Jim Foster Wrote:
> Consider this:
> Most Fairfax County voters don't vote. They just
> don't seem to care about anything that happens in
> the county. Just a few examples:
> The county is spending over a $100 million dollars
> on a government employee training center. I'll
> bet you that there are not 6 folks outside of
> those who work for the county knows this - or who
> care.
> Property tqxes have almost doubled in a few short
> years. There is little, if any, reaction to this.
> I can't find hardly anyone who knows this, and
> fewer who care.
> Last year, much attention was given by our elected
> leaders to the fact that they were going to lower
> the tax rate - 13 cents, down to $1 per $100 of
> assessed valuation. What taxpayers don't seem to
> understnd is that massive spending by Fairfax
> County drives the tax rate - not assessements
> It's 3rd-grade arithemtic, but few "get it".
> Now I ask you, if voters are this disconnected, we
> deserve what we get - staggering tax increases and
> all. George Bernard Shaw said it best - when he
> observed thgat democracy "ensures that we shall be
> governed no better than we deserve."
perhaps you should consider that anyway you vote, they still tax the hell out of you. besides, we are the meal ticket for the rest of the state.
"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."