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Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Soccer Mom ()
Date: April 06, 2009 12:02AM

Some deletions to protect the guilty...

Congratulations on being selected for Team 7 (forest green shirts) of the XXXXXXX Soccer Club! My name is Michael and I have been fortunate enough to be selected to coach what I know will be a wonderful group of young ladies. Chris Mac will also be coaching and I expect the ever popular Terry to return to the sidelines. Our first game will be Saturday April 4 at 10:00AM. There will be a half hour of skills followed by a 1 hour game, so total time will be 1.5 hours. All games will be played on the fields in the front of the High School. Each player will be required to wear shin guards and cleats are recommended but not required. A ball will be provided to each player at the first meeting, and each player should bring the ball to games and practices. There is no set practice time allotted for the U8 teams, but I will convene with the coaches to determine the best time and place. If there are cancellations due to rain, all notices will be posted via the Club website, no calls will be made (though I will try to send an email). Attached is the Schedule and Code of Conduct. After listening to the head of the referees drone on for about 30 minutes on the dangers of jewelry (time which I will never get back), no player will be allowed to play with pierced ears, hairclips, etc. We used to tape the earings, but that practice is no longer acceptable. Please let me know if your child has any health issues that I need to be aware of. My home phone is XXX XXX XXXX, my cell number is XXX XXX XXXX, and I check my email frequently. According to my wife, my emails get too wordy, so for those of you read too slowly, are easily offended, or are too busy, you can stop here. For the others……

OK, here's the real deal: Team 7 will be called Green Death. We will only acknowledge "Team 7" for scheduling and disciplinary purposes. Green Death has had a long and colorful history, and I fully expect every player and parent to be on board with the team. This is not a team, but a family (some say cult), that you belong to forever. We play fair at all times, but we play tough and physical soccer. We have some returning players who know the deal; for the others, I only expect 110% at every game and practice. We do not cater to superstars, but prefer the gritty determination of journeymen who bring their lunch pail to work every week, chase every ball and dig in corners like a Michael Vick pit bull. Unless there is an issue concerning the health of my players or inside info on the opposition, you probably don't need to talk to me. Coach MacDonald has been designated "good guy" this year.

Some say soccer at this age is about fun and I completely agree. However, I believe winning is fun and losing is for losers. Ergo, we will strive for the "W" in each game. While we may not win every game (excuse me, I just got a little nauseated) I expect us to fight for every loose ball and play every shift as if it were the finals of the World Cup. While I spent a good Saturday morning listening to the legal liability BS, which included a 30 minute dissertation on how we need to baby the kids and especially the refs, I was disgusted. The kids will run, they will fall, get bumps, bruises and even bleed a little. Big deal, it's good for them (but I do hope the other team is the one bleeding). If the refs can't handle a little criticism, then they should turn in their whistle. The sooner they figure out how to make a decision and live with the consequences the better. My heckling of the refs is actually helping them develop as people. The political correctness police are not welcome on my sidelines. America's youth is becoming fat, lazy and non-competitive because competition is viewed as "bad". I argue that competition is good and is important to the evolution of our species and our survival in what has become an increasingly competitive global economy and dangerous world. Second place trophies are nothing to be proud of as they serve only as a reminder that you missed your goal; their only useful purpose is as an inspiration to do that next set of reps. Do you go to a job interview and not care about winning? Don't animals eat what they kill (and yes, someone actually kills the meat we eat too - it isn't grown in plastic wrap)? And speaking of meat, I expect that the ladies be put on a diet of fish, undercooked red meat and lots of veggies. No junk food. Protein shakes are encouraged, and while blood doping and HGH use is frowned upon, there is no testing policy. And at the risk of stating the obvious, blue slushies are for winners.

These are my views and not necessarily the views of the league (but they should be). I recognize that my school of thought may be an ideological shift from conventional norms. But it is imperative that we all fight the good fight, get involved now and resist the urge to become sweat-xedo-wearing yuppies who sit on the sidelines in their LL Bean chairs sipping mocha-latte-half-caf-chinos while discussing reality TV and home decorating with other feeble-minded folks. I want to hear cheering, I want to hear encouragement, I want to get the team pumped up at each and every game and know they are playing for something.

Lastly, we are all cognizant of the soft bigotry that expects women and especially little girls, to be dainty and submissive; I wholeheartedly reject this drivel. My overarching goal is develop ladies who are confident and fearless, who will stand up for their beliefs and challenge the status quo. Girls who will kick ass and take names on the field, off the field and throughout their lives. I want these girls to be winners in the game of life. Who's with me?

