> that is very very true. It differs for different
> sports, and schools but WHS baseball is a mean
> game of politics. see: the Arduini's

If you can hit .300+, you'll play. If you throw in the mid-80s, you'll pitch. Thats the politics of baseball.

Dwight, why arent those sales reports on my desk? Pam says you took a long lunch. Or were you playing with your light sabre again?

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Hayfield Baseball Fan ()
Date: May 02, 2009 06:58AM

Hayfield high school varsity baseball coach calls one of his players a pussie in front of other players.

Results, player quits team and parents are upset with coach.

Coach needs to go.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ...the rest of the story..... ()
Date: May 02, 2009 10:04AM

Hayfield Baseball Fan Wrote:
> Hayfield high school varsity baseball coach calls
> one of his players a pussie in front of other
> players.
> Results, player quits team and parents are upset
> with coach.
> Coach needs to go.

Kid is indeed a pussy.

Kid finds local tiddlywinks tournament to compete in.

Parents need to STFU.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Dwight. ()
Date: May 02, 2009 11:55AM


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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: hayfield ()
Date: May 04, 2009 12:30PM

Hayfield high school varsity baseball coach calls one of his players a pussie in front of other players.

Results, player quits team and parents are upset with coach.

When did a player get called a "pussy?" Im on the team and I'm pretty sure that never happend

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Date: May 04, 2009 02:36PM

a kid quit because he got called a pussy? sounds accurate enough.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 04, 2009 02:56PM

Its baseball. They're all pussies.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:00PM

Emeritus Q. Beaker Wrote:
> a kid quit because he got called a pussy? sounds
> accurate enough.

If the shoe fits, he has to wear it.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE=pussy ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:00PM

> Its baseball. They're all pussies.

Spoken like a lisping faggot who'd NEVER be able to stand in and hit an 86 mph fastball.


( I'd bet table tennis scares you too.)

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:03PM

As one who played both football and lax, I can say this: we played, hit, and tackled in driving rain and mud while you boys trotted off the field to feel each other up in the locker rooms.

You're about as pussylike as soccer players that cry like little bitches when they get slide tackled.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/04/2009 03:03PM by ITRADE.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE=pussy ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:23PM

sure ya did, you big stud you! LMAO

I bet you loved watching the starters come into your homey little locker room after the game all sweaty and muddy-- hiding your shame at your pristine BENCHED uniform.

Did you at least offer to towel off their manly jewels, you big football/lax stud you?

Fuckin poser. LOL

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:53PM

Which sport has "rain" delays?

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE ()
Date: May 04, 2009 03:55PM


Who is the pussy here?

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADE=pussy ()
Date: May 04, 2009 05:59PM

Look at you, you cute little splinter-gathering gay boy in a football uniform, posting pictures with the "big boys".

Only pussies post pictures with the caption "who is the pussy here?".

It's obvious.

You're still the pussy.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Date: May 04, 2009 06:10PM

i dunno im gonna have to agree that baseball players are waaaaaaaay bigger pussies than, um, well, any other sport really. especially football players.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: oakotn alum ()
Date: May 06, 2009 07:43PM


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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: cougar embarassment ()
Date: May 06, 2009 07:57PM

oakotn alum Wrote:

So he taught English?

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Did ()
Date: May 17, 2009 03:19PM

the majority of you student athletes need to wake the fuck up and stop believing you're "the shit", because the reality is that you're not, and the entire school despises you. go fuck yourself

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: D.CRover ()
Date: May 17, 2009 05:54PM

Did Wrote:
> the majority of you student athletes need to wake
> the fuck up and stop believing you're "the shit",
> because the reality is that you're not, and the
> entire school despises you. go fuck yourself

You are a troll but..

As a former high school athlete you are purely speaking fallacies. Come back and try again.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: Cheaters ()
Date: May 17, 2009 06:45PM

Did Wrote:
> the majority of you student athletes need to wake
> the fuck up and stop believing you're "the shit",
> because the reality is that you're not, and the
> entire school despises you. go fuck yourself

Two problems in HS sports, Madison and South County high schools. Big cheaters.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ITRADEWHAT? ()
Date: May 19, 2009 07:40PM

Itrade, last time I checked, all good lacrosse players are rich white kids.

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: slyung ()
Date: May 21, 2009 08:36PM

herndon athletes suck

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Re: The problem with FCPS student athletes...
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: May 22, 2009 12:43AM

HS Athlete Wrote:
> Okay, first off let me set some things straight.
> I'm not some whiny kid who is just mad he got cut
> from the team. When i was in hs (i'm a junior at
> VT) i played varsity basketball, soccer, and
> track.
> But seriously, FCPS athletes and coaches have some
> major issues:
> -They think they're better than everybody else.
> YOU'RE NOT. just because you can throw a ball
> doesnt make you any better than a kid who can play
> a nice rift on the guitar or draw an amazing
> picture in art class.
> -kids are too egotistical. you should be trying to
> represent your school, not yourself.
> -there are too many politics. I know kids who
> should have made my varsity soccer and basketball
> teams but didnt cuz they werent in tight with the
> coaches.
> -coaches dont discipline the players. the recent
> incident with SOCO baseball is all that needs to
> be said.
> -coaches make the players think they are some
> elite part of school society.
> -school administrators give special treatment to
> athletes.
> I know not all athletes/coaches are like this. I
> would like to highlight Coach Kiernan, a track
> coach. He brings success to any team he coaches.
> know why? he doesnt put up with ANY bs. you talk
> back in practice, you're out. bully a kid in the
> locker room, you're out. he doesnt care if youre
> the fastest kid in the state, if you dont act
> right and respectful youre out. he doesnt yell our
> scream. When you look at the talent and
> sportsmanship of his athletes, it is obvious they
> were coached by Kiernan. Theres a reason why
> Oakton track started to suck after he left and
> Westfield became the team to beat.
> go ahead and post vulgar comments, but i just
> wanted you all to read this.

Isn't this pretty much the case anywhere? I was with HHS Football years ago, and we had a great team. I never really saw too much of the elitist attitude either, as it only existed amongst the preppy crowd on the team (Which was a minority).

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