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"Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Price ()
Date: July 08, 2006 07:27PM


They should really put these signs accross VA. At least along 2 lane roads like 7100.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: yup ()
Date: July 08, 2006 07:59PM

agreed. people who don't know proper road etiquette cause such a hassle.

All it takes is one car going at or just below the speed limit in the left lane to create a huge headache.

The police should enforce this much more than they do currently. These people create much more of a hazard than your typical speeder.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: WashingToneLocian ()
Date: July 08, 2006 08:48PM

Yeah. The other sign they should post is the one about moving fender-benders to the side of the road to exchange information. I see dumbass people all of the time taking up a lane in the middle of I-95 to exchange their damn information over a fucking bump. PULL OFF THE ROAD! Better yet, pull off at the next exit and exchange it at a gas station. WTF are people thinking??? Not only does exchanging your information on a busy road screw-up rush hour for everyone else, it is fucking dangerous!

Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Lawman ()
Date: July 09, 2006 07:37PM

I agree. In Conn. they have signs like that. When I first saw them I thought "what a waste of money", then I noticed nobody drives slow in the left lane there. Seems to work great there.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: July 09, 2006 07:44PM

I would love to see those signs all over the Fairfax Parkway. I have been behind people doing less than 20 mph in the left lane. People then jam on their brakes behind them and quickly try to switch lanes.
These turtles are twice the problem of someone going 20 mph over the limit.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 09, 2006 09:00PM

At least when the 20 mph speeders are in front of you, there's no worries. Yeah, in Conn don't they have breakdown lanes or something? That way if its backed up you can get to your exit by the shoulder w/o them blocking it.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 10, 2006 01:43AM

maybe... just MAYBE they should raise the speed limit.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 10, 2006 12:30PM

What gets me are the a-holes who drive 10 under the limit, apparently not cognizant of the fact that traffic signals are indeed timed for the speed limit.

Usually they're the ones who speed up when the light turns yellow, too. Everyone who was stuck behind them gets to stop when they wouldn't have if said a-hole were going the limit.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 10, 2006 12:37PM

They did a study that raising the speed limit didn't make the slow people go faster. The fast people could go fast like they wanted but the slow people didn't go any faster and it cost them a lot of money to change all the sings and stuff. So although speeders like me it worked for, they won't do it.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 10, 2006 03:31PM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> They did a study that raising the speed limit
> didn't make the slow people go faster. The fast
> people could go fast like they wanted but the slow
> people didn't go any faster and it cost them a lot
> of money to change all the sings and stuff. So
> although speeders like me it worked for, they
> won't do it.

if someone is going 20 under the limit, it's wreckless driving. so, if they lose their license, no more problems. grandmas can ride the bus.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: wait a second ()
Date: July 10, 2006 04:49PM

wait a second, I'm no 'road slug' or 'road nigger' as some people refer them to as, but I CAN AND WILL DRIVE 5-10 OVER THE SPEED LIMIT IN THE LEFT LANE if people are traveling the speed limit in the right lane. Also I will do that if I have to turn, because usually assholes like yourselves don't slow down when people are trying to getinto the left lane.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 10, 2006 06:08PM

If the asshole won't slow down when you are trying to get into the left lane, then get behind the asshole.

If you don't have enough time to do that without missing your left turn, plan your lane change a little better next time (and I don't mean get into the left lane 10 miles before you need to turn left).

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: wait a second ()
Date: July 10, 2006 06:32PM

if I try to get behind the asshole, then other asses behind me speed up and get in the left lane, completely defeating the purpose. I usually only get in the left lane about 1/4 mile ahead of the turn if I'm in the right lane, but over half the time some ass passes on the right and flys ahead of me like I'm standing still (doing 60 in a 50 which is borderline speeding)

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 11, 2006 10:27AM

I don't know. I've rarely had any problems making a lane change around here. Do you slow down when making a lane change or something?