Go Green Death!

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: SoccerMom2 ()
Date: April 06, 2009 01:09AM


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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: fairfaxdude ()
Date: April 06, 2009 10:02AM

If the refs can't handle a little criticism, then they should turn in their whistle. The sooner they figure out how to make a decision and live with the consequences the better. My heckling of the refs is actually helping them develop as people. The political correctness police are not welcome on my sidelines. America's youth is becoming fat, lazy and non-competitive because competition is viewed as "bad". I argue that competition is good and is important to the evolution of our species and our survival in what has become an increasingly competitive global economy and dangerous world. Second place trophies are nothing to be proud of as they serve only as a reminder that you missed your goal; their only useful purpose is as an inspiration to do that next set of reps. Do you go to a job interview and not care about winning? Don't animals eat what they kill (and yes, someone actually kills the meat we eat too - it isn't grown in plastic wrap)? And speaking of meat, I expect that the ladies be put on a diet of fish, undercooked red meat and lots of veggies. No junk food. Protein shakes are encouraged, and while blood doping and HGH use is frowned upon, there is no testing policy. And at the risk of stating the obvious, blue slushies are for winners.

LMAO! This guy must have an EXCEPTIONALLY small penis....

I have had to change the addresses to my retaliatory blogs over half a dozen times.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Seam ()
Date: April 06, 2009 10:07AM

I saw you all practicing this morning during the thunderstorm. good work!

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Anil ()
Date: April 06, 2009 11:54AM

I heard this coach got busted in the 90's for running a child slavery ring in Wisconsin

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Soccer Fan ()
Date: April 06, 2009 12:20PM

This is a joke, right?

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Date: April 06, 2009 12:37PM

Soccer Fan Wrote:
> This is a joke, right?

This isn't a joke. I have my kid in track. The guy who coaches the team also does some work with soccer teams. He told us he doesn't buy into this kind of mindset and if parents expect it from their coach and kids, to go somewhere else.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: quantum ()
Date: April 06, 2009 12:39PM

I doubt its a joke. This kind of note would be way too much work for Soccer Mom to create.

I would be curious as to the age of the participants in the league. The cleats recommended but not required comment makes me surmise it is 5th or 6th grade.

I would love to meet this guy, though. And I would be curious as to whether he had the stuff ever to compete at a national level in athletics. I doubt it - folks who have been there and done that know that its mostly about talent and then lots of hard work - and very little about facile rah-rahing and hype. And the phony macho stuff doesn't make an athlete mentally tough - either they step it up or they don't - and a middle school league is hardly the place to expect a narrow, maniacal commitments from participants.

If this post is true, I would have severe reservations about putting my kid on this team, and not because I think the guy is too "tough" or a Green Death maniac. Rather, the guy appears to have no idea how to develop athletes with the right sense of proportion.

By the way, as a former serious athlete I am particularly troubled by his in advance rationalization of haggling officials (in a middle school league), as if he is coaching for the Final Four. It is a tremendously valuable learning experience for players to learn to live and get past the foibles of officials - and to get with the flow of the game and to be prepared to live with and move past questionable calls. Having a coach rant and rave about the officials frankly makes for a large distraction, and makes players less self-reliant and appropriately reactive. And the last thing you want at this age is players that think they are too good to receive some bad calls - inevitable in any game.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: gullible bunch ()
Date: April 06, 2009 12:57PM

Now I know who the idiots are that forward all those chain email....

Massachusetts Girls Soccer Coach Resigns Over Hilarious, Possibly Insane Email
By Rick Chandler, 2:30 PM on Tue Mar 31 2009, 80,645 views (Edit post, Set to draft, Slurp) Copy this whole post to another site

If George Patton had coached a girls soccer team, he probably would have run things this way; only without so many references to red meat. Meet Michael Kinahan, ex-coach of the Scituate, Mass. Green Death.

Kinahan resigned as the coach of the 6- and 7-year-old girls team (not pictured) before the season even started, due to a hilarious and possibly insane email sent to parents as a way to introduce himself. Rather than try to explain it, let's get right to the fun. This portion of the letter is aimed at the sideline behavior of the parents, and is possibly my favorite part:

It is imperative that we all fight the good fight, get involved now and resist the urge to become sweat-xedo-wearing yuppies who sit on the sidelines in their LL Bean chairs sipping mocha-latte-half-caf-chinos while discussing reality TV and home decorating with other feeble-minded folks. I want to hear cheering, I want to hear encouragement, I want to get the team pumped up at each and every game and know they are playing for something.