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 12, 2006 12:10PM

brianl703 Wrote:
> Do you slow down when
> making a lane change or something?

i hate when people do that. if anything, you should speed up. stupid drivers should be run off the road.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 13, 2006 12:25AM

It's amazing, when I make it clear to other drivers that I'm not going to be an asshole and slow them down if I get into their lane, it's no problem to change lanes!

It even works for merging onto the highway, too! That's just like making a lane change. Figure out how to make a lane change without pissing everybody off, and you'll be part of the probably 1% of DC area drivers that knows how to merge properly!

(By the way, your car won't break down if you floor it while merging, should that be neccessary to achieve the proper speed).

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 13, 2006 05:35AM

brianl703 Wrote:
> (By the way, your car won't break down if you
> floor it while merging, should that be neccessary
> to achieve the proper speed).

off the road, grandma.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 13, 2006 09:41AM

What I can't stand are Asian soccer moms in their minivans with the kids in the back watching a DVD. THey look around wildly for a car behind them and then don't see it and merge, and I have to stand on the horn and brake at same time. Then I speed up to merge around them, she being right next to me, she speeds up too so I can't merge. I brake to get in behind her and person behind me honks.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 13, 2006 10:19AM

I've never driven a minivan before, but don't they come with sideview mirrors, the same as regular cars??

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Hawaii ()
Date: July 15, 2006 05:00PM

Agreed on most of the points here. My pet peeve is people that try to merge onto the highway (in my case, Rt. 66) going 30-35mph. One point that was brought up was that many people brake, when they should in fact speed up...I completely agree with this. I've actually avoided several accidents by speeding up.

We can all complain, but I love it when you work with somebody on the road, and make an easy transition from lane-to-lane (you merging off the hwy, them merging on, or vice versa). Some people got it, some people don't.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 15, 2006 05:45PM

I think some people think the brake pedal is like a "cancel" button. Whatever mistake you've just made will be undone by pushing it.

You can tell these because they're the ones that slam their brakes on when you honk at them after they've pulled out in front of you...

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: July 15, 2006 07:32PM

brake=you get hit

gas=get the fuck outta the way so you don't get hit

They should teach that in drivers ed.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: July 15, 2006 08:31PM

driver ed is dangerous around here, and I find myself giving shit to a lot of driver ed students who hog the road. I say they should have to legally pull aside and let any traffic that signals them with a triple flash of the brights pass unabated.

fuck you easy method, rudy's driving school, and all the other poser assholes who claim to "teach" kids around here to drive.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Ethan ()
Date: July 18, 2006 06:22PM

WashingToneLocian Wrote:
> Yeah. The other sign they should post is the one
> about moving fender-benders to the side of the
> road to exchange information. I see dumbass people
> all of the time taking up a lane in the middle of
> I-95 to exchange their damn information over a
> fucking bump. PULL OFF THE ROAD! Better yet, pull
> off at the next exit and exchange it at a gas
> station. WTF are people thinking??? Not only does
> exchanging your information on a busy road
> screw-up rush hour for everyone else, it is
> fucking dangerous!
> Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.

Not only is it stupid, it's illegal.


§ 46.2-888. Stopping on highways; general rule.

"No person shall stop a vehicle in such manner as to impede or render dangerous the use of the highway by others, except in the case of an emergency, an accident, or a mechanical breakdown. In the event of such an emergency, accident, or breakdown, the emergency flashing lights of such vehicle shall be turned on if the vehicle is equipped with such lights and such lights are in working order. ******If the driver is capable of doing so and the vehicle is movable, the driver may move the vehicle only so far as is necessary to prevent obstructing the regular flow of traffic******; provided, however, that the movement of the vehicle to prevent the obstruction of traffic shall not relieve the law-enforcement officer of his duty pursuant to § 46.2-373. A report of the vehicle's location shall be made to the nearest law-enforcement officer as soon as practicable, and the vehicle shall be moved from the roadway to the shoulder as soon as possible and removed from the shoulder without unnecessary delay. If the vehicle is not promptly removed, such removal may be ordered by a law-enforcement officer at the expense of the owner if the disabled vehicle creates a traffic hazard."

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Kev ()
Date: July 31, 2006 11:04PM

They have such signs on 270 headed toward DC from Frederick, MD.

Righteous fucks will stay left anyway because they feel they are going the limit at 65.

THE LEFT LANE IS AN 80 MPH LANE! Move the fuck over!

You can see them looking in the mirror at the screaming drivers behind them at 60 MPH, doing it because they can. Road wide open ahead of them.

They have a place in hell.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: July 31, 2006 11:09PM

That's funny--apparently the left-lane law in MD is it's ok to use the left lane as long as your not going slower than 10MPH under the speed limit.

Oh, and you can be pulled over for aggressive driving in MD if you flash your brights at a left-lane hog.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: wtf ()
Date: August 01, 2006 04:00AM

Price Wrote:
> >
> They should really put these signs accross VA. At
> least along 2 lane roads like 7100.

Thay have them all over.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 01, 2006 10:20AM

I was just in FL the past week and they have them all over Rt. 1 south

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Noah ()
Date: August 04, 2006 08:03AM

It's a problem with the Asians! Hands down - they don't get it.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 04, 2006 10:25AM

Thats true. And I'm not racist. 90% of Asians cannot drive. I am not racist.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: August 04, 2006 12:46PM

I am not a racist, I am a "skin color supremacist".

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: August 04, 2006 02:46PM

Today I was going to lunch and this asian just backs out of a driveway in her minivan. Had I not had the extreme reflexes one gets while going around NOVA, I would not have been able to stop and she woulda hit me.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: burpgun ()
Date: August 04, 2006 04:56PM

My problem is YOU PEOPLE. Any body who is not me drives like an ass, without exception...

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: golden gloves 7100 ()
Date: January 17, 2007 02:53PM

I drive 50-60 mph on 7100 in the left lane to piss you off. I'm trying to get you so angry you perform one of your aggressive maneuvers you get a ticket. This is called Dogging.

50 points if your pulled over by a cop
25 points you flip me off
100 points if you get out of your car at a light or stop
500 points if you threaten me and I'm given the chance to break your nose.

I'm 5'-5" and weigh 166 lbs. I have broken four guy's noses since I moved here in 2004.I have never had a problem with the police. I belief you tuff guys are in disbelief your nose can be broken so quick and in such pain you haven't gotten my plate number. So be warned you can flip me off, wave your hand to get over but don't get out of your car and give this little guy any shit.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: cherrytop ()
Date: January 17, 2007 03:05PM

Guess what. if im in the left hand lane of 66 passing someone who is going slow in the right hand lane then some maniac gets behind me on my bumper and rides my tail im NOT speeding up to get out of your way. Act obnoxious like that and you will prolly cause an accident and or get pulled over. If you hang back a car length or so and NOT be a dick then It will give me a chance to get back over into the left hand lane doing about 70-80 while you speed racer wannabe's doin 90-120 can go trip the next speed trap somewhere down the road.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: cherrytop ()
Date: January 17, 2007 03:06PM

cherrytop Wrote:
> Guess what. if im in the left hand lane of 66
> passing someone who is going slow in the right
> hand lane then some maniac gets behind me on my
> bumper and rides my tail im NOT speeding up to get
> out of your way. Act obnoxious like that and you
> will prolly cause an accident and or get pulled
> over. If you hang back a car length or so and NOT
> be a dick then It will give me a chance to get
> back over into the left hand lane doing about
> 70-80 while you speed racer wannabe's doin 90-120
> can go trip the next speed trap somewhere down the
> road.