Other excerpts (keep in mind this team is comprised of 6- and 7-year-old girls):

OK, here's the real deal: Team 7 will be called Green Death. We will only acknowledge "Team 7" for scheduling and disciplinary purposes. Green Death has had a long and colorful history, and I fully expect every player and parent to be on board with the team. This is not a team, but a family (some say cult), that you belong to forever. We play fair at all times, but we play tough and physical soccer. We have some returning players who know the deal; for the others, I only expect 110% at every game and practice. We do not cater to superstars, but prefer the gritty determination of journeymen who bring their lunch pail to work every week, chase every ball and dig in corners like a Michael Vick pit bull. Unless there is an issue concerning the health of my players or inside info on the opposition, you probably don't need to talk to me.

I believe winning is fun and losing is for losers. Ergo, we will strive for the "W" in each game. While we may not win every game (excuse me, I just got a little nauseated) I expect us to fight for every loose ball and play every shift as if it were the finals of the World Cup. While I spent a good Saturday morning listening to the legal liability BS, which included a 30 minute dissertation on how we need to baby the kids and especially the refs, I was disgusted. The kids will run, they will fall, get bumps, bruises and even bleed a little. Big deal, it's good for them (but I do hope the other team is the one bleeding). If the refs can't handle a little criticism, then they should turn in their whistle. The sooner they figure out how to make a decision and live with the consequences the better. My heckling of the refs is actually helping them develop as people. The political correctness police are not welcome on my sidelines.

America's youth is becoming fat, lazy and non-competitive because competition is viewed as "bad". I argue that competition is good and is important to the evolution of our species and our survival in what has become an increasingly competitive global economy and dangerous world. Second place trophies are nothing to be proud of as they serve only as a reminder that you missed your goal; their only useful purpose is as an inspiration to do that next set of reps. Do you go to a job interview and not care about winning? Don't animals eat what they kill (and yes, someone actually kills the meat we eat too – it isn't grown in plastic wrap)? And speaking of meat, I expect that the ladies be put on a diet of fish, undercooked red meat and lots of veggies. No junk food.

Who's with me? Go Green Death!

Hilarity did not ensue. From Kinahan's resignation letter:

Team, After careful consideration, I have decided to resign from all coaching responsibilities related to Team 7 this season. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that some parents and the Board of Scituate Soccer failed to see the humor in my pre-season email.

And finally, from the Quincy Patriot Ledger mailbag:

• Spectacular.... too bad these girls will have their coach replaced by some Starbucks sipping, land rover driving parent with no love and/or knowledge of the game. But on the bright side, everyone will get a trophy and there will be oranges for all during timeouts. I'd let my daughter play for this man in a heartbeat. — johnny_moore 2 hours ago

• I think judge smails said it best; 'The man's a menace!' — undacovabrotha 4 hours ago

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: April 06, 2009 12:58PM

i would have laughed my butt off if i had received this. doesn't anyone have a sense of humor anymore?? jeez ... poor guy must have had a couple of beer before he wrote the dreaded "welcome to the team" email.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Date: April 06, 2009 01:08PM

He may have meant it as a joke, but you don't send it to a bunch of people who don't know you or your sense of humor. It plays totally into the stereotype of bullying, out-of-shape, small-penised coaches out there who torment little kids evenings and weekends to make themselves feel better about making $25K a year selling shoes for a living.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: April 06, 2009 01:19PM

His judgement may not be so great, but I don't conjure up the same image that you do. We have dealt with our share of asshole coaches and they are NEVER funny like that. They take themselves and their mission very serious.

WashingTone Locian Wrote:
> He may have meant it as a joke, but you don't send
> it to a bunch of people who don't know you or your
> sense of humor. It plays totally into the
> stereotype of bullying, out-of-shape,
> small-penised coaches out there who torment little
> kids evenings and weekends to make themselves feel
> better about making $25K a year selling shoes for
> a living.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: oaktondad ()
Date: April 06, 2009 03:45PM

get back to bed, honey. i wasn't finished yet.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: oaktonmom ()
Date: April 06, 2009 03:50PM

you never started .. as usual

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Steve K ()
Date: April 06, 2009 11:39PM

I appreciate humor as much as the next guy, but come on... you are sending this to parents of first and second grade girls. The amount of detail and negativity he put into this email shows how unstable this person is.