LOL meant get back in the right hand lane

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: 496 ()
Date: January 17, 2007 03:58PM

Golden gloves tried to bait me once on 7100S. I avoided a punch in the nose by stepping on his 5'5" frame and crusing him like a cigarette butt.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: HAT ()
Date: January 17, 2007 04:32PM

It wouldn't help. Half the people driving in NOVA can't read english (or speak it). Driving exams are in "their" native language.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: January 17, 2007 06:30PM

golden gloves 7100 Wrote:
> I drive 50-60 mph on 7100 in the left lane to piss
> you off. I'm trying to get you so angry you
> perform one of your aggressive maneuvers you get a
> ticket. This is called Dogging.
> 50 points if your pulled over by a cop
> 25 points you flip me off
> 100 points if you get out of your car at a light
> or stop
> 500 points if you threaten me and I'm given the
> chance to break your nose.
> I'm 5'-5" and weigh 166 lbs. I have broken four
> guy's noses since I moved here in 2004.I have
> never had a problem with the police. I belief you
> tuff guys are in disbelief your nose can be broken
> so quick and in such pain you haven't gotten my
> plate number. So be warned you can flip me off,
> wave your hand to get over but don't get out of
> your car and give this little guy any shit.

I hate when people drive way over the speed limit. As I've mentioned before, it isn't fair to put other drivers in danger.

But that doesn't mean that you should try to cause accidents. Staying right will help prevent people from weaving in and out of lanes (or other agressive driving techniques). Keep that in mind next time you are "dogging" - you are part of the problem.

Oh and no one is impressed with your punches. Purposely baiting people so that you can resort to physical violence is pathetic.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: cherrytop ()
Date: January 17, 2007 06:44PM

Genevieve Wrote:
> golden gloves 7100 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I drive 50-60 mph on 7100 in the left lane to
> piss
> > you off. I'm trying to get you so angry you
> > perform one of your aggressive maneuvers you get
> a
> > ticket. This is called Dogging.
> >
> >
> > 50 points if your pulled over by a cop
> > 25 points you flip me off
> > 100 points if you get out of your car at a
> light
> > or stop
> > 500 points if you threaten me and I'm given
> the
> > chance to break your nose.
> >
> > I'm 5'-5" and weigh 166 lbs. I have broken four
> > guy's noses since I moved here in 2004.I have
> > never had a problem with the police. I belief
> you
> > tuff guys are in disbelief your nose can be
> broken
> > so quick and in such pain you haven't gotten my
> > plate number. So be warned you can flip me off,
> > wave your hand to get over but don't get out of
> > your car and give this little guy any shit.
> I hate when people drive way over the speed limit.
> As I've mentioned before, it isn't fair to put
> other drivers in danger.
> But that doesn't mean that you should try to cause
> accidents. Staying right will help prevent people
> from weaving in and out of lanes (or other
> agressive driving techniques). Keep that in mind
> next time you are "dogging" - you are part of the
> problem.
> Oh and no one is impressed with your punches.
> Purposely baiting people so that you can resort to
> physical violence is pathetic.

I Heartily agree!

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Richard ()
Date: January 17, 2007 07:51PM

Price Wrote:
> >
> They should really put these signs accross VA. At
> least along 2 lane roads like 7100.

Why, it would just be one more street sign cluttering our highways that no body would read.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: -burpgun- ()
Date: January 17, 2007 08:02PM

Hey Golden Gloves, is your nickname the Rhombus? And do you have a forty inch reach? You might break a sternum, but that whole nose thing sounds like a swing and a miss...