He may have been joking some, but I'd bet this guy really is an ass all around. When most of the people do not know you, it is not the time to go this far out.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: tinfoil hat ()
Date: April 09, 2009 01:23PM

I cant believe your comments, I wish I had a soccer coach like that,he is especially right about this part - America's youth is becoming fat, lazy and non-competitive because competition is viewed as "bad". I argue that competition is good and is important to the evolution of our species and our survival in what has become an increasingly competitive global economy and dangerous world

go coach

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Chester ()
Date: April 09, 2009 04:20PM

tinfoil hat Wrote:
> I cant believe your comments, I wish I had a
> soccer coach like that,he is especially right
> about this part - America's youth is becoming fat,
> lazy and non-competitive because competition is
> viewed as "bad". I argue that competition is good
> and is important to the evolution of our species
> and our survival in what has become an
> increasingly competitive global economy and
> dangerous world
> go coach

Maybe America is beoming fat, but these are 8 yearold girls. There are higher-skilled leagues for real competition, at 8 years old, give me a break.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: tinfoil hat ()
Date: April 09, 2009 04:44PM

and your point is?

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Play My Kid Damn It! ()
Date: April 09, 2009 05:01PM

This coach needs to get a life. I can see these types of comments if it were a pro sports teams, but not a kids social league.

I can just see him emailing stats, play charts and videos to the 8 year olds every night. If probably also convinces one or two fat friends to go video tape other games so he review the games with the 8 year olds.


Let the kids enjoy playing.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: chester ()
Date: April 09, 2009 05:39PM

Play My Kid Damn It! Wrote:
> This coach needs to get a life. I can see these
> types of comments if it were a pro sports teams,
> but not a kids social league.
> I can just see him emailing stats, play charts and
> videos to the 8 year olds every night. If
> probably also convinces one or two fat friends to
> go video tape other games so he review the games
> with the 8 year olds.
> Let the kids enjoy playing.

That's my point tinfoil. If you ever had an 8 year old girl, you'd know how messed up, people like this low-life were.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: tinfoil hat ()
Date: April 10, 2009 09:40AM

Low life is too strongt a word, from what I can see he is only trying to do his best by the kids, I was in a rugby team at school, and we play the teachers team on a regular basis, the headmaster banned it when a 12 year old broke two of his ribs in a tackle. its the adults who cant handle it these days.

dumbing down and playing safe - becuase thats what the real world is like right?

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Kenny_Powers ()
Date: April 11, 2009 04:25AM

i have to agree with the coach, we live in a pussified culture, and we are becoming too fat and lazy. I kinda like this guy... too bad political correctness has gotten so bad.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: You Can't Handle the Truth ()
Date: April 11, 2009 10:34AM

Kenny_Powers Wrote:
> i have to agree with the coach, we live in a
> pussified culture, and we are becoming too fat and
> lazy. I kinda like this guy... too bad political
> correctness has gotten so bad.

It's people like this guy who are contributing to the problem. Instead of all kids getting a chance to play soccer he, and the parents who support him, make the youth leagues so hyper-competitive that if your kid is so-so athletically, he or she will be ostracized out of the league or spend all of his or her time warming a bench. It has gotten out of hand. That's why I only put my kids in sports where idiots like this aren't allowed to coach.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Bill ()
Date: April 11, 2009 10:35AM

So every minute of a kid's life has to be arranged and regimented by an adult? What ever happened to letting kids be kids?

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: You Can't Handle the Truth ()
Date: April 11, 2009 10:46AM

Bill Wrote:
> So every minute of a kid's life has to be arranged
> and regimented by an adult? What ever happened to
> letting kids be kids?

Agreed. There has been a lot written about the "Cult of Soccer." It has become an unhealthy obsession with many suburban parents, who are teaching their kids to "go along to get along." It comes at the expense of individuality, creativity and the development of real character.

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Re: Soccer Coach E-Mail
Posted by: Soccermom2 ()
Date: April 11, 2009 02:17PM

This is histerical!!

You guys lighten up! I agreed...enough of the "politically correct" crowd. If you don't appreciate this guy sense of humor...You have no business in a soccer league. My kids have played soccer for at least 12 years....and we have had the "latte" crowd for way too long. To play nice...plezzzz! That is for the "house league"....travel soccer is very competitive, especially in Loudon and Prince William.

We can certainly see the "humor in it", and yes, he is competitive...not sure about the 8 years old, but once they are teenagers, that's a different "ballgame" (no pun intented)

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