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: JDog ()
Date: January 18, 2007 12:15AM

golden gloves 7100 Wrote:
> I drive 50-60 mph on 7100 in the left lane to piss
> you off. I'm trying to get you so angry you
> perform one of your aggressive maneuvers you get a
> ticket. This is called Dogging.
> 50 points if your pulled over by a cop
> 25 points you flip me off
> 100 points if you get out of your car at a light
> or stop
> 500 points if you threaten me and I'm given the
> chance to break your nose.
> I'm 5'-5" and weigh 166 lbs. I have broken four
> guy's noses since I moved here in 2004.I have
> never had a problem with the police. I belief you
> tuff guys are in disbelief your nose can be broken
> so quick and in such pain you haven't gotten my
> plate number. So be warned you can flip me off,
> wave your hand to get over but don't get out of
> your car and give this little guy any shit.

I'll smash your disgusting little face in, chump.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: hottie ()
Date: January 18, 2007 02:14AM

smack talking over the computer???
You kids need to get a life. LOSERS!!!!!

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: January 18, 2007 02:30AM

smack talking over the computer??? You kids need to get a life. LOSERS!!!!!

He is very aggressive when it comes to "posting online". If he wasn't it would be a sign of weakness, making it harder for him to find a mate.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: January 18, 2007 03:11AM

TheMeeper doesn't know how true his statement is...online muscle may be a necessary trait to pass on to future generations, at the rate things are going. Our great-grandchildren may very well be killed dead on the spot if they are unable to effectively threaten people with physical harm over an anonymous internet bulletin board.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: dirty harry ()
Date: January 18, 2007 09:29AM

State law doesn't require someone going the speed limit in the left lane, move to the right lane to allow an asshole speeder pass.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: ... ()
Date: January 18, 2007 09:52AM

dirty harry Wrote:
> State law doesn't require someone going the speed
> limit in the left lane, move to the right lane to
> allow an asshole speeder pass.

§ 46.2-842.1. Drivers to give way to certain overtaking vehicles on divided highways.

It shall be unlawful to fail to give way to overtaking traffic when driving a motor vehicle to the left and abreast of another motor vehicle on a divided highway. On audible or light signal, the driver of the overtaken vehicle shall move to the right to allow the overtaking vehicle to pass as soon as the overtaken vehicle can safely do so. A violation of this section shall not be construed as negligence per se in any civil action.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: 0burpgun0 ()
Date: January 18, 2007 10:37PM

The "light signal..." That explains why in the good old days, you would come up on a driver in the left lane, flash your headlights, and they'd move over to the right to let you go by. Made sense - both drivers were aware of exactly what maneuver was about to take place, and would follow the protocols to make it as safe as possible. Now that only works on I-80 in the middle of Nebraska at 4:00 in the morning if the front vehicle is a trucker over fifty years old. And maybe on the Autobahn...

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: ... ()
Date: January 19, 2007 12:46PM

Really don't need to do that on the Autobahn, most drivers know to look in the rearview and move over without needing to be flashed.

Except those idiots from GB, France, and the Netherlands. They drive like we do in the USA.

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: kraftwerk ()
Date: January 19, 2007 02:28PM

bahn, bahn, bahn on the autobahn.....

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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Enough already ()
Date: September 01, 2020 07:56PM


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Re: "Slower traffic keep right"
Posted by: Cranky ()
Date: September 02, 2020 04:50PM

golden gloves 7100 Wrote:
> I drive 50-60 mph on 7100 in the left lane to piss
> you off. I'm trying to get you so angry you
> perform one of your aggressive maneuvers you get a
> ticket. This is called Dogging.
> 50 points if your pulled over by a cop
> 25 points you flip me off
> 100 points if you get out of your car at a light
> or stop
> 500 points if you threaten me and I'm given the
> chance to break your nose.
> I'm 5'-5" and weigh 166 lbs. I have broken four
> guy's noses since I moved here in 2004.I have
> never had a problem with the police. I belief you
> tuff guys are in disbelief your nose can be broken
> so quick and in such pain you haven't gotten my
> plate number. So be warned you can flip me off,
> wave your hand to get over but don't get out of
> your car and give this little guy any shit.

Bullshitter...keyboard warrior. Short fat fucker. You’ll get your ass handed to you in little itty bitty pieces.

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